Establishing Consistency in Your Golf Swing


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So many of our lessons here at measured golf start with people wanting to be more consistent when they play golf but in reality a lot of people are very very consistent onto themselves they just don’t like the consistency of the result of what they’re doing so we want to look

In this video at some of the things we can do to become more consistent mostly by addressing the fundamental issues that are actually underpinning the Problem so when we’re talking about consistency in golf one one of the biggest things we have to look at is the environment we’re practicing in when we think about practicing indoors like we are here at measured golf we have to keep in mind that we’re generally considering where the ball is starting

And we’re generally looking at club and ball data at the start of the Swing but when we go out to the driving range for example where a lot of people practice what we tend to see is people are more focused on the outcome or where the ball

Finishes relative to the Target so when it comes to consistency we have to figure out are you making a consistent golf swing or are you you just having consistent results because sometimes what we’ll find is that even though we’re having consistent results at the driving range we’re not actually

Optimizing our ball flight and creating as much distance as possible so we really want to have a good understanding of where our consistency issues lie and what we need to do is start figuring out am I consistent in the first place so here’s how we’re going to take a look at

That to start with so one of the easiest ways to think about consistency is to think about which direction do you swing the golf club we go to the drive range and we hit golf balls and we tend to blame the club face when the ball flies

Crooked but a lot of times our club face is a reaction to the direction we’re swinging the club or the club’s path so what we want to do is we want to understand our club path first and that’s where taking advantage of some technology is super helpful for the

Golfer because most golfers have the intent of hitting the ball straight at the Target therefore in their mind they swing the club straight at the Target but what we find is that people tend to be very consistent onto themselves with their club path they just generally don’t understand that they might not be

Swinging straight so one of the easiest things that we can do is start getting an understanding of which direction the club is moving while we’re swinging so we can have a very Square to Square club path or very neutral meaning that in track man data that’s going to be

Somewhere around zero we can have something that’s more out to end in layman’s terms or in trackman terminology is more negative or we can have something that’s more positive which is more into to out and what you’re going to see is that a lot of golfers tend to really struggle with

Having a path that’s way too far far into out and they generally misdiagnose that club path as being over the top and they continue to try to shallow the club more making the path more to the right so this is why it’s really important that we find some technology and get a

Good understanding for what our club path is and then we can look at our average club path or the standard deviation from our average and find hey how consistent am I really being with that because what you’re going to see is that most golfers are very consistent in

This regard and this is the thing that if they understood better they would be able to fix the correct thing and now that we understand our club path it gets really important that we start paying close attention whether we’re inside or outside to our setup because our setup

Is really really key and a place where a lot of golfers have made mistakes over the years is trying to make their setup perfectly Square I remember a few years ago Rory really became obsessed with trying to get everything perfectly square and it was one of his Worst Years

Of ball striking yet because what do you know Rory mroy isn’t a perfect square this swings at perfect zeros he’s not binary it’s not that simple human beings tend to be a little messy so a lot of us have been trained that we want to have this perfectly Square setup and that for

A lot of golfers has led to less than favorable results so what we want to do is we want to match that setup to our club path so what I mean by that is a lot of us have been told that if we’re a little out the end that’s no good but

Actually that’s fine assuming that we’re going to hit a little bit of a cut so one thing that we’ll tend to see out of a player that likes to hit a little more of a a cut is we’ll tend to see that their stance gets a little more open the

Right shoulder tends to be a little higher than the left is set up and we tend to get a little more stacked on that left side looking in the camera and that’s totally fine because for a person that’s going to swing the club a little

Out to end that club is going to be moving down and left through finish and we want to make sure the body’s out of the way so by getting the body a little bit open that just helps that player create the space necessary to match that

Club path and deliver that club with the perfect Dynamic lie to make sure we flush that golf ball opposite could be true as well where we get a little more set up close to the Target if I’m trying to play more of a draw or if I have a

Club path that’s slightly more to the right so once again it’s very important that we understand is our club path consistent and then how do we start matching the pieces of our anatomy to that club path so that I can play my most consistent golf so now we’ve talked

A great deal about becoming consistent and what that actually looks like and we’ve talked about the direction the club is moving and we’ve talked about getting our body to match how we tried to move that golf club during our golf swing so what’s the missing piece to

This formula well that would be the club face because obviously the face tells the ball where to start and as we talked about earlier we can be either inside or outside and when we’re inside we tend to be using technology which makes it super helpful so we can just look at some

Numbers and quickly figure out what our club path is what our average is and kind of go about our business but what about if you don’t have access to this and you find yourself more outside practicing well that’s pretty easy too because what we want to really try to

Accomplish with becoming more consistent is we want to get the ball to land on target more consistently and to do that we need the ball to fly the proper distance with the proper height with the proper curve and to land on the target so one way we can start addressing our

Face and kind of solving this problem at the same time is when we get to that setup and we go hey I know that my club path tends to be a little out to end or my club path tends to be a little end to

Out what we can do is we can make some of these structural changes with our setup okay and we can see what starts happening to the golf ball is it curving more or less right and our goal is always to curve the ball less we don’t

Want to be curving it two directions and we certainly don’t want to be curving it 50 60 70 feet we want to try to be curving at less than 25 30 feet most of the time and we’re going to be hitting relatively straight shots so how do we

Go about determining what the face is doing if we don’t have access to this technology one of the easiest ways we can do this is with an alignment stick and it’s really not an exact science right so and we’re not even saying that setting up Square isn’t in your best

Case it may very well be but what we do want to do is just do a little experiment here right so if you don’t have access to technology and don’t know what your club path is consistently we could just do a little experiment and we could take this alignment stick that’s

Starting at zero right just nice and square pointed right where we want the ball to go and we could hit three or four shots and kind of gauge the distance and the amount of curve that we create and then what we could try is we could actually turn the stick a little

More to the right like this and then what we want to do is we actually want to go ahead and square our feet and our body to that line keeping the same Target and we’re going to hit three or four shots this way and what we’re going

To do is we’re going to compare and contrast the results from those two and then lastly and this is the one that’s most important it’s also not bad I know a lot of people have a preference for not being out to end but in a lot of

Golfers cases out the end is actually going to be the best path for them so make sure we don’t forget to try the old out to end and once again we’re just going to do the same thing we’re going to maintain the same Target we’re going

To get our body a little more squared to this line here and then we’re going to hit three or four shots once again comparing and contrasting to the other two and now what we’ve done is a very very basic makeshift experiment and we have a better understanding of which

Club path and which setup is going to work best for you and as a bonus tip if you find a setup that seems to work really well for for you I would highly recommend having a friend or someone just prop your phone phone up behind you

But take a photo or video of that because that’s going to be great information for you to go back to and make sure that you’re keeping that setup nice and consistent to match your club path so in this video we’ve looked at a few things that really lend themselves

To you becoming more consistent as a golfer and one of the biggest things that we need to learn from this video is that once we do this experiment and have an understanding of who we are as a player it’s really important that we stick to that and try to optimize that

Player instead of constantly thinking the grass is always greener on the other golf course so if you’re a fader of the ball be a fader don’t try to be a draw guy because that’s only going to lead to problems so how do we kind of stick with

This well the easiest way to do this is once you decide whether you’re a more out to in or more in toout player we want to make sure that we make that decision final meaning that we take away the tools out of the golf bag we stop

Adjusting our Golf Club every time we don’t like something that we see and we stop trying to hit every shot most golfers don’t have the ability or the time to practice to hit all nine Windows like some of our favorite golfers so for us let’s do what we can do very very

Well pick a shape and then when we go to practice let’s try to hit that shape as many times possible in a row because I can promise you that that’s what’s going to lead to the most consistency in your game so if you need help with any of

These ideas or need help with any of these the series please reach out to us here at measured golf we’re always happy to help you can also find our social media links on our website at measured and as always thank you for watching this video and make sure to

Subscribe and until next time keep Grinding

1 Comment

  1. Loved this, your spot on. Too many recreational golfers think they are built like TW or Justin Rose. Do what you do best, swing your swing people.

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