Extra Club Speed Will Change Your Golf Game Forever

In this video, we’re going to show you how Extra Club Speed can change your golf game forever!

Extra club speed is one of the most important ingredients to help you improve your golf game. This video will share with you the secrets to getting extra club speed, so that you can take your game to the next level!



0:00 – Intro



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Hi I’m Stuart Cartwright and welcome to my channel IntelligentGolfPersormance – Stuart Cartwright. This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, and of course, also to help you enjoy the game!

I specialise in golf swing technique, on course play and general advice on how to play better golf.

I also want to make you play better golf by providing coaching video on all topics about golf, how to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you drive the golf ball longer, hit your irons more pure, hit your irons closer to the hole and help you draw and fade your golf shots.
I will also help you lower your score by chipping better by stopping you duff and thin chips, pitch the ball closer and also create backspin. Also I will provide you help to putt better and hole more putts!

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🎯 Stuart Cartwright (European Tour Coach) – 🎯

🦾 Stuart Robinson BSc (Human Biology) Mchiro DC (Biomechanics) – 🦾

💪Kate Davey (TPi Fitness Level 2 Certified PT) – 💪

#GolfTips #AngleOfAttack #BallCompression #Consistency #GolfSwing #MasterYourGame #GolfTutorial

We are all getting older and we are all getting slower I want to share with you a few tips on how to make this offseason an opportunity for you to get some more Club speed with not only an iron and a driver the first thing I want you to do

Is go ahead and either wash your golf grip with soap and water or go spend a few dollars few pounds on a new grip on the golf club that you are going to practice creating more speed with and the reason why this is so important is

Because we need to have as oily a swing and leave a system down at strike to create as much speed as possible and when I mean oily leave system down at the bottom I need to be able to have as light a grip down at strike to have that and not allow the

Club to fire itself into the the net here or down the range I need a good golf grip on the golf club and I need a fresh glove doesn’t necessarily have to be a fresh glove but it needs to be a glove that’s reasonably new because your

Purchase and the grip on the golf club is huge to giving you the opportunity to keep hold of the club down through strike whilst feeling like allowing the grip pressure to be super light is not going to sacrifice your control so that’s top of the pile on the screen here I’ve got Club

Speed up and carry two boxes that are new I as say I only ever when I’m coaching have these four from the left attack angle club path face angle and face the path I put the club speed up purely for a reference point as we start to up the

Swing so what I’m going to do is just go ahead and hit my stock six iron swing so that’s fairly stock I’m I’m not warmed up well should I say I’ve hit half a dozen shots already this morning so as a as an 80er a golf swing that allows me to feel

I can keep all of my faculties in place I’m around the 87 to 90 M an hour that’s that’s a a decent Club head speed the ball’s got a crack in it uh that’s got um that’s my a a decent speed and gives

Me a carry of around 180 185 with a 6 on now how can I improve that now this video should come with a slight health warning because a few people have asked me over the years what do you think about these speed systems I think that if you are

Loading your muscular skeletal system with more energy and you’re swinging a Implement around the stresses on your body are going to be greater there’s no doubt about that now if you are creating faulty movement that increased speed gives you the chance to get injured so do proceed with

Caution when it comes to opening yourself up to more speed the first thing that we recognize in all of the great golf swings out there that have stood the test of time is the length in which they swing the golf club back that was an absolutely shocking strike the

Length that they swing the golf club back has always been a huge dictator of of how much speed they a golfer will create at the bottom so I make my golf swing a little bit longer without putting in too much more effort you can see all of a sudden I’ve jumped up from

An 8587 to an 89 and you could see on the camera there that my golf swing was a little shorter so after you’ve given yourself a nice scrub with the grip perhaps a new golf glove well the first thing that you want to do is really start to try to

Encourage more wrist set I mean I’m 47 years old I have had a short back swing for the last 10 years I’ve worked on that I think as I’m getting older I’m starting to lean myself towards I need to start to lengthen this out again I’ve always

Been someone that likes a short back swing something that feels nice and taut and tight makes me very straight As you you see in probably a lot of my demos I hit it awfully straight but I would say that as I’m starting to get older I’m starting to lose a little bit of

Distance uh and I’ve had a bit of a bad back so I’m sort of still coming back from that so I’m certainly someone that could do with a bit more speed and so as I’m swinging the golf club back the amount of set that I’m trying to feel

Particularly through this range here the amount that I’m trying to set the golf club towards my right shoulder towards my right shoulder and if you’re looking to just increase speed the more you straighten your left arm in most cases people reference the left arm as in right golf right hand golfers that

Actually will hinder your ability to set the golf club and make the club longer so I would say to you if you’re one of the guys that like me gets a little short feeling your arms Bend is actually a good way of making the swing longer and again it will start to bring

A little bit more length and a little bit more speed now what you’re starting to see is my attack angle diminish because the more I’m setting the golf club and I’ve talked about this for a long time the more a golf foot sets the club as you swing the golf club down you

Haven’t got anywhere else to go but out so as you’re going back what we need to feel is that there’s still room to narrow The Arc because when you narrow the arc on the way down you then start to keep the angle of attack so I’m going

To try to feel like got I’ve got a long back swing and then I’m still going to feel like I’m going to narrow the arc on the way down which I felt like I did a bit more of there so I should have a bit more d sound

Strike and so now I’ve jumped up to 91 bit longer softer arms pulled in now to me that feels Jung daily esque and I’m pretty sure that it won’t be but of course it’s what it feels like to me so understand that allowing the arms to be

A bit more Supple and a bit softer making the club shaft go past you and almost at times see it come out your left eye will give you the opportunity to make longer back swings we then want to talk about as I mentioned the narrowing of the Ark on the way down so

Narrowing The Ark on the way down is about feeling like the golf club can load and I’ve talked about this a few times in my lag video and how the club on the way down needs to be pulled again I’ve talked about that extensively how we pull the club

And when we do that we allow the golf club to feel like it sets itself so if I now add more of that on top of a long set and a long back swing let’s have a little look and see what’s what’s possible so decent pull decent length of

Back swing now I’m up to 92 mph kept the 4° of down stri path and face to path withy pretty decent now all of this is built on a good grip whether you’ve watched some of my content all of my content you’ll know how important that grip is because at

The moment all I’m doing is I’m seeing this golf club as a weapon if you’re tired of paying too much for premium leather golf gloves please go over and check out my channel sponsor gxg goolg gloves that are trusted by Elite golfers and tour players alike a real quality Golf Club

For much much less than you’ll be paying for your High Street Brands go check them out use my code good coaching for 10% off your next order weapon that I’m trying to swing fast and when you see those training AIDS they’ve got just the weight on the end without a club face

And the reason why they do that is because that takes your attention away from looking at a club face that’s pointing straight because the minute a golf ball goes offline whether it’s a hook hook or a slice we immediately sacrifice the way we move to make that

Ball go straight and at that point that then starts to weaken the efficiency of your golf swing which will reduce the speed in your swing so understand that protocol that we will first try to get the golf ball going straight we will sacrifice strike because of it and we

Will sacrifice speed because of it so by swinging an implement with no weight no Club head on the end it will up your speed but then when you come to the golf ball you’ll find that it’s very difficult to apply those Dynamics because your golf Ball’s going

All over the place that being said when you are practicing like this you are trying to up your speed you have to be mindful that the golf ball is not going to go potentially where you want it to you’re just leaving yourself open to hitting it all over the place and never

More so obviously with the driver so I’m going to go again this time I’m I’m going to go all out I’m going to go those were at 80% at that length of back swing I’m going to go all out now so I’m going to go long back swing set down at

The bottom super light grip so I can get the golf club swinging and let’s see what’s possible if I put my back out it’s going to be a turkey in bed let’s see what’s possible there so 94 mil hour 94 and a half now this might be

Something that you might want to do as an actual training regime during the winter months to up your Baseline swing speed going pretty straight huh who knew a good grip could be that powerful so the length of the back swing is something and the load on the way down

And the light grip through strike is something that really allows us the opportunity to create that speed now of course look this is not how I’d want to swing the golf club straight again who knows but hopefully you’ve understood that there’s some three key ingredients there that will allow you to make more

Speed in your golf swing have a good grip have have a good glove long back swing download a wrist on the way down and then light grip through strike it’s exactly the same with the driver you’ll be able to up your speed and if you sacrifice Direction go

Ahead be my guest but I’m pretty sure that those areas of change will really deliver some more speed this winter go steady out there and thanks so much for supporting my channel if you’ve enjoyed this do consider subscribing and I think you’re fine that’s good coaching


  1. Good morning Stuart

    This may not pertain to this video

    But I've heard you mention loading the shoulders on multiple occasions. Could you please explain what you mean by that.

    Thanks Patrick Miller

    Also I went to skillest, how do find you there

  2. Thanks again stuart,yet another video giving us answers and not fudging around.I am guilty as charged for gripping the handle to tight,you just helped me out there massively about grip pressure.Have a great new year pete from wales.

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