Golf Babe

16 Year Old VS D1 Golfer

In Gabby’s new series, she takes on the best Division 1 golfers from all over the country! Gabby takes on Sara Byrne, a senior representing the University of Miami! She is one of the top college golfers in the world! Having not one, not two, but three golf records during her time at Miami. The 18-hole all-time scoring record, the 54-hole scoring record, and the course record at the Biltmore Hotel Golf Course where they are playing today. 9-hole 1v1 Playing from Sara’s University of Miami yardage!
Sara, a recent recipient of the coveted Amateur of the Year title, has exceptional golfing talent; she is also a great person! As she edges to the professional circuit, follow her on her journey!
Sara Byrne

I set out to challenge the best D1 golfers in the country and I’m starting out in my backyard at the University of Miami Sarah burn is one of the top college golfers in the world she broke the 18ho school record the 54 whole school record and broke this course

Record where we’re playing today she also was recently named amateur player of the year for 2023 for sure this will be my toughest challenge yet I have definitely got my hands full today super special gu guest in a super special match probably my hardest match yet today we have Sarah burn from

University of Miami ACC Division 1 women’s college golf tell us about your accomplishments cuz I think everybody’s going to want to hear it they’re incredible hey guys um obviously I’m curn I’m from Ireland um this year I’ve had a pretty good year in the golf course so I’m after winning three times

This year I won the Irish national championship this summer and then this fall I won two of our events the FIU Invitational and then the hurricane Invitational too that’s awesome so my real goal doing this playing college golfers that we’re going to start is that I really want to highlight them and

I think we just have a good competition a fun little match it’ll be a great time out there chill make it light it’s going to be super super fun guys this is her home course the builtmore golf course beautiful out here this is where University of Miami plays we’re going to

Be playing from the University of Miami yardage and tea markers so here we go first hole car five it’s actually the seventh hole we just were starting here so here we go you leave the way you know the course let’s do it never played here before but I’m excited this this looks

Like a good course good drive so I’m going to assume that’s where we want to go right there that’s probably as far left as you want to go okay so a little bit more right little more right would be perfect okay perfect all right here

We go guys so how far is this yardage like 63 you said said yeah 630000 yard so Sarah’s going to be helping me out a little bit cuz I don’t know this course going to get a little bit she’s going to go first on the team Market show me where to

Go perfect thanks so we’re going to have a little chat out here I can’t wait to learn more about University of Miami and college golf and being a sophomore like I’m actually really interested how did you choose University of Miami like obviously you had a ton of offers she’s

From Ireland guys and she played in Europe so how did you choose University of Miami um like yeah I had like a lot of offers come in and but I visited a few places and like when I then I came to Miami and I visited um and as soon as

I uh as soon as I walked on campus I was like I just knew like people say that like you’re going to have that feeling of you know and like as soon as I came here I was like this is the place for me for yeah and so you vacationed here she

Said she vacationed in Florida so you kind of knew the area but you never been to my Miami and when you came here you just loved it yeah it it definitely felt a little bit like home from home a little bit you know like obviously being

Like coming so far away for college it was uh definitely just like a nice little feeling yeah that’s awesome does it have anything to do with the weather oh yeah uh probably like 90% to do with the weather I’m pretty sure so talk to me about I know you have

Like a ton of scores that you just shot that were incredible she mentioned like 19 under so tell me about that because like that’s pretty crazy so our last event for fall season was actually here at the bmore and but I had just come back from playing the World

Championships in Abu Dhabi um I wow yeah so I flew back literally on like a 16 and a half hour flight direct into Miami on a Sunday evening um I slept around like 3 hours cuz the jet lag and got up on the Monday morning and played our

Home event we played 36 phos on the Monday and I just like blacked out I don’t even know that’s crazy and what do you shoot on on first round 66 second 63 so I got a course record and like I got um the University of Miami scoring

Record hes which was insane and then yeah Shan came in and shot a 68 in the last day and that’s crazy she’s legit guys like she’s legit she’s legit it’s going to be sick I’m so excited wait where’s the pin oh over there oh yeah it’s over there yeah so guys we’re

Playing nine-hole match play by the way between the two of us I love match play that’s my favorite 245 oh do you guys have any match play tournaments out here we don’t really that much in college golf but like the the conference Championship ends up being match play

And obviously the NCA national champion sh is it ends up being match play but back home in Ireland we play like the national championship I played was match play yeah so we play a lot of match play back home in europeo that’s cool I love that format that’s my favorite it’s so

It’s it’s a lot more fun I think four hybrid right over towards that yellow steak in between the yellow steak and the hole want to get it up there over this water beautiful thanks right where you said it too all right we’re good there great shot thanks um so your coach was

She okay with this cuz I think a lot of people want to know like how does the YouTube golf Instagram golf like social media do with college yeah um for sure I think now because like nil deals and stuff like that like I think a lot more

College coaches are getting a lot more on board with it here at um U my coach here is very U was very for it she thought it was great any s sort of like social media presence or anything is like really really good so yeah yeah for

Sure she was she wasy that’s good to hear because like I was thinking for me like I don’t know how people how college coaches is going to respond to the social media thing and that’s what I love to do so I want to make sure I do

That wherever I go yeah I know for sure but that’s great that your coach was okay with that and encouraged it yeah no definitely she CU like obviously like I’m hoping to go pro and like this was uh this was this is a great experience

For me too right yeah is this the first time you did anything like this like where it’s like camera is kind of like on you yeah like on the golf course like this is like first time so is right in your face yeah and I’m like oh my God

Are you going for this or yeah yeah I’m going for this M around 2 10 yard great shot that was great that’s going to be needle guys like oh get up there I’m telling you I got my hands full she’s good she’s legit like guys you don’t understand she’s Amazing oh man I always forget to turn this GoPro off like always when we go and hit and it’s like still on crazy so you guys mention you mention that the men’s gol we you guys don’t have a men’s golf don’t have a men’s golf team yet

Know that yeah very weird I don’t really know why 100% I know they’re trying to get one but as of right now it’s kind of ser yeah I know the men’s golf team would be just as good as the women’s golf team but at least like you know do

They they I’m sure they pay a lot of attention and take care of you guys and almost probably better because like now you don’t have just one golf team yeah like honestly for being just a women’s sport like we get a lot more now yeah exactly everything’s just for the

Women’s golf team both so in the ground scham things actually works out for us to little better like that but no it would be nice to have a men’s gol and like do you have like tutors and stuff and are are your like teachers okay with

Like oh I’m playing a tournament and so and so like yeah I can’t make it to class not like 95% of professors are like so understanding and like so nice about how to miss class and stuff some are confused some are like a not as understanding unfortunately but no it’s

A yeah but they’re all possible yeah a time yeah yeah I’m going to go right out okay 80 yards 54° good go go all right I’ll take it I have to have a shot you’re in there for Eagle so like not not done with you hit

E me enough for e no no you’re up at the green it’s not that chill mean like once you’re on the green you just get to go and no my grandpa plays like that no we don’t play like that here my grandpa with his friends we play like

All the time I love going to my grandpa’s course and just playing with my grandpa but like he invites all his friends which is so good too cuz they’re awesome but like everything inside 15 P just given like it’s just just to golf I

Want to play and then they give it to me I’m like guys I’m like like come on now I actually want play I’m 6 under guys like it’s like 6 under through four like okay just get it on the green it’s that’s the that’s the advantage of speed

So talk to me about like yardage and speed how do most Collegiate women golfers like how far do they hit it cuz I’m just curious like I don’t hit it that far um with driver kind of the longer is like on average would probably like probably carry like 240 and then

Obviously depends on where you’re playing for run out and stuff like that um but yeah like it just also but like for women’s golf it’s more like how accurate you are not as like you know you can get away with hitting it a lot shorter um but yeah on average you’re R

220 carry with a driver yeah and how far do you hit you hit I hit it on average I gr carry 240 sorry 220 M 240 yards yeah all right the carry is important that’s something I like is like I I can hit it decently far for for a girl but I

Just need to carry a little bit further cuz a lot of it’s roll out yeah no definitely especially in set start with the irrigation you don’t even get that in it anyway yeah go so you do the I did not notice that we were talking

About that the other day I was like you know see it actually feels more comfortable to go left hand cuz I go left hand low and I just like that if I feel like I’d do better yeah I literally switched like two years ago to the claw

So you’re a senior senior yeah okay and you want to go pro basically hopefully that’s plan a for right now is to go pro so what do you after you graduate where are you go and what are you doing like I’m going to go back to Europe cuz

Obviously that’s where all my family is that’s where my Bas is us so I’m going to go back and play the summer as an amateur I think and then kind of like go to um the European Tor school and stuff like that try and get get my tour C that

Way spend a little bit of time at home and like gain sponsorships and like stuff like that gain experience and then hopefully come back back over stat side well I’m going to be rooting for you cuz you’re super nice person like really really really nice she’s so sweet come on come on oh

All right he’s a good putt it just like not the right direction but that’s good all right in for par let’s see you let’s see I’m Roy for you though I want you to make the putt be a cool birdie good putt thank you all right you

Know what I gave up a good fight in the first hole um I’m one down but you know what that was a good good birdie thank you let’s go what’s like a day in the life like every day is different obviously but like offseason give me like um well we still have like

Offseason workes and stuff so um since it’s offseason we did get our workers pushed back a little bit later to 8: a.m. which nice what time is it usually 6:00 a.m. oh nice that’s great once our coach told us that it’s off season you guys uh we got 8 a.m. workouts and you

Should have seen all of our faces it was like the best news you’ve ever heard and so yeah like we’d get up um go to workouts and then um are you like we don’t for off season we don’t have that much um te practice team practice cuz

We’re in 8 Hour weeks and stuff and like having to like like try to comply with all the rules and stuff so we don’t really have that much team practices but a lot of us just come out anyway just on our own and like we’d be around each

Other and then it’s a little bit less intense which is really nice you kind of get a bit of a breather and then go home have a little bit of class chill out with your actually see your friends do a few things and then go to sleep wake up do the same thing

Over I feel like I sometimes hear the Irish accent and then sometimes I don’t hear it at all and it’s like American I’m getting the sense that you can like really turn it on when you want to give me your thickest Irish accent oh God on

Q this is like over being over here for as long as I have like my accent just gets lost when I’m over it go back but when I go back home it comes back let me like so tell me about this hole in your strongest Irish accent okay let me just

Like Channel it all right here we go uh here we have uh it’s 147 M and um it’s a p tree so then I’m hitting a seven ear um the wind is a little bit in um but yeah it’s pretty much straightforward as you can guess right now that’s as much

As I can get out of me right now oh my God but I I still don’t hear like I mean it’s like you kind of did you have a like more thick accent before or just always kind of in general I kind of have a mellow accent but like even when I’m

Just if I’m around Irish people like it will just come out naturally like oh my God even just being around you guys like with an American accent it just cannot come out I don’t know what it is oh that’s P all right you’ll be fine

There go go get right go go and get right go it’s pretty good all right I’ll take it nice this is like a parter hole than you think cuz it’s like dead straight that you almost don’t want to mess up and then it’s like oh especially with a crosswind too you’re like yeah

There’s a lot of wind here good shot thank you great shot that is such a such a tough s shot because that so downhill like insane thank you all right I do have a chance to to gain a point back here I need to make this putt

Come on give me a shot here give me a shot almost all right I’ll take it good it’s a good par take that away you’re good thanks all right let’s see good try you’re good pushed all right even through two more let’s do this so where’s the hole back over on

The left yeah so basically here we have a little bit of a like dog light to the left um pretty much like you want to be like in the Gap in the trees is like a white little building okay with the top kind of like a around there is kind of

Your your point where you want to be where you want to finish the ball it’s a great drive I can that no great shot go thank you might be tight but should be all right there yeah go right go right go right start cutting okay beautiful see I you see

That I landed so much shorter but then it all rolls up that’s just how I hit my leg I don’t hit them short cuz I actually get them there but I don’t know why my I don’t carry it that far I I got to get more height on my drives I think

That’s what it is Sarah is actually being such a good competitor and like helping me out with these different greens and stuff so shout out to her because she’s really really helping me I would not know where to go on the sces at all 102 pitching wedge and 10 yards longer go

Go go you’re right though wow it stops holy cow it’s insane it’s green 10 yard longer Club some of these greens yeah they want to make sure you’re filling in those divots good shot you see that guys oh do that’s why she’s amazing because she hit that drive

Great drive by the way got gets unlucky she’s in the Fairway bunker and puts it to 20 25 ft it’s like that’s that’s that’s what she’s so good like you could just recover there’s so much difference between like people will say oh I could do that I can hit that shot like when

They watch the tour players on T I’m like yeah but you can’t hit that shot yeah I don’t know what it is though like that is probably like everyone says that that’s one of the hardest shots like the kind of like short range kind of Bunker

Shots like that but like I don’t know what it is ever since I was young like I just loved them I love hitting them like as soon as I see them in a bunker like that and I have a wedge in my hand I’m like oh that’s fine I don’t mind a

Fairway yeah it’s a fairway pretty much all right we actually have like pretty Sim like kind of the yeah but you’re right I thought that pin was in the back and it’s really not like middl wow the green actually goes all the way back there you can’t even see it yeah I got

It yeah too bad the Hol is not there that would be nice I mean you want to switch it yeah yeah I mean stay up oh my God the brake this this these greens are breaking so much like crazy wow came back that was crazy break

Just hit a little bit too hard but it’s okay that’s good thanks good par great putt thank you great putt G myself a bit too much to work with but we got it yeah but you know what it works out okay so nobody knows how you

Got there on the SC nobody you got there that’s true yeah now they’ll know now they’ll know how you got there the video all right let’s crush it perfect thanks very good thank you oh that went further than I thought that could have carried that actually go go go

Oh perfect great shot yeah I think I could have got if she could go over there with a three I mean I I don’t hit as far as you do but you should like maybe I could have I the front part is like I think the like left more part is

Like 200 so maybe the more more on the right is a little bit less and into like a valley kind of I’m going to go right I’m just going to go right high and choke down ah did not come out the way I thought it

Was going to okay oh it skipped back in Bunker did it yeah L just like on the li My go oh no I’ve never seen that before here wow you know what it is I took down to try and take off the pull and I played the pull and then it just

Pushed it’s really hard to control out of this rup though it’s got really thi yeah look at Holy Cow yeah I know look at hat all right let’s go oh that was not good go go that was stuffed you know what we’re going to both be off the green both have hard

Shots here we go this is going to be one of the one of the first times I hit this sort of shot like I’ve always gotten lucky where when I’m on the lip of a bunker I’m either in the bunker or bounced out and it went completely out

Guys this is such a tough shot holy cow I’m going to hit this insane shot right next to the hole guys that may be really good oh wow you cannot ask for more from there that was really good thanks you cannot ask for more pressure’s on cannot ask for more from that shot

Here all right you got this I’m rooting for you on this shot good shot get in the hole oh great shot I thought it was in for a minute yeah you’re good don’t worry about that thank you it’s good effort though all right good effort yeah one

Down after four okay we’re putting up a good fight though this is this is definitely definitely the toughest match we’ve done on YouTube before I mean we’ve had some good players but this is this is a real test cuz she’s incredible this is a good match though like who

Shoots a 63 and also breaks the school record and breaks the course record at I mean come on come on that’s awesome I broke the screw record for like lowest 18 and lowest lowest 18 score and lowest 54 hole score too wow oh should be good there though okay

Right it’s wide open over there I think right that’s what it seems like I’m not going to lie my ponytail was hanging so much on that that I was like I may not hit this ball I think that’s perfect it happens like my ponytail thing like when it gets to my

Way happens like once a month I was going to say I don’t know how you do this I really don’t I it happens once a month where I’m like oh it’s a scare like I may not hit the ball I forget how to like come through do it sit right

Here yeah okay nice and the nice Bermuda grass I swear I hate this stuff I call it crab grass I don’t know why I’m so glad that this like you don’t get this rough usually in places like like only here we don’t get this in in we don’t

Get this where we play really see down wind nine iron go it should be good guys that is great shot from there great shot it’s kind of like 50/50 coming out of this stuff you never know how it’s going to react but 110 pitching wedge green sloping right to left I’m going to

Go like 3 ft right going to be aggressive go right at the PIN go looks good oh oh o sit that hit the pin literally that was so good I’m glad that it hit the pin and it didn’t like go much further it’s still a little bit

Far now but that was I knew as soon as I saw that in the air I was like that is good yeah I was saying go but it was like stop it hit the pin and now it’s super long I’m making this put go go go go go all right that was

Really good thanks good effort want out please yeah thank you oh you made it oh my God that hit the hole that was gone you made it yeah that would have been like 10 or 15 ft past I swear sorry that was a great birdie thank you I didn’t I missed it I

Was fixing my ponytail that’s awesome all right I’m two down but you know what I’ve been playing well so I can’t complain I’ve been playing very well just got to get some more birdies she’s playing great so two I’m too down you’re too up great shot

Go 153 7 Hybrid um which is my six AR that that shot is right next to the hole great shot go go go perfect all right I’ll take it there yeah good shot I always hit a drw my whole life and like I struggled to

Hit a fade but when I did hit the fade like it wasn’t like a power fade like I got no distance out of it so I was like no way I’m not doing it uh but ever since like the past like year or two I’ve been trying to like neutral it out

So like now I like cuz I need to be able to hit a fade too and like hit a power fade so trying to trying to get it in there which is like it’s working but still yeah know I’m a natural drawer of the golf ball there’s the accent where

When you say power yeah it’s there it’s say it again power oh yeah yeah now I hear it but like on somewhere to completely somewhere it’s there yeah but somewhere just it’s not a good I honestly think this is one of the harder greens to read cuz like

The grin and everything it just it doesn’t seem to be that much slope but then they kind of break subtly too I’ll mark it good pot oh great pot oh man she’s like she’s those birdies she’s getting she’s now now I’m three down holy cow so I am

Three down right now yes that sounds like a lot but s’s dropping birdie after birdie after birdie so you know I’m playing well like decently so you know I’m keeping up but she’s just banging in birdies every single time I am not going down without a fight we’re going to go

Super aggressive on this hole so I have to make three three I have to win three holes in order to tie and go into playoff where does this hole go all right here we go so we are hole number 13 it’s pair four um okay there’s like a

Million bunkers right now too so basically it’s like a slay dog light to the left and there’s like a red flag over there it’s up there basically you kind of want to see like the two palm trees if you’re just a little bit right of them you’re perfect okay so you don’t

Want to go over the bunkers well onless you can carry them I actually don’t know the number right now I think it’s like one no 200 I got I got 200 from the cart yeah like I’ll be going to the left side of those trees um if you don’t want to

Carry the bunker you just go a little bit right okay I’m going to I’m going to watch yours and then I’m going to see crushed thank you go ah guys that’s in I tried to crush it I think that could have been I think that could have come back out again oh really

Yeah all right maybe I am out is that like just literally over here it should be oh got it that’s fun that is that is fun that is real fun guys that’s great barely see it all but I’m I’m lucky I’m out of it so that ball is very

I’m out of the bunker that’s all that matters 158 so this is going to be super hard to like look at that I know I hate this rock feel that especially in the bunkers it is so thick yeah it is yep I knew that was going to happen oh that was like almost

Impossible all right here we go all right okay so 110 M here um it’s like 121 yards but we’re going to go with like a little pitching wedge pins at the front but there’s going to be back stop on it great shot great shot is on it oh

Guys I put up a good fight on Sarah’s home course from her tee yes you did I you know what I played very well for for this first time and i’ like to say that you dove into the deep end today you play off RT’s like a division one Golf

Course like come on now 16 years old into the defense not only is this division one but this girl broke the school record broke the course record and broke the what would you say 54 holes 50 hole record 54 hole record um she won three times this year she won

The Ireland national golf event I think that’s I mean can you get better than that I mean that’s amazing this girl is going to try and go pro not only is she an incredible golfer but one of the sweetest people I’ve met especially in golf like just a good person competitive

But also just super sweet and so she’s going to try and go pro I’m going to link her socials in the description watch out for her name go follow her I have no doubt you’re going to make Pro I me this is this girl is amazing thanks

For coming out yeah I had so much fun thanks for having me yeah I had such a great time make sure you follow her thanks for watching see you guys next time


  1. Sara is a sweetheart , steady ball striker and one heck of a great putter ❤
    You gave her a good match Gabby, this was enjoyable to watch and see how you stack up against an elite D1 player.
    Well done 👍

  2. What a great idea for content Gabby, and what a real challenge. Sounds like you 2 got along great, and she could be a great friend. I really enjoyed watching this💚💚💚

  3. Just what I needed today. Two classy ladies playing friendly, competitive golf. 30 minutes of positivity. Maybe a match with D1 basketball player Caitlin Clark after the season, I hear she can golf. That could be a huge, especially if you came to Iowa to do it.

  4. This video was terrific…fun, informative, great to watch both Gabby and Sara play on Sara’s home course. I’ll be rooting for Sara when she (without a doubt) gets her Tour Card.
    Also great to see the friendship between you two…

  5. Don’t feel sad. Irish are just better at everything compared to the yanks, except of course the average weight, Americans win with the bigger value there

  6. Hi Gabby. Well done,you played good golf against a very great golfer. This is so good that you put the chellenge out there for yourself to get a measure on where your at in your game. Im sure it told you a lot. She is such a good player and is looking ready for pro golf. So is she a season away from doing that? Gabby your such a sweet person as well. Your so respectful, supportive and positive. Im sure she enjoyed your company as a genuine person amd golfer. More of this Gabby if you can, it was such a good watch. Thanking Gabby golf girl.

  7. Gabby, I love ya, but when you’re interviewing someone, let them answer the question without constantly interrupting with “Yeah, uh huh, oh yeah, I know, etc”. Let them talk, I really wanted to hear what she had to say. When you’re by yourself, let it all out like you do. Overall it’s a great channel you have.

  8. The format of this video was awesome and suits your style really well Gabby! You’re a very natural presenter. If I could make on small suggestion it would be to get your camera guy/gal to keep the frame a little smoother. Maybe get them a gimbal or something?

  9. I’ve been playing golf for 62 years. Gabby and Sara are a credit to the game. That match was so enjoyable to watch. Continued success to both young women.

  10. Sara has a good feel for middle of club face – Gabby needs to not worry about average carry on D1 – she just needs to practice Speed and Power training like there’s no tomorrow and everything else will take care of itself

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