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[옥스윙5, 통합멤버십]4교시, 사블 3단계 배우기 및 응용 타격 방법(얼쑤 타법)배우기(한/E/中/日)[OKSWING5,Integrated Member]4th, 3rd Level

옥스윙몰 링크

옥스윙 아카데미 멤버십 가입링크

이병옥 프로 010-5241-4653 PGA Class A 정회원
이병옥 골프학교/옥스윙몰 1644-4653

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Scott Lee Golf Academy is waiting for your ‘like’, ‘subscribe’ and ‘alarm setting.’ The membership program offers the same content as real lessons! How are you? I am Mr. OK of ‘Scott Lee Golf Academy’ and ‘OKSWING GOLF ACADEMY’. This is OKSWING 5, Side Blow 4th lesson.

In the last lesson we learned side blow step 2. In the first lesson, I gave an orientation, and in the second lesson, I put the ball inside my right foot and hit the ball with a lot of tilted head.

In step 2 of the sidle blow, when I moved it to the center the size of a ball, my head went up rather than in step 1. I gave you additional basic hitting methods.

I told you about the rhythm of hitting the ball by shaking a towel or using the flexibility of your body and hands, and I told you to practice. Today, it’s step 3, so I’m going to move it to the middle as much as a ball.

If you hit it with a driver, the ball will move to the left the size of a ball. So, since the ball moves from right to left, I tilt my head a lot, but now I can see the side of the ball and hit it even if I don’t tilt it that much!

But today, I’m going to introduce you to the unconventional advanced skill that can apply applied hitting in the basic hitting method! You can look forward to it! What is it like? Let’s start right now! You may feel burdened by the word hit, but it’s a simple hitting motion.

I told you that in step 1, you put the ball inside your right foot. Place the club head on the square face and hold the grip on the left thigh with a hand forward press. And rather than looking down at the ball from above, look at the ball from the side.

However, don’t open the club face while tilting your head, just tilt your head so it’s perpendicular to the target. If you hit the ball while looking at the side of the ball with the ball inside your right foot, the ball will naturally fly to the right and come into the center.

When you learn golf, what were the most basic pitches in the conventional swing? It was a slice! It’s natural because you lifted the club high while backswing and then hit the ball. But you started hitting the ball with side blow.

It’s awkward to look at the side of the ball, but hitting the ball creates a draw, and when it gets a little worse, it creates a hook. If you went through step 1 well and you went to step 2, you don’t have to hit the ball with your head tilted by step 1.

It’s awkward to tilt my head. In step 1, I tilted my head a lot, but in step 2, I could hit the ball while looking at the side of the ball even I tilted my head a little.

In step 3, we’re going to move one more ball to the center, which is half the size of the ball to the right. It can be seen that the ball is almost in the middle. When the ball was on the inside of my right foot, it felt like the club was completely upright.

Coming to step 3, it feels almost like a normal setup. With the grip inside your left thigh, tilt your head a little and look at the side of the ball. Then it almost looks like a normal swing setup. Right?

In step 4, the ball will be moved to the center or half of the ball to the left. “I thought OKSWING or side blow was hitting with a full head tilt, but it hits the ball almost in place!” This should have been the order in which you learn golf!

This is OKSWING’s swing method! Did you understand? I’ll try it with an iron. Place the ball on the right, about the size of half a ball. Place the club face square and do a hand forward press or hand first to place the grip on your left thigh.

Then you don’t have to tilt your head very much. Even if I don’t tilt my head a lot, I can swing back while looking at the side of the ball. Here’s a really important point!

If I tilt my head a lot, there is not much space on the right, so I was able to side blow by lifting the back swing to the side. But if I lift my head up, there is a lot of space on the right, so should I lift the backswing high? No!

You have to think of lifting your backswing to the side even if you don’t tilt your head too much. When there is space on the right, the backswing naturally goes up. But don’t put it up like that! It should be pulled up naturally during the back swing.

I think I lift the back swing to the side, but because there is enough space, it goes sideways and then rises naturally. Only then will you be able to do side blows that feels like step 1. I’ll try it.

The ball is placed on the right in the half-size of the ball, and the club face is square. Hand first and just tilt your head a little. Just because I have more room on the right, I don’t lift the backswing high.

Even if I think I’m lifting the backswing, the ball floats high and flies away, and there is a draw. Please understand that I can’t hit the ball as hard as usual because my left arm hurts. I’ll try again.

The ball lies on the right side in a half-size of ball, the club face is square, hand-first, and the head is slightly tilted. There is more space on the right, but as in step 1, you hit the ball with the feeling of a backswing sideways.

The ball floats higher than the first and second level, resulting in a pretty draw. You must have seen that steps 1 and 3 are so different. In the first level, I tilted my head a lot and the ball turned a lot to the left.

In step 3, the swing looks more comfortable and the ball flies normally. I’ll do the 3rd level swing again. Rather than pulling the backswing low and long, lift it to the side to hit the ball. The ball flies away with a pretty draw.

Before I show you with a driver, I’ll show you a hitting technique. Last time I told you to make a swing with a club that feels like a snatch. I’ll show you a slightly improved application method. Eolssu(Yoo Hoo) hitting method Eolssu(Yoo Hoo) hitting method!

In step 2, I taught you how to swing while brushing the club like a towel. Let me show you a way to make it easier for you. But the swing needs to be a little bigger. Now, you can hit the club like a shaking towel if you just swing half.

Your swing needs to be bigger for this hitting technique. When you spike in volleyball, your arms move from back to front and hit the ball. Even when I shake off the towel, I raise my hands up to the face or higher and shake them off. It is the same. We did ’tilt-hit’ and’fold-unfold’.

It can be applied in OKSWING1 or side blow stage 1. This time, I’ll show you how to hit. The wrists and arms rise like this, but the wrist doesn’t have to be folded as much as me.

My wrist is pulled up, then the club comes down, and the wrist flips and hits the ball. I’ll show you. I put the ball on the right in the half-size of ball and hit. At this time, I don’t tilt my wrist too much. It’s lifting the club to the side.

Then, if only your hand comes down to hit the ball, your wrist will bend and you will hit the ball. Everyone, take a good look. When I’m backswing, I’m not cocking, I’m pulling it sideways and coming down to hit the ball.

Then you can find the point where you can accurately impact the ball. I stretch my arm to the side and hit the ball. I’ll try again. As if I was stretching my arm to the side, I hit the ball.

I don’t have to pull the club down because I seem to be stretching my arms to the side and then hitting the ball. Why? When you’re on a passive and fixed swing, you have to break your wrist, then drag the club down and hit the ball.

But if you think of the swing as a connected flow and hit the ball, it’s like this. So it becomes very powerful heating. Gary Woodland is the one who really does this hit on the PGA Tour. I recently watched a program called Legend Big Match.

I saw Joonhyuk Yang hitting it like this, saying it was a baseball swing. It was a great golf swing for me. It was a swing that I was admiring while watching. You can really instinctively hit the ball. You look at the side of the ball and reach out and hit the ball.

The ultimate purpose I’m telling you about this swing isn’t that you want your wrist to swing like this. We’re getting to know the side blow step by step. It is my intention to inform you of the exact method of hitting step by step.

Later on, you’ll swing well without knowing you’re swinging with your wrist like this. I’ll try again. Don’t pull back on the backswing, but try to stretch it to the side, then use your wrist to shake the club! You did not feel it because I was a little slow.

When I extend my backswing to the side and shake my wrist, the wrist folds by itself and hits the ball. I’ll try it. I glanced at the side of the ball and hit the ball while shaking my wrist.

Then you can find a timing when you can hit the ball without too much effort. I told you it’s an Eolssu(Yoo Hoo) Swing. Eolssu(Yoo Hoo) Eolssu(Yoo Hoo) Eolssu(Yoo Hoo), hitting the ball as of the wrist as the open position. Eolssu(Yoo Hoo)

So, if your wrist is bent like this, you cannot speed up. It is a motion to shake off while applying momentary strength to the wrist. It’s like a baseball player throwing a ball. When throwing the ball, it is important to shake off the wrist. This is a very important point.

I put the ball and look at the side. When I lift the backswing to the side and hit the ball, I didn’t put much effort into it, but the impact gets bigger and the side blow is great. I’ll try this time with a driver.

In the driver, we started with the ball in the center in step 1. From step 2, it came to the left by the size of a ball, and in step 3, it was almost to the left foot. You don’t have to tilt your head completely to the side, so almost stand up.

Hand First I turn my back swing to the side and hit the ball. Then I can send the ball forward. Please understand that I can’t hit the ball hard today. I’ll try again.

When I look at the side of the ball and pull the back swing to the side and hit the ball, a draw is created like this. There is something important at this time. As I’ve said many times, you shouldn’t lift your backswing high up!

The backswing is supposed to go up by body structure, but you have to think of it as turning the backswing sideways! If you don’t mind the swing trajectory, this is the way you can side blow. Make your back swing sideways.

You don’t need to pull hard to the side. In the first level, the back swing has to be like this. Due to the structure of the body, the back swing has no choice but to go up. Believe what Mr. OK says and follow it please. I’ll try again.

Looking at the side of the ball, backswing back and hitting the ball creates a draw. This is a static swing. I pull my arm to the side and hit the ball as my wrists recline. I look at the side of the ball, pull back the backswing and hit the ball momentarily.

I can’t beat it well because my arm hurts, but my wrist is alive, so I can hit 200m comfortably. I’ll try again. Pull the back swing to the side, pull it, and swing it so that the reverse motion of the wrist is applied.

Actually, it’s hard to send the ball like this with my arm. But I can send the ball like this because I hit the ball using the wrist snap. I looked at the side of the ball and hit the ball with a wrist snap.

I’m not a long hitter, but I’m hitting a 240-250m ball, but I’ve sent 200m now. I ended up playing this way. Got it? So today I moved the size of a ball to the center and raised my head that much.

In the next lesson, you will be positioned to the normal position and step 4 ends. In step 4, you’re going to go up the back swing further. So, I’ll show you how to use your wrist when you are full swing, and how the feeling of using your wrist changes when the swing increases.

You swing bigger, but your wrist stays the same! This is because the swing is getting bigger, but the feeling of using the wrist is dying because the dependence on the body increases. But since the hands are doing the same thing, let me bring you back awareness of wrist use.

That’s where you end up practicing hitting the ball with your wrist on the side blow. So five lessons will be over. After that, I will inform you of the side blows with body turns.

There are a lot of very interesting contents, and I will explain short games, putts, and bunker shots in OKSWING 5. Today, I announced ‘Eolssu(Yoo Hoo), swing’ (I thought of it and named it). These are the movements of the Eolssu(Yoo Hoo)swing, brushing a towel, catching flies with a flapper, and volleyball spikes

But don’t forget the most important thing! You must not lift the backswing high up, but as you did in step 1, you must reach out to the side and hit the ball. I’m standing upright, but I have to swing back and hit the side of the ball.

But when you lift the backswing high up and then come down to the backswing, your swing gets tangled again. Did you know? This is very important. Today, please read this and practice for a week.

I’ll see you in Lesson 5 with a side blow step 4, hitting the ball in an almost normal setup. Until now, I was Mr. OK of Scott Lee Golf Academy, OKSWING GOLF ACADEMY! OK thank you!

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