Day in the Life | PGA PRO GOLFER | Ep.3

Day in the Life of a PGA Pro Golfer, Ep.3.

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Hello everyone today it is Christmas day so just want to wish you all a very happy Christmas sure you all have a wonderful day with your families and eat some good food and then get back to the golf straight after you know we’re out here going to play nine holes maybe

Teach you some things as well in terms of like course management and strategies and uh yeah give you something to watch on Christmas day so enjoy all right first hole here sorry it’s night the 10th it’s our first hole today go through the routine going to three iron

Just on the middle Al’s already down the middle with his Drive sloppy all right we’re done the left we’re both in play anyway that’s important okay guys so obviously I hit three with off the first te now the reason for that was because I was thinking right where is the trouble in

This holds the first swing of the day trouble was further down in driver distance and you can see I hited a bit left and if I have hit my driver in the same swing it would have ended up in trouble so the three yarn was hitting

Into the widest part of the hole so I knew I was going to be in play even though it wasn’t a great shot and I’m kind of blocked out here but I’m still in play so I can still keep the score going I don’t have to drop a ball or hit

A provisional so we’re going to just fire it over this tree and over the next tree and see how close we can get to that green 200 good enough strike over the tree yeah I’ll have a Chip Shot maybe just a bit short short right all right

So simple enough shot here the only problem we have is it’s very soggy got a come up over a little Ridge but it’s going to be soft on there so I Ain can land this very close to the hole so I’m just going to visualize just trying to

Pick my landing spot just short of the hole play the shots visualize take these practice wings but these practice wings are almost like actual shots like I’m imagining I’m hitting the ball here seeing it Fly seeing it land come back clean your Club if You’ rehearsed it

Enough and you feel it and you’re happy with it then just go for it and be confident trust what you’ve done little too too far but I’ve got a putt okay first putt of Christmas let’s see if we can make par in the first hole of Christmas this is

Coming from left to right just going to make sure I see the line I know where I want to put it so I’m just going to then relax down beside it rehearse it look at the hole watching the line get a feel for the distance then get in and don’t

Spend too much time just let the subconscious take over it’s a good roll but not hard enough so that’s going to be Boogie in the first hole of Christmas have to sort that out in the next Aldo okay par three this is playing about 165 to that pin right at the back

All’s already up there nice and close so we’ve got wind off the right so we’re going to a a little bit right we’re in between clubs we’re going to be punching a little L AR so the wind’s not going to affect it that much so I’m going to a in

Between the flag and the edge of the green rehearse my swing and then take a full swing really see in that shot I’m trying to play and now I just commit to it no changing your mind straight in and go for it pulled it terrible oh in the bunker not a good

Swing but we’re in play Hey guys a little Chip Shot here so before we go I just want to say that you know if you want to be serious about your golf next year and you want to not have the same issues that you’ve been having in last

Year or previous years with your golf you want to actually progress you’re going to have to start to put the working you know you’re going to have to think right do I have a routine am I committed to my shots am I serious although I pulled this shot but I have

No complaints because I went into the shot with 100% commitment yes I pulled it made a bad swing but that’s go it’s going to happen I didn’t go in and change my mind and then end up in the water or end up in the bunker which would have then started to annoy me

Which would have then LED my anger move into the next shot and then I’m going to be annoyed for the next five holes and I’m not even going to remember hitting shots I’m just going to be annoyed it’s important that you can let things go as well really get some good mental skills

Good mental proof process to help you play a better golf that’s key absolutely and then also a routine so for example with chiping here my thoughts are right where am I going to land this what’s going to happen when it hits the grind actually really thinking about the shot

So that I can play a better shot it’s not simply right what’s the technique and hit it think about what you’re trying to do as well I got to land this a little bit left and let it run in wind is slightly against I’m going to knock

It a bit closer to the flag than I normally would but I’ve seen it visualized it and let’s give it a go too far to the left too far didn’t get the spin I thought it would get but again I’ve made a decent shot I’ve hit

It the way I wanted to hit it I just got it wrong and I can accept that whereas if I change my mind and get it wrong it’s going to annoy me so think about your shots think about practice so been unlucky to catch this

Bit of rough here just on the edge of the the Fairway but again that’s golf hit a good shot off the te just got unlucky so now we’re dealing with some quite thick rough hasn’t been cut because it’s too wet to get the machines out so we got to deal with this stick

Rough now with this people get in a lot of trouble because they don’t realize that first of all there’s going to be a lot of spin taking off the shop because it’s in the deep rough grass is going to get in the way of the club face as it

Strikes the ball so it’s going to come up with a lot less spin so it’s going to fly okay but we must try and get as close as we can to that ball with contact we don’t want to be catching it too far back so if you’re struggling

With your iron striking and you really need to make sure you’ve got your weight forward on this one and you’re really trying to drive down and through drive down into we’re not trying to pick it up out the roof because then we’re going to catch the grinder we’re going to top the

Thing we got to really Drive dying at it and chop it out now I’m going to take this is quite thick I’m just going to take one Club extra it is a bit into the wind so it should be fine just really commit to driving dying into that

Ball called it a bit heavy tough shot just left it bit short but I tried my best it was thick but I got as close up there as possible try and Chip and pop for par tricking off little lie here soft and wet that means we really

Got to Glide under catch this pretty much perfectly because if I get too steep I get that chunk if I try and pick it too much I get the thin so got to really focus on these practice swings wa forward hands back really driving using the hips trying to really just pick and

Glide GL across that surface trusting the hips to guide me through the shot put on the Ling spot and try and execute the shot get it on the green for a p that’s a lot better all right that’s what we do it to really focus on what I

Was doing committed to it get the result now I just out for a walk it’s always a good time to get out and get off the phone just put the earpods in listen to some music go for a walk and just reflect on your day and get away from

The screens and that’s important as well to get away from the screens and not be stuck on that all the time get out and do some mindfulness get out for a walk in a nice place like this mindfulness is key if we’re going to achieve what we

Want to achieve we got to be mindful of what we’re doing get out and reflect it’s so so important for you

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