Golf Players

Ep. 4: Claire Rogers On Meeting Tiger Woods, Golf Twitter, Eating Ice Cream With Rose Zhang

Jeff and Sam recap the PNC Championship and PGA TOUR Q-School before’s Claire Rogers (10:55) joins the pod to discuss her trip to the PNC Championship (which included an introduction to Tiger Woods), her journey to superstardom on Golf Twitter, Dustin Johnson staying at her house as an amateur, eating ice cream with Rose Zhang and Fred Couples and where Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce should play golf.

Back for more eyes onol Claire Rogers is going to be today’s guest from I’m here Jeff eisan with Sam brief I want to say just real quick as we tease that Sam she was as fun as advertised the podcast hits on not just her career and how funny she is on

Social media but we’ve got a little little Tiger Woods talk and a little a lot of teases for what she might have come in in 2024 yeah Jeff also a lot of ice cream talk she is an ice cream afficianado it’s part of her stick and the wonderful

Videos she produces so if you want a little talk about cookie dough ice cream at 7 AM stay tuned for the rest of the interview yes the scoop is her uh digital program that she has with I said on the podcast Sam the the interviews she’s done have been with

Jenna Sims Brooks keas or I guess Jenna kka now Brooks kepa’s wife Jim bones McKai Rose Zang Fred Couples J.R Smith a very uh a a a very mly group of people she has spoken to but I want to touch on as before we begin I just want to touch

On Roundup some of the week that just passed in golf over the weekend burnhard longer burn burnhard and Jason longer win the PNC championship this guy’s got 46 PGA Tour Champions wins and it’s his fifth PNC Championship his third with Jason he also won two with Stefon he’s

66 years old guy just keeps rolling so no surprise he also gets to play up some te’s because he’s 66 years old even though he’s still bashing dudes out on PGA Tour Champions so he continues to add on to that illustrious career and then David Duval team Duval David and

Brady his son Brady looked awesome uh they come in second so great to see that from David dval whose career kind of trailed off later on in his PGA Tour career but awesome to see him still putting in work at his age and then tiger and Charlie Woods obviously I want

To talk about them for a second because so many people you’re starting to see a lot of people maybe getting Charlie Wood’s fatigue and I’m not uh and I think that people who keep saying why are we talking about Charlie so much why are there’s so many other good Juniors

He’s tiger woods’ son like I I think and I think when you’re putting him out on NBC and this event was televised before tiger and Charlie started playing it’s always been out there um I’m not saying I don’t think tiger you know he protects Charlie so much at most event Charlie’s

Playing Junior events Tiger’s catting for them they’re not seeking out the microphone all the time um so I think that that tiger has done a good job protecting Charlie and I do think it’s of interest to the public to follow the greatest golfer of all time son as he

Attempts to replicate his father’s path yeah it just makes perfect sense how can you have fatigue about that I mean it’s similar to what’s happening in college basketball with LeBron James’s son bronnie I mean UFC played at Auburn the other day and there were lines down the street of the arena in Auburn

Alabama to see LeBron James son now we see that good I don’t think so he’s like a replacement level college basketball player but he is the son of LeBron James just like Charlie Woods is the son of tiger hey speaking of tiger Jeff this was an awesome note on the PNC

Championship Bernard longer who as you mentioned won his fifth he played with Tiger Wood W the first professional event Tiger Woods made the cut at when he was 18 years old in Thailand and now here we are talking about Tiger’s son and Bernard longer is still winning championships bashing

Heads as you say at age 66 it’s funny you mentioned that too 20 2019 when tiger won the Masters it’s a famous clip him and Charlie and Sam who Sam Woods caddied for uh tiger this week great to see her out there Charlie had his friend

From his varsity golf team on the bag but Bernhard longer is waiting there there’s all these young guys all these guys that looked up to Tiger Woods and then you’ve got one guy waiting there who is significantly older than Tiger Woods who was waiting to shake his hand

So tiger and Charlie they end up finishing with a 61 only the longers beat them on Sunday that got them into T5 position they best they finished uh was second place two years back to the dailies which had their own sort of whole activity uh this week I want to

Shout out team coocher um Matt coocher playing with son Cameron 15 his son at 15 almost qualified for the US Open in June they shot a 57 on the first day this is a scramble so I was saying to people it’s basically like having two pga2 or caliber players when you’ve got

Someone who came so close to qualifying for the US Open as a 15-year-old amateur they shot 68 the next day so they were humbled a bit to drop back in the pack and then I want to go to PJ tour Q school because a lot has been made over

The last 48 hours or so and this was pushed back to Monday uh at the DI Valley course at TBC Saw Grass and Saw Grass Country Club um great stories I mean unbelievable stories of guys trying to get their PGA Tour card coming from all walks of life five players get

Through Harrison Endicott uh Travis Trace Crow Blain hail Jr R Pera and Hayden Springer all five played on different tours last year PGA Tour Harrison Endicott was the only player to play on the PGA tour he retains his full status by winning Q School Trace Crow

Corn fairy tour and then you’ve got guys PGA Tour Latino America Royal Pera Hayden Springer PGA tour Canada Blaine hail Jr was playing on the all proo tour which I’ll call it it’s basically Big T Big 12 based Sam to put it traditional Big 12 Texas Oklahoma Louisiana sort of

Uh Southwest area didn’t have any status on any PGA Tour sanctioned tour going into Q School gets his PGA Tour card he’s played one corn Fury Tour event no PGA tour Canada no PGA Tour Latino America no PGA Tour events it’s basically jumping to Major League Baseball from rookie league is basically

What we’re talking about here so incredible jump for him Hayden Springer just lost his three-year-old who was born with Tomei 18 a month ago he gets his card amazing emotional Journey for him and Raul pereda a name maybe people don’t know I followed him a little bit

At the Mexico open at Vidant earlier this year made an eagle in the first round shot 65 was right in the thick of thing shot a 70 in the second round to barely make the cut had an incredible crowd around him in Mexico surprising to see that he is the only Mexican player

Who will have full PGA Tour status um in 2024 obviously Carlos Ortiz and Abraham aner would have been two players if they continued on with the PJ tour that would be there but a great moment for Mexico to see him get his card chipped in twice

In that final round to make it by to make it just barely it’s incredible this time of year Jeff to follow these stories where we focus so much about the guys at the top and especially now everything happening with the PGA and live it’s just awesome to see the guys

Just getting their chance making that rookie ball to MLB so to speak jump Amazing Stories so per he he actually survived with those two chippens by one shot Satoshi kadra first man out uh a guy who’s won on the PGA tour so he might get some starts doc Redmond former

US amateur champ not going to be not g to have PGA Tour status to my knowledge this year finished outside of the top 150 um so a guy who’s come so close to winning on the PGA tour we could see him getting some starts perhaps but seems

Like he’s going to have to work his way back on the corn fairy tour Fred beyonde uh who won the National Championship at the University of Florida the individual National Championship this year T10 really good showing uh he’ll play corn fairy to a golf he’ll be on the PGA tour

Before we know it and Spencer LaVine Sam we just had Andre Gonzalez on I asked him just to tell Spencer lavine’s stories he was talking we’re gonna have to share that clip talking about a uh some jokes on the Range back in the day when he went to New Mexico and Dre and

Ryan Mo UNLV 39 years old ended up shooting three over a three over 73 on the final day to miss by three shots he won in the corn fairy tour he’s going to go back to the corn fairy tour this year but still a guy at 39 still grinding out

There there are like you said you we just talked about the young stories guys getting their first opportunity this sport still has guys grinding out there in ways that we don’t get to see in as many other sports it’s hard enough to get your first crack but then to stay in

It stay at that level in golf how fickle of a game it is it is so so hard so I have massive respect for these guys it’s kind of the Taj Gibson of golf right we’re seeing T Taj get another chance with the Knicks right now tibs bringing

Him out never was officially retired tibs is just Mitchell Robinson’s out look for Old Reliable out there obviously from the Taj Nicks connection my high school days were littered with Taj Gibson posterizing Dwayne Wade good memories I’m glad you have him now in New York you need a little Taj Gibson

Back in your lives uh Sam just before we get to CLA right around the 10-minute Mark we’re gonna bring in this CLA Rogers interview anything else for people to know ahead of this interview I’m not sure how familiar you were with Claire before we did this something I

Love about Claire she wants to make golf fun and make golf cool and at the end of this interview folks you’re going to hear some great thoughts from Claire about can golf be fun and cool the answer is most likely yes and Claire is one of the people on the front line of

Making that happen because it’s a sport that so many people can’t connect to or think they can’t connect to but there certainly are ways and Claire is right at the front lines our General on the front lines growing the game I captain he is Sam brief our esteemed producer

And uh you can find him look Sam Windy City Bulls fill in voice of North Dakota State basketball over the last uh week or so Chicago State knocking off Northwestern they’ve claimed you broadcasting for them so uh impressive stuff as always from you and appreciate you producing this podcast let’s get

Into it Claire Rogers talking about everything golf social media Golf Tiger Woods Dustin Johnson being at her house a lot of good stuff let’s get to it now on eyes on golf it is senior social media manager for host of the scoop and writer of the Rogers report Claire

Rogers did I miss anything no else that you do or at least officially that you do yeah that’s pretty much it thank you so much for having me on I’m excited to be here well I want to say first I I messaged you about a week or two ago I

Was excited to do this I’m thinking you know here I’m gonna have this great conversation with Claire no one’s going to steal my thunder and then I open up the Trap draw and there’s an incredible Home Alone convers that I didn’t expect so to Kevin van valkenberg and Tron

Carter uh they definitely beat me to it but I think we’ll talk about a little we’ll we’ll talk a little differ than that although I do have some follow-ups I do have some follow-ups um to say from that first of all I I guess um with with that experience I want to

Follow up right away on the airplane conversation because you made waves on social media about Alaska Airlines and if if people haven’t listened to that you know you had joined thanks to I think Dylan desare uh you had joined the Alaska Airlines loyalty program uh although you live in the Northeast and

Then we almost scheduled this for a Monday afternoon and I said Claire I don’t know there could be flight problems that you run into what happened coming back from the PNC and you are so smart for backing it up because we were everyone like we were supposed to rec

Yesterday or that was what you originally said and I was like that’s great so there was horrible weather in Boston yesterday and I my flight was supposed to be at 7:05 a.m. Orlando to Boston get on the plane they’re like it’s going to be two hours and 35 minutes this will be and

I’m like perfect I can go back to bed at 10:00 a.m. catch up on some sleep so we are heading toward Boston and all of a sudden I see the you know they have the map in front of you I don’t watch movies on flight I just watched them wait what

Airline is this whatl Delta I’m a Delta girl now Delta okay yes and we’re just looping around Boston for an hour which is just a I mean had to be done I guess they said there were 50 mile per hour winds hurricane like conditions and they

Said we’re going to try to land but if not we’re going to go to Rochester which I feel like I was just in Rochester for the PJ Championship I said okay that’s fine whatever um they try to land people were getting sick it was so gross I’ve

Been upgraded to first class because I have so many miles which okay and that was the first time that it happens so I’m like thank gosh I was because I don’t want to be in the back where all this is happening but people were like screaming it was really really really

Bumpy um for 25 30 minutes I’m like sitting there I was pretty calm I just was it was very it was a weird feeling and then they tried to land and I’m thinking we’re about to hit the ground and all of a sudden we go right back up

Into the air and they said not going to Rochester we’re going to Harrisburg Pennsylvania and I hadn’t eaten breakfast yet it’s like noon at this point so I’m like so mad um we land they said we were gonna have to wait in Harrisburg yes not a great airport it

Kind of reminded me of TF Green and Providence um just kind of I don’t know nothing great about it um so we were there for they let us off the plan so I got Starbucks which was good then we landed I got back at like I think we

Landed at 3:30 and it was bumpy but it was nothing like before it was insane but shout out to you for thinking of doing Tuesday because would have been like sorry no one on the plane was like I just listened to the Trap jaw this is

Not Alaska Airlines no thank gosh um no I’ve been as Delta girl now for probably 15 months or so and it’s been going very well so can get direct pretty much anywhere you don’t have to fly through Seattle which is great so that’s an outstanding follow up

For those who listen to that trap draw podcast that was supposed to be about home alone but of course included some of you talking about about your airplane travels but I do want to talk about the PNC right off the top I’m looking at a

Tweet from you this was at 2:32 p.m. on December 15th you said a fun fact about me is that I met Tiger Woods today yes what does that mean so we have I always ask him questions in press conferences so we had kind of like

Spoken before or if I hold a rope up for him at events he’ll say thanks but we had never had an official introduction at this point you’re just a big dog at this point yes exactly but I just saying I think I wrote a couple weeks ago I feel like I probably if

There a record was a record for the most time spent around someone without actually meeting them that I would hold that and you know I’ve gotten to know Rob mcamera pretty well and like the tour security team but I I never wanted to put that on them like hey can I meet

Him because that feels kind of I don’t know Fang girlish so we were I was following what was it Friday was a proam day so that’s definitely the most relaxed day say if you’re ever going to go to the PNC make sure you’re there on Friday because that’s I mean it’s three

Fun days but that’s the day where there’s a lot of Personality showing um and I’m standing with a photographer and Michael Collins and we’re just like I’m just kind of asking them about how like their work with tiger stuff like that and somebody asks how long I’ve known

Him and I was like well I I’ve never actually had the official intro introduction and they’re all like what you’re like yeah oh Eld yeah and this photographer is like we’re going to change that right now like tiger and I’m like no no no it’s okay this because you

Know you picture a moment like that in your mind for so long was not at all what I pictured it was like super quick and I like totally blacked out but it was something along the lines of this photographer saying come meet Claire who he had work he’s been uh like taking

Pictures of tigers since like 93 or something um so I was just kind of like hi I’m Claire I don’t think we’ve ever met and Michael Collins is going you know she’s the the funny girl on Twitter and we’re all kind of laughing and then the photographer is like guys let’s get

A photo and I’m again like kind of apologizing to him because I didn’t and everyone was just kind of laughing and that was kind of it and then I was I have this fear that when something like that happens and then I go to tell you know my co-workers they won’t believe me

So luckily like people were there and watched it happen but I was texting like Dylan and Shan and all them and I was like oh my God this happened and they’re like you you made that up there’s I said there will be photographic evidence if I

Forget the photo of the guy took but um someone like got happened to take a photo that it was happening in the background of so we kind of have photographic evidence right now but it was just a good start to a really great week as to my knowledge we’ve seen the

Photo of the photo we still haven’t seen the actual photo yet right and it’s definitely um you know uh testing me for impatience because my fear is this guy will forget but no he was the photograph like gave me his contact information but he and he said this week I’ll get it but

I made the mistake of telling like way too many people about this and now all my siblings and cousins are asking do we have it and I’m saying like no I will let you know when I have it but it’ll be good because I’m probably gonna frame it

For about 30 different people for Christmas so we’re good well I think you actually said something like you’re keeping tabs on who’s congratulating you on this like it’s a career accomplishment or a job you got and like people some people came out of the Woodworks for this friends from middle

School people are saying oh my gosh and then yeah I’m like going through who’s viewed my story I’m was like interesting they didn’t say anything but that’s okay so Michael Collins who also shout out PGA to are live Michael Collins did he say did he he he said that you’re the

Funny girl on Twitter did it register with tiger at all or was you said Rob mcamera was he around was anyone around Charlie that Rec that that kind of explained to Tiger more uh I think it was was just Michael Collins and then we all kind of

Laughed but I’ve heard that did Tiger act like he knew who you were that’s the problem I I was just so like the entire thing was I hope there’s like evidence of me because I am just like I don’t know what’s going on and then it was

Over and my legs were Shak like you know and your knees Buckle it was happening I think he kind of just like smiled I don’t know but I’ve been told he’s seen some of my stuff before so I don’t know but I again like I got the first uh

Question in the media or press you know flash Zone the next two days so we definitely I don’t know I think he recognizes my face so that’s fine if if you can get from Big Dog to Claire that’s the accomplish we’ll take it right uh other than that how is the PNC

I believe was this your first time there had you been there before I went last year and okay second time yeah it was so much fun again I love watching anuka and her son will he is just you know the young excitement of things it’s kind of

Like a little kid on Christmas he just kind of embodies like excitement around golf which was so much fun to see um I loved watching Nelly CA and her dad Justin Thomas I always love catching up with bones tiger and Charlie obviously was so much fun it was really cool to

See Sam too kind of get into all the stuff so that was and she just smiled the entire time you know which was really cool it did pour on Saturday but I got a new rain jacket before I went to Scotland so I was actually totally fine but everybody else kind of seemed

Miserable but it was so much fun and I when I was they were teing off 17 or 18 on Sunday and I was like I hate when this tournament ends because it’s I look forward to it all year it’s my favorite one to cover um just because it’s a very

Laid-back environment and you again it’s very personality driven everybody’s you know very excited to be there so it was great yeah a couple things I guess on the ground we’ll start with Will McGee because I think I said at the beginning of the week he’s two years running he’s

The swaggiest kid out there I mean with all you know I know Charlie’s Got the Grayson he’s rocking right now but will is like all Jordans lanky I feel this OE batia sort of uh potential coming with his Lefty swing uh he definitely walked around with more confidence this year

Than last year oh totally and it’s yeah I he I named him the MVP of the week because he also has the grace and stuff I believe he he kind of looked like he does he does wear the cashmere hoodies the light blue pants the sne I know

Nothing about Jordans or all that stuff but just knew that they looked really cool and I love how his dad kind of like pushes all of it on social media they showed he like took a nap after one of the rounds and was just exhausted he is

So cute and I and he’s so poite whenever he walked by me I was like I love your shoes he looks so cool and he’s just like thank you so it was really fun and I did you see that clip where he told tiger he was pretty nervous on the first

Te yeah it was great so and tiger told him that means he cares so for all of you young kids out there if you’re not nervous Tiger Woods is gonna tell you you don’t care yeah so you should be nervous also Mike McGee you mentioned Will’s dad Ana’s husband who caded for

Him we should also mention posted a great photo on Monday of will at the dentist yes that that was his come back to reality moment you just played on NBC for two days and now you are going to the D getting his braces tight or something 12-year-old moment yes right

There um with Sam Woods on the ground you know I was just watching it on you could sense that um you know I think obviously Charlie now it’s four years running it feels like he’s been in this Spotlight Sam’s been at the PNC she’s walked there definitely felt like she

Was in the spotlight more and uh a moment a lot of people uh enjoyed seeing I certainly would say do you feel like she just walked around not not it wasn’t like she was milking this moment in terms of her celebrity status but definitely uh for her kind of embraced

That feeling of being between the ropes um kind of hard to tell I think for her it was just really cool being there with her dad not Tiger Woods the greatest you know um she just seems really sweet she wasn’t kind of we didn’t really hear her

Say much I think she was and they were in carts on Saturday because of the rain so it was kind of nice they were able to go back and forth from that but again she was just beaming and she I think it was really fun for her to get to be in

That world for a little bit and people were there was one moment where these I think it was probably teenage girls outside the Rope screamed like we love you Sam and she kind of looked at her shoes and was smiling so again I think she definitely is probably

A little bit more introverted when it comes to being inside the ropes but I do think she really enjoyed it and what a cool experience for them all to be there and I really want to give a shout out to the stckers Izzy is an incredible player

And she I mean what a DreamWork for her she played with Nelly and then tiger so I don’t think it gets much better than that she said at the beginning of the week those were the two names that she had circled that she would want to play

With and you could see tiger you know I was wondering in my head when tiger was playing with Steve at all those Ridder cups a decade ago how much did he know someone like Izzy when she’s what I believe she’s going into her freshman year of college right or or next year

Yeah I think she’s senior in high school so yeah she’s a senior in high school so we’re talking about someone that was probably you know Madina was 11 years ago seven years old or so so he’s seen some of the like the Stricker girls basically grow up yeah and there was

This awesome moment on the I mean throughout the whole day but especially walking down the first hole it was um Stricker and tiger on the left side and then Bobby was caddying for Steve his other daughter and Sam carrying the bags together next to each other chatting so

I just thought it was such a cool thing to see their daughters both involved in the way that they were over the weekend and maybe the most important question did you have any interactions with Lee trino at the PNC Championship I didn’t um I saw him on the Range and his

Son but so I guess he did a really cool kind of chat with some of the guys from digest I think it was so Chris Powers and Luke on Wednesday or Thursday in the morning and I landed at like noon so and so I rushed over there thinking I’d get

To see it and he was kind of gone at that point so unfortunately no but I love to see all the stuff he did basically I I think like he would have been a great Twitter follow if he had a Twitter yes back in his prime

Totally that he would be he would be the perfect example which I want to transition a little bit into your career and obviously like like you said Michael Collins is introducing you to tiger as you know maybe the funniest person on golf Twitter and I think that’s why

We’ve seen you know your popularity I’ll say it Claire explode over the last few years but I want to go back to kind of where it started why golf why in your family because we’ve seen some of the tweets that you’ve shared that your younger sister didn’t know anything

About golf until recently right so how and we know that you have this big family how big was golf in your family growing up yeah so my on my mom’s side my grandfather loved golf he was a season ticket holder for the Masters and every year he would get so I there’s 28

Cousins on that side he would give whoever was I hope he got more than two tickets no so that was the thing two tickets a year but it started when he was like my mom was a kid um but he would then you know as he got older he

Would give the tickets to whatever grandchild was graduating uh High School of course I’m a Jun this is so morbid I’m a junior in high school he dies and I’m like oh it’s sad obviously but I was like no I can’t go to the Masters oh my

Gosh my brother had gone the year before my cousins had all gone um and those tickets are gone the second somebody passes away I’m thinking you know my uncles are chatting maybe we can get an email from the desk of you know pretend it’s no they know I me it’s like they

Have tabs on everyone which is classic Augusta so I was but before that I um I think I feel like I’ve told this story a lot so sorry if I’m repeating myself but the Northeast Amateur so that my grandfather was a member at that course and then when I was younger my parents

Joined um this course of Rhode Island and we had junior golf there on Tuesday mornings and it was like the best it was just a social hour so many kids there probably 12 kids my exact age and then all you know my siblings ages who would

Show up and for me I didn’t really take it seriously at all and I didn’t like going until about middle school and then you know it’s I am G to see these kids when I go home tomorrow to Rhode Island they’re still some of my best friends in

The world so it was just really fun we had this um head of the program when I like when I was first growing up Steve Napoli who’s just an incredible guy he taught me you know everything I know about the game um so then there was you know this

Northeast Amateur tournament there and these guys would just need places to stay so my parents kind of opened up our house which looking back I can’t believe we got them to do that because I think they had four kids under 12 or 13 at that time um but the first one was

Dustin Johnson we lued out and ever since then I kind of just thought it was really cool to watch not all of them obviously but a handful of the guys end up you know we we could see them on TV and it was it I came I became very interested in what

They were kind of like as people not just golfers because I was getting to you know have dinner with them and watch Red Sox games with them so that’s kind of where that interest came from but I always wanted to go to the Masters as I was talking about so finally this was

Like a thing that I asked for Christmas every year Master’s tickets Master’s tickets finally let’s see my junior year of college so it was 17 I got them for tickets for Christmas me and my dad just like the Monday practice round we get down there we spend two hours on the

Course it is pouring and they clear the course so I had spent like two hours at Augusta it was still the best day ever like no part of me was mad that that happened I was bummed but um we got to go you know into the merchandise Center

And get a bunch of stuff I did all the important things Saturday my corner um but yeah even in like high school and college I just followed it so closely I remember all the guys joining social media and if you can’t tell I wasn’t the coolest girl in high school because I’m

Like I was spending my weekends like looking at what Ricky fower is posting instead of doing literally anything else but yeah I just kind of got hooked at that point and I played golf in high school and stuff so I was just kind of always around it my older brother was a

Pretty good like high school player um some of my cousins played in college so I’m just always around it you’re saying not every girl in Providence dreamed of going to the master like that wasn’t what they put on their questioners at the beginning of school every year I

Have the 2017 Master’s flag is right next to me that was my first Masters too and I was at the Wednesday so the Wednesday part three tournament it rained you know all of that week I saw one par three course whole and that was it yeah um during that part three on

Wednesday and that was I believe that was the night that Dustin Johnson allegedly fell down the stairs yes which you of course saw him walk up the stairs in your house assuming there there were stairs back in the day I do want to get back to the story I know some people

Have heard a little taste of it of of Dustin Johnson with his bleached hair walking into the Rogers household but what was young DJ like during that Northeast Amateur so like Southern and polite I remember so basically what would happen is they’d get picked up from the airport

And then just dropped off in the parking lot at the golf course and they would guess call each family so I remember my dad got a call and they said there’s a kid if you don’t know who it is it’s the one who looks like a basketball player

So my dad was like all right let’s go pick him up um so yeah he went picked him up he was like he would shoot hoops with my brothers super respectful um he turned 21 that weekend so my mom wow yeah and of course he’s probably wanting to do something crazy

Like any 21-year-old would want to do on their birthday but we like we made like a box cake and my little brother kind of gave it to him but what was funny is Rhode Island is obviously small people know it’s small but I think sometimes people think it’s a little bit smaller

Than it is because oftentimes parents of the players will book a hotel in maybe Newport Rhode Island and they’ll say I’m just going to go back and forth all day but that’s gonna act or each day but that’s you know probably an hour each way from this course so his dad was

Telling that and of course my parents are like oh just stay with us so Dustin’s dad also stayed with us too for the week um but yeah it was fun they played we played a lot of basketball I think he went to I was in like a little

League on a little league team and they all came to a game or something so they kind of just become part of your family for the week and then they go off and do their own thing but it was really fun now that was so I’m looking he won

In 2007 but was that the year he won or that would have been earlier so he stayed in 2006 okay yeah so this was this was pre so so at the time he’s like you said 21st birthday I mean I guess he’s a Coastal Carolina uh kid don’t know how

Good you thought he would be did you did anyone were there any mumblings when he was there that week like you have a future number one in the world in your house or did you keep following what was that it was more like you have this guy

Who hits it super far um and he looked kind of like he looked a lot cooler than I remember my friends I won’t name who it was but they had somebody else staying with them who ended up you know being pretty good and they were all we

Were in like sixth grade and they were all kind of like why’d you get a cool guy we didn’t get a cool guy this year which was so funny um and he I think he was in the lead um in 2006 also but there’s this par five and the leftand

Side is out of bounds it’s just a street and I he hit one out of bounds and he ended up not winning so he I think people thought he was going to win until late in the final round in 2006 did anyone else other than DJ anyone else famous come through um I’m

Trying to think so Daniel King’s brother stayed with us and then later that summer she was playing in the US am and it was also in Rhode Island so he kind of set it up that she stayed with us too um and then Scotty Sheffer stayed with

My neighbors um trying to think I usually so did you like go to a barbecue with Scotty or anything I’m imagine huge like he had the the coover like the high school college ver Scotty yes so they just have um it’s kind of like it’s very the neighborhood is very lowkey but the

Week of the Northeast Dam everybody is really excited so they end up doing a barbecue and you know somebody has a party so you kind of end up meeting a lot of the guys which is really fun and you and DJ yes have when you saw

Him in the field after did you reconnect over your original sixth grade Bond yes so I’ve seen him kind of I see him at you know the majors and other stuff but he always kind of is like I still can’t believe how old you are which is so

Funny um and I was at a shoot last January and we were kind of catching up there so it’s always he’s you know super nice and when the Deutsche Bank or I guess it became what the D Technologies Championship was at TPC Boston he would always leave tickets at will call for my

Family so he’s been very nice to us which has been fun after all of this so I believe you were a Psychology major at Boston College as every golf journalist is um how do you transition over to actually making golf a career was it something that you thought about in college or did

It just sort of fall into place afterwards yeah so I was just talking to Doug Ferguson about this at the PNC so I like would just tweet about golf it’s this account is no longer active or in use I don’t think but I had this with my

Cousin called golf problems and it got up to like 60 with an S or a z an S thankfully um it ended up get having like 60,000 followers at one point and it was so much fun we just had a blast with it um and when I was a freshman in

College I emailed people at Golf Digest just like hoping I had their email addresses correct and basically said How can I work for you I want to work here and they were it was Ashley Mayo who replied she was super super nice but I was also 18 years old so they said let’s

You know stay in touch but keep doing your thing and she basically said stay involved anything you would tell a kid right stay involved in school whatever um so then the next year I guess backtracking a little bit I was so I was at Villanova for a year and

A half and I was when I was there I was a psych and an English major when I transferred to DC I was just like so all my English papers I would write about golf every single one just anything I would just relate it back to that so sophomore year I

Think yeah they’re I’m at BC and I see they have kind of an opening for a job at Golf Digest I just send in a bunch of my stuff and they’re like let’s have a conversation they realize I’m still in school so but for then I was kind of in

I had like sent some of my writing over I had kind of shown this Twitter account and from there I just kind of didn’t leave them alone they I felt like they kind of I forced their hand into letting me work there for the summer which was

So fun and I just got really lucky because that was the year DJ won the US Open so I got to write that story that I just told you which like and ended up in the magazine and it was awesome so that allowed me to work there the next summer

As an intern again so going into my junior year and Senior year um but they like weren’t hiring for a little bit um there was just a hiring freie at con Nas who they were working with at that point so see I was a psych major and I wanted

To be like a children’s psychologist so I interned all school year at this place in Boston through Boston Medical Center was like little kids um whose parents struggle with addiction or something like that and so I kind of was like all right I’m going to work here I love this

It’s great um and I was excited about it and then I remember how LED better messaged me and said they were hired for social and I was like yes I can go back to digest because I just loved all the people there and I thought the office

Was so cool you know I was like a young college kid going into New York I felt like the coolest person ever so I was really happy so I did that for two years and then I now I’ve been at golf mag for three well good that 2016 was the US

Open for TJ because 2015 not been been not so good yes 2016 20 yes sorry I have the years back Oakmont good Chambers Bay not good for DJ fans uh but by the way H is is going to be I’m trying to Hal’s a busy right now I’ve been trying to trying to

Get her as a guest and you know we said we’re going to wait till January I see post she’s off social media for December now so so that’s healthy it is uh not saying your habits aren’t healthy Claire but let’s talk about social media and and getting into sort of finding your

Niche here in golf Twitter golf social media how did that naturally I guess golf problems is where we can find the start of this but how did you know you had something here how did you know know you had Talent um I think it was kind of

Just people in my family my cousins telling me I was good at it um but it was kind of a weird thing to be good at right like I remember sitting in like my Neuroscience class watching the Masters and like firing off tweets about it um

And even in like senior year in college my I all my roommates I lived with these awesome girls none of them were into golf but I kind of like made it a thing that we all got into it um so I would say probably in college

But at that point I’m tweeting into the abyss right I have like 2,000 followers maybe and it’s just kind of I guess like people from Golf Digest followed me but I wasn’t really you know nothing was gaining traction which is fine that’s kind of how it starts and then I don’t

Know I just think I’ve kind of have like quick wit I would say when it comes to Twitter only in golf though not like I could not do this I always say I could never do this for football or basketball because it’s golf is like as you know

It’s like a language that you speak or you don’t speak and it’s really I can understand why it seems intimidating for people because it can be there’s so much going on other than just like knowing the rules of golf you know there’s so many like I don’t know if you look at

The last six weeks in the world of golf it’s crazy so um but yeah I just always found it really fun and with kind of maybe see something happening in golf and it would remind me of something else that I’d see happen in golf and would kind of put those things together

Um and then I remember I was at like the Genesis last year maybe and I hit like 5,000 followers and I was like oh my God this is so cool um so and ever since then it’s just kind of been something that I really like to do um but yeah I

Don’t know I think just kind of the fact that I follow golf so much and I just spend my days talking about it with people that’s kind of how I ended up really enjoying posting about it well you say 5,000 at the Genesis which was in February you’re at 48,000 right

Now yeah yeah yeah so okay so it’s been it’s been a good two years is totally for for gaining that traction I also think you could tweet about football right now because with everything that Taylor Swift is doing for the game right now um I think you’re I think you’re

Good there she was just at the Patriots game this past weekend so it’s so fun to watch and I know some people are like they show it too much but not her fault they do that so I think it’s super fun to watch and I hope there so they had

Travis Kelce played in this like 8: a.m. celebrity Invitational in April in Vegas so I’m hoping maybe she goes to it this next year we’ll see yeah you got to look at the schedule you got to tell the 8 AM golf people that they have to line this up she can’t

Be in Europe when this happens oh yeah you’re right we we’re gonna need to like cross look at both of those and see how everything thinking up together um I meant to put this on this outline so that I wouldn’t take you off guard but now that we’re here I do want

To talk about about it um obviously I mean I tweet a lot about Taylor Swift in the NFL because I think it’s incredibly interesting and engaging to a lot of people right now um I’m not I’m not going to say I’m a Swifty quite yet but I definitely have gotten ready for PGA

Tour live broadcast listening to Taylor’s version songs in my hotel room with that said I I want to ask what does is there a way for the PGA tour in for golf to I’ll say Taylor Swift Eyes golf right now in terms of find a celebrity

Or is there something in your mind that there could be a celebrity that jumps in with golf whether it be with a player or whether it just be as a fan is there is there something here that because it’s done wonders from a publicity standpoint for the NFL oh that’s a good question

I’m trying to think the thing about is like Taylor is just so famous so so famous and obviously there are other people who are too but I think it’s brought in women to football a lot which has been cool I’m trying to think like Victor hin is single right yeah you

Know I think he’s the most eligible bachelor in the world but that’s just me like Zena but she’s not single right she dates that gu she’s not single she’s not single but look Tom Holland Victor hin I mean yeah they can battle it out I’m trying to think with all this

You can think about it if we get back to this but I want to say like as you’re talking about we’re talking about your place obviously very social media driven I mentioned the Rogers report which is basically the best social media Roundup out there of if you want to see all of

The stuff in the internet recapped in a week of what went on what everyone talked about you’re on top of that where do you feel your role kind of lends itself to adding something to golf journalism right now because I’m sure there are some people who’ve been in the

World for a while in sports writing and think what what is this adding what are you adding to the world I think so basically how Roger’s report and a lot of that stuff started one Dylan and Sean from golf kind of encouraged me because I said I wanted to be writing but what

Would I write about but also a lot of it is things that I would send to my family group chat that I didn’t think anyone else would care about but I think social media whether you want to admit it or not is obviously massive now

In coverage of sports um so I do think it kind of I can blend maybe a little bit of pop culture with golf to bring in hopefully younger people I get like DMS not a lot but sometimes of women who say that their husband sends the them the

Rogers report or you know classmates who have kind of stumbled upon it and they say this is you know how I kind of keep up with golf because maybe they’re not interested in watching it for four hours on a Sunday or much more longer than

That but I can kind of recap these viral moments enough that maybe they can hold a conversation about what happened you know if if that makes sense but it kind of started out with what would I want because I can’t get my sister to pay attention to all the golf but maybe I

Can get her to pay attention to three or four things a week and then I’ll have you know I want someone to be able to talk about it with so that was kind of what I was going with aimed it for people like her you know 24 year old’s

Girl who maybe doesn’t care that much what you know the 10th player in the field shot or Strokes gained or things like that but little moments of you know people interacting with their families or the tailor made card that came out today things like that might be a little

Bit more interesting to them yes maack Daddy Santa is for everyone exactly um we should mention as we started Claire in the program that I use here Riverside I could see your headphones and your microphone was were Ellen B rogers’s headphones so let’s give her the the the credit that she

Deserves right now you you shared a lot of tweets during when full swing came out I believe this is the sister that you were messaging as she was kind of learning about a lot of these players yeah through full swing what was that experience like with your sister oh my

Gosh it was so fun and she is my best friend so I mean I talked to her all day long every day so it was kind of fun for people in the golf world to get to learn about her if that makes sense but I remember at the waist management Tony

Feno came up to me and said your sister stuff is so funny and I think that was one of my first times talking to Tony which made me laugh because I was like of course it’s my sister but it made perfect sense and then Rory said the

Same thing later that week which was funny but it’s been fun because again that’s kind of what I aim to do get people like her to like be more into golf but it has just been so funny to see people ask me about Ellen so did you tell her that Tony and

Rory said something because it it probably meant a lot more to her after watching those Eight Episodes than it would have at the beginning yeah so the first one she really loves Tony because he has five kids we’re one of five she just kind of feels natural there um so

She was super excited about that and then I told her about Rory and I was super excited she was like oh that’s cool but yeah she liked it and hopefully we’ll do it again for season two so she’s like Roar it’s been 10 years when

A major you know come on uh when you’re watching a golf event I want to know where does your head go where does this beautiful mind of golf go that others maybe are trying to dig into and understand um I definitely am not focused it’s so funny I was again at the

PNC and someone came out to join on the 10th hole and asked how are they playing and I was like fine I think like there under but I’m not paying attention like I don’t know I know that I don’t know much about the golf swing right so I’m

Not going to be trying to be an instruction person I’m not going to be you know know oh they’re they’re not putting well they’re doing this or that because I’m like they’re a million times better at that than I am I can pick up on little things like conversations that

They might be having or yeah fun interactions things that they’re doing on the course that seem different or kind of like everyday life that I think the thing that I go back to a lot is men practicing their golf swings any went anytime they get a chance and I think JT

And tiger were doing that at the hero so I kind of picked up on that so a lot of times I’m not I’m watching the players on the T box more than I’m watching them you know hit their approach on a random hole but I think that’s kind of how I

View it to the point where even at the PNC like I once I watch them te off I’m kind of like half a hole ahead because I rather have a good spot on the T box to see those moments in between shots than you know watching what club they pull or

Something I was thinking about before I think you had shared something I know hi’s big on this I live in New York City where you used to live you could just go to a train station and just film like during the summer just people lugging golf clubs around and I think that would

Be content oh yeah really anything like golf in the wild is a fun one too because I feel like I’m again it’s like a language you speak or you know if you’re wearing if you see someone with the like logo of a school that you went

To it kind of catches your eye it’s the same thing with someone in golf I think too uh let’s talk about the scoop that you do I I said I called it the scoop off the top I know the official name is the scoop with CLA Rogers but scoop

You’re good I didn’t want to steal I didn’t want to cut it off before we actually got to it um you have had these five guests on so far if I’m not mistaken Jenna Sims Jim bones mikai Rose Zang Fred Couples and J.R Smith that is a mly array of characters to interview

While eating ice cream yes how did this whole project come to be I once I this is this is your project project not mine I once pitched someone on a similar not with golfers but just athletes and fro yo and the take that I was kind of given

Was athletes aren’t going to want to eat frozen yogurt or ice cream or something like that so how did you get this done um we were kind of having like a brainstorm session of just new things that we could try at golf and I every

Stop that I go to I have a list on my phone I can show you of actually I’ll pull it up right now and you can see of ice cream spots next to the airplane apps yeah and I rank them because I am a Hu huge ice cream girl and always have

Been let’s see like oh my like a lot it kind of that is yeah I just kind of is that by state is that by stop how is it organized so when I was living in New York I went to a bunch so like all of these top ones are

New York and then Boston Rhode Island or within 10 minutes of Rhode Island because like you know the massachusett border Florida I been to Arizona California and then Rochester Summit New Jersey Augusta I’ve got a bunch so that is something and I will with my co-workers make them get ice cream

Pretty much every single night when we’re on the road together um and I used to get really really nervous on camera like you can scroll down to stuff from that I used to do and I’m awkward and I’m like clearly just not fully paying attention because I’m so nervous so I

Was kind of trying to think of something that I could do where I knew I would feel more comfortable and I’m like I am my best self when I’m sitting down eating ice cream with my friends so that was kind of where that came from and then my cooworker Liz who works in

Marketing immediate was like we can call the scoop and I was like this is awesome and it was we all got super excited and people like you know my boss kind of came up with the design for it which is you know not in his like wheelhouse but

We were all just super excited for it so that’s kind of how it started and I just like messaged Gena Sims on Instagram and we did it during the Masters which was great and then i’ had gotten to know bones a little bit and it was he was

Just so so good and kind of brought it to like a new level I think just storytelling and stuff and my goal although it’s kind of a little bit of a problem is just I want to kind of just like shut up and let them do all the

Talking kind of tee them up with an open unded questions just kind of learn what it’s like to be them I guess um but the only thing that’s a little difficult is I realize I don’t give them much time to eat the ice cream so sometimes I try and speak really slowly

So they can get a bite or two in because then I feel bad I’m like I have this empty cup and there’s just soup by the end of it but it’s been really fun and I think yeah it’s just again one of those things where I think there was room for

Something like that in golf and I’m really excited we filmed one at the PNC we haven’t announced it yet but I hope people like that one too oh all right I’m GNA I’ll you can tease it if you want but I’ll I’ll wait I’ll leave it

That um all of those I mean incredible guests I want to talk about Fred Couples for a second because he just looked so comfortable sitting there he just looked he’s got his he’s you know he just his swing looks comfortable his fits look comfortable he’s got this sweater he’s

Leaning back uh what was he like behind beyond the camera uh incredible because we hadn’t even fully gotten a commitment out of him and I was going to the barenberg Invitational which is what Gary Player hosts in uh New York and it was kind of like well show up and see if

He wants to do it it was 7:30 in the morning and I had first of all I was like where am I going to get ice cream the people at Target probably thought I was insane I bought like three or four different things because I didn’t know

What he wanted and he immediately was like yeah let’s do it which I was so thankful for because he obviously could have said no or just not been as into it and again I I think the relaxing setting of it and just me saying listen I’m not

Trying to get a viral quote out of you about you know live versus PJ tour or framework agreement like that’s I don’t want to know about that I want to know about you um so that was really cool and I like fred is so interesting he is like

A huge art collector he has all these other things kind of going on besides Golf and that’s why I think it was so much fun to talk to him but again he was so nice and then afterward he like hung out for a little bit and stuff so he was

In no rush at all but yes he was willing to eat cookie no ice cream at like 7:30 in the morning which is is great maybe that’s the way to get these guests offer them ice cream as early as possible ice cream for breakfast exactly uh you

Because you brought up PJ to her live golf there and I thought so we talked at the at the top you were just on the tap on the Trap draw you were talking to Tron and kvv and you said when people talk about that sort of stuff you just

Tune it out you’re just done with it which I thought was great since two of the three podcasts I’ve released have been about that um but in all seriousness I think you know I think that’s interesting to you know obviously you bring so so much so much of a so

Much positivity to golf right now so when you look at the state of where golf is right now how do you keep up that positivity with everything going on because this isn’t what you signed up for when you came out of college a few years ago right and that’s like you know

I’m not dumb I know that that’s a massive part of the game right now that might even be most of the game’s conversation but that’s not why I fell in love with golf that’s very the reason I fell in love with golf is because of the conversations and the the incredible

People that met and just getting to watch you know these athletes so to me and and I will say my stom and my dad are lawyers so I hear all this corporate talk when I go home already and I’ve learned to tune it out because I’m like

I don’t find it interesting um but yeah I think you know every news cycle of it there’s always kind of like a meme in there that kind of sticks out to me for a while what was the you know all these open letters that everyone ‘s writing to

The whole world in golf so like surely you just from Greg Norman like there’s always something that can kind of be taken like I don’t know I don’t want to say it’s a joke because I know it is really serious business but it that you

Can kind of have fun with um and I also think that’s just kind of how I’ve always dealt with life is have by having a good sense of humor um even when things feel like they should be really serious I think there’s room for jokes

Or else how are you going to kind of get through it so that’s kind of how I see how I’ve kind of stayed positive in it I just see it as more like content what all right what can we find in here or that um is fun and yeah I I always think

Just laughing at things is a good way to get through them so there’s definitely content right yeah you know I I think it was funny you mentioned that when Tony fow said that he wasn’t leaving um I went to my bookmarks and I found this video right from John rahama the the at

The DP World Tour Championship this year where he says like oh no you won’t see me there like I’ve been asked but I’m not and of course it was I bookmarked your video that you had cut about four seconds there and so it was like all right I probably have three bookmarks

Three or four bookmarks of like these short clips that are just you can just use over and over again that you have found and listen to an interview and your mind register is like we’re gonna come back to this let’s put a pin on this my problem is I often just

Screenshot it I should probably start bookmarking things because I’m like I know I screenshotted this six months ago and I’m scrolling up but yeah there there’s got to be an app for that like your your your airplane your air airplane App that you showed on the

Trap draw um I want to say so I know with myself you know a lot of people ask you know you’re I’m a I’m 30 I’m a little older than you but I still think we’re considerably young in the golf world and I always tell people you know

I want to make golf more fun I want to make golf more interesting I want to make it more engaging to an audience that as we grow hopefully the audience grows as well so so for you in particular what do you want to get out

Of the game what do you want your place to do for the game because you do have a big spot in golf right now you mentioned it’s it is it feels long term right for your career this is all that you’ve done really going back to like you said

Interning in college so what do you want to see from golf and what can you do to enhance it yeah I think you know growing the game is obviously massive but I’m not going to take people out to the golf course that you know like I’m not going

To grow game in that sense that’s not maybe I can bring my siblings out but you hear about people like oh I’ve started playing and I think that’s awesome I hope people continue to do that I think my Lane is kind of bringing those people who maybe weren’t paying

Attention to professional golf or competitive Golf and getting them kind of interested in it um so I think that’s kind of my goal to keep doing that um but yeah and I think that like the scoop for instance is still kind of in its first season right so hopefully I would

Like I have a list of people that I would love to get on it from like I don’t know I think Jim Nance would be really cool or fluff or Amanda balonis there’s so many different people and different walks of the sport that I think would be really

Interesting um but yeah I was kind of thinking about this too because I whenever I see Smiley Kaufman doing on air broadcasting I’m like okay or not on site I’m like I could never do that because I again am not paying attention enough and I don’t know enough about

What kind of shot these guys are trying to hit right um but you know I covered a few LPGA events this year and I had such a blast um at Michelle’s tournament at um Liberty National and that was cool because they had you know Junior golfers there too who were competing I think

Rose Zang I want to continue to follow her there’s just so many um fun stories or even you know Monday Q info is tweeting yesterday about um the final day of Q school and these guys who ended up with so there’s just so much I think

I think I know what I wouldn’t be good at like I said I don’t think I’d be good at on air stuff but I again like continuing with interviews that kind of get to know the person behind the golfer is kind of my number one goal we should

Mention that rosang interview was on a fairy I believe to Liberty National yes well on the way back but it was it was very fun because it was one of those things again I’ve come to realize I need to just relax a little bit because it the video will happen when it happens

But sometimes I’m standing there with ice cream the jar Smith one specifically too and I’m like it’s melting I am so stressed right now and I’m like okay this is not the end of the world but it was one of those things where we were waiting for her to uh finish her

Practice and again that’s her thing she needed to do that um but journalism is a lot of waiting people don’t quite understand which is fine I will wait all day long but when the ice cream is melting I start to get a little stressed um so luckily we made it and it wasn’t

Too melted but yeah that was a really really fun one but it was yeah we were GNA sit outside on the ferry but then there were a bunch of other players coming back and we were like okay I’m not going to kick them off the beautiful

Uh site here that they’re going to get to see so we did it right inside of you know those seats and it was really fun uh Jim Nance you mentioned have you been in his backyard yet at peble beach no which is crazy because that’s got to

Be the setting right I know I know he like there’s just so many people that I think it’d be fun you know learn about and kind of hear their stories it was fun like uh Fred Couples kind of talked about their relationship and stuff so it’s been

Good uh a question that we talked about you said you weren’t cool in high school uh I had on the agenda a question is golf or I said can golf be cool and should golf be cool yes is is there any validity to any of that okay so I have

Like a specific memory in high school where I would this was before I had a license so they would have they would bust us out to you know where we were going to practice for golf and I remember having to walk across my high school campus with my clubs and being so

Embarrassed to the point where I would like ask a guy on the team like can you please bring these into the gym I’m so embarrassed looking back I’m like why did that even matter but for me I was the only girl on the team and it felt

Awkward and now I think I don’t know if it’s the pandemic or golfers or kind of you know like Brooks Kea is an athlete DJ is an athlete it’s got or maybe it’s just my age right where we have all these guys who have gradu they’re no longer playing intramural lacrosse so

They’re basketball so they can kind of they have time to pick something else up and it’s golf now I’m like really proud that I love golf and I know Golf and I think it’s super exciting so I think it has gotten cool and I think it’s

Continuing to you see DJ what is it callid I’m so bad at all this but all these guys or Drake was posting about golf the other day that’s right people are getting into it because it’s good for for you you’re getting exercise if you’re walking it’s something that if

You have clubs and these guys or women who are on the road a lot want to kind of not be you know in the Limelight you can go out to a golf course and play and yeah so I think it it is cool and there is definitely room for it you know what

Needs to happen now let’s go back we’ll Circle all the way back Travis Kelce yes during the off season what does he do during his offseason play golf see what is Taylor what listen you if they’re going to I know that he’s going to spend most of his time on the

Road with Taylor he’s got to return the favor for all these games that she’s been to but maybe especially on the road they’re going to be in Europe exactly I mean this is what we need Claire is is Taylor and Travis go to St Andrews go to all these places in

Europe that’s that’s that’s growing the so I was in St Andrews in October there’s uh and Taylor was there well I wish but we had we were doing this documentary it actually comes out tomorrow I think with the men’s and women’s Notre Dame golf team

And I was there and I said St Andrews is the perfect getaway for a celebrity because everyone there likes golf more than anything else and it’s kind of a small quiet town like you’re going to be left alone so I think you’re on to something there they should go to St

Andrew but wasn’t it wasn’t it Harry Styles that played last year and got like mobbed that people figured out because for people who don’t know St Andrew is right it’s a not just a not just a public course in terms of being able to play but you can just walk

Through it’s Park so someone noticed I think while Harry was playing the front n that wait Harry Styles is here and by the time he got to The Back Nine there was a whole crowd maybe they need to do it when school is not in session for St

Andrew’s kids so that very few people are there uh before we go I want to ask one thing so uh we have a mutual friend in Christian Cavalier um I want to tell fir first and I want to have him on the podcast yes because funny story here uh

My brother works with him at traymont traymont sporting uh Co that’s the company that he founded makes a ton of Great Golf accessories they uh specialize in what I’ll say is head covers leather leather golf Goods is I believe what my brother would get mad at

Me if I didn’t say um and so Christian it’s funny because about a year ago we’re taping in December I got engaged in South Florida and I said to my brother I need I need a photographer you know do you know anyone and he said well Christian actually used to photograph

Some weddings so he said I’m going to get Christian just to do it and Christian my fiance had no idea who he was so he was just roaming the beach and then took a few pictures high quality pictures um and th those are the pictures that I have for my engagement

Fast forward about what five to six months later sends me to the New Jersey uh sectional qualifier for the US Open and I start walking with I’m trying to figure out a story while I’m out there I’m walking with Christian because I know him and he makes the US

Open and I think people obviously he played golf at BC um was a great amateur player still is a great amateur player made the US Open went to LACC was essentially the only guy out there the only amateur out there that wasn’t either a college amateur or wasn’t you

Know someone whose goal was to go professional long way of saying I want to know what was Christian like in college so this is actually interesting I kind of met him after college I knew who he was at BC but so I talk about my friends the chatfields a lot they’re

Like Davis is on the corn fairy tour um his oldest brother Brett is one of my best friends and then their middle brother Patrick went to DC and I believe he lived with Christian so I knew who he was um and then he also played in the

Northeast am so I kind of got closer with him I think it was the summer I graduated because again the chatfields are like my best friends in the world he’s really close with them and then now our paths have just kind of crossed a lot um so I can’t tell you because he

Was two years younger than me I know he was probably really cool if if you’re listening CH but um he I just love traymont I think it is I made a Tik Tok a couple weeks ago because I get asked a lot what should you get for a guy in

Your life who is a golfer and that was like one of the first things I said I got a head cover for my dad last year for Christmas and then I got ones from myself from them their stuff is so good and I’m not just saying that it really

Is cool I did you know my putter cover is T has tiger on it my driver one has ice cream and like the be the my three-wood has like the you know landmark building at BC it’s so so cool and I went down to their office a year

Ago and it so they just moved I believe to a bigger space but it was so cool to watch them do their and his story is so cool like how he got into it kind of during the pandemic and stuff so it’s been really fun to watch that grow and

Watch like sometimes you see post from like golf courses and I’m like Christian made that head cover I can tell so it’s been really cool uh I’ll tease that’s a tease for when I do eventually get Christian on here and Corey and Christian are going to be very happy that we just pumped

Them up and they didn’t have to pay a dollar to put this on they can both V on me if they need to so well it sounds like you’ve already been getting those head covers so you’ve been giving them giving them their due uh Claire anything else going on with

You right now as we get into 2024 before we close up um I don’t really have my January schedule yet actually I was just thinking about that so it’s going to be last minute but you know I’m heading home for the holidays tomorrow which I’m really excited about kind of see the fam

And everything which will be really good I think that’s kind of it so 28 what’ you say 28 cousins on on my mom’s side I think there’s 19 on my dad’s so it’s G to be really fun have fun with that again CLA Rogers you can find there K Clare Rogers on

Twitter add to that 48,000 fering senior social media manager forg host of the scoop with Claire Rogers we’ve got a mystery guest that was just interviewed at the PNC Championship coming writer for the Rogers report and then it sounds like we’ve got a documentary that should be out by the

Time this gets posted thank you much awesome stuff from Claire that was a fun one uh you can find her again K Claire Rogers perhaps golf’s funniest voice on Twitter I’m Jeff Eisen man thanks so much for listening to eyes on golf remember to follow subscribe maybe even

Share if you’re feeling it I will see you next time probably not till after the holiday so everyone have a happy Holidays happy New Year and have your eyes on golf in 2024

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