What can an average golfer score driving it 300+ yards every time?

What can an average golfer score driving it 300+ yards every time?

Do you ever wish you could drive the ball 300+ yards down the middle every time? How well do you think you would play? Well in this video Donal finds out.

Playing a ball off his own driver as a control, The Doc also placed a bomb 300 yards down the middle of the fairway to see how much easier it makes the game of golf.

Can driving it 300 yards turn an average golfer into a Tour Pro?

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Imagine if just for one day of your life you could hit the ball 300 yards down the middle of every Fairway just like a tour pro what would you score well I’m here at Kar Golf Links one of Ireland’s most famous lyx golf courses to do an experiment to find out exactly

That so my plan today is to play nine holes here at Car golf links what I’m going to do is just going to hit a drive off every te just as a control just to see where my own drive would go but really I’m not worried about my own

Score today with my own wall I’m going to try going to drop a ball 300 yards down the middle of every Fairway of a par four and a par five and play the ball from there as if I was a tour pro and see what the difference in score

Would be I’m not too concerned about what I do with my own drive but I am really interested to see what I score on the day that I drive it 300 100 yard 528 yards this whole I think was a really good drive so let’s have a chat about forums and

Driving distances I see so much stuff online about these conversations with guys talking about driving distances and their equipment and they’re all you know it’s not they’re all but there could be 20 or 30 and I’m talking guys here now talking oh I use this shaft I drive it 275 I get

Roll out 290 but I’m thinking it changeing to a one degree lower or change my shaft to get this that and the other guys you’re lying you are not driving at that distance because there’s so many stats nowadays from all the companies like our cost being one uh

It’s showing us what the real driving distances are and people who in these forums who say they drive at 300 yards they’re lying the reality is just 2% of golfers in the world can drive the ball 300 yards that can that’s roll out to 300 yards 2% two out of every 100 so

98% of all golfers can’t drive it that distance so guys on your fors you’re lying this is my drive in the first hole I am delighted I’ve got uh a over 240 yards not bad considering it’s 5° but 240 is a long way short of 360 yard short now I’ve

Got 288 into the green I’m going to hit my treewood um just to try and make solid contact and get it up somewhere near the green but we’ll see oh slipped but slipped but hit race this is our 300 yard Drive 228 left in to the flag um it’s a completely different world

Here the pin looks as if it is reachable very lynxy in the middle I’m not going to let that scare me I’m try and just put a ball down there pulled it a little bit hopefully that’ll be okay left of the green okay my own ball my own Drive third shot about 60

Yards completely blind just flip it up no idea where that’s gone but just trust the yardage Links Golf hopefully it will be okay okay my 300 yard Drive ended up here not quite on the green but uh I would say very doable little chip and

Run oh sit sit sit oh I’ll take that that’s not bad it’s a birdie put with my normal Drive which I would be very happy with well it’s not really a birdie put you know for me I’m looking at just really trying to get it down in two from

Here little bit of top dressing the time of the year to get that done but that’s totally fine come on come on come on come on okay I’ll take that given you don’t know the speed of the greens at the start of the around uh you know that’s

What I’ve got left for part with a 300 yard drive this is what I’ve got for birdie I can begin to see the difference already okay par good now birdie put with 300 yard Drive ball oh looks very doable looks stra oh my goodness driving a 300

Yards you got six Footers for birdie what a start we got to play this beautiful part three catch a piece oh it’s coming back off the hill Oh yeah oh link SC for its best local knowledge I knew well I should miss the green left there because it would hop in

Off the hill kicked directly right and ended up here I meant it though I meant it is this realistically a birdie put or is it a two par I don’t even want to think about the other oh that’s not bad least they gave it a go Park Harrington

Says give it a go I got to clean it cuz there’s a little bit of uh a hell it’s not in the experiment popping in ah it’s handy what a beautiful golf hold T off top there down onto the green you might get a lucky kick like me you might be in trouble

Down the other side sandwiched in between the dunes that is a really good part for me and look at that green as well look at all the undulations at all the places you could put the pin that’s a great goel this is the third and I’ve got it’s a straightaway Par

Four you can see the little sliver of Fairway can you see the pin down the bottom there what a gol ho risk reward um let me get back to the tea okay 328 yards this is where the real top tour professionals will differ from us the amateur 328 yards

With nothing to aim at off the tea um you know it looks like it’s a it’s a hybrid or an iron down there for safety uh for me that’s what I’m going to do can’t change today um just going to play with my own game but then I’m going to

See where that 300 yard Drive ends up and um let’s just see the difference between them and us if it was a third hole of the captain’s prize you’re telling me you would take this on you would absolutely not or your monthly medal you would not

Take this on you would try to play safe so early in your round so I got to try trust the process swing as they say like you’re on the Range pick your Target and I push it to the right oh my goodness I just have to hope that’s

Okay that’s what a great golf hole can do to you you don’t swing it I said swing it like you’re under the range but because you’re just surrounded by so much trouble you you go back to here and you go oh my God I must steer I must

Steer I must steer and you get TR near it and you don’t swing it normally that’s what happens but decent strike hopefully we’ll be able to find it down There 147 I’ve looked out it’s the great thing about links as well I’ve missed the Fairway but look have plenty of div where I am so I’m not the first one to end up over here 146 I’ll go with my nine completely blind shot but I deserve that

Oh it felt really good really straight really Punchy fitness test Fitness where’s my ball look at it a 10 foot right at the PIN yes this been an average golfer isn’t so bad after all this is a 300 yard drive on this hole what I’m about to show you now might shock

You but it’s this it’s my because this distance 30 yards to the green is the one that freaks me out it’s the reason that I suffer greatly um as I’ve gotten on in years I’m not comfortable at all with this uh chip so I’ve got this little uh device jiggery

Poery I think it’s a Exacta Callaway Odyssey Exacta wedge which I just treat like a put I got to play this left now it’s going to fall right treat like a put and line it up and put and that’s five foot now if you ask me to chip it

There I could probably put it 100 yards over the green 200 mil an hour one foot off the ground that’s what chipping yips is so that for me is a totally acceptable result it’s whatever makes you happy that is my exact and uh I Won’t Say I’m proud of it but whatever

Gets the job done is my own Drive I think this going to break right to left would love to give it a go did give it a go missed on the low side po Carrington said you should never do that okay what my own ball though okay good power with

That okay 300 yard Drive well got to here oh I think it’s just going to fall this way a little bit oh man I didn’t hit it jeez you can see why Prof professionals will be so angry uh if they drove it 300 yards

Popped it up to 6 feet and left it short oh my God that would drive me insane maybe we’re better off the way we are cuz that is so frustrating part three bonus hole might as well play it 118 114 got my 52 crunch down on us got a good

Line oh it’s a great line oh what a shot this 300 yard driving fairy tale is helping my overall game that’s got to be no more than 6 or 8 ft and that is what you call a t- marker solid what a goall just from over

There to here oh you got to take that pretty much the same put as on the last wall don’t leave it short this time Oney good line hold yes get in there fifth hole 438 yards par five par five mind you 438 but it’s index to so

It must be extremely difficult so 438 I’m looking to put my 300 yard Drive 138 out from this hole going to tea up my own drive I have no idea what lies in store but let’s just try and get straight one away I would take driver I

Think on this hole it looks fair enough it is downwind and a good strike little bit left I think that’s okay little bit of a slip again I’m slipping a lot my drive is fine but I have no idea where to go so I’m getting a bit of running

In I’m taking I’m going up here see if I can find the green right aha I can see why it’s index two that’s my ball all the way back there there’s my bag there’s the green and the funny thing is we’re still not at a 300 yard point which

Would just drop us over the hill down there chipping in wow okay so my own ball kind of found this um kind of place where lots of people I’d say find their balls have an awkward stance but I should be able to Club on that 254 into the pin I’ll go with my

Treewood just I have a decent line guarded from my trip up there it’s not my best I think it’s just up the right flank it should be should be okay it’s not going to reach the Green Door that’s okay though that’s just average golf for golf doesn’t always go

Perfect so while I’m walking up here just let’s talk about distances that the real top tour guys hit the ball and how many guys hit at 300 yards are over well if you look at the PGA Tour stats and I’m not going to get too much

Into figures here but about the top 60 guys hited at least 300 yards now you can go all the way down to except Colin marawa for instance you wouldn’t think he’s the longest hitter he’s not he’s down I don’t know maybe a 100 or so on those driving out yardages he drives a

295 yards so really it’s only five yards of the difference I mean five yards one 2 three four five it’s nothing it’s nothing so uh that’s the kind of distances we’re talking about tour Pros hitting the ball and vanam the best uh the longest ladies driver 295 yards on average which

Is incredible too so um that’s what those guys Drive Del a Bryson the Shambo John Ram Rory mroy you know they can drive a 310 320 on average early given event um so it is as you be as we’re all beginning to see a huge Advantage if you can drive at that

Distance I am now at the 300 yard Drive Mark they might have taken the shortcut somehow ended up here or maybe over here might be more realistic but here’s what they are on a par five for their second shot let’s see what damage we can do from here that’s

Safety this is gone and this is where I hit my own treewood ah skirting kind of down the side of the Fairway I can’t find it oh my it’s not down there is it that is a last ball and they in lies the difference between ordinary golfers and the tour guys who

Are hitting par FES in two um so I took a tree with there for my second shot should have took a oh hang on hang on hang on oh was the way it’s not my ball yeah took it through it for the second shot probably shouldn’t have probably should have taken a

Something safe to hit all that Fairway down there knowing it’s power five index too but didn’t went for it thought I could do it of course I couldn’t lost ball okay let’s go play the Tour ball okay 300 yard Drive leaves me 138 in power five remember second shot I’ve

Only got a 48 degre or in my hand surely if you’re professional you are trying to make an eagle here but um I’m just trying to hit anywhere on the Green everything looks like it’s falling left to right right to left I mean okay and I am on a crazy slope

Here oh that’s a good strike it’s right at the pin please oh it’s down there oh back at the green it’s feeding back down that oh that’s pretty decent now 300 yard Drive Eagle put looks reasonably straight it’s all about lagging this up beside the

Hall sit sit sit sit sit sit yeah yeah yeah yeah we’ll take that in the heartbeat yes last ball for average golfer birdie for the guy who can drive a 300 yards life is not fair this is a short hole this is only 312 yards so RAM and Bryson might be looking to

Drive this but you know for me this looks stuffed right back up a hill um out of bounds all down the right side Cliff to the other hole down the other side so all of our trying to get a nice straight drive away hold on there I’d be very happy with that very

Happy with that flirted a little bit with the out of bounds well you know what uh sometimes when we get to these holes as well I’m just talking as the average golfer you know you see all the trouble and you do you do tend to ease

Back a bit and get very steer so uh um it’s nice to kind of commit and put in a good drive but let’s just see now her average guy versus 300 yard guy is on this I mean Bryson Ram Rory it could be having a go at the screen if the

Conditions were right okay I’ve actually only driven this ball 220 yards up the hill into the wind still have 90 yards to the hole which brings me to a very important point and a fact really how far do the average golfer hit the ball well I said earlier on uh that only

2% of all golfers hit the ball 300 yards now if you were able if you were able to hit the ball 250 yards every time for example that would put you in a category of one in every four golfers that play the game all over the world can just do that only

One in every four can drive a 250 yard so if you can drive a 250 regularly you are all set up to be a scratch golfer or better A Plus handicapper if you can drive a 250 the average golfer would you believe drives the ball between

220 and 230 yards even with all the best equipment if you take all the golfers in the world average it all out the average Drive goes 220 to 230 like I am delighted there with that drive into a wind up the hill 220 okay I think on a on a windless day

Flat ground I can drive at 250 so 250 is it for me but the average drive for all the golfers in the world goes between 220 and 230 or thereabouts okay 90 yards in I can just see the top of the flag here um I’m just going to trust it little wedge little

Punchy kind to have this lyx punch that I like served me well in the past something like that it’s gone a little bit right but it’s a safe kind of shot that I I have our 300 yard driver would have driven it right to the edge of the green leaving themselves It’s

Tricky put it looks like I just have to get it onto the ledge there little bit left and let it fall down to the right so Ram Rory Bryson would all have this put something like that reach it reach it reach it let it fall down let it fall down oh oh come

On my goodness ah this being a tour pro is unreal one inch put for birdie it’s just not fair we’ve got to get into the gym guys get hitting the ball 300 yards anymore it’s our Bryson ball yes so it’s all about Pace throw it up to the left let it come

Down now come down now hang on okay not bad not bad yeah okay power but such an easy birdie for the guys that are hitting this uh 300 yards okay seventh hole is 210 yards part three look at let’s just play let’s just play no pressure on us not party

Experiment but we’re compiling a nice nine holes oh this is just a great part three it reminds me of Port rush just trouble Calamity Calamity weight to 210 10 yards over a lot of rubbish you’ve got to commit you’ve got to commit to this time to man

Up turn in that’s a decent strike little bit right o hoping that would be okay not on the green but not down in the trouble to the left okay it is indeed time this would I would not like this not a great lie although it’s actually done well for where it

Is and everything falling off to the left just want to pop it onto that green kind of leave it below the flag so Trea like a p get my line something like that scoot on oh this is good let’s come around long live the e hole 359 yard so the bomber is

Going to knock it up 60 yard from the green wind left to right bunkers out there looks like the bunkers are the line commit to it let the wind do the work the wind be your friend in lynx oh that’s my best Dy of the day that is just a

Cracker yeah it’s getting a little bit windy windy AC cross I’ve driven this 2 60 kind of ran onto this up slope which is just the way it links you just got to deal so it’s down the shaft hit my 52 go to my stock back of the stance Dig Down onto

It try and get it Online just like that oh my God That’s gol is great sometimes you hit a good shot you just feel amazing it’s two in a row I know it takes away other times you lose the ball but moments like that are just what it’s all about the 300 yard driver has driven it to here 60 yard

From the green and Truth to be told I do not have have a clue what to do with this shot with my 56 I’m just going to have to play it up in the air on the pain and just hope hope that’s not bad oh my

Goodness I’m still not as close as my own wall but that’s a bird put for the 300 yard bomber here is’s my own ball oh my God four foot that’s my 200 yard bomber ball to birdie foots oh now the pressure’s on got to make one of these at least Jesus

Christ oh man harsh harsh yes that’s the 200 yard ball disappointed I didn’t get my own ball biry in but I can’t believe I made birdie with the 3 yard Ball but okay I think I’m beginning to see a picture emerging here golf is a whole

Lot easier if you can bang it 300 yards off the tea final hole of the day folks and what a toughy what a beautiful hole it is 415 yards from these T’s that means I’ll be hitting the second shot of our experiment from 1 15 in uh but for

Me average golfer this is daunting right back into the wind Dunes either side another Dune down the middle just to kind of throw your eye off but there is room to just plop it down in between those dudes so I think the secret here is just to be safe commit be safe straight

Down something like that okay my own ball after H really I was really happy with that drive I got what have I got left here 2011 left to the green into the wind up uphill so it’s definitely it’s Freewood hybrid would end up short it’s Freewood I’m not 100% confident

These shots don’t look the way you want them to be but put a good swing on it oh I put a great swing on it I put a great swing on it hopefully that’s good that would cap an amazing nine hole for me I don’t think I’ve play this good in years 115

Into the last for our 300 yard bomber got my 48 still quite a tough uh shot but definitely a lot easier than the last then my w with a treewood from 200 OD I got to commit to this cuz it’s into the wind up onto here oh it’s going right oh it’s going

Right it’s going right it’s going right hang on hang on hang on it’s tougher than I thought even for the 300 yard bomber it’s missed the green on the right okay I’ve done something that a 300 yard driver probably would never do and that’s Mr Green uh with that little 115 yard chip

But uh and it’s something my jiggery won’t work so let’s just go back old school there you good wedge mid Patrick at left hand low trust to spin something like that sit sit hey maybe I don’t need the after all that’s not bad at all oh what

A day this has been Just for kicks okay and let’s play this let’s play my own ball I was so happy with that tree would in let’s just play it down let’s put it down see where it would have don’t tell me don’t tell me oh you know

What you know what it has been an amazing day loved every minute of it let’s go back to the clubhouse TT up the scores and see how average golf for did against 300 yard Tour player oh yeah you’re on Video all right let’s take a seat to sum this up number one Caren Golf Links is amazing if you ever get a chance to come down here and play do so three brilliant nines number two if you can hit a 300 yards down the middle of every fairway golf is a

Completely different game even I completely average golfer can go under par if I place the ball 300 yards down the middle so you can imagine the likes of Rory Ram the Shambo Dustin Johnson all those guys you it’s completely different it’s eminently more playable I didn’t do too bad uh with my control

Ball my average um ball you know I found myself in a pickle now and again I was out of one hole but you can just see the difference of the guys who can hit a 300 yards um it becomes a lot more playable so I think the moral of the story is

Even if you could add a few more yards to your drive I said in the video to players who can average 250 they can be brilliant plus one plus two plus three handicappers 250 would be a great standard to achieve but let’s make the most of our equipment let’s get in the

Gym let’s swing in a bit faster because it’s not true what they say you drive for show and you put for dough if you drive it and drive it well making dough becomes a whole lot easier hope you enjoyed the video see you next time on golf bitter

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  1. What do you think you'd score if you could place the ball 300+ yards down the middle? Let us know below. ⛳🏌‍♀💣

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