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49ers v Ravens Post Game Rant 🔥

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49ers v Ravens Preview

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Hm well not the Christmas present we were looking for to in the day but I hope that everybody had an amazing Christmas an amazing time with their family obviously a 49er win would have been just the icing on the cake but I know for one person there definitely was

Icing on the cake we’ll get to him in a minute coach and I are going to break it all down and we’re going to do it next All right welcome back to last second Sports where we are giving you our take down to the last second it’s a post game show a little bit different I don’t have David tonight I do have Coach but before we get get there everybody knows that my

Son’s a Ravens fan and if you don’t by now you definitely will know I’m gonna give him his five seconds here before he goes to bed because it’s way past his bedtime Maddox go ahead and come on in Bud big win for the Ravens how are you

Feeling good um I feel great and I didn’t expect the Ravens to win and it was just a great game and at the end it was starting to get a little nervous because I was like hey they’re kind of coming back so yeah I just that they won

And they got the pick the game-winning pick and I’m just very happy that the Ravens won all right well listen congrats kid I hope you had a very Merry Christmas now you go to bed okay Daddy loves you all right all right coach listen I had to give him his Victory lap

His Ravens won I told him that I’d give him his chance there he is he’s on Cloud9 we however have business to handle we are not on Cloud9 and uh who I don’t I don’t even know where to where to start with this whole thing

Um where do you want to start coach how are you feeling the vibe right now I mean well let’s just start where where it should start uh with the with the man in charge Kyle um okay let’s talk about that how we how we started this game offensively

Uh I was not a fan of how stubborn he was on staying with the script okay um we had early Success Through the air with Brock which was good but I felt like Kyle felt as though that he saw early success in the game plan and got Tunnel Vision on singling

Out the middle of the field and not necessarily understanding that this is a defense that predicates themselves on being um agile they’re they are they disguise a lot and this is not the defense where you feel like you get some type of minutia against them and you just ride

That out and that’s how mostly that’s how teams have let us off the hook right we figure out ways how to get mismatches we get them on our Hills we ride them out and then by the time they they don’t have enough on defense to respond and that’s how we’ve usually been winning

Games with our complimentary football but the Ravens are a team defensively that are physical athletic well conditioned and smart and we haven’t seen a defense like that since Cleveland and on top of it they have a complimentary offense that that makes him right in certain areas I mean at one

Point you got to be real man like we really shot ourselves in the foot at one point the Ravens only turned three of those picks into eight points right so this wasn’t like a route early right that three picks in and the Ravens had only turned that into eight points so

There there were there were a lot of instances in the game where Kyle was really trying to fit a square peg in a round hole and it’s like dude run the ball run the ball we were going into the half and we had ran the ball 12 times

Versus 19 times with Brock and I understand that Brock is Young and he’s he’s he’s in the MVP race and he’s all of the all of the elite things that you want to say about him but that still doesn’t change the fact that there are moments that he still has not seen in

The NFL and and tonight was one of them tonight was one of them he has not seen a team like this this hungry this late in the season with this much on the line where he’s got to perform at that level and I feel like in certain areas Kyle

You could tell Kyle really didn’t consider that right um now the picks were bad Mo most of them were bad for Brock okay we’re not giving Brock any any type of like Mulligans you know and there were a lot of w picks I mean Brock could have should have thrown way more

Picks than he did but um there were just points in in the game where I was saying to myself all right man we’re down we’re down 10 let’s get Jordan Mason in the game Let’s slow the game down okay all right at one point the Ravens were

Killing us on time of possession and they were the game really was IM balance after three picks the game was still up for grabs and I had just tweeted all right all right after three picks you have had to say all right we’re lucky as hell let’s slow this game down let’s get

A slow drive going and right when that happens he comes out five wide Brock throws a pick like come on like at what point do you start realizing all right I gotta protect my kid I gotta protect my team and even if we lose this game we

Got to walk out of here with our identity ho okay and Def defensively I’m not worried about us defensively we played against Lamar [ __ ] Jackson okay like let’s let’s get that out there we played against class personified the man okay he he deserves hold on he let me say this real quick

Lamar deserves his flowers too because Lamar balled out today he did exactly what he was supposed to do and there’s a lot of people a lot of people that are that are in my mentions on social media and a lot of people here that said Lamar

Jackson’s a one- trick pony and I don’t know what I’m talking about bro I watch Lamar Jackson every single week I knew what Lamar Jackson was capable of and everybody said it wasn’t possible oh this no Lamar Jackson’s that dude he he deserves his flowers today he did what

He was supposed to do in a big game tonight in the illustrious words of the Notorious BIG if you don’t know now you know now you know yes all right so we can we can just put that to bed but really like the pick the first pick

That he threw in the Red Zone like why are we not running the ball why are we not trying to punch the ball in there on the Red Zone like that’s on Kyle I understand that they schemed it up but if you look at let’s let’s this I want

To back up what I’m saying so let’s just go to the numbers okay let’s go to the numbers Jesse time of possession all right they barely got us okay so it’s 31 to 28 we had 68 plays to their 63 we out gained them offensively 429 to 343 they

Had 5.4 yards a play we had 6.3 all right out of the out of the scoring all right four for four for field goals one for one two for two three for three passing all right they got a 65% to 56% all right if you look at the numbers and

You see what we did rushing they were 26 for 102 only 3.9 to carry we were 18 for 121 for 6.7 to carry okay both of us had a touchdown first downs 21 to 23 all right so if you look at this game outside of the numbers this does not

Look like 3319 this looks like it should be a much closer game but my point is is that I feel like we were way more focused on executing a game plan and the Ravens were playing football The Raven were getting at us from an individualized position where they were

Blitzing they were understanding what our alignment was doing they knew about packages that Blitz that Blitz that they called on Debo they’ve been watching that they’ve been repping that they’ve been understanding the probabilities of down distance yardage spacing and where is Debo on the field and how was he used

All right and when you play like that you can get a team where like I said the problem to play against our team is is that we are actually leaning on a side of football that is being outsourced and that’s development in order to beat the

49ers you have to be a smart team you got to be a well-developed team because we do way too much in a game for you to just see us for one week and think you’re gonna have two or three practices and now you know us okay so what I’m

Saying is is that for us to be able to get over these humps right these are the games that matter and then we’re facing teams that have the conditioning then they have the players to go pound-for-pound there’s no weakness there’s nobody we can just call out then

They have the motor all right you’re not going to get us tired they have the mental acuity to go game to go quarter for quarter drive for drive with us and I’mma Be honest with you offensively this was an ass performance it wasn’t even the fact that it was a bad game

Plan but it was a bad coaching performance having a game plan is one thing but understanding that my game plan is not working right now and I need to change this is a whole different ball game and that’s again we’ve been dealing with this for KY with Kyle for years and

It reared its head today everybody in the building at one point was saying all right it’s time for us to start running the ball it’s time for us to slow this down like all right at one point Brock throwing near picks it’s like you’re looking at Kyle like all right bro like

Are we gonna are we gonna give this to CMC like we got we’re we’re getting routed and CMC has 12 carries what are we doing so well there there was a point there was a point in the first half where he had outgained the whole offense

CMC right and he was only touching the ball a a very little amount to your point 12 touches I believe and he had more yards than the of everybody else you know I don’t have a problem with him coming out and passing At All by any

Means you know pass to open up the Run use you thought you saw something on film do that but there is a point and there is a spot where you’ve got to feel the game and feeling the game and watching what’s actually happening versus the game plan time to switch it

Up and like I said I don’t have the issue the issue is not the game plan it doesn’t sound like you had an issue with the game plan either because if you do have an MVP caliber quarterback the way that the 49ers believe that they have

Then it’s okay to come out and pass and put it on his right arm a little bit they have zero issue with that but sometimes things just don’t go the way that you hope sometimes you get out schemed sometimes your players just don’t have it on that night and that’s

Okay so switch it up and do it earlier he just never got to the running game it felt like and then it got to a point where it was like okay well now I’m trying to prove a point out here Brock’s thrown four interceptions really could have seven let’s just keep throwing him

Out there to figure it out and we’ll get through this thing it’s like man okay I guess I they’re still in the game they got a chance it it really it really just shows um it really does show like what it did show for me is Brock is

Extremely good at preparing what Kyle has given him right and a lot of the those picks you can tell that Brock has has it engineered in his mind to let that ball go right after certain reads seeing things um I think I believe um I believe it was Troy Amman

On the broadcast but he did a beautiful job at explaining Brock’s first pick where what he saw in the overhang with Debo coming on the in cut on the backside was the third read it was there first if Brock would have thrown into the window he would have thrown de open

But Brock was going through his progressions before he got to Debo and I this is what I’m I’m trying I want to be able to I don’t want to butcher this I want to be able to say this correctly what I feel like is the way to beat this offense is to

Understand its rules right because with Kyle it takes so much bandwidth and work to get these guys to understand exactly what they’re supposed to do that once you understand what the rules are it’s almost damn near impossible for us to change off of our course because we’re

So cemented in the scheme that we run so then you have games like this where you get a team like the Ravens where it’s like we got your goat dog we understand how you guys matriculate down the field we understand what areas of the field that you guys want to start manipulating

During certain um scenarios and we also know how you like to get Brock how you like to get Brock going right and I’mma tell you this is the part of football that we still can’t get away from it’s the it’s the ball player side of it J

Where it’s like it’s not about coaching right it’s about Kyle being a facilitator while the boys are playing defensively we were fighting right all be it Lamar if you want to look at what Lamar did Lamar only had seven carriots for 45 yards and his biggest carry was

That 30 yard was that 30 yard carry that he had they couldn’t run the ball they they could not run the ball without Mitchell and tonight they just they could not run the ball and that was evident early and it it early on it was a struggle the offense was gifted some

Turnovers and they kept settling for field goals but then it’s like listen you keep giving an MVP caliber quarterback chances he’s goingon to dice you up and then it was like boom boom game’s over send them pack and that’s it it was like you you just you can’t give

Up that many turnovers and give them that many opportunities you just can’t and that’s what happened I agree with you 100% rushing wise Justice Hill was 10 carries for 26 yards Gus Edwards nine carries for 31 yards all right it was running back by a b horrible committee

Right it what they didn’t even do well and for us CMC still had a 100 100 bills 100 bills on the day with the 39 uh yard run that he had I would have liked to see Debo run run the ball a little bit more trying to get him the ball just

Turn around and put it in his gut that’s my issue with Kyle where it’s like all right man we got all of these players and I understand that they’re that they’re you know specifically designed for what you need them to do but at some point you gotta have elements to the

Offense where you just turn around and put the ball in somebody’s hands right and that’s the issue that for me I don’t understand why he was so steadfast in trying to emulate his game plan like it clearly was not working and I saw a tweet and I’m not gonna I really respect

This guy so I’m not gonna like say his name but the Tweet basically was Brock had already thrown I think Brock had thrown maybe his second pick and everybody’s freaking out like yo we’re not running the ball we’re not running the ball so he comes out and he puts a

Tweet where he’s like well the game plan’s actually working because Brock has thrown the ball for I think his first like five throws five or six throws were like something like 58 yards 39 yards 20 yards 19 yards like chunk plays and I feel like stuff like

That is Kryptonite for us for Kyle because in his mind he’s saying that’s almost kind of like the sucker bet where it’s like it’s enough to keep him on the scheme but not enough to make him understand that yeah but the gain that you’re getting from this is you’re

Getting stats you’re moving down the field but you’re not cashing in you’re not cashing in with this and then on top of it you know what you really need to look at you’re a running team and you’re not running the ball so how married are you to this spread pass around the ball

Offense where you’re trying to get the boys in intermediate passing Lanes getting them up the seam and we I understand that you saw early success with it with George right and we saw early success with Debo but I’mma tell you right now we have the issue with just being okay with taking the

Easy [ __ ] you know what I mean like I would have been more than happy winning this game let mind you winning this game 20 to3 that’s what that’s that’s what the Ravens were capable of they put up 30 points because we gave them four picks

You know what I’m saying but if we take care of the ball this is a bar this is a real tough fault game but we have way too many weapons to be to to to lose to these guys I feel like Kyle let these guys off the hook

Right and um it’s a shame it’s a shame because also another thing our offensive line got taken to the Woodshed full stop I mean we emptied the cupboard man we l i don’t even know the news guy’s name what’s his name Branch Butch Chef boy Rd

Whoever he is he was out there all right we had everybody Shuffle it around Trent was gone and we missed Jawan Jennings today we needed that extra physical guy today honestly I really missed having Jawan out there I get it I get it man

But at the same time like we C we just can’t we can’t continue to do this where it’s like well if we had this and I’m not saying you’re doing this but oh if we had this guy or we had this guy the Ravens were beat up too man the Ravens

Came into it very dinged up they have two of their best offensive weapons outside of Lamar not playing they figured out a way to get it done on the road traveling east to west that Lamar Jackson 19-1 stats the real that’s the real deal because that stat does not lie

Right now let’s get to these supers before we get way too far behind Cloud Strife says I was upset with this game but it’s all right we need to win the next two games and we’ll be the one seed I already knew they were going to lose a

Game yeah and that’s real ultimately there’s no Panic Button being being hit here the everything that applied going into this game still applies still does darn for MVP nice uh Shady Luke says the Niners are better than Philly I’m not saying otherwise but I’ve always wondered if p is mentally tough enough

To come back I question it yeah I mean the question Still Remains I think he’s mentally tough enough though I think mentally PR’s just fine like Brock’s got he’s Brock’s got like animal confidence you know what I mean like he he doesn’t I don’t see him paying attention to like that like he’ll

Go down blazing you know what I mean because he just does not care about like how everybody sees him I don’t I don’t see that being a brock issue at all like Brock K honestly you almost kind of want this in a quarterback but Brock could

Throw 10 picks and still be like all right so what’s the next play right so I I don’t see that in Brock yeah Anthony cook says ouch that one hurt but we’ll bounce back yeah I think so too Matt says all four losses we only

Scored 19 uh 17 17 17 17 17 and then 19 I don’t know something like that though under 20 that’s true that’s very true Joey melon says coach in the house Shanny is 0 and 400 when trailing in the fourth runs the ball once at the two

Trent goes out uh and then the line falls apart congrats congrats to your boy Jesse merry Xmas yeah he’s can I bring this up too who idea was it to cut jayen Moore the day before this game it wasn’t Mo it was someone else Moore

Played and he got hurt uh it was I forget who the other one was but somebody got pror yeah prior maybe yeah yeah something like that I don’t know Moises says we got our butts kicked No Way Around It hope the o line is healthy tons for pry to review did feel like

Kyle was trying to force the intermediate passes they were ready for it man they were ready for it 88 ner says Niners got punked and the D look tired and soft oh I don’t know about that Kyle Shanahan got smoked by McDonald uh changed up uh from Zone

Early to man in the second half and why did we stop running I don’t think the defense got punked I think they got probably a little worn out tired of going on the field every every other pass for a while but ultimately you know I mean this one was on the offense you

Know Kyle Brock can I make this can I make this point period yeah can I make this point yeah go ahead okay so this is this is another thing man and I like I I hate being in this position I I look like like such a kagin but these are the facts

Brody we could we say things like our defense our defense looked tired our defense looked you know slow and that can be optically what you saw right but here’s where I get worried about our team it ain’t like they was on the field all day the time of possession was split

Right down the middle okay the Ravens defense spent just as much time on the field as our defense and they were flying all over the [ __ ] place so that’s my thing about our defense is that when they are when they do have to play like I don’t know a full game they

Look tired right versus when we’ve played all of these games where we front run they’re off the field of they’re off the field off the three and the offense is scoring we start running the ball they come on the field they’re fresh but I’mma tell you man we did look a

Step slower in all of those games where we do look tired you notice that it’s not necessarily if you go to the numbers where the defense was just on the field the whole time but these guys were just adequately on the field and they’re tired so yeah yeah but but hold on hold

On hold on because I I get from a time of possession standpoint I completely understand and I do have a concern about the defense I’ll bring it up later but from a time of possession standpoint yes I understand they weren’t on the field more but there is something too that

Every time you’re on the fields you’ve got to come up with a giant stop because the team that you’re playing is starting with the ball in your territory time and time and time again it’s something that I think the 49ers offense for the last year and a half really last few years

With Jimmy garoo has benefited from whenever this defense is humming the offense starts with great field position position all the time and they put up a ton of points and we get this oh the 49ers offense scored 30 again it’s like well yeah but they started four times in

The other team’s territory like the defense doesn’t get any credit for that I feel like there’s something to that at some point where it’s like okay big stop big stop big stop okay we C we can only hold this dam for so long it’s been leaking out of all

These other places and you’ve given us Flex Seal to plug the damn thing what do you want after the fourth pick after the fourth pick they still h no after the third pick they held him to three that’s what I’m saying you know what I’m saying

Like like that’s why I don’t I don’t wanna I don’t want to necessarily go hard on our defense because we do have a very good defense but it wasn’t the defense early it was all the offense man like and when we lose when we lose yeah

You may look at the fact that yeah a team put up 30 on us but we turn the ball all over four times how much do you want out of our defense at some point you’ve got to look at the fact that when okay when we’re doing good man I’m

Talking about it’s barnham and Bailey dude all of the all of the trappings come out Deo Samuel CMC Trent Williams George KD right I don’t know which one is the MVP all of this [ __ ] okay and we talk about all of this breed [ __ ] about our offense but when we lose and

We put up this type of performance we don’t start asking hard questions about the offense like what the [ __ ] is up with the game plan when it’s time to change [ __ ] during games uh what’s up what’s up Jess no I’m just saying it’s it’s it’s somehow always ends up back on

The defense like we just can’t have a serious conversation it’s the scapegoat the defense is the scapegoat of the team but it it was the offense the offense was asked today full stop it was bad it was terrible s says Brock didn’t we got a lot of super chats so I’m going to

Fire through these s says Brock did not look Elite tonight I feel like uh this was his opportunity to put the team on his back and show he’s an elite quarterback but he fell short I I’m with you Saleem and a lot of people this is

Going to go in one out in one ear and out the other for a lot of people who think that I just hate Brock pie but I’m gonna say it anyways because it’s the absolute truth the pendulum is just right sizing we continue to do this thing where it’s

Like oh my God for five games he’s the best quarterback in the NFL he’s better than this guy and this guy and this guy and this guy who’ve been playing forever and then we have a three-game hit and it’s like oh now he’s the worst quarterback and we should bench him and

Then we come back and he plays great for five games and he’s back to being the MVP and he’s better than he’s a top five quarterback I don’t need to see anymore he’s the one paying pay him pay him and then then we have a game like this and

We go all the way back over here maybe the truth is he’s just a second-year quarterback who still doesn’t have a lot of experience these things are going to happen and his career is going to be better for it maybe this season’s going to be better

For it because he’s gone through a game like this maybe he got knocked down a peg mentally and he can reassess and the 49ers more importantly can reassess I think Brock’s gonna be fine I think it’s okay he he was not good today it’s okay

To say that but I also think that he’s going to be okay maybe we just were so far one way that we had to get back into the middle but he’ll be fine I think he’s gonna be just fine I really do uh chance says Kyle gonna Kyle

Brother Bob says please everyone CF you about pry MVP please stop thanks yeah I think we’re done talking about it uh dazza says CMC was running for 7.4 yards a clip we were down four points at half and ran a total of 18 times all game

Agree yeah yes it was ass like I I don’t understand um why we don’t like the the Ravens were they were so busy trying to win the game right they they were playing us right they were going at the they were S I can’t wait till this film drops they were singling

Out the offensive line with stunts okay and early on I felt like it was going to be an issue because they were getting home with four they were getting the Brock with four and that’s when The Pick started coming and it was saying all right well the Ravens had found a way

How to sing a lot our o line right col mckivitz that was a coin KB had a bad game man he had a bad game all right can we say thank God the 49ers aren’t in the AFC North can we say that oh hell what

Hey dog we done lost to the Browns the Bengals and the Ravens bro that’s three of our four losses the AFC North the AFC North is not playing no games with us I’m telling you so I mean honestly we played a team we played a 60-minute ball

Club all right and their thing is is that they have an offense they have a set infrastructure of how they go about uh you know winning games but one things one thing that I noticed about the Ravens is that they’re very sure of themselves right they came in there with

Their style of football and they dominated they dictated to us okay and that’s something that we usually do but we do it with scheme but when it came time for us to go off script and really play ball I feel like we were a little

Handcuffed and and if I if I was was playing on this team offensively I would be frustrated at the play calling because I would be saying to myself all right man I understand what we came in with that’s cool and I get the fact that

We were moving the ball with it but my man if you can’t understand when your [ __ ] is coming to a bottleneck where it’s like all right all all right let’s get off the train and get to back to what we do right here this is a critical

Moment in the game I’d much rather us go with our 90th percentile plays than you coming up with your best made plans that you put together um a couple of weeks ago right where’re the first pick I it was on Brock it was on Brock but why

Aren’t we running the ball there why AR we why aren’t we understanding scheme be damned we score right here we’re up right that takes precedence over going five wide in the Red Zone like what is that I hear you uh kidcot gam says that’s my exact thoughts coach the defense kept

The game manageable early but we couldn’t capitalize on offense can only contain Lamar for so long exactly Sim comes back uh I I went off on his comment but not because it’s his comment but ultimately because I know that a lot of people are are definitely like

They’re in the I hate Brock py mode right now and I just kind of want to even things out a little bit but Saleem says not to say that Brock can’t be elite he’s just not there yet and that’s fair that’s totally fair he’s in year to brother B says Notorious

BIG got the G from GI Joe though uh Raven’s quarterback is better than brocky said daza says why does Kyle not treat ba like a true number one when he’s got the ball he looked great six of seven for 113 use him like all other number one wide receivers in the

League well that means that ba is going to have to be able to run the full route tree and Kyle is gonna have to like that type of stuff right there is like that’s the evolution of what you really want to see for our team right I understand that

We have a scheme and we have um audibles and different different variations of our offense we have a turbo package we have two-minute package we have you know a eye package we have a lot of things but that’s the conversation and the E and Flo and the headset right that’s

When everything is going good right that’s when Brock is calling everything off of his wristband but what do you do in the game when ba is over Marlon Humphrey and he looks at Brock and just Taps his helmet and it’s like bro route me up that’s what we see with Jamar Chase and

Joe burrow that’s what we see with Z flowers and obj and Lamar Jackson that’s what you see with uh uh Matt Stafford and and Cooper cup that’s the NFL that’s the part about the game where it’s like all right I understand all of y’all are coaching everybody’s got on their hats

And [ __ ] but excuse us while we go be Pros right now this is something that I see on the field right now that quite frankly you can’t see that from the sideline and that’s something about coaching that I had to understand very quickly but it wasn’t hard for me to get

Because I played before is that they’re even as close and as much as as involved as you are in the game all right there still is an element to the game that you do not understand and see because your ass is not playing because you’re not

Playing and I feel like we are complet we have a huge blind spot for our team in that element of the game because we’re so fixated on our supply chain our pipeline of how we get plays in and out how we run the offense where sometimes

The game isn’t even called for that type of football in the moment right we can’t we can’t we can’t play in the context of the situation at the moment because we’re too busy checking our wristband going back and thinking about what we need to do right you need to be able to

Contemporaneously react and that’s what being a pro is being a pro isn’t what you’re prepared to do but it’s what can you do at will when the situation calls for it and that’s what happened to us the Ravens played us they took us out into the deep water and they outsavvy us

They out coached us and they did it with worse numbers right not without the pcks not the picks withstanding like if you take the picks away they we had a better game than them we ran the ball better than them we they they only had the ball they only had the

Ball like two more minutes than us it wasn’t like a routed game statistically they just out stavi us like they was like the old the old dude at the Y who got like the hook they knew everything that was coming we it’s funny because when when Brock had three picks

Right everybody’s like oh well two of them weren on him and I’m like guys if you’re watching closely this was before the fourth one and before he almost threw like two more or whatever it was there was a play not the not the ball that got tipped not his second pick but right

Before that a couple plays before that the the Ravens had tipped the ball at the line they that tip saved a pick six save the pick six Kyle Hamilton was waiting the throw the attempt was to use check and Kyle’s just waiting waiting for him to throw the ball giving pry

Exactly what he thinks is there and he was going to jump that thing and house it real quick and it got tipped nobody talked about that and that’s not a uh this is not to say oh that’s you know on pry and he would have did that no the

Ravens just came so prepared they saw things pre- snap that we had been showing all year and it’s usually Kyle who’s one step ahead he shows something and he tricks you and then when when you come out all of a sudden he does something different that did not happen

The Ravens were so prepared for everything the 49ers were throwing at him there’s just nothing they could do they got out coached they got out schemed they got outplayed everything went the Ravens way Matt says stack the box for runs screens um Kyle Shanahan did not adjust brother Bob says actually

Thursday PP on Brock p is is he still MVP oh you about to go oh he about out out Thursday’s gonna be fun says so uh does everyone agree that CMC is our MVP yeah my brother’s in Christ my brother’s in Christ why didn’t we run

The ball early in the game man your guess is as good as mine it really is had that Denny menu in his face ordering the Rudy toy fresh and fruity like he should have just been running like I understand that you I I’m going to say

This again man I I get the fact that these guys have roles but T this was not a genius gwiz pocket protector game this is not one of those games where Trent and the boys are sitting on the sideline with 15 minutes left to play in the

Fourth and the games already done and the commentators are sucking us and blowing us off and oh man I mean really if you just look at the 49ers and what they’ve done the culture here is in and I don’t understand why people don’t think BR that wasn’t one of these games

Right all right this game was good on good hard hat lunch pale that’s what type of game best on best this was all right bro we’re running left y’all know we running left let’s we’re snapping the ball that was this game hey y’all we running right y’all know we running

Right stop us like we no because if you get caught up trying to be intricate and trying to be nuanced you’re gonna miss the whole plot and the whole plot was to be physical in this game the whole plot was to be dominant but you missed it

Trying to have your best laid plans be executed and while we were too busy worrying about the icing the Ravens were eating the cake Mike says it’s one bad game it was three uh deflections that’s just bad luck Debo is dropping the ball it’s okay

We actually uh was better on o for a good bit just bad luck Mike I I love you man and I appreciate you and I appreciate your Insight I could not disagree more man I could not disagree more I’m sorry I went I went through and I

Defended Brock five minutes ago but I got a level set on this one you create your own luck and when you roll out to your right and you throw back across the middle of the field and you’ve gotten away with that you think that that’s something that that that’s going to fly

Week in and week out and when you play against a defense like this that is waiting for you to do something crazy like that they’re going to capitalize and this Ravens team was ready to capitalize he could have thrown seven I’m not joking you there was seven interceptable passes that he threw today

Maybe the two out of the three or two out of the four were deflected or whatever um but I I just I didn’t see it that way I didn’t um Ben Ben s medal says this is good for the 49ers get it out before the playoffs yeah better now

Than the playoffs I agree with that but this ain’t no get it out game yeah this Ain no get it’s not no it’s it’s it’s you got to go back to the drawing board but but I think was get it out you know I mean I also think they’re gonna be

Okay game I’m not I’m not tripping about it that much I’m really not I have some concerns that we’ll talk about but I’m not well maybe I don’t know if we’re going to get through these super chats at this point loner Incognito says I believe in the ners but can say that

They are the best till they actually in reality win the Super Bowl until then I’m not into it that’s fair especially after a game like today they’re not the best GTC re says tough loss got to regroup they will 808 ner says the interceptions were bad decisions late

Over the middle thank you uh middle in the first should have handed the ball off RPO throw back across the body inss uh and still losing contain I could not agree more 808 there was still a lot of Reckless even even like not the wbe picks not even the picks but there were

Still a lot of Reckless plays from Brock he was pressing the back the behind the shoulder throw to CMC it’s like kid read the room your four picks in slow it down cowboy you know what I mean like the the pick the the the wouldbe uh pick to Debo

Was throw he was air mailing balls outside the numbers and this wasn’t Brock being bad but you could tell he really wanted to be a to be an asset right he really was trying to press and to be an asset but I just feel as though

That Kyle um Kyle just didn’t help out he didn’t help the offense out today he didn’t I agree I agree Gizmo malti says I was really hoping to rest that last game I’m actually I was not hoping for that I want them to play that last game

Like they need it and then get the bye and rest there I don’t want to rest for two games I think that’s a bad idea Ben some medal but I also didn’t want to lose tonight let me be clear benon medal says this o line is not built for behind

Uh coming from behind agreed yeah I don’t think the offense is when the dline can tee off on you um yeah and I you know what there you go I don’t think the offense is either I don’t think the offense is either um cic says at some

Point we have to win from behind I feel like everything has been has to be comfortable playoff football and Super Bowls are not a cakewalk agree I agree but I don’t know if there I also don’t know if there’s a team in the NFC that can put us in that situation beat

Well the Ravens just put out fresh tape that’s the thing about the league you’re right you’re right it’s a copycat League you’re right you’re but so did the Browns and there’s only there’s only a couple teams that can do this and the Ravens were one of

Them you have to have the horses to get it done too you can have tape but you got to have the horses okay but this is what’s different though right this is what’s different the Browns did it but the Browns did it and they didn’t have an offense capitalize off of what they

Did right the ra the the Minnesota did it okay but Minnesota didn’t have a run game I mean they didn’t have enough run defense to stop us right and they and what happened was is that Kyle pressed with Brock late and we ended up getting we ended up getting hit with our pants

Down cool the difference between all of the three losses in this one is that the Ravens did it and they showed they showed like a full a full game of what the 49ers are going to do from behind right Kyle put a lot of tape on field on

What we do with our pass game now stuff that we usually don’t do so how are we going to go back to the drawing board on this stuff where let’s be honest Brock has looked amazing throughout the year especially for his story but let’s be real a lot of what he’s doing through

The air it is rememberable it’s redundant you understand where he’s throwing the ball most of the times when you see the game you understand Brock’s gonna throw deep end Cuts he’s gonna throw short intermediate throws to CMC and dbo Samuel on Choice option routes right Brock is always going to get

Himself a nice back shoulder fade shot play up the side outside of the numbers right Brock is always going to get him self a nice will route shot Fade up the numbers and up the seam that’s what Kyle likes to do now by hooker crook how he

Gets it done it comes out in many different ways that’s the beauty of what Kyle where Kyle’s genius comes in where he finds all the areas and the throws that Brock is comfortable with and he masks it in different areas the Ravens on the other hand they said all right well what

Else what else cuz we got all of that we got all of that now what else and you’re not running the ball so I think I think the Ravens are exposing the fact that we are we’re known as a running team but I think Kyle knows that we are a

Completely different running Team without Christian and he’s trying his best to Pace Christian out instead of just using him like a traditional back because when you got when you have these GES like tonight everybody in the room is saying why aren’t we just running the

Ball like you know if you don’t want to do it with Christian put Jordan Mason on the field like why aren’t we yes run so you know those are my thoughts man it’s it was a disgusting loss because it didn’t have to beat this way beats and meet says Steve from accounting playing

Left guard yikes he wants his red swing line stapler back Keith says we earned this loss uh hump the real deal I don’t I feel like that’s not what you meant to say but shout out to you Keith I appreciate you GTC GTC re says is it

Just me or does pry throw outside the numbers only left he’s just down the middle or left very little throws to the right thoughts this was a thing last year it was all charted out I haven’t paid attention this year honestly I feel like he’s been throwing the ball just

Fine right I don’t think it’s as big of a deal as last year but I’m sure he has a preference I think all quarterbacks have a left or right preference down the middle whatever but I don’t know I don’t know what the charts say that was definitely a thing last year though

Definitely Brothers brother Bob says BP benched in Prime Time on xmus Wow four picks uh I think he was benched because of that I think it was [ __ ] because he was hurt Clement gray says can’t throw four interceptions and expect to win no excuse agree completely Josh ding says Joe had a

Four- pick game Steve had a three- pick game okay we can’t do this either I I can’t Daniel says o line is now a major concern for me you know what actually you know what let’s let’s parlay because we’re going to be stuck on these super chats and I

Do want to get in to at least one more thing before before we just wrap this thing up on super chats uh give me give me your pressing thoughts going forward thoughts concerns about this team and where they are headed what your concern about what

You feel good about just give me give me one or two things and and we’ll go back and forth here cuz I got a couple couple things here uh physicality is an issue for us offensively okay I feel like the offensive line has to be put in a

Position where we need to get physicality from them right up front because they don’t have a lot of it so you can’t [ __ ] foot around up front on the offensive line um I think Kyle does a disservice when he starts the game with um our guys going backwards instead

Of forwards you know what I mean I played o line right I coached o line and for me every true oine man the tell you man they much rather run the ball than pass plot right like you want to run the ball and when you have a game as

Physical as this where you got guys teeing off on you clubbing you bullying you it’s like man why are you making me go against this dude when he’s fresh like why am I getting all of his fresh pass rush moves why am I get on my feet

Doing all of this and I’m stressed right now because you don’t believe that we can like really get at these guys in the trenches in a north south posture right and I understand what you seen on film but can we try you know what I mean like

Before you start getting into where you think the ball should go on the field can we just line up and just punch these dudes in the mouth for like a drive so I can get so we can come back to the sideline and tell you how they feel like

That’s number one question in coaching and in playing first drive I’m talk we can talk to we blue in the face we could put all the game plans together but nothing will give you a true litmus test all that [ __ ] goes out the window once you play like the first drive and you

Come back on the sideline and the very first question is how they feel are they what we thought they were like are they as strong sometimes you come back and they like coach these dudes is nothing like y’all said they was right they’re not that right and that is what shapes

The game plan right that’s what shapes it where if you do have four five runs where you’re like all right this shit’s working man scrap the rest of that [ __ ] we running this until they get us out of it that’s what this game was about this

Game was about domination and we were we didn’t we didn’t really get into our best play that’s that’s what is frustrating the most for me to kind of circle back to your question is offensively we we sacrifice our identity for our scheme and I don’t like that

I’ve got a I’ve got a concern going forward and I know that we say hey it’s not the defense today it was the offense whatever but I do have a defensive concern going forward they don’t know what they’re doing at corner no they don’t have no they Thomas again then verret came in

And played nickel and Lenor went outside then they went back to Ambry then they went to lutter they don’t know what they’re doing at that second Corner Spot and right now to have that question mark heading into the final stretch of the season when we thought we had it figured

Out that’s a little bit of a concern that they don’t know what the second Corner looks like slash nickel Corner depending on what they do with Lenor that to me is a concern going forward did you see that did you pick up on that at all yeah I I’m I was very concerned

About Jason verret playing um I felt as though that our secondary you know and that’s man I don’t know man like that’s kind of like living with the devil you know versus the devil you don’t you know it’s like all right bro we got young guys they’re

Coming up we got to get them on the field and they’re growing and showing they’re they’re showing time on task in front of us all right I’d much rather live with that and I’d lean on the development and the youth and the coaching then to go get a retread who

Intelligently knows the defense but it’s body won’t get him there you know what I’m saying like what’s the point of having a guy out there that knows the defense but you know what I’m saying he’s Christopher Rees like he just I can’t do it like my body won’t do anything like I don’t

Understand uh why Jason verett has been inserted into the lineup maybe there’s injuries you know so I don’t want to talk out of school maybe there’s some guy some things happening that we don’t know about but it is a little bizarre that all of a sudden that he came on the

Team we were looking at him as like a reserve guy if and when you know what I mean like it’s there’s injuries and then all of a sudden he’s like warming up on the biggest game of our season that was weird like why that was weird to me like

Why is he here and not to say that I don’t want Jason verret on the team but you go in this is good on good why are we bringing him in here like this is the Super Bowl and like we absolutely need this guy in this position right now so

Yeah I do understand where you’re coming from from that perspective and uh uh we do have a little bit of a we had some lag at safety play uh Jer Brown is doing the best he can he has his spots he’s not consistent but Gip Gip is having a

Hard time covering these guys in open space now that Huff is gone and he has to take over that role and a lot of if you re remember I believe in their first drive I think about 50 yards and three penalties were all because of Tashan Gibson right there was the holding then

The pi that he had um and I’m starting to see that offenses are starting to single him out offensively right you’re starting to see a lot more penalties on him because the same way we start singling guys out on certain teams where they may be a little bit slower or may

Have a lot not be as Fleet of foot I’m starting to see Offensive start picking on Gip now yeah yeah definitely and it’s always been there and that’s that’s what makes the Rams really interesting at least offensively versus our defense now that Cooper Cup’s back I don’t know how the

49ers plan to cover those receivers because those receivers much like the Ravens receivers are not true number ones that they’re the big bodies that you put outside no these guys will line up everywhere and they’re quick and that is really really tough to guard when

It’s not the norm in the NFL and that’s not how your team is built so I am curious to see how that plays out yeah well speaking of secondaries that’s another that’s another calling card or another Kryptonite if you will on our offense remember when we were talking

About the the Browns and you know we talk all the time so I don’t know when I was like the [ __ ] just runs together so we were on the phone sometime and we were talking about this is before Seattle had even played us and we were

Thinking that Seattle was going to be a tough matchup for us not not because we believed in the team but how they were built and more moreover their secondary they had big physical guys on the secondary they had fast guys that were on come down and and really play hard

And what was crazy about that is that you and I were having this conversation like in the summer right and then we played Cleveland and they kind of like brought it to light of like okay that’s when we really started banging it banging the table for Seattle because

Cleveland they showed the same thing that the Ravens showed tonight is that a lot of what we do is getting we get we get the ball in Fringe areas on the field I.E outside the numbers or in the seams and we get very physical players there right so

We’ll give Debo zero zero routes or we’ll give him tunnel screens we’ll get George going up the seam versus a safety chasing right yeah Kyle does a really good job at not only getting the ball out in Wide Open Spaces but Yak that’s his big thing physicality but it’s very

Hard to do that when you play with DBS across the board that are all physical right like Marlon Humphrey he may not be the most physical guy but he’s game right he’s not no punk he’s got all heart right yeah you saw their safety play dude Hamilton was all over the

Place all right yeah that’s the thing about us is that I feel as though that our Kryptonite with facing defenses is their skill guys being as physical as our skill guys right where you can’t getting home with four and getting home with four that’s the other big one and

Not many team been able to do it y yeah it’s like we got enough to go against your skills and our four are talented enough to single these dudes out up front yeah uh 808 ner says they are missing too many tackles not blaming the defense for the loss I think this was

Going back to a comment earlier from 808 um they just look tired the last couple games they need a Rest bed yeah for sure I think that’s again that by week 808 I’m with you man the bye is going to be crucial brother Bob brings up what we

Were just talking about which is 20 being bench 22 being benched 20 and then 28 yeah that secondary was shifting all over the place chance says Pie is py in the Jimmy G dogghouse no I think he was I I think that was really Kyle looking

At him saying we need you we’re not putting you back out there to but football is what’s that hasn’t football changed though Jesse like did you hear when they said that when Brock got his stinger in Arizona that was the first time he had a stinger yeah bro do you know how common

Stingers were when we played bro no common like son like that’s wild and this is a kid that is known for like his braggadocious play and he’s just got his first thing it’s like bro that like Flor I’m like dude I’m old man I’m old man w

N wave n says no bull Brock p is not it NFC is anyone’s wave I I understand that the sky is falling for you right now but have you looked across the NFC just take a gander across the NFC and you tell me who scares you in the NFC now the AFC is

A whole different ball game you get there you have to play a Ravens team that’s healthy we’ll see what’s going on with Kyle Hamilton um prayers out to him I hope he’s okay but you know overall the NFC is still the ners for the taking I thinkand joy to watch tonight he he’s

Man he was a joy to watch tonight so good he is good so good he he was a joy to watch I was like this kid is all over the place yeah Brandon green it’s funny because uh when I had the Ravens guy on somebody had asked me like oh well if

The Ravens defense is so good then why did they give up so many to the Rams I’m like well Kyle Hamilton missed a big portion of that game and people were like oh he’s not that I mean he can’t make that many plays he’s only one

Guy now you know now you know now you know exactly what I saw there you go yeah that kid is special he’s special he is Brandon green says stop with the Ronnie Bell special team experiment I am with you I am so my heart skips a beat

We’re on official Kyle Williams now I’m about to start just calling him Kyle Williams like he it do you not see him get the ball now and you’re like please hold on to the ball bro please hold on to seriously even on the nobody was around

Him he just pops it out of bound I don’t know what’s going on there yeah I am not going to try this first name because I’m gonna butcher it but Salam I got that one this team is the iteration of the ners uh this team’s iteration of the

Ners are built to play finesse teams we suck at black and blue hat on hat ball with the team who plays that way for real yeah this team is not doesn’t have the physicality that it once had it definitely does not and there are it’s interesting because when the 49ers played Cleveland

You saw a little bit of that tonight you saw a little bit of that and buffalo is not near their level defensively but when they lined up against Dallas I saw how physically imposing some of those players on Buffalo were I’m like I don’t think that the 49ers

Dwarfed them the way that Buffalo is which is interesting because we’re used to the 49ers when they get on the field and saying oh my gosh it looks different I don’t feel that way about the 49ers anymore it doesn’t mean that they’re not the best team or that they can’t win a

Super Bowl but it’s not there’s a stand as what it was it’s not a standard and and that’s what I think you’re getting to Jesse is that I one thing that I I’m I’m gutted we lost I had us winning but what is sobering is to understand that

The standard of football that we we understand still exists in the league right and it’s hard to say that this team isn’t physical this team is a finesse team that plays a physical style of football you know what I’m saying it’s uh the defense gets gas they need

Depth or they get tired it’s hard to say those things when basically the league has kind of like taken a step down right it’s not as physical as it is across the league anymore right where there’s only a certain cut a few teams that are going

To give us a real game right I was almost excited that we were down like really like I was like I want to see us fight I’m I’m glad now we can see this I want to see us fight I want to see us

Come back I want to see us make a way out of no way football [ __ ] real football like dude I felt like this felt like Friday Night Lights and when Dallas Carter showed up at the State title game and started swerving on [ __ ] peran dog that’s what this game felt

Like this game felt like they came in with all red on and powder blue and swagged all over us with they hoochie mama cheerleaders you know what I’m saying and they just came in there we were a private school we got our nice our nice field and everything and the

Ravens came in here was like damn Jers yeah yeah they like you see they locker room bro hey dog look at they fi they fi is so nice and they came in here the inner city school came into the private school and they came in here and pissed

In the punch bowl tore our asses up left all of our soccer moms on the sideline holded the capri suns in the orange slices they they rolled up out of here that’s what this game felt like we played the dudes from across the tracks and they whooped our ass that’s what this felt

Like torto monster says pie does this with any team who will line up and smacked him he’s no MVP Shanahan also got out coached in every way our o line was embarrassed straight trash uh yeah I mean I just think it’s a 49er thing I’m not necessarily willing to say that this

Is a a pry thing but I I just the question always comes back to Kyle Shanahan is it what’s gonna happen when he’s the one that gets pressed he now has his quarterback right so at what point does he turn that corner in these situations they had a chance to kind of

Do it tonight they were unable to do it we’ll see how it goes in the playoffs brother Bob says how bad is prior to get cut for M mcgi MC that’s a wild nickname that’s a wild nickname M Mike yo Mike says the fact is if Brock

Can be the in the MVP conversation at all at this point it’s huge just chill people be grateful Merry Christmas Jesse Mike I agree with you in fact I I didn’t know what I was doing when I tweeted this out about five days ago but I tweeted out something similar and I

Guess it was kind of a a prophecy a little bit in saying that he wouldn’t win MVP but my point was is that him just being in this conversation right now the fact that we were even having the conversation going into this game that’s pretty special like it it is just

Take a step back and realize what has happened here you’ve got somebody who was Mr Irrelevant barely made this team almost didn’t make the team it was almost uh sudfeld that made this team and everything that’s happened for him to get to play football here and play as

Well as he had that’s an amazing story and I think somewhere we got lost along the way of he’s top five or he’s the best guy and this and this and did didn’t sit back and realize what was actually happening which was the fact that he was in the conversation that’s

Crazy that’s crazy it’s a crazy story and it deserves to be applauded for sure Todd says pie Kyle bad game no answers for Baltimore’s D when they were aggressive need a ball control offense and a running game when playing them no turnovers you’re right I mean that was a

Big deal that was exactly what should have happened brother Bob says this um uh this same Force the pass happened in last Super Bowl and prie wasn’t here brother Bob it was Shanahan that makes those decisions oh Mike is uh he was the one that I I disagreed with his assessment

On on the interceptions he says it was three deflections that’s just bad luck calm down cuz he is just in his second year as a quarterback y’all don’t remember but Montana had a game like this three times in his third year Mike I’m with you I agree calm down but I’m

Also not going to say that he didn’t cause some of that bad luck that’s all I’m saying but I do agree with you it’s not like oh my gosh what’s going on pery is not him we just we can’t go there Jordan says when it wasn’t Bosa and

Young at our dn’s we would get washed and give Lamar all the room what happened to how we approached Herz and controlled the pass rush that that was on Chase I want to talk about that yeah well hold on real quick I just want to say Jordan we talked about this for a

Couple weeks and maybe you weren’t here but I said if they did that that was the mistake you can’t treat him like you did Herz it’s not going to work what you do with Lamar in my opinion is you send five and if you look at where the 49ers

Gave him problems it was when they sent five not when they sat back but go ahead and talk about about that play in particular yeah the play where Lamar I think that was his longest play the 30 yard run um and all right so Fred Fred

He uh he missed a lot of tackles today flat out um and I know a row dude I just that sh it it is it irks me but um Fred was missing a lot of tackles today and he had a okay game I we got to go back

And like see it but anyway there was a m tackle that I really didn’t have a problem with and it was the Miss tackle to Lamar in the open field on his 30 yard run and be the reason why is because Chase young completely went for broke he

Rushed up the field gave his bus pass rush move blew past his man and thought that he had a sack Lamar blew right past him he was too wide he was out of his Rush Lan all the way on the other side of the pocket and broke contained and

The edge was completely open the B and the C Gap were wide open all right so before Fred even gets a chance to throttle down and try to make an athletic play on Lamar Lamar’s got like a 10 yard head of steam moving already good luck for anybody trying to make

That happen but that was on Chase and stuff like that is you don’t really get you don’t really necessar see that when your when your eyes are just following the ball but that’s the selfish [ __ ] that got him traded right that’s the stuff that we’re talking about where not

Only do you not play hard all the time but you pick and choose when you want to play and then when you do it you don’t even execute you know what I’m saying it’s like that was a problem Lamar does that man he will do that to

People and he got him on that one brother Bob says coach fire ba tap the helmet says I got this all day you’re right I mean those are how many times did Aaron Rogers do that with his guys whether it be Jordy Nelson or Devonte Adams or

Whoever D yeah Mike drops with monster says 49ers throw a punch when teams punch back and play football this year they’re 0 and four Kyle’s got way over his is got in way over his head plays as if he can decide who wins an award M that is a fire ass quote

Interesting he wants to win a certain way you can tell he does like I you know what bring that back up he had the balls to put the quote up right so I see this but I didn’t even have like the balls to like say it because I felt like it would

Have been two 10 foil hat but I do feel like Kyle decides who’s going to win and and how they’re going to win games and he creates his game plan in a certain way where even like all right so there’s nothing that you can absolutely prove on

Tape because we don’t know the offense right so it’s not like we know the rules where we can literally get like factual with it but there are things around basically how the offense looks okay there’s elements of like when Kyle is clearly like spamming a certain situ a

Certain player on offense and if you just look at some of the context like some of the anecdotal stories that come out about the offense where guys um one of the things that I always look for is conversations in pre-production meetings because the commentator guys their job

Is to talk during the whole game so they be just giving up all types of stuff they’re not supposed to be talking about all the time right because they just make they have to make small talk so one thing that I noticed that comes up all the time in the pre-production meetings

Where like the color commentator guys get a chance to have one-on ones with the guys is that everybody LS Kyle for being like kind of like a good manager of everybody’s touches right you hear George talk about it sometimes like well oh yeah well you know everybody wants

Their touches and everybody wants to get their look but if you just trust in the system you know it may not be your day today you know if you don’t if you don’t get things done or like Debo brings it up a lot where yeah like I didn’t get

The ball as much as I should on you know these weeks but you know Kyle always looks out for me and this that and the third and you can tell that these guys are all like predic they all like fixated on making sure that because Kyle

Makes them he sells them on the scheme but what the the byproduct of that is now he has to deal with all of their selfish all of their selfish desires on what the scheme can do for them individually and that’s what you’re seeing on the field when Kyle is taken

Into to account well Christian is okay but we could just use Christian to run the ball but in this game you know I really want to be able to highlight Brock and they have a linebacking court that I don’t necessarily believe is as good as they are in the secondary if you

Look at it a lot of the picks and a lot of the a lot of the turnovers were Corners driving and safeties driving downhill protecting those linebackers coming off of different routes to come in to help and feel as though that the Ravens knew they knew what they knew

What the niners were going to try to do to them today um and that’s in a way that’s the part about playing the game where um you don’t know who’s gonna be the guy today they say that about our offense where oh we’re so ambidextrious you know whatever we want to do anybody

Can have their day well that’s not what it looks like when we’re losing when we lose games it doesn’t look like any one of those weapons that we have on offense can pick up the slack and say all right well hey it’s it’s a George KD day today

All right I’m I’m gonna put on my Duffy and I’mma carry this up out of here today and Kyle with his expertise can say okay well we running [ __ ] for GE I guess today’s a George day throw throw the damn play sheet out like whatever we

Putting it we we we sticking in we stick in the grass George to the Buick turn around like we don’t ever I don’t see that type of like I need to see how the sausage is made sometimes it it never goes that way and in fact I pointed this out in

2021 NFC Championship when they lost to the Rams I went back and I counted ba ran something like 29 I’d have to go look at it again but the video is up he ran something like 29 routes 25 of them he was wide open going against a

Terrible corner over there if they would have just thrown to ba all game long they would have won the NFC Championship but they didn’t the game plan was not built around them and we’ve seen it happen where the 49ers will play teams if the 49ers have a weakness other teams

Will go at it Miami Dolphins 2020 comes to mind where Fitzpatrick just attacked the corner that we had just picked up off the street and they went at him over and over and over and over Kyle doesn’t do that it’s like you notice a weakness you see the hurt dog and you’re like

Well we’re going to go over here because the game plan says this I know exactly what you’re talking about yeah Costco hot dog great name says I’m in three of three Fantasy Football Championships this week congratulations so far my best year in fantasy ever my wife is always

Bothering me about moving to Florida move to Florida man just uh don’t move to like crazy parts of Florida don’t move to Central Florida it’s too muggy you want to go to come to Tampa Tampa is great F says had a shot despite four turnovers well-timed loss so long as we

Went out darnold didn’t look bad until taking the goal line sack which is comforting not worried at all would love to see them again yeah we might see him we might see him cost hot dog maybe we’ll see what’s going on with Hamilton I mean he was smiling on the sideline

But he already had a hurt miniscus I got to imagine he sits out through the regular season at best and maybe he’s out for the season I don’t know we’ll see feel a that’s like a manageable thing like when it hurts it hurts like hell but you can’t play on it yeah I

Know you can I know you can but it can lead to other things I mean hunga is a great example right yeah there you go Costco hot dog says uh will lifting this leg and letting it rip uh Dwayne printing out emails and yelling in the conference room CU what what are you

Talking monkeys for life is happening right now I don’t even know what’s happening JC says wils was good uh three turnovers only four-point lead Kyle will Kyle I agree wils was fine today 49er Jeff says we okay so that pie had a bad game out coached 101 yeah I agree I

Agree we got out coached we did yeah Keith says you can’t tell uh you can tell this team that invest and linebackers like us they had answers for other things that most teams did not agree with you the Ravens are compl they’re complete team yep beats and

Meets says before we all hurl all over ourselves off the or hurl ourselves off the nearest bridge the Ravens are uniquely built to beat us it’s going to be fine as long as we don’t see them again in the Super Bowl well that’s the point that’s the problem though we might

See them in the Super Bowl is and it might be worse to your point coach where it’s like okay if Hamilton does come back and then they get their tight end and Andrews this could get worse yeah it’s not know who is a matchup nightmare for us on defense Isaiah

Likely yes oh that tight end he had his there is not a DB big enough that we have that can cover with this kid and he’s chippy he can move and he’s big enough for them to keep him on the field to be an inline blocker I really like

Isaiah likeley he had a game today and he was really imposing himself on the field that’s what I’m saying man like the Ravens got guys man they got Savvy guys that they got the Jawan Jennings you know what I mean they got the the deodor Lenor those guys that the rest of

The league doesn’t know but these dudes are straight Junkyard Dogs for Baltimore you know what I’m saying and Isaiah likely is another guy that you know kind of you know made himself known today chance says I know that they didn’t run the two minute but where was

The urgency for sure for sure flave says Kyle Shanahan should have should have QB sneaked or given it to CMC on the goal line he was bailed out getting cute on fourth and one earlier too agree with that ultimately just a bad game happens injuries are the only thing that weren’t

A concern for sure they’re banged up now we’ll see and now they got a short week they got a short week so we’ll see how this offensive flying looks coming out of this thing because on paper it doesn’t look great but I also feel like maybe some of these were just

Like I don’t know I may I get the feeling that they’re going to be okay but maybe that’s just me being optimistic Brad says Jesse love you and Coach Niners showed they are wanting to be a different running team it goes back to the identity thing thing that we were talking about Brad

And we appreciate the comment I I think that we all agree here that they’ve got an identity but they want to be something that they’re not necessarily anymore uh golden to says odds Sam becomes the starter unless Brock’s hurt 0 per. brother Bob says BP was cleared

To go back in bro Kyle Shanahan said no I got it but I’m I’m more saying it was because he was going to go in behind that offensive line and for what they were likely not going to win the game no point risking it that was what I was

Saying he was hurt no reason to further extend it he could play but I just don’t think it would have made sense flave says this team plays their best ball with their back against the wall do they though don’t think the Eagles loss help them backs are against the wall again

They’ll win out if they don’t then people can whine about it I agree they’re going to win out uh backs against the wall they’re 0 and four in those games where their backs have been against the wall so I disagree with that s I think they front run like a

Mother Saleem says love what y’all do thanks for the coverage thank you s I appreciate it PS Jesse uh Jesse is the tattoo on your arm Arabic no I get it all the time I’ve got two of them they’re in like a farsy style writing but they are actually both in

English William says great show fella coach I’m here in DC hopefully I can see you at the game hey go see him I think he’s going to be there I’m beame I’m going to the commanders game it’s going to be crazy I’mma Be in section I’ll talk about it later I don’t

Want to hold up this show but I’m gonna be he’ll be there yeah I’m definitely gonna be at the commander game it’s gonna be fun hold on it’ll be there and he’s big you can’t miss him you can’t miss me it’s gonna be fun Matt Matt says

Off topic uh but Adams is better than Evans I tweeted out it’s time to start talking about Evans is a possible top 10 receiver and he’s better than Devonte Adams and people lost their mind um you look at the numbers later he’s better he’s better mik Evans is nice he’s

Better brother Bob says y’all uh yeah didn’t answer is prior worse than mcth yeah I would think so I mean one’s been starting all year and one just got cut I I would assume but I don’t know man Salam says Fred what is to converted safety we ain’t built to win six until

We go see the wizard for some mental fortitude and some dog we ain’t ready they they all are man they all Salam me coach and I have had this conversation a million times our linebackers are converted safeties if if uh who who’s the the saf SE Taylor If Shawn Taylor

Played today he’d be a linebacker and he’d be the best linebacker of all time he be the best linebacker in the NFL he’s the same size as Fred you think Fred does amazing things inine backer imagine Shawn Taylor that’s come on dog 43ed with 43 speed the league has

Changed dramatically yeah brother Bob says Thursday can’t come soon enough PP is G he’s gonna get it good there Perfect all right uh Salam says we need to play a finesse team for the Super Bowl we ain’t ready for the dogs coach you played you know what I’m saying I

Know exactly what you’re saying I exactly what you’re saying like Ravens play a style of football that um quite frankly it’s their identity it’s what the league used to be right um and really and it ain’t even about the athletes but it’s just the Mantra of how

You get things done we can’t call ourselves a running football team with that o line you can’t I agree and part of it is the reason why we scheme that see that’s that’s the that’s the dirty little secret about our offense is that the reason why we scheme so much

Isn’t because we’re so beholden to the success of it is because we have to engineer around the pieces that we know don’t even deserve to be on the field that’s why we have to stick to the scheme why we can’t simply do like the Ravens do and turn around and just all

Right we’re up we’re about to run the ball it’s because they invested in their offensive line across the board okay because the way our team is built from a foundational standpoint is 90% of our money is either in skill positions or the defense all right and again what do we

We went through this from the beginning of the year 3% less than 3.5% of our cap is represented in five starters on our offense four offensive linemen and the and Brock P it’s crazy that’s crazy 3.5% of our cap is represented on our offense and you wonder why we have to do things

A certain way offensively and Kyle is the biggest mind [ __ ] of all time because he gets credit for it he gets credit for being able to take a hanger and tie it to the muffler and sing you down the road instead of saying don’t we need a correct part for this like yeah

Shouldn’t we actually like get we just weld a hanger to the bottom of this to hold it in place like well well an actual hook in place n but let me show you how I’m Aver and it’s just like yeah I understand your Ingenuity should be

Rewarded in how you get things done but holistically is this the right thing to do you know what I mean like so so that’s my issue K it Vicky says Niners offensive offensive line is very concerning and Kyle who can’t coach from behind these two factors don’t bode well when playing

An elite defensive team man you guys are coming in with smart comments tonight Mike says Jesse we can still celebrate The Ultimate Christmas win Grace and salvation Mike I am with you brother yes this is only a game at the end of the day you are right about that official

BNA music you were at the game were you not official BNA music correct me if I’m wrong um says the Ravens sat in cover two all night and Kyle called everything that doesn’t work against cover two thing is that the Ravens they may have but the Ravens disguise very well I

Promise you and it didn’t look like that pre-nap Todd TR says bad tackling bad on Third and Longs wil wils or is the D tired we I think we answered this question pretty well but this one came in later the defense is definitely tired I’m not blaming wils anymore I’m

Sorry we we tried to scapegoat him once I’m just not doing it this defense played well enough for them to win today they did official BNA music says cam is gonna cook this week and we got to eat it not just cam Nick Wright you listen

Don’t do not turn on YouTube and watch Nick Wright he is going to have a field day tomorrow Nick wght is not going to bed tonight he’s probably driving to Fox Studios as we speak he’s sleeping in the parking lot to get this takeoff especially because the chief’s loss he’s

He’s gonna put he G want to deflect he’s gonna deflect yeah flave says no one should be surprised when pie balls the next two weeks Lamar loses to Miami next week and Pie wins the MVP he deserves I don’t think that’s the way it’s going to

Go but maybe maybe I mean I think if anything I mean cmc’s the Team MVP right MVP okay so if if if if CMC is not the MVP at least we know what was proven today is that when you take him away from the offense they look completely different completely different

And on top of it Brock did put himself he got himself in those situations with the picks but he had every opportunity to get himself out and it kept getting worse okay he was imploding in front of us all right he should have thrown seven pcks it was getting to the point where

Every time you let the ball go you were just hoping that it either hit grass or got to its intended target all right outside of that it’s CMC man he is our MVP I I I think today should have been a very clear like barometer of like it’s CMC bro Mike

Drops of the monster says we don’t want to see the Lions they play football I agree with you on the sense that they play football their defense is not it though their offense is very physical and they’re going to be tough to stop but their defense is just it’s not it

They they’re a year away a different they’re a year away they’re going to be problems next year I agree but right now they’re a year away the they’re going to be good they’re going to be fine I think that they’re going to win a playoff game

But they’re I I think they’re a year away but we’ll see flave says they were undefeated with their backs against the wall this year until they had uh cushion on Philly last two years they went on crazy streaks to get in the playoffs with their backs against the wall just ran out of

Gas um every team is different though flave every team is different and we can’t say this is not last year’s team this is not the 2019 team this is not the 2020 or the 2021 team this is this year’s Team every year presents new challenges and a different look what I’m saying

Is this team maybe when they’re going into a game and their backs are against the wall they they play at their best I see what you’re saying what I’m saying is is that when a team flips the script on them and they don’t expect to have

Their backs against the wall and all of a sudden they do in a game that that’s where it becomes a problem that’s where we we’ve seen them go 0 and4 this year when teams do something they’re not ready for and their backs are against the wall in the middle of a game can

They pull out of it sure when you know your backs are against the wall and you’re going to play harder than the team coming into it great but mid game when you’re backst against the wall can you come through in that situation this team right now is 0 for four in that

Scenario brother Bob says haha VP equals MVP ha stop it BP was trash tonight I yeah brother Bob you’re you’re so wild I can’t wait for you and uh and Larry but I want to say just to reiterate I think the 49ers are going to be

Fine the AFC is going to be tough when they get to a Super Bowl I don’t think there’s a team in the NFC that can do what the Ravens did tonight I don’t think there’s many teams in the AFC that can do what the Ravens did tonight I

Think the 49ers will be fine I think Brock pie will be fine but it definitely makes for an interesting week and I will say this just as a football fan it sucks losing sucks for the 49ers loss but the season is now interesting again because

I got to be honest with you if the 49ers had rolled tonight that would have been it nobody would have been excited about the rest of the season other than 49er fans nobody would have been excited about what’s about to happen because everybody knows that the 49ers were going to roll

In now it’s interesting now if they play the Ravens in the Super Bowl and they win they did something they weren’t got a live body now we have a real nesis exactly’s no question about it like we can’t talk about us being the baddest team in the land like and to be honest

With you these guys are cocky man uh they needed to get knocked down a couple of pegs like how they deal with the media how they talk about like you know they talk as if they’ve won Super Bowls and they haven’t you know what I mean

And like this was a good reminder that you know job ain’t done the job ain’t done it’s not it’s not brother Bob says BP was cheeks and only Kyle couldn’t see that I agree he was not good today I’m I I think both things can be true he was awful

Today he’ll be fine awful today he’ll be fine I think both things can be true but we’ll see time will tell uh Charles says what do you think about Kyle possibly uh preserving cmc’s knees and not wanting to risk hurting Mason and see what it was like to lean on

Pie uh maybe and I think that you kind of brought this up earlier coach that’s a possibility but if that’s the case it came at the risk of a win and that doesn’t feel great so anyways coach it’s 108 for us it’s now past Christmas thank you for coming on and

Doing this show with me everybody in the chat appreciate yall I’ll be back at it tomorrow I think I got three shows tomorrow it’s about to be crazy either way y’all stay bless coach peace


  1. I know a lot of people might not like this, but this game was actually probably good for the team, and the young players in particular.

  2. That was the worst gameplan ive ever seen by Kyle. You establish the run to open playaction for your QB. Not start by putting the whole game on your 23 year old barely over one season having QB. No reason we should have lost this game if we stuck with what we normally do. Run the fuckin ball. All Kyle did was kill Brocks confidence. The Ravens whole gameplan was to stop the pass. The run was killing them but we kept passing. Makes no sense. Why pass so much?

  3. Busted yalls ass on Xmas day primetime, cross country, refs tripping Lamar feeding yall safeties, NO MANDREWS, NO JK DOBBINS, NO MITCHELL, O LINE BANGED UP. BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!!! IF YALL ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO SEE US AGAIN WE WILL TURN OUT THE LIGHTS JUST LIKE WE DID IN NOLA. 😤😈💯💪

  4. Damm Bros Thanks for the content cuz maa
    We looked out of sync RUN the ball that’s Kyle sometimes stay with the script Switching up

  5. Best player for 9ers today was the ref that tripped Lamar giving you a safety lmfao. MVP conversation is over. Best team in the league conversation over. Best defense in the league conversation over. We kick doored yalls house and stole Christmas as the Grinch. It was a blowout. 33-10 was the real score. Garbage time td and the safety don't count for real football fans. 😂😂😂 Peaking in here to see yall coping hard and trying to find the brightside after the game literally made this the best Christmas EVER!!! Don't make it to Vegas or we will turn out the lights on yalls bitch ass like we did in Nola. Let the Lions go so we can blow them out AGAIN.. 😤😈💯💪

  6. Love how it's all Bananahan fault vs. Crock Turdy-the overhyped and overrated QB. Again, he's not what people are proclaiming him to be, yet everyone's so defensive and fanmotional. They both are overhyped-look at Bananahan esrly in the game, facial expressions show he's confused and "oh crap, this is a good team look on his face".

  7. People need to give respect to the Ravens. They outplayed and outcoached the 49ers. Lamar Jackson also showed he's lightyears ahead of Purdy.

  8. Gonna say this outta respect because both teams respected each other the trash-talking media heads.

    Don’t be too hard on Shanahan. At one point Harbaugh went all in on Lamar and benched Flacco and the growing pains for LJ and how the team used him were real. People wanted Harbaugh fired.

    But Harbaugh was unwavering in his commitment to LJ and he won the team over because of it.

    Shanahan stayed commited to his year 2 QB and team last night trying to avoid a crisis of confidence. Putting Darnold can start whispers of doubt that can fracture unity, so you hope Purdy WAS hurt.

    See the Eagles right now and the articles coming out about their QB…

  9. Kyle shit himself again. He will never win us a Super Bowl. Literally 0-38 when down 8 points in the 4th quarter. lol like he should be paid 1/5th what he is simply just because of that stat as a head coach. It’s the nfl

  10. I think Purdy is still a really good QB but he also showed this year he is a product of the system/schematic and while you can say that about every QB he showed me nothing this year that he can take the team on his back and win when others struggle. CMC showed me that he can can live up to Games like this but Brock didnt. He depends on the Systrem to work so he can shine and like you said, he is predictable and the Ravens made that clear. Still the bigger problem was Kyle and his gameplan, got outcoached in every way.

  11. One final comment…AFC North teams play a physical, “hair on fire” brand of 3-phase complementary football because they beat each other (and beat each other up) consistently with the most brutal brand of football in the league.

    That 5-pick defense knows what it feels like to get gassed and picked apart by a Watson QB WHO WENT 13-13 with a broken shoulder to beat them earlier in the year. And now FLACCO has them as the AFC dark horse version (with the Bills) that is a real threat.

    SF needs to worry about the RAMS.

  12. To everyone saying Brock mvp… he’s not even third mvp on his own team… enough with this trash.. he is a overrated system qb that can easily be filled. CMC carrying this team.

  13. This was the NFC championship against the Rams all over again. Shanahan refused to give the best player the ball in the 4th quarter.

  14. Brock Purdy objectively had a terrible game by any definition. Anyone making excuses for Brock after this game is biased beyond logic and reason.

  15. I dont disagree with Coach… But with that said i also think its a mindset thing. Kyle can outthink himself.
    Brocks off… The refs are letting physicallity go… And your opponent struggles to stop the run… Everything screams pound the rock constantly and everyone else sees it but Kyle.

  16. This loss was what we needed . Purdy is mvp and will be . Watch Lamar play a horrible game next week against Miami … purdy will light it up win mvp take home field . We are fine … I'm happy for Jesse son but let's go 49ers… see I like this show it was not a purdy bashing but some channel and some host really flip flop . Good show guys… 49ers beat themselves .. Lamar is trash at throwing the ball… that 3rd and 16 and we stop them but get called for a hold changed the whole momentum of the game … that was the turning point in the first half…

  17. I’ve been warning the 49ers fan base all week that the physicality the AFC North brings is levels above the rest of the league. Still don’t believe watch the physical hangover in your guys vs Washington if they play

  18. Shanahan is always choking towards the playoff. He's giving up crucial games. He needs to step down if he's not committed to bring the niners where they should be. How much he sold this game? Again? Again? Again? 😮

  19. I don't know what "Coach" is talking about. Gameplan was good. Brock just fukd up plain and simple. Deebo was open on the 1st pik, Brock was way late and result was pik. Then Brock throws right into a Blitzer for a tip pik, Brock throws across his body back the the middle for another tip pik. Then the last pik was arguably not his fault but was a late read. So eliminate those turnovers and the game is ours. This was CLEARLY Purdy having a terrible game.

  20. When you didn't run the ball and turned the ball over 4 times what did you expect the defense can do, they ran out of gas.

  21. The whole game changes if Young wraps up Lamar. That was a weak effort by Young. He hasn’t done squat since he got here. Now I know why Washington got rid of him. Overrated

  22. What pisses me off the most is I finallybstarted praising Kyle for changing his worst habit. Which is not adjusting mid-game. Against Philly they had pur number early. Then all of a sudden everything switched up. That offense ran in a way where you couldn't predict what type of play was gonna happen next. I loved it. Did the same against Arizona. Why in the biggest test of the season would he NOT do the same? Now i feel like he in fact has not changed his ways.

  23. You can't question if Purdy can come back from this after going on a 6 game streak after losing 3 in a row. If he was gonna get mentally shaken, i think them 3 losses would have done it.

  24. A pretty fair broadcast, but even they are still in cognitive dissonance over how badly Purdy played and let this team down. He’s not a big game QB.

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