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Austin Reaves On Playing with Anthony Edwards for Team USA

In this clip, Austin Reaves (Los Angeles Lakers) talks about playing with Anthony Edwards (Minnesota Timberwolves) on TEAM USA Basketball in the FIBA World Cup.

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#nba #losangeleslakers

I was um I was with you in Manila for a little bit uh and I want to to get your perspective we haven’t seen I want to get your perspective on that experience looking back and then also you obviously were just you know matched up with

Tyrese in in Vegas last week but just the the talent from that team um you know this is the you know a lot of these guys are the future of the league just like what you enjoyed the most about playing with them what you learned from them everything like that uh I mean

Obviously we didn’t you know finish the way we want to uh winning is the main goal at um any I mean winning is the main goal in everything but um the best thing for me was you know just um you know learning from them but also like creating friendships with them

Like when I come into the NBA I had I knew one guy in the league and it was Landry shamet that was my roommate my sophomore year at witch State um so when I you know come into the league like I didn’t know anybody so everything was kind of knew everybody’s always buddy

Buddy now um so going into that whole situation that was kind of one of my like how am I going to fit in because I know all these guys know each other already and uh probably have played together or you know been around each other but for me this was my second year

In the league at the time and uh I didn’t know anybody um but you know being able to create real relationships you know with these guys uh Mel and cam um from the get-go were great for me you know obviously you know both of them and Kell’s personality you know made

Everything easier for me just because he’s so outgoing so goofy um and we kind of see you know we kind of go about life the same way uh so it was great but I just learned you know a little bit of everything from everybody even the

Coaches just kind of the way that they you know see the game they go about the game the way they do Scout and stuff like that um so yeah it was a great experience did you did you feel like an outsider when you got to the NBA yeah

For sure 100% I I mean I I joke all the time I said this other night I was like I’m not supposed to be here uh I got I got lucky and they gave me an opportunity and I ran with it what was the uh can you just sort of explain to

Like from a basketball perspective the difference between FBA not just the rules but the way the game is played what officiated whatever FBA versus the NBA I mean it’s just a a lot more physical and I think obviously the style of play is way different you know here in the States

Now it’s you know you go to a lot of one-on-one stuff uh there’s not really much offense your offense is a lot of the times High pick a rooll um but I remember when we played Spain uh like our second or third game you know down screens back screens you

Know and you don’t guard that in the league um you know more so when you played that was real stuff but you don’t get much of that anymore just retired two years easy guy yeah easy backward here we go start youed yall know what I mean no I made

This I made this comment during the I think I think it was maybe after the first loss or maybe it was right after the the metal round but I made the comment I think the adjustment for us like meaning you know Americans that didn’t grow up playing in

Europe or Africa or Asia where you know Australia whatever that aren’t used to playing FBA basketball is that there are uh continuous actions that just flow into the next action and there’s certainly some offenses that function like that in the NBA for sure night to night but

There’s less than a handful yeah less than a handful so your your your habits you’re not just accustomed to playing and defending that way and on the other end I made the comment like our go-to at times was just like let’s run a high pick and roll with Jaylen or let’s run a

High pick and roll with Anthony Edwards we didn’t get the continuous you know second action third action fourth action Germany was running some man yeah they were running for real and I mean I remember after the Spain game which we ended up winning I looked at one of their players

And like yo y’all play the most beautiful basketball like y’all might not y’all might not score you know as much or make as much shots whatever but like y’all’s actions the way like it’s in sync you know pin Downs the elevator screens like if someone it’s ball

Watching for half a second you’re back cutting like and everybody knows exactly you know where to go know when all this stuff is happening um so I I personally really enjoy it like it’s it’s beautiful basketball do do you think that like there could ever be buyin from NBA

Players to play more I think more like that I wouldn’t because like my thing with the NBA is like you literally have you know On Any Given team you have one of the 30 best play basketball players in the world why would the ball not be

In his hands as much as possible Right and two with the NBA rules three second all that stuff right it makes sense but sometimes I think maybe there’s an inefficiency in the marketplace where if a team just started running like that all the time be hard to guard it would be I mean

I but are but but in some ways I’m like maybe maybe it would just be wasted energy because you could just run a high pick and roll with tyres Halbert that’s a fact that is a fact I I mean I kind of just think when you go to Golden State

Yeah and obviously they I’ll put Sacramento in there right now too for sure 100 they move really well um but you go to those teams and they’re top you know probably top five in the league in offense I don’t know about Golden State as of this moment

They were for sure you see it but I think you can definitely trickle that stuff in and obviously you’re not going to go away from high ball screens with your best play as you shouldn’t but if you could do actions around that even during that and I think it becomes even

Harder to guard some of the issue is just the continuity of players staying long enough that’s interesting potentially I see that because I think about Germany like we were talking about this before it’s like those guys Dennis and T they’ve played together since they were

13 so they know this and it’s like NBA teams it’s like people are getting paid they’re getting traded you know you hardly ever have the same team yeah I can see that I I do think like you can teach Concepts so I’ll give you an example like with Sacramento like sabonis is the

Hub you can run your initial action but they’re always going to get to a second action because the concept is we can always just go to a dho with sabonis right that’s going to create some level of movement that’s going to bring a second defender in um I I I think the

Buyin would be tough and part of the reason it’s like it’s actually it’s actually hard to play offense that way for 48 minutes in an NBA game it’s just hard I can see that did you realize how good ant was before playing with him there I mean I I

Knew I mean just because I mean basically our whole defensive scheme was when we played them to to stop him you know I think he just was talking about it on some uh they as him who’s one person that he wants to you know cook and he was like LeBron but they never

Let it happen cuz they’re always doubling um yeah I don’t know if I knew he was that good uh the Germany game in Abu Dhabi when he just took over in the second half um I remember he made a a baseline fade uh like double pump and I

Was I was on the right wing and I don’t know what everybody else was thinking at the time but I it was a close game I was just like everything went slow motion again I was just like that might be one of the best shots I’ve ever seen in

Person like the degree of difficulty time and score all that for him to you know have confidence in himself to shoot that and make that that was uh it was really impressive


  1. As of right now, im not sold.on ant yet. Every time I watch a T'Wolves game, now I don't watch them often, dude struggled and can't make a basket. That could change if he continues to develop.

  2. AR is right about good offense missing in the NBA. Even GSW dont run off ball screens like they did during championship years. Now it's Steph 1v1 p&r, or handoff. We went from being unguardable to predictable the last couple years like Kerr lost his playbook.

  3. AR on the Lakers defensive game plans against the Wolves “our whole defensive scheme is to stop him”

    You’re talking about a 22 year old who hasn’t even reached his peak for probably another 2-4 years.

  4. Some of these comments critiquing Ant overlook his unwavering mentality/confidence, as AR pointed out. The stats get him in the convo, taking over some games and his team being top keep his name buzzing, but the respect his peers and fans give him likely have to do with how he doesn't falter. Imo that's also where the (wild and not my own) MJ comparisons come from; doesn't back down.

  5. We need coach j.j lol, the way he speaks on basketball as if he’s speaking in layman’s term but I be having no clue what he’s saying is an art lol.. he made me look up what a dho was and now I feel like ima reall ball player lmao

  6. Is it just me or when did we start doing product placement in videos? 😂😂

    No hate at all I respect the grind but damn my boy 😮😅

  7. I like this channel a ton but the title mentioned Anthony Edwards and I had to sit through the first seven minutes before he was even mentioned and they talked about him for less than two minutes.

  8. Michael and Kobe with triangle offense are the most perfect examples of having an offense structure outside of just putting the ball in best players hands. Of course when it came down to it they would take over when needed, but they are proof it works. Phil does not get enough credit for implementing the triangle offense.

  9. NBA players are often playing for themselves, rather than their team. Even on the world stage, USA players are often worried about perception and endorsements. When Kobe ‘sacrificed’ to only play defensively he was celebrated like it was amazing. That’s what EVERY international player is doing for their country.

  10. Austin claims the same than other players: FIBA basketball is more physical. When you see NBA players incapable to replicate against good international teams those amazing deep threes, super iso or breath taking step backs, remember how much rules can shape a player. And I would go further: there was a time when NBA was more physical and defensive than FIBA (end 90s).

  11. The FIBA type play, continuous action offense etc, wouldn't work in the NBA because they play 80-100 games a year and 8 more minutes per game than FIBA. If they balance the workload for the players a bit more, I think they'll become more open to the idea of that type of game play.

  12. What is the point about justifying the loss in FIBA? They lost. It was a failure. Says a lot about the current NBA.

  13. huge clickbait title. 7 minutes talking about usa vs world offensive flow and 40 seconds about ant. lmao

  14. What Austin was talking about how the way they play in FIBA is beautiful basketball, he’s 1000% right. One of the reasons I fell in love with basketball was watching those type of offenses being ran in the NBA, was literally art, poetry in motion. I’ve cut way back on watching NBA games the last 5+ years it’s so boring now everyone plays the same all 3’s and layups.

  15. This further shows just how special Anthony Edwards already is. He has all the intangibles to make become a player looked at in the same light as a Michael Jordan when it’s all said n done

  16. White guys want basketball to go back to the 50s before black people revolutionized it lol. No. There is FIBA basketball: you can watch it, enjoy it, marvel at it, play it – or just go watch NBA tapes of the 50s. And there is NBA basketball: you can watch it, enjoy it, marvel at it, play it. What you can't do is make people who play quicker, stronger, and more accurately than 99% of the population run around in circles. That's just stupid.

  17. Did making the caption about Anthony Edwards really command that much viewership over captioning it Austin rivers compares FIBA basketball to the NBA

  18. Guys in the NBA don’t have that much time to practice and gel running that style of offense.. oh your mentioning that now. Nice

  19. I dont if this will get read by JJ but well done on reaching 1 million subscribers ( been watching since 500k) wish you and Tommy's families good health and success….

    Im from South Africa basketball culture is not that big in SA .

  20. JJ derails any conversation about the lack of physicality in today’s game. NBA has gotten soft. Is what it is.

  21. Nice take on European ball. I'm watching more of it and less of the NBA/WNBA. FIBA and Euroleague are carried live on YouTube and I'm in heaven—both men's and women's 🙂

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