Master Your Golf Swing: Two Key Methods to Square the Club Face

The two major ways to square the club face are shaft rotation and in plane shaft movement. When you use the upper body to power the swing, the in-plane method will feel more natural to square the face. When you use the body to power the swing, the shaft rotation will feel more natural to square the face. Learning when to use each method will give you a big leg up on your skills with a driver compared to an iron.

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This drill is the two major ways to square the club face so um I there are lots of different ways that you can classify the swing and one of the ways that I like to classify it is if you tend to be more of an upper body

Dominant swing or you tend to be more of a lower body dominant swing um when you start getting into different preferences and biases you’ll tend to see that the lower body dominant swing tends to do better with the longer clubs like the driver 3 wood um long irons and you’ll

Tend to see that the upper body dominance swing tends to do with the shorter clubs kind of eight iron through wedges um now they have slightly different uh kind of ways of controlling low point and things that work around them uh but you’ll see that the best

Golfers in the world are able to kind of oscillate between one versus the other just as a really good tennis player is able to hit a really powerful groundstroke and then hit a volley when they need to um so when we look at the these two different swing patterns we’ll

See that there’s different ways of squaring the club face as the dominant movement if you tend to be more upper body dominant you will tend to get steep with the shaft so it will tend to require less body rotation and it will tend to require a little bit of kind of

Standing up IND or lunging to help control the low point with this kind of um a little bit steeper arm movement kind of like so um if you were to then motorcycle you will tend to have really um Diggy contact and take really steep divots so the the way that you’ll tend

To see the more common approach if you tend to be more upper body dominant is to square the face more with the supination kind of like this so you’ve seen a lot of um golf books and golf instructors talk about this style of release um it just doesn’t match up with

What the best drivers the golf ball do um or what the most consistent ball Strikers do when they’re hitting the longer clubs um they may feel that but 3D is kind of revealed that that’s not necessarily the case so if you’re going to get more upper body dominant then

Feeling a little bit more of the tumble or feeling a little bit more of the club working through this supination kind of like this um can work really well for hitting the ball solidly given a couple different things one making sure that I’m not not really firing my lower body

Or getting too open um number two making sure that my arm’s pretty straight in Impact so I’m not going to have a ton of rotation and side Bend that’s that’s all finding good for the shorter shots where it’s okay to have a little bit steeper angle of attack but it’s going to give

Me lots of problems when I get into the longer clubs so with the longer clubs one of the Hallmarks of the body centered swing is you’re going to have a little bit more of this arm shallowing so when instead of the arms working kind of steeply you’re going to tend to have

More of this arm shallowing movement with this arm shallowing movement it’s going to be very difficult for me to continue rotating and supinate hard enough early enough in order to square the club face so I tend to need more of this shaft rotation and I tend to need more of this motorcycle

Movement so when I start getting into shallow and powering it more with the body I’m going to have this motorcycle movement and then it will kind of grad blend into that superation down late but um a lot of golfers describe it and 3D will tend to show that that motorcycle

Movement and the shaft rotation tends to be a little bit more dominant when you’re using more of the body centered approach if you’re struggling um with controlling the club face or getting the ball um you know controlling the face to- path relationship you should look at these two methods for squaring the club

Face um even with the arm dominance Wing if you’re going to have some body power you’re going to have some motorcycle it’s just not going to be quite as much as if you were doing more of the body driven you know the Adam Scott Justin Rose uh Rory maroy um Dustin Johnson all

Those really Elite ball Strikers so you can play around drill wise um with working between the two so you can see okay if I was to go more in this pattern what would happen if I got really aggressive with my body I would tend to hit kind of more of a uh snap

Hook so that’s not going to work I need to have a little bit more shallow arms which is kind of the opposite and having a little bit more of that motorcycle so that I can hit a little bit more of that push draw so then I can play around with

The opposite I can get a little bit more vertical and work with the arms kind of like so and so there’s my kind of of arm dominance swing really pulling with my arms and I’m going to feel a little bit more of that tumble or I’m going to feel

More of that supination and in order to balance that I’m going to just let my upper body kind of drift a little bit more on top of the golf ball instead of having that really good bracing that really good pivot cuz what I would feel

Is if I I got a little bit steeper and arm dominant and I motorcycled you can hear well a I think I shanked that a little bit um but B you can you can hear and I could totally feel the club just want wanting to dig into the ground so part

Of the beauty of the motorcycle is it tends to help you want to shallow out to avoid hitting the ground which gets you more body centered body driven which helps with the longer clubs um but there is a time and a place for having more of this arm tumble method of squaring the

Club face so if you’re confused with how to control the club face hopefully this drill helps helps you understand the two major forms either rotating the shaft or um using the entire shaft to move the path those two methods will help uh close the club face and you have to make

Sure that you’re not applying the wrong one or else it’s def definitely going to call you cause you um contact and ball flight issues with one end of the spectrum either the short clubs or the long clubs

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