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Whatever this is it just happened in there there’s a a live fire in this tent how you doing there’s a lot of police officers here end it here no just some crazy guy how we doing folks welcome back we are on the siron today uh we’re starting

Downtown LA I don’t really have much of an agenda we’re going to do some free riding we might ride in a group I’m not really sure yet but we’re definitely going to do some exploring uh should be a fun night make sure to watch to the end I appreciate all the support lately

Coming to the new year so much content that’s all I plan on doing every day is important content for you guys thank you I just want to say thanks for the continued support we will keep on moving keep riding keep exploring keep giving you guys stuff to watch all next year

Here we go all right check this out bro has got a a a gas powered scooter I haven’t seen one of these in a long time hey man how fast that thing go let’s see It hey that fast right there how fast they go uh about 45 oh yeah yeah 4550 how long St t uh you get about 40 mil 40 mil yeah oh yeah going this way go Ahead this takes me back to Long Beach man I see what those I there he goes we got a SE all okay be Safe that’s cool oh welcome folks we’re out here in downtown we’re going to get a little Cruise in uh now today we’re starting to downtown we’re going to end up in the valley we got some business to handle out there but for now we’re just chilling doing a little bit of free

Riding exploring see what’s going on in the city it’s been a couple weeks since we’ve been out here last time I was out here was on Ultra be so yeah that’s what’s going on uh I will probably never really bust a wheelie on this channel but let’s take a look at my progress

We’re in eco mode I was told it’s best to learn in eco mode try to get a better one pass these Vans turned up back there also this is a really interesting part of downtown LA we’re on the edge of the Industrial Area this is South Park you

See these really fancy apartments behind us definitely got dogs in there as you can see there’s actually stuff back there you probably can’t actually see but you know one thing that I’ve been doing that’s helped a lot is doing wheelies on my SE bike my big BMX I have

A 29er BMX that I’ve been doing wheelies on and that has been helping me learn uh homie is sending it on the city bike we love to see that it’s kind of helping me find the balance point for this bike which is sa yeah work in progress I’m not really concerned about

Doing wheelies it’s already been 2 years I’ve been riding this thing haven’t done one wheelie on video and uh and it seems like you guys like the content with that wheelie so I’m not really I don’t really plan on incorporating them in the videos

In the first place but I do want to kind of learn them just for fun you know just to pop around the neighborhood all right well downtown LA we’re going to do a Long Lap through here going to go further into the City and checking right now we’re just getting

Started checking out Staple Center there’s the balance point oh God we’re finding it I’m doing it with 1ot drag which is probably not a good habit to learn long term but you know I’m just toing around we’re going to go explore in a second I just want to get one good

One okay well you guys get the picture I’m definitely improving a lucky day we got not one but two gas powered bites hey how fast does it go huh how fast is it can you pull it huh can you pull it okay about 4050 dude I think he was low on gas too

Everyone’s low on gas today unlucky bro unlucky well beautiful evening in down town turns out we got some riders coming to ride with his Jason and his homeboy you guys remember Jason on his electric scooter he’s very fast so it should be a fun night to say the least let’s see what goes

Down all right folks fresh battery time to sh off we going to the city my plan right now is just to go to the other side of town what is what is that wobbling hold on a sec you guys already know I don’t

Know why I do this as I okay wheel is on and it has air all right we’re good off we go into the night it is already past Sunset it’s cold it’s not cold I can’t say it’s hot or it’s cold ever on the channel Golden Rule sorry I got to

Remember that you guys were on my uh bumper anytime I say it’s hot you guys say wait a second I live on the surface of the Sun if I say it’s cold you guys are like bro I live in Antarctica it ain’t really cold so you know what it’s

Perfect weather it is perfect temperature perfect weather atmospheric Temp and um humidity for a cruise and that’s what we’re doing we’re going to go on a little uh Adventure I really have no idea where we’re going honestly folks I’m just kind of Shing around on

My suron I’ve been having so much fun on this bike I can’t really uh explain it I almost took my electric mountain bike out today you got a clean BMX that thing’s nice uh but I did not I just I don’t know this bike is just addicting man once you get hooked

On it you just really don’t want to ride anything else for a while this is one of my favorite streets look at all the artwork right here all these gated doors wait look at that car dang wait that thing’s sick also everyone called me out I called a Thunderbird and Impala in my

Last video uh my bad that’s an Impala right you guys uh really weren’t happy about that that’s why I rarely try to like do car spotting cuz every time I get it wrong people just clown me I mean I kind of you know I was close right I

Didn’t even look at the clip I don’t even remember saying that or full context I thought that was a row of sketchy looking dude it with just mannequins yeah I don’t even remember saying that on video but apparently I did and I called a I called a Thunderbird in Impala and I

Could see how if you were a you know a car purist you would draw a offence to that all kinds of sketchy things have been going on in these back stre lately I think there was like a full-blown uh mde R you can’t say that word apparently cuz YouTube Flags you

For it but that happened uh in these back streets kind of like up here to the left I don’t really know what I’m doing here oh there’s a they cut the street blocked off right oh oh is this this looks like something that just happened there’s someone in the car looks look

Like they’re okay what’s going on here whatever this is it just happened Oh I thought that was someone hurt in the car but they’re fine they just got the street blocked off looks like a bad accident uh yeah as you can see cops have bigger fish to fry in here out here

In La than a suron rider but okay if you guys noticed I went silent creeping up to that cuz I was like are we going to see a a dude obviously I would not have included that in the video but I was like are we going to see a guy who was

Just in a car accident like slumped in the front seat dude that’s genuinely what ran through my mind right now luckily we did not see that that guy he was just chilling it looks like he was okay and there was no ambulances that’s usually the key if there’s U someone

Hurt ambulance immediately on the scene by the way here is the legendary spot where we saw that fire remember when I turned the corner and I was like oh there’s a fire bro there’s it’s on fire right here so always uh you know some random stuff going on in these back

Streets but uh yeah like I said the other day someone had like gotten shot over here and that was a big news story it just uh it it was in broad daylight too it was right around these hours and uh I think it was a guy with a orange

Hoodie on a ebike no I’m just kidding yeah it’s this is kind of like a weird part of downtown where you never know what might go down that’s a car we just saw right I think I think it is not really sure yeah it is I think that’s unrelated

Honestly to uh what it just we just Saw unfortunate turn events for that guy anyways I kind of put us off path we’re going to do a bigger Loop than we thought I like this part of downtown you know cuz I don’t really come over here ever this is where you can get super

Cheap clothes by the way uh it’s called the I think it’s a fashion district I don’t know if that’s this is actually this but this is like the row that street right there that’s where you get the goods also kind of this one over here but more so that one behind us oh

What’s going on in the streets tonight kind of just trying to be aware of all the things going on it is Saturday and it’s like 2 days before Christmas I’m just out riding around on my suron all my family is in La so I don’t really have to travel or anything

For for Christmas but you still there’s still people out here partying and drinking and driving all that good stuff so I you got to stay aware while you’re riding around I want to show you guys something right here there is a fire in this tent and um it’s kind of wild

Because it’s literally inside the tent it’s Burning uh you can’t really see I don’t know if you can tell but there’s Embers in there there’s a live fire in this tent uh and that’s kind of how some of these big fires start just like that hey hey go and get through

Here the infamous 10 Freeway you guys know if you watch our videos I always talk this is the Border once you go south of the 10 freeway you’re kind of no longer in Downtown LA but there’s this funky little part of town right here on the edge of the freeway where

You know it’s just it gets the freaks come out at night you can put it that way it’s a little strange right okay it get a little weird it’s it’s stuff to see there’s people out here trying to survive there’s all that good stuff there’s an alley we’re going to take

This row is always fascinated me this corner is always in and out of having people living here currently uh there’s a bunch of people live here and it sounds like s like off fire possibly how you doing there definitely some on fire it’s in my eyes oh

Man well that’s a pretty uh decent sized Community they got there at the moment this is an Infamous art wall area pretty much this is all uh just art you know it’s been like this for as long as I can remember coming to this part of downtown

This has always been like a little artist area where people can I’m sure it’s sanctioned like you see this wall is clean nobody’s getting over anybody I’m sure that would not be uh you know well received in this part of town dude there’s kind of a lot of smoke coming

From that way I don’t know what they caught on fire but it’s burning anyways we caught all the way down here we in Washington we covered a lot more ground than I just tried to so let’s go ahead and make a little bit of a loop we’re going to make this right

Right here in Los Angeles you know what I always wondered can I I want to curve ride on one of these but I don’t want to get up on somebody’s art we’ll try it on one where there’s no uh beautiful artwork over it back into the city so like I said

Once you cross this big freeway right here you’re pretty much back in downtown it’s funny how that’s pretty much the entire border there goes a CHP and uh she uh luckily look more concerned than uh dealing with me right there though I’m not going to run this red light in front of her

Definitely not not like I ever run red lights folks you guys see me stop at every light stop at every stop sign and go at every Green right right right right right so yeah okay we’re going to hit this little cut right here I don’t know if I can fit

Through here on the Sur we’re going to find out I don’t even know what I just rode through it probably wasn’t a probably biohazardous whatever it was so we got two options right here there’s uh there’s another strip goes in between people living here and then getting booted out this was empty

The last time I came it was right here no it was right here to the right yeah it was like it was somewhere between that intersection I didn’t want to hover cuz I passed those cops like three times already I just didn’t want to and know it act a little too suspicious even

Though I’m just a idiot on a suron maybe it’s this corner yeah but anyways cooking 10 Freeway also notable because that was the spot where the freeway caught on fire you guys remember that big fire I mean I’ve talked about it like 100 times already but it was way

Further up than where we are right now but as you can see it’s not out of the ordinary to wonder how that fire started now you got to remember they claim up and down that that fire had nothing to do with people living under the freeway

So I you know I don’t that’s just what they say and I’m not really in a position to argue that whether people believe it or not is up to them a lot of people do a lot of people don’t anyways there’s not my not too much going on

This side of town it’s pretty dark so we’re going to get out of the uh sketchy area right now we just zipping around we’re going to see if our home boys are ready to ride yet had to get some uh had to get the blood flowing oh

Wow starting to see more of these wood structures pop up I mean hey dude get it how you live you know that’s just kind of the the saying I’ve always Liv by and uh if you are if you can build a wood structure and and not have it talk

Knocked down I mean I don’t know like hey it’s hard out here in La man I don’t live in like a big place or anything I I am the cheapest person ever I literally eat a $5 chicken every day from the Amazon Fresh store uh I don’t have any

Fancy clothes this jacket is from Walmart these pants are Nike but I got them from Costco for 20 bucks these are probably the only closest thing to designer that I have I uh you know the only other brand name I got is my fox gloves I’m not a brand name guy I’m not

A flashy dude I’m cheap because he got got to be you want to be flashing La you have to make a boatload of money and I mean like an absorbant amount of money even then it’s like you know I don’t know I kind of I even if I was making

Like a million dollars a month or something ridiculous I’d probably still you know wear Walmart clothes like I’m going be honest my Walmart clothes fit super good I just hate man I don’t even know what to say that’s just that’s just you know that’s the type of life I

Lead so anyway look at this it’s cracking out here tonight this is the uh the the alleys it’s the other side of the alleys it just looks like a full-on theme park tonight very crowded we got dual Lane split look hold on wait look at this Savage he’s cutting

It we love that we’re stuck on the other hand see if we can Lane split on the outside get around like this yep wow yeah we’re totally stuck it’s cool to see these areas actually full though because usually when I come through here there is not a soul

Everything is packed right now I mean super packed this one little area I actually like a lot right here on the right it just feels like a different country I’m can’t get it right there we got to go all the way up you can scoot through for a hot

Second lots of flavors lots of life this right here doesn’t this look cool I don’t even know what it is about it but it just looks like you’re somewhere else once you’re here you’re kind of stuck too we got to go all the way around all this get out and we’re off all

Righty alleys are absolutely cracking almost a little too cracking we got to get out of here we’re going to go back through the city going make a left right here on Olympic and uh Bust It bust it right up on out of here that truck’s cool I like small low trucks

Like that not quite a mini truck but just you know just a small truck all right well just getting things started we got the biggie bike oh oh oh hit 360 C through GTLA at night always a beautiful site let’s keep going down Broadway a little bit why not we got a

Little bit of time to kill before the homies come out here we got uh I don’t even know I thought this was a theater it’s just an Urban Outfitter looks like like a sick theater but it’s uh it’s not hit a quick cut through fit him oh wrong way sorry about

That oh can’t go that way that was a complete dead end can’t go that way gate shut I guess we’re not going to fit him all right let’s just go make it right it’s getting a little chilly look we got a MAA Santa just squatted up me and the

Boys wow love it stable Center pack there’s a LA Kings game tonight can someone who watches hockey let us know in the comments who’s the best team right now is it the king I don’t know anyways back of Staples we did a nice little Loop now we wait for the

Homies whoa holy oh my God bro could badad oh my God no way is bad dude that kid came it so hot dude did you even see that kid there he goes dude that kid a menace oh my God that kid’s insane bro bro he’s so

Fast on that what even is that he’s on he’s on a zoo or something hey bro what is that bike is that a Zeo oh are you um what’s your name what’s my name oh I remember you wrote like I watch your video up there

Oh I think what kind of bike is this oh it’s a solle bike okay dude it’s fast a friend bro one milon Subs yeah yeah yeah yeah hey nice to meet you man what’s your name um Marcus okay pleasure to meet you man hey be safe out here bro look at him

Go yeah no he’s Wilding I know I’ve never heard of that better than super73 huh right he was moving he mik’s after dark look at these fools coming in so hot I almost missed the turn I keep sending it like like I have rear

Brakes I keep you do have no I have no rear brakes at all o yeah okay just the front yeah yeah keep that in mind right I know Jason leading the pack on his insane scooter wolf King GT hit your brakes real quick oh this kids’s moing with this Y

Is it lighting up press it yeah it’s lighting okay it’s Lighting on oh the on or whatever okay let’s go take it yeah mob eat bikes at night is a lot of fun however a bunch of red lights in a row is not fun mobin holy

Dude hold on I’ll get in and then I’ll get you yeah right at least we got it done all right we’re going to a secret extremely exclusive Penthouse that nobody has access to except for Jason going up damn gangster yeah right uh View [Applause] Nice all right we’re going to lower gr next kick it with some cycling homies chill out for a second Dam still got tread TI oh yeah it’s over it’s over look right there right there back up back up it’s still sealed but it’s still seal don’t slide yeah

You’re good which way you going to go Jason I’ll follow you okay that as I go I’m going home yeah good riding today fellas ring today thanks again bro y catch you on the next one all right fun little evening in downtown all right folks that was a cool

Little night did uh little adventuring Jason showed us a incredible highrise uh we did a little bit of shredding with some cycling homies last stop of the night whatever is going on right here looks like a full-blown emergency went down I don’t really know exactly what this is

Uh looks like there was a fire lfd is staged for something looks like it was going on in this highrise it’s hard to really tell yeah I don’t know there’s only well there’s three no two fire engines two ambulances I don’t know could be a little bit of anything when you’re out

Here in downtown three ambulance what up after dark looks like there’s some type of crime scene going on up here they have the block shut down pretty much all up and down the street and they’re doing circles around these blocks to try and find something or somebody honestly it

Looks like a full-blown crime scene I haven’t seen anything on the news about this at all uh we’re right behind the cop right now there’s a lot of police officers here okay well police have this sewed up in every direction I would love to get

More info but it looks like I can not even move from this uh spot I’m in I don’t even think I was supposed to be this far that’s trying to make a U-turn we’re going to try and creep around probably go down this way try to get some information whatever is going on

Looks like it’s off shut down local liquor store open for business block is shut down this way they got detectives out and all type of stuff what is going on here is there shooting or something no oh okay well like a car chase ended here no

Just some crazy guy okay I heard the helicopter for like an hour it’s like electric yeah it’s a suron it’s electric uh sport bicycle or motorbike or uh you can put pedals on it I have pedals off but you can put pedals on and do pedal

Assist or you just do and does it like recharge your battery yeah when you when you Coast it charges your battery as you’re as you’re coasting so it’s pretty cool yeah how much is that uh this is 4,000 it’s a it’s a it’s a toy it’s an

Expensive toy you guys have a good night yeah all right well maybe we circle around and go to the left nice officers so this is North Hollywood I’m pretty familiar with this area because me and bingo used to come ride around here a lot it’s um you know there’s a there’s a

Fair mix of stuff going on I actually know a secret shortcut going up through here that’s how well I know this particular pathway you go up here and make a left we can actually squeeze through an Alleyway I don’t know if it’s going to be shut off I’m assuming it will

Be I think this is a cop oh no it’s just a person see if we can get a little bit more Intel on what’s going on but looks like uh actually going to I wish there was a way to kill the headlight on the suron man

Without um having to turn it all the way off but we’re going to get up here right here and kill the headlight and see if I can film some stuff on my phone so they got the block shut off we just spoke to a different officer and

They said that um can’t really tell exactly what the case is but whatever it is it’s actually a couple streets over all right trap is getting redirected all over the place right here there’s a bunch of cops and they’re all sending people to other parts of the street

We’re going to try and get all the way around this so as you can see still blocked off that way can’t get through there never even seen that road trying to do a wrap all the way around if we can even get through I don’t think you can

Shout out to the cop interested in the suron cop was he was pretty curious maybe he buys one who knows okay so from here this is the way we just were at the beginning let see how far we can wrap around let’s trying to get on the other

Side of this road other than that I mean we definitely talked to the friendliest cop we’re going to encounter the rest of them don’t seem very uh approachable to say the least in a situation like this you know you pretty much have to expect that the cops don’t really want to talk

To anybody so we’re happy that we got to speak to one he was a nice dude so um we’re going to extend the block a little bit see if we can get a little more Ino all right we’re going to try and approach it from this

Direction see if we can get any closer I doubt it but we haven’t been this way yet oh it’s not someone with a gun but you can’t come in yeah that’s a little more info guy with a gun crazy guy guy with a gun put two and two together guy

With a gun pulled up in a house most likely here’s the thing I don’t think it’s that much of a standoff because if it was you see the SWAT team they don’t hesitate to bring out the big guns there’ still be a helicopter out here either they have it under control or

It’s just not that much of a threat as you can see not that willing to talk but they did give us a little more info which uh now we have the full story crazy guy with a gun out here in North Hollywood oh not much exciting to see

But we got a little bit of uh juice to get the night started anyways we right here in North Hollywood going to do a little bit of quick spreading is not really the place you want to ride a s on at night because uh first off the valley is known for its

Insane drivers uh they’re all pretty nut bar I don’t look for anyone on a bicycle let alone anyone on a suron I am pretty much a uh a rolling Target best way you can put it probably so we’re going to go try and just uh

Keep it pushing for now I know you guys like the night footage so we’re just going to try and include a little bit of this we’re actually going to try and get off this Main Street right now we’re on laners uh we got the uh La cologne store

Right there if you know my catch my drift so right here on Hatter is going right that’s the street where we’re just on where I don’t know if shots are actually fired I didn’t see anything on my Lait app so it’s impossible to tell what actually went down but we’re going

To do a little Valley tour real quick you know here’s the In-N-Out this is the worst In-N-Out in the world probably I hate coming to this one I never go here it’s got the old school sign though and it always has an incredibly long line so

I tend to not really go there ever uh I love this topper truck and I’m out of the valley I tend to eat here when I have time some of you may recognize this spot this used to be a camp one of my first ever North Hollywood Videos I came

Through here and it was all Camp it hasn’t been like that for a while though the city must have taken some action to clean it up we got to thread the needle o that was impossible to judge I couldn’t really see very sketch oh that’s another exciting night in

Downtown folks as always thanks for watching appreciate your time with me over here on the hit Channel we’ll see you guys in the next video very soon peace out


  1. Sorry, i live in canary islands, and down here WE have the most perfect weather, you dont know what perfect weather is really like. (now you cant say its hot cold or perfect)

  2. Aren't you people that live in California tired of the people that control your city. The only time they clean that city up is when the President of China came over and they had the whole area with Chinese flags. Welcome to the new China.

  3. The Freaks come out at night! We forgive you for the Thunderbird/Impala fiasco. We got your back!!

  4. Hey Mike all the videos that you’ve been making you haven’t been making one video about riding or bike in the beach so can you please make one video I will definitely like the

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