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Name a Woman | The Steve Dangle Podcast

On this episode of The Steve Dangle Podcast, it’s an ALL trivia episode!! Adam and Steve go head-to-head in trivia with Quiz Master Jesse Blake. Who will be the victor?!

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Spgh s s d p p the Steve dangle podcast with your host Steve dangle Adam wild and Jessie hi welcome to the sdpn holiday Christmas episode uh well one of them there’s there’s six actually but this one is the trivia version now your trivia Master Jesse Blake he’s actually

Really really good at this uh fun fact when we were at Virgin Radio Jesse started doing trivia at 9:30 every morning and we started to see a spike in the ratings and then when he left they were like what are we going to do games were so creative they they were

Like what what are we going to do I’m like I well you know I have the rest of the show to worry about maybe someone else but nobody could fill in like that but nobody no nobody did you guys just didn’t keep doing we we did seems like a

Simple we did with our new producer but then our boss was like yeah why don’t we just look at doing something else and we just never did anything else no that’s good that’s good good sorry Leah sorry anyway yeah that’s what happened I didn’t I haven’t heard that story

That’s a true story yet anytime you have a winning formula abandon it yep yeah it’s uh you know there’s there’s stuff going on in that business there sure is hey so this is going to be a lot of fun it’s going to be me versus Steve and I

Feel like we know how this is going to go like if we were b m gming this okay the big story would be the fact that uh Steve is probably the odds on favorite to win this at dangle you think that but I think i’ I’ve managed this

Game so that both of you guys will have a shot cuz I’m assuming the category isn’t exclusively like name hockey trade from 1994 nich Toronto Maple eavs trivia is not the entire hour okay so there’s uh there’s a lot to go through I’ll explay in the game for everybody

Listening and watching there is a little mug in front of stepen Adam Adam what is that on the front that is baby Yoda or grou for Star Wars fans grou grou when they when they finally released that the name of this guy I’m like that is really

Disappointing it’s a y name baby Yoda well because Yoda is a is is just is not the name of the species it’s the name of the character so we didn’t know what to call them so that’s what people call them what is the species we don’t know

Yet they actually don’t even tell you I don’t even think they tell you I it’s been years I’m sure it’s on like Star Wars Wiki but I don’t know can I just say I don’t have I don’t want to learn anymore about Star Wars I you’ve been

Out too long actually you know what I think with Star Wars the problem Star Wars right now is they keep adding new [ __ ] to it just keep the [ __ ] scar like there’s a there’s enough of a there’s enough the univers yeah you don’t have to add every

Time it’s not Disney Disney plus it’s just Pottermore for Star Wars yeah 100% 100% yeah I agree with that Marvel comic Universe 2 so in the baby Yoda mug in front of Steven Adam are about 22 is little slips of paper on each of those slips of paper are a category of

Questions there are two types of questions there are there is a test and there is a quiz so you’ll get a name blank blank blank and it’ll either be a test or a quiz on quiz questions it’ll be to buzz in first person answer it gets to answer the question on test

Questions you have pieces of paper in front of you you will write down your list of answers you will have a minute to write down that list of answers and then you will submit and then we will tally your correct answers now do we pick these out of so you guys will take

Turn picking the little SS of paper out of the baby Yoda mug and that is the category we will go with and at the end of this entire episode we’re not going to get through all of the slips of paper it’s going to take uh if we did it take

Much more than the hour so we’ll we’ll cut it off at a certain point around an hourish and at the end of that time Whoever has the most points total wins all right and your prize I don’t have one ah it’s bragging Pride bragging Pride yeah which which is hilarious cuz

If Steve wins everybody like like what are you bragging about man that’s like beating up a toddler yeah I’ll do it anyway Adam’s trying to rope a do you here Steve’s memory when it comes to anything outside of hockey is questionable at best but when it comes to hockey things you don’t it’s

Like photographic you don’t forget anything that’s why this is not all hockey oh like obviously we couldn’t just stick to hockey learn so much about the Franco Prussian War being the number one overall seed Steve y you picked the first question take it out oh oh this one feels good feels like

A winner spicy first one World War II history quiz okay okay so this is we got we’re on the quiz so pull out your cell phones I’m going to get you guys to B get on the buzzer app all right I have the questions ready all right hit me let’s

Test the buzzer who is what is my name jet it didn’t work Buzz players buzzed Adam and then no stove won stove I won you go yeah so it’s more of a press than a tap okay reset all buzzers how do we do that I I I’m doing talking on my yeah that’s

I did that on my end we may want to cut the segment down let’s go okay what was the longest battle of World War II stove um battle of the S which I’m pretty sure is World War I steal Adam staling grat incorrect Battle of the Atlantic no points oh boo

That’s yeah sorry I accidentally buzzed there just to reset the reset buzzer okay okay I guess if we’re talking semantics it would have been great to know if it was Naval or uh Fair historians come on you said you were going to lose this oh to 82 and now

All of a sudden you’re upset you got the first one wrong all right next question what was the largest Battleship of World War II Adam bismar larest Battleship number 10 no oh wait no that doesn’t make sense Steve Tugger it’s got to be an American aircraft carer Yama Yamamoto Yamamoto oh

Really yam no yam has no mo mamoto yam hockey brain Yamato yam that’s who it was okay all right all right not doing well this is going to be a little easier I’m going to go to reset all buzzers where was the first atom bomb tested

Adam uh it was tested in the eluan islands incorrect ah Nevada close Nevada New Mexico no sorry no you got oh for nobody has a point yet wow we’re going to do we’re going to do five of these questions and then we’ll pull pull up a new one all right fine

All right what was the code name for the Battle of Normandy oh man um wait I know this I know this oh Steve is that just D-Day incorrect no no Adam D was a nickname given after I know my grandfather was in this it’s um I know I

Know the grandfather was in the this yes and I have okay okay okay I’m going to guess here yeah no Adam this is your chance to steal operation SE line oh so close Operation Overlord [ __ ] you so I did know that I knew that too [ __ ]

That’s dday though right I’m so bad at qu I hate this not that’s not the code name no yeah that’s the code name is what we were looking was a newspaper designation given later decision day he was he was in D-Day son of a gun all right and now he’s disowned you let’s

Let’s do two more since you guys are over I just want to get somebody to get one he’s dead but yeah what let me reset all buzzers but not what country sent reinforcements in the form of division Azul to Aid Germany in its World War II attack on the Soviet Union which country

Sent reinforcements in the form of division AO Adam buzz in Finland incorrect ah [ __ ] Spain correct Spain I don’t know AOL sounds spish all right Steve gets one point Steve steals the war war first point of the of the entire who keeping track of the score by the way matd is all right

Mat having a really hard time over there all right [ __ ] that trivia you guys are awful those are hard questions man I’m holding on to this Victory all right Paul Steve since you or Adam you go since Steve did the last one ahead yeah you do it what we got looking for

Something that’s spicy let’s go hockey related Leaf gold tenders of 2007 that might be in there oh it’s a test okay the Toronto Maple Leafs roster of 1967 okay know all right get out your pieces of paper okay I’m going to put 2 minutes on the clock Maddie if you want

To do picture and picture of the clock into the bottom of the three shot I’m folding up my paper you can’t see I’m folding it up I’m don’t you peek if you pe what are we supposed to do just get as many names as we can as many names as

You can and then we’ll uh tally it up okay are you timing it yeah we got 2 minutes on the clock here okay there you go two minutes mhm is that too much time no no oh you want it okay let’s do it let’s do it all right so I’m going to

Say three I’m going to say two and then I’m going to say one go 2 minutes on the clock 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs the last time they won the Stanley Cup you must name as many players as you can while I search for the answers to this quiz I have them

Here somewhere oh that’s not that one no that’s not that one I’m very excited for the other games in the bowl um I think we’re going to get some very fun categories when we stray a little further from hockey I’m glad we started with the World War II I think it set a

Good bar for the entire trivia game I can’t find the 1967 team here just yet Google it I can Google it but I had them all oh here we go all right I got them there’s a reason I have it all here so I

Can mark them off as you read them to me that’s why I think it’s important that I have it in a physical piece of paper we have one minute left gentlemen man I can’t remember the last time I looked at this roster I got to think about this one minute

Left oh my God what’s his name there it is there’s one that I’m thinking of and I can’t uh oh one of the leaf leaders all time I can’t think of his name I got his picture in my head you guys can uh talk through your process if you’d like

So how uh what if we get what if we write down a name and get it wrong it doesn’t count no yeah just you can do that but you don’t lose points no if you write down matt sundine I’ll that’s fine you know I’m not going to do that you

Write down Austin Matthews nobody will criticize you might think you’re a little silly but uh you won’t lose any points we got 20 seconds left let’s see how many you can get I’m going to get you guys to read your ANW so I can cross them off and give you some

Checkpoints uh as we tally the votes 10 seconds oh man N9 eight I don’t know 7 6 5 four Adam is done Steve you are done as well that is it okay Steve yes go ahead Steve’s gonna win this one Bob bun one Johnny Bower two Terry satuk three

George Armstrong four Dave Keon Dave Keon five Frank mavich six Ron Ellis seven Bob pford question mark Bob pford eight and uh my last one Tim Horton Tim Horton no no oh yes oh he I got there you go he wasn’t traded to Buffalo just yet

There’s a few guys how many was that Maddie what did I get you nine that was nine one two that’s nine points for Steve so all of my names are right but I don’t have enough so I’ve already lost oh so you have the same names sawchuck Bower mavage Bond pford Horton Armstrong

I was looking for Ellis uh that’s who I was thinking about that’s I couldn’t think of it and then there was another one and I and and uh who was like a great player into the 70s who got disassociated with the team and then now

Is back with the team Bon Bower I would have never known John brenaman Wayne Carlton Brian coner Kent Douglas don’t know any of these a Erikson Bruce gamble dick gamble uh Larry hman uh Brent imlac who I guess is related to punch imlac Larry Jeffrey red Kelly I forgot oh jeez

Milan maretta Jim McKenna I wouldn’t have known I remember him from the 70s but I didn’t really cardal Jim pen Marcel pronos I probably should have known Dwayne rup Terry Sauk Brit Eddie sha was on that team Al Smith uh Gary Smith Alan Stanley is probably the

One I was looking for Pete stem Kowski and Mike Walton Adam so how many did you have on your paper I had seven seven and they were all correct okay I just didn’t I just didn’t have enough that’s a tough that’s a really tough one cuz outside of

The like who’s ever heard of Larry Jeffrey when I was expect you to get the all when I was trying to remember Ron Ellis who like I literally have gotten I’ve met him and gotten an autograph from him probably have a picture of him

In your room it I was I met him and Johnny Bower at a Marley’s game and they were doing autographs but my brain kept going Dave Ellet and I kept having to go no override that’s not Dave Ellet you watch Dave Ellet play think is someone

Else and my brain went Dave ellot and I went stop Dave ell stop stop it all right all right Steve Pi pick all right I’m throwing that there that’s gone oh it’s a hockey one thank goodness top 10 alltime assists correct order test correct order so this is a test if your

If your player that you list is out of order it is an incorrect answer oh man all time top 10 assists I have it here do you need another one piece of paper how much time should we put on the clock Maddie yeah I think two minutes is probably too

Long but one minute one minute one minute one minute all right we’re giving them one minute on this timer damn this is this is all the [ __ ] I hated about school I can’t memory work is just the least the added pressure of time yeah horrible horrible horrible your brain malfunction presentation though I’ll

Kill it 3 2 1 go got 57 seconds how do you spell Gretzky um I will accept last names thank you if you want to just run down the last names I don’t need you to spell um MIT Mar correct me correctly you know got it got

It that’s that’s fine oh the correct order is hurting yeah that that’s hard and what’s the current score Maddie uh like for all the trivia yeah it’ll be a grand total so what are they at right now Steve is at 10 at seven 10 s 107 for

Steve Adam I want I’m expecting a big comeback here like oh man I think you can gain some points in this one uh it’s not hard but it’s really hard it is hard no theorder the order is the tri part also you got 3 seconds left oh my

God two one pass down pass down [ __ ] Steve put your pet down well I wrote down four names CU I wasn’t paying mention to time Steve you said a minute and now we’re here I know it’s my fault it’s better that it was a minute though oh yeah this that that that trate

Beliefs last minute was [ __ ] brutal I’m like I’m failing the whole time I don’t write a name down you felt like you’re in grade 12 again oh my God it was terrible yeah all right Steve read them out number one Wayne Gretzky correct number two yogger incorrect no that’s

One point so far number three Ron Francis incorrect oh no that is only one point so far Gordy how you at four that’s what you have at four so because I got two and three wrong I put how at four incorrect oh [ __ ] who’s that one that’s it that’s all

I was able to write down you told me Pen’s down I know I I buckled I buckled crossing my fingers you’re crumbling under the pressure I’m crossing my fingers how isn’t it y I know I think I know who it is Adam Gretzky correct Messier incorrect oh [ __ ] yogger

At three yeah no Lemieux at four no marel at five you guys how the correct answer all time assists Gretzky Ron Francis Mark Messier Ray Bor yir yoger Paul coffee Joe thoron Adam Oats Steve v y Gordy how write down Thorton and Nots but I wouldn’t have had the uh I can honestly

Say there’s not chance showing out no it’s okay I don’t I’ve never looked at that list well remember can’t now you can’t can’t look at it now that’s only Maddie if you could add one point for Adam one point for Steve that is it that’s embarrassing man I

Thought with Messier being second in alltime points that I was like or you Jer second yeah used to be second in all time points wow jer’s got 1,900 points wow yeah and he’s not man all right Adam oh man baby Yoda mug what you got all

Right all right all right this is a quiz oh baby Red Dead Redemption trick let’s go Adam humbly I’m going to eat your [ __ ] food man okay if you guys could sign back into the buzzer and you give me a second just to pull up these quiz questions let’s go

I accidentally buzzed you again you have to reset the buzz that’s all right if I lose this I’m leaving the room if I lose this I’m going home I don’t even remember all their names I only got about halfway through it I’m going to beat you up for that I know you know

What you know what it is it was like right around that time it was like I was switching jobs to mornings and then Everly came along like the next year and then it was like I just didn’t have the time um and then that first every time I

Want to restart it’s like the first chapter is so long is bad I just don’t have time to sit around for that producer Nick’s girlfriend is playing it and he sent me a screenshot and I knew the exact Mission I was like ask her which option she picked and oh I was so

Excited thank you for reminding me to bug him I am in trouble I am in trouble yes are you ready I’m ready question number one who does Arthur go shopping with after they attacked Pearson Adam buzzed first is it is it uh it’s it’s is uh it’s his love right the

Love person is it what is their name I feel like it’s like Molly or Addie or something like that I’m going to go with Molly so close you were kind of close Sadie Adler s Adler said Addie and I was like oh is he G to know some stuff is

One point for Steven listen if I can out Buzz Steve on this game this is my only chance you’re good you’re good with the buzzer I’m trying to help Buzz him all right question number two what is the biggest town in the game which offers most Services the player needs Adam s

Correct he’s got a point he’s I got to buzz him I got to help Buzz him he knows what animal does Arthur and Charles Hunt for the gang when they have only a rabbit and deer you got to reset our Buzz oh oh sorry sorry let’s let’s reset that new

Question who does Arthur go with to save JN from almost being eaten by Wolves stove Javier that is correct I remember I know that mission yes because it’s in the boring chap boring beginning chapter yeah put a point on the board for Steven buzzer the buzzer oh sorry I

Keep forgetting to reset the buzzer okay who sends Arthur a letter who then asks for help with family oh Stow oh Adam STI Adler incorrect it’s not it is not so this is a bit of a trick question because there’s two different people who do this but I

Assume they’re talking about Mary Linton and if they’re not it’s Penelope bra you only get one guess Mary Linton Mary Linton is correct all right is mar okay was Mary his ex-girlfriend from chapter 2 that was the one okay yeah I remember that MH and then they go on a date and

She’s like [ __ ] off yeah no nice date I hate that story that love story sucks it pisses me off yeah she just uses it she just you spend a lovely day together and then she’s like you’ll never change and it’s like then why did I take you to the

Theater question we had a very nice time watching the dancers that was a fun time that question from chapter two who does Arthur go with to hunt the legendary bear Steve Hosea Austin Matthews correct I’ll ding you half a point cuz you said Austin no no I’m kidding F I love

This last question I love this so much oh jeez what animal reset the buzzer I’m already out if it says animal I those side quests are so [ __ ] weing is the best part yeah like searching the legendary animal out I’m like oh cares all right anyway did you

Play online no I don’t okay okay so I’ll I’ll I’ve heard it’s not great online no I’ve heard GTA is better online I tried it I’m me what animal does Arthur herd to Valentine for money Adam is it not sheep sheep y I think I remember that mission you

Said you were out if it was an animal question look at that yeah I thought it was sheep well done you you stole a couple there all right not bad all right Maddie what’s the uh score update uh Red Dead Redemption trivia oh my

God happy about to 10 13 10 okay 15 10 oh 1510 1510 okay okay okay we’re still there you’re still close we’re in it you’re in it all right next uh next piece of paper oh boy Stephen oh tell you buddy did you by the way did you

Ever take did you ever find those oil carts and like deliver them oh yeah other than that first mission yes yeah yeah yeah the uh the uh uh you steal it from Cornwall yeah but there’s there’s other ones around yeah so you could steal one from Valentine or you can

Steal one directly from the refinery uh the refiner is harder the r refiner is really hard they start shooting at you yeah you literally just got to hop the fence get on and go and like don’t even like shoot back at anyone just run just

Go anyway got a quiz or we got a test what’s the category okay I think Adam might win this one oh last five album of the Year Grammy winners oh it’s a test I think we might have to cap this at 30 seconds give you a minute a minute goes

By fast I haven’t got the slightest clue so if that makes you feel any better I stopped paying attention to the Grammys when the weekend wasn’t nominated for album of the Year despite having the number one song for 55 straight weeks it was so like I was like okay we’re done

With the grand they don’t make music for like me anymore I’m 35 no yeah you’re also out of the age bracket that they make music for they used to have it’s funny in like the 80s and 90s they used to have like easy listening for people

Who were over the age or 35 and they’ve just completely abandoned that no like Phil Collins went from like top 40 to easy listening Rod Stewart top 40 to easy listening but they’ve they’ve just never done that well that’s my answer Phil Collins Phil Collins all right here

We all right last five so we’re going 2018 through 20123 okay that’s that’s actually no so we’re going 2019 sorry to 2023 I got to give you album name 2 three four five give me all except because this isn’t your wheelhouses all accept artist or

Album if you just give me the artist if you take a wild guess and you might guess it right give me the artist and or if you give me the album name I will give you a point got it okay one minute on the clock is underwear

Okay this is a tricky one I thought Adam would be a little better at it but he’s not very very confident in his abilities as do I have to go by Year too yeah you got to give me the right year okay yeah yeah you got to like you got to guess

2023 and then the right artist else you don’t get a point like if you guess the artist and they were actually 2018 or something that doesn’t count okay got to give me the correct year give me the album title give me the artist that’s a

Point you can just wild stab in the dark for just like popular people was probably a good strategy here gentlemen mhm 18 seconds left a minute goes by real quick all right I got my five you got your five label them with the Year too just so we know uh what year you’re

Guessing for which artist right 5 Seconds Adam keep writing five two one that is it all right Steve submit your answers okay I got Taylor Swift 2023 uh I put 19 but oh you okay you’re going dude I gotta get the year 19 incorrect uh classified for 2020 no

Incorrect yeah uh chaos no um Rascals oh so you did you bailed out I’m just going with Canadian artists Jesse I assume they won CU they’re the best gr Grammy Awards used to mean something now they’re just sort of like an Insider industry award party that they put on TV

That no one likes it’s all right so St Z and well in last one I hav I might be right Cho clir incorrect Adam wild all right I’m guessing and I I put one in here for Jesse only but Adele in 2018 incorrect we’re starting at 2019 oh 2019

Okay well that’s probably why uh Mr props uh incorrect Jesse knows wave after wave I’ve got nothing in 2020 Taylor Swift in 21 cuz I thought that’s when Evermore was folklore folklore okay and that is a point for Adam Taylor Swift 2021 and I couldn’t figure out if in 22 she won it

Again so I just I threw dualipa down but I don’t think she won it incorrect yeah and 23 did you have a guess no I have nothing no okay so one point from Adam Adam out of all that claw little back the actual albums of the year the last

Five 2023 Harry Styles he won for Harry’s house oh M’s very excited about that 2022 John batist Won for we are yeah in 2021 folklore Taylor Swift one uh 2020 mat said so good snore in 2020 uh when we all fall asleep where do

We go by Billy ish oh yeah that was huge 2019 Casey Musgraves won for Golden hour y there you go yeah really yeah there you go album of the year is every so what they do is like every other year it’s like we can’t do we can’t do CHR

This year we can’t do we cannot do Hit Radio this year we’ll do country yeah 2018 was Bruno Mars oh I’m going to wake up in a dungeon like in a saw style dungeon and they’re going to be like Steve you have 24 hours to name anything about that Casey Musgraves

Album that the name of which I’ve already forgotten or you die and uh I’d just be dead country is not your thing man that’s okay oh she’s country for sure all right it’s a good album you should listen to it is it yeah wouldn’t enjoy

It but I bet I know it Adam you’re up pull a category all right the category is NHL coaches it’s a quiz coaches be F all right one minute maybe we do 30 seconds I’m apparently I’m disconnected so I’m just going to oh no I’m back I’m

Back we’re good oh it’s a quiz right not a test my oh it’s a buzz yeah my bad my bad my bad my bad I love that we there’s a buzz app yeah so uh oh right here no I’m connected I’m connected perfect perfect everybody ready let’s do it Dallas

Stars nobody has buzzed stove oh no it’s not him um petor correct well done guess I almost said Lindy Ruff yeah I know it still feels like Lindy Ruff after all these years no could have said bone s too yeah St Louis Blues as of wait the stove buzzed in

First as of this morning no one nope they have an interim head coach they have an interim head coach somebody must his name is like Bannerman or something like it’s like what’s his name uh what is his name that’s the entire quiz uh he was so Craig baru was fired last night

At the time as of where were recording I ah no no I know it’s a B I know Drew Bannister banister I did not know that all right next up the Colorado Avalanche Adam Jared bedar correct it’s scrolled it didn’t buzz it scrolled you got to get your buzz game

Better damn it all right all right all right the Calgary Flames Adam uh Ryan Huska correct oh next up the Buffalo Sabers stove Don Granado Don Granado is correct you guys are good this is a tricky one is he a part of the Granado hockey Dynasty Tony and C he must be

Yeah yeah gotta all right next up tricky one the Arizona Coyotes stove Andre igny correct flat out I did not know that I was not familiar with his game although he’s doing a great job oh yeah easier one the Islanders oh Adam Lan Lambert correct well done at least as of this

Recording we’ll see yep we’ll see if that continues all right the San Jose Sharks oh oh what is his name uh David Quinn correct that is a point was I would have never got the last yeah I was the guy with the eyes um he looks like a husky what the f

What’s his name oh man I think this one’s going to be relatively easy the Winnipeg Jets oh Rick bonis Rick bonis on the uh the buzzer you can see how close you guys were it’s so it’s it’s one uh 126 milliseconds wow wow it like

F1 times yeah let’s go you guys are real close but Adam uh Adam’s better on the buzzer than yes he is yeah all right the Florida Panthers stove Paul marce Paul Maurice the Detroit Red Wings stove uh Derk leand correct Adam step it up I almost said Groot also known as Groot

100% the New Jersey Devils that one is Lindy Ruff yeah Lindy Ruff well done we’ll do three more Ottawa Senators Adam DJ Smith correct at the time of this recording for now as of right now the we’re going to the West Coast Seattle Kraken stove Dave hack [ __ ] should have

Had that should have had that and lastly sticking on the west coast the Anaheim Ducks stove Greg Cronin Greg Cronin former Mar at the end there you cleaned up wow Steve you focused wow I well because I was like I’m getting my ass kicked here he quieted all the voices in

The head yeah you just laser focus on that well done well done Steve um oh wait now did Steve reach in and do the thing I think you did the last one right yeah I did all right Maddie let’s a score update it’s not looking too

Good4 you can pull down the 246 there’s still time here you go what is it uh 2416 for Steve There You Go 24 I think it looks great that’s better than I thought I’m horrible at this you got to pick it up a little hor watch just just going to be

Like name the Allies in the order they joined and like oh [ __ ] War yeah all right what ceg information that no one cares about Adam oh this is very much a wild card category I have no idea how this is going to go Simpsons trivia oh

Quiz now if we were going up against Jesse Jesse would crush us at this just to let you know when I helped Jesse along with Steve move out of his childhood home his uh his his childhood uh uh uh bedroom was covered with Simpsons and Family Guy posters nobody

Knows those shows like like Jesse does I had the poster I don’t know if anybody else had it in their in their childhood bedroom but there was the one of like all the towns and then just all the side characters as well it’s like a very common poster is like my favorite thing

In the world um all right let’s do this everybody has their buzzer ready okay what is Bart’s full name Steve Bartholomew J Simpson correct I did know that and just did not Buzz for some reason I wasn’t sure the stood for something but it’s just J JoJo

But I’ll uh JoJo yeah that’s what I meant it’s okay I’ll I’ll accept I was I was going to accept Bartholomew to be fair but you added the J which is nice all right this is an easy one super easy marg’s sisters names Adam Patty and Salma well

Done what was let me reset that was uh 692 milliseconds apart m Adam and Steve on the buzzer what’s the name of the simpsons’s dog Adam uh Santa’s Little Helper correct I almost said snowball that’s the cat with the long nails click click click click click this

Is a little more difficult okay what’s marg’s maiden name Adam boier nice well done a my achilles heels Simpsons trivia the buzzer the buzzer yeah it’s not the buzzer it’s my brain doesn’t work as quickly no mine doesn’t either I’m terrible at this [ __ ] normally okay who

Did Marge go with to her High School senior prong it’s a fantastic great episode oh it’s a classic oh it’s it’s I know the first name that I will accept the first name Arty Arty zff right I can even like picture the actor who voice it’s it’s a

Great it’s like and then that the end of it like it’s such a great story who’s that actor I don’t I I know the name or I know the voice I can’t tell you the name travel the world in S I am watching you through a

Camera you guys ready John litz is that it could be John litz yeah Marge painted several portraits of Which beetle member she had a high school crush on Steve Ringo Star Ringo last one this is a easy one free Square just whoever beats it on the buzzer which cartoonist created The

Simpsons Adam Matt graining correct who’s Canadian Canadian that’s why there’s so many Canadian references yes yeah all right guys that pretty good I think Adam came up on top there right Maddie oh definitely yeah yeah you know what it’s comeback season for Adam get your rally caps on because now it’s a

Fivepoint differential 2621 all right pull out a new category gentlemen all right this is my turn what you got going to the back here we’re going to the back of this thing back we got back of the baby Yoda thing oh for god sakes Jesse the last five

Best picture Oscar winners I can guarantee oh man n of them all right and this is this is a test right so there’s going to be a minute on the clock yeah I don’t give a [ __ ] like I really I don’t even know how to care about that

Stuff listen man I don’t know the order can I just put the names so tiebreaker is the order because because of how we saw the album of the year ago I’m just going to accept anything uh if you give me the title you don’t have to give me

The year just give me five movies and if they have one best picture uh within the last 10 years or five years they will get a point okay how is that fair yes all right let’s get a minute on the board reset start minute is underway just give

Me a movie that won the best picture within the last 5 years so we’re talking 19 20 today yeah I said go oh what are you doing all right I just wrote down the one that I know I’m filibustering for the minute um and we’re doing uh

2221 20 19 and 18 is what we’ll do that’s uh that’s what we got the 95th Oscars 2022 who won best picture which movie star was slapped at the Oscar that wasn’t the Oscar wait that’s the bonus no no oh was it the Oscars that was the Oscars it was yeah yeah I

Wasn’t sure if it was Golden Globes or whatever two seconds 1 second done Golden Gloves would make more sense because everybody’s sitting and drinking at a table yeah all right put your pens down Adam I’ll let you go first give me your five movies okay we got Transformers 2 no why not

Uh Benjamin Button and no I know it won an Oscar though it did not win Revenant another bad movie that won an Oscar not not within the last 5 years all right Star Wars no okay I’m out okay I might actually win this okay what you got uh

Ghostbusters nope and Moonlight no not within the last five years no when was that uh before this I think Moonlight was I was still working think 20 16 2017 really a time’s going too fast I don’t those your only two my only two answers that’s how [ __ ]

The Oscars are I couldn’t even tell you like it it used to lend Credence to a movie now if it wins best picture I know I don’t want to see it y yeah nonsense yeah I just don’t care there’s no points there Baddie what are

The mov make a guess is Parasite one of them uh parasite one in 2019 that I would want to see all right seen that got parasite cuz that’s a horror movie I’m into it I will read off the last uh few Best Picture winners we had everything everywhere all at once

Definitely not we talked about that on this show yes we did if you don’t remember last spring no idea no I couldn’t even tell you who’s in it we talked about it on this program the Steve dangle podcast no I know about I know about the movie haven’t seen it

Don’t know anything Kota one in 2021 zero idea couldn’t tell you a thing I’d be shot on site no man no mad land one in 2020 absolutely no idea Francis mcdermit in that oh do not know who that human being is Parasite 2019 yeah that have been good one green book in 2018

Absolutely no clue and the shape of water in 2017 so Moonlight must have been the the year before the shape of water yeah what’s that movie I thought the shape of water was an ed sharan song the shape of no idea all right pick a new category

Tell like the Oscars are irrelevant you guys are useless with with that yeah abely can we just start throwing out movie C that the only one so all right all right I got one I got one it wants to be p man I feel like CJ would have done

Just as well with those movie categories well Adam speaking of movies we got a sequel top 10 alltime goals correct order yeah we’re going back going back to the well all right this is tough this is tough all right get out your pieces of paper I’m going to I’m going to start

This clock real quick I want to get in a couple more category all right 3 2 1 correct order else you don’t get a point you guys failed at this last time let’s see if we can do it again there is an active player on this list which is very fun shut

Up Steve talk through your thought process while I have a glass of water okay 38 seconds it’s difficult because there’s three guys who have over 800 MH then there’s a huge gap between third place and fourth and I’m trying to figure out who is fourth um oh man 19 seconds on the

Clock 14 seconds you can hear me swallow my water on the air disgusting ASMR bring back some XL gum commercials you get a little bit of that d Cherry voice he where you just oh the clock’s up put down your pens all right pens are down the order

Makes it so much harder yeah all right Steve give me your order uh number one Wayne Gretzky Point number two Alexander oetkin two points number three Gordy how three points this is where it falls off the rails number four Steve Eiserman nope shoot uh number five Mike Gardner nope

Shoot okay so I got the first three as well I only had I thought it was top 10 I tried yeah right so three points to Steve give you the top 10 I could not put it in order okay so three points to Steve Adam give it to me all right I

Only wrote down five as well because I for some reason thought it was the top five but uh oh I think I know who Gretzky Obi how three points for Adam okay yogger correct red hole correct five woo you know Celli like I have no idea but

Go Garder I know my Gardner has over 700 oh Marcel Deon Phil espito Mike Gardner markc massier and Steve Eiserman Mario’s not even top 10 but he would have been no he’s very close 690 yeah in less than a thousand games it’s crazy in 950 you’re clawing back

Slowly doing my best there’s uh there’s you’re two up in that category got Steve it’s currently 2926 for Steve 2926 it’s tight all right all right what is this what did you pull it’s a test World War I generals it’s a roster test in order the 2018 Toronto M

Hey let’s go now very important very important 20178 or 20189 1718 got it GL asked yeah no it’s uh that’s a very important uh differentiator there yeah let me see if I got this one I love these roster tests these ones are fun I wish you pulled a couple

More all right you guys I got a minute on the board I’m going to start it right now it has been started oh here it is Toronto Maple Leafs the 1718 Toronto Maple Leaves where did they finish pretty good try to make beliefs I think Adam might just be a

Faster writer than I am um head coach Mike Babcock that is not a point for anybody lot of uh surprisingly there should be more Ontario born players oh it’s 7 Seconds 5 4 3 2 1 PS down [ __ ] here I’m just I’m finishing my answer finishing it finishing it finishing it all right

Steve my last answer is very funny if it’s correct why was this the name that came to my head give me your players and we will mark them off as we go Austin Matthews yep Mitch Marner yep William neander yep Frederick Anderson yep Morgan Riley yep Garrett Sparks no no no shoot Connor

Carrick uh Connor Carrick uh yes uh Jake Gardner Jake Gardner yep Zack Heyman yep Conor Brown yes nasm cadri yes James Van rdik yes and I don’t know why this name came to my head In the Heat of the Moment Ben Smith Ben Smith no I don’t see a Ben

Smith he was probably the captain of the Marley’s but I don’t think he because he won the CER cup that year yeah yeah no well then that’s all I got I don’t see it oh that’s it that’s that’s I I was Adam was speed I can’t I can’t spell

Anything correctly but I I did no that’s okay Ste so the that final tally is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Adam correct yes so jvr jvr boac boac codrey codrey Matthews Matthew neander neander Marner Riley Riley Gardner yep poak oh poak yep hany

Hany yep Anderson Freddy yep melany melany yep Caspar kaan yep oh and as Maddie said time up I was gonna write down Andreas Janson but I heard her say it and then I couldn’t remember the name so as soon as she said so it doesn’t

Count but I’m just saying as soon as MD yelled at I lost my focus and I couldn’t and then I was like what and I went back to Freddy Anderson Freddy Anderson I’m like no override override so I couldn’t get there no excuse for missing Heyman

On my part and I should have had Andreas jansson as well that’s 13 21 you have 12 um maybe I missed one I had 11an Anders get anything wrong right M yeah so how many do you have in your paper 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 yeah 13 there you go damn yeah there’s the list all right take a look uh okay some of the names uh we forgot or I forgot at very least Patrick Marlo I don’t know

How why why would I I don’t know how you had Ron hany I think Leo karov Stephen Nikita Zev Travis durit Dominic Moore that recently I 50 games 50 games six goals uh Matt Martin Andreas Borgman was that season Josh Leo uh Andreas jansson Justin hall for two

Games with two goals uh Thomas Panet Freddy goce Cali Rosen uh you I think had melan Calvin picker played a game Martin marinin Nikita sikov and leaf Legend Eric Fair how did we not have Martin marinin that’s like a guaranteed lock for like five years I don’t know

Man it’s a surprisingly long time ago what happened to Andreas Borman why would did he know um injuries injuries injuries fizzled out he played with I think Tampa a little bit he should have been he should have been something all right what’s the score Maddie so now it

Is 4039 for Steve onepoint lead I think we do two categories two more categories yeah am I picking this or is no Steve’s picking this one Steve get in there all right all right we’re going to go to the depths of the baby Yoda ocean what do you what’ you pull

Out no no Steve read it the starting nine for the Blue Jay’s last playoff game test now I guess I’m assuming names and then order is tiebreaker there’s no tiebreakers it’s just uh give me the names okay list the players in the starting nine for the Toronto Blue

Jays when they played the Minnesota Twins and John Schneider decided to pull out Brios and not leave him in the game even though he not one of the starting nine he was pitching no we’re talking about uh the hitters yeah LeBrun would say holy mama in Toronto all right are

We ready all right let us uh let me reset the clock it’s ready to go go ahead guys and I need to search for this piece of paper where I had them listed out I don’t know where oh there they are amazing yeah

Um one two three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 okay so 11 Player 11 hitters played in the game I will accept any of the players the position players that hit the field so we had a pinch runner in that game um we had somebody pinch hit

As well we had 11 guys hit the field for the Blue Jays I will accept any of those 11 names pictures are excluded just the Batters and it’s sad because the pitchers were the story right yeah no I could name the pitchers best uh best

Rotation in in the AL East or in the American League at least um 5 Seconds we got left on the clock three I minut it goes by fast holy cow pens down all right I got seven names oh wow I have one two three four five six

Names Steve you are up read them out to me Vlad Guerrero Jr Bo bashet Dalton V Dalton varo yes unfortunately Kevin km yes uh Cavin beio yes o Alejandro Kirk yes yes that’s all I got oh six for six man you got all the hard names I got all

The easy ones Adam Springer bashet brette Kirk okay Guerrero yes Chapman Chapman K Meer yeah and my favorite the jacked Davis Schneider did he play incorrect he should have [ __ ] played Steve stays ahead on the scoreboard with the David Schneider pick and well done davidar did not see the field

Analytics was crushing it on a hot streak if it wasn’t for analytics we never would have had Pat Borders either wow all right last category somebody’s got to pick it all right it’s going be Adam you need to get up at least one in this trivia stay in the

Game what is it the last 20 Stanley Cup champions incorrect I want the correct here oh it’s it’s quiz it says quiz oh okay it’s a quiz oh we’re buzzing we’re buzzing forget that oh boy that changes things get out your buzzers I thought it

Was I thought it’d be a test I thought it would be a test too did you accidentally write quiz no no no no I think this is more fun we’re going to do 10 here wait I’m out of the room still get back in the room there yeah I should

Probably get yeah okay uh let give me one second to pull up the answer last 20 that’s where I’m going to pull from right I’m not going to do in order he going to give us years yeah I’m just going to give you years and you got to give me the

Answers uh what is this oh here we go everybody ready with their buzzing fingers yes I’m going to do 10 as I said and then at the end of 10 if we’re tied we’ll keep going but at the end of 10 if Steve is ahead or Adam is ahead they

Will be declared the winner oh man oh that’s crazy pressure [ __ ] this is good man this is a lot closer than I thought this is great 2016 stove Pittsburgh correct yeah buzzer 2006 Adam Carolina Hurricanes correct buz see Carolina you think I don’t know anything about you I know you

That’s two Lavette got that cup not Maurice 2018 stove Washington Capitals correct 2007 Adam it was the Anaheim Ducks correct yes I expect you guys to be perfect 2009 Adam Pittsburgh Penguins correct [ __ ] 204 stove Tampa Bay Lightning correct ah yes 2012 stove LA Kings correct

2019 Adam [ __ ] uh I don’t know 2019 bling take a guess no you have to guess a team in the National Hockey League what’s wrong with you 2019 is before pandemic right mhm uh so it’s after the capitals it is I have no idea I’m blanking guess a team uh

Uh yeah I I can’t even I can’t even guess it’s not the lightning is it it’s is that your guess it’s not the lightning is that your guess no it is the lightning it’s the lightning Steve the lightning won the President’s trophy ah okay who won St Louis Blues all right

[ __ ] yeah I’m just sitting here like I screwed that one sorry guys 2015 Steve uh Chicago Blackhawks Chicago Blackhawks is that 10 I think that is 10 I and I think Steve’s won uh no there’s one more one more I goofed it on the St Louis question yeah all right last

One let’s do 2008 Adam wild try it the Detroit Red Wings and what is the final score Maddie [ __ ] uh 52 to 49 52 to 49 caved under the pressure you killed well done I know I know that would have made it Jord bton got his revenge what Jordan Bennington

Got his revenge with me that was that was really good I it was a lot closer than I thought for sure Jessie well done I was like when when I buzzed it I thought I knew it and then and then it went through and it was like

Name an NHL team at that point and I yeah you you’re blank was like my brain was like New Jersey New Jersey New Jersey New Jersey I’m like why is it it’s not New Jersey do you want to pull out some of the other categories that

Didn’t get to okay let’s see dollar name a woman name a woman that’s what we that’s what happen the Raptors roster for game six of the 2019 NBA Finals uh that’s a good one yeah kakum Leonard Gasol Lowry Danny Green Fred Van vet Sergio Baka Norman Powell NHL

Mascots yeah I have the mascots ready mascot quiz uh NFL teams I think I would have had that one just te I just want you to name the teams yeah NHL captains really good one that was from last year we did that J pers J pers what else we didn’t get to

Um NBA champions yeah no year given the 2001 Maple Leafs roster I think I would have been pretty okay at that it would have been a tough one head to head sundine Tucker McGinley uh Roberts hogland McCabe Cabret Travis Green Shane Corson tyomi uh lots of other great guys

Cory cross Aki akie Berg oh akie Berg vac Joseph Manson Dempsey I saw Jonas in Sweden he walked by I was like that’s Jonas the other one would have been animal facts a quit oh yeah a lot of Z incredible and top 10 alltime points correct order yeah top 10 all time there

Was also in there South Park trivia oh somewhere not see it in there oh that would have been good too hey that was lots of fun damn Jesse I’m exhausted that was fun that was a good time all right we’ll bring it back next year we

Got more more [ __ ] coming up over the holidays so make sure to enjoy it Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays we love you Merry Christmas happy holidays the BL the Steve dangle podcast follow the guys on Twitter _ dangle Adam W lde and Jesse Blake connection complete


  1. 7:55 D day was not a newspaper name given after. it was a code word so that military could talk and plan the operation without ever actually saying when the operation would happen. i.e. at d-day + 1 hour x group will do y action.

    french records dont say d day, instead disembarkation day.

    the same thing happened with beach names, "juno beach" is where canadians primarily landed. we now know that juno beach means the section of coastline between the towns of Courseulles-sur-Mer and Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer, to any german spy who hears about a landing on juno beach, it could be anywhere. "juno" was the named after the wife of Wing Commander Michael Dawnay.

    makes the intelligence useless unless you know where juno is and when d day is, nobody has to know those except the supreme commanders.

  2. It'd be cool next time if the Buzzer app played an audible chime, unique to the player buzzing in.

  3. i have no idea how Adam stayed in radio so long while having no frame of reference in pop culture.

  4. Longest LAND battle was the Siege of Leningrad, which lasted 872 days. The fascists preferred to starve the city for years than face urban combat. They routinely bombed the civilian areas, targeted hospitals, schools, and food distribution centers like bakeries. They originally claimed it was in response to "sniper attacks" and then just stopped justifying it. I think it's worth pointing out that piece of trivia this holiday season in particular.

  5. i'm about half way through this episode and it's great but i wish we could have like a real buzzer noise for the quizes lol…I would say give them bells but that would be a little chaotic

  6. There is a grim satisfaction I take in Adam not immediately knowing answers to WWII questions 🤣🤣🤣

    Please do more of these!!

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