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He got a radio show I guess seems like he watches YouTube golf and he thinks I’m Fat we living in this simulation must be a pretty slow time in sports um there’s a lot of people out there that watch that show oh Jesus don’t crap Fantasy football I’m probably going to come in last um for the brle Dum show league and the punishment is the classic Waffle House or IHOP uh punishment where I got to spend 24 hours there each pancake deducts um an hour and I don’t know if I

Go with the Waffle House pancakes or do you go with the IHOP pancakes IHOP you were saying that they’re not that big I feel like not that big I don’t think either of them are really massive Denny’s has big pancakes I think they have big pancakes yeah Denny’s does how

Many pancakes can you eat we we’re going to find out I mean we’re going to after that that’s the only thing that I was going to request is that I don’t have like at least I get a little bit of a break after I after that Dairy after

What the challenge we did that was one of the worst when’s this episode coming out can we talk about it the 20th and when is the Thursday before Christmas it’ll be be 2 we won’t we won’t give anything no talk about it go for it cuz it’s be

Tomorrow out tomorrow I told pres in the car before uh the challenge that we had just did the Christmas challenge I thought the hot dog challenge couldn’t get any worse this challenge of of drinking milk and eating cookies in the Florida Sun mind you 20 cookies whatever we had to

Eat 50 total um I think was was the worst the milk sucked it was awful I chugged it and my stomach felt hardened Like a Rock you’re not supposed to it was like it like it expanded and then the first thing you want to do is just

Burp but I was so grossed out I was like if I burp right now I am going to puke everywhere so I just kind of like stood there and I was just like it it was [ __ ] brutal and then the cookies like accumulated like and were just it was

Like by the end you’re like I don’t want to have another [ __ ] cookie man yeah it really does kind of I mean it didn’t really affect you guys too much I mean I I I’ve had it my desire for Taco Bell since we did the taco challenge not that

I won’t eat it but I don’t have that burning desire for Taco Bell that I used to have I don’t crave it anymore at all that’s the problem because we were going to be doing a Chick-fil-A Challenge and that’s going to bang you that would be

Tough to lose if it was my power rankings by the way Wendy’s has surpassed J yeah yeah it really has man it’s just not by much but it’s it’s there what did it for you um I you know what it was probably it wasn’t the last

Rep we had cuz last rope we had was a little bit off but just consistently they’re so good the bacon eater fries it it just slightly above yeah I mean it just barely they’ve got I believe they have the best breakfast that’s a new thing that I had just had I believe

Wendy’s is the best breakfast I don’t know they have breakfast old new Clank there those breakfast potato i’ I’ve said it a million a million people but those breakfast potatoes are maybe to McDonald’s fries that McDonald’s fries is may be the only fast food potato of

Any of any time of day better than those breakfast potatoes yeah it’s we had it at the airport that was the classic airport one where I uh called ticket and I was that was Miami too we got in Miami we got to be careful for that one what’

You do I don’t remember this um we we were at the airport our flight it was like 8:00 in the morning and I called you to get you breakfast cuz you were getting over to the gate and I’m like literally like 700 or 8 in the morning

And I called him I was like TI like what what do you want from Wendy’s she’s like oh thank God you found a Wendy she’s like I’ll do a Dave’s triple it was wild I’m like take it it’s 8:00 a.m. dude he’s like damn they were boarding already remember they like boarding like

Was I had to bring the sandwich onto the plane and give it to them as I walked by to the back row that’s right so I did have their bref that was a damn good sandwich that was very it’s not McDonald’s but it’s very very good oh I

Think it’s better you do you do yeah do you like a particular item more than you like everything else or do you like the whole breakfast menu I’m probably not the person to like make a overarching claim like that cuz I usually like one thing but like they’re honey they’re

They’re honey butter chicken biscuit me that’s right is a better is a better chicken biscuit than anybody else has fair and I think I think I would imagine based on the quality of what I eat that the other stuff’s pretty damn good too you know even the sandwich I had they

Tease it to where it’s like a bacon sandwich they treat it like the Baconator and it even kind of looks like it and it’s it’s the real deal yeah Wendy knows what she’s doing man she is she does I think the bacon ater well I don’t know if I think this anymore but

For a long time I used to think that the bacon ater was the best sandwich in fast food yeah you said that often yeah but now it’s gotten to a point where the Bacon’s just too much just give me a Dave’s triple but I I that was one of the fattest things I’ve

Heard dude the triple is just triple is wild it’s too much meat I I disagree I think it’s the exact right amount of meat my but wouldn’t you rather I think we’ve talked about this wouldn’t you rather get a double and then just get a single hamburger like you don’t think

That’s so much more bread that’s the same amount of meat but but more bread at that point though guy getting a triple you’re you’re concerned about a like the bread are you saying not to get the triple because of the mouth issue like getting it over that whole Burger

Not that I just think with the the ratio you get so much more meat than the bacon the cheese and the this guy can’t get over the the the wires are man wow there you go see now I got space back up and running um fellas filmweek wise where do

We rank this film week amongst other ones that we’ve had uh jet what do you think I I think content wise it’s it’s probably number one right yeah I agree with that uh I mean Vibe wise is up there too but we’ve had trips in other places which which were also just a

Great great time but I think content Wise It’s number one right I think we have two of some of our best videos that we filmed in the last recent time period between the wheel of drinks Challenge and then the Christmas challenge I think those two videos Alone um have made this

Trip like awesome I and I think then if you couple that with the behind the scenes stuff that we’ve gotten with RV and like just us going around the country or country around the State of Florida and whatnot I I would say it’s it’s definitely been one of our most

Productive there’s a sneaky there’s a sneaky video with one uh one father oh yeah that is going to go crazy I I would kill to be with you for when you first watched that I I really would you i’ really want to be like watching

That video might go by the way so we yeah we film with fb’s Dad and then he gets to we went and we grabbed a bite after we go showered he comes and he sits on the table and S he goes man I really felt like I answered the Bell

Today he did man he crazy crazy person Perez walked in he’s like that shirt is truly one of the worst shirts I’ve ever seen and he looks at Perez he’s like what do you mean it’s got rockets on it great and then PR looks at him he’s like

It’s ripped all all along the bottom yeah dude he’s um he’s started to get into these button- down short sleeve button- down shirts that have like really big artwork on them like not the like not like the tight logos but the really obnoxiously large stuff he thinks

It looks so good and you can’t tell the guy anything he’s 60 years old but he he’s short he’s a very short guy um so he for a long time was taking these shirts they were too long to on him right yeah so he would take them to a

To get them to like properly shorten the shirt so it didn’t look so ridiculous on them and I guess at some point along the line recently he decided that that was a waste of his time he could do it just as good as they could so I look at the

Bottom of his shirt and it’s just it’s just it’s like zigzag like he cut it and he was hammered when he did it or something or it wasn’t cutting right I’m like dude he’s like I take him to get here I’m like you did not take that

She’s like I guess my Taylor was drunk it’s like it’s out of his [ __ ] mind man when we were at Food Plus beer I I what yeah the restaurant that we were at what a ridiculous I mean look it was [ __ ] great it was it was really good it was really

Good youever been to Bodega in New York all called like good food plus drinks that’s what it like says on the top but so I I was telling his dad I was like I I guess I made some off-handed comment just trying to be funny or something I

Was tired I was just like yeah super cool shirt man and he he looked at me and he was like yeah it is and I was like yeah it is like you want to go outside right now and I think I think he was kidding but for a split second I was

Like am I about to go outside with Nick st’s father Kevin stby and I there was something in his eye that told me he was only half kidding he doesn’t [ __ ] around man he nous moment you think so he he does look like a strong guy he works out

He works out he’s got a bench in his garage really put gloves on with the the the fingers out of them he just pumps iron dude he is he’s an interesting guy he he he’s got a bench but he didn’t have a kitchen sink for the longest time

Is that a real story he had a plumbing he had a plumbing issue and um they had to like they had to basically rip out all the plumbing in his house and uh he just never really and that involved like tearing the kitchen cabinets out and everything like at the bottom and he

Just never I mean it was like it was like 2 years that he just never got around to putting a kitchen back in and uh yeah it was pretty bad that is wild he set the tone from the second he got in the cart with me on the on the first

Hole the first conversation that he started with probably is going to get cut did were you there when he when he came in with that the second at the second hole I heard him talking about some stuff head I was like oh my goodness he set the [ __ ] tone Dude he set the tone and then it was just kind of balls to the wall from there um yeah I think content wise it it was one of the best the thing that that I’m really excited about I know you guys are too is um and it’s been it was hard

For us to do it prior we teased it in Canada and people loved it and there was not one person I saw that was upset with it is the behind the scenes and I think a lot of people wanted even more the behind the scenes for it to be longer I

Think some of them would prefer it over the golf like they want more and more and um with we got our guy Jensen back on the ones and two so to have a camera roll on all the shenanigans that happens even off the golf course I think is is

Is crucial and I think people will really enjoy it I hope they do uh Gator tour Gator tour was a flop who Gator tour was a flop I’ll tell you what I was going to say the best part about the gator tour was just being in the boat

Going fast that was sick going there and coming back he could drive that he was awesome like the Gators were they were just sleeping the whole time he was awesome Drone footage is sick Dr that guide was awesome but I wanted like I wanted to see you like wrestle a game I

Thought he was going to take like raw chickens and throw it into the water for them to wrestle and like start biting it and [ __ ] I kind of thought it would be more like the zoo in the sense of I thought we would what I I

Thought yeah I I thought we’ see I thought we were going to see more animals I thought there would be more that’s fair you know what I’m saying animal it was just a little underwhelming it it was the boat ride was sick though the swerving around around

Water thatass yeah yeah through the Saw Grass we need more chaos it was great we need he should have teased the python he shouldn’t have said a word about Pyon is what God saw a python yeah shouldn’t have happened should the wildest part was the video on his phone that he

Showed us before he left of him wrestling a python yeah I thought we were getting some kind of [ __ ] like that I was like oh man I was concerned cuz he said he was talking about how much they camouflage and we saw one like slot Lucy

Fall under the water and then I was afraid she was going to surface on the other side of the boat and just like pop up and yeah I had like the Jaws effect weird yeah it was a little it was a little strange she did yeah I just um I

Would do like I would do it again but I would just tell the guy to like can we just ride around in this thing like can we just rip around like do some like wild [ __ ] in this thing if we see Gator like tight when he was going through

Like he turned a corner and you’re like this is a field we’re just cruising everyone vegetation everywhere right in the middle of the freaking swamp it was cool to see cutsy kind of had like the craps table effect in the sense of like cuty would give him facts

About the Gators that he’d be like yeah he’s like it’s true like go to be like you know you owe me $5 and the guy would be like yeah you do owe him $5 he kind of like would tell him facts and the guy would be like yeah that’s that’s right

They are nocturn on I love animals man I love like Wildlife like I if if if I could I would feed the thing right in like off the boat you’re Jo EXO you were enjoying it I’m not Joe Exotic but like I think like things those those gators

Man they’re not going to [ __ ] you up that much I mean they could rip an arm off or they’re not going to kill you oh my God by the way [ __ ] you up that much includes ripping arm yeah but that’s like the worst case SC like

That’s a very rare he told a whole story about how it happens way more often than people think that’s what he said I’m just saying I was scared at all of those gators now if it was Crocs then yeah then you have something to be worried about but those gators they don’t want

Anything to do with you they’re very timid they’re not going to be overly aggressive or like come up and start like like what you said like Jaw like they just would never do that they would stay clear of the boat what’s your favorite uh Wildlife species uh probably

The Bengal tiger wow wow tell me something about a bangle tiger he’s on the Jaguars tonight though I am on the I on the Jaguars tonight yeah that’s true tell me something about about a bangal TIG B Tigers oh they’re just like the if you think of like the apex predator in

The animal kingdom the Bengal tiger is like first of all it hunts and at like night it’s like nocturnal so you can’t even see it the camouflage it has and it can climb trees it can run it can swim it can [ __ ] you up and it’s just like it

Is in great name too yeah India right yeah they’re in India yeah kind of want to take the Bangals tonight now yeah well if burrow was there they do hunt at night they do Monday nights by the way that guy telling us I think like you

Always talk about some of the worst ways to go um shark attack all this different stuff I got a new worst way to go that story of how the gator pulled that lady in by her arm and then they just bring you all the way down and you drown like

They don’t even just eat you they just bring you all the way death roll so they would grab you and then just start fliping around like in like a circular motion that’s right I would [ __ ] fight for my life man I would I would start gouging the thing in the eyes

Whatever you could do I I I mean listen I’m I’m not tougher than a gator but if something like that’s going to take me down it’s going to [ __ ] have to earn its meal let’s put it that way and let me tell you it would have a hell of a

Meal once it got me down there cuz I am packing on some extra lbs and this trip has not helped we have banged ourselves gentlemen the food eating on these trips this was one of our award this is our most shameful one of our most shameful uh

Trips to date and I am a massive part of it myself I’m not pointing any fingers we are all just we have got to do some soul searching yeah it’s just too easy it’s too easy terrific about it it’s just it’s just too easy to sit around

With the boys and order food it’s too easy man it’s almost as good as getting it yeah the ordering like what are you going to get what are you going to get and well the game like it’s all once you order it it’s like it sucks like once

You put the order in you’re like ah [ __ ] I got one salad on this trip and honestly I regret it the [ __ ] you you know how many nuggets I at I probably ate 120 nuggets on this Jes I ate 120 nuggets on this trip yeah that’s right that’s right that’s

Hot a lot of hot mustard too call you the Nuggie I just we’ve said it before I think one of my favorite like I think Peak Bob do sport s is when we’re around the couch and pre is putting in the fast food order and everybody’s going around

With what they want like Vibes at that time are so high like if you could just bottle that like that’s Peak Peak stuff have we talked speaking of that what um what are we going to have for dinner oh that’s lovely that’s lovely have we talked about um question let’s get that

Order got something for us too I was going to say we probably have the same thing what have we discussed I don’t remember my bag we got to discuss the bag flying I was going to discuss have we talked about Boomer in yet about last so you got Boomer you got the bag

One do those two things and close it down with a little food order yeah I like that yeah Boomer seon uh he banged me um I guess tell your story he’s got he’s got a radio show I guess with Gio yep um you know shout out Gio we appreciate the

Support seems like he watches YouTube golf and he um he brought that attention to to Boomer um Boomer looked me up and he thinks I’m fat and uh I am oh my God he’s huge oh my God he’s huge huge that was by the way if you had Boomer ice and flaming FP

On like some bingo card yeah wow yeah yeah who would that’s some big plus money right there man yeah Boomer bang me and then he banged you again and then yeah the next day um must be a pretty slow time in sports um Boomer is talking

About me two days in a row there’s a lot going on in sports right now we need the NBA regular season really take take like a foothold um and uh the bowl season needs to get going cuz Boomer needs something he’s on National radio and

He’s like his fat press guy he’s like he says every day he’s fatter than the next it’s the fattest he’s ever been and then like watching Perez while he’s watching that Perez is just on the couch just like yeah you got a great angle of it

He’s like is is this him and G’s like yeah that’s him he’s like he like wow he is huge wow he’s huge Jesus he said oh my God oh my God oh my God like is this him they like he’s like oh my God he’s

Huge we uh we’re going to have to we’re going to have to play the Boomer clip uh J if you could if you could roll that over pull that of Boomer flaming FP not that one not that day yep day before yep there it is and there’s a new guy that I

Just got involved with named fat Perez fat Perez and fat Perez is like a two handicap okay and he looks like Pat Perez the golfer but he’s much larger than Pat Perez the golfer see how fat fat Perez is and he does he’s great at

Golf and then when he when he sinks a birdie he does this eurostep thing to a layup is that him right there yeah that’s him oh my God he is huge yeah and he says that every day that he lives is the fattest day of his life that’s what

He said he’s fatter than the previous day and he’s a two handicap he’s a two handicap he’s a great golfer a great putter he’s great at everything I don’t need it I don’t need what you’re doing I don’t need what you’re doing and I certainly don’t need what boom ising leave me

Alone I just want to [ __ ] play golf with my [ __ ] friends I just want to play golf my [ __ ] friends all right and eat a little bit oh my God [ __ ] is that a [ __ ] crime is it a crime to play golf and eat a lot [ __ ]

Arrest me dude [ __ ] lock me up Boomer lock me the [ __ ] up dude piece of [ __ ] Boomer baby funny guy that that is why and everybody was messaging about it too there was a lot of people out there that watched that show um oh Jesus yeah I

Mean thank you for that I appreciate that I I appreciate that appr there I like that way more people than I ever would have thought a lot of people lot of people saw the number that said wow that’s a lot of people don’t crap your ass don’t C

That’s what crybaby Perez oh cryab Boomer died like a dog tell the folks about the bag you want me to tell them about the B I want you to tell them about the bag all right so we’re driving down the road right what now so so we’re on the road I

Think we’re heading from Sarasota to to Naples and uh we we’ve done this plenty of times we’ve packed the the RV back up and we’ve gotten it all out and packed it up again numerous times I think at this point five six times we had a good

Rhythm going um and then we were heading to Naples and we take a hard right a hard right left a hard left a hard left hard left and nothing we hadn’t done before this is your standard left turn but on this day on this day of days uh

Jets bag I believe it was my bag in the mid on wheel and I out of the corner of my eye see this thing start picking up some steam me too towards the door and it just kicks over the stairs that you would use to walk out the RV

And punches the door open bar flies onto Highway tra on the road and just smacks the curb I couldn’t believe what I saw and for my view is the driver seat I’m looking just looking I I see this thing just just just say like I’m out

[ __ ] out of here I’m head out yeah all right I’m going to head out like these guys are [ __ ] clowns I’m out like that guy who puts like his face on things afterwards it’s like and he puts his face on it pece dog I’m out you know

First my two cents first of all that bag is so [ __ ] heavy I don’t know what nothing to do this it does it shouldn’t have barreled through the door the bag shouldn’t have been there it does it because it pushed it was so heavy had more weight behind it so fine I won’t

Bring close standing the point is I didn’t I didn’t put it there when we go on these trips when we leave place to place in the mornings especially with the RV because there’s a some of the stuff is in the RV some of the stuff is

By like some of the stuff we kind of all lay next to each other and somebody will like put it in one by one and fit the spots so that’s what had happened that morning outside we all had brought the stuff and we were all just like putting

It in and then I don’t really remember where it I didn’t put it in the car cuz it was lined up with all the other suitcases someone up accountability man someone didn’t put your bag in correctly but my point is normally I would put the bag that person [ __ ] up no because I

Now sounds like I’m not putting my bag in the car when in reality one person is standing the spin one person is standing at the that little trunk area it’s like an assembly line somebody’s just like stacking them in oh yeah your bag is so

Big it the size of the damn bag okay all right the size of the bag does not matter okay a dou bag would not have flown through that door correct a double bag would have stopped at that door it’s a tough look for me to say that whoever

Packed my bag into the RV for me put it in wrong but that is what happened you don’t need because it was standing on its Wheels that’s a shitty Hill to have his eye on right there when you walked into the RV and saw your bag I didn’t

See it I had no oh you blind to bag warnings of these when we go place to place are kind of like blurs like no one really everybody kind he walks into the RV every morning he stumbles in he get into his little seat he goes like this

Exctly he tears collar up that is exactly right that’s my move that’s that’s my move that’s what on time one morning no it is incredible and I hate to be this guy it’s it’s it’s usually you and others but you’re definitely a part of you and

Others oh let’s just name me and nobody else well no you’re always late always late but not everyone else is always late you’re always if you put your hand up I’ll stop yeah we’ll stop that’s how the you say that’s on me about it raise that hand you talk

About go ahead no cuz I walked in I said wow I here’s the thing cuz I don’t even want to say what cuz now I’m 0 for one with that van I’m I’m a punctual guy in real life oh my God like when you guys come to pick me up sometime I I’m

Standing outside that’s true no I’ll give you that the morning I I don’t know why I think it’s you said something where I always forget when we’re leaving I always just Reas like w the night before we’re leaving at 9:30 93930 it isus 10,000 that he’ll text in the

Morning what time are we leaving Jo’s the same way you’re the same way I’m a little obl put the hand up I’m not going to say I say this cop it’s not a cop out it’s accountability accountabil I’m oblivious sometimes I will say this I’m either

Really like one of the first ones early or I’m late there’s no in between I think that’s true I’m either like the first one on the bus or I’m like straggling you you know what [ __ ] it down yeah by the way it’s a new thing by

The way out there if if you’re ever in in a in a pickle just put your hand up say that’s on me and people are not allowed to really give you [ __ ] or be mad at you anymore accountability you taking accountability and you move on it

Feels good saying it it doesy that’s on me my bad like a weight lifted off your shoulder and then nobody you know there’s nothing more to talk about yeah RV is sick though I took a schluff in the back today schuff yeah oh dude you

Look like a dead body I was a dead body dude I through you had like leg over the other you look like how I would shove a body you know what whole this whole trip I was like building up the courage to be like uh can I can I take the bed back

There cuz I sat in the same spot every day and I was I was so exhausted and I didn’t know it’s one of those where like it looks super comfortable but you just never know I didn’t want to give up my spot to go there and then be like I want

My spot back it wasn’t as comfortable it wasn’t like such a good bed but it did it job yeah J I passed out as he got he got up he was wearing shorts and his shorts rode up like this look at those Dem bro you started that with him it’s so

True when he gets into the RV he just goes it’s not the RV it’s not the RV it’s it’s everywhere dude that’s the face of you say something you’ll just go like this side I yeah what like I will kill you right now what listen welcome to the

Program like this is what we’re doing I don’t know what to say like it’s not going to change Jed has been happier just in shorter stints do you think RV is the play for this for this it really what it just it added again we said it

On the last one it was kind of funny like we really did kind of create the illusion like we were on that thing the entire way in reality it was like few hours here and there but I just think it it really did make it never slept in it

No no not like overnight conect Ed it you guys it was somehow drained the battery yeah remember we went to an Auto Zone God damn yeah that was it’s going to be a tough turn in tomorrow we should do it again one time but like a true

Road trip like when we’re in the car for longer periods of time like we did with Mexico or is that not is that something I can interest you I think that’s that’s always been something that up your rally but then you just get so when we did it

When we went to Santa Fe yeah which was a great trip it a great trip was exhausting well that’s a little that one’s a little too far I don’t mean something that long but something like a 5H hour road trip my favorite moment of the trip so far was when you guys were

Drunk after one of the challenges we did y all hauled in the the RV I was driving and we just did the name me game oh question Bob passed out drunk for about 30 minutes and then he woke up with just weird drunken energy energy yeah that’s that was my

One of my favorite that The Vibes during that namei game was aome that’s a I love that [ __ ] man to or we play like a trivia game with each other like well you know give me the guy you did this or whatever that’s right that is a blast okay now we’re going to

Head on over to our Q&A and by the way Folks at any time fire on into the Bobo Sports DMS um send message we’re constantly looking at those things so fire on in Q&A ticket what do you got first question comes from dixy Murphy uh he wants to know and this question is

Very similar to our brilly dumb show punishment if you lose the league but it’s a little bit different so uh everyone in McDonalds for 24 hours one Burger knocks off an hour who leaves first and who leaves last well you’re leaving first leaving first leaving

First I think Joe could if he needed to leave give me a run yeah but you would just do the Double Quarter Pounders so that you’d bang yourself cuz you wouldn’t want to have more bread yeah yeah that’s true I would I would just house cheeseburgers no of course yeah I

Would I would just try to house and we’ve already done a cheeseburger challenge where I we didn’t I mean we we waxed that ass but we had I think Bob what do we have 12 each we did like 12 or 13 and then we won but like I think I

Could do a bunch of cheeseburgers I think that that would be the play cuz they’re smaller right I think the two of y’all would have a good good little battle I think jet would then be third and then the two of you would I actually low key when Bob is pushed up against

The wall like these challenges the last few he has been Sensational with how much he forces his body to eat now he throws everything up so that would have to be a caveat if that’s allowed or not that’s an extra burger if you pe yeah I

Think I think if he did that though he he he actually has impressed me with his eating challenge where I think he might actually be the the dark horse to win it all so yeah that’s a good point so me to come last I think you would may be

Coming last say I think so I think you and Jet would be the last damn you guys got would want to get the hell out of you don’t just devour understand but look at me if you guys are getting out of a hamburger eating competition before

Me tiet so fast when we get the food it’s gone it’s like it’s I don’t think anyone eats it faster than jet I just think I can eat more than jet jet does eat fast true if it’s a nugget challenge I I’ll be out of there first for sure

Nugget something that’s hysterical to see when we had and we did it so long ago the ticket came on the brilliantly I’m show one of First episodes and did the hot dog challenge yeah that was what did you do total without and he he

Crushed it I think it was I think it was 11 and a half was it 13 remember that was my first expence on that show 10 minutes 10 minutes dude he absolutely it was the funny and watching him put these things back was [ __ ] hysterical did you do the water did you

The water method I sure the yeah what was the other method that you said it was like split and uh when you it’s when you split the two and then you do like the sling housing method or something like that something German said it was so funny a Pioneer in

Germany came up with that did you look at like did you train for this uh I did the day before my dad cooked up a bunch of hot dogs and we did the same thing the day before the day before yeah that sounds do you believe that was mistake

No I don’t because you at the same amount or you just testing the method no I date the same amount in about 10 minutes the reason for that is because if you go in without any training [ __ ] you have day it’s like cramming for a test then go to class all semester but

If you don’t study that night before you I skates on for the first time to go on the ice and then trying to figure skate yeah you got to expand well I went on the ice the day before wa are you serious tick yeah I did it today before cuz I wanted to

Expand my stomach I was watching YouTube videos on that’s I don’t hate that just a wild thing to hear I couldn’t understand like a week before he did like two three days a week before but the wildest thing that I heard this week was ticket telling me that when he was

Working at the Four Seasons when we were all together that he went up in two louro which was the hair salon in the middle of a shift for 4 hours and got his hair dyed blonde and came back to his shift looking like Stan yeah you’re

A wild that’s one of the craziest I couldn’t believe he punched out well the idea was you remember that phase where everyone was doing like steel colored hair I tried to do that but the reason I had to get it fix uh fixed at louro was I

Did a box job the night before I tried to do it on my own and I I butchered it so the guy was already working behind the sticks and I he tried to figure the best he could but I came out looking like yeah it was bad it was bad um that was

Unbelievable I couldn’t believe that when you said that I just couldn’t it’s it’s at the Four Seasons it’s not like it was like a you know like a Motel 6 like it to get away with that is INS they didn’t say anything you can’t keep getting away with it you can’t keep

Getting away what what did they say to you uh no one ever caught me so no one said [ __ ] no one caught you with blonde hair oh no no the next day HR came to me was like listen that’s probably you can’t it’s not up to code for Four

Season standards and I said we’ll see about that and we never had another conversation about it oh my you can’t really do anything well they could have fired D it was like the Yankees like you had to be shav shaving yeah dying your I mean I’m

Sure there was I’m sure there was women that were there that have dyed their hair it’s probably your argument right there was well there was Sharon you’re not a blonde you could have like yeah that is a great point a great Point all right we’ll take you off the

Hot seat next question unless it’s one a you um next one comes from Kevin Hughes 1988 he wants to know if you guys could swap lives with anyone for 48 hours who are you picking I think it’d be pretty cool to be Dana White for a couple days that’s not bad at

All have a run of the Town can’t can’t use the pellaton though would you do it for a few days tick 48 48 hours 48 hours I got yeah I uh I would do an athlete for sure you would yeah I got to I got

To think I got to like Zone in on on a and like I think I would do a musician okay someone someone playing like a massive like maybe like um Chris Martin from Co you know that’s a good one yeah cuz if I’m 48 hours I could still

My he’s injured it’s Tiger Woods dog yeah I know but you know he’s he’s cool to be like a receiver loves receivers he close but Christian Kirk wouldn’t be bad not at all Christian Kirk for a couple days Jacksonville Trevor presid b i dude he does he have to be me for 48

Yeah could you imagine how funny that would be I bet Christian would be down for the Flop yeah to switch it up Christian well maybe I’ll switch with Trevor and we could we I’ll throw the ball to You Freaky Friday featuring Perez and Christian Kirk I would watch

That that be amazing Jed is J he just not he’s not a rider he’s not a b r he he has written on this trip he has written for Rider you like to do it your your way you he want I am very particular about you ride for a quarter

Then you hedge the other side you you know what you know what live betting Chiefs is in the middle of the game that’s betting chalk dude yeah chalk he’s a chalky play but chalk implies that they are but meaning if I’m saying this is why it’s not chalk because if if they

Are plus money they’re not chalk I see what the the the I like to bet I like to bet better teams when they’re down the golfers and the players and teams that you bet on are CH say I bet chalk is yeah bet chalk of course but I’m betting

Them during the game the entire panel here tonight not if there’s anything to put a hand up on it’s you bet Kansas basketball at plus money that is still betting chalk okay hand up then okay we just had a different definition yeah because it’s Kansas basketball

That’s you know why it is is he has this lit Rock Chalk he has the theory that whatever the spread starts at the game should always end up getting close to eventual like that but that doesn’t always of course and nothing ever always happens but that’s like the idea that’s

Your that’s your modus upai when you’re betting yeah it’s called it’s me revers everything’s going to get back to where it’s supposed to it’s a really low scoring first half but like it’s going to it’s going to it’s going to flip uh last one comes from Blake tiller uh who

Was everyone’s top music artist this year I think they mean from that Spotify rap thing but if you don’t know what it is mine I’m Billy Joel had post Malone I love post you know who I had Morgan Wallen wow yeah you’re love country man I’ve never been more into

Country than this year you had Billy Joel again yeah wow yeah it’s every year who are you tick uh I was Oasis oh like nice grateful Dad Grateful Dead you got married in the belt we talked about that with po St as well where did you

Get that thing by the way smatters and Branson yeah you heard it that was a good question yeah was a good question wait who was your again post Malone yeah I didn’t know you were a big post I love post none of my top none of my top songs

For the year were were grateful but you just listen to right I just listen I had two Action Bronson songs which I was proud of I had a SLE song in there I had a SK song in SK skis and M anywhere I love my homies there you go this one’s for my

That’s that’s a that’s a isn’t that a Ste coll a coll I had one of those on there too what do you got Days Go By no it was it was country anywhere no was it copy to be here no it was living it up or something or uh Life’s good

Life life got crazy life got crazy that’s a real good but that’s but that’s Mike is skis not on it no well I listen to a lot of skis this met years ago all right ladies and gentlemen a lot of content on the way that’s been another Edition the Bob D Sports podcast

We’ll see you next time to the Moon Bob D Sports


  1. Bob Wendys is a garbage can of a fast food restaurant and will NEVER surpass Chik fil A! Never spew that blasphemy again!

  2. I feel like FP really isn't that big man. Yea, he's big, but not "oh my god" big. Not big enough for that dude to have the kind of reaction that's for sure.

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