I Challenged Sabrina Andolpho To a Golf Match!!

Sabrina and I played a match at Dobson Ranch Golf Course in Arizona! If you liked this video, please make sure to subscribe!

Sabrina’s Video:


What’s up you guys welcome back we have a very fun video for you today I am out here at Dobson Ranch playing with a special guest we have Sabrina and doo here good that was that was great the last name I was practicing her name earlier I’m like and Doo and doo perfect

So welcome thank you I’m excited this will be fun we’re going to do a little match so stay tuned let’s get right into it guys all right we’re playing six holes today on my channel here at Dobson we’re starting on hole number number two if you know the course and then we’ll be

Playing six holes on sub’s channel wait so is this this is match play right yeah okay perfect match play match play is fun match play is chill all right perfect that’s great little fade over there big surprise I know you guys are so surprised with my

Fades lately D usually haly and I have never played together this is our first time meeting and playing like it’s just uh total total new they said that the misses right but I’m just going to try to hit it straight that’s the ideal option here all right and I missed it right but

That’s the my right that’s all right you’ll be fine I mean even with these trees right here it’s pretty open still it was so bad that it might be okay that’s that’s what we like I have 196 and I’m going to try and force a seven wood there which is just probably not

Going to happen but I refuse to hit a three-wood damn that’s like a full three-wood for me really yeah probably is a full three-wood for me and I’m just going to ignore myself oh I chunked it we had a warmup hole on the first hole and I like hit everything thin and

Now I just go and chunk it all right whatever 161 okay I think that’s like a five iron I feel like I don’t know if this tree no I think I’m fine with the tree just go right through the tree the tree is mostly made of air anyways right

Through the trees here we go a full well I think like a choke five oh that was right through the tree nice great shot I think that’s going be over right over the green oh my gosh that was such a good shot though no but did you see that go right through the

Two branches I mean it’s made of air 65 yards I left that so short whoops we’re going to hit my 56 you guys know I’m always between 56 and 60 on that yardage do you usually hit 60 or 56 well my 50 my I usually hit 56 but my 60 is like

Perfect 6 like2 yards 62 oh okay not 61 like 62 no 62 on the dot so I just always hit my 56 though because I feel like I can keep my hands in front more and just it’s a little lower smarter and this is mud underneath here see like that’s all mud go

Go oh no good there we go that was good sh okay just slightly but that was definitely the right shot that I was trying to to hit so going to have to make a putt to save our bogey okay guys this looks like a very straightforward

Chip but at the same time like I’ve definitely messed up these chips a lot I’m just going to chip with my 60 a nice chill chip here not my favorite shop but let’s see what we can do bye that’s gone I knew it I think the course came to play today

No I know I feel last time I played here they weren’t as fast but I knew it was going to be quick it’s not turning all righty well door’s open all right you got buggy so I just need to make this putt to tie you

No big deal I was giving it to you either way going just what we like a 10-footer to save um Bogey and tie the hole all righty she’s like I’m not going down after one nice putt thank you putter the pressure is hopefully we’ll um show you guys something else on the

Next hole all right we are all square we’re on our second hole this is part four little dog leg pretty wide open so I’m just going to pick a spot kind of on that right side of the Fairway a little bit more and go for it really good nice shot thanks the

Little fade exactly my Target used to always hit draws and now it’s yes I love to draw and now it’s just like out of nowhere all I can hit is Fades off the tea when I’m hitting draws I feel my game is so much better than when I’m

Hitting Fades I don’t know why oh yeah and draws definitely like you’re getting more yardage off the tea so you’re going to be hitting shorter clubs in and it just looks better right it fades kind of just like GH I cannot stand a fade GH

I’m going to try to hit a draw for us I don’t know if I can it’ll probably be a fade too nice great great yes that was a draw I am jealous of that draw you just got I feel like it’s not going to be it’s going to be similar distances also

Can everybody just take a moment and appreciate look at these like strong legs do you get that comment all the time do people say like wow look at your strong thigh like you have strong legs super strong going to get her workout routine I’m not going to share it with

You guys secret now 141 let me guess what club that would be for to see if I can tell okay eight or seven seven okay that’s what m probably well today it depends on the day today I’m not hitting it very far so I’m going to do a choke down

Seven oh but I hit it a little skinny I think that’ll be perfect a little bit of a weird sff it give the people what they want holy that is going to be gone that was a nice th you know I’m good at chipping so this

Is going to be okay guys all right guys as well I sold here and I’m absolutely way over the green but it’s fine because I’m in a good mood today so I’m not worried about it all right I think I’m just going to hit a

60 roll and sit sit sit sit oh I think that’s going to be good wow great shot thank you all right so we came up just slightly short but this is still makeable putt oh no oh my gosh we’re talking about no gimmies giving you I know people in the

Comments will be like you’re so mean like just give me but like okay we could agree to do it or not but this is my puff for par if I can make this I can apply the pressure on H which would be cool but I can apply the pressure but I

Have to make this for then it’s like no pressure at all oh no oh the worst all right a lot of less pressure now wow I almost missed that too this would be to go one up in the match nice putt all right good good car little six or seven 147 actually I’m

Kind of feeling the little six now I was thinking I didn’t want to like go behind the hole but maybe a choke down six is a better idea you have the honors oh okay that was good get back there oh my God I’m was that the six so short yeah I think it’s

Deceiving a little bit what there’s a little bit of wind in our face but I I feel like it’s a little bit uphill I like a yard yeah I would play it longer for sure holy what the was that okay that was left I mean right and

It’s in the bunker we are just putting on a show out here for you guys woo oh I just duffed it what is going on I’m like chipping like like this instead of like this that’s what’s going on I don’t know what these bunkers what the vibe is in

Here Florida girl these are brown and a little different but shouldn’t be too bad I’m just going to try to get it next to the pin which is usually the goal so wow that actually is going to work that actually worked out just perfect guys that was ignore the part where it

Hit the bunker but don’t ignore the part where it’s close to the pin there’s no pictures on the scorecard oh my gosh you’ll make that that’s good hay oh she gave me a butt guys okay take that bogey okay guys let’s see if I can

Just make this so we can go back to all square that would’ be cool God my P is trash that one is broke on you that’s good that’s good that’s good no it’s good yeah you’re good okay perfect par five here uh dog leg left so with my little shorty drives I’m going

To aim at that big tree like right in the middle of the Fairway pretty much but I have to go over here because it just feels better so yeah that works nice hopefully that keeps moving a little because there’s a bunker right there you’re over it I

Think oh I have no idea no I think you’re over it that should be good okay guys I’m just going to try to go in the Fairway straight oh nice great ball that was what I was trying to do thank you where is it wow thanks she just hit that a country

Mile what’s that like oh nice that was really good that was perfect good shot um thanks I hope it sit okay that looks perfect it looks like it’s still in the Fairway which is good and then I’ll have a good angle in you’re 240 to the pen that’s kind of far

I’m just going to like see if I can get a three-wood close nice wow go that’s definitely not on though if it’s wow wow wow I think it is go go oh my God short but it was hit good I’ll probably have a decent ship 110 over that bunker that pin is a

Sucker pin and I’m a sucker for it I’ll go for it so we’re going to hit n iron make sure we get it back there it really should be a pitching wedge but I’m just not trusting my yardages today so oh my God I hit that so thin again

It’ll be fine but it’s going to be such a long Putt in I’m just not completely there today we’re close I’m just going to hit a 60 try to put a close and make a putt sit no all right I mean I kind of I hit it

Pretty good but it just like went a little far but I can putt still from there but pretty trash overall I’m middle of the green which usually is not a bad option it’s just quite a big green everything’s going to break down to the left pretty dramatically and there’s

Like a hill right on the right side of this pin so I’m just going to play that that looks good oh my God I would have been so happy if that just went in but it’s still rolling I feel like I’m playing defense today it’s like I’m not playing

Offense I’m playing defense and that’s not a good thing in golf okay this is actually one of the worst wood shots ever pretty I think it’s further than it was before so I just I’m going to putt this it’s kind of downhill hit it hit it hit it oh my gosh

I thought you had that we’re good golfers I mean we play Great Golf and I feel like It’s just tough this is so bad but we’re great golfers promise we’re great golfers and we both have like eight Footers to save bar okay guys here

We go let’s see if I can just make this please get some momentum turn around oh my God I’m so done oh my God just this is just blowing my mind all right so this is to win the hole oh my gosh I my original line was

Correct and then as I was standing over it I what is there changed two holes left one down with two holes to go playing some one up still golf right now I don’t know how like we’re both like hitting great shots but yeah it’s just not working out for us it’s literally

Just around the green yeah okay I’m just going to what is this a part five oh it’s probably not a part five we just played one feels like a long one hit a driver here we go nice it’s not the driver that’s an issue really really really good thank

You you’re smoking that thing yeah the driver is good if we can just get the putting going okay I’m going to try and follow that up Good Nice Shot thanks okay 150 I’m going to hit my six iron even though I feel like nothing’s

Going very far I should be able to get a six iron 150 yards but for some reason I you got this I’m not hitting it very far we have to have a pep talk with each other yeah like let’s get our get it together get it together Haley even

Though we’re playing against each other I feel like we should just both play I feel like we’re not even we’re like like telling you what club to hit I’m like I would play more yeah okay that’s good nice be enough go go go I’m like just short of the green

But the pin’s in the front so honestly I’m okay with that okay guys 125 I’m not going to hit a nine cuz I don’t want to be short so I’m just going to hit a little eight and I’m going to put this on the green and make at least

A par because I bogied every hole can I please freaking fade okay that should maybe be okay looks good okay it’s not that bad I landed just short here it’s not just short it’s short it’s just fullon short but I’m okay with this because now I have a

Little chip going uphill like I could chip this in oh my gosh why am I doing this to myself I just left like that almost dunked it was almost in and I’m like oh my God it’s so good and then it just kept going and now

I have another what six I was just thinking I was like one of us needs to make a like what is happening yeah I think that’s the only hole that I went went up was because I made a par no I know like what the hell it’s like we

Have one par between the two of us composing myself once you lose the confidence it’s hard you know I don’t think I ever had it okay bye see you this is such look at this pen placement like they’re they’re not even going to see it on the I’m

Going to hit it off the goddamn green they’re not even going to understand everybody watching like I can’t even show you how this this is okay I’m literally done bye see you see you later hay I’m leaving okay so if I make this two up I go two up

Like that literally just lipped out and got all the way over there I mean is that even a we going go back to pin placement I have to make this to tie the hole and yeah I have to make this to tie the hole and I would be one up going

To the next hole if I missed this we are all square going into our final hole on the toughest course in the world on the hardest course ever oh there you go see I’m good I good at golf it’s so hard out here today we can’t be tired this is like really

Beating me down all right we are on the last hole of this match I’m one up right now it’s been tough Golf out here this is a good video on what not to do around the greens but we’re just going to blame it on this is TPC dos and ranch I guess

Like they should play the the Masters here at this point like yeah we’re playing the Masters um this is Augusta actually Sabrina has to beat me on this hole in order to tie tie the match love this position 140 I’m going to hit my seven iron please can I hit one good

Shot on this video like I’m feeling really actually good about this one turn looks good looks really good okay yes go in please oh my gosh it’s probably going to be like 15 ft when we get up there I feel like oh I’m like I really almost want to Club up

Because I just feel that was like a full six I mean seven s oh I was like wait I’m like almost about I think I’m going to Club up because I’m just feeling it and you guys already know if I feel it I feel it there’s just no Rhyme or Reason for

It nice be good that’s really good too all right all right good shot we both have I think definitely the right Club I think no but that’s probably more pin High than mine I think mine’s going to be short took us 7even holes to warm

Up um I think I’m out apply the pressure I’m going to apply that pressure I would assume this one’s to break down to the right just slightly with the water over there oh that’s good haey ah thanks thanks hey we made a par part on our last hole thank you all

Right guys this is probably the biggest putt I’ve ever had in my life tie it up this is to tie the match I mean I have nothing to lose now it’s either I lose or I tie so whatever you’re coming off a good shot so all right let’s see if I can make

One oh that wasn’t even close wait actually wait what the heck I what in the world oh my God all right well all right you tied it up I thought that was going to be so short sided and short I was like you suck that is so funny I

Love when that happens and you just get all mad have you seen that video of the guy that like misses the pony he’s like oh and he breaks his Putter and then the putt goes in okay well that’s at least you didn’t do that okay there I hope you guys

Enjoyed this video Even if we didn’t bring our greatest game out here I me it was fun it was a hard hard round to go but this leaves for a lot of room for rematches and stuff exactly can I just chill with the putter please so let us

Know if you want to have Sabrina back on the channel and what you want to see next thanks for watching yes bye bye


  1. Maybe you should get the SF1 driver Haney says you can't slice it! That first drive wasn't a fade more of a slice! the second drive much better fade!

  2. Amazing the times we are living in!!! 2 admittedly good looking gals, who are 10-20 handicap golfers with absolutely no personality or humor can put on “cute” golf clothes and film themselves hacking it up with zero interesting conversation and get views and make money. Insane.

  3. Sabrina hits a putt and says "that's not even going to be close", while she's walking it into the cup. Hilarious!!!!

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