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How Will Jared Goff and The Lions’ Look To Attack The Vikings Defense? | Film Room

Former Vikings player and coach Pete Bercich breaks down the Week 16 matchup between the Minnesota Vikings and Detroit Lions.

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From all of us here at the Vikings Entertainment Network happy holidays and with that holiday season comes playoff time and the Vikings are in control of their own destiny but first they got to beat the division leader Detroit Lions just still feels weird to say that let’s

Jump on the film and see exactly what this Lions team has and what the Vikings need to do to win this one now when you look at this Lions offense it starts with this guy Jared gof and it’s all about timing this is a timing offense a

Timing passing game and this guy can’t execute it brilliantly what do we mean by that well let’s show you a perfect example this one’s going to be with khif Raymond at wide receiver start out receivers in tight but watch what khif Raymond does they get him to go in

Motion and what Jared G sees is that there’s a linebacker out there covering khif Raymond but watch this as gof getss to the top of his drop he’s getting ready to to throw this football look at the position of his wide receiver he is inside shade of this guy but he knows

That ball needs to be delivered on this spot at this exact time and with a pocket nobody in his face nobody slowing down the receiver that’s in motion you give them the free run of the field their timing will come back to bite you this is darn near impossible to stop

Watch go he’s throwing this football the receiver is not even in his break yet comes back moves the chains this is a timing offense and to win you have to disrupt it on the subject of timing you got to talk about the playaction passing game in this case you got Sam leapa the

Tight end loves G loves getting this football to lorta but we’re going to see why right here right you get the play action gof turning his back gets the top of his drop what is he seeing down here he’s seeing a linebacker that’s going to get

Kind of maybe taken out of this area with the underneath coverage and then you have this little bitty seam between these three players that golf has to get that football in but it’s the timing again top of his drop delivers a laser beam right in between the coverage this

Is a timing offense and you got to disrupt it all right another example of timing on a play action this play a little bit different but this time it’s Alan R st Brown in motion if you are going to rush five 1 2 3 4 5 in Denver’s

Case you have a tendency to want to open up the middle of the field and this is a part you have to keep an eye on again the timing of it play action Goff to top of his drop sets he sees the middle of the field Goff knows that this

DB is going to Cle be cleared because of the go route but again just like we saw you know couple plays ago you have the receiver in the DB you don’t know if he’s going to go out is he going to go out and catch this one at the sidelines

Or is he going to work toward the middle but because the middle of this field is wide open gof canable throw that football but he hits the receiver in stride and look at the yards after catch that’s the I’m talking about with timing all right so to disrupt timing one of

The things you can do is you can Blitz but you have to be careful when you Blitz watch how Jared gof handles it this time with Josh reynolds’s wide receiver up top you’re going to see Denver Broncos trying to get pressure in the middle after the snap you have a

Free rusher to the quarterback G knows this you have a free defensive lineman but your receiver here is where at the top of the numbers G is smart enough to know he has from the numbers to the sideline to throw this football just steps up and throws an airball perfectly

Placed even when you Blitz you’ve got to be very careful all right maybe you want to disrupt timing by I don’t know showing fiveman rush but only giving four got to be careful in this case too but watch this linebacker he blitzes there’s still dropping seven in the

Route but again GF sees what’s happening they know that the tight end moving up the seam is going to pull out the coverage and you’re going to have almond ra St Brown coming in right underneath it so this ball is thrown before this Lane’s even open Perfectly in stride

Look at this yards after catch 20 yards that’s what happens when the timing is right with this offense is you’re getting all those yards after the catch another example again if you’re going to try to pressure them they want to attack the middle of the field this is a

Perfect example again the tight end up you have Aman Ross St Brown he works his way outside just to widen this DB but they’re playing too deep there’s nobody here there is absolutely nobody in the middle of the field and if you don’t protect the middle of the field this is

What’s going to happen perfect throw perfect catch no one even near him dive into the end zone They will shred you in the middle of the field if you’re not protecting it we pointed out Sam leapa earlier he’s starting to become a bigger and bigger part of this offense and what

I really like about him is not just his his his ability to run routes but his physicality and this is what we’re going to show right here but Lea you see him up top before he releases into his route watch what he does right he have to chip

The defensive end boom knocks the outside linebacker on the ground picks himself back up says I’m going to get in this route gets the catch and then few yards after catch to move the chain so lorta is a pretty good tight end and becoming a big weapon for the Lions

Another place we’re going to see lorta quite a bit is the Deep Red Zone and into the red zone so Lions here in about the 19 yd line they’re going to do the old play fake right Goff rolling out this way but they’re setting it up on

The backside you have the first receiver coming through the Zone he’s going to clear this thing out cuz this corner is going to run with him that means this linebacker is already way behind and trying to cover leapor at tight end so he eventually becomes wide open you

Think they have him right here right you have enough Defenders watch that cut back downhill bouncing off people Gets In The End Zone a little bit of run after catch with the big guy too so what’s new for the Lions this guy jir Gibbs you got to be careful with him

They love to run this guy guy off tackle and he’s very very good at doing it in this case you’re going to see the Broncos are going to Loop guys inside which is great if you’re running the football that way but when you’re running right into the teeth of the

Stunt it can be problematic but this is where Gibbs I think really is outstanding you’ll see this situation you have a kickout block here block down here but you have a linebacker who just has to beat this lineman and it becomes a foot race and whenever Gibbs is

Involved in a foot race he usually wins that linebacker just cannot get out there fast enough big run for Gibbs this guy is dangerous so when the Lions start to see a defense pack in the line of scrimmage all they’re going to try to do

Is get some angles and get a gap big enough for Gibbs to run through and in this case they’re going to pull this guard and they’re going to kick out all they’re trying to do is create some angles some down blocks some kickouts then creating a seam and the Broncos

Actually do a pretty good job of holding this whole thing up right you’ll see this defensive end he’s he’s got this this Gap pretty much covered but because of the speed and the ability of Gibbs he’s able to get through that small Gap and burns the linebacker can’t get him

When he gets around that corner he is explosive so when the Lions start pulling people the linebackers start to pay attention and they can kind of trick you with it a little bit watch this play right here this is a very very very well done and executed play they’re going to

Pull this tight end he’s going to seal himself but watch what it does to this guy this linebacker they’re going to make it look like this run is coming over here on this side of the offensive line but in reality it’s not tight end working his way across to kick out this

Defensive lineman now they’ve got a Lineback they got a safety coming down on a defensive back huge block here by the wide receiver kick him down give Gibbs a little bit of a lane can’t get tackled by the alpro corner still on his feet another cutback almost gets himself

Into the end zone and for Gibbs he’s versatile too in this respect you can put a tight end in front of him and run him like a fullback this is schematically about as simple of a play as you can get this is just off tackle turn around toss him the football now

For Denver you have the defensive back here he needs to get up here and build this wall take on this tight end make the running back cut back into Pursuit somewhere this is the lane that you want them to force him to go down

But if you want to get lazy and you want to try to jump inside and avoid contact forget about it so you got to be disciplined in your gaps on defense oh and by the way yeah you have to pay attention to Gibbs out of the back field

As well again Denver on this play send in five sending five and vacating zones and right here what do you have you have two Defenders against two receivers that’s never a great matchup especially when you’ve got golf with a pocket with time with vision there’s just way too

Much space this is the area of the field that they want to attack and GF gets it done perfectly thrown football easy pitch and catch so for the Vikings to have success the defense has to find a way to disrupt the timing of this Detroit offense you can’t just let Jared

Gof play fake get to the top of his drop deliver a throw on time on the money too much yards after the catch and oh by the way if you disrupt the passing game you got to deal with Gibbs it’s going to be a fun Sunday


  1. Both teams are going to have the same defensive gameplan. Try to kill the QB before he can make a play and dont let them run the ball down our throats.

    I know it seems like thats always the defensive gameplen but on both teams they cant cover the other teams WRs (especially DET) so they need to get the passer before he can even think

  2. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂you forgot about wamo its going to be a problem for yall. I like how you try to throw us under the bus talking about its weird saying we are at the top of the Division. Keep that same energy.

  3. Dang! I’m a born and raise Lions fan. I will be watching your videos in the future just because it’s so well done. You know your football. Thanks for the great video

  4. Great breakdown as always Pete!
    If Flores can get his guys in synch they should be able to handle the Honolulu Blue Cats. It will be interesting to see if Goff can read the purple secondary well enough to stick with timing throws. If our guys read & react in a manner he's not anticipating we could well steal some possessions! 🎉

  5. So what your saying is the Lions are unstoppable with all cylinders firing. You left out other playmakers. The other interesting thing is you never know if its going to be run or pass.

  6. Who's side are you on.?. How about showing how the Vikings can beat the beatable Lions 😮 wow. I don't like your negativity in your show

  7. Det's only had their start 5-oline for 4 games inc last wk vs Broncos

    rush ypg
    vs GB 211
    vs Car 159
    vs LAC 200
    vs Den 185

    Det too avg 40 ppg with their start 5 and should have all for Minn.

  8. Lions all pro Center Frank Ragnow is from MN, he is going to put on a show at protection. Lions O line is why everything clicks. Also: Montgomery, Jamo, and Brian Branch on defense loves to pick 6. If Ben Johnson calls an aggressive game this will be crazy fun. If he calls a North snoozer, wake me up in the 4th.

  9. As a Lions fan, I can't subscribe, but I will give you guys top-notch props for the breakdown. Job well done!

  10. NFL knows it would be more interesting if the vikings win out and the lions lose out, and we meet in the playoffs and lions blow us out

  11. Absolutely great break down bro. I just subscribed. Yeah Goff has always reminded me of Cousins. I’m a Cousin’s fan but not against my Lions. Hopefully Cousins gets healthy for next year. I believe it’s time for the North to start talking over. Except for Cream Cheese Bay.

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