How to Yardage Gap your irons #golfcoach

In this video, we’ll discuss why you need to start yardage gapping your irons so you can shoot lower scores. Coach Will Robins @thescoringmethod tells Cordie what he needs to do to improve this game and lower his handicap.

All right so let’s go ahead and take a look how far we have maybe a little bit more than I thought okay you got 165 so you didn’t hit it the way you’d like but the point is is that the second thing that I’ve been seeing from you is you

Can now hit it a mile you’ve been doing a ton of speed trading but we need a yardage Gap okay like how what club do you hit 165 that would be slightly less than stock eight iron less than a stock eight iron what time do you hit a full

Full eight iron like 170 okay what do you hit a 3/4 uh probably 160 okay what what would it take you to hit 145 145 yeah I don’t know like slower Tempo like 9:00 yeah 9:00 and slower Tempo probably I mean I suppose what I’m

Seeing is is that in a lot of players that start bombing it like Jason day and stuff they just have this one speed and I would be saying to you is getting into a position where you have different ball flights from the same Club because of the different speed different yardages

So I think yardage gapping and getting those numbers dial down actually having on a piece of paper instead of in your head right is really vital

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