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A Christmas Wish For Each Canadian Team | The Chris Johnston Show

On This episode of The Chris Johnston show Julian McKenzie and Chris Johnston go over a variety of topics including:

02:00 A Christmas wish for each Canadian team in the NHL
19:30 You Can Bet That w/ Sports Interaction
22:00 The CJ Show Christmas album
26:00 Holiday memories
29:30 World Juniors and traditions

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The Chris Johnston show we are your friends the biggest stories bringing you inside the game what did you hear powered by Sports interaction your homegrown sports book always remember to bet local here’s Chris with your host jul Mackenzie part of the game here comes CJ Claus Here Comes CJ

Claus right down CJ Claus Lane Merry Christmas buddy I never get to open the show you never get to open these that was really great that was a good voice I thought I was waiting for you to finish the song yeah I I haven’t you know I didn’t have time to jig up

All the lyrics I’ve been kind of busy here opening presents hanging out with my family a so uh it’s a little tease nice festive start though to a great time of year yeah I’m really grateful for this time of year I’m grateful for you and and the rest of the sdpn crew

And the fans obviously but uh getting to spend time uh for Christmas uh just being around friends and family nothing better man and just you know really grateful but I do need you to do something for me if that’s okay cuz I know we’re doing this episode It’s

Christmas themed we’re going to be festive you can hear the Jingle Bells I would like for you to do like one sort of serious hockey thing for me is that okay what here’s there’s not even games going on right now what’s there to talk about I understand I understand there’s

Other Christmas stuff I want to get to on today’s episode but I would love it if you would use your generosity CJ Claus to gift one gift to each Canadian team across the you might as well do it you’re wearing the Hat you have the beard I’m sure you

Still got some some gifts left in the goodie bag why not do it right down CJ Claus Lan please okay if I have to if I have to okay all right thank you thank you CJ literally and literally the gifts you can give these Canadian teams it could

Be anything you want so do you know does Santa fly east to west when giving out the gifts or is it west to east cuz we should do it we should do it in sequential order if I’m going from place to place that actually is something that came to mind but to your

Point I wondered if going from west to east or east to west makes sense since weather goes from west to east why not go west to east see I was sick and it was going to be east to west would you rather east to west well it’s not about

My preference for gifts I’m just trying to follow Santa’s flight track oh man we should have gotten producer Nick to give us an active rout plan this year what was the route what was the route plan we need the active route plan uh okay uh producer Nick says east to west he’s

Made the Judgment call we’re going east to west here so let’s start from east to west so let’s start with the m Canadians then Oh I thought we could start in Quebec City and we could say a team oh no CJ that’s not nice I know I’d love to

See I mean they would love a team there yes yes and I would too I wish I could grant them one gift them one I mean I would I would love it more than anything else for for that community in that City and obviously just the renewal of a Quebec rivalry but

Uh in due time uh Quebec City fans let’s start with the most Shing idiots that’ll be Santa 2024 hits Quebec City yes uh um Montreal Canadians it’s been a bit of a tough year in Montreal they get to be expected MH you know I think what I would grant

Them is a place for them to send one of their goenda offering them something that they would take back in return so that they could ease the the thre headed goalie monster that has been in their crease CU I don’t think this was necessarily the

Plan I mean the plan of course is to protect their assets there was concern at the start of the year but losing Kaden Primo potentially on waivers and so he wasn’t able to go through waivers and play in Laval for them in the American Hockey League they’ve since

Extended Samuel monmo so I assume he’s part of the plans but I I would grant them a suitable trade offer for one of Jake Allen or Kaden Primo because I do think after a certain amount of time and we’re now more than two months into the

Season it’s a long time to be carrying three goalies there’s only two Nets on the ice even at practice so it’s hard to get everyone the Reps they need and so I I think that that’s it’s an off the it’s it’s this might be not the best gift

Santa’s ever come up with but that’s what I’m giving the Canadians this year I’m interested in the fact that you’ve included Kaden Primo in this because I would have thought that Jake Allen might be the obvious person to have a change of address why lumping Kaden Primo well

I think that they’re open to doing either right I mean Jake Allen’s probably I would say the more likely to move because he’s a more proven entity uh played a lot of games in the league and you know naturally if we’re looking at teams that are looking to to

Strengthen their their position and in that they probably feel a little more comfortable bringing him in in the short term um in terms of being able to play big games so you know he’s got a he’s got a no trade clause eight teams I believe on his limited no trade clause

So that could could come up the works but uh I think I think either either goenda the munak they got their gift already let’s move on to the Ottawa Senators I this is a this is a big gift like it’s hard to fit this in the

Sleigh but I want to give the Ottawa Senators a legit playoff race in March and early that’s a massive gift to put in that in their stocking it’s it’s a lot to put in there it’s it’s it’s you need the stocking you need the whole tree area you might need a a secondary

Room in the house to get it all in there but I’d like to see them play meaningful home games down the stretch with a chance to make the playoffs and and you know one thing that’s dogged them early in the year Julian they they’ve played

Fewer games in most of the league and so I know they’ve they’ve dug a big hole doesn’t look good right now but if they have a very successful January and February you know I think it’s something that they’ve wanted for a long time there obviously they want to make the

Playoffs I can’t they have to do that for themselves Santa can’t just hand them a playoff spot but I’d like to I’d like to hand them the opportunity to play those games late in the year that matter most I think their their fans deserve it I think their players that

Have been there for a long time deserve it and frankly yeah that team just it’s it’s been a hard loock time I think brighter days are ahead maybe didn’t come as easily as was hoped when Mike llau took over ownership of the team in September um but I’d like to to give

Them the gift gift of meaningful March and April hockey okay all right I like that let’s go to the Toronto Maple Leafs what are you gifting the Toronto Maple Leafs what do you get for the the team that has everything what do you get for your friend that has everything right um

I think the Toronto map leaes Santa is feeling very generous CJ Claus is feeling very generous here uh for the Toronto Maple I’m G to give them a defensive pairing okay so I’m not just giving them one defenseman so two Santa is coming up with a readymade pairing to drop right

Onto the Leafs Blue Line look they they’ve they’ve really hung in well here in this stretch leading up to Christmas time uh really through November when they they got the injury bug in a major way um and credit to their depth defenseman the semon buenoa max leis

William leason you know these guys have have filled in pretty capably but I think for the Leafs to become anywhere near the kind of team they they Endeavor to become it’s going to take not just one defenseman but two additions to this roster and Santa’s again feeling very

Generous so lots of room in the sleigh this year to to deliver two ready-made left shot and a right shot defenseman to the Leaf’s roster bonus gift uh Steve dangle what does he get a lump of coal oh man Steve’s been bad this year have you been watching the lfrs he’s been

He’s he’s got a control his emotions a little bit better this year more than any other year I actually you know what actually no you know what this year he’s actually been pretty bad this this is a different Steve that Ed unhinged he’s unhinged so he’s gonna get some coal

Which I’m sure will anger him further but I hope it g it allows him time to reflect in this holiday season it’s once again 2024 is just around the corner here we can all we can all Endeavor to be better Steve asks for trades and once again denied a lump of

Coal in your stocking instead okay we’ve done Montreal we’ve done Ottawa we’ve done Toronto uh let’s move on to the Winnipeg Jets you know Winnipeg has been a great story in the early going of this season they really uh I think I I was actually

You go right back to the first episode I was saying that I thought they were a playoff teams so I expected them to be good but they’ve probably been a little more competitive even than I was forecasting at the start of the year what I would like to gift the Winnipeg

Jets is 2,000 more people to buy tickets to each game damn because damn because to this part of the Season straight to the attendance issu okay I’m trying to give you what you really want what you really need right the Leafs need a defenseman Ottawa needs competitive

Games needs fans in the seats well they deserve I look it I’m being serious here though okay there’s a lot of hardworking people in that organization yes they’ve built a better team than people thought or they more competitive team you know Rick bonus has really I think jelled

Them together I just think that they deserve now to have the fans show up a bit more and I look at I know there’s all kinds of reasons it’s funny your atosh our um athletic colleague and I are working on a story on the Jets attendance so maybe this is a little

Fresh in mind and there’s all kinds of reasons I’m not blaming the fans but I’m just saying my gift to them is a more anxious ticket buying base to reward them for their great start to this season okay I I I I see I see where you’re coming from with that there’s no

There’s no malice intended in that comment no it’s a business at the end of the day man and they’re not they’re not bringing in enough Revenue like it’s got to change and usually when your team’s winning that should change it and so I’m I’m optimistic CJ Claus is heading into

2024 envisioning great things for the Jets but I just I hope I hope it can be boosted by these 2,000 tickets per game that that CJ Claus has delivered to the market honorable mention uh an accelerated timeline for uh Kyle Connor’s recovery I like that I mean

They did provide a window of time right so let’s let’s hope it’s more six weeks than eight weeks from the from the day he got injured okay let’s move on from Winnipeg to the Edmonton Oilers o Edmonton Edmonton’s had quite a first part of the Season haven’t they yes they

Have what do the Oilers need I mean do you have any suggestions for me I mean they’re winning a lot of games nowadays right I mean l I’m still you know what I’m gifting them a defenseman you’re giting them a defenseman too not a defenseman a golender a go tender a go

Tender yes aort aort they still need they still need a little bit more confidence in their crease maybe CJ Claus could just you know double gift regift them at Jake Allen maybe that would solve the problem it would it we could take care of both both two of my seven gifts to Edmonton

In The Not So secret santa exactly but whether it’s Jake Allen or somebody else I am going to give the Oilers a another goal tending option that gives them confidence as they go into the second half of the Season prepare for the playoffs it’s it’s been it’s been an

Up and down year in Edmonton things have been much better here of late to leading into the holiday break and so I’m I’m G to give them a defenseman here or defenseman man you have a lot of defens with in your I got a lot of gifts to give man

It’s easy to mix them up geez a lot of defenseman hope you can spare me one anyway well and your next your next stop is going to there’s a lot of defenseman there there are a lot of defenseman there actually in Calgary that is the next spot uh please uh tell

Us what Calgary deserves well my gift to Craig Conroy and the Calgary Flames is another first round pick because we know it’s going to be a very busy trading season for the flames and obviously you know they they trade Nikita earlier in the season but they’ve got many other pieces to be

Dealt before March 8th comes and uh you know any team that’s in that that mode always loves to acrw first round pick so I’m hoping that either by packaging one or more of those players or one of the players on their own the market will be

Strong enough that he’s GNA get at least one pick first round pick as part of his Bounty and Calgary starts looking ahead to better days down the line imagine you go to Calgary and you say here’s at least one first round pick we’ll just say they get one what if that I guess

Whatever rep maybe we’ll say Craig conro Craig conro looks at you and says can I have some more how do you respond I’m obviously he’s going to get more in addition to the first round pick but it’s for me it’s not about number of assets it’s about the quality of assets when you’re

Making these trades and and sometimes I get it teams do opt for volume over but but I think you know when you’re trading the caliber of players that the Flames have to trade and are likely to trade here getting back at least one first round pick and in those deals would be

Uh would be a huge boost to the program okay at least one first round pick says CJ Claus now the Vancouver Canucks can I can I gift them a a number one Banner to put up in the arena or is that too soon why did they retire Roberto loango

Number I don’t know Ring of Honor well I think I do know I mean it was an up and down 10 year with long Longo off the ice with trade you know there’s a lot of complications with him in management and I’m not saying certainly it was all on

The player but maybe maybe there’s a little bit of residue left over from some of the business dealings I don’t but I mean that should never be the case anyway I was just being tongue and- cheek there maybe I’ll give them that in addition and they can do with it what

They want like they can hang it at their house or hang it in the arena that might actually be my favorite gift of all the gifts You’ given just a random number one Banner do what you want with it yeah just just saying guys you might need this there might be a

Place for this um the MC mlan I’m gonna gift I mean the Canucks have they credit where credit is do what a great starts to the year they’ve had super strong first third of the campaign I’m gonna gift them another top six forward though I think that that you

Know look I I guess I could gift them more salary cap space cuz then they could use it as they want that’s sort of like the equivalent of giving someone like a a gift card for Christmas it’s like hey here you go Julian here’s your Amazon gift card you buy what you want

So I could give them more salary cap space there you go I could give them more salary cap space because obviously that’s been a challenge you know for the Canucks and many other teams but going back a couple years now maybe they could spend it as they want but I’m G to go

Right to spending it for them and give them another top six forward I think that that’s they’re probably one top six SW shy of really being kind of a contend status but I mean this this team is this roster is working out and the high-end players are driving the engine here I

Think giving them one more doesn’t have to be top top option but someone that to ride shotgun with the with the Millers and Pon and and you know besser this year with the way he’s playing Quinn Hughes and the like I think that one more big piece and that team could could

Really make some noise in 2024 okay all right we have given a gift to every Canadian team in the NHL do you have any other surprise gifts or or is that enough for this year we got to wait back for Christmas 2024 for more gifts

From CJ Claus I’d like to give a gift to you and producer Nick both oh that sound nice of you thank you a fine bottle of Scotch just because thank you I I know that I know that you just might need to tip back and have a nice drink every

Once a while after dealing with me twice a week all year long so you might need to take the edge off here and there and so I’d like to give both you and Nick a nice bottle of Scotch okay well uh in exchange uh I

Will give you a ball of rum uh Ray and nephew uh so you can top it off on your favorite drinks and uh enjoy yourself because I’m sure as much you may feel the way you feel about us having to deal with you I you know the feeling’s mutual

I’m sure ad been always that easy every now and again so and let’s face it CJ Claus does most of his shopping for the adults in his family at the liquor store so yeah tell you what I mean you know it’s not a bad place for some people for some people some people

Don’t drink yeah of course not I mean my nieces and nephews and the younger the younger members of the family because I’m a kid at hard I I can get them various toys and things but I’m not good at buying the adult gifts so you know okay I’m pretty predictable anyway so I

Appreciate I appreciate your thoughtfulness uh Siege I want to know more about your your holiday traditions uh on the other side of the Break um I got a couple questions and I might have a surprise for you uh by the end of today’s episode we’ll see oo I like holiday

Surprises welcome to you can bet that remember to hit up sdpn for all of your gaming needs normally we do uh hockey props or betting lines and all that we’ve decided to do the NFL today the odds on favorite to win the Super Bowl the San Francisco 49ers uh at

3.50 to one uh 7 to one second best odds the Baltimore Ravens uh Kansas City follows after that Philadelphia follows after that I’m sure you’re wondering where the Dallas Cowboys rank in all of this CJ well this Julian feels like a gift to me that you’ve even just opened

This box for us to look around in and discover and discuss yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah because I think you are absolutely out of your mind if you are not on the Dallas Cowboys to win the Super Bowl this is the Year buddy this is the

Year we got a defense Dak is on another level I’m good you could just handle it for the next 30 seconds you could Dak is on another level C D lamb Julian this is the year for the Dallas Cowboys and so with respect to all those other teams it’s nice that

They have odds to win it’s nice that they’re out there but I will say that uh this is the Dallas Cowboys year so that’s that’s all I really got to say about that I I I’m really I can’t believe you can get them at the fifth best odds I mean they might as

Well I mean really come on yes uh 8 point uh 8.50 to one uh fifth best odds uh tied actually with the Miami Dolphins this is not gambling advice but I’m just saying those are pretty good odds anyway don’t forget to check out Sports inter sdpn for all the best odds

Before game ingame and the best props sdpn go Cowboys okay all right you’re done on Dasher on dancer on Prancer on vixon on comet on Cupid on Doner and Blitzen but but do you recall the most famous CJ show of all what Rudolph the red noos

Re all right okay all right we’ve done people have heard enough of us singing okay well no I don’t think so I don’t think they’ve heard enough of us singing it at all we we should start we should do an album we should record a Christmas

Album how about that I love it I love it okay so if we do a Christmas album what songs do we need on the Christmas album the CJ the CJ Show Christmas album well I’m pretty sure I’ve said this in a past episode but I think the classic do they know it’s

Christmas time all what is that song called um do they know it’s Christmas I think it’s got a name no I think it’s called do they know it’s Christmas okay well I’m not challenging into that I’m so bad with this sort of thing but yes do they know it’s

Christmas uh the group is called Band-Aid no Christmas no Christmas album it wasn’t a group right Band-Aid was like a group it brought together all these celebrities it was a super group yeah and they were they were raising money I believe for HIV awareness at the time um but

Um I’m literally looking up with on Wikipedia reading it right now for the for the for the famine in Ethiopia the early 1980s that’s what it was know it’s okay now yeah now it makes sense yeah anyway I’m really flailing here but I’m just saying no Christmas album would be

Complete without that I also like some of the newer Christmas tunes okay all right like one that I was listening to this month a fair bit it was just like on the rotation on the Spotify Christmas List was uh Taylor Swift’s Christmas tree farm oh I’ve

Never heard that one I don’t know if you know it but it’s it’s pretty good and uh so I’d like that on my my Christmas list but the truth is honestly I I am a sucker for I mean I guess you got to have Mariah Carey on there everybody

Everyone knows Mariah it’s licensed to print money as far as I’m concerned if we have Mar Carey Christmas songs on there in particular the one Christmas song we all know yes so that that would be that would be my sampling what about you do you have any favorites or you

Know what’s funny for years um I have been I don’t want to say anti- Christmas music but I was was not a big Christmas music person but I feel as if in the last year or so my heart has softened the ice box where my heart used to be is

Actually turning into a heart oh so you’re you’re less Grinchy than you have been yeah at least with Christmas music I guess it’s just cuz like people would play it in like the middle of November and then once December 26th happens it’s like nope we don’t want it anymore it’s

Like no I’m in Christmas spirit now but I don’t know uh I loved uh Christmas music is welcome my host from November till March basically yes uh DMX uh I was at a radio station once and he did his own rendition of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and it was so popular

That he recorded his own version for it uh I remember playing it at uh at my Christmas uh family dinner one year oh last Christmas with uh Wham also has to be on that list with George Michael that’s that’s got to be there I’m going

To list to that DMX I’ve never heard his version of the redse reindeer but that’s awesome oh man I’ll send you I’ll send you the clip when we’re done uh recording today that is one of the greatest things I’ve ever heard and since I’m willing to listen to Christmas

Album till March I mean that I still got lots of run on that DMX song even though I’m hearing it just now I was about to say like I I mean this is for another time but like just trying to think I need I need to know

Your top five dead or alive rappers list but you know what we’ll save that for a non for we’ll save that for a future episode let sa for a future episode what was your favorite ever Christmas present when you were a kid oh man my favorite Christmas present as a kid

Um so for me it’s less of I guess a gift more than just like some like so there was a year this is a bit of a long story so I have an uncle of mine who now lives in New York uh and uh he shares the same name as my

As my grandfather Alton Francis and for years uh you know we would like hear about him hear stories about him and my grandfather would joke with like me and and my sisters you know man you should find him on Facebook and as kids we’re like H like okay like there’s no way

We’re gonna find him on Facebook he’s not just there we found him on Facebook and we started talking with him and there was a Christmas where he showed up and he was just he like it was the first time he had been around our family in

Like years and I remember that being a memorable a memorable Christmas and he like he asked me and my sisters like what we wanted for Christmas and stuff and we ask them for stuff but like that for me will go down as like a great Christmas gift because it was just like

A cool family thing to happen like I for me like gifts especially now where I’m and then as an adult I mean as a kid no but like I wasn’t but no but like that happened to me like I want to say like a decade ago so I was still relatively

Like a kid but like I mean like for me now like as a as an adult like you know for Christmas and stuff I don’t I try not to trip too much about gifts I find like just spending the family times just way more meaningful that being said we did get a

Nintendo Wii one year and that was a big deal for everybody in the house there you go see that’s I say because you’re gonna make me look like a jerk because I’m sitting here like I’m like do I choose between the time that I got the

The you know Nintendo or the time I got the the you know I got a Doug Gilmore Jersey once when I was a kid and that that was pretty exciting I’m sorry B I got I I got an East aluminum which it was pre-u but it was like the kind of

Stick at the time Wayne Gretzky was using and was not the sort of stick that my family would be in the habit of buying me just to use dayto day so I got all these like so I’m like how do I choose between these gifts that

I remember going b bananas over when I was like eight nine 10 years old and then you’re like tell this heartfelt Story I mean that’s nice man I got like a my cousin one year bought me a for you know what’s funny I I don’t have to

Stick in front of me I wish I did but like I I got a hockey stick one year and it was like a right shot for whatever reason I just as a kid as an idiot as a right-hand as a right-handed person I thought because I was right-handed I

Needed a right shot stick so I I still have it and I think it was like a cros it had Crosby’s name on it but I don’t remember what the brand was I don’t remember if it was an East stick or what other brand it might have been but like

I I I remember getting that as like a for Christmas one year and just being so happy so are you saying that if we played road if you and I played Road hockey right now you’d actually be a left shot though even though you have

This right shot stick I have I I I would be a left shot but I have there was a weird time in my life where I played with right shots and one time I played a b aey game with a friend and he looked at me taking shots he was like your

Shooting form is like weird and he gave you a left shot and just everything changed I was a dumb little kid who didn’t know any better but now I know better I mean look that’s that that’s how it is that’s how it is yeah that’s that’s

Up there at Christmas gifts for me what about like holiday traditions that happen to be like hockey related I mean there’s one obvious answer that comes from this I guess the World Junior tournament the World Junior tournament yeah I mean I definitely have watched that event just

As a fan like I’ve actually never covered a World Junior tournament so so I’ve never gone professionally which is totally fine because I want to be home at the holidays so I’m not I’m not I’m not lobbying any of my employers to send me to one but I you games just going to

Games I I went to the final I went to the gold medal final Canada Sweden when the tournament was in Buffalo I want to say that might have been 2018 uh and sat in the crowd I think that’s it um but I my point is is even though the line of work

I’ve been in for a long time I I’ve never I I still have always just watched those games as a fan so that’s definitely going back to even when I was a child that was something we did you know our family and and we kept it up this year we’re actually going tomorrow

Um we always rent the ice and literally every member of the family that cares to you know going from like small nieces and nephews that are under 10 to you know my brother and I to my dad who’s you know in his 70s we all get on the

Ice together and do a little skate and then usually eventually the skate peels off and then anyone who wants to play a game of shinny play shinny so that that one’s continuing that and that that goes back a fair number of years U that we’ve been doing that so I’m excited that

We’re continuing that one so that’s that’s another sort of hockey adjacent I’d say tradition in our family you know as a kid I played so much Road hockey I mean I played I played organized hockey too minor hockey but uh I do know that like you we’d like open our presents and

Then you know three hours pass and you’re like you’re a kid with all this energy and we’d be out on the street with our friends playing playing ball hockey or maybe showing off a new gift of some sort that we got that was relevant so you know hockey won’t

Surprise you to hear has been a part of my life for for like as long as I remember and and a part of by extension my my family traditions too man I’m like the one like real hockey guy in the family so a lot of times when I’m

Watching the world juniors like nine times out of 10 I’m like watching the game on my on my own there’s like one vivid memory I have where I was watching is it 2009 where Jordan Everly scores the the goal against Russia is it 2009 because it was Ottawa that I remember

Yes 2009 was Ottawa I was like alone in my scored some big goals in that tournament too he did he had a massive tournament and there was a game on New Year’s as well uh but I remember just being at my grandma’s house and just

Being alone with the TV to myself in a room and like going back and forth between that game and there’s some random show on CTV at the time and just cuz like I was looking at the game I was like okay K is not going to win and then

Like flipping the channel right in time to see why is this game going overtime kada should have lost this game and then seeing Jordan nly’s heroics I mean lot it just it’s not that like my family doesn’t like hockey it’s just I’m like the like hockey person so I I’m I’m used

To just being the not a weirdo but just being the person who just kind of enjoys any world junior hockey Moment On My Own my dad and I will some sometimes watch games too uh he he does like sports well it’s more just togetherness with us but

Like I’m the the per I’m the hockey guy so a lot of those memories for me it’s just like like I associate them with just like me any other like tradition we had lots of non hockey Traditions though I mean yeah too Christmas Eve my sister

And I used to get to open a gift it was usually always uh pajamas that we would wear to bed that night um you know one that my parents had when I was a kid that I as I became adult myself have adopted is champagne and orange juice on Christmas morning

Obvious yeah Mimosa champagne orange juice whatever you want to call it um that was my mom Linda was a big proponent of that uh probably because she hadn’t slept and you know whatever whatever uh Mrs claw’s activities had occupied the night before whatever family was around or she was probably

Worried about dinner that night and all those things U my mom was Superwoman who pulled off all those all that that stuff when it came to the holidays in addition to working so that I think she could kick back back at least for a couple hours on Christmas morning and have a

Mimosa and that’s something we still do and obviously toast my mom and think about her every year that uh we we’ve had to celebrate Christmas without her so you know I think that those those are things that that jump out of my mind but I’m with you I’m I’m no like I could

Care less and and thank you for anyone who did give me a gift this holiday season but in general I don’t I do not you know need any presents nowadays it’s all about the kids and um really it’s all about being together and so that’s my uh that’s how

I feel about the holiday that’s why I like it so much though I I feel like it’s one of the few holidays a year where no matter what’s happening in everyone’s lives and my family we find a way to get together um because it can be hard everyone’s busy we’re spread out

Across the province in various places uh obviously you know my my siblings have Partners so they got in-law you know there there’s there’s a lot of moving parts and their own kids nowadays so uh just it’s nice that we find a way to make it all happen how many siblings do

You have I’m one of four kids oh so where where are you in the order of age I guess I’m three out of four okay so it’s weird because it’s like an even number so you can’t really do like a middle child thing yeah I don’t know

Where I don’t know what the that would tell you about me like I don’t know what it says but uh my my younger sister Laura she’s only 11 months younger than me so we grew up very close uh just by nature of being born so close together

We were one grade apart in school growing up in a small town basically there was huge overlap in our friends um she she lives out in Ottawa now and and has kids of her own um and then my my older brother and sister Greg and Adine

They are they’re they’re much older so I mean certainly they’ve been a part of my life since I was a kid but um so I’m kind of three in the official order but I’m one in our you know they they were off at University when I was a young kid

So I was it was just my my younger sister and I in the house for for a lot of my formative years I love learning about little CJ do you do you have a favorite Christmas movie oh are you going to make me only name

One do you have you have more than one I mean in no Christmas vacation is probably my answer is that National Lampoon yes and I I watch I I literally watch that every year as you know I don’t watch any movies to begin with no

But I I do not Tire of that movie even all these years later it still cracks me up I love that the the Blackhawks jersey makes a makes an appearance in it there’s a couple hockey references in that movie but it’s I just I find it hilarious and again it’s just part of

Something I did as a kid I loved home alone as a kid I’d be less I’d be less inclined to probably sit down and watch it today but I you know there’s sentimental attachment to that movie I I really love love actually as a movie that one always pulls up my heartstrings

Are you a romcom guy yeah like I don’t know if I that’s not like the only genro movie I enjoy I you like romcoms I could enjoy a romcom okay does that surprise you you you know what no no it doesn’t it actually does not surprise me at all about you I feel

Like that’s on brand no that’s very on brand actually you’re a very loving person um but uh so those would be among them but you know there’s so many good Christmas movies I know and you know because we’re talking about Christmas movies I have to do this to you right

No you don’t do it yeah we’re doing it it’s time for the movie game Christmas edition [Laughter] CJ just oh I’m sorry buddy I’m sorry buddy it’s time uh for those who are not familiar with the movie game uh I because CJ watches so many movies uh we

Get him to guess the plot of uh a movie I randomly throw out at at him this time I’m going to throw out uh movie names uh Christmas themed there’s one in there that might uh I’m very curious about how you’ll react to it um but yes I want you

To guess the plot of these Christmas movies okay this will be fun I promise okay fine I thought this was going to be like a light episode and here your oh it’s oh oh it’s light all right stretching my brain though okay let’s get this let’s get this over with

This is going to be right now everybody is like okay we’ve heard enough of this episode we out Elf the movie elfelf I’ve seen the movie Elf but I don’t even remember what it’s about um you you don’t know that like you don’t want to give it a try give it

The good old College try for elf that’s will frell right will frell is in this movie yes it’s a movie about one of Santa’s helpers Who’s down and out but it’s the redeeming Spirit of Christmas that that gives him purpose again you have not watched this movie because

If you’ve seen that movie will faroh’s Elf character is anything but down and out I for I I honestly I did see it a long time ago I just forget the actual plot I did my best raised as an oversized elf buddy tra travel a buddy is the name of will frell’s character

Travels from the North Pole to New York City to meet his biological father Walter Hobs who doesn’t know he exists and is in desperate need of some Christmas spirit if you had said his dad was down and out maybe you would have been a little Clos closer to the truth

Man okay I’m not going to get any of these just so you know so I mean the whole point of this game is not for you to get any of these uh Christmas with the cranks this is a movie about having to spend Christmas with your in-laws the crank family and everything goes

Ay because that crank family is very dysfunctional and they forgot how to prepare the turkey for Christmas dinner and you had to come in and save the day by who you the main character Robert who’s Robert Robert had to spend Christmas with the cranks his in-laws they they are dysfunctional family they

Don’t know how to cook the turkey is ruined but Robert comes in and Saves the Day by cooking an amazing turkey getting the dinner back on track and everyone goes home happy because Robert cured the crank’s dysfunction okay with their daughter Blair away in Peru Luther and

Norah crank decide to skip Christmas all together until she decides to come home causing an uproar when they have to celebrate it at the last minute I was close they were close enough um the Guardians of the Galaxy holiday special this is a story about flying reindeer that each have a

Superpower and and they have to team together in order to save the world’s children on Christmas Eve by fending off alien robots using their superpowers you got the superpowers right I guess I mean it’s the Guardians of the Galaxy um it’s it’s really just a general thing and it Star-Lord draxx

Rocket mantis and Groot engaged in some spirited Shenanigans and an allnew original special created for Disney uh admittedly I have not seen that special so maybe you’re right maybe you’re wrong we’ll never know I was in the ballpark yeah sort of uh let’s see how you react to this one die hard

Oh this is a movie about death and destruction on Christmas Eve I Mean I mean widespread death and destruction ruining Christmases ruining the holiday spirit I a New York City Police officer tries to save his estranged wife and several others taken hostage by terrorists during a Christmas party at the nakatomi plaza in Los Angeles is that description broad enough

To count producer Nick it’s the closest that was the closest I was that yeah I think that’s generally the closest you might have ever been I’ve actually never seen Die Hard either okay we’re getting a judgment call from producer Nick no that will not count do you know what how have you not

SE Die Hard do you know what my wish is is in 2024 producer Nick will just jump in and start talking in those instances uh leave us a uh like and a comment in the uh video if you want more of that because we definely we do we do

Need a ruling every now and again and he is the voice of reason behind the show and and the audience at least that don’t know us personally don’t even know Nick he could be like a new character we introduced to the sitcom here this is a sitcom for you life is a

Sitcom buddy I do do see Life as a sitcom it’s just that we don’t have any of those like laughing tracks in the background it’s just like a mockumentary style type of deal except we don’t have to do any of those Talking Heads I have

One last one for you okay let’s get out of here Tyler got some eggnog to drink Tyler Perry’s a media Christmas I don’t even know what that is who’s Tyler Perry you don’t know who Tyler Perry is should I you know what that’s a really good question I don’t

Know Tyler Perry is very did he NHL no Tyler Perry is a playwright actor director who got super famous making this character named media who is this oversized lady American lady who just sounds hilarious to a certain amount of people it’s just that like they’ve made so many

Movies it the the product has has essentially been watered down and oversaturated this is the first time hearing of any of this this is like all new information so I have to say I’ll say this about Tyler Perry and that genre of movies people would say two Americas two

Types of people it’s just I’m not surprised that you don’t know about these movies I’m not surprised all right I’m sorry man and for for those who get it be fair I’ve never seen die you get it if you know you know if you know you

Know I haven’t seen Die Hard or Lord of the Rings or any number of other popular movies too so all right you want to take a crack at a media Christmas no cuz I don’t know what a media is what do you mean what uh media is media’s media’s a

Person media is the character I’m talking about I don’t have it in me come on you got it you got it plus you have to do stick Taps after this anyway so you might as well have fun with this you just give me did you just give

Me a bombastic side eye really quickly we’re just over time here and I don’t really know what to say about it media okay media dispenses her unique form of holiday spirit on a rural town when she’s coaxed into helping a friend pay her daughter a surprise visit in the

Country for Christmas oh that sounds heartwarming it it I’ll send you the trailer for the movie after okay do you have a holiday stick tap that you’d like to dish out my man we put you through it enough I didn’t even know there was holiday stick Taps yeah

I’m sorry I I I I I you got to start then if you’re in charge okay well I could just do the cheesy thing and just be like hey just thank you to everyone who’s who’s watched this this year and just spent some good time for

The holidays um I guess you’re going to do that you should say it with some purpose though man like you sound like you’re you’re workshopping it here my stick top is to all of our listeners and all of our fans of the CJ show who are enjoying Christmas Hanukkah

Or any other holiday you celebrate at this time and we thank you for taking time out of your Christmas schedules to watch us stick Taps to you and I second that and I just say for the 12 of you that actually reached the end of this EP

Episode extra blessing to you and uh hope the holiday season’s treating you great all right that’s going to do it uh subscribe to our podcast subscribe to the sdpn YouTube channel and keep it locked for more great content for CJ I’m Julian so long and happy holidays Mary

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  1. Not a very profound or insightful gift to the Jets. Sure, up the attendance. But it’s corporate sponsorship that is bad. Why? Not the fans fault but TNSE who has failed to woo the business community. Winnipeg has one of the highest percent of individual ticket buyers in the league! Go Jets!

  2. If TNSE wants more asses in the seats, they need to apologize to the fans for what they did at the end of last year. I know a lot of former season ticket holders who cancelled after their insulting ‘marketing campaign’ that many saw as a threat to leave the city.

  3. Loved this episode. My Xmas wish is that you add the Kings to all of your “Canadian hockey clubs…” reports. I know you are both in Canada, but I want the Kings added as the 8th team. 🙂

  4. Coming from a guy in his 20's… I was reminded to only listen to CJs hockey takes as his taste in christmas songs in absolutely abominable. Hope you all have a had a good holidays still! But big money CJ… bad takes on the Xmas songs

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