The Charlie Long – Trap Talk E53

Trap Shooter Charlie Long has been shooting registered targets since 1973. At the time of the show he had 1,265,200 registered targets with 458,00 of those being in doubles! It is more than that by now!

He is a 15 time All American , 15 time Texas State member, Inducted into the Texas Hall Of Fame in 1993, 2019 ATA Hall of Fame. He has over 250 100 straights in Doubles and 21 100’s from the 27 yard line…. and so much more!

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I noticed that that when I shot a th000 doubles a year you know and then I went to 3,000 doubles a year my average went up and then I went to 10,000 doubles a year and it really went up you know so I figured the more doubles I shot the

Better I got you got to say The Grand American yeah both vandelia and and now and now spart is getting some history and stuff like that and after that the Golden West Grand would be the be the second place that you know mainly cuz you won all those gold coin buckles

Right well yeah that and and uh you know there’s a lot of activity in town after you get done [Applause] Shooting well welcome to another episode of trap talk I’m your host Zack Nini I’m here with my co-host Richard Marshall Jr we are in Tucson Arizona at the Autumn Grand we just got done finishing the doubles Championship Ricky broke a 100 good job Ricky and we are here with the

Legend Charley long uh Charlie holds more ATA registered targets than any man alive we’ve been uh really looking forward to doing this episode for a long time and welcome to the show Charlie well thank you very much um Rick would you mind introducing m long for us yeah

So I shortened up the accolades a little bit but um Charlie started shooting in 1973 now he is registered so far just registered targets folks 1, 265,000 registered targets and and 458,000 of those are doubles alone now you have the the high in handicap with

The which was $450 9,000 or no a lot more a seven something right yeah 37 379 that’s yeah so but Charlie’s also a 15-time All-American been on 15 plus Texas State teams a 1993 Texas Hall of Fame inductee and a 2019 trap shooting Hall of Fame inductee he used to hold

The doubles long R record with 857 but Sean Holly beat him which you know I guess they’re still friend friends but so yeah we’re still friends you are so but Charlie’s got over 250 hundreds and doubles so we’re pretty close in that CU I think I’ve got over

250 hundreds D I don’t have as many registered doubles targets yeah but um but one of the things too he’s not only the Mr doubles sorry Sean uh he’s broke 2100s in handicap from the 27 yard line correct that’s huge which and multiple 200s he’s won multiple Texas state

Championships I think around eight or so um and he’s won multiple Satellite Grand championships so I’ve known Charlie since I was a little kid I met him the first time at Spanish Fork Utah with stump I think he was taller than me John hofflin maybe just or I was taller than

Him but with Fred copy oh yeah that was back in like 1989 or something like that so we really appreciate you coming on the show all right no problem the biggest problem with with Char is we could spend the whole show just going overall his

Accolade you know he shot so long and he shot so well at so many different gun clubs and won so much stuff I mean you’re definitely one of the guys looking up to I I remember when I started I think probably one of the first place I seen you was either in San

Antonio or Tucson and it was just like oh that’s Charlie long everybody’s like that’s the guy that shoots the heck out of dou and you shot everything well but um that being said you obviously love the game of trap shooting what brought you to it how did you get

Started and what what started this long road that you’re on oh shoot I was working for brown rout construction company in the Marine yard in Houston and uh some of the old foremans you know took me out west Texas dove hunting you know the engineer yeah and

You know after the after the shoe was over they I got a good laugh cuz the engineer couldn’t break many Kill many doves and stuff like that well right across the Ship Channel oen had a plant and they had a u White Wing trap and ski

Range over there as part of the on their on their grounds and every day at lunch I’d drive down through the channel and go over to the there and Sh shoot a little trap shoot a little ski and I like trap better Y and one of the

Oldtime welders in there uh shot trap and kind of put me under his wing and I just fell in love with it went out to Greater Houston and started shooting met some fine people and they all had the same political incol I had and everything and we all thought the

Who could wonder what that is yeah and uh it just just mushroom from that you know you know what what got you into the registered shooting shooting at Greater Houston or yeah I went out started shoo at Greater Houston and stuff well and there was another place

Charlie Jones is that was there he’s not there anymore the town has swallowed him up but uh it was uh you know got started there and John Hall told me you know for the for the price of a plane ticket you know you could be a you know in the big

Big pond you know so you know and he said that the best sheet to go to is a Golden West Grand back then it was at Harold’s Club y so we started going to Harold’s Club every year yeah I never did get a shoot out there like I said it

Was always during the time where I yeah they had the totem pole and all that kind of stuff and I think I heard stories about the totem pole with the late gal Chrisman yeah yeah there was a lot of we won’t talk about them yeah but the go ahead so

At the beginning were you a hot shot right off the bat or did you really have to work at it for a while well I had to work at it for a while you know and and John R Hall was kind of the guy that that that helped me along and everything

And stuff like that and and uh I noticed that that when I shot a th000 doubles a year you know and then I went to 3,000 doubles a year my average went up and then I went to 10,000 doubles a year and it really went up you know so F the more

Doubles I shot the better I got so that’s what I kept doing what was the most amount of doubles you’ve shot in one year oh shoot I was somewhere up close to 30,000 holy crap yeah that’s a lot of doubles Charlie I love doubles

And I you’ve shot a lot of the did you shoot in any of the big 25,000 no no no no I love doubles I don’t love punishing myself but I love doubles well you remember like Billy rank Billy rank shot at Zer them and Billy quit after that yeah and Billy I I

Shot the Ohio State shoot one year with Billy and and shortly after that when he they did all that and His Hands got yeah everybody’s hands hold up Subs scriptures how many how many doubles are they shooting a day 25,000 in 24 hours yeah no way yeah 5,000 a piece Ernie did

It twice yeah that doesn’t sound like much fun yeah so imagine your hands getting all hot and melted for actually remember Mike buser yeah remember he did it and he loaded cuz he owned duster wad company and he loaded all these like one out shell Zack for everybody and they

Shot him but he still had to wear gloves if I remember right and it still tore his hands up through the gloves Stu I would imagine and I love doubles too and I know you love them oh yeah and and have shot multiple marathons you know

You used to shoot a lot of H Paso magic Mount Spanish Fork like I said that’s where I met you at you know years decades ago you know with with stump y who’s now you and stump have shot a lot together stump yeah we’ve been friends and forever ever since he moved

Down from Wisconsin you know yeah shot together so so for that being said it sounds like doubles was your favorite out of the games is that correct yeah yeah what you do the best look your favorites yeah so so let’s get into the time when you were

Shooting doubles at your best what were you doing what philosophies and what styles were you using were you like me and Ricky where you’re down on the house and you’re driving through where you’re holding up higher what were are the things that you were doing in your

Doubles game that made you great I I shot what you’d call a moving gun I’m down on the house as I call it call for the bird the gun cards coming up and as soon as that bead hits that Target the gun goes off and we go chase the second

One down you anticipating the target a little bit yeah so you actually are calling pull and you’re rolling that gun off the line purposefully so you’re not still you’re you’re rolling in and then that target comes out you’re you’re snapping it you’ve got to be flexible

Enough to maybe move a little right or left you know especially back when they had the handsets you know but the pet traps make it a whole lot easier so so were you in the house rolling up or were you above the house rolling up just

Right at the right at the lip right at the lip so you’re calling pull you’re rolling out with it you’re snapping that bird and and I mean you shot that first bird pretty quickly did you not tried to he does but he he you watch him and it’s

The same yeah boom boom yeah yeah how how about chokes and shell and point of impacts and things like that were you were you shooting 1 oz oun and E light light I shoot 1 O8 and what I get them 1 o 8 and a halfs okay yeah you know both

Shots no the second shot I I I chase it with a three gam seven and a half okay so you you’re like Ricky you give it the gas on that second shot I shoot the 1250s no I don’t you’re super gas I super gas he’s super gas I want to see

Boom boom I’m not mad that mad at the Target as he is not that mad at but today I did shoot around of doubles practice this morning with justinen seen he was strugging a little bit so everybody’s like what are you doing down

Here and I said Can a guy bring a gun to a practice trap you know but I in the last pair I was like oh I got five handicaps and I got seven lights I’ll just even it out so I put two lights in boom boom and the guy stand goes did you

Shoot a light Shel actually I’m like yeah they break them and he goes then why don’t you do it I said cuz I like speed speed shoot the first one and then Loop to the second one to drive through it just like that great shot shot two great shot we’re just

Trying to help every shooter out there no matter if you’re an expert or a beginner and this product will take your game to the next level works for any of the discipline as long as it can find a clay in the image it will figure out how

It’s moving and how that shot batter is going yeah now in that shot I intentionally shot High which is most person people do that’s what you did yep so outside the pattern now what’s it say for the correction of that one foot yep that’d be correct now on this one I will smoke

The target if people want to purchase this unit what’s the best way to do it I mean is it is it through your guys’s website is there a phone number to call or what’s what’s that situation yeah go to the website and an online store we have we’ll see up usually

Within 24 hours huge thank you to Jim and Bob at tame tech for supporting trap talk how about how about chokes are you shooting um you know light chokes on the first shot tight chokes what do you what do you do there what were you doing 20

20,000 and 25,000 so he’s shooting a a basically a a mod and a light improved mod lightful light mod yeah and Equipment wise were you um shooting the same gun you’re shooting now or what were you shooting back then well back then I I shot a proy okay you know and

Then bing bing bing and then you know after I wore out a couple of prois I started on cers okay you’re a CER guy now yeah for what 30 years now yeah yeah right still got the the first one that’s yeah you know so so so parazzi shot

Those for a while wore them out because of the amount that you shot and then and then into the cers and as far as point of impact and setup has everything been pretty consistent or are you higher now higher then and well with the Coler you

Can you can um bend the barrel up so I shoot a little higher first shot CU I bend the barrel up so I can shoot it a little quicker to you know to the house and then the second one’s flat so you’re just having the barrel bent well are you

Putting I put a tighter you know a number one one thing to bring it up yeah just to y yeah yeah I mean I’ve never really played with hangers much but I mean you would know more about all that stuff yeah like well in the Craig off

Cold they’re pretty I system design I mean I I shoot a pretty much 75 to 80% both barrels yeah both barrels are the same for you mine are both the same but you said you shot a little bit of a higher on your first shot and then a

Little bit flatter on the second shot just so you could let it rip well and he chases a Target just a little bit yeah I’m a little little slow he’s a little slower see I mean he been shooting so much he wore a hip out well that’s why

He’s got to get a hip replacement but I mean you might be a little slower now today but I I remember when I started watching you at the beginning you were pretty damn fast yeah I pretty you know you know he could shoot I remember sitting there watching him at well the

Western gram when it was at Mitchell’s old Club in in Salt Lake one year I threw I was a kid but I did something through my back out and I was supposed to shoot a bunch of marathon with Frank and then Frank was teaching yeah and I

Was going to shoot with scripture and I think you and I think stump was there and uh I know Dean deau was there back in them days and I sat on the literally sat in the chair outside and watch them guys shoot handic double and I just sat there

People like what are you doing I was like I can’t get up at least I can watch what I love to do so yeah I mean as long as you’re having fun you know but yeah that’s and you’ve shot so long now have you you grew up in Houston uh ber

Illinois yeah yeah cuz your dad’s originally from North Plat in Nebraska yeah yeah originally from North Plat and uh I’ve stayed in Illinois until I was at high school okay yeah and a local guy there said if the sun sets on your 18th birthday in home with Illinois you’re a

Lifer I ran like crazy say get that got to go right to Texas right to South Texas it’s not Houston Zach it’s Houston Houston h g Co that’s right now so your son shoots yeah little Charlie LT yeah so uh is he G to he’s not here this week

Someone got to work run the company yeah yeah somebody got to run the company you now he told me a story real quick that you you of course you’ve been with Remington for a long time shop Remington Products that your living room the couch was Remington Flats is that true oh yeah

The front yeah back in back when we were shooting a bunch of you could get shells yeah when I got under got under 200 FL I got nervous and got on the phone and ordered some more under 200 that’s when you get nervous it’s just different world problems everyone has you know we

We get a little light when we’re under like 20 and Charlie’s under 200 200 on the phone ordering more but ELC told me that little Charlie said yeah we had a Remington Flats as our couch in the living room one time and I said well you

Know had a nice place to sit little hard yeah a little hard but so’s the shot baby nice and hard hard that’s what you want Hello trap talk listeners Zack Nini here and I’d like to thank our show sponsor Remington in today I would like

To go into what shells I use when I’m training and when I’m shooting tournaments first of all we start with the gun club this is a great shell I shoot an 1145 oun and 88 and this is what I shoot for singles and both shots of doubles the only reason I don’t shoot

This in tournaments is because I like a little bit of a harder shot a little bit of a harder break but it works great and it’s the same speed as this SCS shell so this SCS shell a little bit harder shot uh figure8 wad column smokes the targets

A little bit harder also I shoot for singles and doubles both shots and then when I go to The Back Fence and I want to put the smoke on them I bring out the Nitro 27 oun in8 7 and a half it’s a 1235 shell blast the targets works

Really well I hope these shells work for you and I want to thank Remington for supporting trap talk so you said not as much practice because you were shooting a ton of targets obviously when you were practicing or when you were shooting those events that you would call practice cuz there

Was thousands of double shot what were you trying to work on to get better what were the things that you were doing either mentally or physically that was bringing your game to the next level well you got to you got to mount the gun the same way every time you know you got

To you got to work on that discipline to you know if it doesn’t feel right take it down and put it back up again you got take you know did you do a lot of gun mounts prior to the events or was it just at the events usually at the

Out there right waiting the squad before I go off by say I mount the gun about 15 times okay make sure it’s going in the right spot you know now did you ever have any coaching by anybody or John Hall just John Hall because now you were fortunate

That the great state of Texas I mean you had John Hall Britt Robinson um well Larry gravin Larry gravestock and I never met Larry I think he had Crosby well of course I shot with Neil Mr handicap and then there was a guy U oh another guy Jim oh Spurlock James Spurlock Jam

Spurlock we had five paren of all-americans every year you know I thought you had to be an all- American get on the Texas State team my first that’s true I mean you you know he was shooting and when especially gravestock and Brit I mean were just hammering

Everywhere yeah you know like when we had you know Jerry Williams on and and and even um uh Jeff Wagner was talking about in North Plat where they used to hold the blue gray shoot you know all them guys and Texas they’d come up to shoot at Kinsley Kansas you know th000

Bill shoot I mean I remember them days you were too young I was too young I I missed it I I I that’s why I love doing the show though because I get to hear about all these stories that I never got to be a part of and it’s kind of cool

But see you’re making new history now well yeah we’re trying that that that when you get Gray beard down the road you can you remember I can remember I said I remember when we had Charlie long he told us how many more doubles he shot

Than us he’s a stud yeah but no in in Texas has produced a ton ofs yeah Rogers I mean Smith yeah Andy Smith and Andy Smith yeah shoot Fisher yeah Mike fer Mike Fisher shot a lot at the Grand with fish he just passed away what two years

Year AG two years ago two years ago you know I remember shooting with a lot of them guys you know and I was fortunate I was young but you know shot with them and and uh uh little Eric ardal little Eric ardal which he’s a doctor now he a

Doctor emergency room doctor up in Willis Texas yeah he was the he was the it’s the only 500 by 500 single Squad I’ve ever been on it was Steven nyen um I think it was Eric me then Jason Booker and Ken Evans oh ken EV

Well Evans R 200 oh he been on like I think he’s been on like four or 500 and he came down to his shot and he mounted the gun and Put the gun down and turned over and looked at everybody says what do you’all pay me to break this target

That’s a fact Booker Booker said a few things took a shell out yeah he said if you miss you’re getting one of the chest but it was and Eric I mean was a phenomenal Junior shooter oh yeah you know then he went off to school and and

I don’t is he shooting at all anymore a little bit but you know that doctor stuff married a couple of kids yeah yeah but he’s doing well oh he’s doing very well so it’s cool though but and that’s the thing you with meet Charlie years

Ago you know in in U Magic Mountain in in Spanish Fork Utah and then meeting your son yeah we’ve had a few fun times with little Charlie we always have especially Texas State shoot one year when his eye got cut open oh yeah by the fence post for Booker yeah Booker Booker

Went to wrestling and LC found out Booker was a professional wrestler Jason kind of threw him and Elsie hit a TST and and we all freaked out we seen blood and he said Is it bad and I said close your eye and he said it is closed

We can see it it cut him more oh it was bad and so Ron Watson brought him back or whatever and and the next day he was out there shooting and I said what are you doing he said dad said I had to shoot that’s right you didn’t cut him

Any slack did you Charlie oh but little char that that’s why we used to have the John Halon at the Grand and that was LC’s little sleeping area Big C said we’re leaving at 10:00 that’s right 10:01 LC come running dad’s not here guess I’m sleeping under the tent again

He kept down John Hall’s tent so don’t miss your deadline yeah now have you enjoyed that I mean you know especially with little Charlie shooting oh yeah I mean yeah well there was a lot of times we went back to the gr we weren’t talking to each other but yeah I did

Enjoy it if it happens I I know I was at with my father to a few times you know and it gets it’s like you know what do I do yeah I mean that went a whole other direction other than trap talk I we’re talking about after hours trap talk

Conversation oh no this is good this is all part of the history of of Charlie yeah W with with your handicap you know obviously 2100 from The Back Fence you know what you’re doing is it very similar to your doubles where you’re doing a rolling start and the

Target or what do you do differently in handicap versus doubles well you know try to keep the gun still until till you see the Target and then then go after it yeah I’ll hold it a little higher gun that at handicap a little wider yeah you

And he can get away with that our listeners understand is I don’t recommend doing it in doubles but it is going the same place so some people kind of but the problem is a lot of people if they do that they they jump over jump so

You it’s just a kind of a slow I don’t but in handicap you’re still yeah got to be still so when you said up how many feet above the house are you in handicapped generally oh just probably a little bit below horizontal okay you know I’m not horizontal I’m a little bit

Down down lower I I just don’t want the bird to go under my gun I want it when it goes out it go goes over the top so you’re still waiting for it to break the plane of the gun it’s still getting up above the top of your gun and then

You’re chasing it down but you’re getting it up off of that flash Zone you’re getting it past that point yeah trying to yeah and then just attacking it he’s trying to keep the same whole point as some of his squadmates because they were you know a little on the

Vertically challenge you know Ed winking John Hof yeah yeah would you say there was a most important thing that you would tell the listeners for in shooting handicap that’s been helpful for you just practice you shoot them you got to have confidence you got to know that you’re

Going to break the next Target yeah you know just practice you know and you know if you and if you get scared of a Target or scared of a post you need to spend a lot of time on that post shooting until you get over it you know and that’s a

Nice thing we’ve talked about multiple times about the pat traps now compared to you you do the handsets you couldn’t you had to go an post one with a flat of shells Hing you get 20 left angles or something well now sh five shots okay

You’re good yeah I I I I want to spend a second on that it’s it’s the anticipation or the fear of a bird that causes a lot of people to miss I mean if you know you’re walking over to one and you’re missing on one all the time and

Your your head’s there walking over there it’s not going to generally be good until you get that fix at some point and you you you’d go fix it you you want to break that Target so bad that you’ll Peak and you don’t have to

Lift your head all you got to do is roll your eye up a little bit see that’s what I was discussing with a student the other day here is I said just because your head’s still down if you do this it’s still there but it’s it’s left the

Pressure up so so that anticipation I think that’s important you said let’s just call it post one in the hard left yeah it comes out you’re worried about it you’ll say that Shooters have a tendency to Peak a little bit yeah you know to see where they’re shooting you

Know and stuff like that you know but you got to know that you’re going to break the target you got to have confidence you’re going to go break the Target and then go break to Target it’s a good way of thinking about pretty salty pretty he’s a salty guy

He’s got all kinds of Charly yeah I mean go break the you know where was your favorite place to shoot in all the years and all the places well you got to say The Grand American both velia and and now and now spart is getting some history and stuff like that

And after that the Golden West Grand would be the be the second place that you know mainly because you wanton all those gold coin buckles right well you have that and uh you know there’s a lot of activity in town after you get done shooting activities activities I love activities

Activities Zach is the professional that activ I have a professional activity Jour that’s right see you know it was a fun town to go to shooting yeah yeah that’s and that was one thing I missed out on and and and you know I wish I could have went now looking it’s like

Cuz I you know the gold coins I mean I was fortunate to I’ve been to California a few times on a few trips and Atascadero the mud it was a Mudslide 400 I won that one year did you ever go to Santa Maria for the never went to Santa

Maria for the Santa Maria for the 400 but I went to tasad with car and py that time and I shot with the curtain um f Don and Don Jun Don and Don Jun Cur and and they were like what post you want I’m like man you’re all Squad I’ll shoot

Whatever and I shot post two I break the first 25 I break the second 25 and they’re looking at me like and I was like what no another got over the third box let one slide I was like and all I remember is Don senior coming over he’s

Like hey get this last trap and I was like yep and I broke the last 25 and I was like cool they were like you just hit the wrap around 50 and I go you said what you said you said first 50 second

50 3D 50 I go what the r four and I was like what oh you had been broken a while and that paid like three or 3500 I was like yeah yeah activity time but I I won some gold coins there and then in car Michaels in Vegas I won several there

And you know so I was in part of a little the history but in 23 here we have done 37 State shoot seven of the 11 uh satellite Grant and almost there so we now have uh I think it’s 241 242 clubs across the country using our

System if a club was wanting to use you do you have like a base entry level pricing or packages that you advertise or is it based on the size of the shoots Greg our base level price is zero our complete package system you know the whole enchilada is zero zero is a good

Price price good yeah good the premium members do not pay a presquad fee ever for all year all year can I buy a lifetime membership absolutely I want to be number one we want we want life type memberships for me and Ricky I mean when you were shooting in the

70s I mean what do you see different from shooting the 70s and 80s to shooting an all in 2023 I mean I know the common answer is always shells are better and guns but the the difference is the we shot over handset traps you know and you had to be

A you know a little more more patient and everything but today the the thing of it is is is all these young kids are kicking our butts now you know I mean they weren’t kicking our butts back in the 70s you know but they are now yeah

You know and I I do that suppose that to uh the equipment and the shells and the Ava availability of information that they can they can get classes and stuff yeah cuz I know back in the day when I started shooting in 88 I took a lesson from Frank Hy yeah yeah

Frank you know and then I was fortunate to travel with him so that really expanded my game and then also got to travel with Leo too with in there which I do a lot of talking now as everybody knows but back then I just sat in the I

Remember sitting in the back of Leo’s van driving yeah I wasn’t sh but I was like smart I’m like I’m just going to and I would ask a few little it wasn’t a lot about shooting but just stuff and it was you just learned and then we’d be shooting and you know

I’d do something and you know Frank would say hey I’m like oh yeah okay or you I was shoo with Leo he’s like hey Rick you I remember Southwest Grant this is back 2005 six or whatever shooting the doubles I moved I missed one next one I

Moved and I hit it and Leo didn’t even shoot and I looked over he said quit moving your gun and I was like thanks bigel I run him out broke 99 won the doubles and I felt I was like why did you and he goes well that’s what you’re

Doing I don’t we were we were friends squadmates we want each other to win and it’s like today we’re shooting in Justin I don’t know if you saw it Zach yeah Justin was stopping his gun on the first 50 so I turned over and I said hey move

Your gun then I broke my last paay for 50 on the first 50 someone back there goes what are you do and I’m like help I mean I could see it out of the corner of my eyes so I’m like well I don’t want to think about that I’m just going to say

Hey do move on WE we’ll send him the bill in the mail yeah checks in the mail that’s Bard’s line but no and that’s the one thing is now the information is I mean we get it all the time we’re try trying to bring more information I mean

Obviously you’ve got some people that are writing articles on trap and field you’ve got some people that have done some YouTube stuff now you know we’ve got these podcasts where we’re interviewing and trying to compile information but the thing that I’m concerned about is I don’t want to lose

The history of trap shooting you it’s important to document the road of you know what people were doing then what was going on and there’s obvious some some some big changes but you know the one thing that I really loved about then and I don’t see a way of this getting

Back until there’s just a lot more money but but you know a lot of the gold and the silver and the stuff that you guys shot for back then but it was readily available but I mean and when we did Jimmy heler he pulled out his book and

His all these gold coins that he had won and I’m sure you’ve got you know piles of it you know when was the last time you went to a car shoot car Michaels yeah and I won last one I mean you they used to be they used to be three four years yeah

Back in the 70s stuff like that yeah the last one car Michaels Car shoot you know and I won and I won the long yardage deal then we shot off to get see who got first pick or whatever and I I was second a kid from California and I can’t remember his

Name he he won and he chose the red one and I got a white white and then the guy that was third took the blue and I drove it right down to Henderson Chevrolet and sold it I fig You’ have drove it home you know nothing it was a geom Metro

Zack those are nice the size that me and you put together right now same we were over on the weight load yeah I drive this thing Tom Buckman was foll me going he called me goes what are you doing I go what he goes you’re all over the road

I said every time I take my one hand off the to answer the phone it probably looked as bad as your golf cart going down in the range today the same about the same sidey yeah so yeah that’s the the information stuff in what we’re doing like Zach said and touched on with

The history trying to to interview all the greats the legends of shooting and and the upand cominging shooters people in the business just to document so there is more information out there yeah you know that is a good and it does help a lot of people because I teach classes

Private groups corporate stuff all over the country and sometimes people just can’t so they listen some this oh they get a little tidbit here and there tidbits are good we love tidbits that and free plugs yeah but so so Charlie you know you you’ve done it all you’ve

Been around you’ve got more targets than anybody else what knowledge or information would you want to give to newer shooters or even shooters that have been around I mean what do you think’s good advice that you would leave to other folks well you know you’re a new shooter and you come into a

Gun club and everybody’s in a and AA and and up in there you know you got to have a thick skin you know I mean you’re out there shooting 18s and 19s and stuff and you know you just got to understand it’s going to take you a while you know

You’re not going to be a doublea shooter right away yeah you you got to got to be persistent got to work at it got to work at it you got to more work you put in it you know better results you get you know that’s always been my line what you put

In is what you’ll get out you know you were always the guy that believed in more though I mean it wasn’t I mean if you look at your stuff I mean you were the kind of the guy where if you had an issue you just go and you know get a

Pallet of shells I’m over there with you know a box of shells and you got a pallet and you just wh wh you know but but obviously you had success with that well yeah you know say your shotgun you shoot it up against the wall you got all

Kinds of pellets there in that godd dang wall right there the same thing is there you know if you go to enough shoots all the things you’re going to win something the more opportunities you give yourself the better chance you got to do it so how do you take the shotgun approach so

I go to all these shoots and you go to a lot of places give yourself a lot of opportunities got a I got a map on the on the wall behind my off thing I got a red pen every where I’ve where I’ve registered targets and looks like I’ve

You know so where where haven’t you shot well I haven’t been up in the in the north northwest or New England yet but you know you know haven’t been to Nebraska but had been back to Nebraska yet but yeah but I mean looking at the map it’s probably just looks like all

Red dots all over yeah that’s got to work yeah yeah I mean that’s okay though you did your part now it’s his turn it’s a hand off understand that you got to you got to work yeah no more Bud Lights for you no sure hello trap talk listeners

Today’s episode is brought to you by winning custom gunstocks that being said a custom Gunstock is going to elevate your game get the same fit every single time and I can attest to that I broke hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hundreds with my winning custom guns stck I haven’t broke hundreds and

Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds RI but I had did break uh 100 from the 27 within seven days of getting my stock and broke two more that year and loved it here you take it or me we’d like to thank wi and custom gun stocks for supporting trap talking that being said

Everyone knows winers shoot winning are we doing the end work at this stage in your game what are your goals what are you trying to accomplish now I mean is it just having fun and seeing everybody or what do you what do you work on try

To get better you know or try to stay as good but it’s not happening but uh you know it’s still seeing all the people you know and and there’s getting to be less and less of US every year that is true you know and and and you know and like I told you

Know said uh when it’s no longer fun I’ll quit it’s still fun I mean obious 1.2 million Targets later it’s still coming I mean still shoots more than anyone I know I mean yeah yeah yeah which is always good I mean it’s it’s it’s fun when you love something and

You’re surrounded by good people and you get to do it and you know it’s just it’s a blessing yeah i’ love to do it now where are you going to when’s going to be your next shoot after this probably back here at the spring Grand at the

Spring Grand you’ll be you’ll be good and healed up should be better be doesn’t take I mean hip is all it’s my dad’s had both done mine too yeah yeah and it’s the best thing ever this is the first time yeah first yeah you know you’ll be back leaning in doubles again

Once you get this thing yeah well like I said like I say you know come to a trap shoot and only thing I could shoots the doubles cuz I don’t have to walk as far don’t have to mount the gun as many times so I’m shooting all three doubles that’s right

Yeah is there there any other stories that you’d like to share with us from the past before we get out of here today I don’t you know shoot you got a lot of them I know yeah there’s most of them most of them involve alcohol so can’t really bring them

Up it’s okay you’re you’re an adult we know but yeah anything we’re missing wck I don’t think so I mean this has been a great episode uh since I’ve been shooting for 36 years now I mean I’ve always watched Charlie shoot seen him shoot tons of marathon targets and just

How consistent he is with breaking doubles and and even you know I remember the Heartland Grant here just a few years ago you won the singles championship and some guys said Charlie won the singles I said well he can shoot singles too it’s just one target at a time

Instead of two you know but much press yeah but you’ve won so much and I mean the the sport knows you everybody knows who you are and it’s just been a privilege to have you on the show well appreciate thank you guys is there is there anyone you’d like to thank either

Sponsors or family members or anything before we got out here well you know like I said John Hall was my mentor and yeah and I had so much fun traveling with John the stump hoflin yeah over these years he got me in more trouble than I can

Count you know but it’s all in good fun well that’s good but you know um we’d like to thank our show sponsors uh Remington winning stockworks shot tracker RM shooting clinics he’s staying busy guys and if you need a financial guy Zach need At Your Service so we

Really appreciate you listening on this Friday and we’ll see you next week see you thank you for for coming Char thank you thank that was awesome buddy okay thank you guys be good perf and the trap Talk podcast is brought to you in part by RM shooting clinics have Ricky take

Your game to the next level if you want to shoot hundreds of hundreds of hundreds give Ricky a call today Zach Nini Financial we believe in putting people First [Applause] oh


  1. Never actually been to Houston, but from what I've heard, if you're acclimated to there, summertime Sparta should feel like home.

  2. Thanks for the great content this year guys. You have inspired me to get an ATA card after all these years. Merry Christmas to you and yours and keep up the great work. 🎄

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