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Rasheed Wallace Says Zion’s Weight Is AN ISSUE!!!

Rasheed Wallace says that Zion Williamson’s weight is the biggest reason he is struggling to get back to being a top player in the NBA. He says that he went through a similar struggle after an injury and that it’s tough to get back into playing shape after gaining a good amount of weight.

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Another young boy that same draft actually what are your thoughts with Zion right now just what we we’re seeing from him good talent but yeah big fella struggling why you think that is I mean it’s it’s the weight thing you know once once he got

Injured and it just so happened to be a lower extremity with the knee or his ankle I can’t remember which one it was but it kept him for a while and that’s when he put that weight on and now it’s hard for him to get it off you know what

I’m saying you can see it like I I see it from the way that he runs CU what you mean when he was at Duke you know I watched him play against Carolina and stuff and he fing down that Court man but now he got he got to give me the Hop you

Know he get the rebound it’s the it’s like he got to kind of get it going yeah you know like that 57 Chevy so to me that tells me something’s wrong right there either it’s going to be the back knee or ankle dealing with that weight

Cuz I mean we’ve all had it happen like when I put too much weight on before like yeah my back was hurting my knees was hurting like all right let let me get my ass up on this treadmill here did you ever have a teammate be like hey fat ass like will

You get it together or coach or one time Bill ellerby no no it was doing a lockout and um when I was playing in Portland I had I had gained weight I blew up to 282 but it was all it was all water weight what was your what did you play

It my playing weight regular season was two uh in Detroit it was 265 playoffs 255 and in Portland my playing weight um was regular season 255 and playoffs it was 245 you know as I got older just naturally just putting on more pounds so how’d you get in the playoff shape you

Like when would you start getting in playoff sh um like two weeks left in the regular season two three two or three weeks left in the regular season excuse me um yeah just extra running you know you doing extra conditioning running extra drills with the young boys cuz coach got them

Out there doing the you in the SAA a little bit more you know uh you cut your drinking down or off and cuz down from what ball ballpark it I’m just thankful that my liver and kidneys are still functional all right that’s including College bro but yeah that’s it’s pretty

Much was water weight you know cuz the food didn’t stay on too long cuz we running at least 30 miles a week so it was all water weight from the liquor the sugar that was having did you ever drink during a game hell no before a game hell

No I can’t do that you ever seen guys or known of guys um playing off well and back in the day I’ve heard of guys like this before I got into the NBA though I’ve heard of guys that used to take a couple shots or a couple brues before the game I’m

Like I’m like I can’t do that that’s kind of crazy now but man that’s what I mean like the guys now are not taking I don’t think they doing I hope they not my God I hope they not now the night before is something different and you hung over that’s something different

That’s far for the course oo no I hope nobody is drinking


  1. Zion is playing the wrong sport in my opinion. 6’6 280 his rookie year. Dudes should be playing DE for the Saints lol. But, if I were a social media sports star at 16 I would change sports either.

    He would be a monster on the football field if he was committed.

  2. Zion wont last long in the NBA with that weight (he is already always hurt) He will be out of the league by 28 if he doesnt get it together

  3. is funny how countless amount of former players have addressed Zion's weight as an issue but yet fans and teammates want to pretend otherwise lol

  4. He and American Public need to get off of Processed Foods ~ causes weight gain – diabetes – and cardiovascular disease

  5. Duke CURSE! Zion can PLAY! however, he is NOT there mentaly
    NOT at all, I know a little something about, not being focused, amd locked in

  6. Zion's weight is an issue, but didn't the Pelicans know that when they drafted him from Duke?🤔 he didn't gain all that weight in the NBA all of a sudden.

  7. "I'm just thankful my liver and kidneys" thank You for Your transparency bruh 100….Sheed is in my top 7 all time and he makes it based on grit on attitude. He is that cat You hate when he is on other teams and then Your team gets him and he is the greatest thing since kinda cat….he was the heart of that Piston Championship squad he helped Tay Prince get a mean streak about him and Big Ben was already a bull in the paint Sheed would edge him up and help him sharpen his horns….Just my opinion

  8. Let's be honest he is lazy like alot of the young talent. They get tons of money off the rip and dont have the 🔥 to be great.

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