Why Everyone HATES Tiger Woods..

Why Everyone HATES Tiger Woods..

Welcome back to Sports Spam, today on the channel we’re going to be talking about Why Everyone HATES Tiger Woods.. if you’re excited to learn more about this then make sure you watch the whole way through because you don’t want to miss the details we have for you!

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From Headline making cheating scandals to downright Reckless Behavior this is why everyone hates Tiger Woods have you ever heard the saying cheaters never prosper in Tiger Wood’s case that couldn’t be more true it all started when he was labeled to cheat for the very first time and let me tell you

People were outraged fans were disappointed and Tiger’s stature would never be the same but how did it all go down let’s take a trip down memory lane and find out it’s 2013 and Tiger Woods is competing in the Masters the world is watching as tiger makes his way around the

Course but then something happened that nobody saw coming one of Tiger’s fellow golfers accused him of cheating yep you heard that right cheating what the allegations were that tiger had taken an illegal drop after hitting his ball into the water on the 15th hole 56 yd here at

The three slightly downhill got to make sure you cover that front bunker pin is just five over it oh he has CT iron game is dialed in Frank from there things got heated fans were livid that their hero had been accused of cheating and the media quickly pounced on the story it

Was like watching a car crash and slow motion you didn’t want to look but you couldn’t look away either as the dust settled tournament officials reviewed the video footage and determined that tiger had in fact taken an illegal drop they hit him with a two-stroke penalty and the Fallout was bad Tiger’s

Reputation was left in tatters did I did maybe say sure that bunker there did yeah good just left of the green tea yep and the golf world was left wondering if he was really the Sportsman they thought he was it was like kids finding out that Santa Claus

Isn’t real a crushing blow to fans everywhere but hey I guess when you’re one of the greatest golfers of all time you can afford to bend the rules a little right wrong cheating’s never okay this on a superb line if it’s the right way big kick and roll towards the cup

TIG no matter how famous or talented you might be and as we’ll soon see that was only the tip of the iceberg for Tiger he’s been in the public eye for over two decades and his career has been nothing short of a roller coaster ride at the

Last part three hit it to 3 in let’s see what he can do here at 16 tiger it’s hard to imagine that someone who once seemed Invincible could have fallen so far from Grace but he has proof that even the people we look up to can be hiding a dark side Tiger’s no

Exception his career’s been riddled with ups and downs his lowest moments have captured the Public’s attention from well publicized infidelity to his struggle with injuries and surgeries and and let’s not forget his DUI arrest that one’s a doozy these moments left the world shaking their heads in disbelief

In the low moments tiger was a far cry from when he was at the top of his game winning tournaments I I tried to bump around a for and then through there and hit it way too hard uh I give it a little extra juice because it was into the wind even

The greatest athletes can fall from grace Woods’s example serves as a stark reminder of this fact so what led to these moments let’s take a closer look at how Woods lowest moments have shaped his legacy as a golfer get ready for an unvarnished look at the Dark Side of one

Of the greatest golfers of all time ah Tiger Woods it’s hard to forget the shock waves that were sent through the golfing world when news of his infidelity broke out the once revered golfer had become the to of the town for all the wrong reasons it’s been some

Long days some very very very long days some tough ones and uh I’ve had some great people around me but just how bad was it let’s say it was a Hollywood level drama made for the tabloids numerous women came forward with stories of their affairs with woods and each was

More Bonkers than the last this was a devastating blow to his reputation the impact on Woods’s personal life was catastrophic his marriage fell apart his once picture perfect family was ripped apart he relinquished millions in the divorce settlement and his children despise him damn imagine your own

Children hating you that’s got to hurt this was a shocking Fall From Grace I think she’s getting used to it the first year first year was surprising it’s safe to say that his Public Image took a Monumental hit and tiger became as radioactive as Chernobyl now everyone wants to distance themselves from Tiger

Endorsement deals were lost including Gatorade AT&T and Accenture boy that’s got to hurt that’s some serious money lost right there the PGA Tour suspended him for a time and the once indestructible tiger was reduced to a shadow of his former self The public’s perception of him changed and he was no

Longer the squeaky clean hero everyone admired instead he was seen as an Unfaithful morally bankrupt individual but when you thought life has had enough of tormenting Woods this next Scandal exposed the dark underbelly of Woods’s Persona guarded on the right line that’s a misread there because that ball

Started exactly where he had the putter aimed broke away from the hole and it wasn’t from another anonymous mistress if you can believe that for years he was able to maintain a carefully curated image of himself but now that facade has been shattered golf legend Tom Watson

Chimed in and did not hold back Watson publicly criticized Woods for his infidelity urging him to show some humility and get his personal life in order he even went so far to say that Woods’s Behavior was not the tiger we know Watson continues to take shots at

Woods and says he needs to clean up his act I said before but finally it’s just a it’s a matter you have to accept your fate before being welcomed back into the game Tom Wat son’s criticism of Tiger Woods was like a sudden bolt of lightning that

Lit up the golfing world with a blaze of controversy and let’s be honest who could blame him tiger scandals are some of the biggest in golf history why because people looked up to him kids thought he was a hero but Watson’s honest remarks were not just an attack

On woods they were a call to action for all athletes to be held accountable for their actions on and off the golf course in other words we can’t give free passes to people because they’re famous Watson’s comments are reflective of a growing and concerning Trend in sports

That the emphasis on winning and fame has led to a decline in character and sportsmanship even celebrity fitness trainer Jillian Michaels has some Choice words for the former golf star and like Watson Michaels doesn’t hold back in fact she goes all in in 2010 Michaels publicly called him an a-hole and said

She had no sympathy for him the comments came in the wake of Woods’s public apology for his infidelity and the whole world was talking about it Jillian’s sentiments were shared by by many it was as if a king had fallen from his throne or a star had fallen from the sky the

Impact was significant and the reason for the Outburst was understandable Jillian clearly didn’t want to mince words when it came to her opinion of woods she says tiger should know better and that he needs to think about the impact his actions have had on others particularly his wife and children

Woods’s infidelity had a ripple effect throughout the World of Sports and Beyond causing a lot of people to re-evaluate their perceptions of him tiger was one a beacon of light but then like a comet falling from the sky his reputation was shattered a siren had gone off warning the world that the

Golden Boy of golf was not what he seemed so from being a Serial cheater to celebrities calling him out for his controversial behavior on and off the golf course that’s why everyone hates Tiger Woods


  1. I can't stand the jerk and have known about him for years. NO one likes him is right, but they haven't the courage to say it because Woods still has power in golf. He been on drugs, drunken DuI's, cheated at golf multiple times. gives only a few people respect and treats them decently. He never tipped others and said to friends they should pay me to let them serve me. Lies to everyone and including his family and kids. Drove off the road at 7:30 in the morning and wrecked another car but talked his way out of taking a breathalyzer or blood draw when I'm sure he was under the influence. Cheated on his wives with porn stars no less and lied. Fired good people because he thought they were getting too popular with him as student , like Butch Harman. Fired his long time caddy because he wanted to get paid for wearing some shirts and on it goes never ending. Just a man with very little morals or ethics at all and then wants to hide behind a giant smile to make things all well. Went to rehab and said he was a sex addict was the reason he did all those things. Spits all over the greens, illegal, throws more clubs than my 12 year old ever did, fights with media, swears at moot everyone with contempt and disrespect, accidents at home crashing his car also among others. Why would I ever want anyone much less my children to look up to him??? Winning is NOT the only thing and cash isn't king in all of life, so he's no winner to me and so many others, but of course that doesn't bother him what so ever. I think one day we must give an accounting of our actions, so I hope me not winning any pro level tournaments doesn't hurt my standing in heaven.

  2. This video is crap haha. Never once have I heard of this cheating scandal that "shocked the world"..

  3. Make more viewers with eye catching headlines. Shame it is full of BS . The man who brought golf to everyone and advanced the game is loved not hated

  4. Wow, this is actually funny. Talk about trying to dig up mole hill crap and make it into a mountain. I guess if you say it frequently enough , it becomes true ?

  5. Taking a drop at the wrong spot isn’t cheating. It’s just not knowing the rules. He could have called a rules official over to see where he can drop but didn’t. It was a mistake. Patrick Reed brushing sand back to improve his lie is cheating. Lexi Thompson marking her ball and then placing the ball 5 inches closer to the hole is cheating.

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