Golf Players

The Opening Drive – December 22nd, 2023

00:00 – Blues-4 Panthers-1 — Rams-30 Saints-22 — Yoshinobu Yamamoto & the Dodgers are in agreement on a 12-year, $325 million contract

17:40 – Sick of it

35:55 – Former PGA Tour Pro Jay Delsing on the biggest changes coming for the golf & the PGA tour

52:27 – TIOLI

1:06:35 – Fresh Take: Did the Dodgers just completely break baseball?

1:18:36 – Blues radio analyst Joey Vitale breaks down a big win in Florida & gets ready for Christmas

1:37:00 – The Fight

1:49:00 – Mike Kelly, voice of the Tigers breaks down the Tigers expectations in tonight’s Braggin’ Rights game

2:07:13 – Rush Hour Reset

2:18:10 – MLB Network’s Greg Amsinger on the record-breaking deal for Yoshi and if Cease is still in the cards for the Redbirds

2:40:25 – NFL Weekend Preview

2:54:40 – Rocc and Roll
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Good morning everyone happy Friday from the opening drive on 101 ESPN in St Louis where at 7 o’cl your time check brought to you by Clarkson Jewelers and officially licensed Rolex Jeweler Brook Grimsley is out for the holiday over the weekend as you may or may not have heard

Carrie Davis he bolted he’s he’s going to the fast lane Danny Mack is in for Brook this morning Daniel mcglaughlin uh my longtime friend great to have you with us how do you like that first song uh you you warned me hit me right over

The head uhhuh uh-huh I was ready for it though cuz you gave me fair warning that it’s uh quite an interesting song to enter the show with so it was yeah you you’ve always enjoyed that song I love it absolutely turned that baby out yeah

Well I don’t miss a show of yours so I was somewhat prepared good oh we are going to have quite a show we’re going to talk to our mutual friend Jay deling you’ll be on with Jay on Sunday morning here on 101 ESPN Joe Vali will join us at 8:15 Joey

Will talk about watching The Godfather on Christmas oh I’m sure he will not about a blues wind but about the Godfather well we always try to fit in a little blues at the end with Joey he is he’s the world’s most interesting man he is he definitely is uh another great

Friend of ours Mike Kelly will join us we are live at Enterprise Center at 20 after 8 for the opening tip of the brag and rights game yeah we’ve got that tonight and Greg aminger is going to join us as well uh do you have all your holiday

Shopping taken care of Daniel uh yeah Libby does okay good Libby Santa so you know she’s going to help us out and uh you know that’s the bottom line if you have a a good uh wife she helps you out with the shopping and you found that out

For years yeah absolutely how about you I uh I I completed my Christmas shopping yes I have I’m I’m doing well uh the St Louis Blues are doing well as well three and one under Stanley Tucci behind the bench they knocked off the Panthers last

Night by a score of 4 to one and they come home against Chicago uh tomorrow night and they’ll have a chance to move closer to the wild card spot in the National League’s western conference right now the blues have 33 points Arizona has 36 so the Blues are three

Points out of that wild card spot last night the red hot Jordan kyou got things going for the blues after a scoreless first period kyou tallied 450 into the second three on one Blues in Kyo straight away but navic whips on a shot kyo’s there he

Scores they were chasing a grease pig in the offensive zone and kyou put it in the Corral one nothing Blues 1510 to go second period as the Blues score first and Dana seems pretty obvious the Jordan Kyu is playing with more energy and more effort since the coaching change yeah

For sure and that’s one of the things that you had to do to me if you’re making the coaching change one of the things I got to get out of my best players is their best effort I mean that’s why you do it clearly there was

An issue there with kyou and with Craig barui I thought what was important last night is getting out getting the first goal Blues are now 14-1 and0 when they score first Florida hits a post they hit a bunch last night they were 120 and two in scoring first so getting the first

Goal was big for the was huge in that game Pavo bch naavis scored had his goal taken away but then two minutes later he scored again the Panthers there and Reinhardt got it out of the Zone he skates in with foring now and it’s turned over Blues try to catch the

Panthers changing kyou hitting the trailer Thomas to kyou davich backhander score a patient backhand shot from Pablo bnic and the top line has two in the period two nothing Blues 1214 to play second period Alexa tchenko would score before the second period was out 3-1 blues heading into the third bavage with

His second of the night an empty Netter at 1651 of the third and the Blues win it by a score of 4 to1 and they split the two games in Florida getting drilled by Tampa and then knocking off the Eastern Conference champions last night good win good win Top Line bich Thomas

Kyou second period alone Randall counted for six points B bich had a disallowed goal in addition to his other two so he could add a hat-trick but total for the the top line was eight points eight shots and a plus eight so when you’re looking to win games Top Line margin for

Winning for this team is Slim in my opinion their Top Line has got to be really good and Robert Thomas three assists last night you know he’s on Pace for a 90-point season right now Bobby Tommy yeah I got to do that too uhhuh okay that’s part can figure it out part

Of the deal I can figure it out uh Drew banister now 3 And1 as the blues head coach expected this bounce back to be honest with you it was a there was a response I expected like that that’s that’s that’s a character team in there uh I know they’ve gone through some some

Some tough spells here in the last little while but um that was expected and I mean they dug in here tonight it was an impressive performance and as Dan mentioned especially by the Top Line listen he he he’s a professional um you know what happened what happened two

Nights ago is is done and over with like uh he came out and he played an outstanding game you know Robbie Jordan again you know they were our best players again here tonight and to win this league you have to have your best players being your best players you know

But what I thought overall as a crew like everybody came uh they were ready to compete and we did things you know in our game that we didn’t see two nights ago talking about pav bich who I think Dan is the most gifted blues player and

If he exhibits effort on a regular basis that’s the sort of performance I I think you can expect well the other thing too is that you know the blues have been trying to get off to quicker starts and second periods in particular have been awful for the blues to start a second

Period and Joel hord made a huge save it was 17 seconds in and I thought man he made that save they may win this game and when he did it set the tone for the second period and they wind up winning the game the blues kept the slot in the

Crease all night open for him he saw the puck and made uh I’ve read and I was laughing about this I’ve seen 36 saves I 37 I’ve seen 39 here’s the bottom line he allowed one goal that was it so goal tending last night to me was the key

Including three Saves by the post so you had a little luck go the blues way and hofer’s way but I thought he looked good last night blues and the Blackhawks tomorrow night 6 o’ pregame 7 o’clock face off here on 101 ESPN Dan you and I

Mentioned are uh we remember back in our day the Blues and Blackhawks used to play the last game before Christmas the first game after the holiday it home and home and it was always a brawl it was great and one time I remember Brian Sutter was coaching the blues and it

Must have been in the late ‘ 80s CU it was at the old arena and the Blackhawks were in town it was before Christmas and the blues finished their skate and Brian is still on the blues bench and Daryl Sutter is the first Blackhawk out to start skating laps and getting warmed up

And I am right behind Brian and the blues bench and Daryl skates by and says hey Merry Christmas Brian Brian says blank you Daryl that was the Sutter family though that was the Suter that was quintessential Brian absolutely absolutely that’s how he played that’s how he coached you know

Hard work is a skill too Randy oh yeah you know it e yeah yeah so uh the I I miss those and I I miss the brawls I think all of us longtime Blues fans do I miss the rivalries like the Hawks it’s still a good rivalry don’t get me wrong

But I miss like seeing Detroit a little bit more come through town I mean that was fun punch a red wing fan in the face day was the best punching I remember that that’s right that was pretty fun that was great football last night the

Rams beat the Saints by a score of 30 to 22 Rams are eight and seven they have the Giants and the ners still on the schedule and have a chance to make the playoffs and uh play in the first round and get drilled how about our buddy from

Viani Kiren Williams to me he’s the key he everything feeds off the running game with him but Matthew Stafford had an NFL record with Calvin Johnson in 2012 passing 2021 Cooper cup second most receiving yards pukaa is 147 yards shy of the rookie record for receiving yards Matthew Stafford doesn’t get enough

Credit for just how good he’s been for a long long time he’s a Hall of Famer I think he is we talked about it yesterday with Anthony and he thought he was kind of the Hall of Famer really good I think he’s a Hall of Famer if you could pick a

Good player well pick any guy Calvin Johnson Barry Sanders Matthew Stafford that were in a hor situation in Detroit that was it if Matthew Stafford winds up getting picked by the Steelers rather than the Lions he’s an easy Hall of Famer probably cuz they were winning

More probably go to a couple Super Bowls it’s just a matter of where you land and for a long time Detroit was the worst place to land and late last night if you didn’t hear Jeff passon reporting that Yoshi Yamamoto has agreed to terms with the Dodgers a 12-year deal for $325

Million the old record for a pitcher a starting pitcher Garr Cole 324 million now his was only a 9-year deal but in terms of Total Money Yamamoto will get the most ever for a starting pitcher from the Dodgers and La after signing sh Otani and trading for and signing Tyler

Glass now now adds Yamamoto to the mix arguably the the best hitter and the two best pitchers available in transactions this offseason Dodgers have spent more than 1.1 billion and if my calcul ations are correct the rest of the league less than 900 million combined so the Dodgers

On there with glass now Otani now with Yamamoto one point over 1.1 billion and it’s amazing to me this doesn’t even include you know they had a posting fee 50.6 million in addition to 325 million so you got the posting fee as well and this is for a guy that has never thrown

A pitch in the big leagues now I understand there’s all the the saber metrics and and you can look at video you can look at what he did at the World Baseball Classic and all of that’s going to tell you he’s probably going to be a pretty good pitcher however it’s still

Amazing he’s never thrown a pitch in Major League Baseball do you think there will ever be a financial limit for the Dodgers no I don’t think so either and with with what Otani did by backloading all that money it’s allowing them to go out and do this and I you know the

Cardinals that opening Series all eyes are going to be on the Dodgers and the Cardinals you got Yamamoto gray in game one m presumably yep glass now and then take your pick of the guys that you have left but then they probably Michel I would think I would think so too I’d had

Mats in game three against ber glass now in game two uh Miller going in game four against maybe Gibson I mean this is uh this this team is loaded and we were talking before the show and you made a great point the San Diego Padres at this

Time last year were a loaded team yeah great great starting staff excellent closer and hater lineup full of stars and they went out and had a terrible year it’s got to be played on on the field I get that but I’ll tell you what when you spend that kind of money I’ll

Take my chances with those teams and they’re really smart and one of the things the Dodgers will do is they’ll bring in some lowbudget guys and turn them into great players they they have the best teaching staff in all of baseball it’s the opening drive on 101

ESPN Danny Mack and Randy Brook is off today Carrie has departed uh Dan and I have done shows at at uh KMOX together had a great time doing those over the years did them at the big 550 together had a great time doing those over the

Years and it was fun and I am honored to announce that Danny is going to join this show yeah I’ll be with you for a few days not all the days but a few days every week coming in with you and Brooke and uh looking forward to it the station

Has been great to me Randy I have looked up to you forever I was your producer Forever at cameox and I was just in awe really I was I was in awe and how you did shows it was just amazing of how you could fill and do it with class do it

With dignity and do it with knowledge and uh you’re one of my best friends in the world so when you guys approached me about doing this you know thought about it and it didn’t take long but I thought you know what this makes a lot of sense

And with Jamie on the road as much as he is with the blues they needed some help there and I was able to do that and I enjoyed it and had a lot of fun with Anthony and Carrie now moves there cuz then you get a full-time presence so for

Me to come in a few days a week and hang out with you guys is a lot of fun for me looking forward to it and we’ve always enjoyed working together so uh we’re looking forward to Matthew Brooke and I having you as a part of it and you too

Matthew I I shouldn’t have left you out so I appreciate everything you guys do thank they stick me over here in the corner it’s hard to see me no no no they don’t do that that’s why I that’s why I got the brightly colored magc flag it’s

It’s look at me look at me I mean rainy and I talk about this all the time we talk sports off the air constantly so he might as well just do it on the air a little bit more and so that’s what we’re going to do yep we’re looking forward to

It welcome uh to officially full-time 101 ESPN Dan mclin is uh now part of the team on a full-time basis coming up what are you tired of we’ve got sick of it coming your way here on 101 ESPN All right we welcome your text 314 399 9646 314 399 Yoo uhoh I don’t do Yoo that’s one of the thing I just don’t I can’t get into it dude on that give a little halfed can I give you can I get halfhearted from you like Matthew will

Participate just just give me like a Yoo okay 314 399 9646 314 399 Yoo yo ho yes there it is just a little one I can’t okay uh SI get your get your siit texted to the Air Comfort Service text line right now yo ho uh Danny this is something that

Isn’t going to change but uh I’m sick of the fact that we can’t Christmas shop like we used to I used to take off the week between uh the last week before Christmas and I used to go out to the mall and Shop like when the malls were

Open until midnight malls Clos at 8 now I’m sick of the fact that we have ruined brick and mortar stores don’t you love Amazon though I do I mean Amazon makes it pretty easy anybody guilty as anybody yeah do you do a bunch of Christmas

Gifts me you’re more of a guy that gives the cookies away and the carrot cake which I’m very pleased about um and and wish I had my own carrot cake from you and I didn’t get it this year but I wasn’t part of the show then so I guess

That’s why I was eliminated next week you can plan on one next week okay for New Year’s it’ll be a belated Christmas gift yeah you know what I think about your carrot cake it’s better than any restaurant carrot cake I’ve ever had I will bring you carrot cake and I’ll take

You behind in the curtain here back in the day Danny Mack and I used to do shows it was a Thanksgiving tradition unlike any other and we would uh we would do a Thanksgiving night show I don’t know why people were scheduling us on Thanksgiving night but they didn’t

Have enough I was really cheap so you weren’t I was so they’re like you’re going to run the board for the football games that’s what I did so what Danny and I would do is we would eat an entire French silk pie between us so we demolish that it was ridiculous it was

Fun those were the days it was gluttonous it was I’d get to uh I would get to KMOX which is when we were carrying all the games you know for those those Sunday or the the Thursday Thanksgiving Day I’d get there at like 10:00 and wouldn’t leave until 9:00 at

Night when you were done with sports open line and everything else so that was my Thanksgiving that’s what you got to do yeah so I am I’m all about brick and mortar stores but yes a carrot cake is coming your way a triger carrot cake

Next week I am sick of the slow nature of Major League Baseball off season now excluding what happened last night late last night if you’re just joining us Yamamoto signed for 12 years and $325 million with the Dodgers and the Otani signing um it’s just slow it’s it’s

Boring it’s monotonous you go to Nashville and really nothing happens at the baseball winter meetings and I compare it to like hockey hockey you hit July 1st there’s all kinds of signings there’s a buzz and NHL network has a special they put the the day aside

Because of free agent frenzy yes and NBA does it too and so does the NFL and there’s a frenzy to it there’s an anticipation you’re on the front page of a sports fan you know you’re thinking especially if you love that sport you’re all in you’re it’s it’s some of it’s the

Fun part part of the sport the speculation where guys go changing teams that’s just this day in agent Sports and right now if you look at the available free agents in Major League Baseball there are a ton crazy a ton of good Award winner in the national league

Right that just I I’m just kind of sick of the slow monotonous nature of the offseason right now Major League Baseball and I don’t know why baseball can’t figure it out but you’ve been in this situation with spring training and you as you know Patrick and I go down to

Arizona for spring training and three or four times I’ve been in an airport on the first day of NFL free agency and in an airport with thousands of people that’s all anybody’s talking about yes right we don’t even know when the first day of baseball free agency is but

Basketball hockey football we’re all talking about the very first day of free agency baseball it basically just started two weeks ago with SH Otani and I guess it maybe picks up now that the big Domino Falls in Yamamoto so now you’ve got Montgomery and you’ve got few

Others like Blake Snell as you mentioned that are out there that are anticipating to to be pretty big winners in the free agency market so but here’s the thing there there it’s kind of an Unwritten rule when you go from Christmas to New Year’s and it’s not to say that there

Won’t be some signings maybe potentially next week but it’s kind of the Dead period it’s the it’s the one week where guys are like a handshake agreement with GMS and president of baseball operations like hey let’s turn this turn the cell phone off for a week even though they

Never do you know what I mean it’s like I’m not going yeah I’m just not going to call you and you don’t call me and agents let’s hold off and then after the first of the year we’ll get this thing going again one of my favorite days was when the Cardinals in

1995 they signed both Andy Bennis and Ron Gant on Christmas Eve remember that that was fun all right what do we got on the text line there Matthew right out of the eight somebody says I’m sick of the Dodges you you can’t have this much money this isn’t

Fair what are we going to do about this one the Yankees have done it too the Yankees and Dodgers have one of those teams has been one or two in payroll for 12 of the last 13 years last year the Mets surpassed them the Yankees and Dodgers have one world championship in

Those 13 years the the Dodgers in the co year which I don’t even count so and the Yankees haven’t been to a World Series despite having a one or two payroll for 13 consecutive years Yankees haven’t been to the World Series since 2009 no cap and baseball which will never happen

The players union will never ever agree to that no how didn’t yesterday even want to have the rule changes right there’s a there’s a committee a competition committee and there are players on it but they were out manned by the number of people that are on the committee the players union didn’t even

Want to make the changes for some of the rules that they think could improve the game I mean the players union is so strong that you will not have a cap and baseball I think there needs to be I would love to see a cap and baseball but

At minimum there’s got to be a floor well that’s the thing if there’s a floor there’s got to be a cap and that’s why the Players Association won’t agree to it even though the vast majority of their players would benefit from a salary floor because you don’t have a maybe not the

Top end guy right the the the top 10 15% are going to clean up but otherwise look at the Cardinals you’ve got a rookie bench and an essentially a rookie Bullpen you don’t have big money players on your bench or in your Bullpen and many of the Cardinal specific many of

Those guys are young players that aren’t making money there used to be a place for the $5 million bench player that was a professional hitter that player rarely exists anymore I’m curious what you think of this now that Yamamoto is signed and it was 325 which is roughly

In the area of what people thought 10 year though 3:25 is kind of like the this is 12 um basically the uh it’s the Bryce Harper contract do you think the Cardinals got away with signing gray and Lynn and Gibson at a lesser amount than potentially they could have gotten if

They waited yeah the Cardinals were smart I I think they were in that regard I mean you can debate who they brought in and whether or not you like them but in terms of just the money of it it might have made sense the way that they

Went about it and I’m pretty consistent about this I think the Cardinals have added 10 wins with those pitchers and and the people that hopefully it’s a better defensive team but that gets him to 81 and I want to get to 91 92 93 94 I still think they need that number one

Guy okay 41 leads lost 28 blown saves save percentage of 56% erra over 10 in High leverage situations out of their Bullpen Bullpen ER was 20 uh 24th 29th in strikeout rate I mean you can fix the rotation all you want but I’m telling you there needs to be Bullpen

Improvement like they’ve never had from year to year absolutely I mean the bullpen got to be better this year call me Scrooge but I’m sick of Rocking around the Christmas tree I heard it right after Halloween and I’m done Christmas tree at the Christmas party

Hop no I I cannot agree with that that I I like that song I like many Christmas songs I don’t like uh the Jimmy Buffett One how can you how can you you just got to like Christmas you just got to like the songs Christmas yeah uh yeah I like uh oh there’s no place like home for the holidays Perry Como old school 1954 I always felt like this is your favorite

Time of the year oh it’s a great time of year I love this time of year you get fired up I do yeah it’s fun well you get the bragging rights going tonight you got the hawk in town tomorrow mhm and then you got uh Christmas Eve right yeah

And you have golf with Jay delsing 8 to 10 on Sunday that’s a Shameless plug oh yeah that’s going to be awesome you know if that uh I think it was 21 yeah it must have been two years ago it was like 75 degrees on Christmas Eve and Mary and I

Went out and played golf at Whitmore on Christmas Eve it was awesome last year it was like zero yeah it was freezing last year horrible last year oh can I can I be a little snarky on our final text of the of the segment somebody said

I’m sick of my text not being read now Randy could there be a reason why this person’s texts aren’t being read well I don’t know tell me I just I usually if we don’t read text it’s because the quality is poor okay and let’s see up the game buddy uh

Well okay the the game is upped he’ll be fine okay yeah we’ll but yeah uh we will make sure that this 314 gets some texts read all right we’ll we’ll take care of you all right fine yeah this is a it is

A fun time of year I was uh uh sent a a text of the old uh the let me start this I’ll move back some of my favorite memories as a kid as you know were going to football Cardinal games with my dad at Bush Stadium so my some of my other

Fond memories when I had a real emotional attachment to the National Football League was the last couple of weeks before Christmas the NFL would have their Saturday afternoon games on networks and Budweiser would have that spectacular Clydesdales and Ed McMahon or George Clooney going holiday greetings from Budweiser

Yeah uh that is something that I just love and I love that memory so I sent that commercial to a friend saying man I used to love this time of year because it was so cool I wish our friends at Budweiser would put that commercial even

Just go uh go retro and use the 1982 or whatever year it was version holiday greetings for but and just do it again their commercial after 9/11 was the best incredible the one that only played once right that’s right that was the one that stands out for me so they were uh man

They had it going back in the time yes they did I miss going to Cardinal games football Cardinal games oh that was the best did you prefer Rams or Cardinal games okay so it’s an interesting question uh the greatest show on turf was was Unforgettable but my Fondest Memories are football Cardinal games

Where we never even had a home playoff game yeah but me too if you ask my favorite sports memories top five Isaac scoring that touchdown in the first game against Minnesota and I think part the scoreboard is he’s scoring yeah part of that is Dan that I was friends with

Those guys and so and it was so fun because Mike Marts who’s back here now I go to him 99 after the first couple of weeks I’d say hey how many touchdowns do you think you guys are going to score and he give he’d give me the number

Every week and he’d nail it would he really yeah he was man what a brilliant uh football mind Mike Mars is I hear him on the radio now and I love listening to him he’s he’s fantastic and that team heck we had five Hall of Famers right

Five Hall of Famers from uh so those memories are great but the only I can throw out 95 well 95 was fun but 96 97 98 and then anything after 2003 wasn’t really fun for no that was tough that wasn’t a lot of fun yeah but the entirety of the football Cardinal

Experience for me was fun I missed the experience yeah I was talking yesterday we were talking about your food making abilities and clam chowder got brought up and I remember stopping by your tailgate San Francisco in town and having your clam chowder and I miss those experiences those were great yeah

And big Frank would bring the big game funds when we would play San Francisco yes yeah that was great yeah uh coming up we’re going to talk to Jay deling we’ve got a little uh PGA Tour talk to discuss with Jay and uh he gave us a

Great idea I think a lot of people are going to get this Christmas gift that he’s going to tell us about next time 101 ESPN this is Rocky with your sports center update driven by Johnny la off Chevrolet and Johnny LOL autolex the Blues last night come out of Florida with a win

After getting trounced in Tampa 4 to1 over the Panthers they’ll look for another win on Saturday before the holiday a 700 p.m. faceof against the Blackhawks you can catch the pregame show right here on 101 ESPN starting at 6 p.m. also last night Thursday Night Football it was Rams and Saints and the

Rams improved to 8 and S following a83 to 22 win over the Saints and last night Jeff passing on ESPN reporting Japanese star Yoshi uyama Moto has signed with the Los Angeles Dodgers on a 12year $325 million contract the largest deal for a pitcher in years in value in Major

League Baseball history that is your sports center update driven by Johnny laof find your Rosen shop 247 at in laof are you kidding Me [Applause] you hear D mlock with Jay deling every Sunday morning here on 101 ESPN as they talk golf from 8: to 10: and now Dan is an official member of the opening drive here on 101 ESPN and Jay joins us every Friday morning to get ready for that

Sunday show so these two will have an opportunity to get together and and preview the Sunday show Jay is with us now on the celebrity line good morning sir how you doing good morning boys looks like we got a little Allstar team over there this morning two of my favorite people

Guys I love it well we appreciate that yeah we got to get you in here sometime and I think Brook at some point will take a vacation so we’ll have to have all three of us and then we’ll go play golf afterwards yeah oh yeah let’s do

That so well if you do that Randy just don’t bring your wallet just say I I forgot my wallet and I don’t want to play with Jay I’ll play you need to have a license any and stuff you better bring your license your wallet you don’t want to

Have the wallet there cuz he’s going to get in your wallet that’s all there is to it wall J deling is one of the few golfers that has a square attached to his cell phone so I take cards right VMO Works no problem I’ve seen it with Jay

The old days we used to have that credit card that machine it was so bulky the Square’s nice because it just in your back pocket so Jay I’ve run into like half a dozen people this week who were listening last week when you brought up the Bushnell wingman man you sold a few

Of those for the holiday season that that’s a pretty cool little uh device that you talked about well guess who got me turned on to it and who actually bought mine for me is sitting right next to you okay standing back yeah yeah it’s

Uh you know what Jay I find it is a great distraction when I’m hitting it right left and duffing it that I got music to listen to now maybe you don’t need that cuz you’re piping it down the middle but guys like me I need that oh

It’s it’s so fun and I mean if you you engage that little chip you put that chip in your pocket and your cart will be 40 yards from you and it’ll say you’ve got 145 to the unbelievable it’ll bark out a yardage at you it’s yeah it’s

It’s really awesome and Randy I got to tell you I’ve got to get a slice of this carrot cakes Danny knows I make a mean Macadamia chocolate chip and oatmeal cookie that I will bring in lie of a piece of that carrot cake and I we will

Will make some sort of weird Christmas exchange whenever the hell that happens okay sounds good I I love the idea all right let’s T touch on a couple of golf things first of all I think it’s kind of weird that NBC is going to hold auditions to have their next analyst and

I I get it because they don’t know who’s good but they got rid of Paul ainger they never really have effectively replaced Johnny Miller okay you know the golfers out there Jay who do you think wouldd be good boy you know I like Kevin gner in terms of his personality and his

Frankness he’s he’s a great he’s a great personality but that doesn’t translate into what you need there you need somebody that’s had a lot of experience and and been in a lot of different situations and then can tell you and I think gosh we we’ve talked Randy I think

You and I’ve talked about this and I think Danny Mack you and I talk about this all the time with TV you need to tell people what they what they need to know that they can’t see cuz they can see it you have to go what what is this

Guy going through why is his you know why is his Pace picked up why you know and that’s all you know what stressing things like like do to you so I don’t know you know Paul McGinley is a guy that’s going to get a try out and

They’re going so much Randy to Accents you know that it it it just I don’t know why exactly but they find it interesting so I think Paul McGinley is going to have an inside uh track at that but it’s hard to it’s hard to know because what they’re trying to do is

Find somebody that’s still relevant that’s a bigger name that has had a big career that’s kind of in that limbo time you know where he’s not 50 he can’t play on the champions tour but he’s not going to play that much on the regular tour and and somebody to the resume like a

Zach Johnson but I don’t really see that personality as and Zach’s a great guy don’t get me wrong I I love him but I don’t see that is being a personality that’s going to come through on the on the on the TV in a meaningful way so I

I’m not sure it’s a it’s a really strange time because Phil Philly Mick had basically the carpet rolled out for him yeah to step in and and knock this thing out and you know what he’s done so it’s a it’s it’s a weird time three of the names Brad Faxon get it

Justin Leonard get it brandle shamble I know he is he a little bit too controversial even though uh Brooks Kea isn’t on the PGA tour is is brandle shamble with the group of people that he would be broadcasting too controversial I don’t think so I think what brandle would do you know Brand’s

In a in a really unique position at the Golf Channel and he’s been on the show a couple of times and we gosh I can remember the day that brandle and I met I think we were 16 years old he um he he takes these he’s one of the most well-

Read people I know period forget sports but period and he is prepared as all hell for for what he has to do but he is deliberately taking these controversial stance because that’s what’s been dictated to him and he is he has kind of grown into that role and now I mean I

Give him trouble all the time I’m like I cannot believe you’re such an authority on everything and he’s like yeah that’s that’s kind of what my job is I believe as an analyst he would you know and here’s another guy he’s going to struggle Randy because of the situation

Since he has not been in you know he had a really nice career but he didn’t win a major he didn’t win that massive tournament and so it’s going to be it’s going to be a challenge for him because he’s going to tell you what he thinks but it’s not like somebody like

Lee trino telling you hell when I won the British Open this what happened here’s what was going on and this is where Liv is struck again because the guy that would come to mind that would be perfect for this is David farity and David fairity is with Liv and the other

One that comes to mind that would have been perfect for this is Phil Mickelson and there is zero chance that that’s going to happen on the PGA tour zero chance you’re absolutely right zero chance these guys have chosen different different paths and and for various reasons and um mostly financial and so

Yeah it’s it’s really interesting I sat there when um Denny we had Kurt pm on the show a couple weeks ago and when I was talking to Kurt off the air I said you know because they let Kurt uh audition and he said you know quite frankly they told me there’s a slim

Chance they’re going to give this to me but they want me to have that chair for a couple weeks and I said Kurt I can’t come up with anybody I mean you either get you know Justin Leonard’s in his in his 50s and and I don’t it’s his career

Has kind of gone odd because he’s starting to play more and so I it’s it’s i i i con Kur I can’t come up with anybody it’s in that Zack Johnson uh age range guys that sort of but there’s not that personality there’s not that champion that that sits out there and

Goes oh gosh this guy will be perfect for TV and don’t you think Jay and this is really across all sports is that guys make so much money the motivation really isn’t there to say well I need a job they they don’t I mean some guys want to

Just keep their hand in the game uh keep the door open for various things and other guys are like you know what I’ve had enough I’m good see you later oh 100% Danny and here’s the other thing that I mean Davis Love was going to be

This guy for CBS and Davis is is a a good buddy and he said there is no way in hell I’m traveling that much I mean because even though you’re not playing so you don’t the travel was way more than he uh he had bargained for and so

He just he kind of gracefully stepped out and there wasn’t even any sort of notification it’s all of a sudden Davis just isn’t on the broadcast anymore so it has to be somebody that’s ready to you know travel another 20 20 something weeks a year and typically guys what NBC

Does is they want to groom you and start you at the Golf Channel and move you up and then kind of you know um increase your visibility and see if you can handle those situations so it’s just an odd time I I I can’t think of a there’s

Not one player that jumps out at me that’s you’d be like oh yeah this guy would be perfect for that role hey Jay one other thing and we’ll talk more next week as we hit the end of the year but with with the emergence of Victor hland

In 2023 and wam Clark and Ricky Fowler’s return and Brian Harmon uh sure John ROM has gone to live and some of the Premier guys have gone to live but nobody watches live do you still think that the PGA tour in terms of players not maybe

In terms of the way they approach things or their financial situation but just in terms of players is the PGA Tour still in really good shape Randy it’s a great question I I got to tell you there’s so much at stake in my opinion right now because if we

Don’t bring this this yaser guy to the table he’s going to continue stealing all the best players and what he did with John ROM Randy is that he kept adding $50 million to his offer until Ron finally said okay and and and and and you know human nature kicks in after

A while and like how can I pass up you know $500 million it’s and this money doesn’t mean anything to them no it doesn’t mean anything to them and Randy we had a gentleman’s agreement that no other players would be posted until after this framework agre deadline which

Is the the 31st of this month had passed and we have pissed him off our commissioner by going out and seeking all this extra these possible investors we have really ticked him off and so the John ROM thing in my opinion is a shot across our bow saying I’m not going away

If you don’t bring me to the table I’m going to just start stealing more of your players wow and then we’re going to have a real I mean think about it guys I what I think we we’re going to go to is some sort of World Tour something where

There’s going to be a a collection of great players playing in South America and playing in over in Saudi Arabia somewhere and playing over in England and and and have maybe 15 or 20 events and maybe 60 or 70 guys and have some sort of unity there and I think that’s

What they’re going to do and if we don’t this is going to change the PGA Tour forever because if they keep taking all the great players what’s going to happen to the PGA tour now these kids will come up and they’ll still be really good but all these records that Jack and

Tiger and everybody else holds so near and dear and you know for me personally all I ever wanted to do was hope I could make it out on the PGA tour those things are going to be so minimalized because everybody’s going to be playing in different events and now there’s going

To be new events and this is you know is this is this isn’t Augusta National but is it going to be considered a major because it’s you know such a cool event and there’s a lot on the table and now the the USGA and the RNA roll back a

Golfball and make it harder public to play golf and I just want to blow my head off hey a best of show a best of show on Sunday right yeah we have Barbara Nicholas we have David fary Brad Faxon and uh Andy North and uh man we we

Had some fun Danny Mack and I had some but Barbara Nicholas is one of the coolest human beings on the planet that bar none and just she did something and called I think she said to Dan as we she was signing off she said thank you Paul

And she hung up and she text me within 30 seconds and say Jay please apologize to Dan for me I just called him Paul but I am I remember so sweet so nice that’s great all right J guys have a great weekend and Merry Christmas Merry

Christmas to you guys too I love you both thank you brother you too buddy that’s Jay deling with us on 101n coming up we’ve got to take it or leave and get your text into the a Comfort Service text line 314 399 9646 314 399 yo taking or leaving next not doing it

I’m one a one f [Applause] Danny Mack Matthew Rocko Randy carer it’s time for take it or leave it on 101 ESPN Danny one of my favorite people uh that I’ve ever worked with is is you you’re one of my all-time favorites you Budd love you uh another of my favorites

Is Rick ventu who I stay in close touch with he is an analyst for the Indianapolis cult he was linebacker coach here right yeah he was he’s one of my favorites right now his Colts are tied for the AFC South lead with Jacksonville and Houston all three of

Those teams are eight and six and last night coach texted me and he said I know it sounds crazy but when you look at our remaining schedule and that remaining schedule includes at Atlanta this week against the Raiders at home on New Year’s Eve and then the Texans at home

At the end of the season he says I think we’re going to make the playoffs and win this division take it or leave it the Colts do falcons Raiders Texans if they win out they win the division and how many games of of those are at home uh

Two of the three two of the three I’ll take it I always go with this time of year I go with the home teams and then I always look at okay for instance like the Rams have the 49ers in their final game how many of the healthy players are

Going to be playing for the 49ers in that game right so I I look at that too what’s at stake for the other team and this late in the season if guys are banged up and you’re a team headed to the playoffs there’s no reason that you

Would think that they’re going to put their guys out there and so Frisco is a game clear of Dallas but really two games because they clobbered Dallas in their head to head so they they essentially have a two- game lead over Dallas uh Detroit is also 10 and four

San Francisco may be in a position in that game where they can’t afford to lose when they play the Rams take it or leave it the Buffalo Bills will make the playoffs I’m going to take that Daniel they’re the outside looking in right now

All they have to do is win out and then and I know this sounds terrible for Miami but Miami’s got a tough schedule uh if Buffalo wins out and and Miami loses one of two either to Dallas on Christmas Eve or the Ravens on Christmas uh New Year’s Eve both of those games

Are tough and then they’ve got the bills at home Miami does to round out the season if Miami loses one and buffalo wins out and that would include a win against Miami in the closing game of the season Buffalo would win the division I think they’re going to okay I got a

Followup then I don’t I don’t see the dolphins beating the Ravens take it or leave it Josh Allen could wind up being the MVP of the National Football League I’m going to leave it okay I’ll leave that too however in the odds makers eyes

He has moved up to fourth in terms of a chance to win the NFL MVP with Brock py leading the way that’s something else is is mcaffrey ahead of him too no mcaffrey is down from that point I think mcaffrey should get I think he should get the MVP

Jaylen Herz was in there Dak Prescott was in there then you had uh uh Josh Allen and then mcaffrey you know who sneaky to is and he won’t get it but man Jerry Goff has turned into a really good quarterback sure has five touchdowns last weekend against Denver

28 26- 10 on the season he’s got a division winning team pretty good pretty good Matthew what do I got what do you have take it or leave it I’m filling in I’m filling in and fitting in you are take it or leave it the St Louis Blues

Only have two players that would be considered firstline players across the NHL B navic and Kyrie are second liners Thomas and Colton pero are first liners first pairing players uh I I won’t say across the NHL I would say for the elite teams that that would

Be the case that’s where I was going but not across the blues are still a middle of the pack team there’s the blues have more Talent than half the teams in the league and I you think so yeah and if you look at which is where their record is they’re

What 33 points I think three out of a playoff spot so you’re right in the middle right I just and I I don’t want to pump up the tires of B kyou is not but B naavis is a really talented player and all he needs

To do is stay healthy but if you look across the NHL do the Blues for would but naavi be a top six player for Montreal yeah would he be a top six maybe not for Calgary but he probably would be for B Buffalo right now Seattle I I think that we

Underestimate his skill KY has the skill he just isn’t that player and I’m not sure about Colton I don’t think Colton’s a top pairing defenseman for every team in the league either what kind of numbers would Robert Thomas put up if he had an elite goal scorer next

To him he’s got 35 points 32 games he’s on a pace of 90 points for the year now they’re thinking at some point I would assume that kyou would be that guy that becomes a 35 goal scorer right I mean that’s fair to say when you’re paying

Him that kind of money yep but uh if you put Robert Thomas on the line with postr that’s what I’m talking about yeah 100 Point guy easy I even put him on a line just put him on a power play with one of those guys I mean the guy he he’s you

Even strength goals he’s behind two players in the NHL and they’re or or for centers I mean’s he’s an elite player it’s just like you’re saying he’s not surrounded by Elite Talent I mean yeah he’s he’s 100 points easy yeah um take it or leave it the Cardinals need to

Stop worrying about paying a ton of money for players and start shelling out money for coaches and teachers of the game Who can develop this team I’ve always said this Randy I don’t know if you agree if I ran a franchise I would overpay for my minor league staff

I would too I I would get a mix of analytics and a mix of players that have been there done that now it kind of goes back into the conversation we were having with Jay deling which is how many of these guys really want to do it you

Know if you’ve made a ton of money and you want to go ride buses in the minor leagues again you better love the game and there are guys out there Chris Carpenter is doing it now I he would likes being around in the minor leagues

There are guys out there you and I both have had conversations with Steve Carlton and Steve Carlton said I would have loved to have done that but they were going to pay me $28,000 a year right you know and Steve Carlton was making millions you better love the game

Yeah wouldn’t you love to have a guy like not now perhaps but back in the day have Steve Carlton teach your A- ball players and here’s a question I have if you are going to make that investment if you’re going to draft Jordan Walker with

A first round pick and send him to a and a a and AA why don’t you give him the best teachers available don’t you think that’s why you’re bringing in yier Molina yes I mean you got contras it it was tough to watch defensively at times last year you have $78 million wrapped

Up in that deal and you’re in year two coming up you’re not going to learn from a better guy defensively than yachty and I’m talking game planning everything protect your investment it’s it’s like if you have those guys if you have those great teachers you are enhancing your

Investment in in your young players it just makes sense to me and for last year the Cardinals I believe had the fewest number of coaches at each minor league Outpost of any team in major league baseball of of any affiliate all of their Affiliated teams have fewer coaches than the other franchises

Especially the elite franchises and that is not the Cardinal Way the Cardinal Way has always been about doing a great job of teaching and preparing players for the major league level now you mentioned analytics it’s about the process and it’s about teaching players individually with video how to perform well well you

Know what that’s the problem because players aren’t being taught how to win players are being taught how to have launch angle right they’re they’re being taught how to throw hard but are they being taught how to make winning plays well I think part of the problem is is

That you’ve had the influx of all these different camps if you will showcases where these kids just you know they’re not going to get signed by moving a runner over they’re going to get signed by hitting the ball in the gap or hitting it over the wall or throwing 98 miles an hour

That’s just the way it is so I to me the place with the young players analytics is there because it can show them what they’re doing but then you have to have somebody teach you either why it’s effective or how to use it effectively

Or not yep and to your point this is not all the fault of Major League Baseball because from the time kids are five until the time they’re drafted at 18 it’s all about individualism and not about playing Agreed 100% and you don’t learn how to play I mean right hit the

Cut run the bases little things like that that’s Danny I’m Randy it is the opening drive on 101 ESPN coming up Yoshi Yamoto is a rich man this morning but how much is it going to help the Dodgers win that’s next on 101 ESPN today’s top stories it’s the opening dries fresh

Take the Dodgers Scott are getting an anomaly you know yoshinobu Yamamoto is 5′ 10 and 176 lbs and Yamamoto is a power pitcher in the making of Pedro Martinez and Tim lindum and other small guys who know how to impart power on the baseball and you know he doesn’t lift

Weights does stretching and yoga and breathing but he has somehow figured out how to perfect his body to throw a baseball at exceptional speeds up to 99 mph with a split finger fast ball that is other worldly and a curveball that drops 5 and 1/2 ft that’s Jeff passen

ESPN yeah you just wonder about Yamamoto who has agreed to a 12year $325 million contract as passon mentioned 510 176b the I think the mount is a little bit taller in Japan and is he going to be able to withstand the rigors of six months of Major League Baseball I think

That’s the the question that I have for every pitcher that is that slight yeah I I think too at some point over the 12 years we were talking off the air Tommy John mhm I mean everybody gets it at some point he’s going to get it I I

Think when I look at it one of the aspects that I think will go up for him is strikeouts he averaged nine per nine last year he was 16 and six with a one 121 erra and he gave up a total by the way of two home runs but you’re talking about a

League that has is you know puts more emphasis on contact right and this is a league that doesn’t this is a league that puts more emphasis on driving the ball out of the ballpark which leads me to believe that he’s going to have more strikeouts per nine than he did a year

Ago yeah that certainly is a distinct possibility and Dan you and I have been looking at this from a super team standpoint and the Dodgers are going to be great we know that they’re going to be a really good team they get Gavin Lux back at shortstop so they’ll have they

They brought mty back to play Third it’ll be Lux at Short Stop they’ll have a little battle at second base but then Freeman and then an outfield of uh Taylor and Josh outman and presumably Jason Hayward is kind of beted second yeah right mie bets at second yeah and

Then Will Smith behind the plate so you’ve got your your top six in the lineup are are really good and your pitching your starting pitching is going to be really good they’ll make a bullpen they’ll be a really good team but economically they will be a superpower

Oh yeah with those two players that they’ve acquired this offseason Yamamoto and Sh Otani from a Major League Baseball standpoint they will be the franchise that owns Japan I wonder why other team like a New York Yankees or the Mets why they just didn’t blow the

Dodgers out of the water with this and say okay the union of Otani Yamamoto and the Japanese fan base the money on marketing is going to be enormous and this is going to help us pay for these two contracts or in this case if you’re were the Yankees or the Mets it’s going

To pay for the Yamamoto deal which is 12 years 325 and as I mentioned earlier did not include the 50.6 million posting fee for a guy that has never thrown a pitch in Major League Baseball which is amazing to me um I I would think that Otani pays

For himself there was a lot of talk about that and I would think that Yamamoto will be in the the same boat to an extent and Dan I I’m with you 100% there and I think they’ll be great on and off the field but I want to lend

Some perspective here and the Dodgers are a different animal but think about this you mentioned earlier that the cardinal and Bush Stadium were sold to a group led by Bill dwit 28 years ago today for $150 million and then they wound up selling the parking garages for

90 right they they wound up actually paying 60 million when you take away the parking garage Revenue 60 million for the franchise and the ballpark $60 million 28 years ago now in the last couple of weeks the Dodgers have given more than a billion dollars to two players it’s unbelievable man when you

Put it in those terms it’s just it’s eye popping but they don’t do it unless they think they’re going to get a return on their investment exactly and so clearly they believe that these guys will pay for themselves yeah and it tells me baseball’s doing fine and the Dodgers

Are yeah Jeff passon used the term anomaly for Yamamoto well when you look at what baseball is doing and what teams are able to pay the fact that the Cardinals can give Sunny gray $25 million a year uh the the fact that glass now gets his money we have even

Mentioned him was it 125 yeah 125 for Tyler glass now was pitched sparingly at times in his career yep but the Giants give a massive contract to a Korean outfielder and free agents are going to come off the shelves now at a pretty high level baseball’s doing just fine Revenue wise I don’t

Think that we need to hold any bake sales for Major League Baseball I guess the question now if you’re a Cardinal fan and if you had any hopes of Yamamoto now he’s off the board remaining options you got Dylan CE Logan Gilbert maybe Blake Snell Jordan Montgomery Jesus

Lazardo is out there Shane Bieber maybe framber Valdez there’s some names I I just I think they’re content with what they’ve got in their rotation and most of their focus is going to be on the bullpen I think so I’ll tell you what I

Give up a lot to get Valdez oh he’s big game pitcher too yeah he’s a stud what do you think of Josh hater I like hater but here’s the thing Dan from the Cardinals perspective if you and I go back in 2004 Izzy was their closer at the

Beginning of the Season at the end of the season in 2006 when they went to the World Series it was Adam way wght rookie he didn’t start the season as the Cardinal closer 2011 it’s Jason Mt at the end of the season he didn’t start the season at the Cardinal as the

Cardinal Closer 2013 it was Rosie right they had muha and it wound up being Rosie that’s right I I do go along with the idea that The Closer is a fungible position and you can you you can find a guy the only problem I have with that where I would disagree is

That you look at what the Cardinals have in Ryan Helly when available when available when available is the problem yeah he’s got to be more available right and maybe Tink hence winds up being the guy maybe Gro winds up being the guy but would I give a 4-year $80 million

Contract to a closer I don’t think so just because of and I just listed the Cardinals if you look at most teams now over the course of the last couple of years yes the closer Presley for Houston uh and this year uh for for the Rangers

Uh it’s been an all year proposition but outside of Mariana River for the Yankees most World Series championship teams wind up having a different closer at the end than they had at the beginning isn’t it interesting how that works out too I mean the hardest thing in baseball in my

Mind to do if you’re sitting in that GM chair or president of baseball operations is trying to figure out your Bullpen year to year m i mean gyos two years ago is lights out and last year not so yeah I mean lights went out a lot when he came into games you’re

Anticipating it’s going to be a lot better so now now maybe this year they’re thinking okay it’s it’s going to go back to the mean and and you’re going to have a guy that performs at the level that you’ve seen in the past but again that’s there’s a lot of wha ifs with

This club and there’s a lot of wha ifs across Major League Baseball it’s not just the Cardinals but looking at it at this point I think Bullpen is where they have to look at when start spending some more money or making trades and a depth

A depth in the bullpen not just one guy but they need multiple guys that’s Dan I’m Randy that’s today’s fresh take on 101 ESPN coming up we’re going to talk to Joey V about the Victorious Blues here on the opening drive on 101 ESPN this is Cory from Air Comfort Service

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For more information fer and frel homes a home building Legacy since 1945 from a car shield studio this is the opening drive on 101 [Applause] ESPN we’re eting uh Joey V but uh you know he runs Dan on Friday mornings he he he goes for a run every Friday

Morning regardless of what the weather is it’s raining here in St Louis for those of you that are out of the market and aren’t paying attention to the weather here in St Louis but yeah Joey ve doesn’t matter cold snow rain sleep whatever he’s kind of like the US Postal

Service except faster uh he he he runs I would imagine though that today’s a little tougher because I’m sure his wife has been busy with their kids getting ready for Christmas they’re fired up he’s been in Florida he’s been on the beach in Florida and they probably got

In pretty late last night and so it’s a quick turnaround if you want to make that run and then make it in time for what is his scheduled visit on a Friday morning with uh the opening drive yeah so you know I guess we’re going to have

To just uh fight on through this and no he’s he’s checking in right now I think we’re going to uh we’re going to have Joey V on the show uh in mere moments I believe are you nervous I am are you I always am nervous when a guest doesn’t

Call in and you’re you’re trying to fill Randy you haven’t been doing this very long have to fill time you haven’t done it very long I can see where you’d get nervous I’m I’m beyond 40 years you’re 40 years now how many years 40 years radio yeah that’s congratulations thank

You it was in May with the night that John Elway got traded 1983 we’re just old dudes man we we are Joey V is with us now on 101 ESPN one of our favorite people in the world uh Joey V Merry Christmas and looking forward to I know

The Godfather how you doing this morning Randy D mag so sorry I had a had a diaper change up there and bit of a blowout and um you know that’s how it goes Godfather I can’t wait I can’t wait for Godfather it is my goto christas movie Randy you have an amazing memory

Thank you for remembering you got it and uh I think all of us uh Dan Joey Randy I think we should all be commended for being so good at changing diapers because all of us I think became very proficient at that a lot of experience M

Ton of exper I mean listen it’s it’s almost like a game to me it’s like a game to me you know my my biggest fault my biggest Bugaboo hiccup as a dad and I I’m almost embarrassed to admit this you know when you transfer your kids from

Like the uh like the strap-on diapers like the Pull-Ups so my first baby Dan I mean hopefully you guys can appreciate this Randy um um I think some some parents out there got to feel for me here I can’t be the only one there’s no

Way I’m the only one so we transfer our kid to pull-ups at like one or two I can’t remember the age and my oldest summer of course and you know she she drops it she drops a number two right so you know you pull it up you pull them

Off like when you go potty you pull them up you pull them off just the way it is like it goes one way up one way out and then of course she goes to number two and I’m like man this is going to be messy pulling these things off so I’m

Trying to pull off these and I I did this guys for like three weeks and I’m constantly pulling these diapers off when she’s got extra baggage in the back in the back seat there and it’s like running down the leg it’s all over the carpet I’m like and finally my wife

Catches me and she’s like what are you doing I’m like well they’re pull-ups like why would why would anyone invent a pull-up diaper she’s like honey you just ripped the side I’m like oh rip the side of course I’m not saving it for anything

Of course so that was my that was my one hiccup when it came to pull-ups with diapers that uh I don’t I’m not very proud of but I certainly learned a lot that’s what fatherhood’s all about you just learn learn Joy did the same thing

So don’t feel bad yeah me too he did okay good I mean there should be uh I mean can’t can’t they make an extra chapter on What to Expect When You’re Expecting for Dad something like about the pullup the pullup chapter hey dudes you don’t need to necessarily pull them

Off they’re just meant to pull up yeah and you know what it’s they say whatever comes up must come down so it seemed like if it’s a pull up it’s pulled down that’s just logic exactly exactly well hopeing no one’s having breakfast as we’re talking this morning

But hey Joey did you run this morning uh no run this morning I’ve been I’ve been slacking boy I’ve been slacking Randy and you know it’s been uh it’s been one big long road trip for the blues and they finally got a little home stand coming up here a little home cooking

Which is going to be nice but no I I chose to I chose weakness I chose to sleep in this morning and and I’m feeling for it too this run club I’m a part of it uh it’s a great thing when you’re there but man you don’t show up

There’s an accountability factor and it’s like an ongoing thread for like four days about the time that Joey missed the run so I’ll be feeling the heat here pretty soon what’ you think of the game last night a 4-1 win for the blues this it was a great game um the

Blues had a lot of success there in Southern Florida I thought Joel Hofer did what he needed to do I think the bounces came very early for him we saw three post while it was still z00 game they got passer one from Bennett one from kachuck and then one of that the

Flutter one there in the second period all three pipes and there was one that even Veri had on the wraparound that kind of was playing tiptoe and and dancing on the goal line that end up not going in too so you know a lot of times especially when you come off a

Struggling start like he did a few weeks ago against Arizona you know get in a balance get a bounce early I thought he got the bounce early but then man he made some great saves down the stretch as Florida started putting the hamper on uh but that was the epitome of what St

Louis Blues hockey will be successful with this year if they can continue to play that way and that’s tight defensively they didn’t give up a lot not a lot of grade A chances in front of the net and then when you get opportunities you take advantage of some

Odd man rushes with the other team cheating you got you got to take the advantage of them and that’s what that Robert Thomas line did of course Jordan Kyu led the way there but overall just a wonderful Performance top the bottom and certainly a great win to wrap up that

Little road trip and and now they got one more against the Chicago Blackhawks will back tomorrow night against against the Hawks here on the Enterprise Center Ice Hey Joe you mentioned for yourself the word accountability what’s your feeling about since Drew banister took over about the accountability of these

People because that seemed to me to be the biggest Bugaboo under Craig bruy that there was just a lack of accountability in terms of effort so you’re around the team every day has that changed and you know I I’ll I’ll say there Randy to your point I think that

It wasn’t because Craig barui didn’t enforce a accountability I think it was just maybe just got a little stale at times and I think certain personalities just it got old after a while and and he just kind of you know to some some ways kind ofbe lost the room just a little

Bit uh but he every day he he preached accountability and he would bench guys he would sit guys he’d move guys around he’d make guys watch the game from the Raptors so but it was really something where I think the players just over time

Got a little tired of it now you look at Drew banister uh and I think he does it the same way I mean we saw some benching we saw some players that missed some shifts I think a really good good growth moment for Drew banister happened over

The last two games when that’s of course you sit Drew excuse me Drew banister you sit Pavo bich in the Tampa Bay game for the final 10 minutes right he had three hooking penalties on that game he spent six minutes in The Penalty Box and then

You put the power play on the ice for Tampa which is was clicking at 30% and it hurt the blues it did so Drew pister just said hey number 89 you’re gonna sit here you’re going to watch for the last 10 minutes okay so a lot of people think

Man that’s kind of crazy here’s a 200 foot player your best 200 foot player and pav bunich and Drew Banister in his third game in is already going to sit the young man how is this going to look well fast forward to last night’s game just one game later pava Bush navic gets

The two goals but what’s really important about the growth of banister and the trust between player and Coach is it was a two-goal game late it was a 3 to1 game and then of course at the very end who did he put out there to to

Save the to save the lead of course and he got the empty that goal was Tava B navic so it’s the accountability of hey when things don’t go well you’re going to have to pay a price for it but we play we’re going to give you that trust

Right back and he did the very next game hey Joey one of the things that Chief talked about he was on with bkm ferrario the other day and he said a big part of it is your leadership and I really hadn’t thought of it in that perspective

But you’ve been on teams and heck Crosby and malcon have been leadership forever in Pittsburgh and they they probably help Mike Sullivan because they are uh the the the conduit between him and the the Lesser players do you think it would have been different not that they could have kept O’Reilly and

We know Alexander Steen retired but if you have O’Reilly and Shen and pro does the message get transferred more easily rather than having a different leadership core yeah it definitely does I definitely does because they have experience right I mean if if you still had petro and O’Reilly and you know

Players like that if you J B doesn’t go on injury is the messaging cross sooner I mean absolutely Randy I mean that’s that that’s just a fact but then you have to look at the flip side of that you know flip side of that is at what

Point do you move on from the veteran players because at some point you have to move on I was a part of the Arizona organization with Shane Don and you know Shane Shane was hanging around hang it was one year after one year after one year after one year you know meanwhile

You have some other players like Clayton Keller that looking to kind of take the reins and but they’re always living in in chainon Shadow I mean look at the twins up there the sedine twins up in Vancouver that’s another perfect example look how Vancouver’s playing now it took

Him a couple years to move on from the sine kind of era but you have to eventually figure out yes it’s going to be certainly great for a lot of buying in certain situations of this Hockey Club if we keep these veterans but if we keep these veterans are we hindering

Some of the younger players um you so plenty plenty of examples of like that around the league you know Ryan getap is another example could he have played another year in Anaheim probably would Anaheim been in a better spot today than than if they were or he wasn’t playing

Absolutely but the problem with that is now you don’t have give you know give players like Troy Terry an opportunity to to Showcase himself and work through the ups and downs and that’s what’s happening right now it’s a growing pain it’s a transition but that’s exactly

What it is it’s a transition that takes time and so for Robert Thomas and the kyus and the paves and even the Colton peros those players that were kind of living in those Petro O’Reilly Shadows for so long as great as that was you

Have to be you have to know when to move that on and also had the expectation that it’s going to be a couple years of of some growing pains and that’s that’s still I think what they’re going through they’re taking some great steps in the right direction uh but I think because

You move those veteran players on like Doug Armstrong did within about three or four more years now you you have that same presence that same veteran accountability presence but now you a lot younger players 10 years younger than the players you would have had them with hey Joey got 30 seconds left just

Your impressions of Conor Bard for fans that are going down to the ring tomorrow and just what you’ve seen with the expectations around him I mean listen he’s flashy I don’t know he’s Instagram flashy Dan I don’t know like I’m old school I like I like a little meat I

Like a little grind I like someone to for check and bang and you know you know get on the hunt and to me I’m just it’s my old blood I think that you know from an Instagram standpoint a social media standpoint he does all the right things

He checks all the right boxes but he’s a young kid and he’s going to grow into it I think he’s on the on the right track he’s got an incredible shot fans that are going there you’re going to see his shot and warm-ups the relase is

Incredible and he can hurt the blues if they don’t stay on top of him but one thing the blues have done very well this year Dan is they’ve been in his shadow they stayed on top of him and they have not allowed any success for him but about a terrific young man and

Incredibly mature Beyond his age uh in the league and of course uh looking forward to seeing him again tomorrow night Hey Jo one last thing uh and you know this you do a great job of it but this is a Christmas with the age of your kids and and your family situation you

Really have to slow it down and savor it I want you to do that for me just to take everything in so that you have that picture in your mind’s eye forever of this very Christmas oh really that’s first of all that’s great advice I hope

A lot of people out there were listening uh it really is and you know there’s so much going on and and just to take a moment I don’t know what slowing and down looks like but I’m I’m G to do some soul search in here Andy over the next

You know 24 to 48 hours and and hopefully I can discover something like that because that would mean a whole lot to me and as as you guys as well and you guys have a wonderful Merry Christmas always enjoy our morning chats and we’ll be talking next week all right Joe V

Love you take care see you later love you guys take care now thank you Joe Vali with us on 101 ESPN he is great he’s he is the most curious person we know coming up Dan and Matthew are and the you thought Carrie enjoyed me losing

The fight you got two guys here that love me losing the fight no no no I’m I’m turning a new Leaf you have yeah I want to see you dominate and come out no I don’t I want to see Average Joe come in here and kick your butt Randy that’s

What I figured the fighter is next do you need a fighter Matthew uh yes we do need a fighter all you need to do is text in to 314 399 9646 314 399 Yoo with your name and the word fight and maybe you’ll fight me next I’m 101 ESPN e

This is Rocky with your sports center update brought to you by salga Heating and Cooling last night the blues get out of Florida with a win a 4-1 victory over the Panthers will’ll be back in action on Saturday facing off against rookie Phenom Conor Bard at the Enterprise

Center it will be a 700 p.m. Puck trop which means you can catch the pregame show right here on 101 ESPN also last night Thursday night football kicking off another week of NFL action it was the Rams over the Saints 30 to 22 Rams now improve to 8 and seven and are in

The driver seat of the nation of the NFC Wild Card and last night the big deal comes down Japanese star Yoshi noo Yamamoto and the Los Angeles Dodgers are in agreement on a 12year $325 million contract that would be the largest deal for a pitcher in years and value in

Major League Baseball history that is your sports center update brought to you by S Heating cooling an independent American stand heating air conditioning dealer welcome to the fight in the Red Corner Average Joe listner and in the blue Corner the Undisputed king of morning drive please welcome Randy carer 8:37 in St Louis time check brought to you by Clarkson Jewelers this is the

Opening drive I’m Danny Mack Matthew Rocko Manning the board our producer today Randy has stepped out we have the fight let’s welcome in Alex to 101 ESPN Hello Alex and happy holidays to you hey happy holidays to you too guys are you ready to take on

Randy yeah let’s do it all right you know how this works you’ll get the options Randy will not he can choose the options for one question potentially and away we go question number one hall of fame wide receiver Lance Alworth is mostly known for his AFL charger days

But which team did he win a Super Bowl with was it Baltimore the Colts the Dallas Cowboys or the Miami Dolphins let’s go with the Colts final answer Final Answer not 100% but final answer question two the Dodgers have a history of record-breaking contracts for pitchers giving out the first $1 million

Deal to this pitcher was that Kevin Brown Pedro Martinez or Baro cologne what was the first option again Kevin Brown let’s go with Kevin Brown I don’t know if the other two played for the Dodgers final answer final answer back in the early 2000s which Blues enforcer

Logged a game with 50 penalty minutes in back-to-back seasons was it Cam Jansen Reed low or Tony twist cam jansson Final Answer final answer all right number four Eric G is the last relief pitcher to win the NL sa young but which Hall of Famer is the

Last relief pitcher to take home the award in the American League is that Francisco Rodriguez Mariano Vera or Dennis Eckersley believe it was krod Francisco Rodriguez Final Answer sir final answer all right Alex how you feeling because rock is going to go get Randy how you

Feeling how you did not 100% that AFL question stumped me have you ever played Randy in the fight I have not this is my first time okay first time uh to take on Randy Mr Mega M Mr know-it-all and he’s going to let you know if he wins you

Know that it’s going to come and he rubs it in your face that’s how he rolls wouldn’t expect wouldn’t expect anything less okay all right at least you know what’s about to happen potentially yep Randy are you ready I’m ready Dan you sure as ready as I’m going to be hall of

Fame wide receiver Lance Alworth is mostly known for his AFL charger days yes but which team did he win a Super Bowl with Cowboys how about them Cowboys is that your final answer Final Answer sir number 19 question to the Dodgers have a history of record-breaking contracts for pitchers giving out the

First ever $100 million deal to this pitcher I’m going to go with Kevin Brown $105 million back in the early 2000s witch Blues enforcer logged a game with 50 penalty minutes in back-to-back seasons in the 2000s yes sir you know I’m going to go with Loy I’m going to go

With Reed low I think he might have set the blues record uh in a game against Chicago so I’m going to go with a read low Matthew question four please all right sorry ry’s camera is not on I’m going to try to rectify that we’ll figure that out during the break

Not sure why it’s not on this is why he’s a video engineer everybody there we I think I got it NOP that’s well there’s I can’t get everybody in the same shot hold on people want to see my face yeah people just want to see Randy and Danny Mack

And not me but right now there’s Randy and Danny Mac people are wondering are they wondering what your shirt which means go medium and sometimes stay out yeah instead of okay cuz my shirt says Christmas shirt okay there you go um gorgeous too Randy is now back on camera

Sorry sorry everybody uh question number question number four Eric G is the last relief pitcher to win the NL sa young but which Hall of Famer is the last relief pitcher to win the AL sa young Hall of Fame relief pitcher that won the AL sa Young well it would not have

Been Raleigh fingers who won in 1981 because Willie Hernandez won in 1984 I’m guessing that uh we’re looking at mariana rivera here I’ll do the lifeline I’m assuming that it was Rivera but let’s do the lifeline here Francisco Rodriguez not Hall of Fame marianao Rivera hall of fame or Dennis

Eckersley oo there you go I forgot about e yeah that year where he walked like five guys I’ll go with e okay shall we check our answers yeah uh no we don’t have to pull a calculator out on this one we’re gonna not not not a close fight here and so Randy carer

You’re trying to top off two full weeks of undefeated fight wins going into your holiday are you confident in that well no I’m crossing my fingers you’re crossing your fingers all right does Randy carer continue his reign of dominance going into the holidays or does Alex does he got a little Grinch in

Him pulling off one last victory before the holidays ring that Bell the winner and still champion of the fight Randy carer go crazy folks go crazy sorry I owed you that there we go there we go sorry Randy oh no worries oh Randy’s happy if he wins he

Doesn’t care if mess up it’s all he cares about Randy did hit the Jack there with a 41 that thing down over Alex too long Alex just give me give me uh Al Davis that’s not Al Davis that’s what I like to hear there it is Alex Randy

Grier beat your 41 today too long Randy you’re rubbing it in be gracious be gracious let go I have nothing to do with this yes you do you have all the buttons right in front of you hit all of them let’s go through the questions and answers hall of fame wide

Receiver Lance allworth mostly known for his days in the AFL with the Chargers but he didn’t in fact join the Cowboys and win Super Bowl six with the Dallas Cowboys the Dodgers have a history of record breaking contract question for Randy was was his nickname Bambi yes it

Was that’s right okay baby face with baby face with a long stride uh giving out the first $100 million deal to Kevin Brown in fact after his incredible season with the Padres back in the early 2000s it was in fact Reed low who put together back to put together two games

With 50 penalty minutes including one against the Red Wings which I had a feeling made Randy carer extremely happy and Eric G the last relief pitcher to win the NL sa young but it was in fact Dennis Eckersley in the early 90s who took home the AL sa young mariana rivera

Finished third twice and second twice in sa young voting in his illustrious career so a 4-1 win for Randy carer in the fight today Alex thank you so much for joining the fight and joining the show today thanks for having me guys happy holidays and Danny M congrats on

Fulltime at 101 I appreciate it looking forward to it got Randy here with me looking forward to Brooke and uh it’s going to be a lot of fun a lot of fun yeah thank you Alex and and damn one thing to remember as you Traverse this full-time job here at 101 ESPN during

The fight yeah I know I you need to take that thing away from you no yoos and take that thing away from you well Yoho is a is a key part of uh this whole thing yeah oh I I will fight for well I I will fight for Yoho

John take that thing away from him right now that’s got to go by the way e was pretty good with the Cardinals he doesn’t get enough credit I think he had backto back 30 save Seasons or he had 36 one year or something like that in 96

Does that sound right when they got him at the age of like 44 45 it’s incredible it was before 2004 so yeah pretty good pretty impressive well you were impressive on the fight I’m not going to get over it no what’s next Rocko thank you Alex coming

Up here on 101 ESPN uh we’re going to talk with our buddy Mike Kelly the voice of the Tigers Bragg and right game tonight brought to you by McBride Holmes and Michael will join us next year on 101 ESPN Danny Mack Randy ker Matthew Rocko the brag and rights game tonight at

Enterprise Center can’t wait for that the voice of the Tigers Mike Kelly is with us now the newest member of the St Louis Sports Hall of Fame he’ll be inducted on February 12th over in Collinsville and Mike congratulations on being named to the St Louis Sports Hall

Of Fame welld deserved how you doing this morning I’m well thank you thank you that was one that uh I mean literally came completely out of the blue for me I mean just um was was totally uh totally shocked and and overwhelmed when uh when my friend Wes Edwards uh told me about

It prior to I think the Florida football game so uh yeah thank you it’s it’s neat how yall doing we’re doing good excited about this how many many Bragg and rights games for you do you know off the top of your head uh well what is this is

Name I’ve done everyone uh well I’ve missed one since n since the start of the 19 uh well since ‘ 8990 I’ve missed one okay 99 so 93 was the game of all games would you agree with that that was the incredible triple overtime

Game I would I mean it was it was an amazing game Dan it was uh there were so many different things last one played on on you know the old lady on Oakland Avenue um you know just one of those things where two different times uh down

Five with with less than a minute to play in regulation down five with with with less than a minute to play in the first overtime Kwan Garis misses two free throws at the end at the second overtime a 91% free throw shooter and then Missouri somehow with uh you know

Jason southernland Derek Grim um you know a bunch of young guys and and LaMont Frasier on the court and after Booker and all those guys had filed out uh found a way to uh found a way to win it it was it was it was an incredible incredible evening and the worst part

Was trying to get up the next morning and do uh early morning Sports at our favorite radio station on one Memorial Drive you’re were always so sweet to me Mike in those mornings you were always in a great mood you had your coffee you were you were just a bundle of

Joy no comment from Mike Kelly I got it I miss you too buddy yeah hey Michael uh this particular team is uh it appears to be ascending and we talked to Dennis Gates yesterday and he’s really proud of the schedule that he put together that this team is going to be battle tested

And this is just another example but you see them every day is this Tiger basketball team getting incrementally better as they go along yeah I I think you got to look at it full scope because you know you you thought those that followed this team when they were

Putting it together um you know you think the two leading scorers before the season starts are going to be Caleb Grill and John ton and you’re without both those guys uh for you know the last several games tan did return and played less than eight minutes uh scored three

Points against Satan Hall in his first game in in in after missing four straight on Sunday so you know you’ve had to make some adjustments along the way um you know and and so you know you got guys that I think are are trying to settle into different roles you’ve got

Young guys that are that are getting better every time they step on the court Anthony Robinson Trent Paris and Jordan Butler um you know and then then you’ve got other guys that just have to be more consistent um you know and and so yeah

It’s it’s it’s a team that uh I think is continuing to get it better um you know and and is I don’t think is the final product what you see right now I think it’s going to going to based on what we saw with last year Year’s team and the

Way that that Dennis Gates and his staff you know handles things it’ll it’ll be a team that will continue to improve what’s it like being around Dennis Gates Mike uh haven’t been around him but he just seems like such a likable guy and he’s doing a hell of a job he just seems

Like a great guy to be around yeah he’s he’s he’s genuine you know and it’s from the word Go I mean from the jump when the day he was introduced um I was asked to do an interview with him on the court at missou Arena about an hour before he

Was introduced and uh you know he he comes walking in and and and my late father used to always say if you want another man’s attention you look him right in the eye and from the from the word Go I mean Dennis Gates came walking up look me right in the eye introduced

Himself we and then we kind of clicked and uh I I just enjoy working with him he’s he’s genuine he’s consistent um he’s he’s he’s smarter uh uh than than than a number of people that he encounters but then he but but he’s also one of those guys

That he has so much confidence in what he’s doing that as a young coach he’s not afraid to listen to the opinions and input of others and uh I’ve seen young coaches that would only listen to what they thought was right as opposed to getting input from others um and so you

Know watching D’s work is just uh is is just is fantastic I mean I wish he wouldn’t stand in front of me as much as he does because my lower back takes a little bit of of abuse on game day but no I mean his he’s put together a

Phenomenal staff just a group of really really diligent intelligent hardworking guys that are uh you know that are building this thing and it’s going to be it’s going to be fun to watch and you know I I think one of the other things as you talk about growing pains is you

Know if you look at the future of Missouri basketball you better beat misso now because it’s going to become increasingly more difficult as as Dennis Gates and his staff continue to recruit to the level that they’re recruiting the voice of the Tigers Mike Kelly with us

On 101 ESPN is it safe to use the old clich and it’s the ultimate cliche throw the records out the window for the brag and rights game is because it seems like many times not more times than not but many times the team that is not expected to win

Does well what was Illinois was rank 16th last year and got beat by 22 right right um you know um yeah I think I think in any rivalry setting you can do that I mean my lands look at uh and granted I mean ky’s a better team than

Louisville and last night it was a game it was a nine-point game then you look up at halftime and and Louisville’s down 20 on their home court so um yeah I I think you can say that with a rivalry game it’s it it’s you know in it’s just such a

Special special setting right with um you know for the most part the crowd split in half and um you know when one team goes on a run their crowd responds when the other team goes on a run their crowd responds um and then you know

If if if it’s out of hand like it’s been on both sides during the course of the last you know 43 years um you know there’s there’s a side that’s that’s that’s kind of quiet and and heads to the exit somewhere early so um you know

It’s just I think I’d agree with that because you know it comes down to you know who makes shots who defends and and and and and who can get their crowd into the game uh to to take away as much of that neutral sight flavor as you can do

You have a favorite memory Mike does one come to mind from this game um well you mentioned it off the top I mean you know the 93 game um is something that I’ll always remember and uh you know just because of you kind of understand I mean just couple weeks earlier Missouri had

Gone to Arkansas and got beat by 52 on the dedication game in Bud Walton Arena um and then you know mou comes to to St Louis after beating copin State on a on a on a late shot by Lamont Frasier and you know wins the game in triple

Overtime um you know with with a number of players Javon crud up on the bench with fouls Melvin Booker on the bench with fouls I mean it literally was Lamont Frasier and the kids leading back um you know in the overtime periods but then what that game meant to that Missouri

Team that would go on to become the only team ever to go through the regular season in the big eight at 14-0 and then eventually go to um you know the regional finals and be one step away from the final four before running into a really really good Arizona team led by

Damon statamire and K Reeves it was it was just a it was a really just a huge springboard uh for for that team back in the 93 994 season it’s funny Mike I was just mentioning Paulo Linny yesterday i’ forgotten that that was the same year

The the Paulo Linny year where he showed up after that Arkansas loss yeah you know what’s funny is that I I’ll never forget this i’ had driven in to do tiger talk uh so driven in from St Louis on a Monday to do tiger talk during the football season after the Arkansas game

And I got in town early so I go to the Hearn Center and I’m walking down the stairs of the Hearn Center uh to go see coach Stewart and I’m looking over in the corner I’ve seen this kid shooting by himself on this basket and it’s like I’ve never seen the

Kid before in my life and and he’s not he’s not missing like literally like every shot he’s shooting is going in and Coach Stewart comes up the the stairs to meet me in about about B level we start talking I said coach said who in the

Hell is that and he looks at me he says Ah just some some some junior college kid some Joo kids you know darn good Paul yeah it turned out to be Paul nonak oenn oenny who uh would help lead that team along with Mark Atkins and other I mean yeah think about

The Firepower Off the Bench with that team with o Lenny and Mark Atkins and uh not to mention the big eight player of the year and Melvin Booker so um yeah pretty fun Squad to be around hey Mike one more thing and Gary pinkle I always delineate between a program in college

Football and a team and Gary pinkle had the program going and obviously it’s only one year but it seems like with this year and the fact that Eli drinkwitz has been bull eligible for each of his F first three and now you see what’s happening with the recruiting

Have they kind of turned the corner of the football program into being a program uh yeah I I I think you you have to I think that’s always a question that that that that continues to linger until you do it over a long period of time

Right um but you know I told you early in the season that this was he led drink with’s his best team and I also told you on this program when Carrie asked me you know what about all these rumors about the next coach at Missouri I told you

Back before the season that Eli drinkwitz is going to be the coach at Missouri for as long as he wants to be um year one building program year two continuing to build year three continuing to build year four you see his best team and they have a a l level

Of success that few except probably the guys inside the locker room anticipated and then now you know you look at what they’ve done not only from a recruiting class standpoint which is ranked in the top 30 although called number 12 I think in the SEC um but you

Look at what they did in the transfer portal is what they continue to do there um in terms of addressing needs and so it’s it’s I think it’s an ongoing process Randy is is a long wited answer to your question uh but yeah I mean he is solidifying himself to put himself in

A position to continue um you know to build this thing to a level that Missouri fans have been yearning for since you know um ble had it running back during you know 134 and before that um and so it’s a process but here here’s here’s the neat thing uh in

My mind with the game on the 30th or the game on the 29th um is Missouri is in a position to do something that very very few Missouri teams have been able to do and that is to beat a national brand on that platform or on that stage

You know in a in a new year new year six game first time you’ve been in a new year six game and now a chance to end your season with a win over a true National brand that would just again continue to build the credibility uh for

What coach drink and his and his coaches and his staff are doing well have fun tonight have fun there and in between have a very very Merry Christmas I’m going to try to sneak down to the floor I don’t have a credential tonight but

I’m going to try to work my way down to the floor to say hi well I have a feeling you will be able to navigate your way anywhere you want to inside that building uh knowing you for as long as I do uh Daniel it is so so I I can’t

Tell you now it’s so great to hear your voice I miss your brother and I wish you and your families uh a very Merry Christmas love you guys you too thanks M appreciate it I was looking at uh the starting linebackers from isou they have Bailey they got Tyron Hopper both are

Expected to leave they picked up Cory flag Jr from Miami and he’s got a history with defensive coordinator uh Blake Baker who by the way just signed an extension the offensive coordinator signed an extension too he played in 43 games over the last three seasons that’s the fifth transfer now for the Tigers

And with a minimum of four transfers Randy Rivals had the Tigers had number one in the country right it’s it’s incredible yep you get the quarterback out of East St Louis you get the offensive T offensive lineman out of Oklahoma who was a five star uh they’re

They’re loading up and by the way to do what the Tigers have done they had a game where Bailey and Hopper weren’t in there to play the defense that they’ve played Blake baker has done an amazing job I think that Mike hit it on the head

Too to take on a national name brand Ohio State on the flip side I you got to wonder what Ohio State’s thinking they’re out of the college football playoff they lose to Michigan their QB is transferred now to Syracuse you don’t know about Marvin Harrison Jr you know

What’s the motivation for them in that game and for the Missouri Tigers and their fan base it probably means everything yeah and there will be a lot of missou fans there I think that’s a big thing I don’t think Ohio State fans care about it but there’s all these

Three and four star kids that don’t get a chance to play at Ohio State now this is going to be an opportunity for them in in the cotton bow that’s Dan I’m Randy coming up here on 101 espm we’ve got our Rush Hour reset after a blues victory in Florida

Hey there’s a lot of things going on at this time of year right you’re all busy we’re all busy because of Christmas and here we are down the stretch and you can take care of your last minute holiday shopping with a gift that everybody in the family will love not just this year

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Off a gift certificate for sound story that’s promo code ESPN at my sound sound story for you for them forever today on the opening drive with a rush hour reset it’s 907 in St Louis your time check brought to you by Clarkson Jewelers an officially licensed Rolex Jeweler Danny

Mack Matthew Rocko Randy carer good to have you with us and the rush hour reset the blues with an impressive win last night in Florida Sunrise Florida after losing to Tampa Bay two nights before the blues Come Away with an impressive victory over the Panthers last night the

Final was 4 to1 and the Blues got things going early and the resurgent Jordan kyou was a key three on one Blues in kyou straight away but navage whiffs on a shot kyu’s there he scars they were chasing a grease pig in the offensive zone and Kyu put it in the

Corral one nothing Blues 1510 to go second period as the Blues score first just a couple of minutes later pav B navic scored a goal but it was called back the blues still had the one- nothing lead at the 746 Mark when [ __ ] navic did score the Panthers there and

Reinhardt got it out of the Zone he skats in with forcing now and it’s turned over Blues try to catch the Panthers changing kyou hitting the trailer Thomas to kyou the bunich backhander score a patient backhand shot from paavo Butch navic and the top line has two in

The period two nothing Blues 1214 to play second period Alex tchenko would score before the second period was out which navage scored late an empty Netter in the third 4-1 the final Joel Hofer was terrific only gave up a fluky goal to the Panthers and the Blues win it by

A score of four to one and Dan as we speak the blues are three points out of that final wild card spot as they take on the Blackhawks tomorrow night at Enterprise Center Blues have what 33 points now I believe 33 correct Top Line last night buich Thomas kyou in the

Second period alone they had six points navage had a disallowed goal he would have had a hattrick potentially but the total for the night for that Top Line was eight points eight shots and a plus eight and you mix that in with Joel Hofer how he played I thought he was

Terrific at Key times and the blues defense cleared out in front and gave him a chance to make some saves now they did have a couple of post the Panthers did but that’s the way hockey go and the Blues win that game meanwhile last night Thursday Night Football the stupid Rams

Beat the Saints 30 to 22 uh Matthew Stafford was good 328 yards a couple of touchdowns vian’s kyen Williams okay 22 for 104 in a touchdown okay we’ll give your viani brother some love here yeah absolutely you know Shawn McVey is still the youngest head coach in the National Football League crazy

He’s been there seven years he’s only 37 that’s amazing and he’s done this with a team that wasn’t expected to do much this year but they’re getting key contributions from obviously Stafford Demarcus Robinson puka nakua Kiren Williams Cooper cup his back healthy somewhat looks like he’s just dying out

There sometimes get he gets open man and they’re a dangerous team I I look at them in the NFC as being the equivalent to what the bills are now in the AFC they’re a hot team that people do not want to face don’t want to face them if

They make the playoffs exactly at this point what is the more impressive Shawn McVey offensive coordinating stat is it is it getting is it Jared gof taking an offense to a Super Bowl or is it puka nakua having more 150 yard receiving game games as a rookie than Randy

Freaking Moss did cuz those I think it’s puka those are that’s unbelievable I mean he is not that incredible catch radius great hands good route Runner but when you compare him to a Randy Moss the way he’s scheming up this kind of yardage from puka is incredible M it

Pukaa came in and said I hope to make the team and if I do I’ll be on special teams that’s what he said after the game last night he didn’t expect this to be the the case tomorrow here on 101 espm we’ve got the Melia bowl that starts at

11:00 and that has Arkansas State versus Northern Illinois and then after that game we’re going to have the Idaho Potato I think it’s the famous Idaho Potato Bowl which is one that you always want to uh you don’t miss that no that’s there are some that you just you don’t

Miss every year Georgia State and by the way missou just got Georgia state’s running back in the transfer portal uh Georgia state will take on Utah state in the famous Idaho Potato Bowl there’s also a couple of NFL games tomorrow pretty good NFL slate this weekend it really is it’s and Christmas

Day I’m not going to spend any time with my family Bengals and and Steelers well you’ll be watching the NBA well no I’m watching I’m watching okay all right I just thought you’d be doing your NBA KCK off to the season I love NBA on Christmas bagels and Steelers tomorrow

Uh that’s at 3 3:30 St Louis time on NBC and then tomorrow night you’ve got the bills and the Chargers and you better have peacock yeah because that’s the only place you can see that one tomorrow how about this exclusively on peacock tomorrow first time ever no commercials

Will be shown in the fourth quarter oh cool a first time ever I wonder can you get like a free peacock preview just so that you can get the game tomorrow and then cancel it right after what about maybe they’ll put it on that I

Don’t think so no make it accessible to fans I think if somebody can text in on the text line 314 399 9646 314 399 Yoo what’s the thanks guys what’s the best way what’s the best way to pirate NFL games it’s all over Reddit all the time

I don’t know I don’t know how to do it I don’t think I’ve got peacock I don’t think we can have that conversation on the air sure we can sorry I don’t think we can have that conversation on the air without getting in trouble oh okay yeah

Let’s let’s move on how about that Yamamoto uh yeah Yamamoto uh Yoshi Yamamoto sides with the doers 12 years 325 million plus a $50 million posting fee so he’ll cost them 375 million oh by the way if you hadn’t remembered they also signed sh Otani to $700 Million

Worth of contract so that’s more than a billion dollars and Tyler Glau he was a cheap guy for him this year Tyler Glau also signing being traded to and signing an extension with the Dodgers they’ve got a few dollars invested in their ball Club well the rest of the league is

Combined at 900 million and they have three guys over $1.2 billion I’ll tell you what though I don’t see it stopping with the Dodgers I mean their TV contract was for for 8.35 billion gugenheim runs or manages and owns the team and they manage more than 3 billion

Hundred in assets so the you know the well is not going dry here no they’re going to keep signing guys that’s Dan I’m Randy Matthew is here and that’s our Rush Hour reset coming up we’ll talk more about this with our buddy Greg aminger a fellow Linden wum he is the

Lead anchor of MLB Network and joins us next on 101 ESPN fil celebrate the holidays with St Louis Suit Company in Clayton your favorite Hometown men store family-owned and operated for over 25 years shopping can’t get any easier St Louis Suit Company has quality men’s merchandise unbelievable prices and old school

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Call from my friend James car thanks Luther that’s right for every quote you mention Luther Burton theii we’ll make a donation nil on your behalf check us out on onine at Carlton 314 961 4800 warmest wishes for a joyous holiday season and happy New Year please be safe

During the holidays and don’t drink and drive a reminder from your friends at underlaw injury lawyers get 101 ESPN has your chance to win free tickets to Parker mum with special guests Cory Kent and George Verge on February 10th at sha Fitz Arena tickets

For the 2024 vered down tour are on sale now but we’ve got your chance at winning free tickets for the show get entered to win those free tickets for Parker mum right now either at 101 or on your 101 mobile App And standing by is the lead anchor for MLB Network a native of St Louis and another Lindenwood product from the Lindenwood University the great Greg amsinger joins us Merry Christmas sir how you doing oh Merry Christmas I I’m doing much better I I woke up a couple

Days ago with no voice crazy right a chatty Kathy like me was taken I was my greatest weapon was removed I could not talk do you understand how painful that is for someone who doesn’t shut up naturally to sit around and not be able to say anything it was like my my actual

Hell on Earth so that I have an appreciation plenty of steroids and my voice still sounds gravy but I’m back in business Now Greg when I have those days at home it’s like their most glorious day [Laughter] was it in your house oh my goodness my wife has never liked me

More I said all the right things but not saying anything at all what was your impression Greg of uh Yamamoto and finally getting signed and maybe what that means for the rest of league and some of these chips starting to fall well I gotta tell you I was really

Excited for the last MLB tonight before Christmas because we always do crazy hairbrained holiday Centric segments so last night I’m texting back and forth my producer and I’m going to do a a naughty or nice segment where I am the devil and I pop up on Chris Young’s shoulder and I

Tell him why this baseball season was actually naughty and then Bo Porter is an angel and then he shows up on his other shoulder and he tells you why the baseball season was actually nice and we were this is an amazing segment green screen production I was walking through

The whole thing and then yamama Moto news breaks and I’m like are you kidding me I only have one hour to work baseball gets in the way I was grumpy but anyways I have to put the analyst hat on here and talk about it it’s what the Dodgers

Are definitely going to do they’re they’re going to own baseball this is what Mark Walter’s whole emphasis is uh I was in LA for the showon press conference we were live for it uh chatted with him uh Stan Casten the CEO Mark Walter the owner they they want to

Win five World Series titles in the life of the Otani contract at least they want to be they are now and I I actually I wanted to make this point the day of the Otani press conference but I’m going to make this point tonight I’m going to be

On at 6 PM Eastern uh I would love to go to Studio 42 and do a makeshift grave site and um lower a casket that’s got the New York Yankees logo on it and drop it into the ground and then throw dirt on that casket because the evil empire as we

Know it is no longer in the Bronx they are like everyone else the evil empire if you want to view it that way the team that quote unquote buys championships that’s out in La the Los Angeles Dodgers for the first time in baseball history have taken that moniker away from the

New York Yankees it is over the Yankees do not compete with the Los Angeles Dodgers they just don’t and going forward it’s going to continue to be that way the Dodgers will get every Marquee free agent that they want and and that used to be the way we described

The New York Yankees oh if Jason giami is a free agent he’ll end up a Yankee if Mark deser is a free agent don’t worry at some point he’ll end up a Yankee the list goes on and on going back to name it Dave Winfield whoever you want to

Talk about Jack Clark it’s always been that way but that has changed baseball history and the future of baseball has changed the evil empire now resides in Hollywood it’s the Dodgers hey Greg the Dodgers ownership went a long time and Andrew Friedman went a long time expressing pride in the fact that they

Had not given a $100 million contract to a free agent then they trade for bets give him the contract they go out and get Freeman they signed Bower to the more than100 million contract and now uh this lately what’s changed in the last three or four years from the Dodgers as

Opposed to the first 10 years of that ownership I think they realized that the Tampa Bay Rays way which they were sold on hey you meet all these front office Executives they all want the job they go hey look at the average cost per win connected to my resume Andrew fredman’s

Average cost per win was incredible spent no money won a lot of games that’s been uh Theo for that franchise even since he’s left but when you’re in big Market baseball that’s different expectations are high when Randy at Ros Arena can look to his left and communicate with Manuel Margo and can

Almost whisper hey man shade a little bit to the right center field and Manuel Margo can hear him clearly cuz no one’s in the ballpark that’s a different set of stress compared to playing in Big Market baseball where it’s a sellout every night people are going crazy the

TV ratings are high and the expectations are Beyond anybody can can grasp in St Petersburg Florida so Andrew fredman is is living his best life I chatted with him the day of the Otani deal I’m like man I don’t know how you pulled this off but you literally got your name in the

Guy’s contract so you essentially got Andrew a 10year contract today he’s like I know man it’s wild he’s living his best life he’s like he’s got senioritis but he’s got it for 10 years now he the way he conducted business in in Tampa Bay got him this dream job he no longer

Has to conduct business that way he gets to be you know George steinbrenner’s little buddy that’s basically how he’s operating Mark Walter is gonna buy anybody he wants and ownership the entire group is supporting that idea and Andrew Freeman gets to throw hundreds of millions of dollars around so it’s it’s

It’s to me it’s motivated ownership and I call them the evil empire I I hate that but it’s just the way they are operating I love owners that want to spend money and they they’re not afraid of a you know of a luxury tax that they

Want to win a World Series those type of owners man if if you’re a fan of the Dodgers if you see Mark Walter he’s probably got bodyguards you probably would be able to hug him but if you could give him a holiday hug because he’s giving you more presents than your

Parents ever got you Greg I’m curious about Trevor Bower you know there’s a lot of folks that would say well that’s one guy you can go get that’s upper echelon you’re not going to pay $100 million for him but of course there’s a lot associated with him is there talk

Around Major League Baseball that that some team will take a chance on on Trevor Balor I I think it’s a game of musical chairs man it’s like okay if you’re considering this name the guy or the woman in the front office meeting that brings that name first and then

Everyone gets are you going to be the one that everyone stares at and be like wow you have no soul Greg really you you think this is where we need to go look everybody deserves a second chance I understand that but this is a guy that

Has been you know he didn’t hide the fact that this was the interaction that he had with this woman um you now he cled he declared that she was uh open to do all these things but still it’s a guy that chose to act the way he acted we

Can get into it or you can just Google I’d prefer if you just Google it I don’t want to say it out loud I I I would be blown away if uh a major league baseball team was so desperate for uh a starting pitcher that they

Would take on the pr mess of Trevor power I would be blown away and it might be the most surprising thing I ever see in my broadcasting career because of of the way he conducted himself before that ever happened he was not uh Zach Morris

The most popular guy like on sa by he wasn’t that anyway he wasn’t that anyway so it to me this was the cherry on top of a Sunday that nobody woned anyway so I would be shocked if his talent got him back in the big leagues couple more

Things for the great Greg amsinger okay let’s go Sunshine Lollipops give me a way that the Cardinals find themselves in the National League Championship Series in 2024 we’re Christmas 2023 so I want you to put the Cardinals in the in the NLCS for me it’s really easy uh from

This point forward glass now’s gone I mean the way you have to look at it to me if if the if the goal is to go to the World Series for every National League team there are two teams that are now their future before opening day has

Changed you have to be realistic the Atlanta Braves St Louis Cardinals if you like your two teams and you think that you can go to the World Series now you can’t you you you can’t consider yourself as good as the Dodgers you literally can’t you cannot as your teams

Are constructed right now if everyone stays healthy I get injuries anything can happen right glass now blows out Yamoto actually isn’t as good as people thought he’d be in the United States anything can happen I understand that but based on what we’re looking at realistically right now the Atlanta

Braves and the St Louis Cardinal are not as good as the Dodgers now are the Cardinals one player away probably not even after everything the Dodgers have done but because there are so many things that can happen of course of 162 if the St Louis Cardinals traded three

Prospects top prospects and a Brendan Donovan to the Chicago White Sox to get Dylan CE and just detonate and go we’re we’re all in we got to get this guy because as of right now the starting rotation improved get it they did it they did a lot $200 million payroll most

They’ve ever spent they’re they’re investing in the product totally understand that you can’t hang with the Dodgers but if you get Dylan CE and the Cardinals who have had this this this this mest touch with really getting the best out of starting pitchers historically uh if this guy goes to a

Win now environment like you know last year was a terrible environment pitch in people don’t understand the psychology of an awful losing Clubhouse which is what the white socks were uh I think this guy’s the most talented pitcher available now that glass now’s already been traded I would I know this sounds

Crazy people love Corbin Burns I love Corbin Burns I this sounds CRA I would take Dylan CE over Corbin Burns I think Dylan CE we do not know Dylan ce’s ceiling yet we know Corbin Burns’s ceiling I think Dylan CE could be one of the best pitchers in baseball if that

The best based on the way he could spin a baseball so I I think the Cardinals decided wait a minute the Dodgers just changed the national league landscape we have to change the way we’re planning for the 2024 season we don’t want to give up Brennan Donovan that’s who they

Want we have to give up Brendan Donovan we’re gonna give up hence we’re gonna give up other pitching prospects we’re gonna give up the guys we covet because we need to get this group it’s got goldm and arnado and some aging veterans we got to get this the World Series the

Only way we get through the Otani Yamamoto Leed Freeman bets Powerhouse in La we’ve got to get another swing in Miss and Dyan is the only guy that they can go get to do that and Greg you uh were doing MLB tonight every night in 2022 and I’ll just run through this 14

Start stretch for Dylan CE that started on May 29th earned runs allowed 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 not a bad 14 game stretch that kind of shows you what the ability is and that’s not a small sample

Size either and and a side note every time I call Chase Bank I would prefer your voice being the one that says uh you know di in your number right now zero one that just was I don’t know was calming to me right now but no I agree

And I think that 2022 Dillan ceas is who you go get you cannot think last year the Chicago White Sox which many people have talked about Keenan Middleton was traded to the uh to the New York Yankees and openly talked about how dysfunctional that Clubhouse was how how

Awful the environment was on the south side of Chicago that affects human beings and I think Dylan CE was affected by it and I I do not buy his 2023 performance so I all in on Dylan C I thought the Cardinals could win the division without him I still think they

Can but you’re not beating the Dodgers and if if the point is just put up a NL Central pennant then let’s roll in the opening day guys we got the team to do that but if the point is to go to the World Series you’re not doing that hey

Atlanta Braves you’re not doing it either because you’re starting pitching is not as good as what the Los Angeles Dodgers have guys by all accounts everyone I’ve talked to Yamamoto is a super star pitcher and when glass now’s healthy which he’s never really been in his career he might have the best stuff

In baseball these two guys have been added to rotation that’s got Walker ber coming back these two guys have added to a rotation that in 2025 shotani will be injected into the rotation the St Louis Cardinals you think big picture here are we going to even sniff a World Series or

Are the Dodgers going to build this Juggernaut are the other National League teams going to sit by the side and watch the Dodgers build a machine that no one else can compete with I would be shocked if that were the case all right tell us about Christmas at the aminger household

Before you go oh my goodness I’ve got my entire family coming which is about 94 people I’m kidding I do come from a large family seven kids I’m one of seven kids everybody’s coming to the am singer Manor uh we’ve been decorating my wife my poor wife Erica is stressed out

Beyond belief because well she’s married to me and I’ve been like acting like I can’t get off the couch because I can’t talk right so when you when you’re married to someone who mils the smallest things like a bad hair day I want to

Stay in bed all day so it’s hard to get everything ready when you’re married to Greg Amon but we’re we’re fighting through and it’ll be a wonderful Christmas that’s for sure have a great time I see that it’s supposed to be 50 degrees on Christmas there is that golf

Weather for you oh my goodness just saying the word golf golf puts me in the dogghouse during the holiday season I don’t I don’t know what that sport is Randy I’ve never played it that’s a good move on your part well played there Greg uh Merry Christmas holidays everybody

Same to you brother we’ll talk later see you that is the great GRE gam Zinger on 101 ESPN he he always brings it he does I uh you know when you when you get the news of the Dodgers and the money that they’re spending and the kind of

Rotation they’re going to I mean think of the rotation not just this year think about next year you add Otani to it I mean but Dan won’t they have to go to a six-man rotation because include Dustin may you mean right and because that’s what yamamoto’s pitched in in Japan

That’s what Otani came from in Japan so and he’ll be coming off of Tommy John bu will be one year removed may like you said and then you’ve got kids Bobby Miller or whoever it seems to me that if there’s a major league team headed toward a six-man rotation it’s there and

Glass now uh who doesn’t throw a lot of innings I think his career high is 130 so it it seems to me that that would be the team that’s probably headed toward to six man rotation divisional play began I think it was what 54 seasons ago I just looked

This up best record has won just 14 times so the best record in 160 best team over 162 games the best record has won just 14 times in 54 seasons in the past 54 so as much as I appreciate what the Dodgers are doing it’s you know there’s injuries there’s things that

Happen now they put themselves in a position to win don’t get me wrong but it’s hard to win and then the numbers bear that out and if we localize it since the dit ownership took over two best teams were 04 and 05 didn’t win the World Series probably the two worst

Playoff teams were 06 and 11 yep right that’s the randomness of the postseason just get in Arizona last year see what happens yeah right that’s Dan I’m Randy Matthew is here coming up we’re going to take a look at our favorite matchups this weekend in the National Football League on 101 ESPN

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Sports Center update driven by Johnny LOL Chevrolet and Johnny LOL autolex the Blues last night get a win in the State of Florida this time beating up on the Panthers 4 to one Jordan Kyu gets another goal in his Redemption tour Blues are back in action on Saturday

Evening facing off against Conor Bard in the Blackhawks at Enterprise 7 Enterprise Center 700 p.m. puck drop means a 600 p.m. pregame show right here on 101 ESPN last night another week in the NFL kicked off with a Rams Victory 30 o to 22 over the Saints and last

Night Japanese star Yoshi noou Yamamoto and the Dodgers agreed to the largest contract for a pitcher and years in value in Major League Baseball history 12 years $325 million that is your sports center update driven by Johnny LOL find your roads and Shop 247 at and LOL are you kidding me Josh inis will be in for Tim mccurnin in the 10:00 hour Dan and Randy and Matthew with you taking a look a quick look at this weekend in the NFL and Dan tomorrow the Bengals are at the Steelers Steelers have fallen apart they’re starting in Mason Rudolph at quarterback the Bengals

Have done done great work in the absence of Joe burrow with Jake Browning at quarterback and if the Bengals went out they’re in right now if the playoffs started today the Bengals at 8 and six would be in the playoffs despite losing Joe burrow I wonder what happens to Mike

Tomlin whether they get in or not they’re going to squeak in if they get in I got to wonder if he sticks around I I I I I did some NFL games and he was a coordinator at that time and I had to be in meetings with him he’s an impressive

Guy very nice man um and he’s done a hell of a job with Pittsburgh but the way that things have gone I mean Indy just steamrolled them the other day with the running game and Pittsburgh has known hard-nosed defense sto the Run didn’t do any of that the other day no

They are not what they used to be and that a lot of it is a Personnel issue with them now Buffalo if the playoffs started today at 8- six would not be in however Buffalo plays the Chargers and if Buffalo wins out and Miami loses to E

Either one of their next two games Miami or Baltimore I’m sorry the Dolphins lose to Dallas or Baltimore then Buffalo would win the division so it’s a Miami loss before the final game of the season and buffalo winning out including the finale at Miami they Road tested they’re a hot

Team since Joe Brady took over the offense as the offensive coordinator they’re now averaging 30 points a game they’re three and one since that time frame and as I mentioned earlier Josh Allen Is Now by Vegas odds the fourth highest guy in terms of having a chance

To win the MVP and who would have thought that probably 6 weeks ago yeah would not have thought that no not at all another team that really has a great playoff chance is the Indianapolis Colts and they’re another one that if they win out and that they hold the final wild

Card spot in the AFC right now if they win out they win their division so you have five teams in the conference eight and six two of which are Houston and buffalo just outside the playoff picture nine teams s- seven or 9 and five overall in the NFL you want wanted

Parody you’re getting it now yeah we are doubt now you’re getting it now Seattle and Tennessee Seattle at s and seven they just don’t feel real to me I I don’t take them seriously I don’t either maybe they are but we won’t uh you’re not sold on will Levis uh Tennessee I’m

Not ready for the you’re not ready they are ready I can’t be ready for them lions and Vikings uh that’ll be an interesting game Vikings are seven and seven they play great defense their quarterback situation has led them to be really bad offensively and the lions are a threat the Lions

In the playoffs are going to be a team that you don’t want to play I think that’s the most intriguing game of the weekend now you do have some really good ones that jump off the paper like Buffalo or excuse me Baltimore and San Francisco you got Miami Dallas those are

The ones that are going to Garner the most attention but this in terms of playoff implications might be the biggest of the bunch yeah no doubt about it well another one that is intriguing is the Browns and the Texans and the Texans tied for that top spot in the AFC

South the Browns are nine and five they’re going to probably be a playoff team despite using four different quarterbacks this year is CJ strad uh cleared do we know he he’s not he’s still in concussion protocol for the Texans okay so if he’s not cleared that’s that’s a real problem Keen our

Old buddy here in St Louis who would you give it to stout or nakua for the uh the let’s say Rookie of the Year in National Football League I think Stroud’s injury unfortunately can cost him I do too I mean down the Str I mean this guy’s got

A chance to set the all-time receiving record for a rookie yeah and if n’s team makes the playoffs and stads doesn’t it’s just different exactly even though NCA is catching passes from Matthew Stafford I I I think I would go with him if indeed stoud his injury costs the

Texans a playoff got to play you got to be on the field the Jags need to rebound they take on the Buccaneers who are in the playoff hunt Cardinals and bears uh nothing there and then as you mentioned Cowboys and Dolphins on Sunday afternoon that is the late window on Fox and both

Of these teams accused of not being able to win in certain situations the Dolphins haven’t really beaten teams with winning records Cowboys haven’t really won on the road this is immovable Force against irresistible object there you go Dallas 7 and0 at home below 500 on the road Miami’s won four their last

Five um that should be a fun matchup that could be a Super Bowl matchup I don’t think it will be but it’ll be told that way Dan I think the Super Bowl matchup is on Monday night I do too Baltimore San Francisco yep Joe and Troy

Will have that game on ESPN we will have that game for you here on one one ESPN two teams right now that hold the number one seeds in each conference and man ESPN ABC couldn’t have asked for more for thing for Christmas night Brock pie since 2000 the fourth highest single

Season passer rating in 15 weeks through 15 weeks 119 only better pton Manning Aaron roders Tom Brady think about how good this year the the guy is put together and all three of those guys are MVPs Sam the guy is a young CT Warner you think so with with that sort of

Surrounding cast and he he can throw the ball deep like Kurt could and he’s got tremendous accuracy like Kurt did he wears number 13 he’s from an Iowa school he replaced a a handsome well-liked quarterback that wore number 10 and was taken down by a leg injury he’s CT

Warner all over again 1994 I love your football history featured Steve Young Garrison hers Jerry Rice Terell Owens is this team better oh man that team won the Super Bowl Champion yeah I would say no I I don’t have any of those guys in

The Hall of Fame yet but I do have young and rice are in the Hall of Fame so it’s going to take a few years for this group to reach what that group was man 49 in the Super Bowl I know it was unbelievable and and so I’m with you I

Think because of the Hall of Fame pedigree I give it to the 94 guys any other Hall of Famers because uh first didn’t but uh Owens rice Young I would say on this current team Trent Williams yep yeah but you can’t put Debo in there

Yet mcaffry is on the path but not there yet auk not there no and py obviously is is a ways away so but they have a chance they they’re going to keep him around because PR’s not making money so they’re going to be able to keep this group

Around for a while that’s a look ahead to the National Football League and again our NFL Sunday has the Vikings and lions at noon bucks and Jags at 3 and Broncos and Patriots on Christmas Eve at 7:15 if you aren’t doing anything uh watch and listen to that one coming up

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Indulgent garlic butter bacon starting at 3.99 for a limited time only at Sonic live from the car shield studio this is the opening drive I want to Rock en roll Let’s rock let’s rock today made the announc earlier that Danny will join the opening drive D mclin with the opening drive every day and he’ll join Brooke and I after the new year but great to have you filling in today this has been awesome lot of

Fun love doing this with you Randy it’s the best it’s the most fun I have doing Broadcasting and somebody did text in that said uh Danny will get used to Yoho eventually no I really won’t okay yeah Yoo you we’ve got uh now I have to do

More I you don’t understand anything I used to be able to snake out and like not do it half the time because I’m not on camera my mic’s not on all the time and now Randy needs the support and and I got to jump in and do it I gotta be I

Got to be a team player maybe Randy should be the team player and we move on Wow we can’t do that yeah we can people have to learn how to to save this number in their phone but if you don’t if you’re one of those people that says no

I punch it in it’s uh 314 399 9646 31499 y h yo yo I can’t I’m sorry what do we got for rock and roll I’m I I’m too positive of a person I understand that I’m a positive person I’m a little soft I guess little give a little doughy uh

Yesterday R we didn’t get to mention it because city likes to announce everything at 10:03 a.m. uh but they signed a new player yesterday they’ve acquired 24 year old Norwegian right back Thomas totland from Swedish First division Club BK hackin um I bring this up only because he looks legit and this

Is does he look like does a bet he has blonde hair is there a little red to it I think it’s blonde yeah he looks like it’s blonde to Tomas totan T o t l n d from Sweden he is actually a Norwegian coming from a Swedish team but that was the

Issue with uh dalbor dorski earlier this year when we said that he was a Swedish player but he’s not he’s Czech playing in Sweden so he wasn’t Swedish but Thomas toand is in fact blonde the reason why I’m so happy about this is because their their fullbacks were

Terrible this year and they and that’s how they got annihilated by sportting Kansas City and so now you get somebody who apparently can can range up and down your right side pretty much entirely and uh that’s he seems like a pretty out andout just like you know fullback uh

Wing back kind of player and I think this is a good move I this is I I love City everything they’ve done from the get- go they just keep making the right moves and here we are there’s one big acquisition you need to make to go into

Your season next year and that was a right back and they make it before the even the New Year hits I like him I like him a lot you’ve been you’ve been following him closely yeah and you know what he he obviously brings great SE uh

Great speed but that size he he’s a he’s a substantial young man and I would think that he will be a huge benefit to the SC roster in the efforts to win the championship go to any City games uh just one yeah I watched I watched uh almost every one of them I

Loved it I it was great to watch yeah yeah it’s a great atmosphere when you going the off season was pretty clear defensive Midfield depth and fullbacks and right of the gate they made a trade for Durkin and they and they’ve uh made an acquisition for toland the Lutsen

Company just continue to make the Right Moves awesome good that’s it in uh rock and roll well it’s 958 got to go we got we got Josh inis coming up got it uh we’ve got Christmas coming up that’s on Sunday and Monday Sunday is Christmas Eve Monday is Christmas Day and then

We’ll be back at it on Tuesday I think we’ve got a best of nominally yes on Monday we do have a best of setting up right now you you can relive the uh the the the moment when we found out or the morning after we found out Craig buuy

Had been fired we’re goingon to have a little bit of that Robert Thomas as well we’re also going to have uh all our incredible missou interviews that we’ve had over the last month desire Reed Francois offensive coordinator who Kirby Moore who just got an extension yesterday uh Illinois ad Josh Whitman

Because of course we have bragen RS tonight and then head coach Dennis Gates and then we’re gonna in the last hour of our um besto no no not origins of Yoho but you’re close actually we’re going to play um some of my favorite segments from Carri Davis over the last year I

Actually went back a year and found out a sick of it segment with him and alxa dat where Carrie went off the entire segment just screaming about analytics and how dumb it is so we’re going to play a little bit of that and then also one of my favorite ones when Carrie went

Fully anti- maou and total SEC heal and we’re going to play a little bit of Carri getting very mad about college football beautiful great job today by our producer audio video engineer Matthew Rocko thank you sir pleasure Merry Christmas uh Daniel I’m thrilled that we are working together again can’t

Wa going to be a lot of fun Merry Christmas to you and your Merry Christmas guys thanks thanks for having me in appreciate it brother that is the Great Dan mclaughin here on 101 ESPN and he’ll be with Brook and I on the opening drive we thank you for tuning in texting

In and being a part of the show for all of us until Tuesday morning at 700 have a very good week weend at a very Merry Christmas s and Now for Something Completely Different

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