Sub 70 Half Marathon Tips to Help You Run | How to run half Marathon in sub70 | Running Vlog

Are you aiming to conquer a half marathon in under 70 minutes? Join me in this video as I share invaluable tips and strategies to help you achieve that sub-70 milestone, regardless of age barriers. As a 50-year-old master runner, I’ve successfully tackled the challenge of running a half marathon in sub-70, and I’m excited to impart my insights on training, workouts, and race goals. Discover effective training methods, key insights on running faster, and how to overcome hurdles in your half marathon journey. Don’t let age deter you from reaching your running goals – let’s break barriers together and strive for that sub-70 half marathon time!

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🎬 Radisson Blu Larnaka Marathon 2023 ||
🎬 How to run half Marathon in sub70 (week12) ||

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Welcome to my channel so before we start please subscribe and give us a thumbs up so as you can see at the front of the video I did a race uh this week I did a 5K race it was my last 5K race of the year of

2023 uh reason for this is I’m just don’t feel sharp I’m a bit tired uh I’m just getting slower that was the worst 5K race I’ve done for a long long time so come with me now and last talk about this week’s training so on Monday I took

It off then on Tuesday I ran on the treadmill in the alphas these have actually I’ve done 2,000 km in these there is a video on my playlist for these uh then I did a progression run from 340 all the way way down to 305 which is 8 81

K that’s my Christmas mug this year uh the 1ks uh when I got down to say 315 it was hard my legs didn’t feel good like I used to do I think 15 1ks at 309 pace and for some reason I can’t do that at the moment just within four weeks I Just

Energy just went uh like when I got down to the 305 felt like collapsing and I was doing five of these at 305 BCE I in October so obviously you know I’m tired and drained so uh however I’m keeping my legs going going over which is the main thing I’m

Going to retain my fitness and uh by doing these kind of runs once my energy comes back I’ll be I’ll be sharp be running fast again so that’s Tuesday is training so on Wednesday I ran on the treadmill again and the alers uh I do want to run outside more but when I

Finish work it’s so dark and at the moment in Island it’s very windy and raining and just does my head in PE pees me off I just don’t want to do it so I either run on the treadmill or don’t run at all so at this moment in

Time I’m running on treadmill and there’s some programs I want to watch on Netflix anyway which my girlfriend won’t let me watch so this moment in time it’s got to be done it’s got to be on the treadmill like today I’m going to do a speed session I’m going to do uh

Some pyramids and I woke up early and I looked outside and it’s windy as l l so windy it’s just going to ruin my speed work so I’m going to do it on treadmill this is just the time of the year I’m hoping soon it starts to get Frosty and

When it’s like one degre it’s better you can do good speed workor in that kind of uh weather so that’s Wednesday’s speed session Wednesday’s speed session Wednesday’s session so on Thursday it was a better day actually on Thursday I did 5K on the treadmill in the alphas

Again uh then I did 5 1ks of 35 Pace with 2 minutes recovery uh I would prefer a shorter recovery but I just don’t feel any in the leges and then I did 5K again on the treadmill then I did a few 400s uh just get the legs turning over

Uh it was a good solid day you know and keeping my fitness and keeping some speed in my legs so I’m pling along you know this is my downtown time uh December is like November December is kind of me relaxing a little bit now until I build up the mileage again so

That’s Thursday’s uh training so on Friday I decided to run outside because you got to run outside sometimes you know or else your legs are going to get weak running on the treadmill all the time uh so I ran outside 13k in the New Balance

V10s uh it was windy it was cold it was wet uh felt crap after that run to be honest with you um it was the weather is so bad I just felt tired and drained and being at work all day doesn’t help hopefully one day I can retire and and

Uh run full time I might be 70 years old but at least I can run full time and cycle and everything and maybe swim I hate swimming but maybe you know I can take it up get a coach if there’s a coach out there coach me cuz my swimming

Technique is crap uh then on Saturday I did uh 10K on the treadmill I ran these again on the treadmill and then I went to the cinema to watch Wonka you grant was brilliant in Wonka and that’s only good thing about Wonka just your Grant so well done your Grant

So that’s Fridays and Saturday’s training so on Sunday I woke up early in the morning I did something stupid I decided to do a 5K race even though I wasn’t feeling good uh it was a local race my girlfriend woke up and she said she was feeling good she wanted to do a

Race So I’m blaming her so uh the race was just down the road it’s like 20 minutes away so I decided to do the race uh I did the 5K course first I when I do a 5K race I generally uh run the course first just to see it was a hilly course

It was Rolling Hills uh there was probably 600 M of the old race which was fast what I mean by fast you could probably do you know uh if it was at the start of the race you’d go less than three minutes per kilometer it was

Downhill so uh I got to the start of the race I saw some fast guys there thought okay there was a 10k race as well which I’m glad for because uh the way I around that day I probably would to come second in the race I came second in the race uh

For the first uh 2 km I was in front then some guy took over me then another guy took over me but the guy that uh I pulled it back to Second cuz the guy that came third he obviously started off too fast because he faded badly uh no

Disrespect to him but you know sometimes people start off too fast and you can see that they started off too fast usually around 2K 3K that’s usually me actually uh for the first 1K I did 305 which is too fast as well CU it was uphill uh I probably shouldn’t have done the

Race to be honest with you even though I came second uh I was tired but it’s my last 5K of the year now I would would have been hoping for a faster race but that’s just life you know sometimes you know you’re just too tired you drained I

Ran in the uh the alphas for the race uh that will be my last race in this I will never racing these again uh they’re just too soft I will be uh racing in these for now on Prime I probably will get the prime strong too maybe I’ll get them for Christmas who

Knows you know hopefully uh then I’ll be running the prime strong too well unless they’re not as good as these so goodbye you uh Nike for me have gone downn uh a few years ago they were good the alphas 2 uh the the VAP no The Vapor two the alphas

One they were good now the new ones are just too soft so I probably retiring a more to be honest with you and maybe try it added a s time now we’ll see uh so uh it was it was a solid week uh I did 70

Km I 73 for the week I probably should have done 40 to be honest with you I did 40 week before CU I was tired and then I decided oh come on let’s get over this tiredness so I did 70 I’ll be bringing my Mage down for a few weeks now that’s

It downtown downtown downtime uh and then come January I’ll be training hard that was my last 5K race of the Year doesn’t mean I’m not going to go out and do another race uh like 15K 20K or something who knows we’ll see at the end of the year maybe

On December the 31st you know there’s a race and my legs will wake up and they decide to do a race so that’s it guys uh what can I say train hard or die cuz that’s what I’m trying to do uh please subscribe if you can as well you don’t

Have to pay it’s free YouTube’s free like don’t pay well pay if you want for the films and stuff but for my channel it’s free so you know please subscribe and click on each time see you later guys

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