Golf Players

KLAY: “Geez. Ah, dramatic rookie” after PODZIEMSKI takes blame for loss due to lack of energy”; TJD


This video has been audio-enhanced to hear reporters’ questions more clearly.

See transcript in Comments although it might (or might not) be truncated due to 10,000 character limitation. Full transcript on our website later today, thanks for your patience.

FULL TRANSCRIPT: in due time!

0:00 Brandin Podziemski postgame MIA-GSW
2:41 Trayce Jackson-Davis
5:52 Klay Thompson

(See Comments for full transcript)

#Warriors #KlayThompson #BrandinPodziemski

What did you just kind of think was the main problem tonight yeah I think it’s uh you know a lot falls on on my plate um I’m the guy that’s supposed to bring the energy and um hustle plays and effort plays and I didn’t do that

Tonight um you know I can use gauged that by you know how many steal deflections rebounds I get and tonight was probably my worst performance of the year in in that case um so I think it starts with me you know coach can say that it’s his fault he didn’t get us

Prepared and whatnot but I’m in that starting group for that reason and um I just don’t think I bring that energy and effort tonight like I usually do what do you attribute it to what was slacking I don’t know I felt good coming to the game um if I knew I would have

Fixed it um um but you could just feel it just you know it wasn’t no momentum to the point where like the crowd could get into it or anything like that we were just kind of flat all around and you know I take that on my plate for

Sure did this like did this kind of performance surprise you guys I mean two days off you know starting a what feels like an important home stand I think so um I come in every game expecting to win um but like I said we didn’t bring it it’s my fault um uh

But yeah I was very surprised um just on our all-around performance collectively both on offense and defense um four their best players were out tonight and you knew other guys were going to come on come in and step up as part of their culture and they did

That BR how well do you know haime hakz Jr there was a lot of talk before the game you guys were taken uh respectively one spot in front of each other and uh both having really good rookie Seasons how well do you know him and um what do

You think of what he’s done so far yeah uh first of all you know great player um he fits their culture fits their system um through the pre-draft process a lot of our workouts were together um sound a lot of flights together staying at the same hotels so just getting to know him

Over you know a two-month period and in April and May um was great um I knew he fits um I knew he fits their you know identity and what they’re about um he’s having a great um you know season and I think besides uh Wy and ched I think me

And him are right up there with the best rookies so um you know shout out to him he played well tonight and you know helped them win two in a row now you guys have lost Denver lost obviously a tough place to play tough game tonight though what do

You think things kind of fell apart um I think that uh in the first half they punched Us in the mouth and um we responded going into halftime and then the second half they did the same thing and then we just didn’t respond very well and they got that lead and then sat

On it and we tried to push back but it was a little too late everybody says every game is difficult but it’s human nature when they don’t have Butler and they don’t have Lowry and the like that you could let down a little bit was that at all a

Factor um that’s that’s what coach told us before the game he said that um the Miami Heat they represent heat culture and it’s always next man up and a next guy’s opportunity and so um that’s what they did tonight um and they’re um guys that don’t usually play they stepped up

And made plays and they played good games they played hard and um that’s something that coach was preaching before the game saying that they’re going to come out even harder than they would if they had their starters you mentioned that they came out in the uh I guess second quarter and then third

Quarter and kind of quote punched you in the mouth a little bit uh what happens like in the timeouts what kind of communication is happening to re encourage you guys reinvigorate you guys in terms of playing well um everybody is just clapping cheering like not like hey

Hey but like more of a sense that come on energy like more of an energy standpoint bringing energy trying to get guys going and stuff of that nature and that’s what I try to do for my teammates and then um just responding um listening to what coach is talking about ways that

We can stop and help ourselves especially on the defensive end of the floor and um offensively just listen to what coach is saying and then just playing so it see it seemed like you really uh held your own against bam in the post defensively how would you evaluate how you performed in that

Matchup um Bam’s a unique player um he’s kind of similar to me where he’s he relied a little bit on athleticism but he still has that jump shot and um he was playing in that mid post area and I was just trying to body him up he hadit

Some tough shots but overall he’s a great player you are missing about what four of your main uh main guys how what is the plan or um for the rest of you to step up and kind of make up for those guys being out um it’s just kind of next

Man up opportunity um with uh Dre gp2 and those guys um they’re they’re still cheering for for us they’re still there for us um but um it’s next man up and that’s what we got to do until they get back and so um we just got to play hard and play

Together clay what do you think happened in that second quarter they kind of turn this game uh in the second quarter I think uh maybe our offense got a little too stagnant and our resistance at The Rim was lacking and uh those two things combined together is not good and they hit

Some they played good defense so just not a not the best night for the team I think this was the first night this season you guys didn’t even make 10 threes um how much of the game was just you know you guys not hitting those type

Of shots uh a lot of it’s on us and um I think when they zoned us our offense was too stagnant rather than trying to cut more off the ball and drive and kick I think uh including myself we were just too content standing around the perimeter instead of uh playing with

More Force getting into the paint getting your teammate open and uh taking great shots obviously everybody in the NBA is a good player but there are guys who are Jimmy Butler for a reason and Kyle Lowry’s for a reason I would think would be human nature you try to say hey we’re

Going to play as hard as we can but when the other team doesn’t have its main guys the human nature would be hey this game is going to be easier than we thought how do you how do you combat that human nature well uh you realize that those

Other players on the opposing team have also played in NBA Finals not just Jimmy and Kyle and you got to be pretty dang good to get there so just uh an unfortunate opportunity slipped for us and uh I wasn’t particularly good tonight minus 26 is pretty reflective of

That so I think you have a better opportunity Saturday to try to write the ship on this home stand PMI just came in here and kind of blamed himself for the loss jeez dramatic rookie um basically that he didn’t bring the energy and he’s supposed to be kind

Of the energy guy um Beyond just him did it just feel like that the energy collectively wasn’t there yeah it wasn’t great tonight and I don’t know I don’t have a great answer for you can’t blame BP it’s hard to bring the energy he does 82 nights a year but he

Does does it to the best of his ability but um just not the just a not the best win not the best performance tonight from anybody nice here



    This video has been audio-enhanced to hear reporters’ questions more clearly.

    0:00 Brandin Podziemski postgame MIA-GSW
    2:41 Trayce Jackson-Davis
    5:52 Klay Thompson


    What did you just kind of think was the main problem tonight?

    BRANDIN PODZIEMSKI POSTGAME MIA-GSW: “Yeah, I think it's, a lot falls on my plate. I'm the guy that's supposed to bring the energy and hustle plays and effort plays. I didn't do that tonight. I can usually gauge that by how many steals, deflections, rebounds I get, and tonight was probably my worst performance of the year in that case. So I think it starts with me. Coach can say that it's his fault, he didn't get us prepared and whatnot, but I'm in that starting group for that reason, and I just don't think I bring that energy and effort tonight like I usually do.”

    What do you attribute it to, what was lacking?

    “I don't know. I felt good coming into the game. if I knew, I would have fixed it. But you could just feel it just, it wasn't no momentum to the point where like the crowd could get into it or anything like that. We were just kind of flat all around. And I take that on my plate for sure.”

    Did this kind of performance surprise you guys? Two days off, starting what feels like an important homestand.

    “I think so. I come in every game expecting to win. But like I said, we didn't bring it; it's my fault. But yeah, I was very surprised, just on our all around performance collectively, both on offense and defense. Their best players were out tonight and other guys are going to come in and step up as part of their culture. And they did that.”

    Brandin, how well do you know Jaime Jaquez, Jr.? There was a lot of talk before the game. You guys were taken, respectively, one spot in front of each other and both having really good rookie seasons. How well do you know him? What do you think of what he's done so far?

    “Yeah, first of all, great player. He fits their culture, fits their system Through the pre-Draft process a lot of our workouts were together, a lot of flights together, staying at the same hotels. So just getting to know him over a two month period in April and May was great. I know he fits. I knew he fits their identity and what they're about. He's having a great season, and I think besides Wemby and Chet, I think me and him are right up there with the best rookies. So, shout out to him. He played well tonight and helped them win.”

    Two in a row now you guys have lost, different loss, obviously a tough place to play. Tough game tonight, though. What do you think?

    TRAYCE JACKSON-DAVIS POSTGAME MIA-GSW: “Things kind of fell apart. I think that, in the first half, they punched us in the mouth, and we responded going into halftime and then the second half, they did the same thing, and then we just didn't respond very well. And they got that lead and then sat on it. And we tried to push back, but it was a little too late.”

    Everybody says every game is difficult, but it's human nature when they don't have Butler and they don't have Lowry and the like, that you could let down a little bit. Was that at all a factor?

    “That's what Coach told us before the game. He said that, the Miami Heat, they represent Heat Culture and it's always next man up and next guy's opportunity. And so, that's what they did tonight and their guys that don't usually play. They stepped up and made plays and they played good games. They played hard. And that's something that Coach was preaching before the game, saying that they're going to come out even harder than they would if they had their starters.”

    You mentioned that they came out in the second quarter and then third quarter and kind of ‘punched you in the mouth’ a little bit. What happens in the timeouts? What kind of communication is happening to re-encourage you guys, reinvigorate you guys in terms of playing well?

    “Everybody is just clapping, cheering, not, ‘Hey, hey,’ but like more of a sense of, ‘Come on, energy,’ like more of an energy standpoint, bringing energy, trying to get guys going and stuff of that nature. And that's what I try to do for my teammates. And then, just responding, listening to what Coach is talking about and ways that we can stop and help ourselves, especially on the defensive end of the floor. Offensively, just listen to what Coach is saying and then just playing.”

    It seemed like you really held your own against Bam in the post, defensively. How would you evaluate how you performed in that matchup?

    “Bam is a unique player. It's kind of similar to me where he’s relied a little bit on athleticism, but he still has that jump shot and he was playing In the mid-post area, and I was just trying to body him up. He had some tough shots, but overall he's a great player.”

    Missing about, what, four of your main guys, what is the plan for the rest of you to step up and kind of make up for those guys being out?

    “It's just kind of next-man up opportunity with Dray, GP2 and those guys, they're still cheering for us. They're still there for us. but it's next-man up and that's what we gotta do until they get back. And so, we just got to play hard and play together.”

    Klay, what do you think happened in that second quarter that kind of turned this game?

    KLAY THOMPSON POSTGAME MIA-GSW: “In the second quarter, I think maybe our offense got a little too stagnant and our resistance at the rim was lacking. And those two things combined together is not good. They hit some, they played good defense, so just not the best night for the team.”

    I think this was the first night this season you guys didn't even make 10 threes. How much of the game was just you guys not hitting those type of shots?

    “A lot of it's on us and I think when they zoned us, our offense was too stagnant rather than trying to cut more off the ball and drive and kick. I think, including myself, we were just too content standing around the perimeter instead of playing with more force, getting into the paint, getting your teammate open and taking great shots.”

    Obviously everybody in the NBA is a good player, but there are guys who are Jimmy Butlers for a reason and Kyle Lowrys for a reason. I would think it would be human nature. You try to say, ‘Hey, we're going to play as hard as we can.’ But when the other team doesn't have its main guys, human nature would be, ‘Hey, this game is going to be easier than we thought.’ How do you combat that human nature?

    “Well, you realize that those other players on the opposing team have also played in NBA Finals, not just Jimmy and Kyle, and you gotta be pretty dang good to get there. So just an unfortunate opportunity slip for us, and I wasn't particularly good tonight. Minus-26 is pretty reflective of that, so I think I’ll have a better opportunity Saturday to try to right the ship on this homestand.”

    Podziemski just came in here and kind of blamed himself for the loss.

    “Jeez. Ah, dramatic rookie.”

    Basically that he didn't bring the energy and he's supposed to be kind of the energy guy. Beyond just him, did it just feel like that the energy collectively wasn't there?

    “Yeah, it wasn't great tonight and I don't know. I don't have a great answer for you. Can't blame BP; it's hard to bring the energy he does 82 nights a year, but he does it to the best of his ability. But just not the best performance tonight from anybody.”

    FULL TRANSCRIPT: in due time!

    (See Comments for full transcript)

    #Warriors #KlayThompson #BrandinPodziemski

  2. Love him or hate him, Mr. Klay Thompson is a very intelligent young man.. He is a very well spoken individual and clearly THINKS about his response before sharing them with everyone… Something to be said about that kind of a player/person.

  3. Everyone was off this game, no one person to blame. They played hard against Denver and it seemed like it was still with them. Have to believe they will bounce back Saturday. Go Warriors!

  4. The Warriors need to get rid of any negativity. You ran into a coach and a team who were ready to play 100%. Learn from it what you can.

  5. Love this organization. It's always important to support. But also always important to be realistic if we want to get better. We can all understand some trades need to happen to make it to the next tier. I won't say exactly what it needs to be as, I don't even know but I'm staying positive and hoping for success in the form of wins. That being said, rookie Podz is a Beast!

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