Golf Babe


OUR FAMILIES FIRST CHRISTMAS!! Merry Christmas from our family to yours, we love you guys and hope you enjoyed Christmas with loved ones!

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Merry Christmas Eve this weather is so bad it’s a wee bit rainy it literally looks like out of like a scary movie like it’s so dreary but it is Christmas Eve so it’s going to be a good day we’re headed to church right now we’re so late

And we ran out of wipes so now we have to stop at the store and get wipes and church starts in 10 minutes church is 30 minutes away and we decided to start the we have we have a baby you know we can be late to things also we got to talk

About something cuz last night was we’re going to be late tell him in the car it was probably the worst night ever you don’t even give me that cute look right now we’re mad at you okay so last night was so so bad but I feel like I can’t

Complain too much because we’ve been pretty lucky with Sky she’s been like such a good sleeper um like we’ve never had issues I feel like with her sleeping like right let me tell you last night and I will say the whole time I’m like this sounds like what people go through

Almost every night so I’m like we we are blessed we didn’t sleep very much last night um so anyway we went to our friend’s um party and I had I don’t know why I just kind of felt like something was off with her like I don’t know like

It didn’t seem like she was sick because we had taken her temperature and earlier that day we thought she was running a fever but then people also say that that can happen when they’re teething she’s also teething so what we going everybody in Michigan is sick everyone in Michigan

Is sick we’ve have to be so careful like ask so many people and then making sure obviously everyone washes their hands and like certain people who are sick like staying like away but it’s like it’s everyone it’s almost like everyone’s and then people are like oh

I’ve had a cold like but it I’m over it now and you’re like I think I’m sick now dude Josh even might be say yeah so we don’t know we’re kind of like trying to figure out what happened because I feel like it definitely wasn’t just she just

Had a off day it could have been our schedule so off too and like normally she’s not on like a tight schedule but she’s on way more of a schedule than what yesterday was oh my God I know what it is what she thought Santa was coming

Last night so she was trying to stay up for uh silly girl silly girl no I just thought I felt like yesterday I felt like she was off a little at the party cuz she was very tired and kind of like um just like I don’t know like just not like

Herself a party girl yeah she’s normally like up and smiley and then sleepy and then up and smiley it was like she’d be up but like I don’t know she just so we’re trying to figure out what was wrong with her but it’s like we kept checking her temperature making sure

Like there’s nothing bad so like there’s no reason for us to take her in yet but I don’t think cuz I don’t think she’s sick I just feel like she’s off if that makes sense but we’re just keeping an eyee on her um hopefully tonight is a little bit tired

Hopefully I’m so tired I don’t know if you guys see my my eyes are so red I’m going to be tired in like 6 hours but right honestly I feel good I feel like when I don’t sleep a lot I feel really good in the morning and then I come

Midday I’m it’s going to hit us yeah and we still have a lot to do cuz it’s Christmas Eve but we’re going to church we’re going to church it’s going to be a good day we are headed into church fashionally late we decided not to bring

The car SE just in case someone decides to cry we can make a quick exit the car SE the car seat doesn’t really fit that well like in the yeah like in the aisles and so yeah we’re just going to bring her out which is also a little bit of a

Risky move but I feel like you can get her like calmer I don’t know but Norm she was sleeping this guys Landon is meeting my child this is weird it’s so cute it’s so cute4 will start off and even be better than whatever year 20 we got KB here all

Right guys got little mcy look at little beanut we don’t really okay I wish we had like a little like bassinet to put her in so we could like keep her near us cuz we don’t even have like a monitor look she can almost so full situp she’s

Almost doing she’s doing sit-ups like I want hang out wa and two w so strong uh let’s bring it over to my co-host Douglas fresh is it a Christmas miracle it’s a Christmas miracle the Lions win the the north the division a Christmas miracle they get a home game let’s go

Okay guys it’s Christmas Eve I’m here with Maya Maya put some edible glitter in her Gatorade and it’s looking kind of sparkly I put some in this little drink my mom made um they look very festive and very cute so cheers Maya cheers also

We got Rego and we got Issa say what up hi up Cheers Cheers this is the aftermath and we’re all just kind of like hanging out vibing we got the football game uncle Todd and my dad are locked in in the football game and so is

Sky because I guess she’s an iPad kid we got luk who say what up up we got K dog what up say what up what upale you any girlfriend days Little Baby K right now this is little baby cake he so cute is Sienna coming Sienna’s coming Santa Claus Is

Coming Santa Claus Santa Claus Is Coming Santa is she on the good or the naughty go it to Josh Josh what you just do I don’t know if we blame Josh here who leaves their full ass wine glass on the white carpet all right Sky May Santa

Claus is coming tonight and we got a read was the Night Before Christmas Josh be is going to look to see if we have the book it is a tradition she got her little sleep sack on her little Christmas outfit hers has been such a good girl and I feel like hopefully

Tonight goes a lot better than last night did because last night was not it it’s going to go better right oh look what Daddy has we got options we got the OG and the not OG I feel like we got to go read it do we read it in here or on

The Tre or by the Christmas tree s to the Chas tree to the Christmas tree we go we are by the Christmas tree and B just goes can you read it she’s over here I’m scrubbing hard labor scrubbing his wine because that’s not my wine I don’t drink my wine I don’t drink

Wi spill my wine you’re ruining a moment No you’re ruining this is my wine we took my wine away okay well anyway okay let’s see it the Night Before Christmas let’s see yeah no let’s see if you can read cuz nor I I want to feel like I

Need to be holding cuz she’s got to see the pictures you feel me but she can look at you this way she’s got to see the pictures okay should you practice just goes all right Josh did you practice my parents want to come be here cuz they used to read us the Night

Before Before Christmas to her sit it’s time for a book you love books night before no no you got redo it it’s got to be better this was the Night Before Christmas that’s not even what called it’s the Night Before Christmas uh we’re ready I I don’t see Karen here I don’t

Want to get in trouble no we’re ready TW the Night Before Christmas when all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse the stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there look at the pictures she’s like Santa came Santa

Came you were a good girl okay are you serious is that my gift from Skye thank you all right you guys Santa came it’s also super dark in our house I don’t know why it’s kind of fitting like the home aesthetic Vibes cuz the you know it makes the camera all

Grainy so it looks like a home film you know I turn the light off all right Dad pull a first gift of Christmas all right the first gift all right who gets the first gift of Christmas is it topper it’s Sky M first birthday or first Christmas it’s your birthday Sky first

Gift of Christmas she has to open it herself though no helping she doesn’t get it all right let’s see and guys we got to wait till she finishes opening it before we can open anything so okay open this guy man three years later 3 years later an eternity wait Kitty used

Said look she’s trying oh oh look at it it’s a baby’s first Christmas it hold on oh my God Chopper yay oh do you love it did Mimi get this for you or Santa Mimi Mimi guys look how cute this is It’s a baby’s first Christmas to go on the tree s CLA

Come all right what did Mom get from Dad light up light up blanket guys blanket orac who remembers the Christmas where my dad got my mom light up glasses and my Mom hated the gift but she actually uses them all the time it’s a pickle ball set what is it a pickle

Ball set yeah that’s cool you don’t want that smoke Karen you don’t want that smoke open it up y k I’m coming for youg got Karen a paddle thank you wow let me see let me see all right let’s see the form oh wow okay okay okay I mean she

Was working with you know was in her life oh there’s another one guys I can finally get rid of Katie I don’t need her no more hey I’m still keeping your child massage anytime anywhere another gift from PA and toys stacking toys look how cute wait I think hers

Loves all right we kind of missed Biz opening her gift but what did you get little am I my first Lou she said my first Lou my God you have to start small you can’t have a you starting big you can’t start big all right Josh give Mimi

Her gift no dad that’s part of the gift steal it don’t unwrap mim’s gift my goodness the best christmasm how do you know what it is it’s wrapped you’re going to unwrap ity diaper it’s a chunky girl best gift of Christmas my sister got me this

Really cool um what do you call them table it’s a Psalms coffee table it’s a Psalms coffee table so it’s like just different like parts of the Bible which I think is so cute and I’m excited to read um and I absolutely love this gift that was a super thoughtful gift oh my

Shut up what is it wait I love that got to make Jos play it pretty pretty princess pretty pretty princess game that’s my favorite game ever did you know this game I played out all the time did you did you really why do I feel like you and Alex probably did sure did

He’s going to I actually feel like Josh is going to be used to play so basically it’s a game and you have to like wear like these different jewelry pieces the jewelry on the first wins yeah all right what Josh get a box Des he always wanted a box this looks electrical oh

Electrical you think about that these are not actually on the playing the kid next to me was wearing these and I was like you know what I feel like Katie told me a price she spent on me and I was like it’s got to be headphones cuz I was like I don’t know

What I have laptop I don’t know what else you would have bought me these are fire thank you I I love mine so I thought that no I know I I’ve been thinking was like I’d like a pair but I knew they’re a lot of money so thank you

Bab all right this is from Auntie Biz here oh open it up she’s like let me eat it first mom’s taken but my aunt is cute and single this is true it’s like hey opportun o St M we got a box from another guy actually just looking at these let me see who

Steve Madden oh those are this girl this model at her photo sh always has these shoes and they’re like the coolest shoes ever and I almost I literally was like I want these so now Katie’s going to be taller than me look who no they’re massive but they’re so cute they’re like super

Chunky that’s they look so so cute though with stuff like it’s a this is to Josh I’m trying to think who it is it’s a tradition oh this is fire he got a weight ornament my wife decided to ruin the family tradition and not give me an ornament but your mother-in-law came

Through she came in oh so you already had this did you just throw Katie’s name on it yeah wow that’s cool all right Sky pay attention this one’s for you that’s a big one for she she loves it this one’s huge what’ you get what’ you

Get oh my gosh what we got get that wait you let her open them oh look at those look at those shoes look at them look it’ll go right with a outfit she was holding it by herself she loves it so yummy okay okay this is from PA

And Mimi uhoh oh love Michigan State Spartans oh my gosh oh my gosh look at show the top too bad their their basketball team’s not that good this year so is it basketball or is it just their football team’s going to be good they get a new coach W but this is when

P um watches her so he has to put her in it all right Josh what’ you get ooh some new luggage he actually saw the box so he already knew but you haven’t seen what it looks like I’m trendy cute when I travel now that is oh y I’m trendy

Good for it no I’m baring the wow who me who me sophisticated and all where you going oh to Michigan I’m going to Arizona yeah thank you your dad’s weird look at match your house there it is guys it so like basically it has like

These little fans on it and you like the candles and it blows but me and Biz used to love this thing like this is when everybody goes around baby Jesus it turns it just spins when the fire starts going it starts spinning got baby Jesus and the

Angels guys want to open a gift or the boys good it’s a soccer ball no but it’s it’s a big I think you had to put air in it little pump topper loves his topper say thank you Mimi give Mimi kisses do I get a kiss give MIM me

Kisses oh yummy good boy Rippy this one’s to Josh or to Dad love Sky what’ she get me what did she get youal practical it’ll help you don’t for let’s see let’s see look at that okay nice little essential shirt had to maybe

Take off the 20 I got to do it better on my ornament but know um so we’re manifesting I’m not pregnant we don’t know that oh no we do know that I’m definitely we’re manifesting out here that is cute I love made mistake this one is from Sky again but my parents are

Shocked because Sky got all SK Sky forgot to buy for Mommy cuz Josh is a fun parent wait a minute also guys you missed it Sky just got a little she just got attacked by the dogs not actually but they were jumping and they pushed her and it scared her

Wa w a little chain and sky on it is that cute we got my dad a driver but we were pretending like we didn’t get anything all right is that all the gifts all the gifts breakfast time hope probably douy fresh which one’s your favorite my favorite um I

Think well this one with all the girls girls and even though I my hair is freaky I do love being on the boat yeah this one mom my mom loved this picture but everyone looks bad in it I even look bad in it I didn’t love that picture but

That’s the only other picture she gave me that’s cool but this one it’s so it’s like a professional like family all right the last gift of Christmas to do we didn’t forget about you wait a minute not the last yeah a doggy fresh oldest we forgot we forgot about best I felt

Bad the whole time we’re open gifts I was like we really I was like and I bought dad another gift but I don’t know where it is I honestly forgot about that I didn’t I was completely forgot I B bad cuz he was opening all the what is it

Well it’s one of those like you take on the beach and you find a metal finder what do you think it is what every old guy has to get I think it’s going to help like golf game I don’t think so wait what if it it’s like a walking

Stick a walking stick or that it’s a goldfinder you know that when you’re metal finder to do so excited wait where see the dad’s moving quick what is it it’s a walking stick it’s a it is it’s a walking what oh my go oh my gosh hang on hang on

Wait this is going to make me hit the ball straight Ka get wow a tailor made care no swing in the house dog no swinging in the house we got a baby wow that might be the best club I’ve ever seen it literally even has your name

Engraved no I’m just kidding it doesn’t see look we had it engraved but they just messed up and they wrote tailing let’s go CH breakfast it’s really good my mom for cooking yeah good the dogs are trying to get some a little more pet you know

Woo this is a little sick that’s why she honestly she a little sick I know she normally looks like I look like that we’re sick too just kidding yeah I’m I’m definitely sick Joshy B and sky are nuggle up she looks so precious all right J fam

I just filmed a Christmas Haul just cuz it was such a tradition it was so much fun um now I got to put all this stuff in my suitcase and try and make it all fit I’m so obsessed with these shoes they’re so cute but um yes filming done

Guys we’re at the the brother’s house for Christmas Merry Christmas guys this is my older brother J with little Sky May Uncle Jake Let’s Go uncle she’s a fan of the ear you fan of oh yes she’s like yeah she likes she like wao am I going

To have long hair like this like she likes the reindeer she likes the flow SC May sleeping wait hold on she’s sleeping I’m eating great grandma well Sky’s great grandma grandma’s cookies Ranger cookies they’re so good and you got the secret sauce now too what oh I

Have the recipe don’t tell the others you know I don’t know we got Grandpa got mother we got great grandpa great grandpa yeah she’s like yay we haven’t decied where yet let’s go present time Riley let’s see it got open It wa that’s so cool let’s it give us a spin give us a spin don’t get in the tree don’t get in thee W so cool squish mows Mayo what’ we get wow you fancy huh doggy Detroit baby shout out Jasmine to the Detroit Lion Jersey going to the Super Bowl I’m

Calling it now you’re live you hold it what happened so when we went to church on Sunday he changed sky in her shirt backwards yeah he but I didn’t know and now what am I doing now I don’t think she knows how to change a diaper we’re trying to find out

I have two sisters let’s see it you got you change a diaper but is is older than me you got to change your diaper then why can’t you you need to learn I just don’t think you know how you need to learn delting I just don’t think you

Know how to changeting the baby changing give me here oh oh my God Maya is not meant to be a vlogger she just fil the floor for 10 seconds Santa Santa CLA already came tell the Vlog what happened tell them what happened bad at changing what bad at changing I’m bad at changing what do you know we got a baby

Crying over here we got someone else changing Sky my mom and dad are fighting so my mom goes because wait a minute and then we got let go let go wait wait show them the bird girl from Home Alone mom what smile over the camera your teeth are black from the

Line oh shoot I only had one someone help this poor girl come here she doesn’t want a mat come here she does not want a place M come here it’s okay okay she’s just a little bit over tired my sister said but she’ll be better soon Santa Claus is coming

Too Santa Claus is coming to okay that’s it I don’t know if this is Josh I don’t know if that’s working all right y’all guy made first Christmas did you have a good first Christmas R she was so cute today she loved it yeah she had a great time today tell us

More sky anyways we’ll see you guys in the next video maybe even in 2024 who we love you guys Merry Christmas Merry Christmas we hope you guys had an amazing Christmas and remember the true meeing of Christmas which is go ahead Jess no no

No tell us no no you goe cuz I told them on my channel also I’m a retain her in so the true meaning of Christmas is um well obviously not Jesus dying on the cross for us but Jesus’s birthday and celebrating that story in the Bible and

Just I feel like being with loved ones and I feel like to give to others and expecting nothing and just always willing to get help others and yeah love Jesus and love our family I don’t know sry I put her on the spot it’s like 1:00

In the morning anyways we’re going to go to bed we love you guys don’t be a peace Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


  1. There is a 2 hour time difference between Arizona and Michigan. Skye is still on AZ time so her routine is thrown outta whack. Teething most definitely f'n succks

    I wish you would have found a nativity scene and taken picture with Skye as baby Jesus.

    Are you able to take home the copy of The Night Before Christmas book home so you can read the same copy every year?

  2. Where's the energy in this video? I feel like since yall became parents you guys arnt as affectionate to each other on camera and honestly your relationship just comes off to me as more "friends with kids" 😬

  3. 🎄🎁💝𝑴𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 💝🎁🎄
    We love y’all so much Jatie vlogs y’all are absolutely amazing parents Skye is so cute.Such a beautiful family

  4. I can’t believe Skye 💕💓🎀☁️is 3 months old time does go really fast 🥰😭,, also I want to say marry Christmas 🎄 I hope you guys had a Wonderful Christmas opening gifts 🎁 & having a wonderful time 🎀✨❄️🧸⛄️❄️

  5. Is she close to 4 months? Cuz my baby was a great sleeper giving us 6 hour stretches and we thought omg we finally got a good baby who sleeps and then the 4 month sleep regression hit and everything since then she has been waking up every 2-3 hours. 😂

  6. It’s really nice that you guys are spending time with family on Christmas 🎄 I hope you had the most magical Christmas 🎁✨💜💕

  7. I want to talk about Josh is behaviour as becoming a first time dad as you know I was very nervous about what josh is going to be when the baby comes & Josh was a bit too hard on you Katie when you as pregnant🤰🏼now I realised he’s very gentle with Skye 🤱🏼which I’m so proud of him I think he’s definitely got some maternal skills & I’m also proud of you Katie for teaching him those skills he really needed it 🥰✨🧸Josh is a great Dad to Skye & Skye is looking to have you & Josh as parents but sometimes he can act a bit childish as it’s completely normal for men

  8. Omg this is so sweet! Love this for you guys! Katie where is your tumbler from that you were holding in the very beginning?

  9. Ok Katie so much sister teeth she would cry every night because she is teething so give her medicine in the morning and at night so I know lots about babys

  10. Holidays are rough on little ones! Our 8 month old has had a rough week because of traveling and all the Christmas festivities. He’s just now getting back on schedule.

  11. Hey quick question- I live in MI I am CROSSING my fingers I could have possibly run into you with out knowing. SOOO where are your parents in MI?

  12. I have had the literal worst few days and as soon as I saw Ms. Mae’s face I instantly smiled 😊 so thank you guys!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ❤

  13. God loves u all so much1 God bless any prayer requests or any questions? God sent his only son to die for u so live for Him (not trying to force) Gods got u and is in ur corner always, fighting for u, and the best way for u to fight is on your knees, praying. Start with journaling, prayer, worship, turn off bad music, verses, living like the fruit of the spirit each day. Nobody is perfect except Jesus. It’s okay to make mistakes, we all do. Feel free to reach out and talk for anything. ask God for wisdom in every situation. God loves u and so do i. Have a blessed day friend. Some of my fav verses: Matthew 19:26, John 3:16, Isaiah 30:21. Pick 1 fruit of the spirit today, and practice and live by it in all areas. Invite God into your life, every aspect and area. Trust the story because you know the author. If there is any prayers I can pray for y'all pls lmk!

    Jesus loves y'all all! I’m here if anyone has any prayer requests!

    He will shine His light on you and your path and guide you and show you the way in His perfect plan and timing so trust Him and His good faithfulness, He and His love, mercy, and grace never fail! Amen surround us Lord!
    Be authentic!! Gods got you and this! God is with u! And He wants u as u r! He’s the reason for the season! Praise God forever and ALWAYS!! NEVER STOP PRAYING AND PRAISING Don't compare, Gods got you and there's a reason for ur season! pray and go to Him as u are! He loves and wants you! praise God amen

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