Golf: Best Indoor Practice Drills

I want to show you my 7 favorite and best golf swing drills for indoor practice. Perform these drill over the winter months and your ball striking will improve in the spring. Change the fundamentals of your golf swing using these golf swing drills.

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Well hey everybody it’s two days before Christmas winter time all across the northern hemisphere what do you do when you live in a place that you can’t play golf in the wintertime it’s the perfect time to fix your golf swing and fix your fundamentals and I’m going to show you

Some great drills that if you’ll do these all winter long that you’re going to come out in the spring with a better golf swing so let’s get going well I’m at my parents house I arrived today and knowing that coming up here that I wanted to do a video down here in their

Basement they’ve got a great basement for golf okay great basement for a lot of things my dad’s W Woodworking Shop is over here back there my mom’s got a sewing table a desk a computer big big space but awesome that it has 10ft ceilings so you can come down here and

Do whatever you want to do and you can see that my father has a net down here a mat that he can come down and hit balls it’s been down here since they’ve been living in the house so great place for me to show you you guys some awesome

Drills before we get going do me a favor hit that subscribe button for me okay give me a thumbs up and let’s show let me show you the first drill that I want you to do so my first drill is going to be a little variation on my favorite

Pivot drill and if y’all have seen any of my videos pivot drill I get you to cross your arms over your shoulders learn to rotate your body in the back swing getting your upper body over your back foot and then rotate forward we got a little variation on this this one

That’s fantastic to do indoors and it uses a chair and you want a chair that the back of the chair is just high enough so that when you get set up in your posture that your rear end is just lightly on that chair and I’m going to

Pull the camera up here and give you a closeup in just a minute of what we’re doing but here’s what I want this is going to teach your hips when to move and how to move in the back swing and starting that downswing okay so in my back swing I want to

Rotate my upper body so that I pull my left butt cheek off that chair my right one is still on the chair but as I’m turning I am pulling my left butt cheek off that chair now here’s where the good part happens I’m going to hold my turn in my shoulders

And I’m going to take my left butt cheek and I’m going to stick it back on that chair and you may hear me grunting a little bit because this really winds you up tight my upper my upper body is holding my lower body is starting to go forward it’s now resisting against my

Upper body winding me up tight so I can go fast so here’s what it’s going to look like left butt cheek comes off the chair in the back swing hold my shoulders put my rear end back on that chair and then come forward letting my right butt cheek

Come off that chair okay so I’m at a dress both butt cheeks are touching the chair I make my back swing my left one has now come off the chair I hold my shoulders and I put my left cheek back on that chair then come

Forward now let me show you from face on and this is a great drill to really figure out the sequencing of your pivot and the lower body really winds us up in the back swing the lower body unwinds us going forward so here I am both rear end cheeks on the on the

Chair rotate back pulling my left butt cheek off the chair hold my shoulders stick my left cheek back on the chair and man I’m telling you that gets you so tight so here we are put it back in the chair then go forward okay let’s go to my next drill

All right this is one of my favorite drills period whether you’re indoors or outdoors and if you’ve seen some of my videos before you may have already seen this one this one’s going to work on getting our shaft to move on plane okay getting our club face in a really good

Square position at the top of the back swing I’ve got a stick on the ground it’s kind of back here about even with my toes okay it’s parallel to what would be my target line and all I want to do is I want to use my Pivot and I

Want to move my golf club to where when it’s parallel to the ground it’s right on top of that alignment stick perfectly on Plain I want to make sure that the face of the golf club or the Leading Edge of the golf club matches my spine dead Square okay now from here right

Elbow bends left wrist hinges I continue to turn as much as I can and I ate too much dinner tonight so that turn is not going to be very big and when I get to the top of the back swing I want Club face and back of

My left wrist in line okay left wrist fat flat left wrist fat I’m talking about how much I ate tonight left wrist flat Club face in line with the back of that left wrist now once I’ve found the top of my back swing position okay here we are again

Parallel to the ground on top of that stick good back swing position now I just want to use my arms put that club right back on top of that stick again then I can look at the ball and real easy turn my body to impact okay I don’t

Even worry about hitting a golf ball in this drill okay doesn’t matter to me if you have the ability to hit the golf ball I’ll show you in a second what we can do but this drill is just fantastic to do over and over and over again finding the proper back swing position

Club face matching my spine to the top back down here parallel on top of that stick winded into impact now if you have the ability to hit a golf ball like we down here in Dad’s basement go to the top of the back swing and stop and then just real easy go

Forward okay you don’t want to stand down in a basement or in an indoor hitting facility and just stand there and go fast fast fast unless you’re working on speed training if you’re working on your golf swing go slow slow slow so here we go halfway back perfect to the top

Perfect go slow very good balance was a little off I think that’s that big dinner that I just ate making me go forward okay fantastic drill let me show you another one what you can see from this angle what this area is used for in the basement probably about the last three

Or four sets of irons that my dad has had he kind of leaves them over there and he’ll come down and keep tinkering with them and I think this iron was better than the last one so it’s awesome it’s great to be able to have a spot like this this is a weighted

Ball this training aid right here is well over 10 years old I used to have one I think I gave my dad this one as a gift one time mine I have absolutely no idea where it is I’ve had so many training AIDS my whole career that I

Don’t know where they are that I’ve loaned them to somebody and never gotten them back if you’re the person out there that borrowed my ball like this bring it back to me I’d like to have it they don’t make them anymore anyway this ball has some straps to it that you put your

Hands through it kind of really as the straps held your elbows together it was great I think it weighed about four pounds if you don’t have obviously you’re not going to have this training aid you can use any ball okay doesn’t matter basketball soccer ball volleyball regular old

Rubber playground ball I think that’s that’s exactly what this is okay but since this was down here I wanted to use it use the ball to learn to get your body your arms and your golf club which is the ball to move together go to the top of your back

Swing right elbow stays down right wrist bends okay elbows Stay Together great pivot arms in a great spot arms drop body unwinds back to impact left wrist is flat facing my target okay here we go back swing down swing impact follow through okay really get yourself a good

Stretch on the follow through okay really get your body to stretch as much as you can do this again slow I love all these drills to be done slow but the more that you can continue to learn to make a proper pivot use your arms in your Club at the same time with

That pivot it builds the sequence of your golf swing it gets your Rhythm better it gets your timing better all of those things are going to make you a better ball Striker okay so one more time with this ball I love this ball wish I knew who took

It here we go there down forward fantastic all right little drill to work on impact work on letting the shaft stay leaned forward or just they call it nowadays just shaft lean we all you said let your shaft Lean Forward they’ve shortened it now just some shaft lean

Learn to have the pivot move that golf club just got an alignment stick okay gonna take the stick put it up under the bottom of the grip and just hold it with my fingers as I grip the golf club I’m going to get set up and I want the stick

Left of my left hip okay see where that stick is I want to make small swings and as I come forward I don’t want that stick to hit me in the side if you throw the club head or if you’re pivot stops you’re going to whack yourself

It’s funny somebody must have been down here hitting some hard shots with that this stick is broken funny it’s awesome but all these training AIDS down here are things I just over the years have recommended that they do down here and all that stuff and you come down here and I go

This looks like a teaching room that I would have at home it’s awesome so here again I’m holding the stick underneath the grip okay little back swing rotate forward don’t let the stick hit me in the side now you’re going to have to have your hands pushed a little forward

At a dress here because of the way this stick is don’t worry about it we’re training impact this isn’t a setup drill but again just nice and easy back forward don’t let that stick hit you in the side awesome drill to do great for train and impact another great full swing drill to

Do that doesn’t involve hitting a ball is using one of these smash bags or the impact bag there’s multiple different companies out there that make them and works on you getting to a proper impact position y’all look at this my mother has absolutely beat the hell out of this

Side of that one down here so fantastic way to go so all you want to do is you want to get set up and what I like people to do is we’re going to take the club back and I want you to swing and you’re going to hit that bag and you

Want to hit it with the club face and this lower part of the shaft okay if you throw the club forward you’re just going to hit the bag with the Leading Edge of the golf club okay so we want to train coming in with that shaing okay and so

Here’s what it’s going to look like okay now I really like my students and this is a great drill for juniors to when they do this drill I always tell them I want them to stick that club into the bag and leave it there I want them to really feel that

Their chest has turned into that bag if you’re doing it with just a lot of arms you’re going to hit that bag and your arms are going to keep going and that Golf Club will come up over top of that bag so really feel like you’re going to

Take that club you’re moving it with your chest with your pivot and you’re just going to stick it right in that bag okay then as you get the the feel of it start off nice and slow and easy you can start going a little bit harder okay but

Always feel like you’re going harder with your chest okay there was a big old loud one right there I wouldn’t be much of a golf instructor if I didn’t show you a couple of ways that you can work on your putting while you’re at home too because

If you’ve watched my videos you see how much importance I put on short game so two little drills one drill to show us to to train us to use our shoulder pivot and not our arms okay I’m want my take my hands and I am going to cross them

Over putting the back of my hands touching one another I want my elbows down against my side I’m going to get bent over like I’m going to hit a putt and I am going to use my shoulder pivot to move my hands back and forth now because I have

Them crossed in the backs of my hands touching one another I’m never going to do any of this nor is it going to let me let my elbow come away from my body having my hands back to back here the backs of my hands touching kind of forces me to make the proper

Pivot so one other little component that you can add to this drill is if you have the ability to put yourself into a door jam in a doorway get your left hip up against that door jam and I’ve even got my left leg up against that door jam get in your posture and

Now make your shoulder pivot with your leg up against this door it makes your lower body where it won’t move you’re not going to get any knee motion back and forth nor are your hips going to move in in in correctly so up against the door jam backs of my hands together

Elbows by my side learn to rock my shoulders back and forth awesome okay here’s a great one that again I have used in a video before but I love it Dad just has a wooden yard stick down here mine’s funny mine come from Home Depot that I’ve used he got his it lows

And it’s a double-sided yard stick and I’ll show you why having that double-sided is really nice here in a minute big black circle right on the 18inch mark so that’s half of that yard stick he’s got a line every four inches on both sides

Of the middle so all you want to do is get in here and learn to make a balance stroke four inches back four inches forward four inches back four inches forward boy I haven’t used a blade putter in a long time I used to putt with this exact

Putter hard to swing it online now I’m going to go8 inches back and 8 inches forward 8 inches back 8 inches forward 8 inches back 8 inches forward repeat swings Strokes over and over and over again learning to balance your your putting stroke okay the cool thing about having the double-sided yard

Stick is on this side he’s got the lines at 6 inch increments okay so I can get in here and get set up six inches back six inches forward six inches back six inches forward 12 back 12 forward 12 back 12 forward put a ball in here 6 Ines back back 6 in

Forward I hope y’all enjoyed watching this video as much as I enjoyed making this video I love it when I come to Mom and Dad’s house coming down here in the basement and messing around with all this stuff because Dad has it out here mom has her stuff out here okay this is

A place where they come down and just work on things if you have a place at home that you can do the same it makes great great sense um it’s also great when I come over here and Mom’s fed us a big meal to come down here and work off a little bit

Of that big meal makes you sleep a little easier or it gives you more room to go get another cookie I’m not real sure which one well I would like to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas in a happy holiday season uh this video will be published

Probably on New on Christmas Eve I’ll try and get another video out sometime between Christmas and New Year’s so please look forward to that one and again if you’re new to my channel hit that subscribe button wish me a merry Christmas and tell me where you’re wishing me a Merry Christmas from I

Would love to know thanks a lot y’all Merry Christmas


  1. Hello! Merry Christmas from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Awesome video and thanks so much for that. I am in the middle of setting up a practise station in my garage that is very similar to your Dad's and now I have some drills to work on. You are so blessed to be with your folks and getting spoiled with your Mum's cooking over Christmas. Enjoy. Cheers!

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