Golf Players

Adam Scott Slow Motion Swing Analysis Driver

Adam Scott Secret New Swing Move, raising the left heel

Adam Scott Slow Motion Swing Analysis Driver

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About Ross Eves Golf

Ross Eves Golf is all about improving your golf. From golf fitness, to golf biomechanics to beginner’s golf tips!

So, what’s my background?

Well, as most professional golfers my dream was to play professionally. However, that dream was a little lofty for someone with my talent. So, I decided to take a different route. This route was to investigate the science behind getting better, specially how to hit the ball further! After all, who doesn’t want to hit the ball further.

This desire to learn how to increase swing speed lead me to investigate the body in terms of golf fitness and golf biomechanics. This interest in golf fitness lead me to complete TPI Level 1 and 2; become a qualified massage therapist and then extend that knowledge by completing a Masters degree.

During my Masters, I focused my research solely on increasing club head speed through golf fitness interventions. This line of scientific enquiry provided me with first evidence and golf fitness routines which would increase swing speed and hence increase club head speed. Personally, I found this research to be extremely helpful, and I increased club head speed by 15mph (from 100mph to 115mph) within 1 year.

After this I have turned my attention to the biomechanics of the golf swing. This combination of golf biomechanics and golf fitness knowledge allows me to provide coaching to all levels to help increase club head speed.

Adam Scott has got one of the most aesthetically pleasing swings in the game we’re going to have a look at an indepth analysis of his swing here and a couple of new things that he’s implemented recently into his swing so we’ll start off at setup now something

That we notice with Adam that’s very unique to him is how he sets up with the ball in the heel of the club a lot of that is because the way Adam backs up during the swing which will go through so that’s one thing the other key thing

Is I want to take note of the right heel that’s set up you can see how Adam started to hover that heel you can’t really see it from face on but he’s hovering that heel and we’ll see more in back swing what he does with that tuad

In transition if we look at face on he’s got a very neutral posture neutral grip he’s tried to weaken that left hand over the years he’s got a nice bit of foot flare which enables him to rotate correctly around the hip joints where you see guys

That have got too much of a sort of towed in position with the foot what that does is it internally rotates the femur and then it makes it very difficult to rotate the hip joint that femur bone around that hip socket So Adam does a beautiful job there and if

We look from down the line he’s got a little bit more curve in his spine than we used to see Adam was always very bolt upright with quite a high chin which really really sort of diminished his ability to turn around the spine so he’s gone to a little bit more old school

Flowing neutral rounded spine as well so that’s his set up one of the big big keys with Adam swing so I’m going to circle that heel and then I’m going to put a line on his head there you’re going to see something in the back swing

So this is why Adam can you see the camera moves a little bit but this is why Adam sets up in the heel can you see that little move back away from it so he’s moving away from the the ball so that effectively then puts the sweet

Spot in the middle of the club just by addressing it in the heel so that’s why he does that with that heel address so if we take Adam back look at that right heel you see so he lifts it a little bit and then plants it so all he’s doing

There is he’s creating a little bit momentum and a little bit of ground force in his feet just to get into that trail heel so it’s a really good way of getting some momentum a lot of the long drive guys do it and it’s a new

Thing that Adam’s employed in his in his swing so if we then take him back what you’ll see with Adam really wide takes the hands a little bit out all tiger in 2000s and then that club shaft is nicely sort of outside the hands with the club

Head outside of the hands and that club face parallel to the back line lovely lovely position there something we’d all love to to sort of copy so if we look at face on let’s take him back he starts to slam that right heel in the ground a

Little bit of you’ll see little bit of lateral shift with his pelvis the camera angles are moving here so we do have to be aware of that but a little bit of lateral shift in the pelvis you’ll start to see that Adam gets nice and wide

Starts to get a little bit of wrist set in the club head there love that position he’s rotated nicely just very very textbook if you’re going to copy somebody that’s what you you sort of want to copy so if we take him back a little bit further back

You’ll see his right elbow starts to bend starts to radial deviate the wrist and set the wrist so you’ll see here just again textbook that those hand hands are perfectly in the middle of his chest if we take this back you’ll start to see the El right elbow start to bend

Nice and wide he’s really moving into that right side and into that trail hip let’s take him back you can see he’s got a nice bit of wrist set there in the wrist just a again it’s just textbook not overly rotated the hips and as well

What I’ll do is I’ll just draw a line on his butt you’ll see how he moves beautifully into see move beautifully into that trail hip partly as well because he’s slamming that right heel down which will help him rotate around that right hip so lovely lovely position

There gets up to the top how good is that just a very very textbook position you’ll see how high his hands are Club shaft parallel to the ground that club face is really nice and square we used to get that quite short and the thing that we’ll see here that’s

Very new for Adam is the left heel so watch this so you can see here just as he gets the sort of halfway back can you see how he starts to lift that left heel see that now what that does is that’s going to enable him want to create a

Little bit more of a range of motion in the hips and also raise the hips and the thorax a little bit higher in back swing so if you watch just as he starts to raise that heel just that those hips and that torso just Elevate slightly so then

What it’ll enable him to do on the down swing as he slams that left heel into the ground it creates more Force down through through the pelvis through the rib cage and what you see is generally when we see more down Movement we see more rotation which is something that

Adam really likes to see in his swing he wants to see more rotation this way so if we look more from a dynamic position rather than just statically you’ll see he has a nice little pause and you can see how those hips start to move down he starts to compress

Through the rib cage compress through the pelvis down and towards the target so look that left foot slams you see that athletic motion of moving the pelvis and rib cage down and towards the target it’s a really powerful position and the one thing that I love about

Adam’s swing here is if we get him to lead on Parallel this is not something that a lot of guys get so good is look how one he shallows that club out and watch this right elbow so that right elbow’s going to move perfectly down

Look how low that right elbow is you see with a lot of good players who shallow it nicely that that elbow starts to move down lower than that left elbow and then that shallows the shaft out and from face on you’ll see that right elbow is

Much below that left as he starts the transition down that maintains the lag and allows for some shallowing so if we bring Adam a few more frames down you’ll see again how he’s moved down that right knee is going to move down down towards the left you’ll see there just a

Textbook I’m just going to reuse textbook textbook textbook with Adam swing you’ll see how biomechanically I talk a lot about this in the videos how that right shoulder and right elbow pretty much below each other what that do does it dissipates a lot of the force that is accumulated

Through that trail shoulder when you see guys that that Trail should that trail elbow starts to get a little bit more behind the body see a lot of stress and force going through that trail shoulder and you usually see a little bit of a steeper steeper or shallower shoulder um

Shaft plane than than what we’d like so you see here Adams sort of done that beautiful position with that elbow and his body is still almost pointing back towards the camera you can see that that helps again maintain that lag he’s still got a lot of Trail shoulder Bend that’s keeping that lag

There let’s delete those lines cuz it’s looking a little bit messy we’ll bring him down a couple more frames look how he’s how he’s keeping that lag that that club head is still above his shoulders it’s nice checkpoint that when you get to sort of lead on Parallel is that club

Shaft Club head should I say above that trail shoulder so we keep bringing him down you’ll see Adam has a he’s a bit more old school he has a lot of lateral sort of slide in his swing down down down bring him to shaft parallel you’ll see there that shaft is

Slightly inside his hands Adam likes to hit a draw so it’s a good way to get that path a little bit in to out to promote that shot shape so it moves down you’ll see how he’s maintained some flexion in that trail wrist to create

The lag let’s bring him down face on you can see how that club shaft nice nice angle there as that right knee moves in and then just text but look at that width look how much width Adam’s got there loads of width real key to good swings width and you’ll see there impact

I’ll bring them both back to impact of glose you’ll see how his chest is rotated out it’s not facing the ball he’s got a good probably 20 30° of chest rotation there and then you’ll see how his hips are pointing out to the Target that trail

Foots come up off the ground and you’ll see look ball is in the center of the club like we we like to see as opposed to when we were at address look how it was on the heel now it’s in the center because if we look look how Adam starts to back up

Then that’s why he dresses the ball so much on the heel so he starts you’ll start to see now after we get through into impact look how open that chest is you can see from face on really open and then Adam will he’s worked on

This a lot with but har and when he used to work with Butch see how that head rotates that allows look how when he rotates that head how the lower body starts to turn with it look rotating that head just freeze him up massively it’s a great swing to sort of emulate

For somebody one he’s got the flexibility of Adam but you know as terms of like a textbook injury prevention swing there just it’s just great for that sort of side of it he lets that Head release you’ll see from face on look how he’s not holding that

Head down loads of width there that right knee is close to the left knee up on that trail foot look at that wit boom loads of extension through that hands exit just pretty much on the plane of his shoulder there just it’s just I could just watch this on

Repeat and repeat and you’ll see nice full finish really wraps that shaft around his body loads of rotation look at that look at the width there in his hands look how he’s still miles away from his head wraps it around up to a full finish weights in that left heel nice and Tall

Pelvis over that left leg just love that position love that finish it’s just textbook isn’t it but it’s really interesting like I said to see Adam employ that long drive technique of that right heel coming up up off the ground slamming it down and then raising that

Left heel up on the back swing don’t know why he doing that I’m assuming it’s either because he wants to create some momentum and some ground force and potentially add a little bit more Club at speed he said in the past the game’s changing it’s more of a Speed game and

Potentially Adam’s chasing something and that’s why he’s employing that new technique

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