PDGA and DGPT Reverse Transgender Policy

In an anticipated settlement with Natalie Ryan, The PDGA has dropped it’s “pre-puberty” requirement from its Transgender Eligibility Requirements. This reverses their previous decision and allows transgender women, including Natalie, to participate in FPO at PDGA Majors.

In Natalie Ryan Settlement, PDGA Drops Pre-Puberty Transition Rule for Transgender Women

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Hey everyone it is Chris Clark with dis golf. law coming to you with a special announcement the PDGA has announced on its website that as part of a settlement with Natalie Ryan it is changing its gender eligibility policy you may recall that at the end of last year the PDGA

Announced a gender eligibility policy that in part required transgender women to have gone through transition pre puberty in order to play in certain PDGA events namely the PDGA Majors the disc golf pro tour adopted the pre-puberty transition rule as part of its rules for competition as well after a year of

Contentious litigation with lawsuits filed by Natalie Ryan both in California and Minnesota those lawsuits have been dismissed and now the PDGA has dropped the prepuberty transition rule completely from its gender eligibility policy transgender women who have undergone 2 years of hormone therapy are now eligible to play at all PDGA events

This would obviously include Natalie Ryan we have not seen an official announcement from the disc golf pro tour yet however we did receive confirmation that the pro tour is part of this settlement with Natalie I don’t see how this can be viewed as anything short of a victory for Natalie against the disc

Golf pro tour and the PDGA from time to time we get accused of telling people we told you so in some of these videos about predictions we’ve made but for full transparency when Natalie filed this initial lawsuit in California challenging the PDGA and the disc golf

Pro tour’s policies I thought she had an uphill battle and I thought that victory was unlikely I want to give kudos to the lawyers on on all sides of this battle this has been a year filled with really great smart legal work on all sides under very difficult conditions and very

Tight time constraints I’m going to hold off making any further new predictions with regard to this exact topic but I would be curious to hear from you thanks as always for watching please like And subscribe and let us know in the comments what are your thoughts


  1. I have renewed my PDGA member status every year, not because I definitely need it, but because i wanted to support them. This ends now.

  2. This will destroy women's sports as these biological male cheaters destroy athletics for real women not those who will never achieve real womanhood. This is a travesty of justice by a woke judiciary that has lost its bearings and lost in a sea of darkness.

  3. Go woke go broke, the PDGA for women's DG will follow in the footsteps of other woke media brands that are going bankrupt. Very few people will be watching biologically male athletes competing in women's sports, no one likes cheaters whatever these horrendously broken courts are doing.

  4. Why would you give "kudos" to lawyers from both sides? If you are not against this decision, you are for it. To be neutral, is to support that a man can pretend he is a woman.

  5. For sure a win for lawyers whose wealth is derived from a society of endless litigation and a win for the medical community that wants taxpayer support for every surgery and medication imaginable.

    That's all this is and the rest of us have to live with the insanity. Sigh.

  6. Fairness isn't a value judgment in sports, fairness is based on science in sports. There aren't that many studies yet, but there are some and no study has conclusively found evidence that suggests disallowing trans women in competition. Withing certain guidelines, such as the 2 year hormone suppression/HRT rule. IOC allows trans women. Trans women have won around 20 national / international competitions since being allowed in sports decades ago. No trans-woman has "dominated". This whole comment section is unaware of the science, and obviously victims of triggered fear-mongerers who do not understand the science. Check your information sources, I know mine. You either believe in the scientific method, or you're against trans women in sports, you can't have both.

    Sources in the video description, itemized for all the lazies.

    Wishing you all the best in these trying times.

  7. I applaud your objectivity and frank relating of the facts without subjective opinion. I sincerely hope your comment section can change its tune, though I understand that by addressing it you may be going against the aforementioned objectivity.

    Glad to stay informed through your videos. Take care.

  8. I really really want the FPO women without a penis to boycott all tournaments that Mr. Ryan is in. Sooooooooo unfair. I refuse to buy into his delusion.

  9. I was just banned on Reddits discgolf (go figure) for bringing this news up. And oh how all the little sheep chimed in calling me a bigot.

  10. For those that keep saying they wont renew their membership I hope you realize that in the end you are simply hurting the growth of the sport and making no stands against a lack of fairness in female sports. The PDGA had very little to do with the decision. Theyre release statement said as much. The lawsuits were bleeding them dry. If they kept fighting they would likely go bankrupt would be my guess. The DGPT and PDGA arent like the NFL and NBA that have loads of cash to throw at it. So your lack of support is less a show of support for womens sports and more slap in the face for those who did stand on your side in court.

  11. Tired of this BS from PDGA. I decided not to renew my PDGA membership. I won’t support this organization.

  12. PDGA just doesn't have the money to fight the good fight.
    I for one won't be watching FPO. I want to see the best of the best and now the best FPO can have are all playing MPO so too bad.

    Narcissists, grifters and psychos will ruin and profiteeer of anything. If you build a society that is weak to them they will come.

    In current zeitgeist the body is a slave to the mind, I believe in the opposite – healthy bodies grow healthy minds.

  13. It's a sad day when one person gets his way . And I said His. It's not a crime to speak the truth about someone's actual assigned gender. And it's not hate speech. It's actually the truth no matter how much they wish it wasn't. I'm not confused but the good people at the PDGA are. Won't be renewing until the real women get their own division. One Cheating dude gets his way unreal. The Stupidity in the world is out of control. God help us normal humans.

  14. Could this be forced? Could CBS sports network be telling the DGPT cool it or we won’t be likely showing your sport on our network?

  15. And if the PDGA said they were going to fight it and asked for an addition $10 donation at registration to fight for Competitive Fairness in the FPO division, would you not sign up and give the $10 willingly??? The PDGA had options and they choose the wrong one.

  16. Not going to re-up this year. It's just not fair. If it was, Kristin T. would be hanging with the men score-wise while out on course. Catering to the few and screwing over 98% of the women's field. Totally unfair and shame on Natalie Ryan for being so selfish.

  17. all female players should boycott every tournament that this man named "Natalie Ryan" chooses to play in. If "he" wants to play so bad, go play with other men.

  18. Cancelling my pdga membership this year and taking an indefinite break from contributing in any way to these organizations. Sorry, but this is an absolute disgrace.

  19. The women have lost. This is ridiculous. Ryan should be ashamed but they obviously only care about themselves.

  20. Why is it the Government is allowed to tell us who to compete against in sports..
    Don't the people matter anymore ?
    Should the people be able to vote on this issue ?

  21. I will definitely not be renewing my membership. I’m just one person, but for what it’s worth, I’m in 100% boycott mode until this changes.

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