Speedrunning Disc Golf (Is It Going To Be A Trend)

In this video, I bring you an attempt to finish an entire disc golf round in under 45 minutes by speedrunning while watching my first person POV. Definitely not a video I will do again but it was fun!

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The disc golf world will probably not take on this challenge but I think its really fun and would love to see @simonlizotte5274 try it.

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#DiscGolf #speedrun #fpv

Instagram: “Wild Runs Disc Golf”

What’s up it is going to be a speed golf round the idea is pretty simple I get 45 minutes on this course every minute that is faster than 45 will be losing a stroke so if I am even and I’m 30 minutes I’ll be 15 under but every time

I go over that’s a normal stroke so really I just have to run fast and efficient and see if I can maintain even or better uh this course is really difficult but I’m playing shorts so it definitely help me perform a little bit better because a lot of these lines are

Very tight uh I have my GoPro so I won’t be doing any tripods you won’t be able to see me much it’s just my my like throwing arm so hopefully it looks good I did this a like year and a half ago and it looked actually pretty good so hopefully

This works going to start a 45 minute timer let’s see how we do all right Ho One 338 45 minutes and go looks decent oh that went under the ditch darn hey bars are totally Fine all right wasn’t the best of bids but hey that’s pars all right so far so good 297 I’m going to go back that good old Clash wild honey oh keep flipping keep flipping dipped a little bit to the left that’s all right a birdie look would be

Awesome not quite birdie but it’s doable right out the basket love it all right even through two so glad not playing Longs cuz this is no fun I really can’t have it fade too much to the right cuz that’s danger so I’m going to go explore that’s looking

Cooked why am I playing better now than I’ve ever played see look at that I don’t know if you can tell that’s barked well let’s see if I can make it oh come on definitely a fun way to experience this course bar 447 I got to really have it get some right hand

Action keep flipping don’t go too much left should be fine hbg destroy oh you can’t see that but that was pretty nice line pry look nope that’s okay sneaky sneaky 287 all right come on flippy honey a bit lucky but we take some luck all I just got to really focus I do

Not want to be short oh yeah boom I think I have to go with Wild Honey even though it has a little bit more unpredictability oh no you guys have to pit out oh no that’s double land that was not great that’s that’s for sure but it’s got to slow down a

Bit it may not look like I’m running but I’m running all right this is that Canon b trick shot hole roll oh no no no no no stop no that’s deep I don’t even have time to worry about poison Navy oh got a pitch out again got lots of wind no all right

Almost halfway through that’s not so bad okay 311 oh look go in oh I don’t know if you heard that but that touch chains nice little wind bounce Wish I brought towel oh wow this is not fun Thorns surround me a all right this is effect like going through a stop light and continue all right that was bogey out plus five all right now let’s continue this is a very getable birdie which I need

203 okay clean should be parked we like that oh got a Simon line kobby all right plus four that was not great but oh of course FR just hit me my Bel after birdie has to be near like a 100 get through I got through I don’t know if

It’s my endurance or lack of proper form these are not going straight all right 282 good line oh yeah let’s go let’s go all right 212 it’s got to get through the creek that was pitiful all right we have a look oh come on plus five 26 minutes 290 it’s such a straight

Shot no reason to go drive r i don’t have to okay come on what give me something crazy oh that looks so Close just straight shot off the butter 187 oh I’m going to fall over no no that was not close all right that’s plus eight really not good are you serious that was actually a pretty good line oh I’m getting caught up oh deep it’s weird to feel loose but also like almost too

Loose rip when I really don’t need To no plus 10 full 17 I’m literally going Butter get out of the trees Yes there we go all right whole 18 we’ll play Longs cuz I think I’m doing pretty good all right 517 part four good line well honey don’t let me down okay that’s not really a lot of distance but that’s up there if I just throw with more control

And more stability it feels like distance doesn’t really matter for a birdie this a pretty tough one though come on close and time really fumbled at the end but I succeeded probably a bit of a soft challenge cuz I did the entire course and uh 25 minutes so 45 was Bally giving

Me bogey every hole and then some may not be the best accurate challenge but it was a good little Baseline to see that if I’m running and kind of like being a little bit loose with my upshots I go way deep my putts went way deep my

PT went way left and right very little consistency but it is a nice little cross training thing to do if you’re wanting to do a little bit of cross training a little bit burnt out in the offseason this is a pretty good pretty good option was it

Phenomenal definitely not but it was fun so with that thank you guys so much for watching be sure to subscribe for more and be sure to check out my bags at Wild Runs Wild Runs signing out Peace


  1. I do it slightly differently. Score is time around the course. After each hole I do 10 pushups per shot over par on that hole, so 10 for bogey, 20 for double.

  2. Your embracing your channel name now, I see haha. Nice idea, I'd maybe make the timer a little smaller 🙂

  3. Does the GoPro have the Horizon Balancing or Leveling feature? The DJI Action 4 does & that makes it easier to watch when the horizon is level the whole time, in my opinion.

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