Golf Babe

HE ALMOST HIT THE CART GIRL! πŸ˜¬πŸ˜… #cartgirl #golf #golfer #golfshorts #shorts

I’m feeling a big one right here yep four oh four four it’s short oh sh dude you’re so close oh boy sorry I didn’t realize that you were 350 in the Fairway hello here I’m all good let’s see if Ash wants anything sorry I didn’t realize you were 350 in the

Fairway what held off oh I noticed that and I was like oh that’s a big bomb yeah that could have hurt okay see you later thank you just wasted the car cross nice Riz there dude yeah it was good it was good what


  1. Bro is so bad at talking to women. I’m no expert but sheesh this kid needs a shot of tequila or something πŸ˜‚

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