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Miami Dolphins Prepare for Cowboys, Miami Heat take down Magic, Canes make a Splash | Tobin & Leroy

00:01:00 – 00:16:06 : It seems someone has toggled with the studios settings. Marcos goes over headlines. The Miami Heat secure victory over Orlando Magic! Good news regarding Dolphins injuries!
00:27:52 – 00:36:44 : Marcos can’t wait for next weeks Hard Knocks. Donno explains how deep he used to be into gambling, tries to inform Marcos on how these habits can go wrong
00:42:55 – 00:53:01 : It was a big day for Alex Donno, he explains to what happened yesterday during National Signing Day.
01:01:35 – 01:19:12 : Tua’s brother, Taulia Tagovailoa opts out of upcoming Bowl. Donno believes he should just join the Miami Dolphins. Miami Heat let down Marcos a bit although they won the Orlando Magic, 115,106. During a Press conference Tua reveals the Cowboys were his favorite team growing up
01:26:28 – 01:37:03 : Tua Tagovailoa says he is keeping receipts on all the things said about him and doesn’t care what story media puts out there
01:44:33 – 01:54:40 : Mike McDaniel responds to how loses have taught the team.
02:03:56 – 02:15:02 : Cat Talk! Florida Panthers take on the St. Louis Blues. Donno and Marcos plot on how to move Turd Quarter to Overtime. Donno gives Marcos gambling advice.
02:23:46 – 02:35:56 : Game Day Uncensored! The guys put numbers together based on scenarios on the Miami Dolphins clinching playoffs. Tua Tagovailoa tells reporter he wishes he didn’t tell him they can clinch playoffs with a win vs Dallas.
02:43:20 – 02:56:14 : We get into the Christmas spirit as we play a very FRAUDULENT game of Christmas Family Feud! JFig claims Marcos is LYING
03:05:06 – 03:21:44 : Updates from Miami Dolphins Camp! We somehow shift into bizarre Story time after Marcos exposes JFig
03:30:19 – 03:41:57 : We play a fun Thursday game of “Goosies, No Goosies!” Action packed boxing card, Thursday Night Football, Godzilla Minus One, Jake Paul’s next fight!

Okay goosies I don’t have hair you got Marcos that’s not no that’s not that’s true you do got me get over here maros they don’t want this they don’t want it Leroy with a little was a deyer to the show man with show till then open some tast snow no proof I’m next you know I I just wish you guys would stop the quibbling Welcome on in to the Tobin and Leroy show a little different today no Tobin no today it is Alex what the hell was that Holy feedback Batman yeah is you and everybody else’s mics were muted so not my fault not Jay Fig’s fault no crazy I can hear myself that’s

Scary I can hear you can you hear me J fig yeah well I’m not going to let a little audio feed feedback ruin a couple things first of all Marcos is wearing a tremendous ugly Christmas sweater he looks uh he looks fantastic today J Jay

Fig had oh my is that’s a Bob Ross sweater my goodness that is incredible Marcos has a Bob Ross Christmas sweater on uh Jay fig has a Christmas sweater as well I guess it’s not cold enough for you to actually put it on I’m I’m wearing a Star Wars

T-shirt okay I like that this is just I roll pretty much any day of the year and I got to cap off and I’m filling in I guess for for Tobin or Leroy today I’m going to say Marcos is filling in for Tobin I’m I’m also bald like Leroy I’ll

Be filling in for Leroy today I guess we’re gonna work it out that way Jay fig is filling in for Jay fig and I just had my busiest day of the year yesterday and that’s national Signing Day and I got to cap off that national Signing Day after

I put the football stuff aside for a little bit and I got to watch my Miami Heat beat the Orlando Magic the Orlando Magic actually have a better not for long but a better record than the Miami Heat Miami Heat currently chasing Orlando in the division but the heat got

That dub in OT toown Tyler herro had a big offensive game 28 points he took over uh no Jimmy no problem bam with a big game My Guy haime hakz Jr so I was enjoying every second of that uh Jay fig how are you I’ll talk to you now since

You don’t have an echo before we talk to Marcos again how are you doing today as we’re getting closer to Christmas so you’re saying I can still hear myself that’s so weird Okay problem what’s the problem seems like you yeah because now I don’t I I don’t

Hear any Echo with Marcos anymore ah oh so you fixed yours but not mine oh that all right what if I do this oh seems like the problem is you I think it’s your settings I turned you off in that wow who touched my settings not it not

It on that computer oh you can’t trust people on that computer I know blame I’m gonna blame I’m gonna blame Hollywood or Toby yeah that’s fine uh I was able to cash the game yesterday costing me some money cos me some money well what was your bet you call yourself for

Money that’s fair but uh I’ve become a a degenerate as of recent I know I’m not sure if you’re aware of this on that hard rock app not not I mean I should be using the Hard Rock app but I use Underdog because it was available before

The oh I I thought maybe you had a bookie like you actually had uh you know some uh third generation Italian-American Dude down the block that you were getting numbers from I was and then he became Tommy DeVito’s agent [Laughter] I uh I don’t know I I recently just

Decided you know what let me just throw away money at a egregious rate because I have an addiction to potential lines so we put together a parlay yesterday one of them was Caleb Martin over 12 and a half points didn’t hit oh yeah another one was uh Kyle Lowry over 4.5 assist

And spoiler alert it didn’t hit oh so I tell you what I was watching the game yesterday and once I knew that my bets weren’t going to hit I was just watching normal Miami Heat basketball like a normal fan and expecting there to be a fourth quarter collapse and there almost

Was one there almost was there almost was one dude as soon as it was like all right there’s a there’s a 20po lead I was like all right cool that means it’s going to be a five-point game soon enough right that was scary for sure sure so is it a situation where because

I I’ll be honest after seeing them earlier this week in fact blowing fourth quarter leads in losing games like what happened against Minnesota and we’ve seen it happen throughout the year I was just relieved to win the game were were you like were you did you come out of it

Like angry that oh they almost blew it again or were you like me you’re like hey that’s a dub it’s a division dub I can you know rub it in the face of uh of Orlando Magic fans if there are any you know I can do that I was just relieved

To get that win yeah yeah for sure and honestly had we lost Not only would it be like you know another loss that we’ve blown it’d be like a a loss to a team that wasn’t playing well and the magic have had a good season for sure but I

Think the first half I think they were like three of 17 from three or something like that it was it was a piss poor performance from almost all of their best players had we managed to lose that game that probably would have been very disheartening for us yeah so throughout

The day obviously uh because I I I do want to talk a little bit about what’s been happening uh at the University of Miami a very strong recruiting class and by the way can can I throw this in there as a little bit of a troll Marcos and

And you had me on the show yesterday we talked a little bit during national Signing Day about what Marty christall was putting together uh Miami ends up with a with a better recruiting class uh than Florida State and a way better class than Florida but how about this

One I didn’t realize this till this morning I’m looking through the class of 2024 rankings on 247 Sports all that hype Dion Sanders coach Prime do you want to know where Colorado’s recruiting class sits right now in the rankings Mar do you want to take a guess as to where Colorado’s recruiting class

With Coach Prime ranks right now this this sounds like the scene in Oppenheimer when they set the bomb off is what it spoiler alert I haven’t seen that yet Donna uh I would say they the way that he was talking and the way that coach rme can

Recruit I would say they are third they have the third best class little lower Oh okay little lower they have the seventh best class uh little lower okay I’ll give you one more guess but it’s coach Prime though coach Prime all right I would say the 11th best

Class 998th whoa my God Deion Sanders with the 98th now they they are expecting to sign a uh a a five-star offensive lineman which I think would bump them into the 80s but they’re they’re the 998th ranked class in the country out of I think about 130 coach

Prime has got the 98th rated class I don’t know if he just decided to take a year off like in recruiting Because he got you know Corman mlan last year so like I’m good I’m good till 2025 I don’t know what he’s thinking but 98 right now yeah that’s that’s needless to say

That’s horrendous I expect it much better I mean obviously you know that he needs offensive lineman he was preaching it all last year uh you know he brought in a lot of the skill position players uh when he made that initial move over to Colorado so really he just needed to

Fill in a lot of the trenches and a few players here and there but I don’t know I really thought the Prime effect would have a have a better you know output in regards to national Signing Day that sucks I don’t know man that’s that’s really rough dude I didn’t expect 98th

998th 98 well what do you think it is what do you think the reason is like are people scared of the pressure or um I first I’m not really sure how competitive their nil situation is you know the the the money the money plays a

Big factor in all this and I also like listen man he’s he’s big into his uh his reality TV stuff and all the other stuff he has his hands into I’m I’m not so sure how how into that recruiting grind he’s actually he’s actually got his

Hands in so I don’t know if he’s necessarily putting the same the same sort of energy into recruiting the way that the top coaches actually do yeah that’s fair we got any headlines today by the way me indeed indeed these headlines are brought to you by the new

Pal metal Ford truck Super Center why buy your truck at a car store pal metal ford we no no trucks trucks yes great I cannot wait to determine what the hell is going on with this double audio here but uh in the meantime we just talked about it yesterday was national Signing

Day the first day I didn’t know that there was two there’s another one in February right there’s another one in February and actually this one um players can still sign until Friday during this signing per most of them get it out of the way the first day because

It’s just know if you’ve made up your mind why would you wait till Friday and stuff but players can sign till Friday and if they don’t sign by Friday they they have a a day again in I think it’s like the first Wednesday of February we’re gonna talk more in depth

With Alex Dono the man who knows all that you need to know about the canes and how they fared yesterday we talked about the Miami Heat yesterday who came out a top the Orlando Magic we have some Miami Dolphins news uh I spoke yesterday about how

Jpp uh was removed if you will from the team after uh an impressive five snaps great great five more than me I tell you what I’m gonna get a jpp jersey see if anyone remembers uh but we actually are hosting another feared defensive lineman a former Champion himself our boy Nomicon SU

Actually has made a visit back to the know that wow yeah uh on the other side of the ball though those offensive linemen that would be responsible for protecting Tua from the likes of those like Sue unfortunately none of the starting lineup yesterday participated in practice in regards to the offensive

Line wow so the Dolphins yesterday took the field without a starting offensive line without out all pro receiver Tyreek Hill and Pro Bowl quarterback xaven Howard needless to say as of right now the injury bug has bit the Miami Dolphins extremely hard um you know the Dolphins have shown this year that they

Can find a way to win games despite a lot of injuries across the offensive line I think that unit has been coached pretty well by Butch Barry and I think McDaniel has done a good job kind of figuring out the depth of his rotation but I will say this I don’t think the

Dolphins are going to beat the Cowboys if Tyreek Hill doesn’t play I mean I I feel like he’s going to end up playing I think that holding him out last week was probably being on the safe side and if it’ been a playoff game or a game like

This the Tyreek probably would have tried to play last week but they held him out for precaution but if he doesn’t play listen I I think this Cowboys team they’re always a little bit overrated because they’re the Cowboys uh and they got just dis dismantled by the bills

Last weekend that also means they’re going to be angry and probably going to play better this week by default but I don’t think you’re beating that team Marcos and Jay fig if Tyreek Hill doesn’t play indeed we’re going to hear a little bit later on from coach Mike McDaniel

Who gave a pretty hilarious response in regards to the status of his offensive line we got feisty Tua Tua was uh getting a little spicy yesterday in his press conference as he addressed the media we’ll be hearing from the Dolphins quarterback as well uh and tonight we

Have some football not sure if th Thursday Night Football is something that interests you but tonight we have the Los Angeles Rams who have actually been surging as of recently uh versus the New Orleans Saints does that game tickle your fancy yeah you know it it

Does uh because I I if if the Saints lose I can uh Trash Talk Dan day a little bit by a text you know the fact that the Rams have been surging I’m probably going to have some bets on that game tonight Marcos there is no fantasy

Imp for me because I did not make the fantasy playoffs so that that ship is sailed daily fantasy maybe bets maybe and uh I I enjoy like a after a long day you know covering recruiting and all that and that of course the national Signing period continues the same way

That I enjoyed my break watching Heat basketball yesterday my break tonight is going to be watching some Thursday Night Football excellent Anna hopefully you have your feet up somewhere kickback watching the football and if you’re not couple adult beverages yeah a couple you know just a couple it’s you know it’s a

Thursday we’ll take it light but uh the Florida Panthers are also in action tonight they take on the St Louis Blues that’s at 7M and you can catch that right here on 560 WQ let’s make them sing the blues tonight anything else that concludes our headlines for now

Donno all right well I I want to get a little bit deeper into this dolphin stuff especially this uh indam Sue visit could you imagine if you imagine if he winds up back in aqua and orange I mean I I remember when they when they gave him that essentially quarterback

Contract years ago you know when he came down here for the first stint could we be bringing him home Tobin and Leroy show I’m happy to be uh filling in today uh looking at the beautiful faces of Marcos and Jay fig especially Bob Ross’s beautiful face on that sweater of yours

Marcos we we’ll keep it we’ll keep it going right here on am560 Sports WQ Studio shop exceptional Cadillac offers now with a three-time Cadillac dealer of the year and more Saw Grass Cadillac visit edor Sawgrass you’re always backed by morse the stone crabs are back my F this is also Mighty

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Guys can you hear that okay never [Laughter] mind I’m uncomfortable I’m leaving this room right now te B Fromti your Rel the atan a rest Rel holid visit top quality gifts that pay tribute to the lasting Heritage of the West from handcrafted cowboy boots and American M Feld hats to hand stitched leather jackets our in store experts will help guide us your

Shop what’s up twitch if you can hear this I’m going to tell you all the juicy secrets about Jay fig her real last name is Edgar boom don’t know why I said boom I don’t have the solution can you hear Me oh Great yeah you know what I hear you clicking Sergey how about that huh huh Yeah I can hear you from wherever the hell you’re at Dr toin what’s your one thing Staples is serious about gaming and right now during Staples holid deals were even serious all right I think I think we did it Don how does it sound it sounds fantastic did you fix it

Yourself or did you call a an engineer or B Dan day who seems to know how to fix everything the answer is neither whoa no hear her nice okay the answer is neither indeed and we have no feedback no so we’re good you can hear me yeah I

Can hear you I can hear you think the Lord can you hear me I hear everybody yeah oh I can I could hear Dr tobogan typing too right so loud with those fingers oh my God that uh that took a little bit of work took a little bit of

Work there really hard to not like I feel like normally I don’t say bad things but when everyone can hear you when you don’t want them to all I was thinking was bad things yeah but we’re back we’re live we’re back in Action it is the Tobin Leroy show here Alex Dono

Filling in Jay fig and I with our ugly Christmas sweaters which I want to go back to the origin of the ugly Christmas sweater do you think that’s what they meant to do or do you think they just presented hey guys I have this sweater idea and people are like brilliant ugly

Sweaters and he’s like I was just gonna call them sweaters but okay a lot of the times I feel like they’re not even ugly yeah I think they’re super cute yeah it’s a kind of thing though you can you can only wear it like for a Christmas

Party or on like you obviously you can’t wear a sweater that looks like that any other occasion of the year it’s strictly a Christmas thing so it would look ugly any other time oh thank you Sergey who says I make those sweaters look pretty

I’m I’m I don’t even have I I got a got a Storm Trooper t-shirt on maybe he says that you’re so goodlook that you’re able to overcompensate I’ve been told that yeah it’s your curse yeah uh yesterday Miami Dolphins had some practice they uh they spoke ahead

Of their big matchup like I mentioned earlier uh Tua got a little sassy Mike McDaniel doesn’t know what’s going on with the offensive line it’s just a normal day here in South Florida which makes me interested not only to see this game upcoming but next week’s Hard

Knocks dude I want to see what the hell they’re able to capture this week with an entire missing Squad have you been up to date with the latest Hard Knocks no I’m a couple weeks behind which I know is embarrassing um you know I I am aware

Like people were saying that the whole when Jason Pier Paul was on it was a little awkward standoffish now he’s no longer on the team I wonder if it had anything to do with that but I’m looking forward to catching up and I’m looking forward to the next episode because I

Want to see if indomican Su makes a cameo I want to see what’s going on with that oine well you got to start watching on if you can just go ahead and just announce to only be between us what is your password for HBO Max so we can all

Watch it together it’s actually called Max though oh that’s right right just max cool it’s like a diddy dropping the pee just max now donno we have a lot on our slate today we took a lot during that commercial break we added some time just to make sure that everything was

Sounding good but just a preview of things to come of course we have our stand standard cat talk coming game day uncensored and I’m only saying this because I was too lazy to write a rundown which I will which I will now that we yeah I’m always waiting for my

Email like when is Marcos gonna send the rundown I keep refreshing my Gmail every five minutes and nothing yeah I was gonna send it this time but then you know jfig was cursing I had to make sure she didn’t throw her career away it was crazy it was a crazy appreciate looking

Out for me like yep uh we will play a few games you know that whenever your boy is uh around here driving the bus I always have to add some Shenanigans in so yesterday we played guest That Tune uh it was a bit more difficult than

I wanted it to be but J nailed it uh today we got some other Christmas related games we will be playing Christmas Family Feud okay uh and then today we will determine whether or not a few items give us gooes or no gooes and Dono is a fellow degenerate I will need

Your help in some gambling exploit I love I love how Marcos has been like gambling for like three days and he’s he’s Dove head first into it I don’t he’s talking about vigs during the break and you know’s he’s he’s talking about how the lines can move every five

Minutes he’s refreshing his page like he is all in yeah I’m all in I’ve uh I don’t know I’ve I’ve become obsessed with the idea of I can spend $10 and potentially win 200 but I haven’t become a obsessed with the idea of actually you know receiving the 200 I’m I’m more

Obsessed with the potential that’s exactly and the chili pepper oh the chili pepper they do this thing on my app Don know they add a little Chili Pepper next to certain bets which uh multiplies the potential outcome you know I’m all about potential I love those it goes from a from like yesterday

For example they had a a special sometimes they throw you a bone damn them in their uses a usage of emojis they throw you a bone Emoji next to one of the things it was dearon Fox uh higher or lower than 0.5 points I mean

All he had to do was it’s a freebie yeah how can I not select that can can I can I tell you a quick story about how how deep I used to be into it I don’t I don’t gamble nearly as much but about three years ago you know and this time

This was before you know because we have now like a legal sports betting app in Florida we can use I was using a certain offshore um site if few years ago and you know I was I was probably I don’t know doing 10 placing 10 to 15 small

Money but placing probably 10 to 15 bets per day on a pretty steady basis wow um at a certain point I decided for whatever reason to take a break for like three days like I just maybe I was losing too much maybe I was waiting on

My next paycheck whatever it was I I decided to take a break for like three days 36 hours into my Hiatus I get an email from like my account manager from that site like asking if I was okay because they hadn’t they hadn’t heard from me in 36 like they were basically

They were checking in to make sure I wasn’t dead because they’re like if this guy if this guy who’s placing 10 to 15 bets per day if we don’t know where this dude is we better make sure we don’t need to alert the authorities like I got

A personal email from a guy asking me if I was okay from the they would have noticed if I was gone before my wife not like if I had disappeared they would have known I was gone before my wife that’s good man that’s good I’m glad that they checked in on you though

That’s very ni for sure I’d spend more money just because of that yeah stuck with them for a while oh fading fig I remember that I think that was during the fade fig era that was that was why I was so active you had talked to me about it yeah I was

So active on there because I was fading fig were you ever uh in the green so much money because of me yeah I was ask like anyone I know who like is a gambler the best they they’ve done is broken even that’s the best much right well

Because because even if you think even if you have like a good week um if you go back and like you track your long-term progress like okay I just had a green week but let me see how I’ve done over the past three months if you

Zoom out you’re almost always in the red in the big picture see that’s why I only go $10 at a time oh yeah I go small very small me as well still I’ve done about 33 $10 at a time and I’ve maybe only won once wow but big money baby right around the

Corner I can feel it I can feel it I can feel it you have a gambling problem but not an addiction you’re just bad at it is your problem yeah I guess it’s a problem more than I’d say so like you imagine you call one of those 1-800

Numbers and they’re like sir sir what is what is your problem you go like I’m not addicted I just I can’t can you help me win a bet please like 1 1800 uh you know need help or whatever like I just need to win a bet can you give me some advice

Have one someone sent oh yeah they have hel lines for sure yeah yeah the problem is when I call the gambling hotline I’m actually betting the over under of rings before they answer so that that just adds to the problem adds it uh there you go 1800 Gambler let’s do

Our best to uh avoid messages from Jay fig in the chat that say break and instead we’ll go ahead and send it a break when we come back donno if you can please give us a small taste of what the Hurricanes were able to accomplish yesterday is that possible it is 1,00%

Possible we will do it we got that and much more on the Tobin Leroy show here on 560w They call me back Sant I make my runs about to break a day welcome back to the to Ro show Don can you please inform me what happened yesterday with the Miami Hurricanes I need to know how much better we are than the Florida state seminal and the Florida Gators well

Based on based on recruiting rankings uh Miami had a better day than both Florida State and Florida yesterday uh Miami has now the number three class in the Country Florida state is down to number nine in Florida I believe is number 16 they fell out of the top 15 yesterday

Okay bums bums right now listen I know some of you who are you know not into High School recruiting and I get it you’re like well how many of these players really pan out you know is this really going to matter how much better is this going to make Miami uh whether

You’re invested in high school recruiting or not I will say that the teams that have been in recent history having the most success right when you talk about the georgas the alabas the Ohio States of the world you know Clemson had a really good run they’ve they they’re in you know by their

Standards they’re on a little bit of a down period but these teams that have really dominated in the college football playoff era have been stacking top five top three top recruiting classes consistently right when you can stack those consecutive classes so I think that Marcos as you know someone who

Covers the Miami Hurricanes what impresses me the most is not only you know Miami locking in a top three class but consecutive top seven classes because you need to continue stacking these classes and we’re already seeing some of the true freshman who came in last year in an excellent class of 2023

Guys like Ruben Bane uh on the defensive line CC maoa on the offensive line Mark Fletcher at running back had really good seasons and played a lot as true freshman last year and made an impact and I think there’s a handful of guys in this 2024 recruiting class who can do

The same thing you know last year Miami got two five stars on the offensive line this year Miami gets two five stars on the defensive line which is is a really important area because the canes didn’t have a whole lot of depth there so the headliners for this class of 2024 are

Five-star defensive tackle Justin Scott who’s out of Chicago was big for Miami to go in there and get this kid who had been he had been committed to Ohio State and Miami flipped him and Miami keeps another top defensive lineman in the area a five-star defensive lineman Armando blunt who’s from Miami Central

Same high school that Ruben Bane went to he was committed to Florida State for the past couple months he flipped back to Miami yesterday uh there’s a handful of other really really important players in this class Maris Lightfoot Edge rusher defensive end who’s another one out of Chicago Miami did really well in

Chicago this year he’s a high level four-star borderline five-star Jason Taylor had a big hand in his recruitment uh to bring him down to Miami and you know one of the most high-profile topics yesterday was you know the the last minute Chase for Jeremiah Smith Miami ultimately loses out to Ohio Ohio State

There but the Hurricanes still do land a really good wide receiver class the best one that I can remember it’s been a long time since Miami’s gotten three receivers at this level uh fourstar borderline five-star out of shamad Madonna same high school as Jeremiah Smith Miami gets JoJo Trader who’s a top

Receiver chance Robinson out of St Thomas aquinus is one of the best receivers in the class and this kid out of Georgia NY car who’s another borderline five-star Guy high level four star is really explosive they bring him in as well and uh and a local safety uh

Zaquin Patterson I think is someone who can get on the field really quickly he’s really impressive another Shaman guy so uh Miami did really well uh and you know it’s it’s the thing and again the on season results last year were were disappointing to a lot of people myself

Included um you know seven and five it was better than the year before of course but you know everyone regrets Mario not taking that knee against Georgia Tech it should should have been 8-4 at the very least probably would have been even better than that had Miami thrown a few less interceptions

Last year uh but you know to be able to to take you know an up and down somewhat disappointing season on the field and secure you know one of the top recruiting classes in the country for the second straight year this sort of talent acquisition that’s how you win in

The long term right so I think it’s a really good sign and and at the end of the day Marcos and Jay fig Miami does land not only the top recruiting class in the State of Florida their head of Florida state Florida UCF USF whoever else you can think about FIU FAU all

That uh but the Hurricanes also for the second straight year finish national Signing Day with the best class in the ACC which is another important factor uh better recruiting class than Florida State Clemson and everybody else in the conference so I’m happy today Donald from time to time I’m not

Sure if you have like a ghost hype man but I see like a thumbs up up appear behind you for some reason yeah try try that when you when you put your thumb up onard whoa my what it’s magic does it work for you guys why does that only

Work for you using apple or using apple apple maybe that’s what it is that’s why and also I think when I do like a peace sign balloons come yeah see that look at that I think if you do this try doing this I don’t hold why am I camera the

Camera sir there you go what’s going on with that that or is it that looks like you’re ready for Rockville Rockville no nothing’s happening there what if I throw up the you does anything happen oh no nothing that’s crazy Donald yeah really really really broken it down in a

Way that makes me feel comfortable going to this year I know it it hasn’t been close between us although the game was kind of close I’m just meaning the competition between us and the seminal they’ve they’ve clearly been the better of the two teams now I feel with these

Young players beginning to like you said stack up with these recruiting classes we’ve been at the top of the recruiting class before that you know the jakori Harris uh Northwestern class that we had but I don’t know if we’ve quite stacked a few really good classes so look you

Can say what you want about Mario chrisal not being able to kneel the ball when he needs to and a couple other questionable decisions he may have made but one thing that man can do is recruit recruit recruit and like you mentioned uh with some of the signes that we got

Last year he’s done a good job at fixing the trenches yes we’re on the way to where we need to be I know it’s hard because Miami Hurricanes have been waiting for quite some time and it seems like every opportunity we get to say the

You is back we do but I really do feel like with these classes that Mario’s been able to stack up uh and with the help of Jason Taylor like you said you know he was talking on Joe Rose this morning about the value of Jason Taylor

And how he has nothing to prove yet he’s still out here doing what he needs to as if he has everything to prove and that’s already showing dividends so I’m excited to see this class go based off how you’re talking about them I’m hyped dude I’m hyped more than and the next thing

So you know obviously the way it goes these days in college football of course is um you know the bread and butter is high school recruiting and stacking classes but there’s so many opportunities in the transfer portal to plug you know basically plug holes and duct tape a few areas like really

Quickly like you know Florida State who just had an incredible year and you know for for as much as I’m not you know a Florida State guy I I thought they should have gotten into the college football playoff I I actually felt some some sympathy or some empathy for them

Uh so they had a great team and a great season last year and a lot of that was built through the transfer portal right I mean Keon Coleman uh you know even their you know their star quarterback Jordan Travis was a guy who did transfer in a couple of years ago and Johnny

Wilson transferred in a couple of years ago so they they’ve done a great job kind of plugging holes through the transfer portal Miami is trying to do a combination of both so then the thing that we’re all waiting for to decide hey is Miami going to be like a 10 or 11 win

Type team next year or an eight or nine win type team they’ve still got to find a quarterback and they’re actually they’re competing with Florida State for cam Ward who’s the top transfer portal quarterback from Washington State he’s taking his time he’s going through his process he’s not letting anybody Rush

Him on making a decision and uh you know a couple weeks ago he made an official visit to Miami and then right after that he made an official visit to Florida State he’s weighing his options and whoever gets that dude is going to have a big Advantage because obviously as

Florida State showed us with Jordan Travis um you know you get a dynamic quarterback in there that can be even though they’re losing some of their other guys like their receivers are no longer going to be there but that can be a really great team again if FSU can

Find the right quarterback and I feel the same way about Miami they’re going to have one of the better offensive lines in the country one of the better defensive lines in the country if they can find the right quarterback you know we could be talking about at least competing for the ACC Championship

Listen cam can I call you Cam can I call him cam you call him cam or Cameron you know call him something do you want do you want the illustrious beaches do you want Space nightclub or do you want Zack be that’s really that’s really your option here

Zach be and Guth Rees yeah exactly well what are we really doing here what what is the huh you you you want that or do you want Jay fig and Marcos in the mornings like come on dude it’s easy it’s an easy easy option yeah easy uh we’re gonna go ahead and catch

Up on the other side our Tua coming up next we’re going to hear from the Dolphins quarterback Dolphins head coach and a couple other characters ahead of this big matchup on Christmas Eve I think the audio is fixed right I think we’re all good here everyone is safe

Everyone is sound now let’s go ahead and get into the second hour of the show right here on 560 WQ it’s time for our Tua it’s our Tua it’s our Tua it’s our toaa T of Al not to tag of Le A for effort Dolphins quarterback Tua it’s our it’s

Our CHR go to hell to aong Dolph I love Christmas our Tua with Tobin and Leroy check the history Of our Tua on the program did you see tua’s uh younger brother is he opted out of Marilyn’s bowl game I think it’s cuz he’s getting ready to go pro cuz people are W can he hit the the transfer portal I think he’s out of Eligibility so he’s going to try

To go pro I I say the Dolphins bring him in I I don’t know if he’ll get drafted he’d be a late round draft pick maybe an undrafted free agent bring him in to be the third quarterback bring both tag tago Vala Brothers in hell yeah what I

Mean look I’ve seen enough of Mike White I think everybody has yeah he’s cool he’s fun guy great love him local boy I I I’m not gonna go as far as Tobin who says that he wishes Mike White zero success this year why does he say that

Because he wants Tua to have all the success and if we see if we see Mike White in the game having success that means Tua is injured or not doing well I see okay I that makes sense actually right because we we’ve had to rely too much on backup quarterbacks the last

Couple years and and by and large they they’ve let us down I mean jacobe brassette a couple years ago bum uh Teddy Bridgewater last year sorry bum last retiring at the end of the year did you find did you hear that no I didn’t hear that finally hanging up the cleats

Okay uh it is a special edition of toin and Leroy show because our boy alex Dono is stepping in holding it down Leroy is having surgery today so we got to check in on him I believe it’s is that thumb it’s not this time it is a miniscus oh

Man yes it is a uh miniscus that he is repairing which I don’t know that’s your knee I think right yeah it is definitely the knee yeah cool cool cool it’s attached to the the wiggle bone if I’m not mistaken the wiggle bone yes yes the COV is wiggle bone I never listened

During that party class yeah yeah which uh I think he learned that from the game Operation is where he learned that uhhuh and if you get if you touch the side of the wiggle it buzzes yeah it’s bad really bad so stay away from that uh we send prayers out to Leroy hopefully

Everything goes smooth and our boy Tobin is enjoying the holidays already as he should as he should so it is the gang here holding things down I’m ready to give you some headlines presented by the new P for truck Super Center why buy your truck at a car store Pomo Ford we

Know trucks we talked about it briefly in the first hour the Miami Heat were able to topple the Orlando Magic yesterday in Orlando but you’ll never know that it was Orlando because there was more let’s go Heat chance there was anything else but the Miami Heat they

Really are Florida’s team like I I went to years ago I went to uh a heat Magic game in Orlando the heat actually lost that game that I went to but I I can remember being at that Arena was not a bad arena there but it was like 75% Heat

Fans in there I’m like w I feel like it’s all like there are more Heat fans at Orlando Magic home games than there are sometimes Heat fans at home games against the Knicks when when all those New York transplants get in there like the heat take over that arena in Orlando

Yeah I mean look Orlando’s folded with transi people you know you’re no one’s from Orlando except for actually me I was born in Orlando that one a lot of my family is from Orlando the holidays I will be in Orlando I go there often which is why I

Could say no one’s from Orlando dude what are we really doing here uh there a bunch of people from out of state and if you’re gonna if you’re gonna choose to vote for anyone or cheer anyone on chances are you’re going to go with a team that uh has five Champion four

Championships losing count here three no no no see but there was an asck on the uh there was an asri on the 20120 pandemic one so we kind of got half Championship there and then last year there was something fishy I’m not sure there was something we need to check uh

Joker for performance enhancing drugs so I’m gonna add uh an asri there as well so I think we have like 3.75 championships if that adds up I like that math the uh the the heat like I said yesterday we able to pull it off although it got much closer than we

Needed it to in the fourth quarter getting to I think it was like within like eight points Five Points it was too close how about that it was too close after being up by much do you know who I think the X Factor is though if I had to

Be honest Hae no because Hae yesterday also let me down if I had to be honest oh he I think he was his his over and under was set at like 13 and a half or something like that yeah he scored 10 10 points in 34 minutes what are we doing

Here what are we doing here dude get him off the team Donan you know what why don’t you go ahead and Mark that for later yeah no I don’t know the audio is messed up it’s well guess what I’m gonna mark it okay great uh yesterday though it was the return of the

Locksmith Haywood High Smith did you know that was his nickname the locksmith I have heard I think I heard it on this show before who did did Tobin make that up did you make that up it’s makes things up yeah he’s always making things up so it’s probably him

But Haywood heith yesterday had an excellent performance you know he’s been dealing with an injury and the reason why I bring up this random role player is because that hot streak that we had when Tyler hero was out started with Haywood heith being inserted into the lineup he

Had injuries that he missed time but yesterday 30 minutes four of nine from the three-point line including two steals six rebounds and two assists that’s something that we’ve seen from him in regards to being able to turn around that defensive pressure he has that on ball pressure that no one else

Really in the Miami Heat has and that was really where things turned out because in the in the second quarter it was close things were still pretty close uh as they shouldn’t have and uh the magic even took the lead for a little bit but it wasn’t until our boy the

Locksmith came in and showed why yet another gem has been found by by the Miami Heat uh with all these injuries that we’re sustaining you always it’s always good to see these role players stepping up on other news tonight we have the Florida Panthers that will be starting

Uh 7 PM right here on 560 WQ against the St Louis Blues uh things have been kind of rough that West Coast trip that the Panthers took recently that was rough I think I might have been the Jinx because uh I I I worked a few of those broadcasts

Uh because I don’t I don’t think Kevin Rogers likes to stay up like past 10 o’clock neither do I by the way I don’t like to stay up past 10 either but I I filled I filled in for those games and every time I worked the game the

Panthers lost four nothing it was not not a good streak I I apologize to Doug plens I apologize to Sergey bski he he wasn’t he was like so it’s your fault guy I don’t like I don’t like losing game because some guy on radio bring bad

Luck to Sergey bosski he was not you and Tobin you and Tobin are mushes yeah W mushes huh I uh it’s okay I don’t I don’t necessarily blame you I think it’s clear Kevin Rogers is the problem he might be the problem him not wanting to

Stay up past 10 o’clock might be the issue that’s the issue dude that is the absolute issue there uh and other news I was mentioning before the Miami Dolphins uh met with the media yesterday a few members including the quarterback Tua tago vowa our boy it is indeed our Tua

So how crazy will we be to not have any Tua in our Tua did you catch any of the press conference Don I did not so I will be hearing this this will be my maiden voyage oh look at that Weir Choice look at that made voy I’m I’m I’m going on a

Cruise in a few weeks so I have to have my I’ve got to have my nautical lingo ready right I’m that guy I’m gonna get on the cruise ship I’m gonna be wearing like boat shoes and I’m GNA be wearing a captain’s hat I’m gonna have my nautical

Puns ready you’re not GNA be wearing a captain’s Hat’s hat we know this I probably I’ll be wearing an orange and green captain’s hat oh okay see okay look I don’t want to expose your uh your your whereabouts to anyone that may be trying to claw

Your eyes out for any reason but where what’s going on man is this like a is this like a Royal Caribbean or kind of vacation it’s a royal Caribbean and it’s going to be um yeah so this is going to be an interesting vacation because it’s

Going to be one of those like we’re going to be that family who’s doing a cruise with like 20 extended family members all showing up love there there there was a conversation that was had and quickly shot down about having matching family reunion t-shirts yes no

We’re not do and you know you know who shot it down God bless him my father my father immediately somebody in our family group chat proposed matching t-shirts yeah he he was like the iceberg to the Titanic he completely he completely sunk that idea which I’m

Happy about uh but here’s the other part you see obviously there’s gonna be a lot of kids there I think it’s G to be like maybe 25 people all in my extended family and here’s the other thing that got shot down I was already shopping the deals for the uh for the alcoholic

Beverage package yes and and my wife basically it’s either I get the beverage package and get a divorce oh or or I don’t get the package and I can my marriage will live to see another day because she’s like she knows me she’s like you’re not going to be drunk the

Entire time you know watching our son and all these other kids so uh I’m not going to be able to get the uh the extra beverage uh alcoholic trying to say about your your um tolerance here yeah doesn’t she know you got no my my tolerance is good I think that’s part of

The problem she knows that with my with my tolerance I’m going to get every cent of my money’s worth on that package I think she understands that see that that’s what I was going to explain to you in order to get your money’s worth

In that package I think I I did the math you need to have a drink every 17 minutes no basically no it’s it’s it’s $82 a day the package for sure for sure and then the thing is like uh it’s why I appreciate the package I think there

There’s a one that doesn’t include alcohol if I’m not mistaken they have like a little Starbucks on the Royal Caribbean that’s the one I’m getting I’m getting the one that doesn’t include the starb Starbucks frappuccino no I’ve seen the Starbucks but I didn’t know they had a package with the Starbucks

Yeah you can get a little little frappes if you like so that’s cool that that’s the one that that I’m good for but other than that you can allegedly allegedly you know go with the whole mouthwash thing or you know I got I got these things off Amazon allegedly

That were shampoo box bottles that come with seals you know yeah me more okay okay so the shampoo bottle comes empty it’s large it’s enough to fit a 750 milliliter bottle allegedly send me that link later I definitely will it comes with resalable seals that you put on

There allegedly and uh yeah it totally works you got sunscreen bottles you got shampoo bottles and then you’re allowed to bring a bottle as well you’re allowed to bring like a wine or champagne or something like that you are they don’t they don’t like like I had a whole plan I was going

To bring uh cuz I uh I’ve got a mixer like I make my own cocktails at home I was I was going to bring like various ing but then I read the policy you cannot bring uh like hard lior like you can bring a couple bottles of wine or

You can’t bring hard liquor with you yeah allegedly but yeah but one of the things too you gotta watch out because they tell you you can bring your wine right but God forbid you try to bust that wine open out in the dinner they’re like oh that’s that’s cute sir $ fee huh

Right the corking fee what the hell are we even doing here but yeah man look I love cruises I worked on a Cru bring your own cork um SCU there you go they’re not charging you to open that of course you can bring your own but

They’re still going to be like if you drink it in this place we’re charging right you have you have to like drink it in your room I think or whatever yeah absolutely well excellent or in your wife’s bracelet allegedly what uh what about how long I

Don’t want you know I don’t want any more details you know I I knowy yeah it’s it’s it’s a quicker one it’s like I think I want to say it’s four nights it’s a four night cruise and then the whole thing again like we’re meeting a bunch of family members and I’ve got

Like it’s like the grisal like my EXT like my my immediate family very normal the extended family they’ve got some quirks okay like they’re they live this is my mom’s side of the family uh they they live in North Carolina they they do not they I think they’re afraid of

Planes like they don’t like to flying planes so they only drive everywhere so we have to so our cruise is going out from Port Canaveral they’re like they draw the line at like they will not drive past Canaveral so it’s like the Port of Miami Port

Everglades was out so I got to drive up to Port Canaveral because other people are driving down from North Carolina to take the cruise it’s a whole thing I gotcha I gotcha that’s okay though that’s fun and I was gonna say the perfect amount of days is actually Four

Because like a two-day Cruise too quick sday cruise by day six you’re like I want to get the hell home Yeah by day six lost all my money in the casino yeah oh yeah Casino even started on that now that I know that I can gamble not not

Well but like it’s a thing that I do uh yeah I’m I’m actually not looking forward to that because I know that I’m probably gonna lose all my money yeah well I wish you the best Dono I wish you the best someone who I hope cruises through the Cowboys defense is

Tua uh he spoke yesterday he says how much or he determined how much he can take from the bills victory over the Cowboys as you know the Cowboys were dominated by the bills run all over but Tua is re here revealing exactly how much he can take from that win or

Whether he can just take it with a grain of salt I don’t I don’t necessarily look at uh one particular game when we watch games um but you you do want to look at games that uh you know where they struggled what what were their struggles

Um you know things that we can take advantage of um you know within the pass game The Run game but um you know I I sort of think of our team last week coming off the loss to to Tennessee um you know I can I can sense that that’s

Where they would probably be um not a very fun team meeting to be in um and and guys are you know are going to be dialed in locked in doing whatever they need to do to get that feeling um you know off their chest or off their

Shoulders and so uh for me I’m I mean we’re we’re going to prepare the same way we’ve prepared for any other team so we’re expecting their best they’re going to do anything and everything they can um you know um to to to beat us and we’re going to do the exact

Same look I know you can’t judge it off of one game but I think I think some things were exposed last week with the Bills running all over the Cowboys of course you got to look at all the weeks but I think you just kind of look at it

And say I think we can have success in the Run game yeah and the Dolphins uh they have had success there I mean I think they’re uh top of the league in average yards per carry basically top of the league in in most running categories uh this year which has been a nice

Surprise because during the offseason we were talking about which running backs Miami should be trying to sign or trade for and you know with this combination with touchdown machine Raheem moer and Devon Anan and Jeff Wilson this is worked out just fine so yeah you should

Be able to run against that team an interesting thing I think this happens a lot uh in the NFL is the Cowboys happened to be tu’s favorite team when he was growing up and now he has an opportunity to uh stuff them and really break that narrative that has been surrounding the Dolphins

This is what to I had to say in regards to his childhood favorite team the Cowboys Cowboys are my favorite team growing up um they played on Prime Time a lot and in Hawaii um you know prime time is like 3:00 p.m they’re like dang it’s night over

There it’s like the the sun is still up over here um so yeah we we uh I come from a family that uh they they’re big Cowboys fans um but uh not anymore not anymore everyone’s Dolphins fans and then the ones who still support the Cowboys they’re probably not my family

Anyways shot I tell you what and that’s a nice little preview here we’re up against it so we’ll take it to break but comeback that is a preview of what we have to come here because Tua yesterday he went from from this normal reserved sweet Tua that we know that loves

Christmas and loves his teammates to spicy Tua keeping all the receipts we’re going to hear from that and more when we come back on the other side right here on 560 wqm Mr Grinch you really are a heel you’re as cuddly as a cactus you’re as Charming as an eel Mr

Gch you’re a bad banana with greasy black which one was him which one was me did you guys know did you notice that wasn’t all you that was good I know the top four Christmas movies of all time highest selling Let’s Hear It Go highest selling

Um oh okay um there’s got to be a Home Alone in there somewhere um see see he has the same no I mean it’s the right choice it really is the right choice see like thing is like I don’t because there there’s a lot of these like romcoms that

Come out that I’m not really uh I’m not really into that but like for Die Hard do you consider that a Christmas that’s got to be I’ve already watched that this holiday season I love die and do you after after watching it most recently do you consider it a absolutely it takes

Place on Christmas Eve they’re at a Christmas party when the whole thing happens there’s a bunch of references to Christmas the reason why uh the reason why Bruce Willis is even in the movie in the first place is he’s traveling over there to see his kids on Christmas it’s

100% it’s a Christmas movie 100% you sold me on that one yeah always debated but I’ve actually never seen that Die Hard oh what are you doing man it’s a great no it’s honestly I’ve I’ve probably watched Die Hard is the type of action movie it holds

Up yes it absolutely holds up and you can really like you can watch it once twice a year and it never gets old like there’s just so many good iconic parts and lines in Die Hard I highly recommend you watch I think I may make uh make

Some time for die hard this year just because might as well watch it on Christmas you’re the only one who’s actually sold me on it because people will talk about it and they wouldn’t have compelling arguments as to why it’s a Christmas movie for sure but you did

That for sure the only the only argument against it being a Christmas movie is uh when it came out in 1988 it did come out in the summer but it it’s set on Christmas and like everything about it is Christmas it just it wasn’t released on Christmas but you know that was that

Was probably before either of you were born anyway so don’t even worry about that yeah that’s fine but look someone who loves Christmas our boy to uh I love Christmas I know you you said you haven’t seen any of the Hard Knocks yet right uh no I’ve I saw

The first couple of episodes I’m way behind super excited about it being decked out did you see him decorating the quarterback room with uh loads yeah this guy loves Christ that last year and last year last year he did some pressors in an ugly sweater yeah look this guy is clearly a

Fan of Christmas yeah so hopefully he gives us all a Christmas gift that isn’t coal this year but uh he does seem to be potentially on the naughty list with how he was spazzing out yesterday me personally though I was a fan of it anytime I could see Tua show a little

Bit of emotion uh give me anything other than quarterback talk I love it dude he’s one of the most polarizing figures to ever come out of college football and for some reason this guy is a talking point no matter what every week everyone has to check on what is Tua doing uh

Although no one has mentioned knock on wood how healthy he’s been this year and how he’s on the longest streak of his entire career in regards to playing uh there’s a few other things they’ve been saying about him but have no fear Tua has been keeping receipts this what the

Quarterback had to say like I keep saying everyone wants to make this about me about Tyreek like please keep pushing it to Tyreek like make it about Tyreek I understand that my platform and who I am in this league as a quarterback makes me if you want polarizing whether I’m the

Best whether I’m the worst like I could care less like I don’t listen to it this is my bearer of bad news and Nolan I hate to say it I hate to say that but that’s my bearer of bad news if anyone has something to if if anyone has

Something bad to say about me but at the end of the day like I I really don’t care but if she does share it with me I mean I keep receipts we all we all have have have a way of how we do things but like all the narratives about it I am

Yeah sure I am only good with tyreen i that you’re right I am that is the only time I am at my best um you’re right I’m only good when jaylen’s in I I I could care less about it like sure uh if Jaylen and those guys are not like I’m

Only as good as Raheem moard allows me to be like that’s that’s what the narrative needs to be and we’re able to win games and we’re able to go where we want to go as a team I am the worst football player if that’s what you want

Like I don’t care like I really don’t so whatever it is whatever you need on your show like take Clips out out of what I just said do it do what you need to do like that I’m just here to do my job and

My job is to help our guys win games wow that was great wow I would have said the same thing look at that dude and aot a lot of that I know that this is not the only one but a lot of that has to be

Directed at Stephen A Smith who he kept standing that asinine comment he made about how like Tua only throws at two yards and then Tyreek Hill gets all the rest and Yak but even as he was saying that they were showing a clip behind him of Tua throwing it 50 yards through the

Air to Tyreek Hill it’s like it’s insane and like I I don’t the weird thing about this is people are so selective with that narrative about receivers making quarterbacks better because they only seem to use that with Tua like you know they seem to disregard you know other

Great quarterbacks over time that have had great Supporting Cast I mean do you think Troy Aman is going to be winning Super Bowls if he didn’t if he wasn’t playing with the other triplets if he didn’t have Michael Irvin and a great receiving Corp and EMT Smith it’s like

There’s nothing wrong with having great talent around you people only seem to use that as an asterisk when they’re talking about Tua Tango vioa like would Tua not be as successful if he didn’t have Tyreek Hill and didn’t have Jaylen Wadd no I don’t think he would and

Listen I I I to me I do think the best quarterback in the NFL is Patrick Mahomes in my in my humble opinion uh he he can definitely and he used to play with Tyreek Hill uh I I believe momes can do more potentially with less than a

Lot of other NFL quarterbacks can but you don’t think I mean you don’t notice his numbers have taken a dip when he has been playing without uh without Tyreek Hill the last couple of years and you know when Travis kelce’s been a little bit inconsistent at times this year you

Know they’ve lost some games they shouldn’t have lost so I mean I’m I I stand with Tua on that one and I know people will remind me they will never let me forget about this that I used to be a pretty strong skeptic on Tua and I

Admit that I also admit he’s proven me wrong in a lot of ways and I’m happy he’s doing well because I’m a Miami Dolphins fan at the end of the day that’s you know up until you mention that I forgot you were too a hater donno

I forgot but you know what we forgiven you we we we don’t blame you Jay fig hasn’t forgiven you but well and maybe if Tua is saving all these receipts Tua may not have forgiven me and that’s fine like you know if he doesn’t want to

Forgive me not I’m sure he doesn’t care about me I’m I’m not trying to not trying to inflate my ego or anything but if two if two has anono receipt saved that’s fine at the end of the day I want you to do well because I’m a Miami

Dolphin fan and I want this team to win a Super Bowl for the first time in my lifetime yeah no I uh I was speaking yesterday about how my dolphin fandom began with Jay feedler that is when I became a Dolphin fan I saw not terrible he wasn’t bad he wasn’t terrible but

Didn’t we play that he wasn’t bad he wasn’t terrible game for 20 years yes we did wasn’t that the narrative every single time Chad Henny not bad not terrible uh Ryan tanah Hill not bad not terrible Dante Co pepper not bad not like like how many times have we said

That this is the first time we’ve had an opportunity to say you know I think we actually got something here and we almost squandered that I think when he talks about the receipts he’s not only talking about the media he’s talking about you know the previous administration how Flores made him feel

Uh and I think there would be no there’d be no Tua that we see today without Mike McDaniel you know it’s obvious it’s obvious not only the confidence he’s instilled with him uh to to be that quarterback that’s more vocal and be uh and Trust his talents I just think right

Now that mentality of like I I really don’t care man I’m just gonna go out and be me is something that the head coach has brought and I mean it’s paying dividends it really is regardless of whether or not you know Stephen A Smith wants to say he just dinks and dumps

Regardless of whether or not Michael parsons’s says that he he can be the quarterback in Miami if all he’s doing is throwing bubble screens and regardless if Cam Newton thinks that he’s a game changer all this Nays saying continues to pop up and all Tua does is

Just let it fall right to the Wayside so you know it’s it’s something that I can directly accredit to Mike McDaniel and I couldn’t be happier I really couldn’t by the way I just got a a text message from a buddy of mine who actually he used to

Work at the station years ago uh and he and because he heard you say that your dolphin fandom started with Jay feedler and he goes Jay feedler what is this guy 20 well 30 so I uh I saw like maybe like a little bit of Dan Marino but you’re

Too you were too young to appreciate it though yeah exactly I didn’t see uh and you know what don’t yell at me sir all right uh it’s not your fault you were born 10 years too late yeah what am I supposed to do here I can’t control time

Uh when we come back we’re going to hear from the head coach Mike MC Daniel who addressed the many many injuries the Dolphins are facing we’ll see how that affects the team this upcoming Sunday we’ll hear from him and much much more when we come back on the other side here on 560

WQ he That was also me singing not sure if you guys notic that too but by the way you teased me last segment asking me what I think were the the top four um box like do you have the answer to what the top four grossing Christmas movies are yes and this is

Where it gets crazy right it’s actually consisted of the same movie right uh four times or not the same movie the same two movies okay uh the first one being Grinch the second one being home alone the third one being home alone too and the fourth one being Grinch again oh

Man yeah they keep remaking the Grinch yeah like every couple years there’s a new one it seems like well lucky for them the one that I thought was going to be the top spot was the one with Jim Carrey uh in my opinion that’s the best

One the best one the one instead that is the top is a grinch that was released in 2018 not that long ago the cartoon version yeah I remember I actually I I watched like H it’s it’s all right I I watched like half of it with my kid uh

Last week because it was it happened to be on TV we sat and watched it for a little bit like it’s it’s fine like obviously I’m partial to the original one just because that that’s what I grew up watching on TV over and over and over

Again but uh yeah I mean my my kid was like hypnotized by this thing so they they know how to get the children uh engaged watching that movie it’s the colors yeah I think so I think so yeah uh we heard from Tua in the last segment as he got a little bit

Spicy yeah ahead of his matchup against the Cowboys he’s done with it he doesn’t care whatever you want to say by all means at this point for him uh we also got to hear from Mike McDaniel yesterday as he addressed the media and boy oh boy can that man talk

You know what I found out what his problem was and you’ve probably noticed this from the little bit that you’ve watched uh Hard Knocks the guy’s got a potty mouth yeah man has a potty mouth every five words yeah with the uh the ums and the pauses that he gives during his post

Game and his meetings with the media I think it’s obvious to say that he’s just trying not to curse all over all over air so uh I can appreciate that but we have one of his long winded responses here probably break this up into two uh

The Miami Dolphins as you know have had four losses this year against uh three of them being against teams with a winning record which has hurt the narrative for the Miami Dolphins that they cannot beat a good team and then the last one a major collapse on Monday

Night in Prime Time against the Tennessee Titans so Mike mcel was asked what has these losses taught him and he was able to give us a response and only Mick coaching could give us which means winded as hell this is the coach what do you think you know the four

Losses that’s kind of like a hole have taught this team um as you you know look ahead this weekend and the pregame finish well well each um is unique to itself each came at a different stage in the season and I think um each has been extremely valuable uh you know the the

First one we were um riding the high of a of a rare uh you know I think 50 point margin of Victory and we experienced humility um not because it was uh you know out of a lack of respect or uh it it was just a

Unique experience um for for that to go from that high to that low so I thought from that from that loss um the the way we practice football changed for the entire year then the um second loss against Philly um you know the going on the road

And um not uh playing clean football from a standpoint of you know it’s it’s hard to go to a place um that you know they they hadn’t lost there I think they’ve lost one sense um really tough place to play it was a big stage and we

Needed to feel feel that and we came up short um not out of lack of effort but that that was a um you know that was something that this team hadn’t felt they had only felt one loss um and by their own valtion they they had a a big

Part in that so then that occurs where you just get beat by a good football team and then um before he gets to the third and fourth losses I’m gonna go ahead and give you my breakdown of what I learned from those two losses initially from the bills I learn you you

Can’t Overlook the bills I know they have their own problems that they have going on safan Diggs and Josh Allen at each other’s throats nonetheless we have a big game at the end of the season against the bills I feel like had we beat the bills early on

In the season we probably would have walked into that that uh finale here probably like H who cares kind of vibe but because of the losses that we have taken there is a chance that potentially we can play the bills in the final week there we you know what else I

Learned from that response about the bills loss that you apparently you shouldn’t have won the previous game by 50 because you you got a little you got a little high on your own Supply right if you’d won that game by 30 you might have beaten the bills the next week for

Sure you gotta save some of those points for next week exactly uh it was just a humility and understanding that you know let’s not get too big for our Bridges bridges guys Bridges didn’t you know don’t want you to a dumb button J fig um and then the second one I learned that

Sometimes the refs cheat and you know what with the Eagles game of course it’d be uh foolish for me to just think that the only reason we lost was because the ref’s cheated but it is a good wakeup call that sometimes you can do a lot of things right and sometimes the other

Team can do a lot of things wrong and there’s just going to be moments that are out of your control or moments that go beyond the game that’s sometimes we heavily into the game again I know that’s not the only reason we lost but it is a good reminder that when you beat

A team beat a team you know don’t sit here and leave it in the hands of the refs don’t leave it in the hands of these moments that are you know obscure may happen may not happen make sure it’s a commanding Victory especially when you’re going against these good teams

Bad teams always find a way to lose good teams always find a way to win make sure you’re on the right side of that that’s what the Eagles game taught me now I’m going to play the rest and McDaniel can tell us what the loss to the Chiefs and

What the loss of the Titans taught him um you know I think in Kansas City we learned uh that uh in a in a different way um people were were pressing when they shouldn’t have or shouldn’t need to a different way from the Tennessee game

But um that and and they also learned um how hungry they were uh and they hadn’t really accomplished um anything that they set out to do um which is a humbling experience but a very healthy experience then um you know you you uh this last loss was

Um I I think we we learned uh a vital piece of um what will shape the rest of our season namely this game against the Cowboys is how uh you know um how I’m that boring you just went on Tik [Laughter] Tok whatever he’s saying um but but that

That one um we we learned a vital piece on uh you know what where where our tension should should lie um and how in a matter of you know four minutes in that case but how things can go drastically um arai and okay my breakdown is Tennessee game definitely a fluke but

Definitely what you should learn from that it’s it’s not over until it’s over and that’s something no matter how good or bad the team is no matter how dominant of a performance you have it’s not over until it’s over and I think that’s something that we can use in the

Playoffs and what I learned from the Kansas City loss was Patrick Mahomes is a baby H I don’t know if it necessarily came to light until a few weeks later when he was yelling at his receivers yeah but and also when when he was mad at the refs for not allowing that touchdown

When cadarius Tony was lined up like five yards off side like sorry buddy it’s not illegal when you’re lined up five yards off Sid Patrick Mahomes is a baby he is that’s really what I learned from the Kansas City matchup uh but yes four losses on the

Dolphins record thus far each of them I think we will take with us as lessons not as something that’s going to Hold Us Down it’s not going to be something that’s going to uh be the reason why you know sometimes you lose one you continue

To lose some you slump up we see it with the Hurricanes you see it with a boxers sometimes they get knocked out once and then you know it’s hard to come back from that I think we genuinely got lessons from all of these and I think

The biggest one is Patrick Mahomes is a baby yeah I can concur do you think he likes Christmas as much as Tua I doubt it no one likes Christmas as much as Tua this guy loves Christmas Tua do you love Christmas I love Christmas he loves Christmas

Dud uh we’ll be coming back we’ll get into some cat talk right here on 560w Q am we’ll break down more of the Miami Dolphins matchup against the Cowboys a 15 minutes of game day uncensored and we’ll wrap next hour with game show Christmas edition that and more right here on 56c wqam

Back out to m center point over to barov right Circle down low they work in front of the next shot they scored at Sam Reinhardt on the power play off a nice speed from kachuck at the side of the goal Sam Reinhardt gives the Panthers a one- nothing Lead 1 minute 28 seconds

Into the Game d I know that you work Panthers games but have you had an opportunity to enjoy one in the building um many times not yet this season actually I probably should have specified I was referring to this season specifically because they have a new goal song which is the one that I just

Played yeah I like it um although I did uh I remember being a because I’m a creature of habit they used that Jimmy Eat World song for so many years yeah the sweetness yeah so like I don’t know they it was it was probably like five or six

Years straight if not longer they Ed that same song it’s like you kind of get when they score a goal are you little son I was kind of into it right and then they switched it up but I don’t mind this one yeah no I completely feel the

Same way it was stuck in my head last season didn’t they have all different songs yeah everyone had their own song yeah so I think yeah definitely wasn’t a fan of that one uh the Florida panther well you know before I start talking about our boys uh JF do you have a

Celsius in front of you yes I do oh my God what you do you no okay I was gonna ask you Donald but clearly you don’t have Celsius yes but that’s okay because we’re doing cat talk which is essentially like audio Celsius yeah hands don’t sit this one out when it’s

Game time make Celsius a part of you’re playing get that energy up game day is fueled by Celsius essential energy drinks the official energy drink of open that up oh wait what the hell what the hell there you go crack that can open you did it in front of the

Camera dude this is an audio medium you got to give me the opening Jesus CHR this is the sparkly prly bear I like that one the Oasis one yeah that’s good love that you know what I do like I do like the uh the the fruit punch flavored

One damn Comet no not Comet Astro one of the Vibes yeah I I think comet is detergent you don’t want to drink that oh yeah watch I mean I’ve never tried this one this one it’s actually really good there was a time where people were eating Tide Pods so you never you never

Know dude uh the Panthers Are Back In Action tonight you can listen to that right here on 560 wqam they take on the St Louis bloes after a rough West Coast trip we talked about before Panthers still find themselves third in the Atlantic division which in in my opinion is a

Complete bump up from last year’s situation in which you know we we had that until the end of the season we were biting our nails wondering whether or not we were going to make it at all yeah and that that West Coast trip it’s always it’s always a gauntlet uh because

You the travel’s crazy and you’re going between a couple different countries at least they were able to get a win out west against edmont which is you know not a bad hockey team and a buddy of mine’s a big Oilers fan so I gave him hell for that one but yeah losing to

Calgary to wrap up the trip I wanted that one for Matthew kachuck like I wanted him to beat his former team that was a tough one then you had the four nothing losses earlier on in the trip uh I’m sure these guys are just happy to be

Back home because that that West Coast California Canada Trip that’s always a grind every year yeah absolutely uh Panthers will be home for a little bit uh which kind of hurts my heart because that means I won’t be able to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra at amarant bank because the

Panthers will too does it really hurt your heart you know I just sometimes you just love to see orchestras and lights so are they not planned this year not uh not at emerant they will make their way to Amway they’ll be in Tampa oh how dare they how dare they right

Bastards uh let’s get into some other headlines here these headlines are brought to you by the newa metal Ford truck Super Center why buy your truck at a car store palle Ford we know trucks so I know we had a busy day specifically you yesterday Dono as you

Were tracking all the recruits to officially sign with Miami Hurricanes but we had some uh some action here in in basketball around the basketball world uh it seems as if Joel embiid may be going for his second straight MVP he put up 51 points yesterday yes I did

That was that was quite a night oh man also the Clippers look to be uh in sync yet again uh kawhai Leonard is finally not taking games off James Harden looks like he’s been settling into his role over there so a little bit of uh success

Out west for them and it’s good to see because you know now you’re seeing instead of highlights of Russell Westbrook jumping over crazy people instead you’re seeing him support his teammates on the sideline which is great that’s where he should be he’s uh really settling into that rooll

Over there out west uh out east the Miami Heat pulled off a victory yesterday against the Orlando Magic and although they were in control for a majority of the game I say pulled off a victory because things got really dicey towards the end well was it a 24-point

Lead that they they were thinking about blowing yeah thinking about it they tried to on uh I believe it was a stats reported earlier that I think their plus minus in regards to their the the points scored first quarter second quarter they were plus like you know 90 or like plus like

40 plus 50 third quarter they’re probably like plus 36 when it comes to that fourth quarter this year theyve been minus 96 when it comes to that is the new third quarter before it was a third quarter coming out of the half we started slow that was the quarter that

Brought us down now it’s gotten even scarier we decided the fourth quarter is the one that we’re going to be taking off so well then eventually hear me out okay if if the third quarter used to be the problem they’re pushing it back to the fourth quarter if they can figure if

They can figure that out then they’ll be winning games by 30 points on the regular if they can push because there’s there’s no quarters after the fourth Marcos the game is over unless you’re in overtime but if you get rid of the fourth quarter struggles Championship 82-0 next year

You know what I think you’re on to something we will lose every overtime game based off of your math though right but how many overtime games will they actually get to if they dominate the first second third and fourth quarters and how many years does it take for our

Third quarter to go from one quarter to the next if that’s the case in a few years after that we’ll only be losing double overtime games and we barely so I canot wait five years down the line we got this dude that’s whyat Ry is never going to retire cuz he knows

In about 5 years time uh you know the heat will not lose a single game what would it be 98 and0 if you go unbeaten regular season playoffs that’s what we’re looking at in a few years yeah just avoid double overtime if double overtime even comes up just goe and

Forth the game save every once in time uh Donald tonight we got some Thursday Night Football we have the Los Angeles Rams taking on the New Orleans Saints both of those teams are seven and seven at the moment uh which I normally wouldn’t care about this game at all and I actually still

Don’t but the Gambler in me wants to see the lines my friend but I I’m lie I only do play player props so I’m I’m give you a few player props for tonight’s game oh okay you tell me if I should go over or under on these all right let’s start

With Derek Carr because under under I don’t even need to hear the number under but damn it I have no choice there’s a chili pepper next to it I have to go don’t know oh no but the CH does the chili pepper give you some crazy prop

What is the number so it would increase the the BET by 1.25 which essentially if I were to normally get $200 if I add this to my parlay then that would make it 225 I’m assuming quick math okay um sure I’m not gonna argue with you sure sure sure so

Uh would that be over or under 1.5 passing touchdowns uh uh that is I don’t know I’m gonna say over only because overs are so much more fun I think I think 1.5 is a good stat there I’d rather root for something to happen than root for something not to happen so

I’m gonna go over last game he was able to put up three touchdowns yeah the game before that he was able to put up two touchdowns the only difference is he’s actually going against a pretty good defense in the Los Angeles Rams he’s not Facing the Giant and the Carolina

Panthers as he did the past two weeks it’s it’s a low number though I’ll go over when when I see a 1.5 for quarterback touchdowns if I’m gonna take it I’d usually go over what about this Alvin chimra 51.5 you know what though because he’s a

He’s a dual threat how about we do this Don it also the combined the to the total number combine of the rushing and receiving 87 and a half what do you think I think I’m going over on that over on that yeah I think he’ll probably

Have like 65 rushing yards maybe 30 40 passing uh receiving yards I’ll go over for chimra that is an identical statline of what he had last game rushing yards 44 receiving okay there you go oh look there you go I know my Cima you parlay those two bad boys and you’re looking at

A hot $115 off of uh 10 10 bucks that’s not bad okay I’m rooting for you I you know what this gives me extra motivation I’m going to be watching that game tonight not thinking about my own Wagers I’m going to be thinking about marcos’s parlay is what I’m going to be watching

That tonight that’s right I’m I’m infectious I’m someone said that to me one time I will if you want me to root for you I charge uh 10% on commission on your winnings 10% how about this if the Heat win you can use my code at Papa

John’s and you can get 50% off fair enough we’ll settle for that all right when we come back we’ll give you 15 minutes of game day uncensored your Miami Dolphins are set to play in arguably the most important game in quite some time maybe even in over a

Decade here in South Florida we’ll hear more from coach Mike McDaniel a little bit more from Tua all that when we come back right here on 56 wqam uncensored let’s go sponsored by South Florida Lexus dealers experience Amazing Don Marcos do you see what I’ve done with my sweater yeah you uh you look like you’re on your way to the yacht club oh tied it around your neck very classy looking good huh very preppy good I’m fancy I’m fancy I’m ready for a big matchup this

Weekend that’s what little you got a little hot back there right it’s why hot dude very hot I’m swe speaking of this weekend would you like to know the scenarios where the Miami Dolphins can potentially not only clinch a playoff spot this weekend but they could clinch

The AFC East Division as early as this weekend that’s crazy because Don that’s the only thing I want to hear literally all he was doing that’s literally I was trying to Crunch the numbers and I can’t oh do do you have them in front of you

Yeah but like my math was off I would much rather hear it from you all right I got him I got him if you want them uh and by the way I uh I wish I could take credit for this but I am I am reading

These off of Al so do lest anyone think I crunched the numbers I Googled it how can the Dolphins clench the playoffs this week they are not did you carry the one be careful I carried several ones okay so these are the six different ways that the Dolphins

Can clinch a playoff birth uh if the Dolphins beat the Cowboys or the Dolphins tie against the Cowboys and Jacksonville Jaguars lose or the Dolphins tie against the Cowboys and Indianapolis and Houston both lose or the Dolphins tie against the Cowboys and the Colts lose or tie and the Cleveland

Browns lose or the Dolphins tie against the Cowboys and Texans lose or tie and Cincinnati Bengals lose or tie or the Dolphins tie against there’s a lot of tie scenarios in here tiar tie against the Cowboys and Bengals loss or tie and the Colts lose or tie uh basically um

You know and and ties do happen but the bottom line here is Miami Dolphins win yeah and they are in the playoffs this weekend or there’s five different ways they can get in with tying here’s how the Dolphins can actually clinch the division this weekend this yeah you do

You do have the bills breathing down your neck but they’re too behind you in the uh in the Lost com so if the Dolphins beat the Cowboys and buffalo loses or ties the Dolphins win the division or the Dolphins tie against the Cowboys and the bills lose now I am not

Expecting to CLA the division this weekend because Marcos have you seen Buffalo’s remaining schedule I have not I have not is it very easy compared to the Dolphins remaining schedule so the Dolphins have the Cowboys yeah uh the Ravens on the road who are you know the

Top team in the conference right now and then they have the head-to-head against Buffalo to finish it up Buffalo before they play the Dolphins they’ve got the Chargers who are on a complete spiral terrible terrible team and they’ve got the patriots who have been terrible All Season even though I I didn’t the

Patriots beat them earlier this year am I imagining that yeah they did beat Buffalo so you know say what you will they’re probably not beating Buffalo a second time so Buffalo has a so listen if the Dolphins don’t win one of these next two games against the Cowboys and

The Ravens which are both tough games especially Baltimore if the Dolphins don’t win one of these next two games I am anticipating uh if they don’t win one of those games Miami versus um Buffalo at the end of the year to be head to head with the division on the line because I

Think Buffalo can win these next two dolphins got to win one of these next two before you face Buffalo you see and that’s where games against the Titans that you drop kind of come into play where it’s like yeah you know I know every other game was against a winning

Team and blah blah blah but you look at the ones that you should have won that could have given you that little bit amount of space that you needed to just bolster your chances of securing that spot and now you’re you’re in a different situation but that’s okay I’m

Confident they’ll bounce back and I was happy to hear that Don but there was one person who was actually not happy to hear all those scenarios and that was Tua Tua actually was told by reporters that if they beat Dallas they clinch and this is what he had to say well you guys

Can clinch a playoff spot if you win this weekend how important or how meaningful will that be for you getting to play this late into the Year and have that opportunity to do it here I wish you didn’t share that I wish you didn’t

Share that I I had no idea um uh about any of the the um scenarios of what what that would have looked like um at any time we just we just want to come out the game with a win um and we want to Stack those together and so you know if

You can win them all that’s that’s that’s what it is that reporter is like I I’m sorry I guess I’m sorry I was just doing my job dude that was Mike coo from cbs4 so folks if the Dolphins lose this weekend you can blame you can blame coo for wow

He’s gonna be the mush like you can blame coo for sharing the playoff scenarios with Tua now there’s so much pressure now Tua did not know how much pressure there was until that question damn it coo uh one of the things that we’ve been monitoring thus far against that

Aved Dallas Cowboys defensive line is the status of our offensive line uh we’ve been banged up like I mentioned earlier in the show yesterday we practiced with zero starting offensive linemen as well as a few other notable injuries so yesterday during Mike McDaniel’s meeting with the media he was

Asked what the status of that offensive line is and uh it’s much better visual than it is audio but I’ll play the audio anyway and just imagine uh Mike McDaniel shrugging his shoulders after that first answer which is a response that he gave reporters this is from yesterday what’s

The condition of your offensive line you obviously have how did Austin and Liam get through the game how are they doing um you know they they they are earning um stripes and metal with every single one of their teammates um the rarified air uh to be I mean the whole

Group really um has battled things uh you know throughout the whole season um and and you’re and Liam mikenberg his performance um when the team absolutely needed it it was you he wasn’t saying okay I’m gonna try to go he was telling everyone he was going and then not not

Even leading on to um that he that he was dealing with anything you just had to look at his um you know one of his feet had terrible Footwear was a boot so uh as you can hear there Mike McDaniel noted that last week leam mikenberg and he said this multiple

Times he was the first recipient of the game ball following the victory against the Jets Liam mikenberg kind of willed himself to play in a walking boot all week but it was either Liam mikenberg or the veteran Jonathan Harrison who was signed just days before the game I don’t

Even know who that is he was signed he he used to play for the Jets but he had been out of the league for quite some time and that was a person who they had signed who potentially could have been the starting center just four days after

Being you know aign to the roster and as we’ve learned throughout this season that that’s one of the most difficult positions to have moving Parts in because the those exchanges and those snaps right even like obviously Conor Williams when healthy was playing really well but he even had some issues with

Snaps we’ve seen you know ikenberg the exchanges I’m I’m happy with how much better he’s playing but yeah to to sign some dude who you picked up a few days ago and then have him starting that would have been a dis you probably still would have beaten the Jets by 20 but you

Wouldn’t have beaten them by 30 now not to get too far ahead of ourselves before we go to break here uh this is news from Barry Jackson about 28 minutes ago I know a lot of us talking about the implications of what the Buffalo game could be but prior to that

The number one game in all of our minds and I think uh far and ahead the most important game Miami Dolphins could have played in about 20 years and probably will play in about 20 years is that dolphins and Ravens game in week 17 right we were wondering are they gonna

Flex that game is that gonna be something that’s gonna come to Prime Time because of the you know the the magnitude of what that game holds now the NFL according to Barry Jackson about 28 minutes ago says the NFL has decided there will be no changes to the week 17

Schedule Dolphins Ravens will remain at 1 p.m. on CBS and will be aired in parts of the country the league decided not to flip dolphins and Ravens with Kansas City and the Bengals at 4:25 on CBS and the Packers and Vikings will remain at 8:20 pm on NBC okay do you think the

League made the right choice um I I don’t I don’t necessarily think so uh because I listen again um it depends on what happens between the Dolphins and Cowboys this week I think the Dolphins can win this game though um so then they’re going to regret it if

The Dolphins beat the Cowboys and then that Ravens matchup is literally for the top seed in the AFC like and I know it’s not week 18 but week 17 to have the top seed on the line it’s a pretty big freaking game I think they’re going to regret it yeah absolutely unless they

Know something that we don’t know all the Baltimore Ravens going to lose every game before then or or maybe the fix is in and the referees are ready to help the Cowboys this week fix is in dud the fix I’m going to put over let’s see do

They have an over and under on how many penalties will be called if they do you’ll find it I can’t wait to start betting things that are obscure when the Super Bowl comes like what col I was about to say because you weren’t into that stuff in the last Super Bowl

Marcos you can find odds on anything every year I bet the over under on the national anthem and I I’ve hit it I’ve hit it like five years in a row because well it’s because it’s because Lee Lee Sterling uh as Jay fig probably knows from her Hawk and Crowder days he

He had he is uh he’s like undefeated in picking the national anthem over unders isn’t or something like that like I know it depend it depends on who’s singing so so here here here’s the deal uh Le Lee Sterling’s daughter he’s the professional sports handicapper who goes

On the hawk and Crowder show frequently he’s also a good friend of mine I him recently for the first time yeah so so his his daughter is is a professional singer uh and so she like studies like she studies the artists who perform the anthem every year and she comes up with

This like educated uh estimation on whether they’re going to go over or under and she’s gotten it right every single year she’s been doing it she shares that information with Lee I bet my mortgage on it every year and I I’m rich look at that I can see you’re you’re now

Stationed hurricanes facility I live in the I this is actually a replica full-size hurricanes facility I built on my private island that’s where I live look at that so you’re paying for the family cruise then is what I’m assuming I bought the ship you know what what’s crazy he doesn’t need the alcohol

Package I was gonna say he’s still trying try to pain I’m still charging myself exorbitant prices for the alcohol package I don’t know why any great uh when we come back guys we have arguably the best part of the show according to literally no one but me it

Is time now to play Christmas Family Feud right here on the toin and Leroy show on 560 WQ am welcome back to the to Leroy show or is it Family Feud no one knows no one knows no one will know welcome back welcome back welcome back your boy driving the ship which

Means Shenanigans will commence we are here with our first annual Christmas edition of Family Feud Don are you ready Born Ready J fig are you ready she doesn’t look ready she’s fixing her camera I’m always ready crazy you know what’s really bothers me is that somehow I turn off the lights and

It gets wider I was just saying the the lights are off and somehow you’re you look I think it’s because when you turned off the lights like the sun is now like the sunlight from the window is now kind of bleaching you out she looks like the Ghost of Christmas Past I’m

Over it I’m over it and guess what guys you heard it here first I’m changing chairs oh Dam I like that I don’t care yeah and I’m taking my camera back whoa all right she’s making demands now uh all right team donno team fig send one player of your team up to the

Front let’s play the feud all right we surveyed the top five people we suring the top five people that are in the office today the only five people the only five people they’re all next door yes and and and they’re from the Spanish radio lib only I can communicate with them yes

According to Marcos so now uh top five answers on the board get ready I Need Your Hands by the buzzers are your hands by the buzzers Buzz exactly name something people do on Christmas Day open presents okay hold on yeah here you got to understand the rules I don’t

Even get a chance to play if she’s gonna blurt stuff out blurt stuff out because of that and I didn’t see her hand move at all donno I feel like you followed the rules team donno we’re gonna go to you what’s your answer sir I’m gonna go with open Christmas presents Christmas

Presents show me presents I’m gonna go to the other room oh number one answer I don’t know how I thought of that D will you choose to pass or play uh I will play all right four answers remaining on the board here Don okay I’m gonna go watch Christmas

Movies watch Christmas movies show me movies really who who did you survey again this is the five people out here tree two radio Libre people Len and Will from Power 96 wow Len really let me down so did Will Len doesn’t celebrate Christmas and Will was on the phone that’s a fair point

Actually we said this yeah exactly me give me a five uh donno team donno you have four answers left on the board One X name something people do on Christmas day uh eat Christmas dinner show me eat the number four answer three answers left on the board team donno name

Something people do on Christmas day uh listen to Christmas music show me listen to Christmas music oh team jfig get ready to steal donno three answers left name something people do on Christmas day yeah there’s not I can’t think of anything else taking things away maros

Open gifts and eat that’s the only thing you got that’s all that’s all I that’s all I got um spend time with family oh my God it’s like you’re my mind stop it see family wow look at that two an left you got two answers left something people do

On Christmas Day according to the five people in our office we got open gifts we got eat we got C family Don give me one more God I don’t even know if I can think of another one um uh decorate their tree which should have been done already uh but I’m going

To go with that because the these answers are back whoa I’m G tell L you said that yeah show me decorating your tree say that’s kind of like little late little late there Don little late to be decorating your tree saying like I don’t know maybe some people

Procrastinate uh J fig opportunity to steal the Fig family name something people do on Christmas day two answers left I don’t like you saying that but am I able to answer now is that what’s going on your it’s your turn are you sure I’m almost POS before you give

My answer so well as as the host of the game I’m pretty sure that I know that it’s I don’t trust you anymore so that’s fair no that’s fair I wouldn’t trust me out huh okay watch sports oh hey that is oh how’ you ask me I give you that

Answer uh show me Sports gota be kidding me wow dude tough crowd wow a list you are let’s look at the the number the number two answer that no one else revealed sleep oh wow you gotta talk to different people this is ridiculous wow this is ridiculous minus one that’s

Rough rough rough crowd let’s look at the number three answer go to church oh Church a lot of people do Christmas Eve services though I wouldn’t have thought about on Christmas Day Christmas day right yeah all right I think we got time for another one let’s play the feud all right we

Surveyed now three of those people left there’s only two people out there we surveyed Lupe and Anna for this question I trust them more than I trust Len and will at this point so let’s roll what is another name for Santa J F I didn’t see you move at all

You gotta Buzz You Gotta Give me the buzz go ahead Jay fig I’ll I’ll I’ll let you take this one another name for Santa seriously really there’s more names to Santa I don’t know St Nicholas oh show me St Nick number one answer there Don I got

More if you want more only there’s only two answers left on the board team don will you pass or will you play no I’m gonna play all right what is another name for Santa Father Christmas show me Father Christmas D my boy one answer left on

The board show me what is another name for Santa Chris cringle Christopher cring the group chat I knew that one without looking at the chat yes huge du he’s not even looking at anything he’s a liar I you know you’re a liar exited the screen just to stand on a

Couch to determine if I was looking at anything it is true another name Santa Chris cringle Father Christmas and Old St Nick wow we got time for one more round speed round here and I’ll tell you what the points are worth a quadrillion oh no wow you can come back you can

Definitely do it this time now name something people associate with Santa Claus oh hey she used she us reindeer show me reindeer oh the number five answer was reindeer there’s a total of six so you have four potential opportunities team Dono something people associate with Santa Claus wow really you gave him a

Bunch of chances no hold on this is how Family Feud Works he if he gets an answer better than yours he has an opportunity to do it presence oh jez the number one answer presents D will you pass or will you play I’ll play D name something people associate with Santa Claus

SLE show me SLE or is it slay wow the number two answer you are streaking at the moment Dono what do something of people associate with Santa Claus I’m gonna go with chimney oh uh coming down the chimney are you on the AUD your nice list let’s let’s find out show me

Chimney oh One X chasing don’t look so defeated over there now you want to go to me huh no it’s still not your turn sorry he has to go through okay she’s gonna throw her boot can you remind me like what what’s off the board already uh presents and

Sleigh did okay okay presents and slay um something people associate with Santa Claus cookies show me cookies o One X away and Team jfig all you need to do is answer one of these if it goes your way and you get a quadrillion points can I do it now no sorry he still

Has One X do name something people associate with Santa Claus beard show me a beard look at that we got beard we got r dear we got presents we got SLE two answers left on the board answer you’re neglecting it all right I I want to GL answer uh D name something people

Associate with Santa Claus joy joy oh Joy to the World let’s see show me joy no joy jfig it has come to you with an opportunity to win the game a quadrillion points on the line bragging rights and your self-respect name something I’m show you some self-respect name something people

Associate with Santa Claus the big red suits is that your final answer yeah I’m scared okay big red suit Santa Claus for the win J fig elves well okay well what’s your answer one gives me the point I need a final answer I need a final answer surprise me all right red

Suit not on the board you’re a liar how how how how how it’s his costume let’s just reveal the rest of the maybe it wasn’t one of the top six answers can I try your list yeah what you got there Don even though you already won l elves elves is on the

Freaking board no it’s not the last one okay what a victory just’s get I’m say uh we got more when we come back right by the way the last answer was Mrs claw why didn’t we think of that right here on 560 WQ she’s going to kill me WQ broadcasting live from the

Edore Sass Auto Mall Studios Ed more sass Buick GMC’s entire inventory is on sale and all backed by Mor click jingle bell jingle bell rock Jing bell Jingle welcome back to the final hour of today’s show Tobin Leroy show here alexo filling in Jay fig filling in she’s not fing in she’s just she’s just there as usual yep doesn’t know any other names for Santa but it’s okay we’ll forgive her we shall forgive

Her I got some news I got some new a liar okay that’s new seems to be lashing out uh let’s get to some headlines these headlines are brought to you by the new P metal Ford truck Super Center why buy your truck at a car store petal

Ford we on trucks wow I like that good good one thank you uh we got some reports at a dolphin practice got some good news you want some good news or you want some bad news Donna I’d like some good news Christmas season yeah give me something good the

Good news is the cheetah has returned to practice baby let’s go we’re GNA be Dallas according to Omar Kelly a noticeable limp but he’s still fast yeah he’s a gamer uh you know even when when he went uh back into that game against Tennessee obviously he wasn’t himself

But it still it it changes the complexion of the offense when he’s out there uh and I would imagine he’s feeling better now than he was two weeks ago so we’re good now I’m not sure if you heard earlier on in the uh in the week that Mike mcdo

Gave Specific Instructions to his players when talking to the media saying that if they ask you anything other than what is in front of you which is the Dallas Cowboy game that you’re allowed to give them this response with all du respect F off it seems like that is spread to the

Coaching staff where uh it wasn’t exactly the F off response Mike McDaniel encouraged but Chris perk got scolded and told told focus on today by Dolphins offensive coach Frank Smith absolutely love that gotta stay focused on the task at hand Don wow right I I I’ve noticed Mario chrisal has

Something similar cuz you know sometimes he gets asked really good questions sometimes he gets asked you know kind of bad questions and he’ll often say something like I respect your question but and then he just obliterates your question so I I enjoy that I like that he says I respect your question yeah

Like I respect your question like somebody earlier this year asked him about the Middle Tennessee game last year which you know he doesn’t want to talk about the worst loss last year it’s like I respect your question and then he completely obliterated that question great uh got some more some more news there

The uh the Miami Dolphins recently released at jpp but with Emanuel agba questionable to play this week one of the former dolphins and uh former Edge rushing stars of the NFL who was recently brought back onto the practice squad Melvin Ingram might be elevated this week from the practice squad and

Take a few snaps we get to to see the former AFC defensive player of the month Melvin Ingram who had an amazing game one last year and I don’t know where the hell he went after that yeah great question honestly all you need is that

One for me you’re in my good book after that it only takes one uh some reports were that Jaylen Ramsey said he was bored he gets bored in matchups uh just because he’s not targeted a lot defensive coordinator Vic fangio said Thursday the decision to have jayen Ramsey Shadow Jets receiver

Garrett Wilson was entirely a byproduct of xaven Howard missing the game other than than that normally he wouldn’t be tasked with following anyone so that means the team’s probably not going to throw in his Direction which results in him being bored he’s been targeted just 27 times in seven games wow by

Comparison the uh Cowboys quarterback donon Bland who leads the league with five interceptions has been targeted 5.4 times per game and fellow Cowboys quarterback and former Patriot great Stefan Gilmore is targeted 5.2 times per game so that being said these are two of the top corins in the league including

One of them leading in interceptions and they’re getting targeted a whopping 1.4 less times than jayen Ramsey you got to Target somebody um and and in the Dolphins case you target whoever is not Jaylen Ramsey because he’s one of the best to do it in a really long long time

And I get it it’s probably Bor like when you’re when you’re doing your job so well that they don’t throw in your direction which also means like people don’t probably talk about you enough because you know they’re not throwing in your direction I get how that could probably be boring now against the

Stinking Jets who were down to like their seventh quarterback at points in that game that was probably boring for a lot of people like I I was you know I did uh game day uncensored postgame here on the station we were hearing some of the player comments and Brandon Jones

Also said he got a little bored because the front seven was so dominant that you know the back four didn’t have to do very much in that game because the Jets couldn’t really generate anything vertical or horizontal or score any points literally Mike McDaniel said that

Howard is close to returning from a hip injury but this does lead to a potential matchup this Sunday between Ramsay and the Cowboys receiver CD lamb who as of right now has 103 receptions for 1300 yards and eight touchdowns you know that’s a respectable season uh I mean he

He’d be what like second or third on the Miami Dolphins but still a respectable season nonetheless so it should be uh it should be worth watching to say the least CD Lamb’s a good player uh you know watched him back when he was at Oklahoma and that’s you know he’s

Someone who can potentially give the Dolphins problems now I mentioned earlier that Melvin Ingram may get thrown into the rotation with Emanuel ogba hamstring being questionable another person who uh might be taking some some of those snaps Cameron good uh who according to Vic fangio did a nice job in his 20

Defensive snaps against the Jets he knew his assignment and did a good job so we could be seeing more of the young Dolphins player and like I mentioned uh nadomican Sue was brought in for a Dolphins visit on Wednesday because team was interested to see if he has anything

Left and if they have mutual interest somebody said in the chat earlier that he’s uh that he’s visiting the Cowboys also I don’t know if they just I checked that out that might not be true they might have just said that yeah so it’s a misleading headline because I I searched that immediately

And the headline that I saw was like you know Sue visiting ahead of the Cowboys game and then it was like but he’s for once you click the article it’s like but it’s for the other team it’s like you know what son be so cutesy on the damn I

Don’t don’t try that with me bucko sorry I blew up back there uh other notable things to mention the Miami Heat were able to take down the Orlando Magic yesterday pretty pretty easily minus a late Push by the magic that had almost everybody in South Florida scared uh they won only this

Time by nine when it should have been 24 right Donald that’s what it was yeah they were up 24 but you know what at this point we’ve seen enough fourth quarter collapses I’m just relieved when they win I will take it especially against a magic team that historically

The magic give the Heat regular season fits not playoff fits because we don’t usually see them in the playoffs because they’re the magic but in the regular season magic give the heat fits they’ve got a better record than the heat for now so that was a big

Win Miami Heats according to Brady Hawk are the number one team in three-point shooting so far this season Tyler herro 41% Duncan Robinson 44% Kevin Love 37% Kyle Lowry 44% Caleb Martin and haime 37% Jimmy Butler 38% but you know Jimmy Butler doesn’t shoot him that much so those numbers are

Skewed to say the least I know that dude Brady Hawk he’s like a human computer like he knows uh he knows everything yeah it’s very strange it makes me feel like I need to do better with my life it’s already too late like you you’ll never you’ll never be at 30 what Brady

Hawk is at like 20 so true same same with me would give up ship is sailed yeah at least I know other names for Santa Claus I mean Jesus Christ you know what come on what are we doing stop lashing out on me okay that’s okay and then I think neglector the biggest

Headline I believe is what is written on jfig sweater I can be stop it% honest quiet that is probably the biggest headline here she has quite the naughty sweater and I would like to use my platform really to let everyone know that she she’s a she’s a troublemaker to say the least

I I don’t think anyone noticed it which is part of the reason why she’s no longer wearing it the way that she is it looks great it looks great it’s better than a majority of the other people here who didn’t celebrate the holiday season but it is egregious none the least and

None the least nonetheless and I will be riding you up following this speaking of egregious stuff I was uh I I was driving uh my son home like around 700 p.m. last night like on uh on like US1 and some other you know non-highway Road and there there’s this uh Mustang who’s just

You know driving like an ass clown like revving his engine weaving and stuff and I I end up right behind that car at a traffic light and then I look at the back of his car and he had like like on on the back of his car hashtag up wussy

You know word that rhymes with that on the back so it’s like wow so this this person is driving like a dag and then I’m behind of it says keep up p word on the the back of his car I’m like okay that fits yeah needless to say that person is

Single and yes will remain single for quite some time and may get into or cause an accident because they they were driving like a maniac can I tell you an accident story I have from a few days ago that was absolutely bizarre I was driving home from The

Improv and I was with a friend of mine who probably is a little bit more caring than I am because he’s uh in school to become a nurse and there was a a pretty bad accident that happened like literally in front of us you know no cops were there yet it was

Very fresh it was maybe about two to three cars and luckily it seemed like everyone was fairly okay although the car seemed definitely total uh they were out of the vehicle like kind of in the middle of the turnpike days confused and wondering what the hell was going on so

Being Good Samaritans that he was cuz I probably would have just kept going like oh okay well let me avoid this uh we we decided let’s call the police you know let’s call the cops snitch that’s the first thing I said all right look goes against goes against what I wanted to do

But uh he said hey maybe we should call the gos maybe there’s something wrong with them uh so we dial 911 right I give them a good description of where we’re at it happened to be on the turnpike uh just past University right so it could be Dade it could be Broward

I’m on County Line essentially right there by the stadium Hotel not too far from Hard Rock stadium so it’s an accident of some sort I see people uh who look like they can use some medical attention I give the entire description to uh Miami Dade Police and then they’re

Like where are you exactly and I told them and they’re like Ah that’s Broward so then they transfer you over to Broward right man so then I talk to Broward and I’m giving Broward a description of what the hell is going on and then broward’s like all right all

Right that’s cool we’re going to transfer you over to Florida Highway Patrol oh so now I’m getting transferred for the third time at this point I want to hang up the phone at this point I’m just like hey guys I tried I’m sorry and then just keep going but I was guilted

Into just continuing the effort right then this this little Florida Highway Patrol lady gets on the phone and gets sassy with me dude she got sassy with me I was explaining again for the third time uh she answerers the phone she’s like Florida Highway Patrol and I was

Like uh um hello and then she’s like Florida Highway Patrol and I was like okay I I think I’m reporting an accident because I just was told hey we’re going to transfer you over and like not not say hey we’re going to transfer you over so you can tell Highway Patrol or this

And that you’re just like Hey we’re going to transfer you over so then as I get on the phone I say I think I’m reporting an accident she’s like you think you’re reporting an accident no I said listen ma’am all right I just want to tell you these people crash all right

If you want to get sassy with me I can just hang up the phone right now it’s none of my business and then she was like okay calm down sir calm calm down and I had to explain everything that was going on but I tell you what I I I it

Could have been any other person three out of four people would have probably hung up the phone like you know what I’ve had enough of this and then to get sass like I’m some sort of idiot as if I don’t know that I’m reporting an accident I wasn’t told anything ma’am

And then come to find out Broward sheriff’s was still on the line too so then now they’re interjecting and I’m kind of just third partying this conversation between Highway Patrol and Broward County police and I’m just like what the hell is going on here you guys

Even need me what’s going on is anyone G to come here and then they asked for my information as if I was going to be like you know they’re going to come to my house and say and I couldn’t have that happen down so I D that’s that’s CRA so okay the moral

Of the story here is if you’re going to get in an accident do it clearly within the boundaries of a county like do not be anywhere near the border it’s like something like that happened to me when I was uh I when I was like 17 I I got

Into a fender bender it was my fault I was an idiot 17-year-old I I re it was very minor but I rear ended somebody and this was like right on the border between um pal meow Bay and Pine Crest like it was like on the street that

Borders those too and like you know we we called the police to get someone out there and like the the cop from the wrong jurisdic and it depended on which side of the street had we been literally going the other direction on the other side of the street that would have been

The right police officer but they had to call to get the other you know I think it was like I think this was before pal Palmetto bavid existed it was Dade County they had to call Dade County to come out there and so it was like it was

Right on the border it was crazy yeah guys if you’re getting into an accident pick a county please yeah just pick a county stick with it there’s no time to be debating what who to call like it’s crazy I was thinking yo if someone was bleeding out if someone was bleeding out

On the ground right there that was at least 5 to seven minutes of them to determining who was the correct person to call I’m like all of you guys have an ambulance just send a freaking ambulance just someone I mean did the people end up being okay like what happened I don’t

Know Don I was so pissed at the lady I left oh no I didn’t stick around but look okay to to say the least they were walking so that was good right they were out of the vehicle uh airbags fully deployed the cars were total for sure

But uh the woman was checking on the status of like her vehicle and the other uh man I asked him are you okay he to get up and walk towards me and I said sir no no no no sit down please I don’t know what’s going on here you know the

Residual implications of what the hell could have happened I don’t want any of that no fingerprints either please just just here dude yeah it was a crazy crazy story I forgot exactly why the hell I brought it up but why did youing it’s because I I brought up the uh the person

Driving like a maniac and then you you went full-blown story mode I was traumatized Don slack dude uh okay less car accident stories more determined in what gives us gooes or no gooes when we return right here on the to Leroy show 560 WQ Welcome back to Leroy show here on 560 WQ am Dono fig let’s check those goosies out shall we let’s start off with number one Dono you used to host a fight show on this fairy station so I know that you are very intertwined with the fight game

So we’ll start there this weekend we have what is known as the Day of Reckoning fight Anthony Joshua versus Otto Wallen Deontay Wilder versus Joseph Parker Dimitri bival versus Lyndon Arthur that’s a hell of a card Goosey spoiler alert Goose Goosey Galore I am very much looking forward to

That especially since you know on on a and it’s on Saturday right it’s nice Saturday night without regular football anymore I am in Saudi Arabia so it might be at a weird time then yeah I think it might be at a weird time but what whatever time it is yeah I will watch

Nice does this Mega boxing card give you goosies or no goosies jfig no what wow no impressing her dude there Is that’s rough any opportunity I get to see uh Deontay Wilder and I love Anthony Joshua too Anthony Joshua on the same card that’s pretty good man that’s pretty good although I would like to see I would prefer to see them go up against each other yeah I’ll take this for

Now uh sticking in the same realm of boxing if you want to call this boxing my obsession as I constantly bring him up on the show Jake Paul says that he’s fighting again in March does this give you gooes or no gooes Don um it depends on who he’s fighting

Against uh because obviously if if it’s somebody I’m a fan of I’ll be hoping that they kick his ass uh you know like I’m a big fan of the Diaz brothers from the MMA World he’s done some go-arounds with Nate so you know depending on who

He’s fighting um you know and again I I have nothing against the Pauls it’s just like when they go up against Real Fighters you which is few and far between I want the real fighters to win it’s just the way so pending gooes uh I like that pending gooes is is

Okay he has Amanda Serrano on the card which as you know is actually one of the more reputable female boxers in the game the unified featherweight Championship will be on the line still nothing for you Donna still pending Goose I need to see who Paul’s fighting heard J fig anything Jake Paul

Related you usually hate you already know all right let’s go ahead already know give this one a new Goosey tonight we got some NFL football two seven and seven teams vying for a spot in the playoffs the NFC you got the Rams against the Saints Don goosies or no goosies yeah Goosey um

It’s football I’m sure I’m gonna have some Wagers I know Marcos is gonna have he’s already told us his uh player props for tonight so I’m gooes I am locked in little Thursday night football for you Jay fig goosies or no goosies you I’m a very busy person very busy you don’t

Have time for that Saints Rams it’s hard for me to sit down sometimes that’s right uh I’ll take a peek oh okay so minimal gooes I like minimal gooes neutral gooes oh sorry Goose uh now switching things up a little bit not sure if you’ve seen this I talked yesterday about the new Wily Wonka that’s coming out but there is indeed another remake of a movie that is hitting theaters it’s actually available at the moment if you have any time during your Christmas vacation before

You H hop on that cruise ship dude movie’s been out quite some time I’ll say this month but Godzilla minus one Godzilla a new version of Godzilla does that give you goosies or no goosies Don no goosies cuz you’re telling this has been out a month I didn’t even know that

This was a thing I mean I did watch I have not heard of any of that’s why I was very confused to see that the release date was December 1st yeah well because I you know those movies are all exactly the same you get you get some

Good monster B like I watched the Godzilla versus King Kong one that came out a few years ago I watched I’m like all right I’m good I don’t need to watch this ever again so no Christmas time watching for either of you I will not be watching that no no goosies that hurts

My heart does it really are you watching it yeah oh I’m going to be first in line first in line first in line you believe that first first in a line of one yes Godzilla minus one look at that that’s what it’s called that is right like I’m

Trying to find out like is it like minus one person or is it like the first one like you know I thought it was Mike Damon going minus one minus one Mike what do you think of the Godzilla movie it’s Godzilla what exactly minus one exactly

The thing it’s like somebody in here is saying it’s the best Godzilla movie of all time but it’s like how do you know they’re all exactly the same like I I saw Godzilla versus King Kong I saw Godzilla king of the monsters like don’t ask me why I’ve watched this many

Godzilla but I’ve seen a bunch of them and I can’t tell you which one’s which they’re all the same I’ve seen one and it was I was probably a child huh that’s it yeah I think I saw the same one you did I think everyone saw that one yeah I think that’s enough

Early 2000s that’s enough oh that one you know what that one wasn’t very good the one that with Matthew brck Matthew brck that’s right don’t remember yeah it’s okay we weren’t Miss to much no uh getting back into the realm of sports you guys ever watch cold as

Balls no no can I can I ask a followup yes Kevin Harts actually host a show on YouTube familiar called cold as balls where him and famous spend time interviewing while in a cold tub this week’s guest Randy Moss Randy Moss was on there and he proclaimed himself as hands down I

Consider myself the greatest wide receiver to ever play the game he might not be wrong like I mean I Jerry Rice is the safe answer but Randy Moss was super talented super good yeah now and in reference your Jerry Rice mentioned there it wasn’t a shot at Jerry is what

He said I still have respect and love for Jerry but I just thought the way that I changed the game of football makes me the greatest he was incredible a couple years in Minnesota the guy was unguardable and then that amazing year thankfully the Patriots didn’t win the

Super Bowl but that year in New England where he he like set all these records left and right it was the guy was unblockable or un unguardable yeah absolutely I mean their comparisons are here uh 20 seasons for Jerry Rice 14 for Randy Moss so obviously the receptions yards and

Touchdowns are going to vary just based off of that but there’s no denying Man Randy Moss was the most unguardable player at the time yeah I mean J there’s no question Jerry had a better career like there’s no question I think the the debate would be like who who was just

Like at their best who was you know the the most uh special I I don’t know I think there’s a debate to be had there but as far as the careers no debate Jerry was the best ever well this is a spoiler alert I’m letting everyone know spoiler alert for

Those fans of Survivor spoiler alert spoiler alerts turn your radios off turn off the YouTube because this information was revealed yesterday did you take off your headphones okay I was like are you a Survivor fan she really doesn’t want to know I totally am Survivor fan I’m I haven’t watched Survivor since season

Two oh you’re missing all the good stuff Don what the hell are we doing here the season two was was Child’s Play babies it’s season two was it I think it was like 01 now if you watch Survivor now it’s not even about surviving anymore no it literally they barely mentioned the idea

Of making Fire or the fact that they’re barely eating or the fact that they’re sleeping on the ground that’s really not important now how conniving you can be is what’s at the cent no that was it was season two was like that as well well the winner of the newest season season

45 of Survivor D valades why is that significant she is a 26- year old entrepreneur originally from Havana Cuba but now living in Miami okay there you go 18 contestants on The 45th season of Survivor and is crowned the winner does that give you gooes or no goosies

No gooes I couldn’t sorry I mean I’m happy she’s from Miami she’s representing that means gooes w I like that goosies is the is the prize money still a million dollars or did it go up with inflation because a mill a million dollars in 2001 the last time I watched

Would get you a lot farther than a million dollars in 2023 I believe the price has gone up but I believe since covid their budget has gone down if I’m not mistaken maybe so what happened did I ruin it for someone D Washington lost survivor too that’s a

Point Washington is a pet bird that J killed oh no I did not he was a pet bird that I was babysitting R by the way Marcos I just Googled it survivor is still offering $1 million prize money even 20 plus years like I I feel like uh if you’re going to

Go on that show you should get into time machine and go back about 20 years because a million dollars is basically worthless these days I feel like they increased it for like various reasons prior to the pandemic but ever since the pandemic survivor’s gotten a little

Cheap I’m gonna tell you why I know survivor’s got a little cheap at the end of the episodes now they’re like do you want to be on Survivor Survivor casting and I was like they never ask me if I wanted to be on Survivor they must be

Looking for someone yeah you should go on it I you know I was thinking about going on it man but my problem is I’m just too handsome Don they you’re part you’re part frog so you could survive in like various conditions that other people cannot you’re lashing out

Dude uh with that being said that concludes our rendition of goosies or no goosies we’ll be back real quick to say bye on the other side this has been a wonderful wonderful time right here on the to Leroy show 560w Oh yeah candles burning low lots of lots of snow and ice Welcome back to the TOA Leroy show the final segment of the Tobin and Leroy show donno I hope I haven’t bothered you too much today I appreciate you coming in bro no you haven’t uh Jay fig has been a pleasure as always uh this is uh

Easily one of the top 10 most enjoyable parts of my day today look at that I think uh I think that’s pretty good 10 because there’s like if you like I’m gonna count poops poops are awesome so lunch I still haven’t had lunch yet that’s coming meal yeah every meal

That’s pretty good yeah actually that makes sense we’re probably after poops meals naps than us I don’t I don’t I don’t take naps you don’t have much competition ah all right cool cool cool we’re all good here uh Donald you’re gonna be in with us tomorrow as well yes

Sir I will be in tomorrow hopefully uh hopefully we have some good uh Thursday Night Football to talk about some maybe some big news tomorrow to talk about indeed hopefully we do I’ll obviously come prepared with the games as I usually do uh fig will you be joining us tomorrow you bums not

I’m that’s fair that’s fair uh will you be offending us with your T-shirt nope okay okay okay stop it heard uh that’s pretty much it you got Hawkman and Crowder coming up next you got Kane’s basketball tonight if you’re looking to listen to the Miami Hurricanes

Basketball team you can do so if you’re not able to watch them oh and I think I’m gonna be joining uh as a very quickly I I’ll be on a guest uh I’ll be Hollywood’s guest during the halftime show for that tonight so stay tuned for that excellent and you know what I’ve

Been informed there’s a chance I may be producing that game so you know what it may be a little reunion if you’re interested the canes take on Stonehill College the Stonehill College Skyhawk which need to be investigated because that’s clearly not a real school they will be taking on the Hurricanes today

At 800 PM you can catch that on waxy that will not be on wqam and why because the Florida Panthers will be right here on wqam so we got an action pack day in regards to games make sure you tune in make sure you show Dono some love at

Halftime call in and say that was the best halftime show I’ve ever heard in my life and then just completely hang up uh other than that thank you for joining us today jfig anything on the way out no excellent excellent love beautiful could have said it better

Myself donno anything on the way out uh yeah me tune in to the halftime show tonight of Kane’s basketball if you if you want to hear me uh talk more about uh recruiting uh check out locked on canes my Miami Hurricanes podcast every day and for me all I got to say

Is hope you mother have a good day yeah


  1. Wat about if Dolphins wins they have some prepared to said for that they cus i bet they have Mahomee speech ready

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