Golf Players

Warming Up With Justin Thomas

How does Justin Thomas warm up for a tournament round? What does he do to hit a fade? How ‘bout a hook? What does he do to pick up extra speed? And what’s the iron shot he remembers the most? He joins GOLF’s Dylan Dethier from the range at Panther National, Thomas’ brand-new course design, to hang out and handle some questions.
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Have you always been able to hit the ball that far or have you really like picked up a a bunch of yardage the last few years no I I definitely didn’t junior golf and in high school I probably got a little longer I’ve always just I’ve always kind of been off the

Ground and yeah you’ve always swung so hard but I’ve needed to CU I’ve been really tiny so it was kind of one of those things like swing hard and then you eventually I I grew into myself a little bit um I would say once I got

To end of high school and then College I was maybe on the longer side compared to who I was playing with but it uh it took a little while I need you to stand with me everywhere I mean this is unbelievable I don’t think you’ve missed a shot Yet one of the problems is it just breaks down right here left arm can’t get the turn without it just going up here and then on the way down it’s like here it’s in tight we’re doing this warming up tomorrow it sounds like just for your

Own get golf game yeah you just want to get JT’s to pick your JT Justin how long you got cuz I don’t need you to fix anything I just want to talk it talk it through like what’s cool about having Justus Thomas on the Range well he’s a

Creative guy he can hit every shot there might be a little wind up here we’re out in the open we’ve got a zillion different targets so if if we can get him to even if we can just get him to explain okay here’s what I’m thinking on this

65 yard wedge shot all right now we’re going to a Target that’s 230 here’s what I would do with this long iron and then tell them all right hit a when would you hit a cut when would you hit a drop and then what do

You what do you do to make that happen excited to see Justin I’ve spent a lot of time around him have not spent much time with him if that makes sense Um that sound a little intimate didn’t It all right we’ve got 15 time PGA Tour winner 15 two-time major champ and most importantly Netflix Cup champion that’s right Mr Justin Thomas Thanks for uh joining us absolutely man thanks for having me so where are we right now what are we doing we are at Panther National

Yeah the uh Grand Opening it’s been a I don’t want to say a long time coming but it’s been a it’s a cool process and it’s kind of hard to believe that we’re here today for this this day and I think what what we want you to do is Chris in this

Pretty unbelievable driving range by just walking us through how you would warm up I guess before a tournament round a golf um and yeah how yeah how how do you start what’s the first thing that you do say and how long is it before your tea time

Um so I hitting balls is like the the last thing on my uh warmup I mean I would say I I hit I’ll hit a couple putts before I go but it’s it’s always putt chip hit balls putt so I’ll depending on you know we’ll have some

Places where you know you have to shuttle to the from the range or it’s close by or maybe it’s a it’s a great range or it’s not or whatever it may be but I generally will hit balls anywhere from like I would say like High teens to like

30 minutes um just kind of depending yeah on um you know if I’m sometimes it’ll be where if I play like uh you know early late or something like that and it’s like hey I’m tired I’ve had it maybe a couple weeks on the road and I want to do some practice

Afterwards but I’m tired so I’ll just maybe give like another five or 10 warmup minutes in my warm-up the next day to like work on whatever I wanted to work on I completely forgot the most important part of our segment here which was we brought we brought you this gift

This is you right here now that you’re kind of a construction guy we like to give a gift to every one of our guests but we don’t have a very big budget so we got this at Walmart yesterday I like that so this is just a

Little something you can kind of put on your desk did you pick that out yourself yeah yeah you what was it between that or what it was there was like a green tractor okay and but that didn’t have a guy in it so we thought you’d like I appreciate that he’s got the

Construction hat on and everything might have broken it yeah yeah um all right what club are you holding here I have a 60° so I I spend I would say at least half of my warmup uh on my wedges I mean probably 70% of my warmup on my really

Short irons my scoring Club so I’ve I generally don’t use my warm-up as something as like a a sign of like what’s to come I think it’s you can get kind of worked up or a little concerned maybe going into a day if you don’t warm

Up well so did that take some time to learn uh it definitely did but it also it’s kind of been a learning um a learning experience for me because I’ve had some of my best rounds and best tournaments after some of my worst warm-ups uh and I

Think it’s there’s something to be said when you go out on a course and you don’t have any expectations and you’re just kind of yeah I was going to say that’s still like I I’ve heard a lot of people say that and i’ I guess I’ve experienced it too but it still doesn’t

Quite make sense to me but yeah maybe it is an expectations thing and then you just go out and you’re like all right this is what what I’ve got today yeah for me it’s I there’s definitely going to be times where I can feel like I said

I don’t use my warmup as something like oh wow I’m hting it good like we’re going to get aggressive today but there’s just times when I can I can feel you know if like if my timing is good or if I can there’s sometimes where you

Know I hit it and it feels solid you’re like oh that’s nice and you look up and it’s just not in the window you want and yeah and sometimes it’s the alternative so I kind of generally will start very similar based off of maybe some things

Here and there but then truly yeah just kind of try to work into some Rhythm but for me I know on some of my bad warm-up days if you will um I mean I know I remember you know saying in past like with Jimmy or with bones now it’s I’m

Like hey you know I just I’m not I’m not very comfortable right now with what’s going on in my fi so like let’s just play conservative until I kind of find something and U I’ve found that it’s actually something I remember remember I learned from from Jack Nicholas is he’s

Like you can’t have the same game plan of a golf course it it’s just not the same because you’re going to you know I think an Open Championship is a good example you could go there playing one win Direction and this is how you play

It and then all of a sudden the next day you’re maybe not playing well and it’s an opposite wind direction so you can’t have the same game plan so it’s kind of working into into something so right now you’re kind of hitting some little what three4 wedge

Shots yeah focusing on contact or what are you thinking about um kind of a feel I mean I generally warm up like with a trackman or a quad to try to um you know I’ll be try to hit wedge numbers because I mean those are obviously very

Important but for me that I have I kind of my warm-up yardage is like 60 yards it’s just a it’s just a feel that what it is to me it’s it’s probably not what it is but it’s it’s just I’ve not necessarily like a clock you know

Wedge kind of person it’s like I just I think in my head okay 8 83 and then I just would like to think I practice enough yards or 83 like 83 yards um but 60 is one of the few shots if you will where I feel like

I have kind of like a Quee and it I to me it’s not what it is but it feels like the bottom of my club is pointing at my left foot so I just I take it back and then when I feel like that’s pointing at

My left foot then I go and that over time and practice and tracking it is 60 yards so cool it’s amazing you wouldn’t think you have 60 yards that often but it’s it’s wild how often it just kind of snuck its way in there to some pretty

Important times yeah in uh in my career how long have you been working on this project Panther couple years it seems yeah it’s uh it kind of all Blends together but it’s yeah it it’s like is this something you always knew that you wanted to do design I think

It’s something I I knew I wanted to do but I don’t um it’s not something I was like okay yeah I want to do when I’m 30 years old because I think at least for me personally I generally look at it as it’s a post career kind of thing but

This was an unbelievable opportunity with obviously one of the best of all time in a place that’s 30 minutes from my house so um it was a it was a no-brainer to say the least yeah I was seeing driving in this morning how Wild it must be that okay

Now people are going to come play this golf course evaluate it join as members build their homes here partly based off of you the decisions you’ve made your reputation it’s kind of scary when you put it that I mean it’s it’s just a big deal there’s there’s a gravity to it

That I think is uh it’s a little bit different than I don’t know just playing tournament for sure all right where you going next here I mean it’s um again it’d be something where I’d be going through yeah we can skip a couple steps but yeah I’d be going 60 and then I’d

You know I’d hit probably I’d kind of inch my way up after the 60 yard shots I’d maybe do some 70 some 75s 85s and are are you hitting at a Target when you do that um sometimes but honestly not really that much I think it’s it’s kind

Of more getting the feel and getting um you know I mean little things like just you know getting the finding the bottom and just you know making sure the contact making sure everything feels the tempo’s good it’s more of that and loosening my way up a little bit until I

Get up the bag but I got an eight iron eight iron do you feel loose at all by the way have you like were you in the gym this morning the way you would be before was I’ve tried to get in a habit of of doing what I do before tournament

Rounds and in actual golf tournaments when I’m at home um you know I I’ve even I’ve really started to do that in Pro AMS because I started essentially was just playing so bad in Pro AMS or I was just not and finally my dad was like all

Right well like there one of two things either one you just need to get over how you’re playing or two you need to actually treat this seriously because you’re not going to the gym you’re not warming up you’re hitting like 12 golf balls and you’re going to the tea and

Then you’re getting pissed off how you’re playing still get frustrated something he’s like you just need to do one or the other kind of thing are you man are coming out no I’m sure he’s not no they just they did that this morning what’s up dude 4 A.m. let’s over here all right so generally after I do my wedges once I get to my irons and what I warm up with they’ll usually it’ll just do evens or odds so I’ll go 975 or 864 but um once I get to the irons is usually when I kind

Of do my threepiece drills kind of like what I call it or okay you know I’m checking trying to get this position consistent and in a good spot and obviously this is nothing I’m I’m not very concerned with what the ball is doing or the contact because

This is very clearly not a normal shot sure but it’s just more of kind of feeling in my head okay it’s like I take that back is that where I want it and you know if I’m working on width maybe I’ll really exaggerate this sounds good yeah I I I’m convinced that

I could like sneaky play around a golf like this I wouldn’t do it competitively but uh I’ve hit enough balls with it where I can get it around is that something you’ve had for a long time or is this something you’ve been working on more

Recently um it kind of comes and goes I think I started doing it in in 2018 it was like literally a part of my pre-shot routine and I kind of go back and forth I’m not doing it now but it’s just it’s it’s it’s wild when you do something repetitively that often

How just how much easier or how much more often it happens without you thinking about it so that’s kind of the thought process for me is I just want that to this to just be such an un I don’t even need to think about it and like my muscle memory just knows because

If I get it in a good spot here it helps with everything else more automa if I’m you know kind of like this year I was getting this really shut and really kind of steep and sucked inside so then from there it had to go this way and that’s

When I was doing so it’s like need to start you know the getting this part is good but if all the other stuff is not great it’s going to be hard for that part to be as consistent usually just hit a couple of these and after I feel like I’ve

Somewhat got that feel down I’ll just start hitting some again very similar to what I do with wedges I’ll hit numbers but yeah you know then I’ll hit some different shots where it’s like okay you know that there’s a couple holes out here where I really you know feel like I

I have some eight irons into the green so let’s hit a couple different eight irons so then maybe you know hit a couple different shots like maybe flight one yeah I was going to say all right yeah tuck us through what’s you just try to like flight that down a tiny bit

Since you going into the wind yeah yeah so it’s I mean that’s another thing that’s um can be tough if you have maybe I mean this would be a good example with the wind coming off the left like this it’s you’d be amazed at how the things

That you adjust and do without even thinking or trying to it’s I mean if if the wind’s like this and I’m hitting balls I’m going to subconsciously close the face coming down because I don’t want it going right and you know sometimes I’ll even kind of end up doing

It this way so and as a cutter of the ball when I get warming up in a left to right wind it’s not good for me because I I go away from what I do so often in warm-ups I mean I’ve always said I’m a very entertaining person to

Watch warmup because I hit some pretty I don’t want to say bad shots but not straight yeah because it’s like I’m not I’m trying to not necessarily get dialed in on that exact yeah I’m not trying to hit a perfectly straight shot here it’s like okay all right so you’re picking a

Target right now what like kind what shot are you seeing right now so like I’ll just hit kind of like a stock shot here which generally would I would want it to kind of start at that pen and just have a couple yard fade but with this

Amount of wind it’s really going to slice but again it’d be something where I’m like okay I’m not worried about it I’m just going to hit my stock shot here that’s where you know it’s starting at it and just falling a little bit right in that wind keeps going keeps

Going and it’s like oh well obviously if that’s on the golf course if I’m going to that PIN that’s not good but I’m not worried about that and then I could do the alternative of like okay well maybe on the course I will want to hold one so

That’s I’ll put it back in my stance and I’ll try to hit like a little low draw I like that just drawing a couple yards and then it’s kind of falling back to the right in that wind so I mean I think tiger does it a lot in his warmup

Of hitting and I’ve kind of learned from that as watching him hit shots because it’s I mean it’s something I do in the golf course already so I don’t need to step up here and you know be robotic and I am trying to get a little bit of a

Feel and kind of get my hands going um are you hitting a different shot every time essentially like do you do you feel like okay I have a stock eight iron shot or is it just like you never actually really hit a stock eight iron I mean in a perfect

World I I would say I I want it to just just have a little bit of fade on it I mean that’s what when I feel like I’m playing my best the ball comes out very straight and almost just Falls a little right I mean if it’s a think DJ does it

Unbelievably too it’s I mean the amount of times I’ve played with him and you’ll get this tuck left pin and he’ll just start the seven iron at the left edge of the green and it’ll cut a couple yards and land in between The Fringe and the

Hole and it’s but it’s just like it’s if that’s what you know you’re going to do then it’s really simple yeah when you put it like that yeah I wish it was that simple but um I’m going hit a couple six irons here yeah that flag we shot is

192 say it looks I don’t think I will be able to get a six iron there yeah into the wind right now so it’s kind of the same thing I’ll hit a couple different shots here I’ll try to flight one and kind of let it drift to the pin

Okay you can see how strong that wind is yeah it really is oh yeah you got there though pin High stronger than I thought how’s your body feeling you in South Africa you’re in Las Vegas it’s not bad it feels a lot better this morning um for me when I TR

Travel International like if I can get just a good sweat like I I it helps it’s like a reset so like I did about 30 minutes in sauna getting a cold plunge and like I feel way better but it’s like if I can get a good workout in like a

Bike something that almost can just like cleanse you that’s at least the thought yeah um it helps me obviously to each their own but try to go the opposite here a little bit of a hold God that’s so good that is on a string

Might go in get in so what do you all right so what are you doing to make it draw to hit a little draw other than think draw um I mean anything that you do I’m definitely going to put it back in my stance because that’s going to

Naturally take the path to the right um I mean my dad is big on not wanting to change too much so I mean if I’m hitting a normal shot and this is my setup if I just make the same swing but I just move it back on my stance yeah it should

Start that’s only like a couple inches back something and it should naturally just start a little right and then hold that one did and then you could do the alternative of like obviously that’s going to keep a little lower flight but I could have you know here my normal

Setup and then if I move the ball up this is obviously can go way higher but it’s going to start quite a bit further left and cut a good bit so it’s like you what’s the difference in like carry yardage you think there between the low one and the high one I

Guess it all depends on the wind but yeah I mean it’s I’d say the higher ones I subconsciously end up hitting harder without even trying to so I if I hit a flush one a high one I’ll get a couple yards extra out of it and obviously the

Low not in the air as long doesn’t carry quite as far are there shots that you draw on from like throughout your career that then you see another shot in a tournament and you’re like oh this is just like that shot um yeah I mean more than anything it’s like I’m

Comfortable you you need to play or hit like what you’re most comfortable with right like it’s I think some players go in and out of it but I know I’ve played a couple like team events with Jordan and he said you know for him sometimes playing the right shot or playing the

The correct shot isn’t the right shot it maybe there could be one that’s not like again going back to kind of that example of cutting it to a left pin that might not be the correct shot but if that’s what I’m more comfortable hitting that’s the correct shot at that correct shot

Interesting but you know over the years I I have a lot of fortunately I kind of you know I’ll have like say A Memory Bank of some shots like I mean whenever I think of like 190 yard six iron like I remember the first year my first win uh in

Malaysia on 15 it was like a I mean it’s a really kind of tucked pin in the back and it was like a just 190 yard six iron which has taken about 10 off but I was able to just start like left edge of the

Green and just kind of cut it and it’s you know that’s something that yeah I mean it happened what 8 nine years ago but I still remember that was 19 year yeah you’re still smiling a little bit just thinking about it yeah it was a good shot I like it gentlemen your

Official opening t- shot by Jack Nichol [Applause] himself um this year when things are like a little harder than they’ve seemed at any point in your in your pro career what was different about how you felt I guess warming up and being at the golf course and and dealing with everything mentally yeah I think uh I mean I guess

A lot of different things but it’s I mean it’s confidence first and foremost I think you can I mean there’s something to be said about guys who maybe don’t have the resume if you will compared to other guys that go out there and just you know just beat their brains

In kind of thing because they think or they know whether it’s true or not that they’re better and having confidence is so big in this game I mean I think of somebody like Windham is a perfect example um he’s always been a great player I mean he’s been great at every level he’s

Played at but he didn’t necessarily have any wins of that stature and I played with him at Tory Pines the beginning of this year and um it it is a different golfer than the Windham Clark that I played with at the end of the year you know

Since he won won Charlotte he won the US Open like it as he should he’s got a lot of confidence like he’s not cocky he’s not arrogant but he’s like he knows that he’s one of the best players in the world and rightfully so so it’s it’s a

It’s a crazy game we play to say the least I know because it seems like you need you need to play well to boost that confidence but then you need that confidence to play well yeah so I don’t know which one starts that cycle yeah it’s like uh you know Sports PES always

Says Julie she’s like you know is it the chicken or the egg it it’s it kind of depends on who you ask but I’m still a believer that you can’t you can you can I don’t want to say fake you can almost have like fake or little delusional conf

Yeah you kind of manufacture that conf but at the end of the day if I can’t step out here and I can’t hit the yardage I need to hit with the club and the shot shape I want to hit like that that’s really all that matters right

Interesting yeah that makes sense so I think the confidence is obviously key and you can you can get the most out of it you can but you need to be able to somewhat do what you’re trying to do all right you’re holding driver is this now

The final step of your warmup or you still have a little bit it is yeah so I mean depending on the course I’m playing I mean I’ll I’ll hit some five Woods I’ll hit you know maybe one or two five Woods I’ll hit a couple three woods and

Some drivers I mean if it’s a place that I’m hitting a lot of three Woods off the te I’ll hit more 3-woods and drivers or if it’s hey I have a couple par fivs that I may hit three-wood in I’ll hit a couple off the ground but you know I’ll

Have some weeks where I’m only hitting four or five drivers in a day and then I’ll have some where I’m hitting basically all drivers so then I’ll spend more time but it’s I don’t hit a lot of drivers um unless I feel like there’s something I need to work on or a couple

Shots that I need to practice but sometimes I’ll kind of mess around hit some different shots so just kind of hit a stock stock one here should fade a little God that’s good thank you what’s the scariest uh Drivin golf course that you play scariest driving Golf Course um or

Even specific t-shot if that comes to mind more easily I remember I remember the old uh Houston golf course that 18th hole I hated that t-shot so bad yeah I hated it I mean it was like I played that tournament I think twice but I just I couldn’t it just didn’t fit

My eye like if you hit in the right bunker it’s like it was like a four three it just I hate so what do you do when you hate a t-shot well now I just I I play smart I mean I I’ve really gotten this way at Saw Grass you if now knowing

It people could pay attention or you could notice it but like I’ve I’ve gotten to the point on 18 where more so the first couple days but they’ll have that back pin or you’ll get a North Wind one day and that winds in off the left

And I’m like I don’t I don’t like hitting driver starting it over the water I don’t really like holding something against it and if I just push it it’s going to go in the trees so I like I just take it as a par five I’ll hit fivewood fivewood and I’ve I’ve done

It twice now and I’ve par it both times it’s like what I can’t do is make a seven or a six like if I make five on that hole when it’s playing like that it’s fine it’s not going to kill me yeah I’d rather make par but it’s like kind

Of how I said earlier about almost changing your game plan based on how you’re feeling of just like look this isn’t one of my spots to be aggressive so just take your medicine and go kind of thing do you ever wake up anxious about that t-shot when you won on 18 kind of

Turning over hard and bounding up the edge of the water there yeah like I wake up and it it was I dreamt that it kicked in the water instead of straight um I haven’t quite had one of those but I’m definitely happy the way it panned

Out all right see you are you thinking of that as it fade that’s that’s like fading like a yard with the yeah I mean it’s not if there was no wi it probably wouldn’t be a fade but just basically be a dead St I mean it feels like a

Straight is drive to me um so like here’s I usually will hit a couple of these while I’m playing they’re kind of like my bullet I would call it so you just teed it up a little bit lower is there anything else you’re doing lower

And I just choke down on it and I just I do everything the same I don’t try to hit down on it or lean on it I just try to hit very standard kind of shot but because it’s teed down lower I naturally will hit a little I’ll hit more l or

More zeroed if you will like not as much up on it so the shot shape with this is usually just start a little left with a a little fade as well oh that’s a nice low one um I’m struck by like I think of you

As being a guy that works it more than certain other players on tour like more creative more of a shot shaper shot maker but all of your adjustments seem very small nuanced it’s just a couple balls in your ball position here it’s just like are you if you’re going to hit

A bigger cut say or you going to like open up your stance or do anything dramatically different I think I think think the um at least for me everybody’s different obviously there’s going to be people that are more technical I’m not on that side but yeah it’s it’s just like you

Know if I was hitting at that tree and you set me up here like my athletic ability would figure out a way to hit it there you could do it like you just and and I wouldn’t sit here and be like okay I’m going to swing this much to the left

It’s like okay if I’m aiming over here and I need it to come down on that tree like I kind of just kind of feel it out a little bit and just go from there come on around yeah so you I think that’s why like good alignment is so

Important because amateur golfers get into bad habits if everybody aims right and then because you know how often do you see guys that set up and they’re doing this because of how far right they’re aiming and what do they do they slash across it because that’s how they

Have to get back there I was just going to say yeah what’s the most common advice you give like during a proam round uh hit more Club Club hit more Club hands down no Amer ever hits enough Club they are just infatuated with that seven iron that they One Time Hit 180

Yards with all that roll and every time they’re 180 yards they hit seven iron so that’s how far I hit it yeah I’m like guys you no offense you’re not good enough to be hitting the wrong Club every time like you need to at least do yourself a favor Right yeah so I hit low one earlier here’s a little higher one teed up nice and high this be the one that I’ll I’ll get is it still a little fade or what what direction is this moving yeah it’s it’s a relatively straight Ball but yeah I mean this is

Going to launch quite a bit different this is kind of the drive I hit when I W another 10 or 15 yards uh in the air oh wow that launched that’s high and obviously really far how far is that going to fly say there’s no wind out here probably 35ish something like that

So I mean it’s again it’s uh like when I lift my left foot like that just from messing around it’s like a instant kind of like 2 to four Club head speed so 3 to five six ball speed yeah and it’s a good you know 10 to 15 carry you know

It’s a it’s honestly a place like austa can use it a good bit given the certain right correct wind uh conditions but certain holes there’s a there’s a wide area in South Africa I couldn’t use it all there was no holes that really needed a force carry and it also was

Like hitting down a Runway every hole so I didn’t need to feel the need to use it um and is has have you always been able to hit the ball that far or have you really like picked up a a bunch of yardage the last few years no I I

Definitely didn’t do junior golf and in high school I probably got a little longer I’ve always just I’ve always kind of been off the ground and you’ve always swung so hard but I’ve needed to cuz I’ve been really tiny so it was kind of one of those things like swing hard and

Then you eventually I I grew into myself a little bit um I would say once I got to end of high school and then College I was maybe on the longer side compared to who I was playing with but it uh it took a little while

Might need you to stand with me every warm up I mean this is unbelievable I don’t think you’ve missed a shot yet what’s what’s ball speed on that uh that’s right now it’s probably like low 70s if I had to guess I’m not yeah not moving too quickly yeah yeah what’s the

What’s the highest ball speed you’ve ever hit uh 193 seriously yeah but that was like I did like this yeah yeah but still it was a day where I was screwing around but I think 86 is the highest I’ve ever gotten in competition

But um yeah I mean if I can get to 180 that’s that’s moving it good for me but I’m generally in the the mid to high 70s I would say temperature depending all right H one more driver and then I’ll just maybe have you hit a couple what do

You want to see I want you to hit like a like a hook a hook left to right wind I want you to just hook it back into this wind so that it’s chasing along the ground okay so go a little lower kind of like the 16 at Saw Grass Drive yeah yeah

16 at Saw Grass like tumbling around the corner there kind of do this on 10 at Augusta sometimes sometimes 13 what are you doing you’re closing your stance a little bit yeah I I really it’s again I’m not trying to change very much yeah I’m definitely closing my stance and I’m

As you can see I’m just shutting the club face down in a dress and I almost just feel like I swing completely normal okay and just let it hook and then you heal it and it goes way right all right that’s their their first Miss all day I mean you also would

Very rarely would hit this golf shot unless you probably had some serious like visual cues telling you you had to yeah yeah I mean I but you this is kind of you know when you’re at home you got to get creative like I could try to okay

I’m going to try to kind of it’s hard to hook at that much with the wind but start it just right to those two posts down there and kind of turn it use almost like that tree and that pin as my Fairway all right and if you don’t it’s

Dead it’s water it’s OB both sides don’t go right no left you can go further left but that’s just trees on the left I mean that’s a pretty sweet bullet it’s not hooking as much as I wanted you do have like 20 miles an hour coming off

The left I think I’d have to go I’d have to go you have to get more extreme I’d have to go high it’s it’s at low it’s and it’s starting so right that’s bad caddying by me no it’s okay oh that’s pretty fun oh yeah yeah that’s

Still going left even with the wind look at it’s just be it’s a strong wind wind is a it’s always going to be kind of windy out here right yeah yeah all right let’s just hit a couple wed shots we got 68 uh 106 and 130 to these three so what you

Want to just hit one to each sure 68 and then we’ll call it good 68 what do you you you always use a 60 for a shot of this length most most of the time yeah um it have to be either super soft green super windy or yeah you know maybe some

Kind of strange pin but you know it’s on this angle it’s kind of just straight off the left maybe a little hurt so probably be trying to hit it pretty close to that 68 number flushed it oh firm green firm green what’s the best wedge shot you’ve ever

Hit in your career shot I’ve ever hit yeah wow I mean the I’d say the wedge in Mexico on 18 just given the circumstances in the hole Yeah Yeah what’ you say the next one was uh 106 so 106 that’s basically a a perfect full Sand Wedge okay but cuz it’s

Probably playing what more it depends I mean I would like I’m going to hit a gap wedge because of the amount of wind yeah yeah it’s a little hurt so with the gap wedge it’s probably only going to play0 but I’d probably have to go up near 115

If I hit sand wedge so this would be one where it’s it’s taking a lot off of a gap wedge but because of it it’s going to stay quite a bit lower and be more controlled might have taken too much off of it just a little bit no a little forward bounce though

Have you played I guess obviously you’ve played this golf but you have you played 18 whole rounds out here I’ve played one okay that’s it yeah with smiley yep with smiley nice you said you made it look easy but 130 something you said 131 okay so I’ll let you call you wedge

Or nine iron I they’re both fine uh I mean I think it’s a wedge cuz I think the wind is kind of switched to more left to right instead of into and I think you’re a strong guy thank you uh how far left to the flag

You going to start it uh I’m going to kind of start it between like the left edge of the green and the hole okay so again I can feel like I can kind of hit a normalist shot mhm if I keep a somewhat of a decent flight on it should

Be like a 136 137 Shot just started a little far right yeah oh scent it too that one got rid in the wind a little bit I might need a do over on that one yeah let’s try again let’s go maybe 130 all right let’s walk it off with this one a little

Wedge could have given you a bad yardage too no this is going to that’s actually a good point I think you did give me a bad yardage it’s never my fault you know that 6 feet for birdie Justin thanks for warming up with us absolutely dude thank You


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