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FIRST THINGS FIRST | “Eagles is ailing!” – Nick Wright gets brutally honest on 33-25 win over Giants

FIRST THINGS FIRST | “Eagles is ailing!” – Nick Wright gets brutally honest on 33-25 win over Giants

After seeing Sam darnold I’m going to keep watching USC shout out to Josh wonderful episode of weird and wonderful weird early in San Francisco I know everyone’s blaming the referee you know who I blame Lamar I mean I mean he went back was great up this possibility by retreating

25 San Francisco wonderful Giannis in the garden two of his 32 Nicks win this one though it didn’t matter little something from New York it was a nice win a good could watch the chief we’re waning seconds of Celtics Lakers Derek white to Tatum who refuses to touch the ball because he erroneously

Thinks he might get a turnover on a shot clock violation we research this it’s not true however Derek white does get because he because he turned made it a bad pass so it’s just a bad teammate I mean they be riding me for turnover you can just strongest take you have there

I’d be like uh weird waiting seconds of lions Vikings give me those I thought this was tipped Greg nope just a horrible throw Brar could throw better than that sophomore year Detroit headed to the playoffs shout out to Dan Campbell sorry for slightly shout out to Nick Mullins

For making the show not when we’re talking about Kyle Shanahan quarterback and final we fourth quarter in Kansas City this went down this is not this is incomplete pass yeah but look at it it’s an incomplete pass as far as incomplete passes go it’s a bad one it’s an

Incomplete pass Mah is so bad he had bad plays that didn’t even make the show okay that is worse than M some of M Jones’s interception no it’s not it because it’s an incomplete I thought it was a p okay well just a flat why don’t you ask

Deano Eagles now 11 and four want to talk picks need a game clinching interception at the buzzer to lock up a win over the Giants Jaylen throws for three 300 and in a familiar refrain Philadelphia not happy with the w take a listen live win we’re not playing good

Football right now as as an offense we’re not where we want to be so I mean I’m I’m not satisfied yeah we got live wins I’m not happy it needs to be better for what I want to do what everybody else in here wants to do where we want to be we’re

Nowhere near that so no I’m not happy okay I like this this is kind of like what the Eagles say more or less confident in Philadelphia post win well it has to be less I mean a week after they let Drew lock go 92 yards to beat

Him they let Tommy DeVito well he got benched so Tyrod Taylor Go 75 yards and 40 seconds to make it a game and then after seemingly putting it away for a third time make it a game again and Brew this is what we’ve had we’ve had a month

Straight of nothing but bad football from the Eagles we’ve had a coordinator change we’ve had a coach or uh the leader of the team call out on the record his teammate’s commitment off the Record Anonymous backbiting in the local media from other players or coaches about that quarterback and now Devonte

Smith saying we need to be better we have all of that and the most diard I listen to WIP in Philadelphia I listen to the fanatic I listen to all of it everybody’s freaking out about the Eagles except for this guy so I want to know today after this Eagles game am I

Switching my no just are you more or less confident well look it wasn’t what I wanted to see okay I said I wanted to see a blowout I want two of the next three was including that game to be blowout so if they got to blowout out

Out the next two all right but I gota be honest I feel better than I felt before the game how because they won all right they had lost three straight games I get it they were the good teams but they got back on the the snide if that’s the

Right turn and one off the and won the game all right I needed to see a w and J look two of the plays and I get it it’s football it happens to everybody but two of the plays that made it close agree were flukish the the punt return a kick

Return that that was just that’s not going to happen again all right and that’s the Giants scored there and then Dallas Goddard slipped on the pick six now again it happens to all the quarterbacks but still that wasn’t like a terrible throw by Jaylen Herz if he

Doesn’t slipy it’s a completion so I look they did some good things I do think jayen had a brain freeze which is unique for him at the end of the first half where he didn’t go out of bounds and to give him another shot at the touchdown s they settled for the field

Goal but look it again it wasn’t great but this is what they do too I’m accepting this is what they do they’re not a knockout artist they win by points just real quick though end the first half points is a wildly bad decision and he’s right that what Greg

You talk by jayen yeah yeah I me thinking cuz we’re already up 2 or 17 supposed go bounds and he know but let me just show you something Greg see if it means anything to you what have I told you the Eagles have been the worst

Team in the league by far at the end of half SL games final two minutes first half or the game first of all all the teams on that list are terrible or mediocre to terrible and then Philly so their situational football so bad trying to go through cuz they can’t get stops

Defensively they’re not I’m just going to be quick look yes I’m concerned I told you this a couple weeks ago I’m I’m were they are my they were my pick I don’t know if I’m picking them anymore and the reason why is because I’ve seen this before with the Minnesota

Vikings last year we all watched it they were very fraudulent the entire season great record close wins most close win games and whatever it was like oh my gosh oh my going into the postseason everyone in that locker room and everyone in Minneapolis the way you were

Talking about Philly and the Philly fans and showing concern they were concerned they we because they knew they couldn’t get stop let me ask you this cuz Minnesota you’re right we all knew they were fraudulent Pittsburgh a couple years ago remember they started with 11 we knew we’re fraudulent the difference

Is this Philadelphia team for the most part reached the Super Bowl last year’s a little bit more refusing to ad and they have beaten good teams they have beaten four good teams all of all all are true all can be true but we’re refusing to admit that they’re a

Fraudulent team right now and if they were any other team with this type of roller coaster type of season we would not have faith in you specifically would not have faith in them going into the postseason that’s why Brew wanted to switch his pick to the ners who’s no I’m

Glad I my pick to


  1. i dont get this honestly PHI was 2 plays from BLOWIN OUT NYG a Goedert slip Pick 6 and Oz running into Scott fumble 15pts off 2 plays this was PHI best game played imo why isnt anyone talking about this ??? yall report on the games and yet push some whack narrative FS1 is my favorite but it seem like yall are slippin and sippin the koolaid

  2. I don’t think the Eagles are playing well.. BUT one thought that crossed my mind was that they’re really only focused on the playoffs and a super bowl run.. sometimes you can lose sight of what’s right in front of you because of the big picture.. and that’s a super dangerous way to play.. but there’s so much talent on that team that if they decide to turn it on when it counts, they might still be able to make a run.. heck that’s what they’ve done in a lot of these games – do juuuust enough and then turn it on when they gotta have the points or make a stop..

    Only time will tell..

  3. NICK IS A EAGLE HATER….. we are the embodiment of a true fighter might not look good but we get it done… its like a rocky movie we get beat up but bounce back and come out on top…. ALSO GIVE US ARE RESPECT FOR THE SCHEDULE GUANTLET WE WENT THREW AND CAME OUT 3-2 ID SAY IS PRETTY SOLID… also nick while he keeps hating and rooting for cowboys to win divison he just delusional wins are wins baby,… also we do need to play better flyeaglesfly lez make a run


  5. Nick critique of Bru sticking with a bad pick is laughable . Nick Wright needs to look in a mirror and explain why he thinks KC is still a superbowl contender

  6. You know the thing that annoys me most about Nick wright is his mid west funky accent trying to hang with the east coast guys He’s a want to be

  7. Poor Nicky your chiefs are playing poorly what a Patti to besides throwing interceptions. No matter how bad they play a win is a win.

  8. That tie you wearing is fraudulent 😂 they won 11 games lost to two of the best teams ! How dare you compare Eagles to Vikings! Every game is close because they the team to beat ! It's Every team/players opportunity to get prime time looks and coaches and players to get HC jobs and new contracts! Eagles gonna be fine. 49ers is who you need to worry about! Because Rams coming to play ! And Dallas will take out Detroit and then boom Eagles will have the 1 seed! And then to get to the superbowl you gotta come thur the Linc 😮 now winning the superbowl is a different story if Baltimore is there ! They are scary lol

  9. I’m an Eagles fan and what I saw yesterday was the Eagles smashing the Giants for 3 out of 4 quarters and the Eagles tripping over coffee tables handing the Giants points. In my opinion the score was flattering to the Giants. The Eagles keep scoring own goals though and it’s concerning.

  10. How is Nick going to sit there and get mad at Broussard when he still believes in the Eagles when Nick does the same thing with his Chiefs right now and they're playing like complete shit 🤔🤔🤷🏻🤷🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻

  11. Philly sucks . They almost lost against the giants. They are not a good football team . And they won’t beat the Giants in NewYork

  12. Nick hates the Eagles, stats say one thing but the record says another, fraudulent team? These jokers are dumb. Played the toughest gauntlet beat KC, Buffalo, Miami. So the 49ers are not fraudulent they get a pass from y’all after getting their asses beat at home.

  13. Nick is an eagles hater, never seen him be objective. Can't ever be a good analyst if you have even 1 favorite team. With nick the problem is he has a lineup of fav and unfav teams, that's why he is generally a poor analyst

  14. Giants get curb stomped by the Cowboys and they (The Giants) are tomatoe cans according to Brou.. Eagles scrape by the Giants and it wasn't great but they won 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴.. I thought the Giants were tomatoe cans?? 😂😂😂😂 💀

  15. Coach and all coordinators need to go
    Next year start over if your top players don’t request trades which is what I see happening

  16. there’s also a stat saying that if you score 21 points you can beat the Chiefs. I don’t see Nick highlighting that.

  17. I feel more confident in the Eagles. They won, for crying out loud! Divisional games are always tough, besides, the Giants have actually been playing better of late.

  18. Bottom line is no team is far above all the other teams. Any team is capable of losing on any given Sunday, even the Ravens. After all, the 49ers had 5 turnovers and still only lost by two touchdowns.
    That said, if I wanted something to be more concerned about, I would be more concerned about the Chiefs losing than about the Eagles winning.

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