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TAGS – electric bike electric cycle mtb mountain biking mini bike fat bike e bike electric motorcycle mountain bike electric dirt bike bmx bicycle cycle ebike segway x260 lectric xp lite how to wheelie a mountain bike segway dirt ebike x260 crip walk tutorial ariel rider grizzly sur ron light bee x stark varg dirt

Size it up first oh yeah we’re going to go we’re coming in very hot and we got a green lights how are we doing folks welcome back to the channel it is Christmas day we’re out here on the electric mountain bike in the city of downtown LA we are

Going to do Urban free riding all day today did all my family stuff yesterday Christmas or really any holiday is one of the best days you can get out in the city and ride freely without getting kicked out anywhere so that’s the goal so we’re going to try and ride down as

Many things as possible as fast as we can stay tuned make sure you watch the end here we go all right folks let’s get after it I have been itching to ride this bike lately honestly is it on it’s not on welcome to 2024 folks where you

Have to turn your bike on before you can ride it holy crap what hey bro on the spare tire he is moving hey man more power to you all right let’s go ahead auto shift [Applause] on getting things started with a downhill straight into the [Applause] city let’s

Go a beautiful downtown LA I got here in record time today too probably the fastest I’ve ever gotten into the city for sure we’re coming in very hot and we got a green light so we’re just going to keep on going let’s go wow not a soul out here

Today down T La usually there’s something going on uh on the holidays but today absolute ghost town except for The Usual Suspects you know any who let’s get things started today the goal is going to be riding down all the stairs we can find I have one in mind

That I kind of want to go straight to but we’re going to just try and do everything starting with this one there’s a stair set I did on my suron long ago there’s actually security here today hopefully he doesn’t care all right let’s [Applause] go what’s going on my man how you

Doing all right get the cobwebs off this year my goal is to give this bike a lot of love this is easily my favorite bike next to the Saron I kind of place them like side by side and a truthful comparison I just love both of these

Bikes a lot so it’s hard to say which one I like better but as far as a bike that you actually pedal this is this is just this bike has been a dream come true for me to own he just bombed lower Grand on a skateboard okay that’s what that’s what

We got going on today we are climbing right now let’s go ahead and really up the hill and we got a little auto shift dude the streets are empty today I mean as empty as you’ll ever see them in Downtown LA pretty sick all right we

Have a few options when we get to the top of this hill we can either bomb this lower Grand which is one of the safest times we’ll ever get to bomb it or we can take stairs we’ll see what option looks better when we get up to the top what’s through

Here right now we’re just doing some random exploring in downtown I guess chilling I know there’s a huge set over here I think it’s right here oh this is absolutely monstrous and we’ve done it before so let’s go ahead and do it [Applause] again oh my God woo it’s that second to

Last set that really throws you it makes you wonder like uh am I in the right spot on the bike to do this what turn turns out we were coming in bide the hill we just we just went down and we got to stop at POA nice day out here in

Downtown cool 70° on Christmas day got the ice c ring cracking look at all the people holding on for the side holding on for dear life okay well H some more stairs here we got a hering square train station one of the most dangerous in all of La if you know you

Know but uh yeah there’s a stair set here I always wondered about if it’s possible to hit it’s pretty hefty but I think we can do it my bad I think I might have scared those people hey it’s a bouncing ball interesting where’d that come from oh it’s your ball brother oh my

Bad it’s got a mind of its own yeah fre ride Mission off to a great start I’m already feeling much more confident uh going down big sets I mean this is like a 40ft drop I want to say uh it’s a pretty decent size triple set

I’m learning how to LEAP into the stairs anyone I see like uh they pump into the sets which is it’s 10 times scarier than it looks on camera folks to actually be doing it uh but I’m learning we got more stairs coming up we have one in particular that I’m looking forward to

Possibly going and hit we’re going to go check it out uh and do a couple other things on the way over there right now stay tuned oh God by the way I’m holding my helmet I’m not doing this with no helmet for all you keep saying like wear a helmet I’m

Wearing one I’m filming on it it’s a chin mou so now you know anyone who ever asked in the future refer him to this clip o pedal strike I’ve come to terms of the fact that this bike is going to Pedal strike pretty much non-stop it is

Not meant for Street use I mean it’ll probably pedal strike uh in the dirt and all that too but you know it’s all good oh continuing our journey this next set of stairs that I know of another pedal strike oh some things are closed I was going to ride through there but

Actually closed today we’re on route to another very fun set of stairs we got a KNE bike in the wild we’re actually going this way too bro was doing the Michael Jackson anyways plenty of Destruction in Downtown LA I’ll show you guys as well but right now the prerogative

Is going down some stuff we’re cooking to the next day stair at I wish this bike did not have a speed limiter because you feel it ready to keep going when you’re pedaling hard but then you hit this speed right here run about 20 mph and this is it this is your max

Realistically you don’t need to go faster than 20 in the city anyway but I kind of you know when you feel something holding you back you want it to to not hold you back right so oh my God a pedal strike is insane I’m definitely decimating these pedals anyhoo we’re

Coming up to spot number two right through this funky little and we got a good work let’s go ahead and cook right up into [Applause] it my boy right you would have thought I knew where you were at the way I just flew through here huh this is the guy

You get out right here well one and done that’s Flo he’s one of the fixie Goons good guy real cyclist uh what is this hold on wait a second might be something else for us to ride down that’s the goal find stairs find things ride down them

Hello oh look at this Tunnel right here there like a movie scene it’s kind of creepy actually let’s see there a door right there okay doesn’t look like there’s much for us over here so let’s go ahead and make our way back up out of here find some more stairs

Let’s keep going to the original plan which is at 8 in Figaroa that’s what we got to go to right now all this area right here there’s not much to ride down so we’re just going to go ahead and cook it back okay so far so good we back in the bike

Lane so I’m not sound good what is that what is that sounds like derailer oh cross gear there we go that was the auto gear put me on Cross gear and didn’t even realize it okay we had a locked in wheelie in the auto shift I was like wait a second you must

Be wanting to accelerate let’s put you in a stiff gear wait something doesn’t sound good you guys hear that like rubbing sounds like a cat puring hey thanks man sounds like a cat it’s from the cross gear but for some reason my bike doesn’t want to get

In the right gear right now oh well let’s keep going let’s keep going the city is like our playground right now man look this is this is the emptiest I’ve ever seen downtown whether it be a weekday middle of the day anything like that I’m going

To be honest downtown LA is the last place I would go on Christmas if I wasn’t filming there’s no reason I would come out here so kind of makes sense that it’s very quiet today but you know still strange to see we got two stops we’re going to make the first stop well

Some of you are going to remember this from my most viral piece of content that I’ve ever put out it’s a short where I went down these stairs on my surun and uh it it went extremely viral for reasons that I just do not know I don’t

Know how the internet works how the algorithm Works funny part about that clip is that I was going to never post it I cut it out of a video because I thought it was uh you know like lame and I was like ah you know what let me just

Post this as a short that’s a perfect way to just get it out 30 plus million views that’s a that’s just the way the world works man the thing the things that you think I mean I don’t even know where I’m going with that but I

Sometimes you just got to do stuff you know don’t think just do anyways we’re coming back up on the maon center we’re going to go down the stairs something doesn’t feel good on this bike right now man something’s grinding I think I may have misaligned my rear derailer or something cuz it’s

Like I’m not catching the gear okay there’s a bunch of cops here huh I don’t think that’s going to be a problem though we’re just going down some stairs let’s see any security perfect and we made it through the tree okay the next step we make it up these stairs same way

We did previously let’s see oh there’s one boom ended off with a stopy oh my God almost almost front flipped okay there’s that aayo we got a frantic Pace right now folks wow only on Christmas could I get away with some of these descents we’re doing um something’s going on with the

Bike we’re going to have to take it to the bike shop after this see that’s the thing about these expensive bikes specifically mountain bikes they’re not meant for what I’m doing at all so it takes very little to break them especially with the these high end

Components so you know it is what it is still works we’re still riding it’s making some weird sounds but we’re going to keep going down some more stairs and we have the suron that works so that’s going to be the next thing we use but anyways we’re coming up on fig we’re

Going to check this one out there’s usually always security here so we’re going to play by year but I think we could hit the the route that I’ve been dreaming of doing since I got this bike stay tuned let’s see okay there’s a helicopter above it looks like it’s

Gated oh it’s gated off dude the one day where would be possible to hit it’s gated off no why what’s up man why is this gated today it’s close oh the whole Shopping Center’s closed yeah it’s Christmas oh okay thanks bro mer Christmas hey you too well there’s that how goes that idea

We can still do that one right there sh don’t tell anyone DMX nice dude all right well I got it rout folks stay tuned we can at least hit one more set before uh I don’t even know what before but before something oh I see another one up there to the right too

Maybe we go do that one first let’s check that out I’ve never even I never even noticed that see this bike it it introduces me to things that I don’t really pay attention to ever this one should this one is very chill so we should be able to full-blown send this

Is there a quicker way up here though I think there must be CU we go up here and go to the left there is one Epic stair set out here in downtown that I’m not going to do today but I will do soon I

Think if we go up right here we can wrap around I’m not mistaken h no there is no wrap around you just got to do it from that other way okay well now we know all right we’re going to go down here Bend to right go up the stairs see

If there’s anything to do up there and then go go down the stairs I could probably ride up those oh yeah we can ride up these for sure just putting wats down let’s go up them all oh there’s more oh there a fence okay well I guess this is where we’re going to

Start taking the views real quick Catch My Breath let’s go cool okay well we did that so next there’s like a secret pathway somewhere right here is it this way oh there’s some more stairs okay these ones are a little sketchy these are a little sketchy I know why Arrow stairs like

That that goes to a dead end all right off we go we did this one last time but you know went in Downtown LA do all the stairs you can do boom and we’re off like a thief in the night no one knows oh man that some Wily kids all

Right we got one more big set I’m just looking for the big sets there’s cops over there to the right let’s take a look at this one though I’ve never actually looked this up let me size it up first oh yeah we’re good to go okay oh now we know what that’s

About decent size double so let’s count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 18 Friday 18 let’s say 36 stairs not bad we’re getting somewhere on this Bike Dude also shout out to these tires Invincible downhill casing rims are

Solid not carbon I mean carbon’s fine but I feel really confident in the bike that nuk proof put together here with this model even though it’s definitely not designed for this type of ab use it like withstands it with ease you know so very fun very fun ride okay we are on a

Roll folks let’s see if there’s anything else we can ride down while we’re out here I got one more spot in mind the one that I was really hoping for kind of got spoiled that was that aan fig ow location with the uh with the gate

Around it but I think we got a couple more things we could potentially do so let’s go ahead and do one more run around the city and find out p is out riding love that that’s cool I having a good time out here in nakomi Plaza where’s Bruce Willis at I’m just kidding

I don’t even know if that’s the one it’s probably not the cops got the trunk open uh-oh what’s going on looks like nothing okay we got more stairs up here that’s kind of where we want to go too but not that way necessarily okay all right so from here

We’re going to try and go up we’re going to go up to this level up here and that’s where the run is going to begin so let’s go a and make this right and go this way see when I’m in my top gear something’s rubbing so I’m

Going to have to drop the bike out for the shop I have’t take a look at that but it’s probably just a simple derailer issue what it could be I don’t know but also my auto shift is just non responsive right now okay back in familiar territory we’re

Going to cut around so we don’t hit that downhill beautiful day out here Christmas day so we’re going to go up here make a left and then there’s one one final sick downhill run that we’re going to try and hit in one go today might be the only day in the entire year

Where we can do it besides maybe Thanksgiving other than that this is probably like the one day we could potentially pull this off so let’s see we’re going to start from the broad or the broad whatever however you say that go all the way down to City Hall we

Tried to do that last time we got stopped a lot because of traffic today if there’s ever a day where it’s gonna go down it’ll be today so stay tuned let’s see if we can uh let’s see if we can pull it off got the Disney Center up

Here on the left go down one more Street or so there’s tons of stairs all around here but you know we’ll be here all day if we’re going to do all of them plus I got to save them for my next video we’re actually going to go the back

Route now let’s drum up some momentum we’re going to try and just send it we’re going to make a right up here somewhere into this Plaza right here seems good we got the Christmas tree we’re going to provide some shocking off for these people right here they’re going to be like what the

Heck let’s go off we [Applause] go well none of that was planned but worked out pretty well excuse me got to got to go this way I don’t know what to say this is the way okay we’re making a good time we haven’t stopped now we have to hit a zig

And then we zag this is where the traffic will stop us we the goal is just to not stop as long as we don’t stop here we’re still in it still in it we’re not making record time but we’re still in it oh my God that was a little bit of a

Close call right there we we cooked it a little too hard we the GoPro mount broke uh I guess my chin got too close to the crossbar and we uh we almost made it we had one more set to go and then get through the grass but

Uh I think we’ll take that I broke them out so let’s see if it even Clips back on no okay well um we got through that in one piece at least I was hectic I was uh I thought I broke the GoPro I was about to be sad like oh no there goes

Today’s footage but um it’s fine we got plenty of these mounts better the mount than the GoPro I’m just sad because I was cooking right there I was feeling the flow and we still had more stuff to do too but I’d only have one GoPro Mount so that’s kind

Of uh that’s not one of the things you expect to break out on a ride I always have a spare GoPro or two in my bag in case you know I break one but the mount itself is usually not the thing you expect to break so that’s uh that’s unfortunate but you

Know that’s sick just some siron cats chilling on uh Christmas day we’re out here in downtown still I still got to make it back to the car so I’m just going to do my best to uh hold this camera and film with half my chin Mount we’re going down the hill right now

Too so uh that is that’s what’s currently happening that noise scared me I was like what is that beautiful day in downtown though check it out very nice we’re going very fast and I’m one-handed sitting upright the slightest inconvenience would uh change things a lot anyways it did it we’re good we’re

Going we’re almost almost back to the car already also this is proof that I wore a helmet everyone who keeps doubting me now you know I’ve worn my suron helmet too because I have another helmet but it just doesn’t give me the right angle when I’m filming this one is

Already dialed in so it’s the one that I use anyways sights and sounds one1 freeway Merry Christmas folks I hope you guys all enjoyed your Christmas with your fam or if you’re by yourself like me hope you enjoyed that too we still got a nice ride in folks if you enjoyed

Make sure you leave a comment down below like subscribe if you’re new as always thanks for watching see you in the next video very soon peace


  1. holy shit you're the reason drivers hate bikers or what lol. half way in and I lost count how many times you didnt follow traffic laws lol

  2. If you ever make it up to Seattle, I’d love to show you around our mountain bike trails. They are world class.

  3. Love your videos – but this one might get me killed. Makes me want to go ride stairs – but I’m almost 60 years old. I still ride almost every day, but I’m going to leave the stairs to you and I’ll just watch and wish I could still do such things.

  4. Don't give up on a hit so easy. Next time just tell those guys you want to hit 8th and FIG for a youtube video. Sweet talk them.

  5. Invest in some shorter cranks to reduce pedal strikes. You could get away with 160mm or 155mm on a E-bike.

  6. Youll be surprised what that bike can handle. All you did was ride stair sets. The parts on that bike are enduro rated. Go check out enduro and downhill. Its a reason why its called an MTB and what you have is a proper MTB that will hand some chunk on the trail. Make some vids of you putting that bike to work on the trails and learn how to set up your sag and dial in your rebound.

  7. I would recommend getting a bike from evil mountain bikes they have an e-bike called the apocalypse that'd fun af

  8. I don’t think the new viewers know this or not but hicks is one of the coldest with the video camera and the edits . Hopefully one day he’ll do a nice cinematic video

  9. Thought you wiped out, was just the camera. Anyways Merry Christmas from me and my daughter, we're big fans all the way from Victoria Australia. Keep the videos coming!

  10. Hey, John… cool video of an empty downtown.
    Where you started this video, on 6th and Beaudry is one block from where I live.
    Isn't there a super steep set of stairs at the Angel's Flight trolley near Bunker Hill? I don't know if you can ride those stairs, though. They're pretty gnarly and so many tourists taking Angels Flight one way and then the stairs the other way because it's free ride down the trolley but they charge to go up or it's the other way around.
    I don't think they would let you ride there but Dodger Stadium has sick stairs along the outside of the stadium and the parking lot.
    There are all kinds of stairs throughout Echo Park and Silverlake not far down near Sunset and Alvarado and Glendale and Sunset / Alvarado.
    The areas are not too sketchy and may be worth looking into on Google Maps or Earth to find some cool spots. It would make some good footage because of the cool vibe around that area.
    I'm at 5th and Bixel and there may be something in or by the Belmont High School or whatever it's called now, some learning complex with the elementary, middle and high school all in the same place. But it's pretty hilly around here, might be worth checking it out.
    It's pretty crazy around here as far as crime goes, though. Westlake was listed as the 3rd worst neighborhood in LA for crime. You have all the street vendors on Alvarado and on 6th, always crowded.
    Be cool be safe

  11. Shit is lit bro watching from Aotearoa, New Zealand 🇳🇿 gas bro been to LA myself, where I walked around where you biking it’s dope to see, do your thing bro mad love brother keep it going g 💯

  12. 7:17 depending on which ebike, some have it where you can tweak settings, on the more expensive bikes, but some you can mess with wires or controllers and upgrade those and batteries to go faster. by ebike goes 35 though usually, or less on a cold day

  13. Love the new mega or gigawatt sick bike a just got new forks for me hardtrail rockshox lyrik select 150mm travel on sale for 250 was down from 900

  14. Hey John. What's up with the pedal strikes? I have been riding mtbs for 10 years and never had a pedal strike unless I was going over an obstacle and didn't level the pedals. Most of the things that have caused pedal strikes for me was roots, rocks and a curb but not often. On a full suspension mtb it's important to properly set the sag for your weight. If the sag is not properly set up it could cause pedal strikes. You may want to check into this if your suspension is adjustable. Really great entertaining video have a good one bro.

  15. I really like his videos watching the decline of La and presumably the rest of the world. It’s like watching an apocalypse movie.
    Better than watching some guy wheelie for half an hour!
    I like doing the same on my ebike Christmas Day or New Year’s Day in San Diego.

  16. Try looking at your derailur hanger and tightening it had the same thing on mine
    Btw love the vids me and my dad love watching them together

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