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Ex-GM Michael Lombardi Calls Jets Coach(es) Incompetent

Ex-GM Michael Lombardi Calls Jets Coach(es) Incompetent

Let me know your thoughts on Michael Lombardi’s comments and the New York Jets coaching staff in the comments below.

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What’s a good word y it’s your boy dkb here so X NFL GM Michael Lombardi um he has some interesting comments in the perspective I don’t think we have talked about enough when it comes to the New York Jets why this season has exactly failed and kind of the the the blame

Around leadership right and ultimately way wasting a season and that’s the aster and the word I would go with when you do you know look back on this in NFL history you know rightfully so with Joe Douglas he never addressed a vial backup option uh you want to talk about weapons

And offensive line and all that kind of stuff as well and you can point to Opportunities where he probably could have did something there too but that you know it starts going from the head down and not having a viable option behind Aaron Rogers was ultimately what

Sank the ship for right you know even still looking at this season there’s two to four wins that we should have right now when you talk about games like the Raiders and the Patriots game for example um that would have the Jets uh you know either leading for a wild card

Spot or at least definitely in the conversation right now so definitely definitely frustrating and you know you have the players like gett Wilson and Bree Hall and you know the the the likes of them that are starting to kind of speak up a little bit more about

Uh just how they’re kind of feeling about how things are falling off the wagon right and I do think it’s notable that you haven’t heard a single player offensively defensively coaching wise or other uh that has really backed up Nathaniel hackin and his scheme outside of Aaron Rogers and we know that that’s

Uh you know a buddy buddy BFF type situation so you would almost expect that right uh we’ve seen Aaron roders be fiercely protective uh over his core group of people nonetheless though Michael l B’s point is uh ultimately where’s the accountability uh when the New York Jets

Start self scouting and and trying to identify what went wrong right cuz all of your fans can tell you your players in the building even the haters of the Jets that are only briefly looking at us from afar everyone can tell you that we did a

A piss poor job of uh being able to adapt to the NFL game especially when injuries are occurring and you have options that’s out there it’s not like you know we took a look and surveyed the land and we said ah we just don’t really love any of the quarterbacks that are

Out there and what their history looks like etc etc and to Michael Lombardi’s point he he you know probably gave us the best example of uh of uh an elite coaching job being done this year when he mentioned um uh the Browns head coach Kevin stefansky right multiple injuries

Across the place you’re dealing with the whole desun Watson situation uh you you know they brought in weapons that should be very successful over there like in Elijah Moore and you know having David and joku and all that kind of stuff so uh the defense being what the defense is they’ve

Adjusted you know multiple injuries to the offensive line they’re still in the hunt um um and you know probably right now I would say he’s underrated and should be winning a a Coach of the Year Award right now when you just take a look at the landscape nonetheless what’s the

Accountability one of the other interesting perspectives that he brought up and addressed was that we spent so much time you know not we but the coaching staff Robert Salah uh Joe Douglas and whoever else wanted to speak about it there’s been so much talk about how everything was catered and built

Around Aaron Rogers that when that went down um everybody was essentially just lost right heading in the next year we’ve said this ourselves just flight Squad podcast I’ve heard uh you know Jets Central mentioned it I’ve heard the let’s talk Jets radio guys mention it Matt Larry green bean plenty of people

Right next year essentially has to be playoffs at minimum but essentially we’re looking at Super bowler bus to make the Aaron Roger straight essentially even valid and worth it for the New York Jets right as opposed to starting from scratch and trying to form a solid plan around a rookie or

Something like that to Michael Lombardi’s point at this point you’re you’re leaving Aaron Rogers out to dry right if he can’t go out there and and uh reach a Super Bowl uh he can’t get you deep into the playoffs right the question and the well not the

Question the blame now goes to Aaron Rodgers it’s not the head coach’s fault that he didn’t find an acceptable offensive coordinator and that he allowed his offense to go off the rails and not have solid back backup plans in place and you know trusted an offensive

Line coach that many of us have said has driven a lot of our guys into the ground and been a direct cause for injuries um penalties uh you know up the Wazoo across the board from essentially all units that aren’t the secondary it’s not their fault it’s not

Joe Douglas and a lack of action and you know inactivity uh you know the entirety of this year it’s not his fault it’ll be Aaron Rogers we put so much faith hope and expectation in Aaron Rogers that if we were just one quarterback away and he

Didn’t get the job done fair by all means crucify the guy we got an agent veteran the Packers gave us Fool’s Gold boohoo it would have been what it is right I would have accepted that but that’s not the case we weren’t a quarterback away we were two to three

Tackles away we were you know you know Joe titman looks good on paper now but we were a strong backup guard away right just to make sure that the offensive line had acceptable assets there we were an acceptable number two wide receiver away giving uh you know Lazard a $44

Million contract to not even reach 300 yards to not even be able to score uh I don’t think he has more than two touchdowns in the season um so there were a lot of question marks here right and obviously hindsight is 2020 you still feel I would still feel like if Aaron roders

Was leading the way for the majority of this season things would have never gotten as bad but ultimately this is what we have and this is why uh one of the primary reasons why I was saying earlier that I would I would flip this whole coaching staff right there’s a few

Guys the Tony odms the Baran manuels and stuff that I love uh the Mike rudenberg you you know Etc but for the most part I’m trying to dump this coaching staff because what’s the plann for the future what do life after Aaron Rogers looks like if he gets hurt again what happens

When we’re sitting here holding our breath again and we see week after week after week after week go and we’ve made no plans to address the quarterback position uh We’ve settled and we didn’t properly address another wide receiver option for us uh you know we’ve misutilization

I wouldn’t know what to tell people and so uh you know Michael Lombardi commenting about the discipline and responsibility being completely left and you know kind of Sid stepped and swept under a rug by this uh organization I think was perfect you know he brought up

A a book by one of the famous uh one of the best uh head coaches to you know come into the NFL where he mentioned there’s no magic formula or singular reason for why a team is going through a losing stretch or a losing season right

Um and I I I couldn’t agree more taking a look at things right I personally and again I’m not a guru right I’m not a historical NFL buff and all this kind of stuff but I can’t point to one single team at any point in these last 10 years

Where I can say this is one specific player this is one specific problem one specific unit that has caused failures uh in terms of again losing uh uh on on you know you know consecutive years or for a stretch um whether that’s you know multiple years or just weeks etc etc

There’s no singular reason in this case I think the New York Jets have a laundry list of problems that they need to address um Aaron roders is going to be the least of them right we expect him to come back I I think we all expect for

Him to still look great uh there wouldn’t have been a reason why we’re excited to hear him say that he wants to stay for two years um if we thought otherwise but uh I don’t know as more thoughts from some of these guys that you know Michael Lombardi he’s come up

In the NFL environments right multiple front office positions uh you know GM expertise etc etc but as I hear more and more of these guys talk it gets me less and less excited to see us run it back with this staff and I still think there’s changes for sure um that would

Need to be made but uh I don’t know to his final point this I think ultimately he joined the show because put out somewhat of a viral tweet where he said Jets owner Woody Johnson should just give his franchise to Aaron Rogers if he thinks Rogers injury is the reason for

This year’s failure instead of the coaches in competence I feel bad for jets fans and plenty of people do right but ultimately this is what it feels like and I’ve mentioned this before uh Aaron Rogers is running this franchise during his tenure with the New York Jets

And not the other way around um at this point it’s Aaron Rogers it’s Joe Douglas it’s Robert Salah then it’s Daniel hacket and everybody else right even Woody Johnson is probably on par with Aaron Rogers if not a little bit lower uh and I imagine you’ll see this as soon

As the offseason starts when we start trying to put together a free agent wish list and we see Devonte Adams at the top and probably a David bakari although you know definitely great options for us but you know we’ll see his influence and blueprint uh all over the off season and

That’s not the worst thing in the world right that’s not what I’m broadcasting you have a legendary quarterback that knows how to have a fun offense you should listen to him on that side of the ball but uh what I’m saying is he’ll end up dictating moves right um which is not

Something that we want but nonetheless let me know what you guys think maybe again we’re just overdoing this we don’t really have too much else to talk about over the offseason so I’m pretty uh or over the remainder of this season so the rest of these weeks may just be a uh you

Know a festival of of NFL experts and the like on us and the job that we’ve done but uh it’s rightfully deserved I I don’t think you’ll see a single fan right now that’s happy about any of the money they spent right money to stream the uh TV shows uh excuse me

Money to stream the games to be able to watch and see the all 22 tapes uh have their you know personal seated licenses uh you know the parking lot pass and all that good stuff that I heard green be talk about nobody’s excited about any of this Wast of money

Right jerseys for guys that we feel like maybe ending the you know leaving the team quicker than we want to see just because of how inep we are it’s it’s a shame but I lay rest let me know what you guys think I catch you guys again Peace


  1. With that O-line and team incoherence when it comes to playing with him as well as an underdeveloped WR room, I’m not sure that AR wins more than 1-2 extra games if he was playing. Let’s remember that he had a rough season before he came to the Jets; that might have been indicative of his own decline. I want the positive story to be the case with Rodgers and the Jets; but as we found out that the problem with the team was not just a QB this season, we should brace ourselves that AR’s game might not be his game from 2-3 seasons ago.
    Let’s note that with the Jets, everything that could have gone wrong, have done so over the last few seasons.

  2. It isn't a wasted season. The Jets just don't have enough pieces to win at this point. Who produced all the hype before the season that the Jets had Super Bowl aspirations? Here is my quote on Twitter before the season started, " NY Jets are all non-sense. This will be a year like every other year. The media will be having the most fun with question after question as to what led to this failure."

    There is a difference between who you'd like to be and who you really are. I think I'm the GM of the Jets, but really I'm a used car salesman. The Jets and fans may think they are Super Bowl bound but really they are basement bound.

    Next year the Jets should improve so long as the injuries don't hit them again. But the Jets are absolutely not making the Super Bowl and will win perhaps 9 games. If they happen to have a stupendous draft and sign a FA somewhere maybe 10 wins. But even the 10 wins is a longshot.

    Patience is the key at this point. Just hope the draft goes well.

  3. some Jets fans will have an issue with this one cause Lombardi is a bit of a Jet hater & buddy of Belichick… but he's spitting facts here

  4. Incompetence is the Jets calling card … Douglas/Saleh are not the duo to head up a winning organization.

  5. Coach befriending a radio shock jock and then that jock blasts their conversations on air..
    that says it all.

  6. They were already failing with Douglas and Saleh, bring in Rodgers & Hackett it's a full blown circus of failure. This is turning into a complete nightmare that we'll have to endure for years to come.

  7. I don't buy the Super Bowl or bust mentality of Jets fans. Let Rodgers lead the Jets to a winning season, and maybe another if his body lasts that long, and you have something going. I think signing Rodgers was a mistake, but it won't take a Lombardi trophy to prove me wrong. Like you say, this team is a work in progress. Rodgers' success or not is one piece.

  8. Joe Douglas 25-55 won-lost record.
    Joe Douglas is 0-9 against Belichick.
    Joe Douglas signed Hackett.
    Fire Joe Douglas. 🔥

  9. We were all thrilled pre-season. Joe D failed in getting a backup QB and maybe Hackett sucks without Rodgers. It’s not going to change as long as Rodgers is here. I still like Saleh but Hackett should at least have someone else come in to call the plays. Change O-line coach as well. Timeline doesn’t match any major change. If next year fails it’s time for change.

  10. Rodgers is not going to save the Jets. He is nearing the end of his career and his performance with match that. Teams that try to get used up QBs rarely get better. Jets need a young franchise QB.

  11. Yes if Aaron Rodgers is the quarterback this team beat the Raiders ,New England Atlanta ,Chargers and KC.Maybe take 1 from Miami.

  12. Aaron Rodgers has not won a Super Bowl in 13 years you people are delusional thinking that this guy can win you a Super Bowl- it's pathetic!!
    You are the laughing stock of the league and deserved to be the comedy team of the league you'll never win anything! Accept early draft blue chip players pathetic!!

  13. The defense let up almost 30 to the commanders so there are some holes there as well. The has let up near or at 30 points five times this season. The Jets are in the middle of the pack ranked 13 in sacks. They share 5th with 4 other teams in INTS. Saying that tho the defense has had big plays they also have let up big ones. The Jets are far off from being SB contenders.

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