[Winter Survival] – Farming at Pine Needles Stone Forest

Hi there!

This is the first video that I’ve made about Winter Survival.
Even if I’m level 20 it is just the beginning. I have two goals at the moment:
– Build up my camp;
– Farm resources such as rocks, wood, all I need to make armors.

Both “Pine Needles Stone Forest” and the “Grove” are easy because we can go with few pieces of armors and is not that cold. As you know in Winter Survival we need to keep ourselves warm otherwise we’ll suffer loosing life point. Anyway..

Linen Tops and Linen Trousers
Resources used: 4 Linen and 2 Flax Rope
Hardened Bone Spear (how to make it: craft Bone Spear that put it in the Cooking Rack, 4 minutes)
Copper Sword
Resources used: 3 Bone, 3 Log, 4 Flax Rope and 1 Copper Ingot, 1 Precision Part, 2 Pine

About the Copper Sword and an alternative weapon
The only thing that I’ve bought is the Blower that you need to use the Furnace. With the Furnace I can turn the Copper Mine in Copper Ingot, basically I’m able to make a lot of Copper Sword, that I use specially against bosses or strongest zombie to get less damage by killing them faster. Don’t worry if you don’t have the blower yet, because you’ll unlock it at level 29 and in the mean team I suggest you to use Hardened Spear.

With all of that I can finish 2 times the “Pine Needles Stone Forest” area and 2 times the “Grove” area and the final loot will be worth compared to the resources used.

I Hope that this video and my tactics will help you to survive!
Leave a comment if you like it and let me know if you use different tactics, in the meantime… stay safe survivor!
