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[3화] 친구 따라 파괴왕 잡으러 온 태권도 국가대표 원주 듀오ㅣZombie Trip 3: Road to ZOMBIE ROYAL

#정찬성 #이용주 #이선민 #좀비트립 #koreanzombie

1월 4일 목요일 밤 9시 & 10시 5화, 6화 업로드!

제작: (주)라이크플레이
비즈니스 문의:

Lee Yongju: Where are we now? Producer: Wonju. LYJ: Kangwon-Do. LYJ: The Stone Potato is also from Kangwon-Do. KZ: If we get another guy like Potato, dude… Lee Seonmin: Whenever I hear “Kangwon-Do,” I think of….. like, that rugged charm. LYJ: All the guys from Kangwon-Do were athletic. LSM: yeah, a strength you’re born with.

LYJ: Right, exactly. You don’t know, do you? The army life. Because you didn’t serve, right? LSM: Do a salute real quick. LYJ: He hasn’t a clue. KZ: I talked about it yesterday. I shot nearly ten-thousand rounds in boot camp. LYJ: Yeah, okay, okay, you know boot camp, I guess.

LSM: I did my mandatory in the ROK Army. PD: What base? LSM: I don’t wanna talk about it. KZ: This joker. LSM: I was a sergeant in the army, what? Seriously. LYJ: What regiment? I was the rifle infantry, 1111. LYJ: Bullsh**. LSM: No lie, man. LYJ: Not an army cook?

LSM: Army cook, my ass. LYJ: Maybe heater guy? LSM: The cook was just my friend. LYJ: Guys who run their mouths like this had it too easy. LSM: Hey, geezer! LYJ: “Geezer?” LSM: Aren’t you actually from the circus? KZ: Circus. LSM: Blowing up balloons? Wearing stilts? LYJ: As for my army service,

As you know, there’s that place where the head of state is. The Ministry of Defense. I was a guard at the MOD. LSM: Alright, then, show us… Do that gun trick or whatever. LYJ: We’re just standing. We’re standing like this for 11 hours. LSM: You look like a scarecrow. LYJ: Come here.

Let’s see who still standing after 11 hours. Not me, no sir! LSM: Yeah, and all you get after your two years is a case of plantar faciitis. KZ: With the timing and everything, you’re a good mannequin. LYJ: Yeah, not bad, right? KZ: Great form. LYJ: Thanks. LSM: Chansung, get up.

We’ve finished ranking faces, we’re tied for first with Yongju at second, let’s fit check. LYJ: In my opinion, I think I look good, but everybody might look different in it. This is perfect for me. Oh, yeah. Look at that spider there, SPYDER. LSM: But, but, LYJ: Perfect.

LSM: Your ass is like a loaf of bread. LSM: You’ve got a huge ass. LYJ: It’s all the squats I do. It’s killer. But not that I look at it, the quality is different, too. The fabric is very soft, and it’s kind of cozy. Chansung over here has a different one.

The details are different. Why don’t I have a spider? There’s like a patch here on the arm. Wait, hold on, let’s see. Your sweatpants have cargo pockets. LSM: Me too. LYH: You’ve got pockets. KZ: Nice. LSM: I like lots of pockets. If you’re fighting someone on the street,

You need multiple kinds of help. Pocket sand. Pull it out, and POW! Friend: There have been a few Taekwondo guys on the show. PD: Yes. Friend: Like the guy from Cheonan, Those other guys, you know? All those guys that have been on the show are guys who failed at Taekwondo, to be honest.

He’s famous in the Taekwondo community. Today’s Figher: Wonju Fist of Fire Age: 26 181CM 90KG Wonju Fist of Fire: I was in Taekwondo for 18 years. I was in it from the age of six until I was twenty-four. I was on the national team as a junior in high school.

I was part of the National Taekwondo Reserve Team, I won first place for the “Best Taekwondo Athlete,” I won first place in the national team qualifying match, and won first place for both the KTA Tournament, and the Presidential Taekwondo Tournament. Friend: He’s very calm and collected when he’s competing.

Even if he gets hit with something unexpected, he stays focused, sticks to the game plan, and delivers, no matter what. Most importantly, we just don’t get hit. Wonju Fist of Fire: When I compete, I always say “I’ll go have some fun.” I don’t really get nervous that often during fights or anything else.

[EXPERIENCE OF STREET FIGHTS] “I was a professional athlete so I don’t have any experience in street fighting, but I can guarantee a fun-to-watch fight.” It just feels like I’m going to have a lot of fun,

[EXPERIENCE OF STREET FIGHTS] “I was a professional athlete so I don’t have any experience in street fighting, but I can guarantee a fun-to-watch fight.” so like I said, “I’ll go out there and have some fun.” I’d love to fight as well.

Friend: If you have any empty spots available, why not give me a shot? Another Fighter Joins Wonju Tiger Age: 26 187CM 135KG Wonju Tiger: I’m also in Taekwondo, but I’m actually better at MMA. I think I get come out on top. I was a heavyweight Taekwondo fighter.

It’ll be fun to watch me fight. Viewers will enjoy seeing me fight. My fight IQ and instinct goes way beyond my kicks. LYJ: Okay, hold on. So one person applied for the show, and his friend decided to join him? KZ: So two people are coming today.

LYJ: Similar to ‘Sindang’ in Season 2, right? Two people joining in as a group. Plus, as a viewer of Zombie Trip Season 1 and 2, I feel like Taekwondo athletes were the most entertaining to watch. Especially ‘Muju Psycho’… KZ: ‘Cheonan Mansik’ was also a Taekwondo athlete, Taekwondo athletes showed the best performance overall.

LYJ: Yeah, there were all quick on their feet, as far as I remember. KZ: Okay, we’re getting serious now. We’re supposed to be mocking them after watching the video. LSM: He’s been on the national team, and he’s been training for 18 years, so…

KZ: When we were talking about street fights in the earlier seasons, there weren’t many people who took Taekwondo seriously. A lot of people were saying Taekwondo isn’t a “practical martial art.” But based on my experience, I’ve seen a lot of Taekwondo athletes that knew how to fight on the streets.

If these kids were really elite Taekwondo athletes like they claim to be, it’s enough to make me nervous. Hope they really show what they’ve got. LSM: One other thing that I noticed is that this guy looks very put together. Meaning, he was never properly hit in the face. Look at Zombie!

KZ: I was rarely hit. LSM: How many blows to the face do you need? I keep noticing how he looks, because people who are relatively put together, fights better. Plus, they sell better as a fighter. KZ: Looking at your face, I could see how tough it is…

To be a part of the comedian community in Korea. LSM: What are you talking about? KZ: I heard the comedian community is pretty tough to handle. LYJ: If you bomb, you get beat up. KZ: I could see he was regularly beat up. KZ: See? He’s speechless. LSM: Yes, I was frequently beaten up.

KZ: Anyways, it’s been a while since I was this hyped up. KZ: He’s giant. KZ: Who’s Fist of Fire? WFF: I am. KZ: This guy is a giant. LSM: I think he’s from the Russian Mafia? LYJ: We have the Wonju Fist of Fire, WFF: Yes. LYJ: What about you? WT: I’m the Wonju Tiger. LYJ: Tiger? WT: Yes. KZ: I get why you’re the ‘Tiger.’

He does look like one. KZ: How could a Taekwondo athlete be called the ‘Fist of Fire?’ WFF: I may be a Taekwondo athlete, but I throw a lot of punches. Punching also earns points. LSM: We’re all in lawn chairs, but thighs look so disproportionately huge. You mind if I feel your quads?

WFF: Yes. LYJ: Cop a feel. LSM: You can tell immediately. Wow. Alright, now…. LYJ: Wow. LSM: Well…. you know thise giant beer barrels? My god….. His thighs must be at least 30 inches around. No lie, as I got near him, I could literally feel, this radiant energy, like nothing I’d ever felt before.

LYJ: You both have been in Taekwondo for a while? WFF: That’s right. KZ: This guy did Taekwondo? WT: I’m about 50kg heavier than when I did it. LYJ: But you still did it a long time? WT: Correct. LYJ: How long? WT: I started when I was seven. I stopped after colllege.

LYJ: Pardon me, but I feel like I’m pretty big, I’m 190 cm. It’s kind of hard for me to see another big guy. Could you stand up, please? And you’re 130kg? WT: A bit heavier. LYJ: I weight in at 104 this morning. I’m 190cm and 104kg, stand next to me. Jesus….

LSM: He’s a mammoth. LYJ: My god… He’s huge. LSM: Hold on… We’re judging this guy, but you’re already sold on this guy. KZ: Potato is kind of this guy’s build. LYJ: Seriously? LSM: When you look at Floyd’s crew, they’re all this big. Are you his bodyguard? How do y’all know each other?

Are you guys friends? WFF: We were in Taekwondo since seven. And we’re still close. KZ: So, how far did you get as far as Taekwondo? WFF: I joined the real team. KZ: Really? WFF: Yes. KZ: And Tiger? WT: I also retired after I graduated from college.

LSM: So, how long has it been since you retired? I retired three years ago. KZ: In that case, you must still have it. LYJ: You saw the previous Zombie Trips? WFF: I did. LYJ: I wanted to ask you. You know, Taekwondo guys know others, and I even have friends in it, too.

Cheonan Mansik… You said you saw him. Are you better than…. WFF: In high school, I got second in the National Team combine. So, like a reserve member? WFF: Not quite, a real national team member. A senior. LYJ: Like a whole different league than Mansik?

WFF: Yeah, I was actually allowed inside the national team compound. KZ: What’s Mansik? WFF: I hadn’t seen him before….. WT: He’s just a hobbyist. WFF: I hadn’t seen him before….. WT: He’s just a hobbyist. LSM: A hobbyist? LYJ: Hobbyist! WT: He’ll know me. I don’t know him, but he’ll know me.

Both of us. LYJ: Okay, then Muju Psycho. WT: Oh, I watched that, watched him survive. LSM: Survive? Not fight? LYJ: You watched Muju Psycho? Time out. So you’re saying you’re better than Psycho? You had a better career? I’m Wonju Tiger. He’s a wolf. LSM: Wolf? WT: Yes.

KZ: Calling him a wolf means you don’t totally disregard him. LSM: A wolf. KZ: I thought he’d say ‘cat.’ LYJ: Wolf! KZ: If he’s a wolf… LYJ: Let’s say it’s in the Lion King. You’re saying you’re Mufasa, and you’re saying Psycho is just a hyena. KZ: Tiger, did you stay fit?

I boxed for about… two months. KZ: That’s it? WT: Yes. LSM: Here’s what I’m concerned about. No matter how long you did Taekwondo, it’s a different genre. MMA incorporates a lot of punching. I’m curious about your defensive strategy. WFF: Fist or foot, defending against it is all the same to me.

LSM: What are your strong points? My front kick. LSM: Like a jab, but your feet. WFF: Right. LSM: Don’t you normally kick with the heel? I guess you’re a more defensive fighter. WFF: Yes. LYJ: Tiger? WT: I guess I could define myself as a pressure-fighter. KZ: You’re both from Wonju?

WT: Right, born and raised, and I still live here. LYJ: I think you’re married, too. KZ: How do you know? Oh, the ring. LYJ: Right. KZ: It look stuck on there. WT: We have a photoshoot in two days. LYJ: You’re a GTB? A Groom-To-Be?

LSM: Don’t people usually cut weight before the photo shoot? WT: They told me Photoshop was going to help me shed 90 pounds. LYJ: That virtually means it’s a fake photo. WT: Huh? WT: Oh I’ll keep it real and actually shed some pounds for the actual wedding.

Were you known in the streets of Wonju? WFF: I don’t really do street fights. Since I was a pro… KZ: Tiger definitely did. WT: My fiancee’s a detective. LYJ: Were you arrested by your fiancee? She cuff you? WT: I don’t think… I shouldn’t. I mean, we’ve been together seven years.

We’ve been together a while. LSM: I heard she was recruited by the Martial Arts Recruitment Program? WT: She was also a Taekwondo athlete, and she was recruited by the Martial Arts Recruitment Program. KZ: But Fire Fist here is the one who applied in the first place. But you also said you want in.

WT: Honestly, this show was made for me. I tried to appeal to the producer. Told them the show would go well if I was on it. LSM: He’s definitely not wrong there. Don’t you agree? KZ: We’ve been filming for about two weeks. But every time, disappointment. They sucked, but I’m actually genuinely excited.

I wonder if you could beat potato. I’d like to pit you against Potato if you do well today. WT: I mean, everyone, us too, everyone enters with the mindset of winning. LYJ: Even if you fight Potato, no fear of losing or flinching or anything? WT: None. Like, to put my confidence level simply,

Potato has a Judo background, but I can beat him in Judo. That’s how much confidence I’ve got. KZ: That’s a good mindset. LSM: Confidence. WT: That’s my mind. KZ: Can you win against your wife? WT: That’s a whole different story. LYJ: His expression… He bit his lips. One thing for sure,

Two people as experienced as them, just makes me excited and a bit jealous. They don’t know how to imagine losing. KZ: But.. You said “Have some fun.” You look too nervous to have fun. WFF: We mean having fun just like the old days in Taekwondo. KZ: You’re nervous as hell.

LSM: Shaky voice and all. WT: I didn’t know there were this many cameras. KZ: I think I’ve got my work cut out for me when it comes to watching you two. Are you ready for my judgement? Tell us how you feel. WFF: Even if I get taken down, I’ve gotta try.

WT: I’ll just follow my instincts. LYJ: Carnivorous. KZ: Dude.. I never saw someone who looked like him that couldn’t fight. Let’s go fight. Get ready. LYJ: Let’s go! LSM: I’m psyched! KZ: I’m giddy, y’all. Man, I’m looking. Y’all have mass. LYJ: Yeah, look like they still take care of themselves.

WFF: I’ve actually gained 30kg. KZ: Oh, you’ve gained??? How heavy were you back then? WFF: Around 68kg. KZ: Wow, even then. Still not small. Well, let’s call who Fire Fist is going to spar with. Come on out! LSM: Here he comes. Yep. LYJ: Mr. Trapezius. He’s coming down the way.

KZ: You are uncharacteristically handsome. It’s weird. You look good today. LSM: He covered his traps. KZ: You’ll be fighting with this gentleman. Fight with all your might. Let’s get it! Go get ready. LYJ: All right!! LSM: Let’s get it! KZ: Among the three seasons, my expectations have never been this high.

My hearts pounding. I’m pumped. LSM: Really? KZ: He was elite at something. LYJ: I honestly don’t know at all. But to be honest, street fighters onlt have size. But Kim Wonbin over there felt like a giant man to me last week. He felt like a rhino. I thought he would charge at me.

But Fire Fist stood up. He’s the same size as Danger! LSM: He might be bigger. And suddenly, I felt this wave of odd uncertainty. KZ: He’s not nervous at all because he’s been in it so long. LSM: Imagine the number of fights. Easily in the hundreds. LYJ: I feel sorry for saying this,

But this is an entirely different feeling from Seoul. KZ: It’s so different, much heavier. And you guys now kind of know how to eye test. LYJ: You’re right. KZ: I need to watch closely. I don’t think I’ve felt this much pressure in my life when it comes to Zombie Trip.

LSM: Tiger learned boxing for only two months. KZ: But he did Taekwondo. LSM: Did Potato have zero boxing experience? KZ: Yeah, he didn’t. LSM: He could be very similar with Potato. I think that may be a perfectly matched fight. KZ: That’s why I’m excited. LSM: I’m not only watching Tiger here,

I think Fire Fist will be good, too. Wonbin looks kind of nervous, too. KZ: As he should be. WFF: I’m ready. KZ: Done? Let’s go! TEST YOUR MIGHT Come here. There will be two rounds, each two-minutes long. The rules are basically similar to Taekwondo. No spinal strikes.

No attacks to the back of the head. WFF: Okay. Touch gloves. Ready. Ready. Ready. Fight! KZ: Don’t stop! Why?? It’s not over! It’s MMA, keep going! Like I said earlier, try to get out of it. PD: One minute! KZ: Hit him. Alright, time out. You said you’d take care of takedowns.

Trust your instincts. Come on, get up. Ready, Ready, fight! You okay? Okay, time. Get up. You okay? Can you finish? WFF: Yes. KZ: You sure you’re okay? Get your air, hold on. Where’d all the confidence from before go?

Grappling doesn’t just take care of itself. You have to squirm, flip, do whatever it takes. The fight isn’t over just because you’re on the ground. This isn’t Taekwondo rules. Are you sure you can continue? You can quit. Get up when you’re ready. Alright, get ready. LSM: Come on! LYJ: You got this!

KZ: Back up some. Ready. Fight! PD: 20 seconds! KZ: 20 seconds. PD: 10 9 8 7 KZ: Alright, squirm out. Gotta get moving. PD: 4 3 2 1 Stop. PD: You may rest for one minute! LSM: He can’t get distance. WT: How’s your leg? You’re getting kicked a lot. You Ok?

It’s because your grappling, as well as boxing, that stuff just isn’t there. What can you do to counter against that? Think about that for a minute. In Taekwondo, I have no idea. Your leg okay? WFF: I’m fine. KZ: Alright, let’s move on to round 2. WT: Show your desire! KZ: You can continue?

Ready? Fight! KZ: Don’t stop. Don’t do nothing! Okay, time. Sit, sit, sit. Sit down. Did you injure yourself? WFF: I had surgery here. KZ: Oh, no. Let’s just call it here. WFF: No. KZ: You okay? You can finish? Breathe, breathe. He got surgery? WT: He’s had a total of six.

LYJ: Just on his ankle? His metatarsals. His metatarsals kept cracking. Breaking. LSM: Have you gotten hurt? WT: I’ve gotten three ankle surgeries and one metatarsals surgery. KZ: You okay? KZ: Alright, let’s keep going. Okay, ready. Fight! Don’t fall down! Get up quickly! Get back up quickly and attack!

Don’t you stop! You flip him, too! Keep moving, keep moving! You gonna give up??? You gonna give up??? KZ: Stay in bounds! PD: One minute! KZ: Last time, if you stop again, the fight’s over. Can you fight? If you rest again, the fight’s over. WT: It’s a minute. One minute. You gotta try.

KZ: Here we go, last chance. Don’t act that way, don’t show weakness. It doesn’t help your case. You opponent can see that. Ready. Fight! WT: You’re fine! Come on! KZ: Alright, that’s enough. Okay. Sit, sit, sit. Sit down, sit down. Bring some tissues over here. WFF: Whoa. KZ: Different, huh? WFF: Yes.

KZ: You said you came to “have fun”. How unfortunate. Look at Tiger. His eyes turned back kind again. WT: They did? KZ: Oh, you’re still raring to go? WT: Of course. KZ: Really? LSM: How did it feel to go down when you were taken down? WFF: Like a hurricane.

Just being picked up and slammed by a giant tempest. LYJ: What surprised me was in the first round, you tried a takedown first. Is that something you preapred in advance? WFF: No. KZ: You just tried it? WFF: YOu talked about it earlier, so I just tried it. I felt like I needed to.

KZ: Man, Taekwondo. If you were a little more ready, Taekwondo can be a serioiusly dangerous weapon. But winning with just Taekwondo is another monster. LYJ: And if you look at your friend Tiger over there, His eyes are a bit more on fire than just a minute ago. KZ: You confident? WT: Yes.

KZ: Alright, well, let’s move on. You have anything to say to Tiger? WFF: Go get a win. LYJ: How cool and simple! KZ: How are you feeling right now? WT: Just that nervousness before a fight, just normal. Sufficient nerves. KZ: Ah, that’s it? We have a different fighter for you

Since you’re a heavyweight. I’ll call him now. Yoonsung! LSM: He’s here. LYJ: Whoa.. Mr. Tiger, You will be fighting against Jang Yoonsung. WT: Alright. KZ: Let’s get ready. Whoa. LSM: Time out… KZ: He’s a freakin’ boxer. LSM: He’s feeling the pressure. He’s got boxing. He’ll fare better than Fire Fist.

LYJ: Way back when, I know I keep brinking up old stuff, When Bob Sapp and Ernesto Hoost fought….. LSM: Bob Sapp won. LYJ: Hoost was the champion, though. But Bob with his overwhelming power…. he just flailed around like this. LSM: Power vs. skill. LYJ: Bob Sapp had nothing like that.

Tiger is Bob Sapp? LYJ: He’s not as big but…. we might witness something similar. TEST YOUR MIGHT KZ: Well, as you know, it’s MMA rules, but it’s kind of similar to Taekwondo. The fight continues even if on the ground. The fight never stops. Not unless I say so. Touch gloves. To your corners.

Ready? Ready? Go! KZ: Nice. What you need to do? Take him! Take him! Nice! Good! What you need to do? Take him! Take him! Nice! Good! How you gona get out? KZ: Okay, time. LSM: Come on! Ready. Ready. Fight! What’s wrong? KZ: Time. Let’s stand up. Your leg okay?

LSM: It’s where he got hurt. LYJ: Y’alls ankles are weak. KZ: If you think you can, let’s keep going. You okay? Okay, ready? Fight! If you’re gonna do it, be confident! Don’t telegraph so much, or else your opponent will predict. PD: 15 seconds! 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

STOP. KZ: Your leg okay? It’s a bit different from what you thought? Can you fight? Are you gonna be okay? You’re pretty good at punching. Better than I thought. WT: I can’t raise my leg. LYJ: It’s bad ankles after years of Taekwondo. LSM: This is the sting of that much experience.

Experience comes with pros and cons. KZ: If you can’t, don’t. You don’t have to kill yourself. LSM: Let’s see if you can finish. KZ: Further back. Ready, Fight! Stay in bounds. Oh, good. Nice! WOW! Oh, good. Nice! WOW! Stay in bounds. Back inside. Ready. Fight! KZ: Back inside. Back inside. Alright, go.

Good punches. You’ve got to try and stop him from doing that. You’ve got to try and stop him from doing that. You okay? WT: I can’t move my foot. So, why’re you telling me? I can’t do anything about that. What do you want me to do? LSM: “I can’t move my foot.”

KZ: Can you continue? You keep getting kicked. You have to find a way around that kick and get in there! I can’t help you at all. Just say yes or no if you’ll continue. If you do…. Wanna stop? WT: Yes. KZ: Alright, then. KZ: You fought hard. You’re got a great punch.

What’s with his face? LYJ: He changed back. He looks like a lamb again. Why do you look like a puppy all the sudden? He looks like a little baby. LYJ: I feel like I have to feed him. PD: Why don’t we ahve everyone sit down? LSM: Should I be your pillow?

WT: Yes, please. LYJ: Lap pillow. LSM: Goodness…… KZ: What’s going on right now? LSM: You fought hard, son. You rascal. I can’t even clinch a fist. LYJ: You’re in for it when your wife find out about yoru injury? LSM: Leave him alone, guys. WT: How’s my nose? LYJ: It’s fine.

KZ: Your punches are something else, man. LSM: I swear I even saw him counter. KZ: I was so surpsrised. He didn’t get hit much. Anyway, his punches were all good. LYJ: However, in round 2, WT: It wasn’t like, “Ow, that really hurts,” kind of pain.

It was more like, “Oh, my god, my leg is gonna fall off if I keep this up,” kind of thing I just don’t have the stamina. Stamina, conditioning, I say it all the time, the most important mechanic in fighting. Dude could just melt 8kg off himself in a fight.

My thighs are drenched, He’s a waterfall. It’s fine, it’s fine, stay down. LYJ: This must be great material. LSM: Of course. LYJ: Spyder is amazing. LSM: They are. LYJ: Great absorption. KZ: Man, how unlucky of you guys. If you guys had a bit better stamina, and were a little more prepared….

LYJ: What did you see when Tiger fought? WFF: Conditioning. We both need better conditioning. LSM: But didn’t you almost land a high kick? KZ: I was behind him, so I didn’t see. WT: Ah, well, The second I made contact, I thought I’d KO Yoonsung. LYJ: Ah, did you feel it?

WT: felt like, “Oh, he’s a goner.” But then he comes back stronger. I thought, “What’s going on?” “He should be seeing white right now.” KZ: If you KO’d him…. LSM: Normally you’re limp if it’s here. I thought Tiger kicked him. WT: But you heard the sound, didn’t you?

LSM: Why’re you running your mouth. But, I thought he’d pass out, too. KZ: Oh, I didn’t see it. I didn’t know you kicked his chin. WT: That’s when I lost all confidence. KZ: How the hell did you stay up? How’d you not get KO’d? Jang Yoonsung: Ah, the kick?

It wasn’t direct, so it grazed me. KZ: Did he at least hit the chin? JYS: No, it kind of flowed right past it. WT: I swore I kicked bone. KZ: We can check the camera. You were this close. JYS: It didn’t shake me that badley, though. LSM: Cheeky bastard.

WT: I already told you before. I lost half the will to fight after he didn’t go down. KZ: If he was just slightly more to the right, you’d’ve been done. WT: I thought he was going to go limp. It’s a kick I’ve done hundreds of times. “Yep, I definitely got his chin.”

But I was done after I missed. I that after that kick, “Well, I guess this isn’t going to work out.” WT: But I honestly think that…. even understanding that is amazing. On the other hand, not overcoming that is also…. quite unfortunate to me. KZ: Did he always look this kind?

LYJ: Look at his dimples! I didn’t even know he had them. I swear they weren’t there. My dimples can kill people too. LSM: But, I guess you should be lucky your face didn’t get wrecked. WT: Yes. KZ: I hope you guys don’t regret anything.

WFF: I have quite a few regrets when quitting sports. But because of today, I got the sense smacked into me. I don’t have anymore regrets whatsoever. KZ: Anyway, thanks for coming, guys. You know guys, we have a lot of just normal street fighters in the first two seasons of Zombie Trip.

But I like the caliber of fighters this time. You’re humble, and you know how to take the beating. It’s just beautiful to me. Thank you so much. LSM LYJ: Thanks for coming.


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    👉이벤트 기간 : 12월 28일~ 1월 7일
    👉당첨자 발표 : 1월 11일 스파이더 인스타그램(@spyder_korea)&홈페이지 ( )

    * 당첨자 발표 후 2주 이내 회신이 없을 시 당첨은 취소됩니다.

  2. 일단 찬성선수 양옆 일반인…방송과 안맞다.
    그래도 쌈좀하는 사람들이해야 말에 힘이실릴듯…재미도있고…
    지금나온 프로선수들은 확실히 한대도 안맞고
    맞기도 싫어하고 맞으면 흥분하는선수들같음
    문호선수처럼 여유가없으니 시청자들은 재미가없음

  3. 태권도의 현실 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  4. 전엔 지역 동네도 돌아다니고 사람들도 만나니까 더 재밌었는데 지금은 회사면접 보는것 같아서 재미가 없다

  5. 타종목엘리트에 국대커리어정도면 겸손하거나 존중이 비춰졌다면 처발리고도 응원해줄텐데 과거의 영광이 지금꼬라지일뿐인걸 증명해버려서 아쉽구만~

  6. 2월에 뉴질랜드로 워킹홀리데이 앞두고 있습니다! 1년간 저의 귀중품을 책임질 백팩이 필요한데, 스파이더 백팩이 있으면 든든할 것 같아요🤍💪🏻

  7. 불주먹님 킥 진짜 빠르시네요. 동체시력도 좋으시고 거리 감각도 좋으시고

    카프킥 대비만 되어 있었어도 훨씬 좋은 모습 보여줄 수 있었다 생각하는데… ㅎ

    MMA 기술을 조금만 익히시면 어땠을까 하는 아쉬움이 많이 남네요

  8. 일주일에 두번 아입니까??시간도 원투때보다 짪고 뭐합니까 이거??내리막 더이상 치지마십시요!!일주일에 시간 짧더라도 2번!!!해주십시요 부탁드립니다!!!

  9. 기원빈은 확실히 상대가 부상있는 부분 피해서 공격해주는데 저 헤비급 상대해주는애는 부상있어서 아파하는곳만 집중적으로 개조져버리네 ㄷ ㄷ ㄷ ㄷ

  10. 시즌3 정윤성선수가 얼마나 많이 봐주고있는지 확인하려면

    시즌2 6화 36분 정윤성 천재2호 처음나와서 스파링하는장면 한번 보고오세요..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    진짜 펀치속도랑 몸놀림 최대치로 아주 도전자친구 기똥차게 줘패버립니다.
    문호언니가 도전자들 얼마나 많이 봐주면서 상대하고있었는지 깨달을정도로 걍 줘패버림.

    그거보고와서 시즌3보면 정~말 많이 봐주고있는거 알게됩니다 ㅋㅋㅋ

  11. 좀비트립에도 적용되는 mma의 엄격한 룰.
    “누구나 그럴듯한 계획을 가지고 있다. 쳐 맞기 전까진…

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