Golf Players


We’ll break down the Canucks vs. Stars game. And I’ll bring on my daughter Kayla, who celebrates her 16th birthday today!


You can still reserve a spot for the road trip to Vegas from March 31 to April 3, 2024. Contact Neal Chark at 604-767-2042 or to place your deposit and reserve your spot today! And tell him that Canuck Clay sent you!

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My bio: I am a Canucks season ticket member, award-winning video creator, speaker, parody song creator, and founder of the GLCPC (the Good Looking Canucks Positivity Club). I’ve volunteered with the Canucks organization for numerous charity events and I’ve written close to three dozen songs about, for, and with the team.

Thanks for coming by. Make sure you subscribe to my channel!

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Canucks, Vancouver Canucks, Abbotsford canucks, canucks news, canucks rumours, canucks rumors, canucks trade rumours, canucks news and rumours, canucks talk, canucks highlights, canucks roster, clay imoo, elias pettersson, quinn hughes, thatcher demko, Andrei kuzmenko, JT Miller, jim Rutherford, patrik allvin, rick tocchet, canucks playoffs, canucks injuries, elias pettersson, quinn hughes, thatcher demko, Andrei kuzmenko, JT Miller, rick tocchet, filip hronek

Hey everyone it’s Kirk mlan here and you’re watching Clay’s Canucks commentary hey conu fans and welcome to Clay’s conu commentary live presented to you by Van City Experts real estate I am conect clay clay emo and this is my conu take all in one take it is Thursday night

December the 21st if you’re new here’s what you should do hit the Subscribe button now for daily connects Insight that’s positive timely and trustworthy if you are regular here you will recognize that I’m using using a different microphone tonight hopefully you can still hear it yes I I think you

Can still hear someone tell me something really smart someone impressed me and hypothesized why I’m on this microphone tonight and not my usual beautiful white sure microphone why am I going old school $60 Amazon $60 Amazon microphone tell me why I am on this microphone anyways thanks to everyone for being

Here it’s a night with the can lose 4-3 to Dallas in overtime how and they go two and2 on their road trip they played four games in six nights and despite not winning we can say unequivocally but with an asterisk so I don’t know if that’s a that’s a that’s a contradictory

Statement the Canucks are in first place in the entire NHL December 31st no December 21st December 21st actually this is great actually keep putting your your your suggestions in why am I using this microphone instead of the other one keep putting those in I’m going to put all

Your answers up on the screen in a second December the 21st when was the last time we could say we are number one in the entire NHL and yes technically we are tied for number one with Vegas but we hold the tiebreaker if the playoffs were to start today with more regulation

Wins technically we have a worse points percentage than Boston and the Rangers but as I’ve always said that’s no guarantee that they’re gonna get those points but if we were to rank the standings and points percentage which they did when covid stopped the 2019 2020 season then yes we’d be in third

Place not in first but if you’re looking just at points and points to date no matter how many games you played then yeah the Canucks are sitting in first place overall this is how you can get involved tonight moderators actually before I say that thank you for who you

Are and all you do thank you for keeping this a safe and positive space members as Legends Hall of Fame and franchise members thank you for your support as as always and for everyone else no matter where you’re watching from whether my beautiful neighborhood of stevon and

Richmond in the city in the Lower Mainland Province country continent around around the world thank you for being here you know that I know that you could be doing anything else watching anyone else getting ready for work school or better all three but the fact

That you are here with me right now I always appreciate you and I never ever take you for granted now just before we bring my my guest on and I’m going to do reverse the order tonight so Kayla can go to bed she poor girl well poor me but

More poor her I got to drive her to school at six o’clock in the morning she’s volunteering some Santa breakfast or something so uh she’s already doing us a favor doing me a favor quite frankly by staying up this late so I will after my quick intro I will bring

Kayla on first for the first 10 or 15 minutes then we’re gonna let her go to bed and then I’ll talk about the cono game second so I’m going to reverse tonight’s show it’s going to be the guest first and then it will be um connect talk after the midow sponsor

Break but you can still subscribe so you can get active in the chat section and get notified on my videos you can still like this video there are 56 of you in here awesome there are only 13 likes so let’s bump that up to at least 25 or so

You know how much I love that 50% role like the fact we’re together like the fact that the kcks are number one in the league and like the fact that it’s Kayla’s 16th birthday you can also leave a donation always appreciate those you can gift a membership which is the same

As a $5 donation you can actually buy your own membership you can upgrade your own membership you can do a donation as a and I promise that I I’ll give it to Kayla for her birthday you don’t have to do that that’s I told Kayla any

Donations you get tonight I will give to her and if you’re listening on a podcast platform make sure you rate and review now I did say why am I using this old school microphone and not my beautiful white sure microphone Fang girl says Kayla using the other mic 350 Z because

It’s the same mic that you used the last time the con spr League I’m not sure they even had microphones back then but yes um Kayla using the other mic one of your sons needed to use it uh Jacob I I won’t put that on the screen everyone

Can read that you had to put it lay it to rest because it broke I’d be very sad new mic being used to record a holiday music video I love all these I love all these answers Kayla is using the other mic or because the connects are first in the

NHL the clay emo sign was not staying so I need to go find some special glue that I can’t use it for 24 hours I like that okay uh maybe this mic is better when you have a guest on krie o at the emo household canot clay household closet

Alvine needs the mic to record a special holiday message for conu fans all good guesses but I think coach Rob gets it the best basically when when Kayla sits down I don’t want the mic stand the mic arm to cover her beautiful face and I certainly don’t want it to cover my

Beautiful face I want you guys to be able to see both of us directly so this microphone as long as it’s working can you let me know in the chat that you you can hear me and that it sounds just fine and while we do that I want to recognize

The first donation of the night let’s give some love to Hall of Fame member no franchise member excuse me see I promoted you by accident to franchise [Applause] member coach Rob with a $5 donation thank you coach Rob and yes I will pass that on to Kayla Kayla before you come

In hold on I got to recognize another Don wow more Donations I’m just a mess you got the go horn with the intro from legendary Carol bander $10 donation thank you Carol happy birthday Kayla I hope you had a great day best of everything God bless you and take care so thank you rob thank you Carol you

Know what you’re going to be able to to greet Kayla in person so let’s get get to her right away let’s bring her in the most beautiful daughter that I have beautiful daughter not beautiful kid I know come sit come come here as close wait are you vlogging too okay

Kayla’s doing why don’t you just do that right now just just do the intro okay I’m with my dad now we’re on live stream everyone in the chat say hi if you can everyone in the chat say hi so okay they’re all on live stre so back awesome

So Kayla is recording a vlog of her entire birthday so why don’t you say hello to everyone first hi everyone and a lot of greetings so Kayla will answer all your questions at least for the next 10 to 15 minutes in a second in a second

Why don’t you tell everyone what you did today to celebrate o today was a great day um this is the second time ever I’ve been at school for my birthday which is crazy because my birthday is so late but we went late this year so we actually

Our my last day of school is tomorrow so I did have school today but I did um leave school a little early for some birthday festivities um we went to Disney’s it was so desy’s Desi deny Desi is your Aunt yeah yeah and then I got my

Free U meal it was gray and then we headed over to espot the arcade we were going to we were going to go to recck room um the arcade out in Brentwood in bernabe right bernabe um but the drive was 50 minutes so we thought it wasn’t

Worth it so we ended up going to the local arcade here yeah and then after that um we came home got ready for dinner a bunch of my mom’s family came over we celebrated played games ate some delicious Del I can’t talk delicious sushi from my favorite restaurant Sushi

MOA so shout out to them and then now I’m just working on some little um cards for my friends for Christmas and vlogging awesome must run in the family yeah I’m used to having Sean uh sitting with me but he takes up so much room I’m

Used to having Jake with me and he’s a bit of a goof so it’s nice to have you on here with me for a change new change yeah yeah you okay yep all good you can sit up a bit straighter so you don’t look so short there you go okay so a lot

Of people want to say hi to you so let’s let’s let’s kind of highlight some of these for sure and then irn said I was all flustered to introduce you that’s why I was messing up all the Fang girl says happy birthday 3507 says happy birthday Harry says happy birthday EJ

Kempner Trevor who you met at the conck game remember oh yes hi you like him love Yeah Christa I’m trying to look at the picture if that’s the Christa I know Christ are you the Christa I can’t see the I can’t see the the Avatar big enough but if that’s Christa my friend

Christa from work let me know if it’s not still welcome to you Christa Shannon I will get to your uh I’ll get to your donation in a second thank you Erin says happy 16th birthday hope you get a Tesla for your birthday why you looking at me I I can’t

Afford it I’m a YouTuber you think I can afford it well obviously not Han Solo says happy birthday 350 Z what’s your favorite subject at school um currently right now my favorite subjects chemistry or pre-cal that’s fun tell everyone about your Chemistry teacher so my chemistry teacher is my dad’s

Exgirlfriend from grade six and she reminds me every year that I have her and then I can you not their their poor audio is just going to hear you smacking yourself stop never say that I’m smacking myself that didn’t sound right keep going anyways stop it but um yeah

So I call her mom sometimes and she freaks out she does not like it but yeah so that is is my chemistry teacher yes uh Kayla’s chemistry teacher had all three kids Sean Jacob and Kayla and told all three classes that I was her Elementary School boyfriend yeah I’m

Known as the little emo at school little emo Trevor says did you have fun with your did you have fun and enjoy your daddy daughter date at the conu Lightning game oh I did that was a lot of fun it was pretty sick he was a little goofball the whole time but it

Was cool seeing um him get recognized sometimes sometimes I think people would turn around and stare at us and I think they’d look at me but no it was yeah how conceited people would do a double take and mostly guys because majority guys at the game and she thought they were

Looking at her of course not they’re looking at kot clay but I didn’t expect like teenage boys to be looking like recognize you like in a platonic way oh Trev says Sushi is awesome yes it is agreed uh you haven’t met Helen I have she went to Seattle with me and Jake

Happy birthday Kayla good wishes thank you so much any birthday cake what FL flavor Jason oh yes um I actually had two birthday cakes today so at school my friend surprised me they’re both the same flavor actually but um at school my friend surprised me with a cake and they

Lit candles and sang Happy Birthday in the middle of our cafeteria and everyone else started singing it was super nice and then we had cake for dinner as well and those were both Strawberry Shortcake which is my favorite coach Rob says happy birthday thank you Shannon with

The $10 donation we got to give her some love first you not know how to make a heart well that’s a heart happy birthday Kayla I hope you had a great day coach Rob and I and my cat Charlie say get yourself something special sweet 16 soon driving I will

Thank you Shannon for the the very generous donation thank you so much yeah very very kind do you want to eventually try out for youth team can of bowling what do you need to improve on bowling wise great questions Fang girl um that’s a really I haven’t really thought about

That very much I do want to try out one year possibly um girls bowling is definitely a lot less competitive than men so like if I keep practicing and keep um improving there could be a pretty good chance that I make it SOI one day you’re already a national

Doubles Champion which is pretty cool doubles teams not singles oh oh there’s two yes and thank you Shannon thank you for the donation once again let’s give Shannon and love JLo not J Jennifer Lopez but JLo says Happy happy to the sweetest birthdays Kayla thank you

Christa so I’m not sure if youve met Christa I know Sean and Jake have um Christa nice to see you I’m so honored that you’re here I’m not sure if your sister’s here too your sister keeps texting me random conects things so I don’t think it’s an issue just yet I

Kind of like the I like getting messages from her but I know both of you are getting on the team say hello to Chris everyone one of my good friends from work at the arch dases Billy let’s recognize [Applause] this all right you not close your F okay sorry Billy

With a $10 donation thank you Billy says happy birthday Kayla thank you so much let’s give some love to Billy as well subscribe to Clay emo best name in here happy birthday Kayla it’s a good username I like hot take it says Clay is the ladies man about the chemistry

Teacher no yeah Gail Gail should consider herself very very lucky hi Kayla any plans for the new year and what are your goals and accomplishments oo um I definitely want to stop procrastinating in school I’m doing pretty good in school always room for improvement so that’d be great and I am

Actually trying well I’m studying to get my um Learners um license fall next week so hopefully that’ll be a good way um going into 202 and next week you’re starting a second job I am where tell everyone where matuyama the sushi rest that we all love and I’ve been going to

Since what I was like six or seven yes so starting we’re looking forward to the discounts yeah I’m also starting a nail business um in 2024 which would awes nail business a nail God nail business if you guys oh whoa actually hold them up to the camera can you guys see I did

No too close too close back up a bit a bit more can’t you see that’s what they see there there right there right there these are my birthday nails that I did so if you’re looking for nails hit me up half these people half of these people

Don’t live in Vancouver so you know people like hot take hockey he is an awesome YouTuber this guy’s name is John got like 50,000 subscribers yeah he’s he’s he’s the best clay had an X so he’s secretly a Playboy uh I wouldn’t go that far there’s a few just so you know Kayla

You graduate the same time as my sister does oh awesome 2025 EJ says birthday cake or ice cream cake o birthday cake it’s either ice cream or birthday cake besides Sushi from from Sushi mura what is your favorite food oo I’m a big foodie person um also love sushi from

Matama and where else um I really love F I really love diom I really love oh there’s so many things I like this is a bad question because I’ll basically say everything yeah probably probably Sushi dimsum and F are my three top favorites what are you doing practicing gting your learners yes

Hopefully December 28 Shannon says so Kayla how do you feel that your dad justes connect clay commentary and get stopped to talk to and get photos it’s really I mean it’s pretty cool seeing how much his channel has developed because he works so hard he puts so much

Effort into this Channel and it’s really cool to see that all that hard work is paying off and when we go to the when we go to hockey games it’s actually pretty cool to see him getting recognized and everything and I get to say hi to people

As well get to meet people some cool people get to meet a lot of people and my school friends oh my gosh they love it so much they refer to him as Kut clay like when I asked them or when I run a newspaper Club at school so when I ask

One of my journalists what they want to do they want to write about him or they want his autograph there’s a lot of different things but majority of our conversations is about him they’re hurting uh Nicole I see you I’ll get to you in a second for sure what did you

Guys play at espot my favorite is the racing games oo yeah we played we play few we did basketball air hockey air hockey racing games pool um that’s about it we played a few others just here and there pool’s pretty painful yeah took us an hour and a half

To finish three games Fang girl do you have a favorite current conu player yes Ellis Patterson is my fave ever my boyfriend kiding No 21 airball my friend Martin happy birthday Kayla hope you had a blessed awesome birthday and have a wonderful Merry Christmas thank you Ricky my man happy birthday

Kayla how does it feel having the most famous KCK fan in the world is your father I wouldn’t say most famous but it’s very cool it’s pretty sick thank you Ricky you’re a good man what was the worst part about having your mom as a teacher trying to get her in trouble a

Good question I’ve actually um thought about this a lot the worst part was when we had um either Mother’s Day projects or gifts she’d always know what it is yeah or if um there was a really cool opportunity like oh if someone got to I

Don’t know run down to the office or do something like certain things like almost as a reward I would never get picked for it otherwise it look like it’s favoritism so I usually just stayed back behind on most things okay I’m G to speed up you you’re fine but I’m going

To speed up a little bit uh oh thank you for blessing us with your presentence what would you like presents what would you like for Christmas speaking of presents oh what a segue o I do have a big wish list um once again I’m started my nail business

So I want a lot of nail polishes or nail tools or charms those are okay uh hello Smiley Hello Sushi MAA and matam are both on the other side of Richmond Murray says happy birthday Caleb from New Zealand hi thank you Nicole yes my dear you have been summoned so Nicole is

A younger sister of Christ oh Christa is who I’ve worked with I volunteered with both Christa and Nicole and they are both big conu fans but they’re their fandom is increasing exponentially Awesome by the minute so Nicole and chrisa trying to get you to come to Vegas with us on that trip you

Should glad to see both you what’s your favorite Christmas movie you enjoy watching oh I love elfl Elf is always a classic yeah what a masterpiece I want to try the sushi I want you to do my nails my friend used to do nails and I miss my nails being done yeah they’re

Always a blast awesome Shannon uh oh you might get your luners on my brother’s birthday he’s 2019 this year nice nice are you a fan of the skate logo yeah I like it it’s pretty cool I like all the logos I love my favorite colors are

Green and blue so I do love the OG’s but I love all of them equally OG old guy what who will teach Kayla how to drive a driving instructor or clay I don’t know probably no one from the family they’re all pretty bad drivers what are you

Talking about so uh if we follow the trend of the other the Sean and Jake I taught them and then they took lessons from a driving instructor as a as a freshen up or brush up right before their exams so would you introduce all your school friends to your dad when he

Drops you off at school well during drop offs it’s just like I get out of the car and he leaves but when we have like school events and he shows up my friends already know they know without me telling them and they’re already freaking out one time at a school like

Fair almost for a project that we did and so many people would stop my dad and be like oh my gosh it’s conut Clay and then can you stop I your back is going to be red after this yeah that’s what that’s what Jason just said actually but

Yeah and then one of my friends asked my dad to sign his wallet yes and he stopped using that wallet because he didn’t want the like signature to rub off I actually signed a kid’s wallet yeah it’s on display in his room I do not know that how much Coke or Pepsi

Does your dad go through in day two liters a day no no it’s not that much too much a day Clay’s gonna pull us back with all the back slapping that’s true glay don’t don’t inj yourself patting your back my own back Kayla coach Rob and I are coming over to Vancouver to

See my first game on March 28th I hope really hope that I can meet you we got to figure out who’s going to the game from our family but maybe we’ll try and meet I’ll be in Europe oh nice one she’ll be in Europe sorry you should get

A Pon Jersey I really want one I really want one you mentioned this already but Raymond came later what’s your favorite subject chemistry and pre-calculus Kayla you got to teach your dad how to make a heart shape with his hands he keeps signaling a hudle i

Knowle I I guess he think it’s a quter okay Hur up quick Liston 10 seconds curve it curve it more so thumbs down do a thumbs up down I’m good at that together and then Curve Your oh and then Curve Your that’s not that bad maybe you can this one oh what

I don’t know why I to make that stupid face you’re you’re useless now don’t say I’m useless was it weird calling your mom Mrs emo and do people ever combine your birthday and a Christmas gift into one oh those are a good question so I fun

Fact I had my mom as my teacher for two years grade two and grade four grade two I was horrible with it only called her mom didn’t call her Mrs emo at all grade four my Mom finally was like okay Kayla you have to call me Mrs emo so I was

Better in grade four and um also about my mom thank God for her she when I was born um she told everyone our family our friends a rule that I had to get two presents unless it’s like my brothers will get me a bigger present and combine it but usually they’re separated but

Sometimes it depends yeah you don’t want to sound too materialistic doesn’t matter how many gifts you get yeah people’s presentence and Love Is All I need presents like Ian CE not yes NTS happy tequila from just incredible what is one thing you want to accomplish this year I want to get done

With grade 11 well that that’s a good goal will you be a server at matama um I think at the start I’ll just start off with busing maybe taking orders um we’ll see if I get to serving Kayla’s pretty lucky to have such a cool and famous dad that’s very

Nice come on very lucky very lucky go for the pros for driving it’s good advice that’s good advice what’s your favorite Disney ride oo I love Tower of Terror and the incredible and incred coaster clay would be a good driver teacher you could even do a YouTube video or the

Teaching of the teaching I don’t know feel like we’d crash Duff man says happy birthday thank speaking of food do you have a favorite Filipino dish oh I love cind gang I love sour stuff so I love syang fan girl I got to meet fan girl in

Langley in back in June and it was nice to meet thank you fan girl it’s nice to meet you too as well I met K had a meet up at Monkey n last January coach was the one who drove all the way from the island like he he didn’t drive on the

Water he took on the water lazy trading cards Tony’s assign Pon Jersey hanging there see if you can get a good deal tell him from Aon from Hong Aon we’re gonna do that lazy trading cards remember that on that that is awesome okay we’ll keep Kaleb for five more

Minutes if you ever meet peton would you take a picture with him or autograph have him autograph your jersey if you no let’s the point is if you can only pick one photo photo yeah welcome Tyler no problem Smiley why are you beating your back so I’m not sure Helen if you’re

Being sarcastic or not it’s the it’s the proverbial or um figurative patting yourself on the back that’s what I’m doing surprised you can read CH yeah I know not the most flexible I took chemistry and math in high school too just not very good at that’s fair we all have our strengths

Tyler says happy birthday Tyler says happy birthday wake up what countries are you going to in Europe um I’m going to Italy Germany that’s it just those two it’s all with a school trip which will be super fun yes yes yes tip some customers

May get on your skin if you work in a restaurant are you ready for that I already get customers under my skin at my current place of work so I’m used to it yes and you’ll learn some life skills yeah okay last question here do you guys think that Kayla and I

Look alike oh great no no be serious come here smile jeez okay I asked that because people I don’t want to bias you you say whatever you want and I took off my glasses because especially when Kayla’s not wearing makeup because I don’t I don’t wear a lot of makeup they say that

Sean looks like Gail’s mom side BL tongs they say that Jacob looks like my dad’s side Emos and they say that Kayla looks like my mom’s side the Jun so do you guys think we look like this is what we’ll wind up with what’s this me like you’re looking you’re looking over a

Counter okay let’s finish this off oh clay would be a great teacher for driving Safety First first lesson from experience always pull over and do vlogs or or use your phone when parked on the side of the street right sometimes sometimes she records Vlogs when we’re

Driving her to school and I have to be careful uh kayak not sure what that means Fang girl Kayla looks like Gail oh Kayla looks more like her mom wow love same smile that’s us Kayla is a mix of both Gail and Clay lynon says happy birthday thank you like daughter like

Her mom like son like his dad interesting a lot of them are saying mom honestly she does look like well thank you Jay I wouldn’t want you to lie so yes more Gail and last question or last comment do the first lesson with Dad will always

Be a special moment I’m glad I took the first lesson with my dad years later I remember that uh moment for the laughs and scary moments well hopefully it’s not too scary moments thank you Helen and you have same smile like clay but a

Bit of Gail in you as well and finally D Tran says I have a niece named Kayla too and she looks like you also happy birthday so thank you everyone for the generous donations I promised Kayla that I would use it use them on her coach Rob Carol Shannon and Billy awesome very

Very generous any last words for all of your fans um subscribe like comment um subscribe to Kayla emo Vlogs you’ll see um me vlogging and a clip from this live stream on there yeah okay that’s it and what time what time do you have to go to

School 6: a.m. tomorrow wait you have to be there at 600 or we’re leaving at 600 we have to be there at 6 okay well I could be a little later no no I’ll get you there to 6 okay say bye to everyone bye everyone thank you so much for

Having me thank you for all the donations and questions thanks for all the love and support and like comment subscribe to K clay okay good night okay good night everyone love you love you too happy birthday thanks all right there we go Miss Kayla emo the first emo girl in 75

Years yes before her it was 12 straight boys between my brother and me and then our dad and his two brothers pretty crazy when you think about it yeah that was fun I was glad that uh that Kayla was able to join and thank you Justin beauty

Just runs in your whole family clay you’re all beauties and legends I appreciate that you guys know how proud I am of my three kids how proud I am of of my relationship of Gail and my relationship with her and um it was pretty cool Gail and I appeared on a

Podcast recently a Catholic dating podcast and the the title was Know Your Role not like the rock but more just um really capitalizing on your strengths in your relationship while acknowledging your weaknesses and I I know I have a lot of weaknesses uh for sure but um one

Of my weaknesses is not having a wonderful uh and very very faithful and polite kids so thanks everyone for your great questions thanks for always treating them so well whenever they do come and appear on the screen let’s do my Mitchell sponsor read shout out to my P primary sponsor vanity experts real

Estate contact Jason Lim’s team for all of your real estate needs shout out to my secondary sponsor perform and transform personal training and weight loss check them out at PT thank you to gasy J art maker this fine artwork and thank you to vessie Footwear use the link vesy clay and

Receive a free pair of socks off your next purchase of vessie shoes don’t forget if you’re looking for conu tickets email me at conlay I will send you my list and this is my last show of the week because it’s Thursday I got to figure out um what I’m

Doing next week because there’s Sunday is obviously Christmas Eve Monday is Christmas day so depending on what I’m doing I know Park and I aren’t vlogging my my gut feeling is I’m I’m gonna take a break over Sunday and Monday and then come back on Tuesday the 26th that’s my

Guess but I will confirm that with you guys over the weekend lastly you guys know we’re selling this this package Vancouver versus Vegas four days March 31 to April 3 the game is on April 2 cost is $999 and it has return airfare airport transfers three nights at at the

Park MGM and the game ticket if you’re interested contact Neil CH neilc at uniglobe Carefree doca that’s neilc uniglobe Carefree doca he’ll ask for a $200 deposit now full payment due at the end of next month and then mention conut clay because he is tracking where all

The sales are coming from and I think that I’ve been able to refer him to about 10 or 12 people which is pretty darn cool a midow reminder to all of you to subscribe to like the video to leave donations and once again thank you for your generous donations tonight you can

Gift memberships you can become your own member upgrade your own membership and if you’re listening on a podcast platform make sure you rate and you review I’m gonna quickly quickly give give you my Impressions on the game for only five or seven minutes and then I’m

Going to turn it over to all of you because if I take too long um we’ll we’ll we’ll go for too long so let me just talk about the game from my perspective because this is going to be very fast I didn’t watch the game [Laughter]

We were at espot as Kayla mentioned and then by the time we got home it was the start of the second period then we had company come over so and we were quite busy getting food ready Sushi as you know for the second period so I only got

To watch the third period which was a very good period to watch it felt like a playoff game didn’t it it felt quite intense both teams wanted to win and so I’m going to give you a very very uh I guess kind of basic rundown of what I

Liked what I didn’t like one other thing what I liked the third line Joshua bler and Garland combining for another six points each of them had two points and they were so good they scored the first goal for the conuts they scored the third goal the first goal was a Garland

To Joshua two-on one the third goal was returning the failure Joshua to Garland and I really wish that stood up as the game-winning goal but Dallas had other plans I like Thatcher Demo’s game thought he was solid I like the uh penalty kill going three for three and

Uh those are the some of the things I did like um I thought I really like B’s goal the second the second Kuts goal and I thought overall despite the slow start they scored first but then they got dominated for the rest of the first period I did like the way that the

Knucks hung around on the last game of a four game Road Trip four games in six nights yada Yad Y what I didn’t like well after the conu scor then they got dominated the first period the shots were 16 to six didn’t like a power play

Um I I admittedly I didn’t get to watch a lot of power play so maybe they were amazing and they just couldn’t put the puck in the net but I see 0 for three so you guys can tell me how the power play went uh I didn’t like Ian Cole’s game I

Thought he struggled a little bit at least from what I saw and um I don’t know if this is I know a lot of people are ragging on PD on the post game on Twitter but um I I thought he was okay the the two on0 in overtime oh another

Thing I didn’t like was how Dallas basically had the puck for 80 90% of the overtime period when when the Cs did it they loop back behind their net two or three times and then uh they did spring py and Joshua for a breakway in the

Extra frame now I’ve watched it a few times and I talked to my son Sean about it and it was really interesting because I think both players didn’t play that well Wedgewood let’s give Wedgewood the goalie credit but when they had a two on0 I think P’s got to make himself look

More like a shooting threat and then with a quick quick you know pump fake then he can get it across to Joshua and then Joshua can either shoot or then get it back to py if he has the time I I I said that to my son Sean Sean says no on

A two on0 you got to play give and go and I said okay fine I I’ll give you that you got to go give and go but this give and go materialized so slowly I think uh it was weird I say it slow but Joshua didn’t really make Wedgewood make a

Choice like Joshua never made it look like he was going to shoot he tried to open up his body but it was weird it was too Lefty so when py gave it to Joshua Joshua had to open his up his body he basically turned 90 degrees and then

Instead of even looking at Wedgewood he passed it right back to py so Wedgewood didn’t even have to slide from his right to his left he basically could stay there and then then it was just basically now becomes a one-on one-on 0 a breakaway with PD in very tight I

Thought maybe py should have given Joshua more of an option like go a bit wider so then Wedgewood then has to make a decision but then I also realized that it because p is a lefty the puck has to come across his body it would be different if pety was a righty Joshua

Was a lefty and then they’re on their strong sides just Bam Bam like kind of Hugh and honic do when they when they switch places but no because P’s a lefty the puck had to cross all the way across his body on the return pass for Joshua

So I’d be really curious to see what you guys have to say about that is um was uh blame seems such a strong word but you blame PD for that do you blame Joshua do you blame both of them it it just didn’t look like a dangerous two

And0 it didn’t look like Joshua was ever an option and granted PD should but py should I know it’s a lot to to I guess uh process when you’re when you only have a split second to think or a couple seconds but py should have known I’m the

Better player I’m the scoring threat I got to make the goalie think that I’m gonna shoot and then then I’ll decide if I get it over to Joshua because can’t you picture this can you picture PD coming in with speed coming down the left side pretending to make a move

Doing a fake shot Wedgewood commits and then a quick Passover and then Joshua has got a taping as long as they are as long as you know Joshua is outs skating the the the forward or the defenseman rushing back one other thing well what can you say the connects with 47 points

Are tied with Vegas but they have the they have the tiebreaker because they have more regulation wins and they’re number one in the entire league in terms of points in terms of points percentage they’re only behind New York and Boston but um that’s a really good place to say

Answer so third place by points percentage first overall in the entire NHL in terms of actual points by virtue of the tiebreaker over the Vegas golden knights so you guys the Canucks have points in was that New Jersey game no no the kcks have points in one two three

Four five eight straight games they have won six of their last eight and in the two losses they went to extra time so it’s really like they’ve won seven out of eight if you follow the math and the conects have played every alter every second night since

December 12 so they they have played um you know six games in in one two three four five technically in 10 days or if you take the last four they’ve played four games in the past six nights or three in the last five whatever you want

To say but four in the last six sounds like the actually no they didn’t alternate on the weekend they played back toback so yeah they played four games in the past six nights and they were all on the road so that’s a lot because that means you’re traveling in between each and

Every game oh Sarah welcome you you missed my half an hour with Kayla though make sure you go back and watch it it was a it was a lot of fun so conu fans I will um there’s we’re under we’re at 80 people so I am happy to read some of

Your comments as well I I’ll answer questions but I’ll also read some of your comments let’s go your impressions of this game your impressions of where the kcks are in the standings right now are there any ways in terms of play that this team reminds you of the 2011

Team 2011 was a bit dirtier a bit grittier this team has more high-end skill that team both teams are were deep defensively like we’re getting better and the goal tending has been superb so I’ll say the goal tending is the thing that reminds me the most of the 2011

Team loango and Schneider Demco and the Smith Sarah says happy 16th to Kayla thank you if the playoffs started today the Conns would have be home ice and play the Arizona count the first round who wins it in how many games conu in five I think Arizona would take one the

Con are a much better team I’ll go conu in five I think if PD and the other players practice that movie you talked about with PD being a lefty would take some good practice yeah and it doesn’t happen a lot you great Point Shannon but usually a two- 0 Breakaway is very rare

So um I I that’s a really good point I don’t think they spend a lot of time practicing yet winning percentage would discourage teams playing chess SMH squandering overtime where tie would neither count as a win or a loss yeah I’ve heard that argument before too is

You don’t you don’t uh you somehow make it more advantageous to win in regular in regular time or you don’t give a point for the loser like a loser point so you’re you’re trying to win more the power play does not look the same Seria not sure who Seria is but I agree

That the power play does not look the same tet blames Kango for the loss yeah I’ve seen that some of that commentary as well I think OT could have been more dangerous than Joshua P R on two and0 when py had Puck I think he had a weak

Shot okay that’s fair oh sorry he did have get off a weak shot yes he did it was a very good game by both teams we were on a six game win streak versus them no doubt they were going to play out hard yeah they’re a good team too

They’re R they’re fighting for the top of the Central Division all good would you put Demco back in net on Saturday or would you put the Smith in net H good question I I think it could go either way you say Demco they’re going to have a lot of

Time to rest after that so play him as long as he’s rested or you say if he doesn’t play then you give that’s another couple days extended break for Demco I I’d be fine with either guy to be honest with you I have a feeling G me desmith

Because San Jose on paper is not that strong and and dis Smith’s been playing well the power play does not look the same without kusenko that is fair Z that is fair if PD aimed at the a little higher yeah he was in quite tight though for

Sure you think the Smith what do you think your prediction will be on Saturday against the Sharks and Which con player will goore first well you know my prediction is 4-2 because we still haven’t hit it and I’ll go Brock besser with the first canut go hey tur

I’m F the result but if p is making Double J next year maybe you kind of want him to bury those yeah I’m not GNA rag on him too much he’s still playing overall very well this season but yeah I actually thought he should he should

Have scored that too if he if he’s the man kind of thing we we want to be able to rely on him like that McKinnon is going crazy lately what kind of stats has he been uh putting up 350 let me know let me know who has game over on Saturday it is

Parker Parker has game over on Saturday I don’t think horona fits on the power play like kbo does yes it’s very rare that um that units have two defenseman they’ve kind of gone away from that in NHL the one one thing that kzo does have

Is he’s a right shot like uh sorry the one thing that horon does is he has a right shot like kzo is so maybe that’s why they have them out there wow four- one tonight second and points now crazy thanks guys been King that four if Kango

Does not make it in the lineup against San Jose then he’s played his last game as a kanak yeah you know that that is those strong words for sure but yeah now you have a reason to put him in because the con’s lost and you need an offense

For sure that’s I’m not sure if it if it means the end of his career in Vancouver if he does not play especially with what Dan milstein was saying today that there’s no problem but uh I would expect him in put Demco in it’ll be seven days

Between games he needs to stay sharp lots of games in January light and loow dend great Point yeah the the whole point of getting him a lot of rest kind of works in the reason for playing Demco is that he’s still G to get a lot of

Rest after the Saturday game do you think the con will score more goals against the Sharks uh will they score more than three on Saturday yes they will well lineup changes would you like to see I would sit well heck you know I would put K on

The top line with pety mcab and just say here’s your chance kind of thing and then I I don’t make any changes on D because U Json wasn’t the problem tonight and then maybe you go to Smith but truly I’m fine with either goalie so

I do think you see kzo come in for field dppi or Neil Zaman and then you move Sam laf to the middle don’t put Demco in the rest of all games well there’s only two there’s only December 23rd against San Jose at home and then December 28th against

Philadelphia also at home PD Joshua horic in overtime Brock JT Quinn another unit yeah they only rotate between Quinn and and horic for sure what do you think the lines will be do you the third on the second line since they effective no the the reason why they’re so effective

Is they usually play against the other team’s third line and they’re so much better than them so no you don’t change the ice time you need to play PD Miller and Brock a lot they need to put Kingo back with PD is definitely a top six not a third or

Fourth line oh and I agree with you I actually thought it was going to happen by Christmas but I didn’t expect kmea to be is scratch twice in a row disappointed I won’t see you at the game I know you’ve sold a bunch of games maybe you’re at the Leafs game yeah you

Know I’m not going to Leaf game I’m going to the Chicago game but my buddy mik’s going to Leaf game I’m not there in the arena until December until January 22nd unless I can’t sell the Saturday’s game then K Gil and I will likely go in the lower bowl but I I I

Have a feeling I’ll be able to sell it right-and de are so expensive because they’re more rare fan girl it’s weird there’s more right-handers than left-handers in the world but there are more left-handers who play hockey it’s just kind of strange when you think of

Um a lot of the good players they’re all lefties and I don’t know if they’re they’re right-handed in real life and and they they shoot left though because I you guys might remember I was talking about this way back in the summer when I met a

Guy used to play hockey and he was saying if you’re right-handed naturally you think you shoot right but if you shoot left this hand right-handed is is drawing a lot of the power too so I don’t know I don’t know the mechanics I don’t know the the physics I don’t know

The stats but I do know that they’re simply fewer right shot defenseman and that’s why they’re more at a premium conu better not take the sharks like I don’t think they will they sharks beat them last time oh okay dismiss Saturday and Demco next game that’s fair

Clay you should get some rest soon you need to wake up at 5 350 I always love how much you you look after me brother I really do I’ll be fine I’ll sleep all the way till quarter to six wake up take Kayla to school and I’ll go come home

And go back to bed it’s fine get them back and let them work it out for the next five games or so we need CS to be a threat I agree with you D Tren cheapest low B tickets that you’ve seen so far this year the cheapest low bow I’ve seen

Um I’ve seen people sell them in the corners for like 17500 a pair so 80 to 100 maybe 90 to $100 each I I’ve sold for as high as 650 I’ve sold for as low as 200 50 when I was trying to get rid of them so but and the mine are pretty

Good they’re in section 115 so I’ve seen some of the the ends and Corners go for under $200 a pair another top six win you’re like tuck would replace kusco if kuseno doesn’t have tets trust that’s fair will you be going to more conuts games in February yeah I think my my

Number does pick up in February be at the Jet game awesome are you right-handed when I write but when I play hockey I shoot left yeah there’s a lot of guys like that my brother her bought tickets from you oh so now I know who you are I know who

You’re yes I like herb a lot I sat with them at a dinner recently and that’s when we made the deal so Hans Solo Kujo I don’t know if your name is Hans if it’s solo if it’s Kujo if it’s none of those but yes I do know her not really

Well but well enough served together that’s awesome that’s nice to always make that connection thank you Hans that’s great please say a little to hurt from me someone mentioned Anthony De Clair might be available at the deadline there’s a Winger for py does he still have anything left in his game

Ricky should van look at acquiring a player like Conor Murphy from Chicago might be an upgrade from julson depends on the cost fan girl I think aline’s always looking but it really depends on the cost to get some of these players you know given that this is might my last show before

Christmas yeah it could because I don’t stream Friday Saturdays and then I’m likely not going to stream Sunday Monday I think I’m G spend the last 10 minutes uh doing ask me anything and then we’ll take it to 12 and then we’ll end but not yet let’s finish with these questions

Lefty when I right and right-handed when I play sports her about WKRP beautiful I did play house games at coina rightand D for college roller hockey I had to do face nice I don’t think the connects will take the shs lightly my next game in January is the leaves nice Bob hen City

Engulfs right swings a bat right but shoots left I don’t understand yeah it is weird py with new contract or McKinnon on his current contract who would you rather have McKinnon is on a yeah I think uh McKinnon on his current what’s McKinnon on his current Justin I I need

To know what McKinnon is on his current isn’t even McKinnon on his current contract pretty good no it’s expensive right ah but if I had to take one let’s say the numbers were about equal if I took one player straight up I’d take PD I take McKinnon over PD I

Think McKinnon is just that good p is good too PD is excellent but there’s something about McKinnon by right friends last 10 minutes I’m gonna put it on the screen um so there’s no doubt but let’s do ask me anything for last 10 minutes no hockey questions no conu questions

For the last 10 minutes of this stream I’m right-handed but I see my left arm on my left side and right arm I see my left arm on my right side not sure what that means I’m a ready too but I write better with my right hand too well that’s like

Me James says I golf swing right hockey left baseball left people are weird that way well I would never say that you’re weird James but yeah it’s all comfort level and how you’re raised have I done I’ve done most of my Christmas shopping but there’s still a couple things that

I’ll be on the look for but look out for but our family we’re pretty practical we often tell each other wait till boxing day and and then get it cheap especially if it’s something that will be cheaper dream car drend great question I actually am not a big car guy so I’m not

Going to sit here say l Lamborghini or Porsche or Ferrari Tesla I don’t know any I don’t know any of those things so I I started dis point you D Trend but I gotta be real um I do not have a dream car I’m just blessed that my car Works

Although I took it to the shop today and uh yeah I don’t have a dream car sorry for the poor answer Christmas Eve we’re seeing my brother’s family and my mom so the emo is Christmas day it’s gails side the Lim tongs New Year’s haven’t decided yet

Sometimes on New Year’s we have a party here on New Year’s Eve you know the acronym uh LMAO laughing my off well we do an LA Mao party laugh uh last minute alternative option party so I I make a joke I said if you’re a

Loser if you’re a loser and you have no plans on New Year’s and you want to hang out with other other losers come to my house uh the ultimate loser and we we get like uh 20 to 30 people over not sure if we’re gonna do that this year

Cameron I am a massive 5 foot6 5 foot six sorry Murray love you man but I’m not going to do any more con questions oh yeah I’ll just do one because you’re you’re here from New Zealand can you remember if a team has ever gone outside

The normal areas and found a player and added to their team um not not an impact player like the the most you’d say is a guy from Europe or a college um a college standout or a college free agent what did you take uh yeah Bob okay I’ll

Answer this then nor canat questions what is my take U they’re not going to resign all of them we’ll see what happens after they resign PD and heric and that includes guys like zadorov as a kid growing up was the best gift you got for Christmas table hockey I loved our

Table hockey that we would have in our living room means my left arm that I see is on my left when it’s on my right side in a oh oh Ty so you’re trying to be funny so or maybe you are funny I don’t know I it

Just worded weird sorry I didn’t pick up on it I do have a Honda D Tran you’re so smart I have a Honda Civic wow do I do I give Honda Vibes we have a Civic and an odyssey that probably doesn’t surprise you two Hondas favorite Christmas tradition you have

Other than going to church uh growing up we would get together a bunch of families and rotate houses and and my my dad would dress up as Santa Claus Japanese Santa Claus and then I think more recently with my mom and my brother’s family so them and their five

Kids and us and our three kids so 13 of us we play the Left Right game where we all have rra packages my mom puts $50 in one envelope every other envelope has five $ Five Doll Bill and then you each get one and she tells a story and any

Time there’s a word left you pass it to the left every time there’s a word right so it could be Santa Claus left his house so you pass the package to the left and and he went right back to the north pull then you pass it to the right

Kind of thing so basically these these things these packages Circle in the very end you open them up and then one person has $50 so we’ve been playing that for the last few years been a lot of fun with all the kids classic Corvette nice have I ever

Worked with Holy Cross secondary yes I know many of the teachers there I have a profound respect for especially their music program I know um some of the youth workers out there teachers and a lot of the students Z are you connected with them or is this who I think it is

No no that’s that’s a different last name that starts with a z never mind never mind I take it back what was that dream car 350 or is it a 350 see I don’t even know what kind of car that is Billy I am a wrestling fan I’ve been watching

All ever since I was little I know everything about the WWE and I know some stuff about aw I’m a loser because I don’t have money to fly to your loser party no you’re not a loser you’re you’re you’re smart don’t don’t waste your money can

Your kids speak Chinese and tala or is it just English they can speak English they know a few talic phrases but no it’s just English we should have a CCC New Year’s Eve meet up why are you saying we’re all losers here I’m just kidding I know

You’re not saying that Harry um maybe we’ll save that for the New Year good idea though favorite dims some place I do not eat dim some you you Dim some you lose some but I think if I had to pick one uh oh Continental I know it’s not

The best dims some but I I know the owner there and we we go there continental and Richmond that’s what we’re going going with Shannon coach Rob coming to my LMAO party no problem what’s your favorite Christmas song I Think It’s Do You Hear What I

Hear not Can You Hear What I Hear but I hear what you’re saying um my favorite nonreligious Christmas song is this Christmas by Donnie Hathaway and my favorite religious Christmas song would be Angels We Have Heard On High I really like that one no Tyler it’s me it’s me I’m the one

That’s not very bright and because I have no clue what you’re saying I I think you’re saying things look reversed in the mirror which which is fine I should have picked up on that table hockey rocket hockey or air hockey I’ll go table air and then

Rocket Ricky drives in a court too nice thoughts on Raw on Monday it was fine it was fine there’s some good matches on there for sure sure I wish my car was fuel efficient as a Honda so what do you drive I have no clue left and right have you ever been a

Cambi secondary school yes I’ve been there a couple times especially to watch the boys play volleyball or basketball an Nissan GTR that sounds really good do you consider yourself to be a left-handed or right-handed hockey defense and softball hit everything right-handed I do everything to the the right side all my swings

Everything I went to Monday Night Raw over 20 years ago best entertainment that’s awesome that’s awesome I hope it’s a good show oh you’re working on the extension at Holy Cross nice that’s awesome when’s it gonna be done my dream golf destination I would love to play a major

I’d probably like shoot double par but i’ love to play any major it doesn’t matter where truly doesn’t matter where but if it was I was going to put a few rounds together maybe someone like Hawaii or Florida I don’t know yeah my recovery fan girl is being

Good for the most part part although I’m not sure if I mentioned on the stream last night I feel like I had a setback last night I think I mentioned it because um I was on my feet did 15,000 steps yesterday which is a lot even on a

Normal day but when I’m still recovering and I was like moving pianos and setting up tables and setting up chairs so I did ice it for this morning and it was okay but um I was a little bit sore today so I was a little bit disappointed but just

Got to keep working at it Diet Coke Coke Zero or Pepsi Zero all all three suck what is the best concert I’ve been to uh Phil Collins was really good boy to men was really good I would love to see Bruno Mars or Justin Timberlake but maybe one of those

Two oh thank you 350 I only got to grade six so I didn’t get that far I’m not the most technical player I have a good ear I I can site read and I um I’m actually I’m probably the best at cording that’s what I’m really good at but um I’m not

The best anything faster than an eighth note I probably can’t do it but thank you where are you Christmas and Please Come Home for Christmas nice I will not be going to SmackDown originally that was going to be the date of Kayla’s sweet 16 party then we moved it to the

Night before but by that time um tickets are too expensive I think we will see a player shoot left and right but I’m sure a lot of these guys can but then what are you doing you’re you you have to switch sticks all the time I I think it’s just

Better to to choose one way yes 350 uh my son and I my son Sean and I were talking about this Sean wants to go I have tried not tried Nitro vanilla nitrogen infused when you pour out you have to be you have to be rough to nucleate the bubbles and turns out

Creamy smooth that sounds like a disaster waiting to happen but thank you uan raw when Kid Rock perform wow if you golf with a professional golfer which one would you pick uh probably honestly Tiger Woods the the stories he would might be able to tell um I don’t know a

Lot of golfers for sure but I’d still I’m still old school I’d go Tiger Woods that’s awesome drron Shia Twain in 2004 have I ever seen any con players at a concert no but Sean sat behind Ray Ferraro at something he was at recently if someone offered a great

Playe job doing Ministry in different part of the world where would you want to move you know not the most exotic but I have I have a lot of ministry friends in Arizona I have a lot of ministry friends in Nashville and in Texas so those are three I consider in terms of

Just overall climate style life um La would be really cool the struts all right thank you how is crazy p on the road to Seattle was he loud game versus Florida guy in our section hit his drum he was not not impressed oh a guy in your section hid

Crazy peas drum that is hilarious um on the road trip Seattle he was fine during the game he didn’t bang his drum because he didn’t want to be disrespectful that way we were the visiting fans he is very uh you know friendly people love coming up to him take pictures with him and

He’s very friendly with fans and then he was good just to talk to casually too but it the one thing about him was pretty funny he turned it on pretty quick so um I’m not sure you saw my pictures we were playing like Bingo on

The bus and then he would start off just saying okay now under the letter oh we got oh 65 oh 65 so he would just kind of turn it on at random times he was a lot of fun I I really like him a lot Kit Kat or Hershey’s cooking cream

Kit Kat all the day favorite computer game I RAR played um games on the computer it was all Sega Genesis or Sony PlayStation or PS4 so I didn’t really really play a lot of games on the computer there was a bad one when I grew up when I was growing up called leiser

Suit Larry which was kind of naughty and I remember playing that when I was a bad kid well I meant player that can play left or right on the same shift uh s yeah okay I I hear what you’re saying I just think naturally with the the

Stick that you have in the curve you have to like uh uh yeah I hear what you’re saying that a lot of these guys it would be great to have that skill set but how you’re going to be when you’re trying to shoot a left-handed shot with a with a

Right-handed stick how many games have you been in the Grizzlies game how many games I probably went to about three dozen or so more probably three or four dozen because I had Jam packs 12 game packs 11 game packs for a few years I went to plenty of them yeah Harry so I

Can’t name all of them for sure friends it is midnight I better get going it’s not Kayla’s birthday anymore but I still see her walking around even though she’s got to be up in 5 hours this was awesome I want to thank all of you for being here here and if this is

My last show before Christmas I want to wish all of you a very blessed and Merry Christmas I’ll get to see you between Christmas and the new year so I won’t give you my New Year’s greetings just yet but Christmas just like Thanksgiving and other holidays a time to really give

Give thanks and be grateful for what you have and who you have and your health hopefully for most of you so I really hope you spend some time uh really um taking stock of what you have and being grateful for it I’m grateful for all you moderators thank you for doing what you

Need to members that’s legendary Lucas Gates legendary Carol bander legendary Andrew Chang thank you for your support and thank you to the support of Hall of Fame franchise members as well to everyone who subscribed who liked and who watched tonight thank you very much and to coach

Rob Carol Shannon and Billy thank you for the donations I will make sure that I spend them on k something nice for Kayla for everyone else thank you I always appreciate you never take you for granted thank you to my sponsors Van City Experts real estate perform and transform personal training and weight

Loss and and if you’re listening on a podcast platform make sure you rate and review don’t forget to contact Neil CH neilc un Global caref if you want to go on that Vegas strip contact me at conect clay if you want to see my Vancouver connects ticket list

And on your way out subscribe like the video leave a late donation leave a late membership gift or you can upgrade your own membership or buy your own membership and thank you thank you for making uh for welcoming Kayla asking her some really good questions and thank you

For hanging out with me for the past hour and Natty just before I go yes I am very aware that the kcks are first in League I talked about it from in the stream from the 30 to 40 minute Mark it’s the title of the live

Stream and yes I am aware and I’m very happy about it okay friends I’m out of here so as always stay safe safe stay healthy take care of yourselves and take care of each other by the way did you hear that the population of Ireland’s capital city is

Really growing it’s growing very quickly in fact it’s doubling it’s doubling God bless and go conesco booah A

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