Learn to throw Flex Forehands! — Disc Golf Tutorial

Craig teaches you how to throw flex forehands. This is a really effective shot that can be utilized by all skill levels as a way of increasing distance and getting themselves out of tough spots.

Don’t overdo it, but when used sparingly… this is a shot that can definitely take a couple strokes off your scorecard.

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All right this can be a relatively quick tutorial on Flex for hands uh this is more so for beginners newer players but could help anybody um just going over some of the basics things you need to know things to think about uh there’s no rid and roll on Flex

Forehand just like anything in discov but these are things that could help you whether you’re trying to learn them you’ve never done them or you’re struggling with them they could help you out first things first obviously you got to learn how to forand probably learning a proper

Forehand would help you first instead of learning the flex forehand because Flex forehand is not technically great form but it’s a great shot it’s not really how you want to develop your forehand right at the beginning but we’re all guilty of it trying to get the most out

Of a disc so just learn just a pretty good forehand it doesn’t have to be great like that one was not that great C forehand one of the more important things to think about is disc selection not all discs are going to perform well on a flex forehand some will not perform

At all they’ll just go and be on their way so avoid understable at all cost well for a beginner I’d say something a little slightly overstable not super duper over stable cuz a lot of it could be just your arm speed it’s not fully developed yet so it’s going to look make

Something look much more overstable than it really is and it may not be the best way to truly learn how to throw a fak forehand it’s more just throwing something super duper ever stable and no matter what it’s going to fade out so that’s a big factor um this selection

I’d say if you’re trying to learn them mid-ranges into the Fairway drivers probably not good to go straight distance driver at first but they’ll give you a taste of it um yeah anything I’d say if you’re a beginner maybe to fade probably avoid going into the

Threes and fours but it’s all up to you there’s no rules in disc off I’d say the best way to truly learn control on a flex forehand something with slightly less fade just to know what angle control and such so going to give you some examples we got right to left wind

Today little bit of Breeze was one of the biggest mistakes we all make I still make it all the time sometimes it’s like I want to stand up too straight but you kind of got to be a little a little bit athletic when you see a pitcher throw a

Pitch it’s pretty athletic um so you don’t really want to just stand there and chop at it a lot of times what happens you start high and you go to low and you just smash it into the ground it may be stable enough and it flips out

Before it hits the ground and flares but it’s kind of a mistake you don’t want to do a lot so but for an example it’s like this standing up straight starting high and going low like that try to avoid that you want more of a plane going straight at your target give it

Time to fade out so just pushing straight instead of starting high and going low you also don’t really want to start low go high you’re more likely to throw nose up you just want the disc to be able to just work on a neutral plane more so like this this isn’t going

To have a ton of Angle you can see push that was a little bit high to low but that was acceptable angle control probably the very most important there’s a lot of factors involved many things disc disc weight the thrower themselves and the conditions they’re in or even if it’s will bit of gravity involved like going

Downhill so uh we have this wind coming right to left right now there’s wind is always something you have to think about specifically if you’re throwing into a headwind it’s going to take a lot more time to fight out of it so this is just

Going to take time to get used to what disc to throw when to throw it how much arm speed to throw but that’s just takes time to learn that so thrown into a headwind maybe a little bit less angle it’s going to take a lot more time to

Fight out Tailwind even same thing can happen it could be just pushing so fast it has no interest in fading out so so uh think keep that in mind we’re going to talk about angle control a little bit more I would say ideally starting out I love to use the clock that’s pointing

About 1 probably 2:00 p.m. 2: a.m. whatever you want to call it I’d say that’s a good starting point depending on the disc you could maybe go about this far but I have SE seen some people throw like that and that’s just to me that’s not good unless it’s super duper

Stable and but most times you don’t even want to throw that I’d say right around that two is a good starting point can adjust it however you like again it’s depends on your disc depends on your arm speed and it depends on the conditions we have two Ricky fillings here I know

This one’s nice and stable and this thing is a meat hook not a meat hook but super duper stable so got to know your disc got to know what to expect out of them I’ll throw these try to throw them about the same way remember that 2

P.m. H with a little more than two but saw stability wise it still faded out but not like this didn’t even give me a chance didn’t want to fly anywhere so just because the Felon is a felon not all felons are the same so clearly we changed locations here not

Quite as picturesque but there were some soccer people and we needed to get off the field cuz it’s a soccer field and but any other time it’s a great place to practice just be courteous um one thing thing to mention when you’re doing this in the field it’s

A lot different than on a course so on a course you’re in many different scenarios you could be behind a rock behind a tree behind anything in a creek So Many Factors so it’s not going to be it’s good practice in the field but it’s not

Really going to be the same as what you’re going to face in the course cuz every different shot is completely different every shot so many variables so um one thing to think about think about the Joz flight I’ve mentioned this before you see that line that tracks the

Disc that’s really what you need to be thinking about really on every throw but FX forehand importantly know your disc know how it’s going to fly and kind of visualize that line and it’ll tell you really where you need to put it looking out at that bag where we’re

Throwing probably don’t want to throw directly at it but knowing your disc make the adjustment so if you throw it directly at it it may fade off a little a little more right than you want but really think about your line what it needs how much angle it needs and try

To a little nose up falling right stable just outside Circle man that was pretty good this wind’s not really letting them fight out as fast as they should so really think about the angle make the adjustments A lighter one that one’s good I like that pushed it right I mean pushed it left go right I B it yeah really think about that it’s going to help you on every shot possible visualizing your line visualizing your target at first where uh comparative to where your destination is at the end

Versus just throwing at the basket so definitely think about that another thing this is kind of of a uh wrenching kind of form it’s not the finest forehand form and I don’t have the best form by any means but if you overdo this shot you’re you may start

Having some pain in your arm it’s not just it’s kind of a weird throw so try to avoid overdoing it that’s practicing in on course not every time you’re in a situation you have to throw a flex forand so don’t want to just rely only on Flex forehand another thing it can

Lead to is messing up your or forand so you’re going for like a Hiser shot and all of a sudden you got Hiser and it’s going Flex forand cuz you’re just so comfortable throwing that that form but uh other than that try to avoid the chop avoid a really understable discs and

Then just remember on headwind Tailwind the disc might not fly quite like what you think and I’ve been experiencing that today some of my more stable stuff is just riding the wind like a right to left wind it’s just riding the wind and just not giving me much of what it

Usually would that’s another thing to think about and then obviously gravity if you’re throwing really downhill may want to do a little less angle because gravity pulls it it’s not going to have time to fade out it just starts speeding up and you’re not going to get the the

Full flight so that’s about it hope that helped again it’s not a expert lesson or anything but there’s just some tips that can help it’s a great shot to have great tool to have I throw them all the time just yeah thanks for watching like And subscribe

One more for the we’ll see it may suck a little high so that works that wasn’t the plane but a little that high you see it a lot thanks for watching

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