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Notre Dame football show: Denbrock news official | Sun Bowl preview | Steve Angeli time

Blue & Gold’s Mike Singer and Tim Hyde discuss the latest Notre Dame Fighting Irish football and recruiting topics.

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Notre Dame football show: Denbrock news official | Sun Bowl preview | Steve Angeli time

#notredame #GoIrish

Well what is going on Notre Dame fans Mike singer in Tim Hyde live on a Wednesday it is December member 27th um and we are uh live to you right at 8:00 pm eastern time hope you all are doing well hope you had a Merry Christmas um and have a great um

Upcoming um New Year um and uh yeah just hoping that you’re having a very happy holiday season and of course in the midst of this holiday season is a Notre Dame bowl game sunbowl December 29th uh 2 pm eastern time that’s a CBS game I believe um so looking forward to that game

Tim I know uh we’re we’re both kind of feeling it right now we’re both a little exhausted just from from the holiday season but uh hanging in there my friend oh yeah I mean seriously this is um I know hey to everyone chatting with us tonight watching thank you a ton um I

Told you this earlier and uh which it’s like my God today is Wednesday holy moly you know that Christmas on Monday messes up the whole week but uh no I’m excited I’m excited to talk about this game I’m excited for the game I’m excited to get

Home Mike lay on the couch as I told you you got to watch little USC Louisville I have no idea who I want to win that game I just wantan to hopefully it’s a good fourth quarter game I’m G be going back and forth watching A&M I’m actually uh

Curious to see who’s playing for A&M that’s gonna be on the team next year because they have had I mean people talk about the Notre Dame opt outs I know Oregon State’s had a handful Mike there are some teams in like 20 20 there’s there’s some programs of 20s something

Players so you better recruit I know we talk about portal we talk about all these things but as Marcus Freeman even harped on on signing day it’s still about recruiting it’s still about high school games and that’s really what these bowl games are turning into is who’s recruiting at an elite level and

Who’s got the guys ready to go on to the next season if you’re not in the playoffs so it’s uh it’s wild so but but I’m looking forward to Friday yeah Terry says hit the like for the crew folks please do that hit the thumbs up on this video if you’re watching on

YouTube subscribe to the channel if you are new here um of course is your home for all things Notre Dame um Athletics you can um join our blue and gold family with this special offer use the promo code UND D1 uh if you’re a new subscriber and

That’ll get you two months of access for just a buck so head to Blue and and check that out I have a couple of sort of related notes Tim uh on Monday I am going to San Antonio for the All-American Bowl will’ll be there all week really looking forward to

That can you believe we’re starting to see lots of opt outs for the postseason America bowl that thing is starting to die down a little bit I mean There is seriously players who have been committed to the game for a long time opting out um I just got a text today

One of the top quarterbacks in the game is not expected to play another player is not expected to play is gerby Lambert not an opt out it’s an injury uh he had a a minor I believe it was a KNE thing um so really just didn’t want to was

More precautionary which makes absolute sense um but yeah the opt outs things then how about this Tim how about Notre Dame resigning with Under Armour right do you know how many Notre Dame players are in the Under Armor All America game in Orlando guess Mike Mike I I forgot all

About that game I mean that’s been an ESPN game it’s almost like 90% of that uh that game over the years has just turned into SEC ACC signy so to speak but uh oh there’s got to be zero I’m assuming right zero Tim zero yes yeah

It’s like an ESPN game but still the underarm All American game you think they would have Notre Dame guys in there but uh so you got the Underarmor game Notre Dame ties the the game on NBC you know they always get Notre Dame guys in there only four playing in that

This year with with gerby out which I think it was like 10 last year and like 12 the year before um so kind of wild to me like Micah Gilbert anas Williams Tay Johnson some of these high-profile notame SES not invited to uh into the allstar games it’s fascinating Gilbert I

Mean they’re redoing the Army one yeah so he played the army game but that was like some weird streaming service I which I had no idea I’m just reading about that on the The Message Board I think someone had posted uh last week and I was like oh my God I forgot about

That so re real quick on the opt outs um on the allstar game I played in I was in the all Los Angeles County game a couple years ago when I couple years couple years ago and uh obviously it was awesome honor to get called out name all that good stuff run

Out front of the crowd and um but man Mike there you know probably a reason why this may fade away is almost half of everyone that Signs Now is an early and rolly so it’s like do you you I you know and it also goes back to 99%

Of these freshmen are they even going to play as freshman right so it’s odd um it I’ve never been a big fan of of the recruiting service he’s even using as part as the recruiting Because it’s new coaches new scheme I know a few uh SoCal

Coaches that have coached in it and it’s just a makeshift yeah it’s I think it but it’s gonna drift away I think pretty soon I’m would be surprised yeah to your point about the you you don’t like the the service using for rankings I I’ve

Never got the sense that the game is a big deal it’s much more the practices because you can see like Tim a one-on-one receiver DB I mean that’s got nothing to do with scheme that is all man versus man there um but and uh I’m definitely looking

Forward to seeing kind of the Fallout to the these postseason All-Star games because I mean I’ve this will be my third straight year going to San Antonio one I’ve been going to the um Under Armour one um I’m not I hav in the past couple years but you know throughout the

The 2010s I I I don’t know I’ve been to five or six of you know during the week I think even a couple times I I I went to under for a couple days then fill out to San Antonio so they’re cool but it’s going to be interesting to see if that’s

Kind of a side effect to everyone’s opting out these days you remember like Christian mcaffry was that first big opt out where at least that I remember um that then it just started started it was obviously the Jaylen Smith injuries all these you know High start thinking about

It but uh you know before we get our topics and all the people listening uh probably I mean they don’t even do I I remember when it was huge like the opening they don’t do the when did they get rid of that I mean boom I totally forgot about that that used

Massive event how many Notre Dame recruits how many offers are going to be there used to read about and check in on the it’s funny Mike I’ve been down in the basement the last couple days cleaning out uh my football office and got the whole stack of blue and Golds

And I came across one of the the the one from 2008 there’s like 15 Notre Dame guys on the cover of the of the blue and gold Illustrated back from the Army day back in the hey day so yeah it stinks how some of these have drifted away but

A lot of the competitions have drifted away as well it’s like all there is now is the Elite 11 because you don’t about you know nothing you know everyone’s got their private seven on seven teams and yeah all these travel teams that’s what it’s morphed into as the opening and

These other big events have have just Fallen away yeah the opening went away I think postco for whatever reason that just didn’t start up there’s still the Elite 11 camps like I mean I went to my first Rivals Camp when I was 19 years old I was basically the recruits age

When I started at Rivals and that was a huge deal that’s kind of faded away there there’s a saturation with all of these kind of offseason deals but also I think it’s just kind of lost its luster um you don’t need all the exposure anymore from those camps

Because you know you’re just it’s so much easier to pop off a side note before we dive into Today’s Show Tim uh Stephen said Mike let me know if you’re free to hang out um at at Squire Tavern um so when I uh I got invited by the

Notre Dame Club of San Antonio when I was there last year me and a few other Notre Dame reporters which was really cool and a side note you know I’ve been living in Atlanta for a few years cover Notre Dame football recruiting Notre Dame Club of Atlanta what the hell are

You doing well I mean what are you doing we’re I’ve emailed them twice because I’m on their email list and they had another Notre name reporter you know do a zoom call with them thinking to myself I’m I’m down the street what the hell are you doing so Notre Dame Club of

Atlanta what are you doing all right anyways um we did a video Tim that popped off on Friday got like 20,000 views which is not bad for us Mr Hyde we’ll take that DEC yeah especially the end of December you know yes who’s Mike Den Brock um the news breaking that he’s

Becoming Notre Dame’s offensive coordinator and then the news became official uh what 1:00 or so eastern time Notre Dame tweeted it out welcome back to Notre Dame coach Den Brock and there is that old gray hair factor that you’ll love to see and uh part of Freeman’s

Quote on Den Brock was Mike is an elite coach across the board he is a great leader recruiter and developer but what I love most is his competitive Spirit some that competitive spirit’s something that Freeman loved to talk about so I’m sure Tim as you’ve been in the basement

For a couple days you know just reading you know blue and gold you probably read a decades worth of blue and gold Illustrated magazines and you know watched film from the some 2005 game or you know something whatever you do Tim so as you’ve been able to reflect some

On this Den Brock K what are you thinking right now ex I mean it’s exciting it’s um it’s funny because you know the greatest invention outside of um what’s that sourdough bread I guess but it’s like what is is a YouTube I mean you go on Mr

YouTube and you find out whatever you want you type in M Mike Den Brock found a ton of old videos from 1415 which Speaking of calling out Mike when is the Notre Dame media team gonna go back to what they used to do I mean they used to

Be training camp we used to get videos unbelievable film coaches interviews back during those early Kelly days and everything changed so they need to go back and rewatch some of the Jack Nolan interviews and I saw a bunch of those with Mike Den Brock but uh no it it was

It’s exciting because of people are excited still about you know Freeman you know some ups and downs here and there in the first two years but going back to what I said last year it’s almost like a little mini reboot and he’s got an experienced you know head coach on the D

You got this veteran on the offense that’s been around he’s been and he’s going to be what it’s going to be his 10th year 11th year when you combine all the years you know with Notre Dame which is unbelievable like I mentioned last week great recruiter actually believe it

Or not Mike I looked into some old blue and Golds and and there’s some bunch of California guys you always see Den Brock sprinkled in there back in the back in his tenure and whatnot so but it’s exciting and just just you know what and I started thinking about and one of the

Things I said in that video which you know Rings true to me is is following what he’s done from 17 to 20 you know 23 what he did at Notre Dame and things of that nature that’s great but he was on his own for for these years and I went

Back and looked at Cincinnati numbers because I’m like okay where were they well holy moly he took over an offense that was 99th the year before he got there he went to 101 after his first year he had the 101st ranked offense after his first year at Cincinnati obviously they’re rebuilding all those

Good things his last year Mike they finished is 13 so you got a team you got a a coach same with Marcus Freeman obviously in the defense that whole building people always talk about oh wise Freeman hiring his buddies that’s why you got all these Cincinnati guys

That have been there were at Rock Bottom took him to the playoffs and when you just look at Mike denrock you go from 101 to 13 you know and as you know in recruiting he’s not out there getting the cream of the crop out of Ohio they’re getting all those middle of the

Road guys those guys you got to develop scheme around things of that nature so that was something that was really exciting and um and just a real quick little stat this is something I thought about today sitting at home is obviously Notre Dame with Freeman and golden the

Last years they’ve been unbelievable on with past defense Notre Dame’s only given up five 290 yard games passing in in the last three years only five I mean the majority of teams aren’t even getting 200 and one of those five is is Desmond Ritter in 2001 so so I found

That interesting just few numbers out there but overall Den Brook’s got experience and he’s proven that obviously in his two years at LSU I need a yes or no answer from you on this one because I have another question for you when you were coaching in Southern

California did Den Brock ever like come to your school to meet with you yes I’ve met him a handful of times yes yes or no okay now now with that in mind when you you’ve talked to me right I wasn’t covering an Notre D when he was here last

So you’ve been telling me about how good of a West Coast recruiter is and I’m looking he’s from Homer Michigan let’s look at his coaching C Grand Valley State Michigan State Illinois I mean Stanford for a year Washington for a few years but otherwise it’s it’s like what 75 80%

Midwest um curious like thoughts on why he’s had so much success as it was West Coast recruiter maybe that time with Washington in the year in Stanford you know he really built some strong connections out there but it just seems interesting that you know that he’s connected so well you know recruiting

Out there no EXA exactly I mean same thing with you know another great one is guys will know obviously Brian poan the same thing poan you know Midwestern guy but he’s for whatever reason a West Coast Hawaii guy and den Brock just you know sometimes that’s just who you are

In recruiting you know and he did that a lot in his first stent with Willingham and then the early Kelly years he was he was the California guy and we always laugh about Fresno obviously on the board because name struck out a ton with Fresno guys but Den Brock’s the one that

Was in there building those relationships but uh and the same thing all throughout Southern California it’s number one he’s very personable he’s easy to get along with easy to talk with there’s some coaches hey who do you got give you high five and leave they got 16

Other trips to do Den Brock will literally sit down and talk football with you for an hour because I don’t have to go there till there and he’ll sit around and chat I think that’s just his personality in recruiting in general the few times I’ve been around him but uh

That’s a great question Mike because he’s from the middle of nowhere Michigan he’s got all these other stops and who would have thought some you know assistant at Grand Valley State has connections all throughout California but I think that’s just him as a person as a type of Coach he is and the

Communicator he is is outstanding had great success yeah yeah good stuff we’re going to hear from our sponsors the Rogue shop the husband and wife outfit Mr Rogue um and his wife sh are craft cannabis farmers who specialize in small batch sustainable plant medicine a true holistic type of small business that

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Right now um I don’t know if you read my expert reaction piece I talked to a few guys at on three I believe I had you in there as well Tim from the video we did but Charles power really dove into that everyone’s favorite quarterback Guru at

On three um you know he talked about you know hey Ritter and Daniels he had more time to develop those guys Leonard it’s it’s you know it’s just the one season so I am interested to kind of see what you think about how Leonard and and den Brock might

Fit I think they’re going to fit outstanding I you just going back to that 17 2017 the 23 window that Den Brocks had and yeah you got Desmond Ritter and then you got you know Mr Daniels the Heisman winner but Ritter was also in the top 10 in Heisman so you

Look at the last two quarterbacks he’s had they’ve been top 10 Heisman finalists you know obviously you have a winner I found that I found that interesting no I mean Notre Dames only had what two two quarterbacks well Tony Rice is a runner but two passing quarterbacks and Brady Quinn and he in

Book with top 10 votes since Tim Brown last went I found that fascinating it’s been so long going back to that Notre Dame fan base starving for offense for an elite quarterback but um I think he’s G to do outstanding because let’s remember they’re getting Riley Leonard

Right if Howard cross Mike if Howard Cross isn’t land on his ankle and he’s beat up and high ankle spraying is he gone does he have a 22 and a 23 season back to back type of seasons in a way that boom he’s gonna go I’ll be a second

Round pick a third round pick I’ll go develop next Sam how was that he’s not I mean Sam H is outstanding but Desmond Rutter played you got so many quarterbacks in the NFL I think watching the games this weekend 50 someone could quote me on this but 48 or 52 starting

Quarterbacks have started in the NFL this year it’s got to be in the 50s that’s insane how many quarterbacks have played this year started a game so I’m sure there’s a team out there and take Riley Leonard at a heartbeat so they’re getting a they’re getting a pretty good

Football player Gonna Be Ready To Roll I’m sure Den Brock’s got an unbelievable system for the athlete and all you have to do is go back and watch some of the film I mean Daniels and and you’re right you know your point real quick let me get to that

Is had two years with Daniels but Daniels was horrible when he came to LSU horrible 10 touchdowns 10 picks and then he ends up this year 40 touchdowns four picks just in quick two years so it’s gonna speed up the process but the type of athlete R Riley Leonard is I think

He’s gonna excel in that because he’s already a high Echelon athlete potential so hopefully um he thrives on that thing and gets ready to roll John mentions manai yeah so talking about Heisman winner or he and finals on off yeah quarterback quarterback yeah but uh yeah

Manai of course over on defense did that a little over a decade ago forgot to pop this up uh Chef Terry Lee Thomas Senor says hey guys I believe CJ will start against Texas A&M and unfortunately Angeli will transfer um I I don’t know

We’ll see if you go one for two there I don’t think you’re gon to get both of those things correct we’ll see if you go one for two uh but uh Mr Chef Terry Lee Thomas senior that name is that mouthful really appreciate your $10 Super Chat my

Friend hope you are well uh so let’s get into the sunbow depth chart for Notre Dame this team’s going to look a lot hell of a lot different than um you know the team that we saw against Stanford quarterback we got uh Steve angelli uh backed up by Kenny minchi

Know CJ Carr in the game folks he is practicing with the team due to some weird NCAA rule that I cannot not believe exists um but he is only allowed to practice and not play in the game running back you got Jeremiah Love and jarian price at the top uh probably in

That order as well and then uh jabran Payne and Devon Ford we’ll probably see a little bit as well starting receivers uh you got Jaden Thomas uh Jaden great house there’s your wide guys and then Jordan Faison in the slots we’ll also see Dion KY Matt Sal

And KK Smith there’s your six healthy wide receivers in the game really good to see KK Smith back and Dion KY now um the bowl game does not count towards your ability to red shirt so KY I think has played in four games so he can still

Play in this game and keep his richer which is great three healthy tight ends in the game Eli RAR and Cooper Flanigan and Davis Sherwood really looking forward to seeing what Eli raran can do and then quickly Tim um the offensive line no real surprises here from left to

Right Charles Jaga Pat cougan Ashton Craig Billy schra and uh it does look like Tosh Baker is going to start at right tackle over Emil Wagner so any surprises here on the offensive side of the ball any takeaways on looking at this Tim uh no I mean there’s no surprises

It’s it’s a it’s a good it’s a good group of running backs that’s uh I mean estim obviously had a heck of a year All America second team consensus allamerican but we all love some of those running backs and that’s what’s cool about you know a game like this I

Guess the way the system is nowadays where it’s you know 15 practices and you get your spring game which is the bowl game now but it’s also like we keep mentioning the how how you recruit because yeah I mean let’s be honest this is a a kickoff for 2024 the majority I

Mean look at all these guys you’ve just listened on offense they’re all coming back so none of the I mean these this is the 2024 offense outside of you know the quarterback but if Riley Leonard’s belt buckle breaks who’s going to be the quarterback velli goes out throws for

275 couple touchdowns moves the offense up and down puts up 28 31 points boom you know you could count on him next year so you know this is a big game I think for that but as far as depth chart the biggie is is um is the right tackle

The fact that Tosh Baker beat out ail Wagner it’s funny mentioned film Mike because you know I do like film I actually laid on the couch last night and rewatched just the offense the 2021 Purdue game of course you did I’m liter I was gonna send you and gouls be a tech

Shot and I was like oh man they’ll just laugh at me I did I rewatched Tosh Baker’s first start and um but he went against the carard ofus guy the guy was freak from Purdue and held his own all game long just he’s so I mean as you

Know I mean you’ve met Tosh he’s huge he’s a mountain of a man he doesn’t have the greatest feet and all but if he gets his hands on you he’s going to ride you out and he did that a ton in that for du game so if he gets his huge frame out

There on the edge you know I’m I’m looking forward to him having a good game and obviously big Charles on the left side is just awesome I listened to Gino guli’s press conference today and one of reporters asked him about Charles and just the way he lit up like he said

The thing he’s he’s large and he’s got a big brain and picks everything up so quick so that was really cool that they um they think that highly of him to start him as a true freshman so that’s that’s really exciting but overall depth chart nothing surprising other than

Really excited to see some of these guys I mean you go all those wide receivers hope it sounds like they’re all healthy no hamstrings and then you get a KK Smith we haven’t seen all season we really haven’t seen KY it feels like since Navy so it’s been a long time so

It’ll be nice to get this good group out there and obviously the the headliner is really Stephen jelly which is exciting to see what he’s goingon to do in this football game I still push back on the like this is the 2024 offense like it’s

Going to be a lot of the same names but you develop in an off season and then um I mean you and you bring in new receivers I mean they’re going to bring in they already got two committed and they’re probably going to get a third

I’m really interested to see if they go get a portal tackle I don’t know if they need one Tim if they if they love Jag like I know they do yeah then do I guess it’s really how much do you believe in Tosh Baker SL Wagner for for right tackle and I guess

And if how comfortable they are for Jaga I hope that this sunbowl is a little bit of a try out for that you know because Angeli did not get that Angeli did not get that at the quarterback spot they feel like they know what they have and and

Jelly if they were maybe unsure they would have waited but you can’t really do that in the quarterback transfer portal market right you do kind of have to move early but anyways offensive tackle um The Tackle yeah yeah you know when I say it is the 20 it’s it’s the

Body the Personnel these guys are gonna make it make up the playing time sure they got a couple portable wide receivers but you know Collins is a another KY another Jaden Thomas type guy he’s not a he’s not a Blazer and whatnot highly competitive kid who’s played really good football Clemson Mitchell

He’s coming from FIU his film looks electric and things of that nature but it’s Florida International the now fighting against A&M press coverage a different world so and great house is gonna play We Know Faison’s gonna play a ton you know obviously uh KK Smith who they’re raving about the new freshman

Coming in in the past have never been I mean the Freshman had to play this year because they had to play there was no other wide receivers so I’m sure one or two of the this group is going to have to play again next year because of dep

Chart but yeah the offensive Line’s the most exciting thing Mike because you’re right if Baker goes out there and and Charles has a good game on the left side you’re set because the interior is ready to roll Rocco comes back ad them and gives them more depth so the interior is

Set Craig is outstanding football player you know Pat hugan to started every single game this year so and then obviously you got Billy shra going into his second straight start and he had a heck of a game against uh Stanford at the end of the season so this Old Line

Could solidify itself moving into spring and that’s what’s ni on Friday I wrote an article like my superlatives for the 2024 class there’s just kind of a fun article I put together for the 2022 class as I went back and and read that one that’s PR’s

Article I I put Ashton Craig as my Hidden Gem because six months before he signed with Notre D he had like just a couple power five offers then he kind of blows up in the summer going into senior season and Ashton Craig we saw him at the All-American Bowl kind of struggled

And he has really come along ashon Craig good-looking offensive lineman I think he’s going to be a three-year starter you know two threee starter for Notre Dame he’s he’s an impressive player we’re gonna go to the defensive side of the ball Tim I don’t feel like this one

Is there’s not a ton to break down here but Jordan patelo uh we’re see bubacar tayori talking about the the whole red shirt deal he can play in this game he’s played four games but he can play in this one not burn a red shirt Junior toad Viper three technique defensive

Tackle you’ll have Mills Ane hinish nose tackle cross Rubio as well as hinish so I mean really not any changes here uh strong s end same stuff jjb Burnham Tori I mean will linebacker Kaiser Mike linebacker burran no Leah F in this game we’ll we’ll see more Jaylen

Sneed and then corner you know no cam Hart we’ll see more Jaden Mickey and Christian Gray as expected and then Notre name we’ll also have Ben Morrison Clarence Lewis and chance Tucker and then safety DJ Brown Xavier Watson Ramone Henderson but yeah nothing this all looked right no I mean just yeah I

Mean a couple obviously Harper opt and out but Clarence Lewis is a vet I mean Clarence Lewis was a starting freshman Corner against Alabama so I think him playing in the sunow he’ll he’ll rise up and you know playing he’s guy started tons of games so he’s a you know piece

Of cake to move in there at nickel Mickey had an unbelievable end of the season when he got in there in games and highly competitive football player Christian Gray we all think is the next Notre Dame All-American to replace you know Morrison when he leaves after a

Year so expecting him and then going back to the press conference I was listening to Al goldin’s and I kind of like how he he talked about Josh Burnham sounds like they’re gonna keep which I thought going all the way back to the Navy game and then uh the Tennessee game

He played with his hand in the ground all year long so they’re gonna make him a strongside defensive end which I like they just think he’s so big he’s gonna just keep growing so I found that exciting and then in their base are actually going to have Kaiser play the

Rover and then Sneed will be the will and then when they go to Nickel Kaiser and Sneed will rotate at the will I found that interesting so and then just lastly on D is um I hope I hope we get to see Bowen a little bit rotate a

Little bit depending how the game goes JD is obviously the ultimate veteran play caller all those things so hopefully Bowen gets in there gets his feet wet and get some of that experience before they head into the winter conditioning when uh you know Assa from

St John BOS shows up and that’s going to be War at Mike backer the competition how I’m just trying to think here how many of these guys have no eligibility left and are playing in this game it’s not many man just like last year year before this whole thing like

Nowadays if you’re not playing a a big important bowl game which there not really many of those anymore maybe New Year six in the playoff games that’s about it like now if you’re not playing in one of those games and you don’t have eligibility past the season just stopped out so DJ brown

Brown Kaiser is coming back um Baptist I mean FRS coming back which is huge yeah so and I think that’s really it so shout out to those guys for for playing in the game yeah Devin Ford now he could come back I believe he has a

Year left he has a covid year he can come back can he I don’t know if he will yeah exactly I mean I which man that’s gonna be a topic for conversation down the road when these two freshman come in here there’s gonna be six running backs

So I just have a hard time seeing Devon Ford stand if he for a one year what you what are you gonna do man he’s already got a Penn State he came from Penn State right Deon for yeah he’s already got a Penn State degree once you know I would

Have a hard time seeing him playing because I would guess not would want to invest more in kedin and anas I agree but age you know he can’t come back he had a role he was a special teams demon this year he was all over the place on

Special teams um so that was you know but but you’re right there’s not a lot of Elder Statesmen playing in this game and Kudos are the ones that are playing and especially Baptist Baptist was just like I saw this press conference a week ago on campus and he’s like just another

Opportunity plays everyone’s got their own reasons my reason is I want to play I got I just want to just put more film out there and I just thought that was was awesome love it because he was a backup for five years he was a role

Player at Ohio State so he’s he just wants more film and I I I like that very stunned real quick I’m very stunned JD’s playing because he has an All-Star Game in bite he’s had some concussions and whatnot so so that one surprise me but I am very excited obviously he’s playing

To me those are the guys who truly love Notre Dame man like who am I to say but for me and this is just my opinion like that that giving it your all to the program so like shout out JD Bertrand maybe maybe those are you know that was a my previous statement

Was you know kind of lame but let me let me rephrase it if you’re playing in this bowl game and you’re someone like JD Bertrand like shout out to you like you are 100% giving it you’re also to the program I can’t say that about the quarterback well there’s other it just

Seem seems like you’re right it’s I mean it’s trickling down like you said the start of the show the All-Star games these guys are just it’s away you know but they’re also man it’s tough you know it’s it’s tough be in that situation like like Maris leou to me I understand

He he lost an entire season he’s got an unbelievable opportunity at The Shrine game you know the Senior Bowl excuse me the big one in Mobile Alabama where every head coach every Scout every coordinator in America is there and he’s like man I just got to get health I mean

He played the Ohio State game with a stinger he should not have played and he played in the game he had a stinger didn’t even practice for all week long and he played so there’s a few like that fisher has been at Notre Dame since the

We the Charlie wera yeah I mean that makes sense for him to go yeah so you know the har you know it’s funny when you look back just real quick on you know on your comment with Hartman the Hartman one I’m GL as I said I’m glad

He’s not playing I’d rather see Angel and even if minchie I’d rather see that than Hartman but Hartman not playing is is a little stupid because he’s not I mean he’s not I mean what what I mean okay if you get injury great you’re gonna be a free agent anyway so I you

Know it’s it’s not like I don’t know was like two weeks ago and we debated this you and Tyler were like shut up now you’re kind of with me I’m not with you I understand glad he’s not I am glad he’s not playing I’m glad he’s not

Playing I’m glad he’s not playing I would rather watch Angell oh yeah yeah no absolutely of course I’ve wanted to watch Angeli Moore all season long but my whole point was I kind of feel lied to but we’re not gonna do We’re not gonna do it we already did it but Tim

I’m I’m glad you’re kind of seeing the light on it because you weren’t saying that last point before looking at it from the Hartman lens and not the Notre Dame fan the Notre Dame analyst lens look at it from like the Hartman lens like why aren’t you playing it but

I was I was looking at it from the Notre Dame fan thank you I know that’s why you were yeah and that’s why I told you I was like you guys are looking at it like this like I’m kind of taking it as I think the fan I think the fans are okay

With him not playing and with Maris not playing all ese I mean ese may be a fourth round pick I mean Kyon Williams opted out and it’s paying off for him it got himself healthy and you he’s going to be a pro bowler in his second year

Which is believable this year so it’s just a weird dynamic and even the New York six Mike I mean Florida State and Georgia’s got 40 players between the two teams 40 players not playing in this game which just goes back to the NCA calendar it’s the whole calendar needs

To get changed and they got to figure out a way to change it so much needs to be changed in college football I mean I I think to get these big players to play in the games the bowl games got to pay guys like some of these bigname guys

Like I I wouldn’t be surprised if you know next year the year after you you you start hearing reports about oh the cotton ball has signed an nil deal with so and so to play in the game some big player and they’re goingon to market the

Heck out of him because he’s gonna be playing in that game this is all stuff that’s going to be coming down the pipeline folks it’s it’s very much a thing where the toothpaste has been on of the tube there’s no putting it back in you just keep going you know

So I’m kind of sad about it because you know I’m a college football purist but this is just kind of where we’re at uh Tim let’s hear from auggie’s locker room which is your destination for Unique one-of-a-kind Notre Dame items uh you can really only find it at

One place and it is Augie’s locker room which has moved to a brand new location 1733 North Ironwood Drive in South Bend it’s just right down the street from the University of Notre Dame so whenever you’re in town or or if you are local just head over to auggie’s locker room

They have a wide selection of Notre Dame Stadium pieces jerseys helmets autographs and one of a kind Rocky items you can find exclusive Joe Montana sign items and famous sculptor Jerry McKenna replicas of The Bronze Statues around the stadium and AI gets new stuff in all

The time if he doesn’t have it in store he’s going to go find it for you just like he found Mike gsb’s old Jersey um from a couple decades ago uh and he did that in uh just a few minutes uh auggie’s the guy if you if you need the

Guy to go find you some Notre member abilia give Auggie a call 574-277-0033 last year for crying out loud uh you had the Heisman Trophy winner playing the number one pick in the in the NFL draft played in his game you know right you know young the quarterback at Alabama

Played Will Anderson who went what number three or four to the Houston Texans played so you had Alabama’s top two you know top five picks played in the game so yeah it is a it’s an interesting thing but it also shows the number one pick in the NFL draft played in his bowl

Game so Stang jelli getting his first start in a Notre Dame uniform um kind of getting it by default as Tim Hyde might say kind of the last man standing here um with all the people so many quarterbacks have transferred out I would really wish we had the lake

Great loose mooji right now to tell us all about the math and the history of Notre Dame quarterbacks transferring out because it has been a lot here in the past couple years but um the handsome man Steve vanelli um from Westfield New Jersey Bergen Catholic High School getting yeah getting again getting his

First start just a little bit over 6’2 nearly 62 and a half 21 pounds is look good in mop up Duty Tim I’m GNA recuse myself from uh giving my thoughts on what I believe he how he’s going to play because I just don’t know Tim and I am

Just so rooting for this kid hardcore that uh I I really can’t give any throw or uh you know unbiased analysis so uh what are you expecting to see from Angeli in this game I’m man I’m I’m with you man I hope I hope he h in the the

Sunbow you know MVP I mean seriously I hope he is I hope he goes out there and and kicks butt uh in this game um it’s the two offensive tackles are the key those two guys are the key so that’s the key to this entire football game even

2024 for crying out loud uh said it last week man people aren’t going to realize how good Notre Dames had it with with alt and fiser the last two years so it’s going to be a huge downgrade next year but no I’m I’m excited I I’m excited for

Him because he does there are things he does good I think maybe because it’s a one game you know I don’t want to say trial but it’s a one game thing for him to prepare getting ready for next year but his quarterback coach the guy that’s been with him all season it’s calling

All the plays so you know he’s been in those rooms you know especially now there’s no you know the bull prep the last two weeks haven’t had no classes and all that and they’re just hunkering down doing football so I’m sure every play scripted everything’s ready to roll

There’s not going to be nothing that Gino calls that and jelly hasn’t repped and is not comfortable with and ready to roll and that’s I think that’s a big positive for both Gino guli and stepen jelli in this game so I hope I hope great house gets a dozen catches and I

Hope love and price look like uh SEC freakazoids playing playing running back running that ball because Oregon State they have a couple op outs but what scares me is their dline has none so the dline is still playing and they were the top 10 in the country in sack so um

Notre Dame’s gonna have to neutralize that front to give angelli time to throw and have some fun yeah at the top of the hour Tim and I are going to record our uh our preview video for the sunbowl that you know we’ll post on tomorrow yeah tomorrow so the game’s

On Friday gez yeah so we we we’ll dive into some more kind of preview talk then uh that is interesting and jelly and uh guli kind of inter term quarterback inter term offensive coordinator talking about the tackles it’s not like he’s got scrubs there it is Tosh Baker who started a

Game two years ago like you mentioned Tim and uh just a five star in Charles jagas saww and even if it’s Wagner there’s another five star again it’s not scrubs I one more thought on this I really do feel like the offense like what are the strengths right quarterback

Remains to be seen not really receiver it it wasn’t when they had all of their guys it’s not going to be when they don’t have most of them tight end you know it’s a it’s a plus but really it’s the interior offensive line and the running backs that’s like the known

Strength so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s run run run play action we’re gonna have a different play caller so whether or not guli and and jelly have Futures at Notre Dame and off as offensive coordinator and quarterback respectively this is a really good opportunity for both of them to like a

Resume Builder you know whether it’s for a different school um or you know for Notre Dame down the line you know if uh if Den Brock’s a one-year thing at Notre Dame and you know he wants to retire something and he guli did a really good

Job filling in we were liked how he did the sunbowl and you know maybe they give Angeli a real shot after Leonard goes you know we’ll see but uh yeah Tim I’m I’m excited to see this offense I do think it will be run run play action

Like I I I think that might be kind of where I think they’re going to go run heavy in this game but we’ll see yeah and then hit faas on on a on a post play action post you know obviously I mean I mean everyone loves you know KK Smith

When he got signed stole him away from Texas Tech he’s got amazing speed and then great house man you gota you know the key was people are I mean we have to go back it’s like Thomas and great house were the one and two in catches you

Going into the Ohio State game and then they were just injured and beaten up the rest of the year so those two guys are big big components that uh that Sam Hartman lost for the majority of the season and now they’re healthy and and Jelly’s got to utilize those two guys

Got the speed obviously with Smith and Faison and then use great house I mean great house would have been an freshman All-American this year had he not had the the the injuries that that kept him down he would have had I bet you he would have gotten up to high 30s 40

Catches this year and had a heck of a season because he was balling that first month of the year so if excited to see him but you’re right jaran price Jeremiah Love got different gears to him es is a heck of football player he was a

Better player in 23 than 22 I didn’t think he had great vision this year he did you saw a lot of great cutbacks with him this year it’s really his second year in this scheme and running those balls but um man those two other guys

Mike I mean I mean they they they could go the distance every single time they touch it so it’s going to be exciting to see them and let’s go out some fun on Friday and see what Steve vanelli does I’m hoping my my fingers crossed he’s

The MVP and that would be awesome that’d be awesome for him and then the future going into next season it just be awesome are you a fan of the uh musical Hamilton yeah it’s a good one love it book I read the book who likes sitting

Around reading 750 pages but it was a great book you read the book oh yeah I’ve read that I’m a reader Mike there’s a few things I do good in this world one of them I enjoy reading so my wife got me that 750 page Hamilton

Book uh because I I you know when that when the the film hit Disney Plus in in 20 summer 2020 I you know memorized half of it and then she was like oh your birthday and August we’re g to get you this 750 page book and I read about the

First 25 Pages which is most books themselves because those that is a big book with big pages and small font right about 25 pages and I stopped but I don’t know Tim if you’re in the Chicago area uh you can head to and you can get some last

Minute Hamilton tickets for a show in on Thursday so and and you know what’s even better than that Tim if you use the promo code bgi you’re gonna get $2 off your first purchase um so yeah we’re going to talk about this ticket purchasing process folks because it can be stressful you

Find the event you want to go to you know maybe maybe it is Hamilton uh you get the seats you want to go through that whole ticket purchasing process it can be stressful but not with game time especially if you’re finding tickets at the last minutes so head to it’s a fast and easy way to buy tickets for sports music comedy and theater near you with killer last minute ticket deal so you can get relaxed and hyped for that fun that you are going to have use the promo code bgi you’ll get $20 off your first purchase

Again bgi for $20 off your first purchase they’ll guarantee that you’re going to get the lowest price or they will refund you 100% 110% you don’t need to plan in months in advance since they have deals right up to game time snag the tickets without the stress with game

Time terms apply download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed okay Tim we were texting about this I think meu and ghouls be the echo award show this was this was 11 days ago now that this was put out by Notre Dame the

Banquet used to be more of a I feel like a a public not public but it used to be publicized a little bit more I feel like now it’s just I think media used to be able to go to it more recruiting was yeah this was I mean all the oldtimers

In there with me no I mean this used to be obviously early Signing Day changed it but this was the thing this was the recruiting weekend they would bring in their top 20 guys wi and dyam all the alums would come back yeah this was a

Huge huge event for decades I mean this was the L Holtz you know recruiting pitch back you when he built all his program up yeah yeah it’s not I mean will black the 2025 fourstar offensive tackle he was there committed to Notre name right after it

So but here is the list of a winners talk about these we’ll start at the bottom Devin Houstan defensive scout team player the year Preston ziner um defensive Scout team player of the year I guess they have two of those and then over on offense of scout team player

There Leo shiler and Chase kerer and then we get into some of the bigger ones and and Tim I’ll add I don’t know which one specifically but some are Co picked by coaches some are picked by players and there’s might be a mix but the last award that I’m going to mention

Was picked by the coaches from what I was told javante Jee bap peace Spirit of the game award love that Riley Mills the uh Iron Cross award uh I feel like that could have gone to Howard cross it would have been perfect but I digress speaking of Howard cross defensive lineman of the

Year well deserved Joe Al offensive lineman of the year and the best Dam offensive lineman in the country if you ask me Ben Morrison the student athlete engagement award Jack Kaiser special teams Player of the Year and here till we get to the biggies Xavier Defensive Player of the Year audri EST offensive

Player of the year JD bertran the Father Ted Man of the Year and Sam Hartman the most valuable player now Tim what was your reaction to uh these reward awards that uh Notre Dame tweeted about I’ll be I mean I told you at first I I thought nothing of it and then all

Of a sudden yeah we were chatting I think it was after our show last week and I went back and I saw it’s like holy moly they really did give Sam Hartman the MVP I thought nothing of it at first but I just glanced over it and then I

Went and read I was like they really gave him the MVP and then like you’re saying if it’s is that the you know the hot rumor like the coaches pick this fascinating nothing against Sam and whatnot was he the Team MVP if if you’re looking at it as who

The hell else is playing quarterback sure he’s he’s the only quarterback if that’s how they wanted to do it you know I you know did uh the Freeman walk into the room and says all right guys this is the MVP of the year um this is what

We’re doing I have no idea I mean I’m biased I would it I know it’s funny I texted you today I was at the auto shop real quick doing uh dropping the car off for the wife for a quick uh inspection and I was there for an hour and I had

The latest blue and gold in my hand and reading it and blue and gold and pora and the crew pick you know Xavier Watts I would have picked all he best player on the team he’s unbelievable his best game the last two seasons happened to be

His last which is Stanford he so he went out on the highest of high notes with well over 90 uh grade from Pro Football Focus all altim M he’s just a Manchild the last two years um estim estim the you which is funny because you start

Going down the thing so if har if harman’s not the Team MVP Mike in my estimation what’s he getting Spirit award because he gave out the beats and some Under Armour shoes and socks I don’t know MVP to me is definitely alt I wrote offensive MVP estimate and my D

MVP I mean Watts it’s funny you start looking over Watts his best games were in the biggest games and I think those were just show I mean I was going over his stats he was unbelievable what about Hartman I you know not the MVP no I mean that you know and I

I I get maybe why they did it but I’m not a I would not have had him be the the Team MVP funny real quick on Watts I made a little note it’s you know he probably has the big you know outside of Hartman scramble against Duke maybe the

Second hidden play of the year is the Watts tfl against Duke the last play of the game that forced them to punt and made Notre Dame go 95 yards so that was a that was a big one one of those hidden things in there but the alignment of the

Years I get all that the Moose Krauss award used to be the line I back in the day they only did like five Awards it’s like boom these are a big five and they only gave out these and then Kelly When Kelly started doing 12 captains and now

You got 22 Awards it’s like a damn High School award show is what it’s turned into everyone gets an award I mean you got four practice team players of the year so it’s like come on pick one for crying out loud Ju Just to kind of reiterate my point on this because I’m

Sure Sher is dying to know it’s I had no issues with Sam Hartman it’s just this has been my point about the the the praise that I just have not understood like MVP do you know who got Team MVP last year Tim let me let me see if I can get

The crack staff to look that up because based on this I feel like Pine should have got MVP last year yeah I mean mayor was it last year so there you go yeah Michael may but um yeah I mean nothing against it’s funny because I’ve actually

Gone back because that’s what Tim I does is go back and start charting and looking at things I I want to say I took like SE I did the Mike fingers look that seven data points for quarterbacks yards attempt touchdowns yards all these things all these metrics and used the

Qbr rating which goes all the way back to Brady Quinton um and then before that I just Ed pass efficiency but I went all the way back to Rick Meyer I went from 1990 to 2023 Hartman lands number 13 in the top quarterback Seasons between 90 and 20123

So that’s a big big you know Season out there big you know many years so he ended up being number 13 for the best individual season Brady Quinn’s 05 is number one by a mile clawson’s 09 is two and Quinn’s 06 was number three um as far as the highest ranked Seasons you

Know are out there and then Notre Dame only had a couple years where they even have quarterbacks that qualified so so Hartman’s middle the you know he’s in the upper echelon which is funny that’s going back to Notre Dame Nation starving for a Brady Quinn a Clawson an elite

Quarterback that could just put a team on him and go do good things they’re starving so for Hartman to be in the upper echelon of one single season tells you that Notre Dame still has to has to get that quarterback issue fixed so to speak so yeah you were right May was

The um MVP and I think and offensive player of the year bertran got defensive player of the year Patterson got offensive lineman of the Year Isaiah fosy defensive lineman of the year um so there you go I mean people could agree with that I but but you know Mike I mean

If you took a poll of a thousand Notre Dame fans they’re the the majority would be like really Sam Hartman I mean single digits I bet you at single digits would say yeah that’s a good pick I just don’t think he is deserving of that level of Praise which is what I’ve

Been you know kind of harping on really ever since the pit game no no senior game senior senior game um I was like I I just didn’t I didn’t really get that ever since then I’m kind like I just don’t really understand why uh he’s getting kind of this all the praise and

Adoration as if he took this team to the playoff and it’s a maybe a 10- win team and he’s not even playing the ball game anyways I hear you now I hear you anyway Tim it’s like gonna end on something fun well I mean hey how oh and some I

Mean I mean we really didn’t get into this a week ago let’s end massive positive congrats to you know Watson alt unanimous all Americans which is an unbelievable honor uh you don’t give consensus all that to the second team but you got cross and estimate were consensus second teamers on nearly every

Single second team so I mean we got into this a little bit I I don’t know if the final one had come out yet but um so you got four guys getting recognized but all and Xavier watts are going to be on there at the big unanimous H wall they

Have there in the stad I don’t know if it’s Stadium or in the the monogram room for for life so it’s pretty awesome all right well we are going to sign it off there to record our uh video that will post tomorrow around noon eastern time

Tim will give us three keys to the sunbow uh and offer a score prediction for the contest as only Tim Hyde can so make sure you tune in for that it will be a pre-recorded video that will go live on our YouTube channel about 12:00 pm eastern time so check that out again

Folks go to for more Notre Dame football coverage if you’re just an Irish football junkie and you just want more info go over to the website and check that out Tim and I will be live right after the game on this YouTube channel uh to break things

Down and give our thoughts on the contest so uh you can join us on Friday as well and of course hit the thumbs up on this video subscribe to our Channel if you are new here that is going to do it I’m Mike singer he’s Tim Hyde take

Care everyone have a great night and we will catch you guys next time



  2. Tim, love listening to YOUR perspective. Keep being you, authentic and real. Tell us what we need to hear, not want we want to hear. Have a happy New Year Tim and Mike.

  3. Traveled to @South_BendIN this week so that our son could attend Winter Break Day Camp @PotawatomiZoo. Had a few minutes to spare, so we stopped by @AugiesLockerRm. If you're a @NDFootball fan, go visit Augie and cross this one off your #BucketList.

    @BGInews @MikeTSinger

  4. But what if the mvp was picked by the combined voting of players and coaches. Or just the players… I agree that Hartman was not the mvp maybe not even top 5

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