Golf Babe

Belle Collective S4 E6 Review

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What’s up tribe how you guys doing go ahead and hit that subscribe button and I hope you like this video this is Bell Collective listen my DVR never gets it right it says season 4 episode 6 I don’t know if that’s what we are or not but

With that being said this episode starts where we left off last week with um Glenn and Leticia arguing down to the bar I’m going be honest with you guys when GL these scenes with Glenn and letia they just don’t do nothing for me and I’m going to tell you why for a

Couple of reasons letisia does all this extra yelling screaming hollering you know back and forth with Glenn knowing good damn well that she going to take Glenn back and that they going to be right back where they started so for me I’m sitting here and I’m looking at you

AC a fool and do all these theatrics you in the parking lot you walk up on him you slamming your hand on the hood of his car you getting in his face you putting your finger all in his face talking about you just ain’t ready for a

Strong woman you ain’t ready for an independent woman you ain’t ready for the kind of woman I I am you ain’t ready you ain’t ready you ain’t ready and I’m going be honest with you I’m really just sitting here like girl but next week y’all going to

Be walking arm and arm somewhere and damn it if we didn’t see a scene almost the very next scene where they go down to the bowling alley and basically they in Love Again they’re you know they’re undying love for each other and they want to make it

Work and they don’t they can’t imagine their life without each other and child I don’t care no more I I I just don’t and here’s the thing I said two seasons ago she ain’t leaving them she ain’t going nowhere and she’s not she’s not she ain’t leaving them and

She ain’t going nowhere so anyway then we see JJ and um Aisha’s husband um sh y’all know that man they go out golfing listen JJ do a lot and that whole gosh Dar gosh D gosh D it irritates me but he is good TV and he is

Funny um and so they get to playing golf and he they basically like look Aisha husband just came right out and was like yeah Cliff ain’t a good friend and JJ was like I’ve been trying to tell you that like I know he not a good friend

Glenn Glenn don’t know he not a good friend so they proceeded to talk about how Glenn is really setting I mean how Cliff is really setting Glenn up and how Glenn is getting caught up in you know you know cliff and what he does and marriage and how him and Latrice is

Marriage is versus him and leticia’s marriage so then they decided they going to have a party so that all the people can get together they going to have a cookout a 70s cookout where all the ladies can get together and they can kind of work this thing out because for

Real for real you know they feel like they could all get along except for Latrice and Glenn I mean Cliff Latrice and Cliff can’t come but latia Glenn everybody else got invited right excuse me then they got to talking about their ribs on the grill and of course Aisha husband talking about

Something n my my ribs are the best my ribs are the best JJ was like nah bro like you might have whooped me over here in golf but I promise you you don’t want no parts of my ribs he was like you ain’t even from the south you don’t know

What it is like you from the Bronx what you know about making ribs now I’m going be honest with you I know this is going to be a very stereotypical type statement that I’m getting ready to make but that’s how I feel too I’m like I don’t know if you want to Willie

That’s it Willie Willie I don’t know if you want to cook off with JJ I feel like JJ can throw down on the grill like I feel like that is where he lives okay I don’t know if that’s I don’t know if that’s the smoke you want but it’s all a good lighthearted

Fun you know so then we go down to Latrice shop um tambar comes through to buy herself some head child and we find out that tambra is hosting an event for top business owners in Jackson now Latrice gets invited but the rest of the ladies don’t get invited and tamber was

Like well basically one their businesses are not in the city of Jackson this is for people who you know female entrepreneurs in the city of Jackson two yeah why would I want them there like why would I invite them to an event that I’m hosting that I you know there

Something that’s supposed to be positive for me why do I want them around like I don’t want that kind of drama I don’t want I don’t I don’t want that in my life so then we found out that tamber is having a some sort of an event which is really

Her secret baby shower but it’s some sort of an event and of course she’s not inviting Marie she’s not inviting Le Laticia she’s only inviting um Aisha I think Gucci maybe Gucci maybe not I don’t know and of course Latrice then they got to talking about the whole situation with Marie and L

Latri Laticia going behind her back talking to her ex-boyfriend now let me say this Marina went live 4 times this last weekend after this episode came out cuz y’all know I’m late with my review and she done talked about production cuz Tamba made a comment about Marie begged

Production to includeed um and Marie was like I ain’t beg production to do nothing I did what I’m supposed to do I did what I’m supposed to do I ain’t beg production to do nothing but tamber walking around here not telling us her business and you know basically you know

And here’s the thing Marie the more you talk you told on yourself because the more you talk now maybe begged and cried to production wasn’t the right words but it sound like what tamber said happened is exactly what happened you feel like tamber isn’t being authentic you feel

Like tamber isn’t telling her story you feel like tamber is getting away with not sharing everything while you out here working and giving all your business and I from that from that perspective I don’t necessarily disagree with what you saying Marie um because number one Marie whether you like Marie

Or you don’t like Marie Marie has absolutely in my opinion given us all of it we know about her mama we know about we saw in the first season her son getting getting violent with her um she shared with us when her um her her granddaughter’s mother was unal lived

She shared with us about her ex-husband even though we still don’t understand that whole story but she shared with us the fact that she was having problems in her marriage and and how that whole thing played out now the whole thing with her and Essie not my business but

You know what ever so she has shared a lot has Marie given us everything 120% no I don’t think anybody ever does and I’m okay with that um but on the flip side has tamber given us everything no and what tamber has given us a lot of us

Myself included question whether it was truthful information right and I think that is more what Marie was getting at than the fact that tamber didn’t share anything cuz tamber shared stuff I just think that most of the viewers question whether the the stuff she shared was

Real so Marie alluded to the fact that tamber tried to get this guy to lie for a storyline now to hear tamber tell the story this is an ex-boyfriend from years ago he did stalk her there was a legal case um to hear him tell the story him

And tamber were dating right before the show was filming and she wanted him to basically fake a relationship so Marie met with him Marie and latia met with him um and she said that the cameras were there this was for the show it wasn’t no secret behind the back kind of

Thing she said that she doesn’t believe tambra she believes the guy um and she said if if tamber is telling the truth then why wouldn’t tamber tell them that she has a stalker now to hear tamber tell the story it was years ago so it wasn’t relevant to it wasn’t relevant to

What we got going on right now because this happened years ago so I mean I’m kind of crossing over the lies with what happened on the episode so but it really is just going to come down to who you believe either you going to believe tamber’s story or you going to believe

Marie’s story and I think that the truth is somewhere in the middle do I think this is a a recent relationship I don’t I do think this is a guy that tamber dated in the past I don’t think it’s necessarily recent do I think that the

Guy stalked her and that there was some legal paperwork I do but I think that maybe there was legal paperwork on both sides cuz it sound like he produced some legal paperwork for Marie and I know that there was a case cuz I know people who live down there and it was actual

Situation where tamber had to go to court and stuff so I don’t really know to be perfectly honest with you um but do I think that Marie was trying to force tambra into telling more of her business and tried to create a storyline around tambar and this boyfriend I do I

Do so then we see so I don’t I don’t don’t get y’all I don’t went all so far ahead but anyway we see Marie going down to the dance academy with her daughter and it looks like they’re doing like a mother daughter kind of situation and so

She’s talking about how important it is for her to be there to show up for her daughter because she didn’t have anybody there for her when she was dancing she said her father was there um but her mother wasn’t there for her and her mother you know her father couldn’t do

This he he could you know she couldn’t he couldn’t participate in the same capacity but then here come her mama come to found out her daughter that invited the Grandmama to come down there um to see her dancing or whatever and baby let me tell you something Marie’s

Mother really needs help so I’m not going to make light of her addiction of her she say she also has mental health issues so I’m not going to make light of any of that however comma she funny but she funny in a crackhead is funny kind of way so I don’t want to

Make fun of it cuz I probably shouldn’t laugh but she funny but anyway Marie was just saying how she was glad she was there and how it was important and she’s glad that her daughter is building a friend a relationship with her grandmother and that you know she wasn’t there for her

But she’s glad she’s there for her mom Marie girl I know that’s what you want but number one that Bell can’t be unrung your mother cannot come back and be the mother she wasn’t for you then there’s nothing she can do about that there’s nothing your mother could could

Get clean tomorrow and she can’t undo what she did to you all them years she can’t she cannot unring that Bell um and it’s clear that she’s not in that space even if you wanted her to she’s not in the space to give you that I would protect your

Daughter and this is real talk I would protect your daughter because she’s sick she’s sick and people with addictions make bad decisions so that’s all I’m going to say I’mma leave it at that so we get to the 70s party everybody look cute except for Marie Marie showed up the the best Marie

Did was some high-waisted jeans I don’t even know if they was bell bottoms but everybody else look real cute um Glenn and JJ had on the exact same outfit now I think that the ladies set it up even though they said they didn’t but Glenn

And JJ are not even close to being the same size how they end up with the same pants and the same shirt but it was cute and I almost wish that they had said they set it up because it would have been funny that

They had set the two of them up to be dressed in the same 70s outfit everybody had on afro wigs you know all that good stuff so the ladies decided they want to try to see if tamb and Marie can make up they can clear the air and they could

And they can be in a better place letio want Marie to apologize Marie was like apologize for what I’m not apologizing for nothing I didn’t do anything to her Leticia was like but I think that you know we owe tamber an apology and Marie was like we don’t owe we we nothing I

Don’t owe her anything I didn’t do anything to her and I’m not apologizing and she was like here we go again with latisia always trying to get me to apologize or somebody always trying to get me to you know be the bigger person and I didn’t do anything to these people

I’m not apologizing to Tamra so they get to arguing and tamber actually shows up now tamber ain’t in costume either but I think one I think she ain’t in costume cuz she probably wasn’t planning on coming and production probably called her at the last minute

And was like girl we really need you to show up for this scene and two because her pregnancy is probably further along and anything she put on other than a big ass bulky sweatshirt was probably going to show her belly and she wasn’t ready ready to show her belly I don’t know

Um Char willly walked in there with them starboard um ribs I’m I’mma let that go I’m I stand on that that those were some starboard ribs even your own wife know you bought them ribs from the store because she wouldn’t say that you bought them she just said you brought them b r

O u g HT not bought b o u ght but girl he bought them them ribs from the public down Street okay them ribs didn’t come off of nobody’s Grill not y’all’s but that’s okay it was cute it was cute it was cute Willie realized that he really ain’t want that

Fight with JJ it was cute so tamber comes walking around the corner and tambra is like look I don’t really want nothing from Marie I don’t want an apology I don’t want to be her friend I don’t want us to work things out I’m good on all of that

I don’t need the stress in my life life and of course she’s not ready to tell the ladies that she’s pregnant so she can’t really explain why she’s not she don’t want the stress but she’s like I don’t really need that stress in my life right now I don’t even want that stress

In my life right now so with that being said I’m I’m I’m just not here for it and tambra was like yeah I’m good I’m good so they got to arguing but tambar actually ended up just walking out cuz she was like I’m already you know I’m already dealing with a highrisk

Pregnancy like I don’t need to add any more risk to my pregnancy especially on this book like I don’t need that in my life right now so I’m going to exit stage left y’all have a nice day so of course everybody is sitting there like what happened why she leave what’s going

On except for Aisha who probably understands why she disengaged from the whole argument but I done already gave y’all my spill on what I think what they was arguing about and what I think it is and who I believe so they don’t need rehash and all that I just kind of got

Ahead of myself but that was the episode that was the review y’all let me know what y’all think I’ll talk to y’all later peace PE


  1. Thank you for recapping. All of our other creators dropped the series but I enjoy this more than Potomac. It's funny and the fights are real. Except jj mama n Sophia

  2. Tambria stayed at the cookout and Marie apologized, I was waiting for your take on SoGucci and Latriece meet up and what was said between them

  3. Great review ReallyB!
    Latisha and Glen's scenes are fake/ scripted between the two of them. The acting is horrible!
    Marie is self righteous and believes she's right all the time and does no wrong.
    Latisha and Marie are envious, mean and foolish gro 8:07 wn women.

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