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HCL ALL-STAR CHRISTMAS!! Mikki, Wesley, Andy, Mariano, Charles, Professor, Xuan [REPLAY]







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Executive Producer: Nick Vertucci
Executive Producer: Ryan Feldman
Head of Video Production: Kyle Ravreby
Associate Producer: Neve Levy
Audio Technician: David Olivares, Gerry Feldman
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Video Production: Aatmaj Kapoor, Nathan Ramirez, Christian Pangrazio
Animation: Alejandro Indriago
Casino GM: Shaun Yaple
System Engineer: Brett Drolet
Production Coordination: Clint Santiago Dahl
Special Thanks to the Flynt Family

$3.1 MILLION!! Tom Dwan Wins Biggest Pot in Televised Poker History
Top 10 Hands of The Million Dollar Game Day 1
$2.25 MILLION POT!! Wesley Gets Redemption in 2nd-Biggest TV Hand Ever
Maniac Bluffs $1 MILLION & Doug Polk Has POCKET ACES
$1.1 MILLION POT!! Doug Polk Calls Clock on Tom Dwan
Biggest Bluff in Poker TV History?!? Rampage SHOVES ALL IN in Million Dollar Game
Sickest Cooler Ever!! Straight Flush vs Ace High Flush for $610,000!!
AA vs KK vs KK! Sickest Hand in High Stakes Poker History!
Top 20 Hands of the Year for 2022!!
Top 25 Biggest Pots of 2022!!!
The Most INSANE Hero Call In Poker History
$1.2 MILLION POT!! Alan Keating Wins the Biggest Pot in U.S. Poker Broadcast History
Top 10 Hands of 2021
MrBeast Wins $439,000 vs Poker Pros & Streamers
SET OVER SET!!! Garrett vs Wesley for $193,000
High Stakes SLOWROLL!!! Garrett Adelstein vs Dylan Gang for $186,000
$390,000 POT!!! Garrett Adelstein vs Dylan Gang
Top 5 Tom Dwan Hands from Super High Stakes Poker

#highstakespoker #poker #cashgame #livestream

Tenor of Jack does it if not oh oh oh wow that is the pain of this game tilted call he was so close to winning that look at Eli he’s ecstatic oh yeah oh oh Josh one time baby one time no you won dude all those bracelets and

Necklaces and hats and rings and glasses holy [ __ ] let’s look at Jeremy’s face I can tell you right now sick like there it is gutsy gutsy riverbed by Nick yeah and that’s just one of those spots where whoever goes for it wins probably going to see an all in here from Josh snap

Call from Nick you might win them both buddy he wins on both wow Nick runs awful you had a feeling you were going to win them both you know when you know just count it up whatever you bet I was calling I knew you were going to [ __ ]

Fire bro I was like please I’m going to call this [ __ ] no matter what it is this [ __ ] owe me 17,45 33 I was calling all of it bro he was the original razor Johnny three bet he four bet Johnny Five bet all in it is 19990 okay nice hand great lay down

That’s a tough lay down but a really good lay down by Nick Puchi you’re not getting Aces to fold obviously Cen what is the Flop though yeah I win Queen was on the Flop you Queens yeah I Queens I don’t want the second more why

Can I just fly man he’s going to pay him off you going to Slow Roll me you [ __ ] yeah okay yeah knew it to you’re going to Slow Roll me [ __ ] so there will be a big side pot by the way so Bryan is going to win

The main pot which is 18,000 ludicrous is actually going to win about 2500 Mayhem has gone to felt and there’s a four and there’s two diamonds 26 ,900 in there double M with the over pair Garrett with a pair and a plus draw Chris is all in the pot is

$110,000 that’s not the player I thought would go all in but he did it nonetheless you got it and the four is good oh it’s the King of Clubs Lo Chris and Josh hit their King on the river but it’s no good and Jeremy is going to win it all there’s the

Call let’s go I really wish ludicrous had showed the six first I wish I wish he show him the six first I wanted to see Jeremy’s reaction so bad so here’s my first question for you okay my first question is was that the biggest pot you ever played tonight

When you won Aces against Jacks no no you know how it works yeah now it it was that’ll give him a boat on the river what does Chris do here I mean do you reat this turn do you everyone has seen how cautiously Danny has played all night yeah he just

Called with 10 po wow Chris is going to call he’s out of position and now what does he do on a Brit River are there certain cards that’s going to Bluff here I give up oh no I play the board oh no I have a seven seven High

Yeah I have a seven seven is good it would have been nice if Luda could Slow Roll there good flop for chish 145k in the middle good Turn excellent River now Ronnie goes too if an ace comes Christmas is best oh oh my God back he should have gone once oh my god wow this your I made it 69 cuz it’s my favorite number what a hand here a nut flush draw for beu a set for Mike via and top there

With an open Ender for Barry who’s the big winner tonight wow Mike Nia just Awards Barry even more money than he already had he was already crushing and Mike just for some reason decides to P A set and Barry is going to take down another big pot

And this is going to get ugly folks suited is running into it pretty bad here tonight he hit his hand he’s crushed by Ace King and the only thing suited could do here is hope for a queen on the river oh my God and there it is it’s the dirty murky

River I’ve been in this position a bunch of times this is so gross okay they’re going to get it all in they’re going twice yeah one of your sevens is dead unfortunately that’s that’s going to sting but stranger things have happened there it is wow the K7 2750

2750 I could never pull for 2750 make it 2,800 now I he gave him $50 to make the B 2,800 oh and that is a disastrous card a third Jack so viffer now has a boat but a worse boat so many poker players with that here can biffer figure out that he

Should just check he’s definitely well aware and he does check great check by viff oh jack cost me some money great check by viff he and you know what he’s right if he bets there he’s not getting called by worse I should have folded ra on the

FL I gave him 1600 more did you tell what you he hit the first one he’s going to be Sick oh my gosh scooper scooper for the Bear Jew that’s a sick beat for Jeremy flopping the stones so gross honestly look at this look at this swap both times damn already to get yeah I am kind of tilt on back door flush in the river Andy gets paid

$35,000 pot as Andy gets lucky the back door flush chish makes it straight G makes it flush problem for them is they were drying dead it’s no fun to be drying dead and get there double M raised it to 30 Chris called made it straight and double M wins a nice one

Here finally something goes his way put the chips in there you go oh no oh no no oh no oh yeah that’s my boy toss him donkey toss [Applause] yes he was so close Billy you’re dead to me ludicrous and I’m guessing he’s going to call Josh had Jack 10 King 10 Ace

Jack okay I didn’t think he had that I didn’t think he was that weak ten Jack does it if not oh oh Oh wow look at these two H yeah Dylan’s going to drop the hammer oh my God Chris don’t ship it Dylan wins a nice one it’s all going in yeah he is going to get healthy that’s a instant bailout I thought you just you didn’t realize it that’s what I Every everything I lose sucker you don’t do one scrumble this [ __ ] make it that b scrumble man scrumble together their you every [ __ ] hand go home C sucker I believe this R out of and Chris HS with ace high if I’m seeing that correctly and a call Seven how about

Just ripping wow they would have both turned Hearts oh oh my God but he’s going to make the call one wow with the King Nine and he hits the nine but it doesn’t matter Paul I got 10 Miss oh Patrick thought he had him that look on his face got good call from

Mike that’s fair I don’t have Aces I don’t I and he calls he Calls 23,000 here we go oh Ace in the door he’s going to need to catch back door clubs he needs to catch a jack oh $3,150 pot going to let it go chish and he shows it nine High all right he calls I have a straight Nick is going to win a 40,

[Applause] pie [ __ ] I had the exact same hand did had the exact reaction a good forward this is about as long as I’ve ever really seen Andy tank he’s usually a really fast player hurt and he’s going to let it go and he is correct I swear in my head I swear my

Head the only [ __ ] hand only just under 15,000 there’s the call and Andy’s going to get some back how about 28,000 back I have I know I know I know I know but [ __ ] look I flap it I don’t do no [ __ ] that’s bad man sorry bud that’s sick sorry dude sorry dude I call good call Kim oh my God that was than you take a deep breath nice hand and now Mickey is betting the river and he’s betting 13,000 uhoh he folds had the calling chips in his Hand put that in your poker movie diamond on the river and elar is going to scoop this pot a $21,000 pot for the run [ __ ] is give me that [ __ ] give me that [ __ ] but he could press it going all in he went I’m telling you there it is he’s

Not going to love It it’s $137,000 pot this is for sure one of the biggest pots Chris has ever played I know this kid this kid now has chips like playing chips from the start they’re not locked up no this man could lose those chips respectfully in the right spots not

Saying he’s a Don even though he is so if you guys are fans of Andy let’s see smash that like button for Andy send him Good Vibes on his vacation he will be back in a couple months but it will be a long couple months without him so let’s

Smash the like button for Andy I don’t think Mark’s going to fold whatever you want it doesn’t matter you’re dead you’re dead no he’s not he’s not dead well now he’s [Applause] Dead he could get Run 5 five I think he’s going to say All In All In All In All in and Ronnie just called initially set the Trap am I he needs a queen that’s not a heart he doesn’t get it he lets it Go and and and give G the

Credit and it seemed like G was just hemorrhaging since he folded that Jack n hand but he gets it all back in that one and he’s told them what he has the the table knows he only has a and he calls oh my gosh he calls oh wow Luda doubl up Ronnie wow D got yarned yeah he did that one’s Julie yes it’s going to take them both wow so Sick wow somebody flops bottom set Lynn tries to play tricky doesn’t work welcome to the table LG you are a distant third place right now you got to be kidding me LG with the bigger Full House wow what is going on I am taking crazy pills

He did really I thought for a second maybe the cards were wrong have a set a five I know I’m not good enough to mug Mike nice hat FL with a 10 out who’s going to get Paid or nine or an eight Deuce oh I didn’t you know one time and Mike all in $50,000 pot Chris just needs to fade a six on the river and Chris going to scoop a 50,000 pot so you need a five of diamonds to be a hero or any other

Diamond to just wian the pot oh Diamond call I know you a got no vat I’m call so bad [ __ ] G may talk him into a fold here all right he does talks him into a fold you Don’t wow oh wow wow don’t show it I don’t wow show my hand wow that’s [ __ ] sick Josh Ronnie I’m good ready to gamble Ronnie needs to find the 10 or a five there’s the five sa by the Bell Save By the Bell seems fair we never lose taking a profit

Babe back over to Josh he calls and he hits a six this might get him in a little bit of trouble oh and the river’s a Six that’s Crazy and now Jeremy beats nothing and he calls it off though oh man Che me with yeah ambitious call there it’s ambitious but he’s thinking would he go in with an ace when it’s 1098 yeah does he have seven ever here yeah 35k pots of

Ludicrous my God got a fade an ace or a king can he do it he did poker can be tough G just played that hand perfectly and lost 60k didn’t do anything he’s got to be thinking though it’s not just seven more because it’s going to be you know

If he calls this it’s another 2850 really wow I don’t know you have it yeah I had you I yep I like mix’s instincts I think he probably wins the Pod if he has more chip what do you have I’ll if you we’ll go twice they’re going to go twice

Here George needs to board the Pair doesn’t happen Ace Ace Jeremy’s going to win them both so he did get a good run out here depending on how much Garrett bets we could just see a call from from G no and he checks it back I told you he had the do lead there wow is too smart for

That [ __ ] unbelievable oh you got to be kidding Me 3,000 oh no Do’s checked here he’s obviously going to check r i mean the only thing I’ll say is Chris’s slow play 28,000 total actually saved Him go wins $180,000 pot if he calls this the pot will be $3,550 and Bill just moved all in oh God he always has it with that we say good night to Bill Klein bill that’s tough George here has backed into a flush and chish is going of raise here

And a value own raise here on the butt Wowow Jarrett makes the Call a very good call from G putting all the pieces together a wow he snaps going to get some back Here well folks this is an indication when you are flatting what could happen to you Oh wow you’re going up against a robot look she’s sipping on her oil right now she’s going to fold the aces fold of the Night by CA the bot oh wow and CA flops a house CIA the god booking a $50,000 win oh wow max pain for poker no she

Raised me on the FL wow oh she raised you on the pl yeah yeah she had a [Applause] set and Schwan just steamrolling this table her Bluffs are working she’s calling in the right spot 5,000 almost 2x pot the most aggressive player at the table that’s why she gets called there

Wow what is going on what am I watching Jan is on another level Jan’s going to show the bad news andan now up nearly $30,000 10,4 okay take your double upwan oh you caught D I’ll quit poker right now no I have the n that’s Meine that’s me ladies and gentlemen

That’s me that’s me that’s me that’s me you got to be kidding me that’s me that’s me that’s me that’s me that’s me that’s me yeah oh my God oh my God [ __ ] yes yes [ __ ] that’s me that’s me that’s Me Mariano is in disbelief Aces vers Kings vers Kings Mariano has just won a 34 of a million doll pot I’m calling the clock on myself and hry lays it down what a play for Mariano Mariano’s heart must have been in his throat on that one Mariano wins 64,000 in this hand it’s

Going to get through isn’t it Mariano it is Mariano’s trying to level his new friend Sky oh no you got to be kidding me we’ve got a straight flush against the nut flush $611,000 pot in Mariano can’t believe it you run pretty good you run pretty good and

Understatement I never fold Full House never in my life you don’t want to talk with me what a fold I had wow that is amazing what a fold don’t do stup jungo does he have more respect than board well it’s just the pure aggression that matters

And that’s the nuts for that man Prince Charles Charles SCS everything went don’t do stupid I’m going to call you I’m going to call you I’m stuck 400 he was not folding and Kings for Charles oh my God this is insane yeah exactly Prince Charles coming back from the Dead oh my God what’s my name you’ll be on your way home after you lose this one right he’s calling me an airball right as I make it 13,000 withes for my [ __ ] stradle yeah for my fam clubs and I [ __ ] on Anthony so hard

Oh I won I won budy bu an airball does fell to fil hel with almost two x pot from Nick airball Rampage with top hair top kick scared fish pump fish pump oh he’s laughing like the Joker in his face [ __ ] over get a [ __ ] button [ __ ] kidding me dude what the

[ __ ] who’s the [Applause] Kid and a celebratory scream from the artist Wesley says art two mut there’s the call the call Tom d has just won the biggest pot in the history of televised poker oh no arst bad news for Francisco the pro oh oh celebratory slam 38,900 Francisco gets completely liquidated oh T like

Epic so stupid Aces tell me this you have Aces I don’t have Aces I don’t okay I call oh Ace in the door okay Nikky gets him off the same hands I didn’t have enough to continue I didn’t have an option I I have to show for the balance that is crazy yeah that was that

Was insane Nikki’s going to scoop 310,000 the wow Mickey show it baby why could you beat pie P you only pass through this life once when you get get old all you’re going to have left is your memories so make them good never to the game and the bank row we going to add it up when we get low I know my life is BL

I’m a chat Pro’s go Monday through Friday what we do cat YouTube this is our House J Boogie walk away never overplay max value max pain this is not a game hit thumbs up let’s go for a ride come and join the stream we’re starting at five Up it Up raise it up chat Pro welcome to the 2023 allstar game on Hustler Casino Live we are brought to you by high stakes poker Productions and the world famous Hustler Casino located smack dab in the Heart of Los Angeles my name is DGA and for the next

5 hours myself and co-owner of this show Nick Veri we’re going to let all of you at home feel like you are sitting at the table with these high stakes players we’re also going to call the action and insert commentary whenever it seems appropriate and of course we will

Interact with the chat when we can so long as the chat is chill we’re in for a great 5 hours entertain this evening some of the players are already seated some are not vuchi will be up here in the booth after delivering a toast I believe can you believe Hustler Casino

Live is exactly 2 years old today that’s right our first show was August 3rd 2021 so much has happened in those two years so many players have graced this stage and tonight you get the best of the best according to the fans Anyways you might have seen that Nick airball was an intro he’s sick and actually won’t be playing tonight so we will be e-hand I think through out unless a reserve Allstar shows up eight- handed is just fine we’re going to meet the players in reverse order tonight it appears yes in

The ninth seat Prince Charles Bitcoin minor played in the million dollar game played in PL week on his right in the E seat the darling of Hustler Casino Live Westside Wesley at crypto appren 1 on Twitter and Instagram he’s been playing poker for less than two years he didn’t really know the rules

When he started playing on our stage and now he’s a shark this isn’t a shark it’s a robot CIA thebot _ Q on Twitter she is the star of our max pay Monday show and more recently our thirsty Thursday show jumping over to the five in reverse

Order Andy Stacks the legend Andy Stacks poker on Twitter and Instagram just turned 40 years old couple days ago is is this is Schwan L Nick bad it’s she’s not 40 that’s good XX l23 on Twitter and Instagram she will take your money with a smile and this guy Mariano YouTube poker

Vlogger the face High Stak poker on Hustler Casino Live those are the initial buyin spoiler mickeey who’s on his way he’s going to be buying in for well over 50,000 in fact he’ll be buying in for more than West stay tuned that’s sea yapel general manager of the Hustler Casino with Nick Veri

Co-owner of the show come on Nick let’s get us kicked off allar game two all right you guys you characters so where you going uh uh water okay get a water Wesley’s going to get a water all right so we got some stuff for you guys uh I’m we’ll

Give it to you in just a second but just want to say look this is two years to this date you guys are the allstars you were picked by the fans uh I everyone that I see here is part of our family we appreciate you guys honestly you guys

Have been grinding with us you’re amazing and um for the fans that are watching this look we’re 2 years in and we are just getting started Ryan and I even just had a moment together and uh we just talked and and we both agreed this isn’t even close to being started

So thank you so much for watching thank you guys I want to thank sha yapel that we couldn’t have done this without him Louie Tida magic and you know that’s who’s here now and of course our other dealers and staff thank you very much we want to thank Hustler Casino Miss Flint

If you happen to be watching thank you and we’re going to give you some stuff right nowk you thank you all right Schwan and you could leave it right here too when you’re done you look at it and you can put it there but just want to

Present it to you there you go oh it’s awesome yeah look at the card there we don’t have to drink this right now just so you know people are fighting for my signature My Autograph so this shit’s free okay not fighting for Ryan’s yeah

Not no not for Ryan’s but he will be in the uh poker Hall of Fame soon so there you go okay this is awesome put this down that was for you Ryan this little shot all right char sir the prince thank you the guy only guy at the table that

Does stupid on a regular basis hey there you go buddy thank you thank you you’re welcome sir you deserve it thank you thank you each player gets a card with their picture on it signed by Nick fuchi yeah see you see you my dear and they also

Get a there it is right there bottle of alcohol that with Mars maybe let him wear the shirt or something okay thank you again thank you for playing on our show like ca got some Patrone maybe I saw some Mallen oh okay I think they should drink it tonight the only non-english speakers

At the table bigger bottle than us yeah non Chinese There You Go sir we want to thank you kindly for being part of our family thank you sir very nice quit winning so much or we might have to send you away I Mr Andy Stacks Legend me and this guy

Go back forever has most of my money from 2017 and 18 sir thank you so much good to know you Budd I just want to say like honestly it’s just been super super privilege for me to to be here with you guys like i’ I’ve been probably you know

With you guys since the beginning I’m probably one of the last OG guys you know since the beginning before you guys started here at the other place and it’s just always so nice to be part of these streams and uh you know I think people underestimate the amount of work it

Takes to make these go 5 days a week you know and just the fact that you guys are on year number two now and just you know not not just the momentum just keeps going and proud of you guys and we’ll be happy to be part of it very nice of you

You’re always been part of our family we have tons of History good job Andy thanks buddy thanks all right love it uh I’ll take last all right A real one who we got Mr Westside Wesley the artist thank you all right buddy yeah very good job man thank thank

You guys for the show and like this show is from how I start playing yeah we’re like grow up together so yeah very very glad to be here for 2 years and and also I’m the most loyalty players here I was just going to say

You’ve been so loyal to us thank you so much all as you all have yeah most of you not Mariana but you you guys have been great I’ll tell you yeah thank you thank you thank you yeah uh I’ll I’ll give it to you yeah you leave it right there all right yeah

Anyone that’s all right here hand them to me and I’ll still well well you don’t have to hand me I guess all right so the professor will be here he will be in seat one Nick airball unfortunately has come down with a cold and didn’t want to

Infect the whole table not going to be the same without him but of course part of the family want to take him number two yeah he’s he’s got a sick day but you know Nick likes to be paid for his sick days because he makes a $100

$100,000 an episode so um so he gets half pay when he doesn’t show up and who else and then Mickey will be in seat six he will be here his wire has hit he has sent us the text we know if he doesn’t come we have his money so so even if he

Doesn’t show up we’ll cut it up okay is that fair all right guys congratulations you deserve the seat we appreciate it magic Shuffle Up and heal brother beauti know my wi yeah you the fans voted not everyone could make it Tom dwan Allan Heating and Rampage all were voted in but couldn’t make

It but everyone you see tonight got plenty of votes and it’s not hard at all to understand why why in the why just is why right or loved what Andy said and what Wesley said and hell of a job by Nick fuchi as well we’re underway we’re going to play some 2550

10050 different uh is it50 or 100 it’s right 25501 okay I guess we’re going to have a $100 third blind anti hey see that’s a first time we play with each other in the show The Box out of the box the boy RFID does it matter where it is yeah okay see

So I can’t help myself bottom set for West grinding WS see has a gut shot that is her favorite hand oh my God I bre I mean 69 her birthday is June 9th that’s no joke she needs an eight okay she could also win with a

Four it’s going to be hard to call here however no heart know some people million she’s gone only for you I was my lucky number [Applause] luck there’s the professor what up Victor he’s only been playing on our show for a couple months and he’s already an

Allar he will make you smile he will make you laugh enjoy the professor computer scientist Royal Bron Factor hello hello I heard you a [Applause] lot 100 nice to meet you Victor yeah the only person on this I have there we go 1400 Mariano opens the button Andy three bets mystery

Hand takes it down not the best seat draw tonight for Mariano see Andy had the king 10 off Suit what what what uh yeah I was stting [Applause] there how long you stay in La yeah I just came oh you just got here yeah no he’s staying in LA right no you guys too good I stay here I lose money too fast on and off too fast right

Especially you you’re too good you always want out me talk me or Wesley the dealer [ __ ] me or Wesley yeah sounds like magic got the professor that’s what he does not SC of us only with you I might be rich again 400 top pair for Andy second pair plus flush draw for Wesley’s

Going to raise Andy’s not folding he’s got a back door a heart draw and this is wild up a three bet West call is about a two to one [Applause] Underdog and now he’s got the check mark check and he quickly checks back almost like he knew exactly what Wesley

Had board does pair Wesley doesn’t love It check check [Applause] Andy with the rare three bet on the Flop no max value correctly and then didn’t put another dollar in they told you you’re too bad you flash two stets with flush I I almost four by the Flop huh I almost F by the Flop yeah 20K yeah

That’s you when you are behind you fall B when you ahead you check check you’re good at Ling Professor no I I I play long enough with you to know how you play that I’m not I’m just seeing the fact I have a question did you

Win Professor I have a question did you win I have to play more with you to win okay don’t don’t miss wait we are driving you my brother huh Falls around the West in the small blind he limps in for 75 with pocket Deuces $50 in3 off suit and here comes

The squeeze yes we’re both him Mickey is on the way chat be patient he will be here soon and he will cover the table I promise you what you didn’t f i last I’m just heads up to the Flop Queens against Deuces I just want to play some hand

With Professor check boat for Professor the GT is at best 300 right yeah 300 no actually 400 400 400 okay you had a ambitious call oh no magic what are you doing that’s Westside Wesley why you doing it to him boat over boat 14,400 that’s uh we got to put our bag

Have in there there’s Mickey that’s 450k on those racks back to the boat overbo situation so no Wes isn’t [Applause] folding is he raising no 50 yes very understandable Rays right H now professor’s wondering if Wesley might have a hand like ace deuce in which case his Queen’s fo is no good [Applause]

CP ago just calling here is fine that’s what he does 12K in the middle Wesley needs the case Deuce no I watched instead it’s a five yeah think you can expect Wesley to bet a large portion of the pot maybe more and then fold to a raise he’s that

Good or maybe the pressure won’t even raise 30 large oh wow massive over what what [Applause] what oh my God why I play for good you play too good you too good thank you wow Professor that’s you I mean you only have 100 that’s you why

Not raise to all in why not raise to all in I’m F I’m scared no a raise would have been a massive overplay there he is Mickey the professional Gambler I was paid to be here it says on his jersey may this guy’s a true fan I don’t

Want to over my hand of the best nights here what what is g said over set right for what you say I don’t want to overvue my hand no no no no no it’s not too much buddy no you have basically the you don’t over play overplay over I over playay you over

Over say what’s up to blank Che Ben who’s in the chat I believe he was voted in as well but he’s not in Los Angeles Engish only [Applause] Guys I call oh you call you have Queen again why you always call my [Applause] brother I’m scared just like [Applause] you Che second pair for Charles is good back door draws for Schwan and Wesley up we are heads up Wesley picks up a gutshot straight

Draw is Charles really the guy you want to Bluff [Applause] no look at that runner runner straight for Westside small rebate incoming after the big [Applause] cooler nice nice I only beat Charles I can only beat the a l worse player can beat you hi nice to meet you

We played 10 times together no not 10 not 10 times we want to play like I have the footage I I guarantee low 10 times maybe like three [Applause] times1 you mean 450,000 let’s go [Applause] there are already 10,000 of you watching our second All-Star game on our 2-year

Anniversary we appreciate it we also appreciate it if you would subscribe to this channel one time in your life tell your friends about it if you think they might enjoy it and once per show as early as possible hit that thumbs up helps us out with the YouTube

Algorithm quite a bit and we appreciate Andy pre flop aggressor taking it down purple shiny CHS uh yeah the [Applause] 25 months to finally use them joining me in the boo11 game you know co-owner of this thing who just had a hell of a toast getting situated next to me right

Now nck a nick sick Veri yeah he scared to play with us scared to play with Charles and Victor he never scared he’s got the wrong headphones on you got to use one with the microphone Nick two times here over there how’d you do I lost I lost a 7 75k

Pot let’s try this [ __ ] again there you are hi Billy hey man I really enjoyed that toast in the handing out of gifts and I really like what what Andy said and what Wesley said your thoughts real quick my thoughts are uh I love these guys they’re they’re just they just part

Of the show they’re part of the family and uh that was really nice what they said I appreciate it very much man thank you Andy more pre- flap aggression this time he’s got the goods pocket Jacks Charles might send it in never know with

Him this is not a big game for the nine seat nines against Jacks you my brother what a play why we going to have Kings and this top set for Andy Charles does not have a club I don’t know how I wish your call yeah that’s why I call by your phone

Can’t imagine this one getting much [Applause] bigger six nice fold Charles my brother [Applause] win uh one one yeah you’re good good time what are you drinking there buddy got a sugar-free Red Bull oh is that it yeah okay we should get some beers up here we could I don’t usually drink up

In the booth but it is an All-Star game yeah well marinade on it yeah I really enjoyed that that that intro tonight you did yeah let’s talk about it it’s nice to see players appreciate the show yeah yeah well you know like I said when I introduced uh Wesley these guys are

Fiercely loyal to us and uh you know it’s a two-way street it’s a win-win they’re playing on the number one show in the world and we got the best players in the world here and the best characters you man maybe because I personally would like to thank you for dressing up for the

Occasion okay I am dressed up for the occasion I had a hat on and a shirt Andy has been re raising pre flob every hand Nick has he had the goods every time oh well not every time he’s in trouble here yeah a little bit of

Trouble that King ball might save him a little bit no he’s going to lose a big one uhoh nut flush against second nut flush uhoh you know normally Wesley would think this was a horrible card from him but in this case uh it’s pretty good yeah Wesley already got cooler he

Did boat under boat against who against the professor nice wow how big of a pot I want to say 70 80k for peirs can Wesley possibly get anym from the classy old school Pro Andy Stacks I think if he puts seven or 8,000 in this old Potter roon he might be able

To get a call what do you think yeah 11 large he’s going to get 11 11 tough spot for Andy because yeah have LS lots lots but the professor just [ __ ] me I hate you Professor you’re bent he knows Wesley would actually value bet worse than the queen High flush

There winnings brought to you by Prometheus poker the professor’s winning 35,000 all his students are currently in the red tell us about Prometheus Nick well I mean Prometheus poker they’re the nuts bro they’re the nuts you want you want me to like really tell you about them yeah just they’re

The nuts is good enough they’re also listen if you want to analyze hands you want to analyze a lot of hands and even if you want to analyze said that that to the fish I I talk perfect you are great you’re just unlucky no I I I know kind of a talk talk

Strategy I might call you with poke fives too you never know yeah call poke poke five is good no I said on River poke five is s oh sorry PO [Laughter] for so Billy Prometheus they’ve analyzed thousands of hands uh you could go there at Prometheus

And you can see all the players who really is the king of La um who’s crushing who’s running well uh they really break it down nice and uh it’s a useful tool so go to Prometheus Hustler and check it out and sign up I like that

Story check you can find out if your favorite player is actually a great player or just getting lucky yeah right exactly Andy running into to it turns the nut flush draw as Charles turns [Applause] trips Andy Rivers a pair 2500 pretty good sizing here against Andy’s [Applause] hand [Applause]

He’s going to pay him off King ice kicker he’s developed a sense of humor over the years you you Chang your pattern what did you learn me Victor Victor yeah Victor I mention in the pregame show Professor he too good he check back his top hair that never

Happened before I have to stop teaching him that’s never happened before too good now like you you call me with your second second second yeah second uh four I’m flop I’m flop second on the turn it’s already not nuts oh yeah you want to play the NS you want

To play the nuts right it’s l it’s hold guys I’m scared easy on me SC maybe you sh I slap call you I kind of miss uh Mr Nick arble we need someone to Make Some Noise 300 so as I mentioned in the pregame show Andy’s evolved as a player as a

Personality and uh we’re we’re happy to have Andy back in town and playing on this allstar game look at this WOW Andy has three bet Mariano both times he’s opened see knows what’s going on here’s a cold forb bet with King Jack suited Prometheus would approve of this I’d

Have to guess I would think so she going to take it down seea the bot doing just fine repping the Monday All Stars best you can raise me in the river right 100 what what what that say 100% 100% 100% sure yeah but I if I best one

Prob going to call his R yeah yeah I thought how Q be no you play perfect no I don’t when you say that to me I don’t think so you play with me all the day right you know Billy Wesley uh Charles as you see here the professor of course

Nikki airball he’s not here they have a ton a ton of felt time together uh especially over the WSOP uh they played a lot of high stakes PLO there’s a lot of good relationships there and uh that’s why they’re so fun together when they’re at the table they really clearly

Like each other yeah all these needles are being delivered with love 100% nice call nice F nice call nice F too bad Nick we’re trying to get to 3,000 likes in the first hour we started about 10 minutes late so we’ve got about 30 minutes and we’re at 1.4k likes I

Think we’re going to do it well I think it’s the right thing I heard you when I was walking in the room talking about how important it is to us the subscriptions and and the likes and our algorithm and uh if you like free poker

5 days a week we’ve been doing it two years if you want another two years just takes a second you just you just poke it you know you just hit it that’s it it’s very simple I the summer inas so guys we would appreciate it it helps us

Tremendously please hit that like button go into the chat and let us know you hit that like but maybe Billy will give you a shout out if you get lucky I can’t see the monitor which is going to be very relaxing today I’m not going to be reading any of got

Against Ace King came Ace King wow so which uh which day uh day two like right at the end yeah that’s when I B to frustrating there’s nothing I could have done different really there was no like if the situation happened again you do the exact same thing so it’s like

Nothing to regret ex so I bust the night of day two I still felt fine you know back I did it no I know I know what you mean sometimes you get mad cuz not the outcome but just the way you played it you’re mad at yourself for the

Way you know like being in the wrong hand uhoh Wesley barking up the wrong tree with this three bet Mariano has him crushed it goes you yeah top top back door Diamond uh he’s going to need a miracle Wesley goes for max value Mar opened Wesley three bet and Mariana just

Called and look at this top top with the nut flush straw for the young stud in the four seat so is Wesley going to continue now he’s going to P control a little bit see what Mariana wants to do it’s going to bet about 6,000 Nick no smaller

Little thinks his hand’s too big doesn’t want to scare the old west side [Applause] away we’re going to a river what’s needs a queen and it cannot be the Queen of Diamonds the [Applause] nuts what do you think as far as sizing uh 10K pot siiz

Bat I think it’s going to be pretty close to pot if not greater than no oh I’m wrong again is he going low like 7 8,000 and he snapped didn’t even think about it 7,000 Billy I think as we can see the cards of course but I think he could

Have got a little more I was thinking because it was a heads up pot from the jump Mara could go bigger three Flash oh my go he’s going to have more Bluffs you got all his money then had it been multiway I don’t know how I’m going to get there exactly

But ncky in for 450 large you know that’s an awful big buy in for 25500 game these guys are deep huh they’re deep West bot in for 200 dust it off about 50 if you didn’t see Mickey shirt said I was paid to be here wow

Little juic yeah you know little Sr I paid [Applause] him five blind 1400 how many big blinds do you have Victor two deep stack huh okay 14 00 uhoh it’s going up Professor I hate to say it but he’s taking Charles to school yeah wait a second Andy the

Dropout he’s got a read look look at this WOW make it 13 large I I think you know he’s going to lose Charles here but you think the professor is going to want to get sticky with this kind of hidden suited connector here or do you think

He’s going to let it go I have not seen the professor Play No Limit that I can recall I haven’t either but just from what I know about him I I don’t know man out of position against Andy Stacks I’m I’m I’m ditching that 87 and changing

The subject yeah well he’s got his hand on his cards there it looks like he might be talking hard to get him to fold cards although they are very [Applause] deep do it Professor do it he’s thinking about it Billy this is not this is not just posture and he has been incredibly

Aggressive early on Professor puts him the call they’re flipping got to feel like Andy’s going to win this way more than 51% of the time [Applause] however bottom pair for Professor second pair for Andy acor Nutter butter for old Professor is good all right Professor picks up a g

Shot straight draw doesn’t love it at all [Applause] check all right check check again and T Deuce is good rip Doyle Brunson smiling down from heaven right now Nick well Andy cannot be worried about the king but he’s just going to check it back yeah no point in betting

You’re right he can only get called with better I should learn that he probably have the best you have a six high right have six High maybe I’m a queen High I mean uh I see the professor and Charles have all that felt time they know each other

Professor knows Charles likes to do stupid and Andy was uh rewarded for that nonsense we got a nice flopping run out partly that was pay homage to Doyle and partly this game is way too small for Andy stack too scared too scared Andy back I haven’t played poker in like two

Weeks I just trying to have some fun you know it’s been while you play Perfect keep playing that way please all right my friend I will thank you for reminder do you believe Andy hasn’t played poker for two weeks there’s no way it’s possible really yeah because Andy’s been

Leaning into like if you knew him 3 four five years ago every day he was at the gardens he’s at the bike he’s wherever he needed you know wherever he can play day in day out Benders warning but he’s been leaning into life like hiking and eating at nice places and going

Different places so it’s I think he’s a lot position he looks good and just just turned 40 he’s got the Israeli Ron Queen Deuce no let him to Bluff why not let Victor Bluff Victor is uh Victor don’t know how to BL Victor is a is Professor right he knows something

You don’t know Professor now do the do the fans know that Victor is the professor tell them so they know who they’re talking about I actually didn’t know that myself so they are referring to the professor when they say Victor got it do you think Nick airball is at home

Talking even though nobody’s around and laughing or what do you think does he talk and laugh when he’s sick maybe I mean probably sorry isra Ron Mr Queen deuce in the chat says let’s go Andy all caps he was repping it hope you’re doing well Ron

Hopefully we see you on the stage again soon was Ron Allstar your one with you yes I think he was yeah yeah him and uh shashimi they got me in trouble but Ron no big deal I mean in a good way you know I love you look at Andy

Mariano is so unhappy with the seat he drew tonight yeah direct right of Arrested Andy Stacks arrested tan [Applause] toned [Applause] there’s sea the bot put in a nice forb bet with King Jack showa play her favorite hand 69ine oh yeah Schwan hasn’t done much yet has

She she’s sizing them up Nick yeah she’s taking a couple laps around couple orbits just to get her feel know now she’s got a couple of J stones on the button exactly Professor smart just pretend that would be pretty smart huh imagine if ter ball did that played

Played with us for like two three months and pretended didn’t know and then all a sudden he starts thinking fic Chinese what you should have done that what’s your language Spanish makes f shle is on everyone 200 so pretty wait Spanish is Marano first language from Argentina that’s

Interesting was he born there do we know I believe so oh wow cool I was 7 years old it was 2002 well there it is 600 600 the 7-year-old Mariano made his way to the states started delivering pizzas decided to grind the old probably $1 $2 and now here he is the American

Dream Billy that is okay just six Charles put on the straddle I’m here for it Schwan open the ace queen off suit Charles defended the suited Broadway flops a gut shot straight draw and two live overcards Swan checks it back there’s the straight for Charles hands over doesn’t get much worse for Ace

Queen ises it Nick no that’s about as bad as it could get right there of course what’s poker power do we know what she’s repping I know what that is Nick tell me it’s an organization for women not just getting women into poker but also having women use strategy from poker okay in

The business world really yes and Schwan is part of that organization not just wearing the patch nice that’s pretty cool yeah 600 to go 18 1800 i f i f i Mickey straddling for 600 from the small blind C opens to 1,800 with king queen off suit

And Mickey calls with King Trey off he’s ready to gamble I don’t I don’t know much head let’s see if a king hits the board Here Pink open Ender CA wow the old donle from the mixture See’s going to send it in Nick you kind of have to Billy nice start for the

Bot that’s what she does she takes your money and then she smiles at you Nick I know she’s so sweet she’s smart well sweet and smart or smart and [Applause] sweet same that way no one gets mad at you for winning every single session how could you get mad at both

They’re both wearing white with like Tex with black p on top but like very different energies they’re shopping buddies I like what you guys are wearing yeah it’s like similar kind of uh we called each other before the game we wanted a you knew you were sitting

Beside each other too that is a good shot there Mickey and CA in the white and black when you go in and hit your nightly thumbs up tell us who you’re rooting for tonight we know you picked this lineup well now tell us who you’re rooting for it to win in

It Andy is going bananas and Mariano has finally had enough three large puts in the small forb out of position Andy snap [Applause] calls wow Nei player flops anything [Applause] nothing Morano did you see that he took a deep swallow there put in the money continued and took it down is that a

Tell I don’t know how [ __ ] I don’t know [ __ ] I can’t be these guys yes but all right A lot of people rooting for Mickey a lot of people rooting for Professor Andy Charles Schwan Marano Mar Charles we can do wine too where the sea fans at okay I’m

Rooting for bottles two Bott maximum I’m definitely Ro for yeah the Monday and Thursday game will be good if she win that’s right drunk coffee drk Andy is like years Wesley’s assistant went for Starbucks that’s what you see in maro’s got everyone coffees got me one too unique relationship with [Applause]

Alcohol well if you guys decide to get together wow well here we go we got a couple of we got a couple of hands or K I will show no I didn’t even see that Andy added on the match Mickey stack pretty much don’t do it [Applause] Schwan

When you’ve been re raising every hand delt you including tendu offsuit you get Ace Queen you’re going to want to put in 12K Nick yeah I mean we’re five betting here and he’s five BET right into the old Ace King suited when they’re playing this deep that’s about all you’re going to

Get pre five we’ll see what happens oh wow oh my God 888 oh you pronounce Chinese English only English only okay sorry what’s English only it means uh it means Fortune Fortune good number good Lumber yeah I know lucky Lumber my favorite number and’s not going to feel good about that

Call we’re going to see what happens when I used to play uh that’s why you so number eight that’s why you so lucky maybe yeah bad turn card for Andy yeah I didn’t know it was lucky number Vicky picks up the nut flush raw this is the opposite right different way Andy Che

Here you know is a good number in five is good no six is traditional number is good they’re so deep he does not have to yes correct he just wants to tell the story that I’ve got Aces and I don’t think you’re going to play a 900k

Pot right now Max Pressure he’s putting on Mickey right now with this hand he has shaping up to be quite the allar Moment it’s hard hard hard you got about a 57 ball there Mi besides Dr Dr coffee I wonder if for clubs will keep Mickey in of course making a flush against the Full House does you no good yes he’s going to let it go and he

Shows Andy should turn that over big big big big one Andy the classic Pro no information given huh phly if we had to vote for allstar MVP at this juncture Andy would easily win yes Andy is now up he was the big loser last time uh we brought the uh

Stats from Prometheus poker of course the cumulative winnings are brought to you by Prometheus poker Andy went from the bottom up to Second he’s the most aggressive player at the table and uh you’re right he would be voted the allstar to this point right now so there’s been poker solvers two

And uh they’ve been around for a while Nick but they didn’t solve for multi-way spots like Schwan was just in with the King jack of diamonds that’s the difference between those other solvers and Prometheus Prometheus you can plug in multi-weight spots it can tell you what to do with the King jack of

Diamonds in that spot that just listen if you’re playing poker and you want information go to Prometheus Hustler and just check it out and if you’re just tuning in Billy this is high stakes poker production we bring you Hustler Casino Live 5 days a week 500 p.m Pacific I am here Nick

Fuchi with Billy deff and uh for myself and Ryan Feldman we appreciate you being here hit that like button yeah get us to 3K likes so we can shut up about how are we not at 3K what’s going on this is the All-Star Game Billy we still got 10 minutes Andy

Is running over the table this guy came to play well he’s showing you why he’s here why he was voted here and why the the fans love him like I said man you know I’ve been playing with Andy since 2017 over at the bike and uh he’s evolved as a player

10x and as a personality he used to be the crankiest player in the casino and now he’s probably the least cranky and he’s a class act really ni I’ve been playing with Andy for greater than 10 years wow he was a 510 grinder wasn’t it 510 uh 1020 yeah more

So we had some heads up battles back in the day I started off as a teacher and it’s actually what brought me back into poker well you know it says a lot for both of you to be in poker that long and to still be in poker anyone who plays

Poker at any quantity knows it is not easy it’s not easy to survive it’s not easy to stay in the game so kudos to both you guys and I’ll tell you we’re we’re glad to have this character next to me Billy he’s crushing the Monday

Games as far as running them he’s a fish in the Monday game but he’s doing a hell of a job with max pay Monday and now he is in charge of Thirsty Thursdays and uh it’s just going to be another drunk Fest and uh we’re happy to have you I think I

Need some patches I need to wear some patches like Andy and people start folding to my nonsense Wes you’re good with the ace high buddy take it down projects Stang outs no no projects nothing uh particularly productive you’re still vlogging regularly yeah that takes up so much time it

Does I didn’t realize yeah whenever I have free time the last thing I want to do is like a new project or something well there is Wesley he’s got a little a little bit of froth on the old liino like when he does the strawberries and whipped cream he’s got

It must be some magnets on those lips door shut we’ve got an All-Star chat tonight as well from a professional standpoint it’s pretty stupid to like not hear offers and stuff but like overall life happiness I’m just better without Tik Tok Tommy unold says I’m going to go on Thursday stream naked

Right absolutely tommyk we have some All-Star moderators Jimmy Bluett the modf father Dana Craven the moderation sensation thank you for your hard work night in and Night Out absolutely here’s a multi-way pot Nick we [Applause] got who gets the best of it yes he sure is pretty good flop for 10 n of

Clubs in general what about the Queen of Clubs here what do you think about that card well that’s a nice card top pair and a straight flush draw doesn’t seem right that he’s only got 28% Equity top uh second top full with me then you just locked [Applause] up you’re love Professor you’re

[ __ ] Wesley just called the professor a [Applause] [ __ ] my well Mickey’s having a slow start but we know him battling you play lots of [Applause] hands we also got Bryce Hall in the chat Bryce is getting ready for a fight he’s a hell of a poker player as

Well someone says the chat is the real MVP that’s not an exaggeration nck no it’s not no we’ve we’ve often said many times without uh our loyal viewers our chat pros and just everyone out there that watches Hustler Casino Live we could not do it without you thank you we appreciate you

And uh we got a lot more for you [Applause] up che check come on Andy let him win one check all right che che they’re going to chop it up ni yes they are I did have a free roll here you did all right Sam Ser thank you everyone thank

You finish my food thank you there’s the first robot to ever play on a live stream she was a little little butterflies before the game Prometheus poker is back with their next Generation multi-way post flop solver try battle mode and learn GTO by simply playing hands Prometheus is not only the

Most powerful solver on the market but also incredibly intuitive and easy to use it’s like the iPhone of solvers what’s best it’s 50% off for Hustler Casino Live fans Prometheus Hustler well you heard it right there from the rer himself battle mode sounds like something Andy Stacks would be good at

Second place second place almost definitely more fun to learn something by playing it than studying it that’s pretty cool yeah yeah I so tilt kind of tilt the collection you can do both at Prometheus Nick say again you can do both at Prometheus you can plug in the spots see what you’re

Supposed to do or you can play and get better that way with with Prometheus battle yep next thing you know you’ll be just like Andy Stacks sitting with a half Millie running over the All-Star Game betting and raising every hand yeah so you know Mickey’s just just getting pipped here and there

Fortunately for him this pot is not bloated and he is not going to lose too much more he’s off to a cold start [Applause] yeah come on Wesley put in the 3,000 do it all right 2400 500 i500 [Applause] oh he’s got a call here no that’s a

Great for the fan favorite Mickey so that’s why he’s better than you nice nice F I have set wow would you ever think of rais in there with the ace9 turning that into a bluff you got the nine 67 eight out there got the nine to the straight a little

Blocker uh I don’t know man all I know is that was a Pinocchio here Wesley just told him me had a set this 25 my brother never f 25 for for for better under 100,000 he never F and the professor and Charles and everyone are agreeing that for

2500 they will never fold top pair it has to be at least over 100,000 to get a fold see the bot come on dude you know Billy I was saying earlier before the ad came on is uh see was a little bit you know butterflies playing a little bigger than

Usual but it gets really easy when you get two red Kings yeah everything’s worked thus far no adversity for [Applause] her anyone mind give me 100 for the stuff for those who don’t know she plays max pay Monday which is a 102040 game $210,000 Buy in she also plays thirsty

Thursday which is 5K to 20K Buy in you can generally find her in seat six yes and tonight she looks at the two guys on her right and combined they’ve got almost a million dollars in front of them yeah she sandwiched in between some big stacks where is [Applause]

Tina Tina coming on the way up for the money they collected $100 each I believe for the staff no Lim no limb on the B that’s Sammy in the Box alternating with magic this evening two legends in their own right yeah sami’s actually really good at poker yeah

Magic is really good to have in your poker game I guess magic is okay at golf I here I don’t Know what is he’s a hell of a lover I have so many ways to go with that but I’m just going to let you have it and not get myself in trouble we need him [Applause] G’s ghost we need yeah that’s Charles gets one [Applause] through now CA

We’ll drink just about everything out of a straw including beer alcohol she drinks oil Nick she’s a robot she’s a Tin Man from uh The Wizard of Oz or what she has put oil in a Starbucks cup for compare which one she said depends on Li she got the

Chance to play with you everything is easy I’m second place to oh really no no lost uh F and go how many players in he second best in flips no it’s so we flip we flip out of eight people into the bubble so there are one there are one 30

Players but with f out of so you have you have to time eight oh so I spend 14 times so you only play like uh in the in the B B no no no 130 13 130 * 8 no no it’s it’s not easy SP in the fin

Table there is a Peter Chen number one taian MPD player and there Co boy and there is uh there are a bunch of there are five rest players in the final table there there is even a man event Champaign 2021 in my final

Table I I I liqu all of them and L to a fish that’s K 23 100K yeah SP 14 finally something goes right for Mickey Professor River top pair after chasing a flush draw so I bought 14 tickets and that’s my last tickets I have a so it’s pineapple you have sweet

Card I have seven d d and I S FL queen queen something I was like [ __ ] I I I I discarded seven I said juice and then River juice and then I wait I wait well Billy we know he’s not folding can we agree on that Professor I don’t he’s capable of some

High level plays and still win okay yeah you might be right I lots and still lose huh 85 no 85 Mickey has not been bluffing this evening not yet he been showing big folds if there was ever a time to lay down a bluff catcher to him it might be right

Now well you know he just did say that the last time he or anyone in his group folded top pair you have to bet over 100,000 so I don’t know if that’s a factor with a five kicker we need you Nate I really don’t here comes the payoff nine nine is

Good Mickey’s on the board you is this call feels good to drag the first part of the night it’s been a long time how much since you dragged a pot yeah yeah but yes it generally does feel good when you do you start off a session someone’s got you out kicked every hand

Andy go bananas with ace off suit can if you finally win a nice one it settles you down here’s cumulative winnings brought to you by Prometheus Andy Stacks the early MVP of 19,000 Mariano all he does his win a 14 professor of 11 and a half now first

Forast let’s play I’m SX too yeah I’m so bad but it’s so fun yeah it’s fun promethus of course the fastest multi-weight poker in the world and the only place to train millions of multi hands yeah go Char is my coach six I thought you pretty good Charles is my coach we

Play the whole summer me Charles and Victor we play whole summer Victor analyz every hand after we played every hand yeah but they took all my money yeah how much six you don’t Jud with results overall a swing right usually like buy bu [Applause] yeah thank you Gregory Lee for the $20

Super Chat says big fan of the best poker show in the business curious does HDL have bios on the regular players interested on what they do besides poker example what does CA do or does she just play poker well it’s not perfected yet and a ton more information

Needs to go on it but if anyone doesn’t know Hustler Casino live has an app so if you go to the App Store you can find our uh you can find our app but it’s at the fetal stag putting together all that information yeah that’s pretty insane I

Didn’t even know that now you do I should have told you good idea idea or something 5 five 51 yeah I want to try that one with the other bad players you have to stop deep the bigger the game actually you play five times that players is better you know oh okay yeah

Cuz we play players is us for the whole summer the best player in the game I play I guarantee cannot beat to the 55 PLO there’s no way they can be that 55 himself inv me next I lose every day what are you talking about this a good idea

Though give a background on the player develop them as characters on this show that is correct he was with a girl okay our goal he wasn’t aing with a girl and he lost twice the girl win with King High twice she got me that with King

High so that’s we likes she got me that we got to 3K thank you all who have hit the thumbs up it was about an hour we appreciate it thank you Charles who win in that game in the summer we’ll give you a break for a little while and then

We’ll know hustle up some more just something you got to do when you have a free show right there I mean I think so I mean if you’re getting free poker 5 days a week at this Lev I think it’s the least anyone could do and we’re

Happy to bring it to you so uh just give a little back and we’ll just keep uh doing this win win thing and then end with one minute that’s it and and the H doesn’t give him seat anymore unless he brings me in he doesn’t have a seat yeah holy [ __ ] who’s

The host uh Eric okay and I I ask Eric who’s better between he and the who said that I don’t know but if uh if bre he he also have a s go the best thank you for the invite Monday by the way the best yeah appreciate that no problem it’s not easy

To get on my own show these days a lot of demand for max pay Monday oh I know I know I get it did a pretty good job there thank you I mean I’m going bring the heat with at least 25% VP so you know what I mean

Yeah going I’m not playing around no no no okay I just want you to know that if it’s okay you’re getting in the mix yeah Charles is trapping you right yeah what do you have Aces uh good pair good pair good pair Charles FL top pair with the Jack

Six he’s in trouble Professor has a better top pair Schwan’s got middle pair back door Diamonds the beautiful thing about this Hand Brewing is even though Charles has a weak kicker uh they don’t ever believe each other Charles and the professor so lot of things can happen like

Super yeah Swans in there yeah yes looks flush draw second pair overcard I like to watch how think you top two for the new Star on husta live the professor professor that’s you tell themess and Mary [Applause] and tell them who that is Professor it’s you look at Schwan sizing him up she’s

Kind of scary at the poker table she is but I tell you and I hope this isn’t taken wrong I do mean it politely but if she was any prettier they might kick her out for the casino really yeah I think so 38 3,800 and I’ll tell you what I got

A chance to talk to her before the game so nice just such a great person her an SI just so sweet well you’re going to get to play with her on Max pan Monday with the both oh Swan’s playing too both of these women will be in the

Game and neither one of them are giving anything away too these these they’re Killers 13,000 in the middle the back door flesh comes in professor doesn’t seem too conc concerned especially against his buddy [Applause] Charles see if he can eek out any more value here well in most cases it’s probably a

Little tough to do but like I said these guys have a lot of history they very rarely believe each other what are singing I don’t know is that hard I told you the more you bet the better chance you are getting called do it 95,000 9,500 995,000

FL yeah the only hand I lose to you buddy Charles is the best I told you man you check me actually you check me I don’t know what to do right huh I almost ra King Jack is the only hand I lose I don’t think you’re going to you the king eight right

We cool oh has only one pair only one pair of a jack that’s it that’s that’s the only hand you lose he could have a you’re the you’re my next victim next what next victim the only one I can be let’s go for Victor I don’t bother

The rest of the table see one time I mess up with him he punish me Schwan’s got sailboats on the button raises the 300 Mickey defends the 97 suited heads up to the Flop pretty fair fight ladies fours are still good my Mone oh pot Control Plus deception for

Schwan and Mickey picks up a straight draw could win with a 78 n or 10 that it’s a king n High n high no [Applause] good [ __ ] [Applause] [Applause] all right English only English only [Applause] okay [Applause] no no no no no he Str you cannot r no he

Two three and call oh you call okay sorry yeah Wesley open to 300 under the gun Charles called with Kobe Professor just calls with n a bit surprising Nick you gave all these guys booze why are they drinking I have a raising hand that’s what I’m doing I

Don’t have a raising hand we can lead him to water but we can’t make him drink allar games an exhibition Charles going to bet second [Applause] pair the Bots got the best [Applause] hand puts in the call Wesley’s gone and so is his [Applause] Starbucks top two for the bot but it’s a

Diamond let’s see if she wants the lead here nope professor’s going to get a free look at a nine or a diamond Charles needs a four the bot has the rest of the deck her her pot to lose she’s got this one 2,000 no one’s calling this yeah no way

Jose she just hoping someone else has a [Applause] king CA is have an easy night thus far I didn’t know they right there chat amateur woke and aware says my evenings would suck so much without this stream yeah that’s what we want to do we

Want to be the spot you go to chill after you work or or whatever you do during the day jump in the chat have some fun with your fellow chat amateurs or chat Pros it’s exactly right group for your favorite players and they know Monday night when they come home it’s Max me

Monday right if you happen to come home on a Tuesday it’s tilted Tuesday I know that was a little bit in debate but we’ll go with that for now tilted Tuesday okay yeah yeah yeah and uh Wednesdays is high stakes Wednesdays Thursdays is thirst Thirsty Thursdays

And then of course we have nose bleep Fridays yeah so everyone knows what it is where it is and when it is and it’s here for you five nights a week 5:00 p.m. Pacific after for that early cooler Wesley’s making hands now you know Billy if we get if we do

Get a taco sponsor we will change it to Taco Tuesday yeah we will we will you’re set on tilted Tuesday you like taco Tuesday don’t you I did a poll you know that right I did not know that I did last Friday when I commentated do

Another one for fun let’s just see what they like and they like you more than me so maybe they’ll go with Taco Tuesday but let’s see what the fans like I’m I’m partial to uh tilted Tuesday so were the fans last Friday when I commentated but

Let’s see if they have a change of heart knowing uh they want to be on the Billy train you go you want to you go to Miami there’s a game you want you want to come no I’m too fish I can’t come you actually you’re too good nobody invites you two fish two

Fish but I can personally bring you in I’m your I’m your private fish no no no as fish as me I have the power to bring three I’m not a pro they like tilted Tuesday it appears but I’m not a pro it’s yeah and you know we’re not really

We don’t eat at the table cuz of production value so we can’t get any tacos up there and man just Imagine passing out tacos around the Hustler I know but the fans won’t be able to see it smell it or eat it the fans will be at home making their own tacos or picking it up from the local Taco Shop yeah but on Tuesday you got J Bo myself we’re always tilted that’s

True you guys do tilt pretty hardt I play bring two ludicrous tilts when I win Nick Pro plays he you can run the least just I said when I win oh when you win when I win yeah he legitimately he gets tilted you so you bring bble and

Charles right huh that’s the two PR you bring no yeah this last Tuesday I don’t remember what hand it was I don’t remember what but he jumped out of his seat when I won and scream no and so like he’s he’s really vested in

The pots that I’m in so I think you had the nut flra against Big John’s trips maybe was that it oh that’s right that’s right yeah with the club yeah you’re right CIA the bot top pair let’s goia small B Professor has a gut shot straight

Draw oh back door gut shot no no no he has a two I didn’t see the ace you’re right my bad tries to push her around she snap calls with the A7 see that look she just shot over to the dealer Sammy can you believe this guy tried to check raise me

Victor mean Victor Victor why why you why you look your head every street three times and two times FL and two times why you can’t remember your hand like always look your hand I focus too much on a strategy on my hand yeah I saw like always check your head like 10 times

When he was just training it was it would change one hey turn to tell himself after LS after LS he looks and every time he looks he thinks that’s me I saw you do that is like how much in the par how much in the par

700 what’s in the middle say I checked three times already here we go and then Flo the three times here we go how much in the [Applause] par 2 2000 Billy was there a 10 dumped where are we at uh I think there was right is that why

He’s behind four has to be or there’s just a bunch of Aces and queens available yeah neither player has a spade 22 [Applause] and Bets and takes it down do you have you five times nothing Mickey’s been quiet Nick he has been quiet he he’s having a a rough time with the Dak

Uh the hands he has been in he’s been getting pipped and uh he’s to the left of the most aggressive player at the table that could be frustrating when all those line [Applause] up mandatory three BET right Nick hor to his good friend on the button yes [Applause] sir [Applause]

Charles puts him the call he’s a three to one dog but he’s in position and He Flops a flush STW against top pair yeah you’re going to see a nice pot here might we see all of it Go in uh we might with 35 behind the prince check check both check Charles

Picks up a straight draw let’s get some uh let’s go yes Wesley has learned so quickly this game needs alcohol yes sir yeah let’s get some drink Charles brecks out we’re not going to see it all go in Andy what allergic I I am I’m I’m alcoholic oh I see you

Wi no BL my brother I know you win and you wish him I have a Second why let’s get some beers some cocktails yeah remember take some shots let’s get this game out of the muck and see allstar game for the love of God this might be you might want to write this I get a a deaf what you get Cravings

Psychically or not even what did she say long she ordered a coffee drink [Applause] Nick so the butt the professor just decides to call on the button6 that’s reasonable against his good buddy who raised Charles I don’t know Schwan puts in the three bet and Mariano full A10 offit I know I’m the

What a chicken that’s a pretty standard fold yeah for who Charles is gambling that’s what he [Applause] does you read that shot Vol this summer he bought into a PLO game in Vegas for 20 000 and cash out for a million yeah yes that is all can not do that unless you’re ready

To gamble it’s joking it’s a joking it’s a joking it’s not binding it’s a joking I may sh I call okay I me I may sh I may call I may Swan’s caught in the middle of this nonsense it make it clear I cannot Bing cannot B okay okay it’s not

Binding I just call otherwise I sh 100% 100% Charles has the most Equity here Schwan flops bottom pair she’s now out in front she cannot love that flop no why you say that so loud see if Professor uses his position to take this one down make sure he’s not batting he B

Come on dude what the [Applause] [ __ ] very accurate F 17 baby back who’s calling I wouldn’t call with Schwan’s hand no way and I wouldn’t call with Charles hand Schwan’s got a player behind that’s no fun there’s the fold wow The Bu laying down a big big hand very big

Hand bigger than is does the ace have to do [Applause] with you have better me no come on you no way better than a both be call you have a diamond no no it’s I want to protect my A6 of clubs I swear it’s 6: CL yeah

Ready there are about 15,000 of you watching nothing maybe are we up to 15,000 on Thursday you right we are it’s the allstar game The Game’s a little bit in the muck Nick if I’m being honest yeah Andy’s going for it Mariana hasn’t really woken up yet Wesley’s a little bit stunned after

Getting cooled early on heat up it’s going to heat up the game always gets out of the muck but Wesley’s right they need some cocktails yeah we appreciate everyone tuning in I do think we should get to a third in likes which would be 5K I know that

Might be a big undertaking but I don’t see why we can’t if we all if we all really tried hard I know how to get likes oh do it do it okay all right after after this hand cuz Okay Charles has had enough it appears he’s got a suited a he knows

Mariano three bets all the time there it Is Mickey calls Ace in the door that is just a horrible flop for Mickey I don’t know I’m not the right person to the only good thing about it is you can get away from it really fast it’s like 160 you know who would not get away

From two black sixes Brazil God he’s in the chat right now say what’s up to him L how is he not in the game I don’t know he should be Allstar I agree Luise you had my vote [Applause] bro there really couldn’t be a worse hand to float

With Feldman tells me that Brazil God finished 43rd in voting you know what I think the reason for that is maybe he hasn’t played enough he hasn’t had enough exposure from a lot of the fans if he did he would be at this table I believe Charles is all in with aces

Up I’m worried that Mickey doesn’t believe Charles that he had a read that Charles was light pre flop an accurate read but sometimes a light hand pre flop is a really big hand I have such a bad hand on the turn 13 no no no that’s one more more

15 13 I can call right now 13 14 I think Mickey’s leaning towards a call Nick had3 I was about to drop it to beat some hands you have more chips what do you mean my pocket yeah yeah I had yeah man you’re asking the wrong guy Prince Charles has more chips don’t

Worry about it what do you mean have a very bad two pairs that’s okay yeah he called same thing one pair two doesn’t matter yeah I know yeah a tri right Charles could have King 10 of Hearts King Jack of Hearts yeah he just had a read it it wasn’t right but that’s

Poker all those hands would have beat the sixes anyways [Applause] close on on the five Charles gets the double $58,000 pot being pushed to the N9 seat hero call gone wrong for Mickey but Mickey’s had some fine moments on our show he’s been the biggest winner several times that he’s

Played I have chips I believe in him I think he’s going to turn it around Billy if anyone could do it it’s him that’s right he’s not in the zone yet Nick but he can get in the zone now I have in my pocket and when he does it’s scary ask

Garrett ask Alan keing that’s right they all know they’ve experienced [Applause] it RS [Applause] 1 okay okay Charles you have more chips I have more chips you have more chips [Applause] check I am not worried about Charles finances Nick me neither buddy check I think it’s going to be

Okay no matter what yeah like I said in the pregame show when I cmed last Friday I don’t know if it was three or four times he got felted and you know he always had more chips Wesley River trips and check right what you check your

Toir oh my God Charles you’re so so good he’s been playing too much PL the top pair is no good that’s right oh I saw Charles nothing he B told you how he plays he B when he’s behind and when he’s ahead I told you guys exactly how I play

I teach you how to beat me B him B him oh my God Charles check the flo actually just because he plays that way when he B you should call when he check you should check too because when he back he’s behind yeah okay B

That so here’s how we get the likes man yes tell me please do you think we can get to 5K likes by seven 20 p.m. and if you say no I’ll bet you $100 we can okay so it’s gonna cost me 100 to get to that cuz they want me to lose

Right they want you to lose a 100 booked okay all right baby let’s go you they might want me to lose 100 n dude come on where you been okay we need to get 1500 likes by 720 1500 we’re at 35 oh we’re at 35 yeah oh [ __ ] I thought we’re at

Three no we’re at 35 that’s fine I’ll still so you’re going to extract a a Ben Franklin out of me to to get to 5,000 it’s worth it that’s how we’re going to get the likes it’s I’ll give it to you Monday when we buy in sure Fair all

Right guys if you want to take 100 for me hit that like button I could use a 100 unlike Charles I do not have more chips I could use that hyundo all right booked can I buy out right now for 50 no you might win no I don’t there’s no

Shot it’s probably flying up right now it’s not summer we had the four worst player in blo but we over all right guys if you like me more than Billy don’t hit the like if you like Billy more than me to Tony Tony D and

Iy what Happ from New York from New York the guy from New York Jake iy if you want the rich guy to win the $100 bet don’t hit the thumbs up I’m West if you want the guy who never wins win [Applause] bet gu was in the commentator’s booth

All the time for wow such victim fortune [Applause] teller did you no Shadle Ry okay yeah Ryan why why is coming what yeah let’s get Charles some red wine who’s coming that they’re talking about usually we have glasses right he said wine wine I thought you said wine they give us the

Plastic ask her I give her 20 you ready can her than thank you ask the cocktail cocktail please yeah give give give us some glasses and open it say please nice chat Pro Ryan M get ready to experience rad poker the brand new Innovative way to play

Lightning Fast heads up poker rad poker is offering you the chance to win big the best player each month will receive an exclusive staking contract for a Hustler Casino Live seat head over to rad poker now and join the excitement Nick if you watched max pay

Monday you might have noticed the N seat we called him rad Addie yes it cost him $3 to fly from Georgia he put up in a hotel here in LA and buy him for $3,000 on Max P Monday but how did he do that it cost $1 to

Sign up on on RAD poker and you can Reby for a dollar he rebot twice won the championship for a month got the most points playing heads up poker and rad poker set him out here put him up and put him in the game and he crushed [ __ ] so what you’re saying is

That they they’re really sending people out here if they go register for a dollar or two it’s a buck what are you guys doing go right now put up your buck and get on max pain Monday I can another $400 in the middle and Wesley’s got pocket aces what’s

Going on Wes [ __ ] god what is doing here start painting my friend told you guys you the best player okay it okay smart pop I have a pair you’re so good Wesley yeah but this board it’s okay you you you had thought before they adver I wanted

To that’s good someone who not only hit the thumbs up for me but they also had their brother do it you got to swe Nick 600 likes no 1100 likes refresh it automatically refreshes Brian Mt and his bro thank you Mt Bros the word rad was popular I

Do was a good time toally rad have a [ __ ] in you have scared I look at those two no one’s going to f to me so you know what the headline is going to read fori pays for lights Ian if get no but I’m just saying it’ll be

Spun into yeah embrace it whoever that headline didn’t open maybe you guys block me silly anyways I all right Professor time to flex your muscles there you go why don’t do that last time Andy you’re incredibly deep you just you just check you’re in position let’s put in the call love it

This is deep sack poker we already saw Andy paint something nice for Mickey might he do the same thing for the professor doesn’t even need to just flops the best [Applause] hand I like a small bet here for protection value is half pot small betat to you or

Do you like it or you think it should be a little less 2500 I would have bet less but and he knows what he’s doing I would have bet 3,000 there you go and he got called for four Nick he did what the hell do we know

Go check check pot control no Ace no King might see two more checks Nick I think we’re going to [Applause] buddy that’s no good professor had some Showdown value there Professor thank you thank you did he though Nick is Andy ever checking back a hand that Ace King

Beats wow that is true you’re Smart Andy goes 200,000 and Andy’s going to raise the overb this is so strong impressive play from Andy huh again being put to the test so bad Nick but I just I don’t believe you and your gut is right you in you have Jack High you really wow what The legend Andy a he’s played on this show 48 times it said that 48th appearance today who’s had the most appearances on husto live Nick probably me I think you yeah probably [Applause] me well with that said Billy I’m going to take a quick break go check my phone

Uh uh unlike the show just for little protection little Pock control for or bet and I’ll be right back okay Nick’s taking a break we got 26 minutes to get 1K likes and he’s going to owe me a 100 bucks if we don’t get those likes I owe him a 100

Bucks he’s already rich it’s not right Mariano has been snug as a bug in a rug this evening flops top pair hand over you’d have to think it’s not over Charles getting a little freaky with the back door draws he has been playing too much PLO best he could do is Chop that’s no fun with 36,000 and change in the middle [Applause] check all right check check check check Queen for a chop otherwise Mariano gets the whole thing Mariano gets the whole thing he’s played this hand beautifully no surprise hasn’t he team Tommy team Tommy youold in the

Chat watching the show at home naked with his buddy Bryce Hall good for you Guys young in good shape why not watch it nak it together on the couch I respect it [Applause] [Applause] 7 700 playing 2550 100 with a $100 third blind anti this is the allstar game 2year anniversary for Hustler Casino Live good get the alcohol flowing that’s Lynn she’s an All-Star waitress here at the Hustler I don’t know no it’s [Applause] fine thank you these are tiny right [Applause] thank

You EXC excuse me he doesn’t have yes Tommy I’ll come to your wedding is it a nude wedding either way I’m there Starbucks all right drink up guys you’re all stars but you’re not playing like it yet Andy is CA is I guess Mariano is as [Applause]

Well see flops the best hand with middle pair Charles has a gut shot straight draw Nikki has third pair this is a good bet by [Applause] CA half pot with what’s likely the best hand Charles is gambling needs a 10 said hits a king for second pair CIA makes two

Pair one large pair yeah there you go oh two pair she doesn’t lose pots she doesn’t drive all the way to the Hustler to lose pots Charles she doesn’t even care if you have more chips cumula winnings brought to you by Prometheus Mariano is up 32k let

TR poker is very easy for him Andy’s up 28 he’s got it the hard way Charles has played the most hands know time it is see of the fewest don’t get mad at her this is a big game for her she plays 1020 40 she agreed to

Play 25500 with a $100 third blind Annie for the All-Star [Applause] [Applause] Game I believe we have a big Strat on 45 Mariana open into a th000 and Wesley three bet 4500 with a d suited they’re incredibly deep Mariano puts in the call says he’s a favorite I don’t

Believe it Wesley’s going to win this one on a lot of flops especially that one good one outer for Mariano [Applause] lot of checking oh man split pot why is that [ __ ] [Applause] what the [ __ ] I run so bad drink that wine guys I run so

Bad I didn’t come here watch check you run bad I had you dominate him had you dominate it was a fair battle I got to sweat we got to get you’re right he check when he has it told you you’re right I mean I don’t think uh he check all just kidding dude

Listen he he three B you pre when he was behind he had like how much 35% and then check a when he was no no no no even the river he checked this guy for coaching yeah I don’t think that’s that was the I don’t

Think I’m F anyway what if he miss R the board just fine I go for you okay over here we go this is one way to get a game out of a mug okay yeah what if he miss the B we have to the best way to get the game out of the

Mug how you determine I have it I don’t think is with a juice is a good is not not Bor 3 I think I’m I’m not good too large I’m 2000 three [Applause] [Applause] IDE Andy out flops the bot who had him dominated pre flop to protect he’s also got a back

Door flush draw to go along with middle pair this is a very easy [Applause] continue needs a Jack In a Hurry how you call it lipstick right lipstick Andy turns trips gets the check mark shut it down CIA oh no 4,000 4,000 snap call [Applause] should have stuck with the oil see uh

Pay for [Applause] this [Applause] okay I think Andy can bet small here CA has less pot but I think he needs to go much smaller than that try and get called by Ace High 66 [Applause] beautiful she’s wondering if he might have a missed heart

Draw or if he was getting sticky with a hand like pocket five she can beat those [Applause] hands good fold [Applause] CA don’t worry we won’t invite Andy to max pain [Applause] Monday all right chat Pros we got 16 minutes to get 800 likes I i’mi will be getting red soon ASI 20

Minutes of massage with Cynthia rage Cynthia’s great oh yeah rage offer me a medicine yeah you should try that good with him he can afford it on his own okay next time yeah before you drink he’s Chinese yeah yeah he gets the same thing chines uh very

Little he’s from Hong Kong ABC oh okay like he’s born here okay and you have two white oh two thank you Mickey did that ear tattoo hurt uh yeah this one is a cover up that the second time we did it was one of the worst tattoos I ever

Had this one that we only did once this one wasn’t that bad what is it uh I’m not sure what that one is uh I got I can’t remember I think it’s um I think think it’s baking soda a Pyrex and it says the word stoving on

It which uh which one’s the most painful piece you’ve done was it B you the second time I did my eyelids the back of my head my palm and my kneecap those are all probably the [Applause] worst does any get yeah it’s a new thing uh you ever

Heard of a tattoo named GGA he’s here in LA on Melrose he uh started this trend he does like uh Lil Uzi Little Durk Odell Drake all these guys and they pay and they go under they keep you under for 8 hours maximum and they bring as

Many taters as it takes to get whatever you want so you can wake up and have like from the top of your head to your feet but only one side of your body you know and they’ll do like your whole body well only the side that’s not being laid on

Course I wonder why that wasn’t done before cuz like to me that seems like common sense yeah anytime you go under you you may just never wake up okay I’m not sure iett bad right it’s like a new thing don’t I don’t know they’re risking it now why

Not with the same guy or is it a bunch of artists different artist different so you you Dr aot before I was just featured in ink magazine actually a lot in yeah yeah they like a two page spread yeah you like to drink while you’re playing po yeah yeah is Professor in in

My one do it one more time do it one more time so when will it finish for the alol thing hopefully forever hopefully forever wow where’s M great great [Applause] 1,000 [Applause] come tring [Laughter] [Applause] me check Mickey gets aggressive with the A6 suited out flops Charles wins a nice

One he was telling the story about getting tattoo so I laid out but Andy performed some surgery in a hand against CA got value with Queens on a board that had Ace and a king out there the guy can really do it six that’s it

Back and he’s going to win a 100 bucks from you it appears 12 minutes to get 600 likes help me out and then I’ll come up with a really good like challenge after this I got 12 minutes to get 600 likes or you’re going to get 100 bucks Nick I’m just a winner

In life you [Applause] know if they don’t hit that thumbs up they’re telling me that they love your massages on stream with Cynthia now you’re just gone below the belt no you’re getting you’re getting desperate bro that’s what they’re telling me I know but but but it’s you sound

Desperate he call the worst player best player I don’t think he had a good hand I want to play my Charles three betting the queen eight offit 6,000 out of position against Andy have fun with that like this it works I have a queen ja get it fixed Andy Stacks you’re [ __ ]

You have Queen Jack me I have Charles no no no I put six something in I gamble you have 30 lefts it doesn’t matter you gamble [ __ ] it all right they did like that I busted your balls about getting massage on stream so I’m back in

I’m back in the race I’m back in the race I sh with K 110k he call me with 10 Jack I heard you told me that yeah yeah yeah he said I’m po committed he win I won he he R once told you you you you

Can’t block my brother you don’t BL me okay I’m not bling I have [ __ ] kids second what this he was bling me and I was committed you have to call me I think I reached to uh 17 17 17 or 19 whatever 20 20 you ra

To 20 I shot 110k I reach you 20 I shot 110k and he said h I SL call and I said what do you have it said I have kids I said oh which and then I said no I have a Stre with the check mark uh it’s too easy poker’s just too easy for him again why you want to show your six time I think I have a seven eight oh wow they really like that massage talk I’m only 300 likes away from a hundo Nick I checked my hand 10 times

Hand you play dirty bro this is the Hustler you got to hustle yeah dirty you’re dirty player someone wants to know how old this stream is it’s from tonight thank you how old is the stre it’s the All-Star game from 3 years ago Professor what’s strategy do you

Use make sure you don’t misr your hand what’s a strategy that’s a that’s a strategy great H she has been getting picked up apart has she by Andy yeah uh since I my brother is going to run some simulation yeah she bluffed off a bunch when he turned Tri always mess up

The number of the players in the line and then he got max value for we need a queen with two blanks and Sim and the chip St yeah and CH chip St can you run the hand between you and me no you’re show some mercy Andy I don’t have to bully

Totally invite me someone says dgf I don’t like you but I’ll I’ll hit the like that’s fine I don’t need you to like me I just need you to hit the thumbs up who cares yeah thank you they really don’t want you to get another massage I guess they think you won’t be

Able to afford it if you lose this bet yeah who the big now now I’m the favorite yeah wow people are making second YouTube accounts love these people love them 600 600 come on dude strle must be on 2550 100 200 I hope someone that me no it’s

Not on Professor just opening the 6 fish I thought when I read big people think I have a weak hand oh really that’s that’s how you think right yeah that’s how fish think okay next time I speak you okay oh okay you you know usually people raise big because they have a big

Hand why you seeing opposite way of normal people no I learn from you you have Aces you just l no play exactly the same right yeah I miss in my hand I think I have pocket Force you think you have yeah you have a like if it just

Doesn’t work out for him in the session he just goes right to Baka I’m me my hand all back cuz I didn’t check so many times it takes time though check so not for him I think he’s got a grind that’s a good that’s a I don’t know I’ve never

Been that good at black uh bakarat he’s I don’t know he’s got an angle he’s got a system we go back to ersity PA and gutter for the bot Top PA no kicker for Marano the Marano that’s 200 you already here so I assume not pot controls the turn like a

Gentleman and look at that sweet baby there Nick bot has a straight snap folding coming straight draw flush black back door flush draw came in two Paar beats him trips he beats nothing Billy 9 S A hearts or what beats nothing optimal she gave him a good price I like it they

Don’t they don’t know I’m a pro don’t don’t give it way that’s the worst beat Mariano’s ever taken yeah these young kids are just too good these days I mean they got they got like rad poker they got Prometheus like there there’s just no way I remember I

Learned the game series when I was in college uh how many years ago seven years ago I learned game series who taught you I can’t remember his name he’s a he a professor in Burkley but I can’t remember professor in h name Indian guy a professor at Berkeley probably not

A conservative that’d be my first C GT yeah GT yeah actually is from mer too y he’s some guy who plays here sometimes okay guys we got 4 minutes left I only need 100 likes help me out you want fori to win 100 bucks from me come on guys slow down unbelievable slow

Down fellas and ladies and gentlemen bottom two for Wes top one for Charles got a back door flush draw as well hey guys if you want to til Billy just hit the brakes completely no don’t let him get to 5K and then the second it’s over just fire up another thousand

Throw them on tilt don’t action killer on the turn nine of clubs check check incoming check check is good there it is oh Nick we got home buddy we know You’ get there you went low you went dirty let’s see if Charles wants to turn his hand into a bluff nope

[ __ ] you win bad turn by the river oh we got to 5.1 wow turn River Ser you they weren’t playing thank you very much you that chat amateurs chat Pros I’ll U make the $100 presentation to you Monday so bad yeah I’m thinking of another like challenge that has doesn’t have to do

With money okay what would you wear for a bunch of likes what would you wear for the first hour of Max pay Monday well what suggestions do you have seriously it’s something embarrassing I don’t know of course it has to it has to be something you would you would actually

Do though well why don’t you get suggestions from them what would you like guys like to see Veri wear on max pain Monday for the first hour I was thinking like a dress no [ __ ] no a Biden shirt Okay 800 800 yeah costume B what do you guys want to see him wear a man thong a tutu no no no swi a man key play for the first hour without a shirt not poker Bunny’s ears you’ve already done that ha I wish I can be a doctor doctor Wesley

Dr Fe a tube [Laughter] talk [ __ ] half shirt it’s amazing how many people are just lurking in the chat cuz the chat Scrolls at a nice steady pace and then you ask a question like this and it’s just rapid fire they’re all interested Barbie outfit that’s a good one it’s not

Bad a Bicycle Casino shirt I’d do it live at the bike shirt up 1 two do they have I mean they’re not even a thing anymore maybe I can get one on eBay for like a nickel 64 do you have a I don’t know how you

Get a Matt bery shirt but look at this we have a pot Brewing Wesley I do have a m perky shirt three bets from the small blind Andy puts in the four bet they’re incredibly deep let’s make the call and play some poker let’s paint a masterpiece on on allstar game two

Wesley 13,450 in the middle the game is officially out of the muck and he doesn’t love that flop peir put back door options for Wesley now he’s in trouble he want to make sure I play every game he’s in could be the second worst player I don’t know he says that you’re

Pretty good at feel yeah he’s better than me check Andy checks it back hopefully inducing a bluff well maybe not on this card it’s hard to Bluff that card check I only play four games I think I have he’s just going to win a nice one with Queens I think so think so

He’s had Queens twice like a I believe both times there was two Aces and a king out there and he won both he got value on the river against C good the game 300 300 make it four ju yeah I thought a shirt with ludicrous

Face on it would be good but we don’t have the we need something we can get quickly yeah I I do have a shirt you made me with with ber do you remember yeah but it’s it’s a troll to him though so it’s not going to be funny for them

Look her come all right double sh drink up Mar there you go I saw the kid Professor there you go so we can strle any position right except the best way to stop playing perfectly is hug a full glass of wine this is a good good for the game he

Pretty much just chug right yeah three large it’s me and the Mickey again Mickey straddled for 800 picked up seventh three off suit nothing you can do there as much as I wanted [Applause] to so I’m probably going to take another break soon not cuz I joined the union

But because this last break I got a text from my wife and I got a flood at the FL yeah at the house coming down the ceiling into the excuse me and I got the hiccups too into the garage so I might have to take another break just to see

What’s happening yikes yeah did she say if the toaster was still there or the blender yeah no she hasn’t with her she has the blender with her she has it with her every time I call I say baby can you just turn on the blender she’s like yeah

No problem and then she goes Hey soncho where’s the outlet yeah and uh and then we’re good well she’s a beautiful woman nuk she is do you remember when we tried to tell that joke to Wesley he said why don’t you just used the the the washer so she

Couldn’t carry it he didn’t get it yeah yeah that was cool all right I’ll be back Mariano in there with 65 off suit flops two pair against the open [Applause] Ender Andy raises Mar puts call 1,200 in the middle Andy turns a pair is good no bit surprised he didn’t

Get that card Vector it’s not really Showdown value I haven’t simulated for stand up yet yet give me give me half a year I need to what I hav I haven’t done the simulation for stand up here stand [Applause] up I just in case okay so I’m the last action

Yeah 250100 with a $100 third blind anti this is this year’s allstar game Nick airball was in the starting lineup but okay don’t do stupid woke up feeling a bit 400 yeah I shred four I can shred two if you want I didn’t see my hand okay easy

1,000 only okay for you only for you thank you thank you buddy Professor raises to a th000 see the connector it’s time for Mickey to gamble isn’t it 3,000 3x three bet with jack8 offit out of position Charles is in no man’s land he wants to gamble this is a heart just

Never mind he’s going to invested 400,000 committed Jesus Christ he put He put $25 in the par he said he’s committed might be a little bit upset or just that Mickey question whether or not Charles had a Reby not too long [Applause] ago Professor flops the best hand tens and fours

5000 Charles is going to start bluffing might take more than this [Applause] bet maybe not take it down Charles what the [ __ ] red wine Charles is the best I could have a 10 for [Applause] sure his a I don’t know put my pair so so

Here if I One Last Stand I’ll St the mandatory okay okay I never F Full House never in my life you don’t want to talk to with me what a fold I bet wow that is amazing what a fold don’t do stupid dangle does he have more respect for the board well

It’s just the pure aggression that matters and that’s the nuts for that man Prince Charles Charles SCS see Mariana went don’t do stupid I’ll going to call you I’m going to call you I’m stuck 400 he was not folding Kings for Charles oh my God this is insane yeah yeah exactly

Prince Charles coming back from the Dead make it a 500 there you have it Prince Charles 2023 Hustler Casino Live Allstar for good reason put on a show in the million dooll game who’s here for PLO week plays on nose bleed Friday often and he’s hilarious Schwan has been very quiet tonight not low card dead in a tough

[Applause] game no only the button it’s not good for the show so right don’t have a button but it’s fake it’s a fake stand up game it’s what’s the point to game Buttons game spend down game the sit down game do do that but we’re already sitting down 500 I’m okay with

It you okay Prometheus poker is back with their next Generation multi-way post flop solver try battle mode and learn GTO by simply playing hands Prometheus is not only the most powerful solver on the market but also incredibly intuitive and easy to use it’s like the iPhone of

Solvers what’s best it’s 50% off for Hustler Casino Live fans Prometheus Hustler play learn compete and win with Prometheus battle so you can improve your poker game today 25 [Applause] 25 oh you order another so you want a three bet marianao with Ace five offit he’s going to put in the four bet with Ace 10 offit Wes looks ready finally to

Paint and here it comes he going to show this after Mariano snap Folds wow good for the show right this is good for the show I guess we’re playing that stupid game it’s five I have L choice we are oh my God have what L everything I FL Lots

Right open here’s how that stupid game works each player starts out stupid you win a pot turn your hand over the dealer gives you a brain no it’s not in the form of a yellow button that says that stupid game eight handed when seven players have brains and one is left stupid that

Stupid player owes each opponent $300 Wesley is safe all he needed was a little wine Flex his deep stack [Applause] muscles Professor come to Lear Le my strategy learn how to how to P the biggest part in the TV right what what I win the second big biggest but people never lose it’s

A what see the bot just going to ship it in there crazy how much she’s not getting called she will remember to turn her hand over he’s a fish she will get a brain a a really something every bot wishes for what this there it is you are under coach

Understand 850 in profit there plus 300 more coming yeah so when I play uh word word WSOP everyone say oh you are the one know lost the 3.1 million power with t one right everyone ask me that I ask you you you forgot I win the second biggest 2.2 million

P they all remember the biggest one they forgot the second biggest one that’s all good that’s right Wesley Bluff it off in the biggest pot ever on a live stream 3.1 million Tom dwan hero called down with one pair but then Wesley won the second biggest pot after beaking

Trips on the turn against his buddy Hank who successfully bluffed Doug pulk for a million on the river with ace high and he puts in the three bet Mariano with the small four bet out of position super deep against a legend that is confident what a flop for

Mariano Ace 10 out of position against King well how about we flop you the check mark and we give Andy a draw that would be no [Applause] good what’s it like you blew up a pot out of position with ace10 against Ace King you flop the check mark you bet small now you’re

Getting raised got the absolute nuts put in the call board pairs don’t do it Andy don’t do it or do be kind of fun all right wise check [Applause] back one more check is in order not just cuz I can see the cards I think any hand that’s going to

Pay you would also bet check it over to him see if Maran agrees you smoke no he’s been doing a lot of small betting lately you’re Pro and Professor right sometimes he over bets 25 see so young right L 45 loses pocket jacks or pocket Queens healthy not really worried about

It too much I saw the picture of a young in the L yeah Professor you forgot the picture oh him took a video Mariana shows the good news you pumped the brakes at just the right time Andy where you [Applause] win cumulative winnings brought to you by Prometheus Mariano is up

39K it’s been easy Andy’s up 31k he’s earned most of that at manufacturing pods professors up 23 Mickey’s down 72 quietly he’s got work to do Prometheus poker of course the fastest multi-way poker solver in the world and the only place to train millions of multi-way hands which most who made those hands

For live poker players I think Billy started calling him that you know what time it is they’re multi 55 56 546 yeah thank you [Applause] m all right Marian is not stupid he’s got a brain thank you brother [Applause] you good looking flop for the ace5 your a is going to be good

Often not here but got a wheel draw two live over cards Mariano calls with king [Applause] queen you guys nothing to anyone look at this a very good overb it’s just too long the 3 hours too much dialog show it my English show it show it you know what

I had a hard time understanding what they were saying oh really you have your hand get the button button it’s okay I couldn’t really understand you got to tell them the rules well you have to remember to turn your hand over which is hard to remember anything you don’t have a Brain Aces tell me this you have Aces I don’t have Aces I don’t okay I call oh Ace in the door okay Nikki gets him off the same hands I didn’t have enough to continue I didn’t have an option I I have to sh for the

Balance that is crazy yeah that was that was insane Nikki’s going to scoop 310,000 wow Mickey show it baby why could you beat pie P how do you not love that guy yeah it’s only room in the background room for made of the best memories on our show in the first two years gloves incredible battling with Alan keing during keing week quality is not very good yeah didn’t so the game was in the muck for a

Couple hours players started drinking and they started playing that stupid game game is officially out of the m and we got half a show left for you say that you know what is that it’s like a cal like long really good FL for Jack no no no not like that

You saying it’s like not of the elephant 3000 trunk SE kind of a SE right and makes it really a I right K du right yeah what the [ __ ] you have ja wow it’s a princess very good player Don’t Mess WR with me sh 300 from Char actually start on professor

Professor profor just F I want to get the b i okay k i f only places okay okay for you only thank you I think Professor if you raise you have Aces for sure right huh if you raise you I have Aces everybody should

F no I have this five call I made two pair say what’s up to Josh matiello he’s in the chat right now he’s a moderator education background in the high steak poker right is that shadow I think I think so for sure at a St Club right now

That play high steak I mean they play may play play some tournament yeah they all play small small game only I am not smart hard enough to give money do him and his wife go to all the LA strip clubs have a few drinks and teach Christian

Values jumps in the chat say hi every night we appreciate it teach in the bike they charge me too much that’s why I move 1,000 you charge too much arer it charge you you don’t charge them you charge too much check check I think I won for sure how can I

Lose this one Char almost almost show his head I think I WN for sure why not stream and’s uh waiting for to stre have a doo Bron so it’s down right no one more one more one more try again it’s down towan and Charles said no who

Will get a brain who will be the idiot in that stupid game three no Mickey too Mickey oh godamn it Mickey big actually Professor me again yes sir is I try hard I try so [ __ ] hard to get a Buton okay I have to okay you don’t have

AC right 300 3 no you’re full if you have come on dude I kick her out you win yeah you got a collusion you kick her out this is a collusion player [Applause] okay what if I raise you factor God damn it now they all know I have a huge hand

You have a huge hand huge hand don’t even think about [Applause] it bis what can I do smile See’s got Jacks she’s all in [ __ ] he have a king she had Ace King I call a queen okay any three bet could have made there would more than 10,000 right more 10,000

Almost almost almost face is red right iold iold I’s to fold too like a dream Charles shows like for sure what can I [Applause] do AK [Applause] strle doule dou I don’t know if you opened or not small pair no small pair I call for sure

I Queen Seven I don’t think small at Le 10 medium pair medium PA medium pair 100% charge called with po someone wants to know what’s that stupid game it’s a different version of the standup game pretty popular in poker games around the world but we don’t want the players standing

Up blocking our cameras so we have them sit down we call them stupid they win a pot turn their hand over they get a brain they’re no longer stupid I last one to win a pot and turn their hand over owes each opponent 300 bucks it’s

Down to Schwan and Charles Charles has a pretty good hand to gamble with yeah I feel I never Jack 110k I know told me that him like so many times it’s funny it’s funny Char just calls I was so T I lost 200k you don’t do stupid sh

Okay it’s hard to not do stupid when you don’t have a brain I have K I said and then he showed me jack off I was like what the [ __ ] are you it’s not com I oh you can say [Applause] yes good flop for Schwan top pair Charles whiffs Mickey’s got bottom

Pair back door flush draw that’s 11k she’s all in no question he’s going to have to call I don’t I don’t have that much more 3925 more Nikki sick he going have to call but he can get there straight two pair trips flush bci’s back what’s going on with that flood I think

We’re good it’s in the garage it’s a copper pipe garage is all you know flooded but it’s not through any of the ceiling or the walls or anything so we’re going to survive we’re good yep all good two times is uh Mickey still having a tough time at it yeah I mean

There’s 40K in the middle what what did he he bought in for 400 450 yeah he’s down so he’s down 90 if he loses this he’s down 90 okay but if he wins it it’s only down 50 and look at that two pair unlucky Schwan now she needs to catch a card and

She doesn’t r twice though right we can run it twice we’re also playing that stupid game yeah I see that got to win the first one to get a brain Schwan needed a brain it’s down to Schwan and Charles all right they’re going to chop it

Up what happens to squid I have the best okay so why call some people call it squid game okay stand up game squid game PR we call it that stupid game cuz it’s pretty stupid surpris we’ve been playing it for months and months no one knows the rules they

Don’t know what to do with someone bustering it it’s beautiful that is true there’s a lot of controversy and people forget to show their hands don’t know costly those guys like B bad I don’t know even R I had a SP over you and Ryan have had some yeah

Some Spats in the first two years we have [Applause] yeah the odd cuple you ever see that show way back I I’ve heard of it yeah tell uh no uh Jack kugman I think and man that’s from memory I don’t know message in the Twitter you said you guys

Had a moment today do you want to share anything about that or just between yeah I mean it’s you know I think it’s okay yeah it’s we uh I just gave this I think it was was it before the speech or after I don’t remember TW um it was before cuz

I said had moment uh there’s a project the players were getting ready toing it you know whatever and we’re just like this like years ago we don’t know each other I don’t know I don’t crazy and uh he just looked at me which means we make big money close being done and

Just scre this thing going to the Moon just like you know we didn’t really hug this time sometimes we’ve done that before this was more of like kind of like Knuckles kind of little contact nice and also you know we knew we were having the moment he gave him 5K allocations you

Know the truth is we do fight like The Odd Couple but I love that kid and couldn’t ask for a better partner more loyal partner more honest partner and uh he is the nuts in this business cuz I troll him a lot we had a meeting this morning as Mickey flop set

Doesn’t any action well let’s talk about the C of winning brought to you by who from are you surprised Mariano as a big winner currently no me neither are you surprised Andy is playing the most hands no me neither I I that one like four years

Ago the women playing the fewest hands they just been card dead in a tough game there’s not much you can do sometimes it’s like that one thing they could do they’ve both been in some tough multi-way spots yeah they could go home download Prometheus plug those spots in

And find out what to do so they’re more confident next time no you’re getting good at this so they can get their V know the hell you going a little bit I like it and that is true though on top of the fact that it was very

Organic so yeah we had a meeting and what what were you what were you thinking on I asked you both I said you guys got to be feeling good today I’m feeling I’m an employee I was feeling really good about the All-Star Game you know it’s a it’s a milestone it is two

Years into this thing yeah this is a whole different look here isn’t it this this this crew from last year Year’s All-Star game it’s a much more friendly crew I’ve got some ideas for next year’s you do All-Star game okay about the voting about the voting yeah and about the structure

Nice I think it should be max pay Monday rules okay this is a fantastic spot for Schwan it’s only 2K if you lose two to one favorite last these are the last two how much 14 18 19 19 yet to win a brain in that stupid game Charles is too rich to

Fold the queen jack off the only top one count that’s good he’s getting the bad News oh twice you’re going twice only the Charles you’re still 32% hang in the window oh come on come on dude no you’re a head still you’re a head still the second one they don’t have brains yet Nick it’s not their fault they can’t figure out who’s winning that’s [Applause]

True schan you get a brain you B congratulations you’re going to get at least half the pot Sid she calls it squid game wow that was fast that was really fast Sammy the and moose the graphics guy ask her can I take the money back and pay the penalty where should my

Money go where did the community cards go yeah where did the board go what is going on a rare faux paw moment for HCL oh here we go again how many times you run it like I think be an ace n just a hunch what wrong it was the first time Dam

Jack no Jack I need a king I don’t need Jack now he gets the king chop it up Charles I think my back how much should I pay you guys I’m happy to pay it okay all you can do in poker is get your money in good Schwan’s got it in good

Twice in a row and Cho both times’s M thank you thank you oh man wow try so hard so effectively she did win because the payout was what you know three 300 bucks a win wish I could give you more but it’s okay than start game I think

The allstar game should be it’s just max pain Monday format so that do you think it should be the stakes or a little lower in lower because it’s great to have C on the lineup but you can tell she’s a little bit out of her comfort zone I do think

So I think the game should be like a everyone’s comfortable and let all the players just have fun go crazy it’s an exhibition game exactly these these guys were trying their hardest at the beginning these guys got 200,000 on table let’s see but you know we do have 15,000

Viewers that say they like it 16 16 and how many likes 5400 wow we are crushing so it’s onek no I I don’t think that’s only suar if we get 10K likes what am I okay 500 you is there a way to come across a Joe Biden shirt okay I have

A if we get to 10K [Applause] likes by that’s yeah I mean with this many people we could do it okay so Joe Biden shirt but we got to do better for the people like um an Obama hat Joe Biden shirt Obama hat that would be good right

And maybe like a I don’t I don’t want to I don’t want to get let’s go the weed do it I was going to say maybe like a a rainbow bracelet or something yeah I think it’s okay we can lean into like all the diversity you you will go with

That Trifecta of course Obama hat yeah Joe Biden shirt yeah and a rainbow bracelet rainbow bracelet if we get to 10K likes is believing okay by 9:30 what is this guy clean 3,000 defund the police defund the police bracelet defund the police okay let’s do it yeah Italian lives matter 30 look at

Andy this is 300 with King six Wesley Carl but dude I want all 10 I’m not doing all that just so we’re clear that could be your job if that’s what you want all right we got until 9:30 I think so okay I F I F my high

What the [ __ ] you going me dominate ni nice F of course get I how about lipstick you’ll wear lipstick too and you no I was not wor about you it’s got it’s got to be actually me too I mean not that I’m like why am I doing this to

Myself I like had it hey we I don’t know man you’re the guy that’s like okay are we doing the stand up game for 500 a player now we’ve kicked it up but it’s only the first hour first hour you’re going to wear something that has to do with defunding the police M

Something Biden something Obama right rainbow something rainbow and something lipstick and I’ll buy you a Bud Light but it has to be in a Bud Light holder he knew sure you let’s go let’s go they’re trying to cancel one of us oh they’re getting touchy about that sensitive they’re they’re offended uhoh

What are they doing what’s wrong with that cancel no cancel what we’re cancel everybody knows I’m a cop call Bart Hansen everybody knows that get Bart Hansen on the horn all right these players are incredibly deep you know it’s been really nice I’m sorry I know this a nice hand is I

Haven’t read one line in the chat I feel I feel just um [Applause] light they were good with us until then now we’re screwed man what which part though the Bud Light or what part I don’t know are they mad really yeah like what are they doing professors in trouble just like we

Are Nick who’s faster Professor oh the two seat who’s Fester well then I guess we shouldn’t do all that I mean I really don’t know I’m going to let you handle it I’m above I don’t know why it’s offensive who’s offended several people what are they saying

This is just a great board for J is it Nick yeah it’s amazing it’s really amazing Professor taking his time Schwan drinking some wine Veri in the booth getting out of line oh you’re GNA pit it on me this is your idea you dick okay

Byebye no this is not DGA this is Bart Hansen with Nick Veri Bart Hansen and zo the river is an eight unbelievable that is B Hansen it’s an [Applause] eight Andy going for some value just like we teach at Crush live poker value bet your full

Houses we like to fold our King High in this spot Nick Cheers Cheers that’s what it says at Prometheus again I would like to apologize for my comments if they offended you my name is Bart Hansen I didn’t mean any harm neither did my partner Nick fuchi professor in the tank with King

High Why Nick well I don’t know what’s he thinking about doing jamming it won’t work I know but maybe he doesn’t know that here is like don’t have anything very good you know what can’t think about just be calling right you know I’m going to send Professor Crush life poker

Subscription doesn’t have to tank in these spots in the future yeah but you don’t want to ruin the professor he’s going to fold now with that wi good F my brother good fold oh [ __ ] a nine Zen Andy today good F my brother he says you got air of [Applause]

J so we kicked up that stupid game from 300 a person to 500 00 a [Applause] person who are you guys rooting for at this table do a poll maybe oh yeah you won 63% till Tuesday oh I I it crushed last Friday too [Applause] man it just makes sense for

Tuesday I love you but and by the way Thursday Thursday was your idea I love it no that was dga’s idea Nick 45 oh yeah he’s not here no he would never rile up the chat this way two times two times I have a bad hand wonder

Why we live in a time we can have a little fun Goa the bot all in two to one favorite they’re going to run it twice they’re playing that stupid game robots don’t have brains what means Ace King Ace Queen a queen looking good oh chop City the chop wowbody get

The button that’s good for us no chop see B Aces and sixes with a queen that is a gross River sixes and the queen that’s gross okay Mickey is open-ended he’s alive Mick’s alive Aya the bot the bot holds she doubles up super $30,000 pot well Mickey’s playing though you

Know Mickey’s not mousing around no fun no M Mickey has brought the action tonight a bad the bot doing what she does best 14,000 scooping pots go lot fans in the chat okay we have eight players this will be easy oh wow you’re going up against a

Robot look she’s sipping on her oil right now she’s going to fold the aces fold of the Night by the bot wow and CA flops a house ca the god booking a $50,000 win max pain for poker no she raised me on the flow oh she raised you on the yeah she

A she’s such a nice person man she’s so cool she’s been great 28 times she’s played yeah I looked it up Nick you have played the most by twox well yeah I mean it’s my show Bro you’ve played 220 day in the first like six months Big John has played 106 so is

Westside Wesley coming in tonight on dude Westside West has played the second most times Nick airball who couldn’t make it seventh most 89 appearances Mariano playing a 62nd time man I’m on a little boun swing there a I I’m just looking at the appearances no I haven’t looked at that in

Months we’ll probably put all that on our app so you can just see it [Applause] there all right we’re going to go around the table so I’ll do seats one through four first who you written for we’ll have a little playoff because you can only put like four three

At a time four so it’s perfect when you’re eight- handed oh yeah you can only do one yeah and then and then you take the top two gosh it’s so [Applause] smart do something stupid come on dude all right let me walk just just raise you saw in Mickey’s

Little will for sure what you call that that video you would call it a what do you call that what video yeah just a video okay video all right okay I don’t have a good hand I don’t want but what about it he won a huge PO with ace10 off suit

Against Andy Jacks I think in the first week of the show and then he didn’t win the A10 off suit against SE the bot a queen off suit just here parallel yeah he is gambling now he’s got a flush draw trips for Wesley Nick airballs in the

Chat how’s he feel he’s lying about being sick I think he was scared of the lineup he’s bust I thought he guys pay him 100K a show he could he dust it off usually in he could have just bought in for a hundo look at this call by [Applause] Mickey ambitious

Yeah I got it Wesley diamond 9,475 and he gets a brain say what’s up to Nick airball Nick do you still go to Javier when you’re not not feeling well okay strle one more time okay let’s go strle strle strle is my infinite bankroll is doing fine don’t

Worry I’m worried about the waitresses at Javier right now if you’re a little under the weather next time next time I hope you’re wearing a mask 1,000 Charles put in the big squeeze we have the same hand he does not need to win a hand one

King for that stupid game but we have the same hand just for his personal satis 10 1,000 on b means nothing you know coing you okay you I didn’t even look vector vector strle strle strle no I play deep step Victor 400 strle you’re to you’re you’re deep

Enough this is a deep step yeah this is a deep stack where or short it’s a medium stack for you okay Prett deep 200 is just quietly marana’s just having like a quiet winning session he’s really really really good at full ring live no limit hold how much eight have Ace queen

Huh Queen said when he is big he has a good hand but he want us think he has a bad hand that’s his philosophy just call I have a good hand just call TR Mickey has cooler Charles gets a safe turn card after they both slow play The Flop and he’s about to stack his buddy and find out that Charles does in fact have more [Applause] chips oh no Mickey just called there are cards that could kill the action just when you thought he was

Going to get all the chips that one will not kill the action that is fantastic for Action Charles might go all in here wouldn’t blame him at all Mickey will snap it up I’m on call 84,00 in the middle I’m what can I do Mickey is back back over 400k Mickey needed that

One he really did and we’re going to find out if Charles does have chips behind you have Flash [Applause] and no Victor you can 200 40 50 50 the third hand I won this whole game cumulative winnings brought to you by Prometheus Mariano is up

35k just another day at the office for him Andy’s up 32 the professor cruising along CIA the Bots up 19 everyone else is stuck Charles is down 48 now Mickey’s down 48 it was a lot worse trending let’s go it can be hard to tell who’s crushing

And who’s just running well but with Prometheus they’re here to settle the debate I think mariio is both crushing and running well but after the show I’m going to go to Prometheus Hustler and see if Mar is actually crushing trying to ride the [Applause] heater Nick airball spewing off in the chat

[Applause] I told you he was home talking to himself [Applause] 4,000 Charles is in go mode the bot raises to 1,200 from the small blind Charles three bets to 4K with King Jack offit Professor who straddled to 200 he’s looking down at pocket fours in a precarious you have more than 25 right

Spot yes okay yes almost 30 okay which means that that’s how call which [Applause] Means let’s do something awesome you know how steamed up Charles is he’s been drinking wine ah she’s going to fold it that’s the more solid play you have a button or not no no no I cover you yeah let’s see if this is you or not Professor well that is you but it

Doesn’t feel like it a definitely would have been CA Charles is going to win this one with the delayed continuation bet 28 I think 28 oh no professor’s going to bet the fours might we see a check race race yeah knew he was going to win I just wasn’t sure

How hand is over [Applause] professor what are you doing Jesus Christ you Bluff me H what are you doing yeah Blu you give him wine every time he plays Charles already has a button I have a best hand King said why do you do stupid why why do you be stupid like

That Professor F his pocket right pocket T I don’t know pocket T pocket [ __ ] it is I check yeah nothing you tried to block me huh you tried to block me all right so out of the first four seats it’s real close it’s real close but Schwan is leading the

Way she’s tied with mariono now of who they want to win or think will win who they’re rooting for okay we’ll give another few minutes and then we’ll take we can take the top two yeah we could but it’s so close professor’s right there too we’ll give a few more minutes [Applause]

Professor’s the tank with Jack five offsuit out of position against Andy I guess cuz he needs to win a pot yeah puts in the three bet puts Schwan in a terrible spot with Queen 10 off suit one of the few playable hands she’s been dealt tonight but she’s always in

This spot three bet in front of her she’s not even closing the action let him battle it [Applause] out neither player flops anything first one to show some aggression will take it I think I tried blame blame Char he put me on tooth blame him okay put me on come he put me

On Nick every points out in the chat the professor the GTO low frequency with Jack five off you always be stupid like that H2 he doesn’t use a solver he uses a simulator who’s this the professor why you always still be like that who’s that in the background any idea Standing that’s me that’s me L and gent right that’s me that’s me that’s me that’s me you got to be kidding me that’s why we po that’s me that’s me that’s me that’s me that’s a me yeah oh my God oh my God [ __ ] that’s me that’s me that’s Me that’s the professor love him after after the whole summer put on a show during Tom and Nick week 100% I miss I miss a food I miss a food in the P room I miss a free food every every day other ultimate juy make it seven large is that

[ __ ] du [ __ ] du right I like G all right Mickey thank you Mickey is going after it now hell yeah dominate beginning of the show wasn’t quite ready for Andy’s aggression half a million deep he’s ready now I I Tred the best too Professor no more no more Chinese

Okay no more Chinese please please Professor no more Chinese I never speak Chinese what are you talking about all right I have to know who that is in the background looks like speak Chinese I hope not no I know who is that I I took your class I can’t Charlie this stupid

Huh I have the best 10 pre flop you join de on you Mickey oh Professor vaults into the lead after that compilation Montage whatever you want to call [Applause] it they’re rooting for the professor and then Schwan in the first four seats okay I want to do it a

Pole for the second four SE not really worth 100K all right wellan and Maran do not have a button and their hands reflect that they’re limping in Andy 10 X’s with Jack maybe hoping to induce something here from Schwan make it look weak with the huge

Raise what do you think Nick yeah he’s he’s maybe putting out there I’m trying to steal this Swan’s got ace high she’s uh she’s going nowhere and she’s going to bump it up Bill and uh Andy’s going to shove on her she he’s going to shove on her and I no

He’s just going to call he’s trapping her wow set the Trap Andy is painting tonight it’s not cool trapping Schwan there’s no meat on the bone there for Schwan except for she’s leading this pot but and’s going nowhere fast she’s going to shove Billy isn’t she yeah has to

Shove I mean there’s no bet besides shove got to check and just get rid of it that’s just 2,000 in the wind wow Andy is just stringing her along just taking it a little bit at a time this is one of those hands if you’re Swan you just want to puke you

Put yourself in this position you don’t have enough chips back they got ace high less than pot behind you either got to give up or shove itan I mean I’m hoping you give up personally but do you large area good for you Schwan there it

Is it wouldn’t be a bad idea if Andy checked this you her eventually you got to protect against overcards right well yeah and she does have one you can’t get too greedy I mean you could bet small hair I think you have to bet something you have to bet

Something I just come to try to learn book from you yeah but what do you bet because yeah well that you’re not leaving right come on no won leave got to let it go rain go away come back another day Andy’s just been in the zone lately on our show Andy

Bully think calling it off with a high could be good come on is not BR a Bak Micky is Bak BR not poo how loose are you floating me on the both sometimes both most po player play if I can play high low but only the low counts I’m

Probably the best player there ever was right all right did you finish uh no this this is my second one I need a third one yeah drink up Mariano don’t finish the bottle buy another one good foldan show me Jack High please Andy come on one time show me [Applause] Jack one one

Time I saw a jack over here what you guys see oh okay Jack Jack no that’s a king no I thought Jack he a queen beautiful yeah Jack you want to rewind that hand they limped in on Andy straddle 2550 100 200 they limped in did Schwan and

Mariano Andy started painting at that point he took a really good hand and made it look like a bad Hand by raising the 10x induced a limp R ra from Schwan with A6 offit he just called knowing that she was super light wanted to Bluff it off on the Flop it

Came 1010 dou she bet small he just called hoping she would shove the turn she finally pumped the brakes but really beautiful poker by Andy stack really beautiful and for those of you wondering why Mariana for Andy it’s because he’s doesn’t have a button to Revenge yeah and neither

Does so he loved the defense punish him so in the first poll to punish you they’re rooting for Professor first followed by Schwan in the second poll it’s neck and neck between Mickey and maybe we all drunk maybe just say Andy had a big big pair big pocket pressure has top pair

Charles the turn that’s right take it take over baby over over you’re too good bro when I have something you don’t block you can also hit that thumbs up when you go in the vote who you’re rooting forve deserve the button honestly how do you know yeah 300 okay Mar this is yours

Take it thank you brother how know Char SC where T I like where the weather West what West the weathered there’s still like one more glass who wants to refill you take it no yeah after that we take the beer where’s the weather and beer let’s try again well [Applause] [Applause] H [Applause] [Applause] out 1200 [Applause] [Applause] up 8,000 you have Jack Queen right huh have Jack Queen no not that good was that good uh I have a straight draw you have a pair and stet drawer right how can I have a pair and a stet drawer king queen think I already B

On you didn’t B I didn’t B on you BL it’s BL I BL yeah why you Bluff Charles because I Bluff him I Bluff everyone what are you talking about I block him the least I block everyone the most why you don’t block me why you have the top four [Applause]

Against I thought I BL call you on me right saw [Applause] what all right in there with 10 five suited it’s hard to vpip in games like this it is a bunch of three betters and four betters for the Flop C A flops flush straw I’m so T who just call me with

Queens Full House no one has a pair I know and bet I 3x over B give her a diamond you bet let’s bet no maybe she’ll if you 2,000 more I don’t think’s betting however especially he him I thought 100% he always oh see okay I’ll let you have it

Thank you I let you have it I need it got a button got a squid do you have that six to seven oh your hand Mariana loses that stupid game I already have about it so it’s 500 a pop now yeah wow just lost 3500 Mak me so hard okay

Let’s do it again let’s keep it uh I need to use they should calm Wesley down I I there’s a couple players in here that probably would like to have it slow down you can’t use the restroom yeah we got to have some social awareness

Here you that’s why I think make it max pay money rules yeah you don’t play the stupid never need it oh my God can we have the key I I don’t think it’d be a good idea if I can’t think of any poker game I’ve been in where you need

That the action just there yeah I get it it becomes more of like a a nuisance I would say it does I would say it well the reason it’s a nuisance two two reasons thank you one is your tra at the table like can’t get up and you know

Whatever especially if they want to consecutively do it and then the other thing is you always have one one person at least at the table that came there to play that game and it does at least go up by another notch when that game’s on

The game just plays bigger man as a game [Applause] builder I’ve learned that I I used to be the guy always Tred to kick up the game and now I say no we’re leaving at this if you want to do your own rest straddles go for it do not encourage

Others because some people just want to play the game I’m big proponent of that and as you know in the past I I I’ve really had to battle with some people on that and I’m going to be honest with you too Billy when when a game plays within

Somebody’s range of uh their their bank roll it actually plays bigger in a way it plays bigger because people really start to to tighten up when they’re when they’re uncomfortable that I don’t think I’m scaring any but generally speaking there’s only usually one or two people in our games that feel

That way All-Star game I think we need to make an adjustment yeah she FL the flush drive there was a bunch of weakness and she just checked full of the turn yeah how many times maybe she wanted Schwan to not lose the that stupid game I don’t

Know I doubt it I don’t think so are they close no I don’t think so I wouldn’t think so but the professor finally has a real hand and uh so does Schwan that Schwaner to his left has a better hand [Applause] so 13 so we’re going to go head up heads up right

[Applause] y AI with the club is dominating the per Professor right here but the professor has one thing and that is a lot of heart and a lot of chips have a lot of back door draws yeah and and some back door draws like you said I don’t love this

Lead into the pre- Flop three [Applause] better prefer a check and a call either way 2,000 each goes in and there it is the action card Schwan picks up the nut flush straw she could also with an ace Professor turns top pair and checks [Applause]

It Nate Hill in the chat says how’s our girl doing you mean our bot she’s doing well Nate 5000 well she’s up like 15K Professor easy call for that for that man with top hair and it’s a professor type of river that was a very interesting bet by Schwan yeah I

Would say that’s putting it lightning of the worst card for [Applause] me we using restom and just like that the professor takes it down and he’s going to go to the restroom you can see Jerry Feldman there to the left Tak a little union break one of the goats

Goats sound guy extraordinary here I think he’s at the back of my table all right oh I shouldn’t tell you I don’t it’s okay okay his freedom he has his freedom so there are 16,000 people watching Nick on the 2-year anniversary of your and Ryan Feldman’s professional

Baby how you feeling about that 16,000 people watching right now you know Billy I I don’t know how many times I could say it it’s surreal we uh you know the old turn we had a chip in a chair we had an idea and uh and a

Couple of guys and uh here we are and uh I couldn’t be more pleased with with everything including all the people that are surrounding us and especially including you and just been so cool I I I you know just like the fans say like

What would I do every day if I came home and I didn’t have this I you know it’s like me too like if I didn’t have this like what would be going on like this is just Billy every time I try to go into casino and play poker anywhere else this

Doesn’t feel right Mano yeah just spoiled man so with that said hit the like button so we don’t go anywhere okay I want to roll it back to before you gave your toast you were standing there with sha yapel yeah what would you say about sha y let’s finish his hand I guess

Because Schwan is hero calling [Applause] down the pot is about 30k she might be a little bit steamed up she picks up a wheel draw check ncky checks it back good check [Applause] back it’s going to go check check check seven that one’s good yeah it’s a nice little little pot

Actually there kind of went South for Schwan yeah she’s she’s in a little bit of a funk but she can pull out she’s she’s a great player all right she got it in good twice ran it twice and chopped both times yeah back to sha yaple

Because sure you and Ryan are are the business partners and you put the right people in place but sha yapel is pretty key here listen I’ve said it before and I guess you’re going to have to listen listen to it again we went to the Commerce right horrible meeting okay

Absolute horrible the arrogance was uncanny we went to the gardens a little bit better sure but just just they just didn’t get it like we were close we went to Hollywood they were very cool but again man that would have been H just can’t even imagine that uh where else

And Sean contacted us cuz he saw a tweet we came in here and with couple hours we knew we were going to do something the man has Vision he’s a general manager here not trying to blow smoke up his ass uh if I didn’t believe this I just say

Nothing we could not be doing what we’re doing without him he has created this with us he has pushed everything we’ve asked for through up through management and through the flints uh he fights for us on a daily basis their casino is crushing because of his vision and uh I

I’ll be honest with you he he is he should get his as much credit as as anyone else and I’m glad you asked me about it especially on our two anniversary so Sean if you’re listening we need a raise that was the takeway you know Schwan’s about to ship it the queen

Offer I think she’s had enough oh wonderful Professor has four bet to 8,000 with nines yeah put it in put it in Schwan she steamed up she knows these guys are all gambling there it is there it is let’s go only Mickey’s gone Charles is gone now professor’s going nowhere folks in case

You’re all [Applause] wondering absolutely nowhere this is all semantics don’t want Schwan to lose but I kind of want a nine to come on the Flop so we can hear that’s me he says that’s me even when he misses that’s the beauty of this guy you have Ace 10 you call

Wait there Wesley saying if you have a you is he really talking about the I don’t know that’s okay home game yeah can we get one that’s me let Schwan win the first one let’s put a nine on the second R you’re going to get a

That’s me no matter what comes bro you haven’t got one yet yeah I don’t know he’s or let him get scooped and then he can’t breathe but he does say that’s me when they don’t show TOA two overs gut shut straight draw back door flush draw Advantage Professor come Onan let’s get

The first one let’s let’s hit a queen how about the Queen of Hearts let’s go let’s go Queen of Hearts at least a Cho oh come on now took all my CLS too who is that Professor that’s you he’s being polite yeah maybe if it was Charles it’d be different Pink There It

Is there it is let’s all right Swan’s been running so bad she doesn’t trust this one yeah well I know how that feels does he have a spade yes but she has a better SP okay we’re we’re good we’re good no good I thought the nine ball was

Coming bro if it was me it was [Applause] coming yeah just the last thing I’ll say about sha yapo I’ve been in poker for so long I’ve never met anyone like him at any casin I’ve tried to work with other general managers no one with the vision the

Calmness I was going to say you work with him as much or more than anybody with the games you’re running yeah and everything else you guys become close friends yeah it’s just him and his sister who I won’t I won’t say who that is you can yeah it’s tonnie

Sure okay his sister’s T the dealer yeah they’re just really good people they’re the best yeah yeah and Peter Martin who played on Monday sends $100 says splash the pot great game so far an amazing commentary guys loving the first ever HDL allstar game this is not the first

Ever okay he paid 100 yes it is okay but guess what every show is free he might be watching the first All-Star Game even though we’re airing the for him you know the first one didn’t count first one was great in its own way was great yeah I

Had to sit through a a f minute rant from double M doum are you listening you watching this to go Professor is getting after it it’s going to squeeze everybody out I check my hand oh not Wesley he’s deep in position he’s got a nice little Runner

Here this is a pure call isn’t it oh yeah that’s that’s all he can do here so the game’s all the way out of the mug part L because they started drinking partly just it’s going to happen over time the button game helped a little bit yeah and that stupid game

Helps I mean the I don’t know why I called the button game yeah the stupid game Wesley flops middle pair if Professor really wants this one he can get it raver poker’s in the chat who’s raver poker he’s another pretty important piece of this puzzle he is he is what’s

Up raver mad genius sir Kyle you red a genius Professor likes your idea Billy he likes it why can we not figure out who that is back there I I don’t I just can’t IM who it looks like airball guys can you guys help us can you guys help us and let us

Know who you think that is back there in the blue shorts and the Nikes we really need to get the bottom of this py why is he there for so long seems like a vaping station to me yeah but all at the table bro are they are they I don’t know the

Only other person could be is Mickey that just doesn’t look how he’s how he I don’t know I’m more curious about that than I am what Wesley’s going to do Wesley ra I mean what the professor’s going to do 875 rainbow this raise does not represent

Much it opens the door for Professor to win with the worst hand in my opinion although aggression in position very effective in general in deep sack it is and Wesley is now have a different image and I cannot see the professor with this hand doing anything but

Letting it go block me with even worse hand yes no okay so hands over hand over Wesley’s going to show it’s [Applause] over when you’re playing good and someone raises the a75 rainbow there after you showed all the strength pre FL so much it’s always a that right is it

Always say it again let me hear you say when I’m playing good there I’m never full that King 10 but I rarely play good I have to try this commentary is the worst who are these clowns that’s not nice Nick fuchi and I’m Bart Hansen from Crush life poker thanks a lot

Cfp run him uh someone else put him in jail yeah run him kick him out send him the big and he can watch big bet berky hi Daniel deara our video Scout sorry sorry my bad my bad hope you’re enjoying the All-Star game it’s not our first ever allstar game Peter the wck

It’s our second allar game when I’m drunk I can’t speak English close enough this a great great great line great great bunch of people and they deserve it this guy joined our family about 15 minutes ago and he’s he’s the favorite yeah I love it he shot right to the top they’re

Battling the number chugging wine like uh it’s the last couple bottles on Earth good Charing yes been commentating the kid for two years I’m still waiting for him to make one [Laughter] [Applause] mistake flush offer Professor ace high no back door really for [Applause] Mickey [Applause] [Applause] Professor what are we

Doing well I don’t know what story The Professor could tell here it bet not going to make much [Applause] sense notice how different Mickey is now compared to Mickey’s being of the show he was oh yeah unsettled he was unsettled he is chilling right now he was frustrated he’s Soul [Applause] reading Professor

Open for sure you if you bet I 3x I raised 3x whatever you’re bet yeah he he was going to I believe believe I believe but it wouldn’t make it makes sense you can just tell he wasn’t ready to play at the beginning and and that’s

Often the case right we drive the casino there’s traffic there’s a Lon at the cage we get our CHS get to the stage we’re not settled again and at some point something happens the only place maybe I fall maybe is the Flop but it depends

What the BET was if you if you bet small I think I fold if you bet big I think I’m in all the way and suddenly we can play our game that had to be Nikki or Mickey over there it has to be right not Nick airball yeah it just has to

Be he’s over there a lot 300 from who Charles Charles well the only reason I think it’s airball is cuz he dresses like that with the shorts yeah I hate to say I saw have to a pretty big bulge I so well we know it ain’t Nick

Airball I don’t think it’s Mr airball feel better Nick you call make it 20 yeah I bu it up to 20 LGE okay these we doing these guys are getting after it attacking the professor they should let ca cash out yeah they’re out of their

Mind how do you play it’s 20K to go and the guy’s got Jack Deuce off I give you can you take that back two things are in playability it’s the button game if you say yes I and these two just never believe each other I would be probably close to shocked as

I’ve ever been if he lets this go really yes I mean he probably he should the old 20x job for 40% of Charles stack look who’s in the chat JR says come on guys it’s your camera guy what camera guy what did I tell you hold on time out look at the

Screen there’s no camera guy I’m is there a camera guy wait do you see what’s happening here they’re all in no you have a pair yes very small pair though Jr you see I told you this is what the meta is with these two that’s Jr’s fault for

Distracting they got 103,000 in this pot because they don’t believe each other look at this Jack deu is 36% oh yeah that’s me that’s Meck uh we’re going to hear it finally we’re going to hear it I know what have if this pocket sixes holds what is Charles doing you hit something

35 I have how do you lose 50,000 51,000 to try to save 3500 all right no offense Charles I want a six I want to hear it that’s Charles what the [ __ ] Charles what the [ __ ] my brother my brother my brother come on no six okay if there six I’m

Dead that’s true he is right I’m going to re he’s going to Reby oh my God these guys are the best that’s it that’s it that’s it wa money huh can you really believe what we just saw what are you doing I can’t only because I watch these

Guys play a lot that’s what I’m telling you when you said like it’s over it’s not over these guys are going to go all in they’re just lucky you can not get scoop they can’t help themselves me I had a jack you get scooped yeah I investigation you get scooped oh I won

This nice Jack yeah I need that put wait wait wait what [ __ ] you what are you doing my brother nothing can do I can I cannot I me if I put that’s the only way to play that so Great to celebrate and commemorate Hustler Casino Live 2-year anniversary WPT Global is launching the road to Hustler win a staked seat on your favorite poker show One winner will receive a $5,000 travel stien Plus a $110,000 Stak free roll on the show to qualify sign up at WPT and

Use the code Hustler everyone who does this will receive a free tournament ticket for August 13th good luck chat Pros so I have been on the phone for a few weeks with WPT coming up with this promo they’re prepared to continue to get seats away and travel as many times as

They have to so go sign up make a deposit qualify for it and get your ass on our game Stakes you could be an All-Star you could be the next Prince Charles or Professor oh nice you could be cramming it in with Jack dece offsuit very welcome you he

Said I cannot F WPT code Hustler she’ll only play when I play the game right that was a cold adre too never read that one before Nick you did good I started stressing halfway through I know but with the music you were flowing bro yeah I almost started moving

Look at that turn for Andy all right I’m going be back she found the game is very good and she said she wants to play yeah Lucy Harmon Lucy Harmon Lucy Harmon yeah [Applause] check Wow yeah Lucy texted me she really wants to come so I guess we did have a camera guy we should make a game for her is Nick aall posing as a today no tonight he can come tonight after the she’s in she’s in Vancouver didn’t know we had a

Camera I’ll text her after this [Applause] kid we should make’s got a buzz good for him like one week streak yeah for p Ryan I Joy I miss the last one chat amateur Sean Hy says I’m too broke to play on the show yeah that’s why you

Go to WPT put in code Hustler and you get a $5,000 travel stien and a $10,000 Stak free roll you’re not too broke for a free roll are you that’s super broke up no offense if you are too broke for a free [Applause] roll Charles putting on a show

He’s got a wheel draw Andy checks back top pair huh Charles to start pting it off wait what happened [Applause] there sounds like care uh that sounds exactly yeah yeah like care right yeah oh we’re getting um two M does anyone else want some beer you want some be you

Want some be I don’t know Graphics don’t match Community cards yeah that’s it shout out to our Graphics guy moose he loves marijuana more than anything did he put our dealer Sammy in the blender good for you m all right Andy has a top pair at some

Point he’s got a straight now Charles plays the board he’s going to punch some off yeah give him 2,000 he’s a nice guy [Applause] 4,000 give him three oh I saw you were asking his hand no I ask his head was we from same school he TS your M and

I’m in position I auto MK remember I auto M same Professor yeah same school No actually that’s a school actually that’s same money fory yeah I can’t help myself if I don’t if I if you’re see your hand many times you could laugh you’re like

Oh yeah my hand is so I hold my hand two more seconds I can’t help myself to Blu yeah you’re like like this this and then you have to Blu I have a button I play tight you’re so tight Professor 300 only play Four house against

Me I play my 1400 what I play my eight High you me with s yeah I play I call you good guy to go on a hike with I Val top pair for Mickey bottom pair for Andy I realize that 2x so Weir from Mickey on the Flop I

Have to try no choice yeah I have to I have to try I’m stuck I have to try and he puts in the call players are incredibly deep I can only play turns professor in not Lo hold told you Mickey is in the zone right now yeah that’s

Why then I I can’t explain where is the money come from you have to win somewhere right like yeah you lost like 1 something in the summer and then one here yeah money come from maybe from a b 80k or so I should play with you there see the

Bot thinking man I missed Max P Monday I I miss I missed the last summer food is great the free food is great you actually Ron I lost I lost 2 five sorry that’s why we get the free food sh yeah that’s why we get free food no

No they don’t count for poer the r is very [Applause] small Told you the game would get out of the mug oh no C opens the button 700 with 63 off suit Wesley just calls Schwan has a good squeezing hand and a good squeezing spot but she has been trapped by Westside 2007 how did he know seea let go of that six tray

Please she does wait about now Schwan is sensing something is up [Applause] 7,000 you already have button yeah I have flat followed by the four bet oh no it works my [ __ ] god that’s time he sh me with King KN and I have a king we remember a professional play what

That was Art right there five times if you wantan to get there hit the thumbs up I think we can get her there that’s her that’s her one more please oh man the second board insult to injury fuing God oh my [ __ ] God put a couple tens out there Sammy or three

Spedes oh no how about a nine or a Jack Jack I guess there it is a nine or a kingan gets there nope think rough night for her you so lucky wle so lucky no I play good you play good yeah just call you wait me to

To rain right no I wait for oh you don’t have B right she doesn’t have but yet have no no in GTO and in you should have balance I I have a simul simulator simulator GTO red wine Wesley isy they don’t want they scared 100% the comment is going to

Say Wesley is so annoying no way I’m not saying that 100% 100% Wesley is coaching at the table coach no coaching okay no no no I have to coach I have to coach you took my lesson don’t let them know I have to let them know because a

Good GTO player don’t don’t don’t don’t scare balance when you are balancing up you are good five I have [Applause] Aces how lucky are you that you have AC and I have like a decent ra raise 1,000 [ __ ] time we to 1000 yeah that looked a lot worse than it

Was K or Ace [Applause] Jack 1,000 seea open the button Wesley called the small blind Schwan in the straddle at A10 off suit she raised see folded Wes put in a back raise J1 blocking pocket aces cuz you don’t have the B but you just run into it not her finest play ever

But not nearly as bad as it [Applause] looks Charles in there with Jack six [Applause] suited no one flops anything and he checks back the ace high come on Charles paintt do not check down the Jack High here we go Andy’s thinking about Callin with a bad [Applause]

Ace look up hero call in the [Applause] dictionary you’ll see a six of hearts on 54 10 n Deuce three Spades okay doesn’t make it try my best thank you guys you guys every day what can I do guys you play allar every week nice and Charlie thank you we

Should make an allar game every [Applause] week damn I’m going to go bro wish should play allar game every [Applause] [Applause] week [Applause] Mariano V Pips and flops a set against an over pair on a draw heavy board it’s going to be Mariano Mart at

Least for now it is Charles has n fles [Applause] draw raises to 5K Mariano can do no wrong here just get the money in now if you want3 okay it’s all going in how many times guys sure you got a draw Charles yeah of course I got to set we’re doing two yeah

100K in the middle no big deal running it twice Charles needs a spade or running cards to make [Applause] straight that’s not going to help out the a seven of [Applause] Spades and that’s a boat for Mariana on the first run out guaranteed to get his money back plus some Andes

That Ace this Charles no good one card left to hit a spade and Mariano boats up again [Applause] chips this guy unbeatable whatever what Charles Wesley Andy you get a more chip I need some Uh Mariano is in disbelief Aces vers Kings vers Kings Mariano has just won a 34 of a million doll pot I’m calling the clock on myself and Henry lays it down what a play for Mariano Mariano’s heart must have been in his throat on that one Mariano wins 64,000 in this hand it’s

Going to get through isn’t it Mariano it is Mariano’s trying to level his new friend Sky oh no you got to be kidding me we’ve got a straight flush against the nut plush $611,000 pot and Mariano can’t believe it you run pretty good you run pretty good an Understatement he runs okay is the game on right now we still doing the game or not Mariana time yeah time time most likely to win all the money every time he sits down at any poker [Applause] table here here for one reason or another or both the combination of play amazing and

Run better is lethal Charles has four high again good for him needs a three that’s a queen that’s not you Charles wower [Applause] when was the last time those of you watching at home had pocket aces against pocket kings against pocket kings with 800,000 in the [Applause]

Middle was the last time you flopped the straight flush against the nut flush so no more Stand Out game right wait what happened we’re not doing it no was last time he flopped the set in the allstar game against the nut flush ran twice more smart no smart is smart on thisor is

Smart three all right someone says [Applause] yesterday that’s good last week okay tomorrow I like that optim ISM after a flurry of action we got a small pot a lot of checking nice Charles you’re going to win a pot with the best hand Wes did you get one huh did you get

One uh I I still have some wine cheers bro yeah I got one let me get some be from wine to Michel of ultra these guys are better at poker than they are [Applause] drinking Charles stack in any game he plays in at all times is ready to go in hair no hair

Just one tall tower 4or you play so good on the P [Applause] online see a big pot here that’s not Professor opens the 400 in the hijack with A9 off suit marianao three bets the button with Queens and puts in the cold forat from the small blind Mario just

Calls so no more stand up game right Queens against Ace king is not always 69% that is due to card removal it’s usually pretty close to a flip I am not judging that transition i000 I 6,000 six technically speaking it’s not great yeah actually I like that game make the game

Ju right easy call I don’t think we have to worry about the game not having action Andy needs an ace or a King instead it’s a 10 a queen would be very very bad for Mariano I mean Andy I said just follow you my brother you there always the nut straight give

Marano another boat together [Laughter] 100% 100% guarantee the action what do you have when you buy 8K in the BL no pair huh no pair you have a pair no pair if I had a pair why I bet that much I don’t know you’re stupid enough to

Raise me with a bear I don’t know what you’re doing no I Equity maybe you have two high cars that’s right I have two two high cars yeah that’s why got to believe going to call this you have sixs like you have like 30% Equity iy your

Equity that’s good what you guys talking about what is what is deny your I don’t know what he’s talking about Professor teach me this summer you guys run calculator every every hand you pay right how much Equity do you trying to learn CU in the pl it’s hard to

Calculate let’s see anything in here that’s just a call and try and [ __ ] an Acer queen king damn it Acer King [Applause] check Queens hold Tech that’s no good Andy look to your right is that a man who looks like he’s beaten by a high let play Charlie and the professor

Poker there’s ta is% have half milon guarantee M winings check brought to you by Prometheus poker Marano is up 96,000 Charles down 100 Schwan down 60 Charles the most active followed by Andy somewhat somber allstar game Charlie has no money in his pocket for schan Lou no no more chips in his pocket

That’s why I kind of wish it was a smaller game everyone can just have fun not sweat the swing so question you have more chips because if he doesn’t have chips he’s more likely to have a strong hand he doesn’t want to bust in the beginning

Of the game so smart man wow so smart man know everything about Charles Charles you should say I don’t have any chips I don’t even have any chips in my bank account you should see that I swear he second all my N word I used to be a I

Used to be like CR there but I have no more money in my account think about what how big next time next time when I BL I said I have no more chips in my pocket I have no more chips anymore that’s my that’s my bank table BK that’s [Applause]

My all in time for the bot after Andy folds if you got it you got it Charles do you have any chips do you have any chips in your pocket um that’s a good all what is that [ __ ] I think it’s Mike you yeah okay call all right go

Okay 48k in the middle you have ha what are you talking about have a pair 70% against King 10 they’re going to run it twice must be reasonable that do you have chips in your pocket yeah I already put 7K in for normal person the VP is 35% for my brother got

Her it did not neither did the six King High now you have Live card oh makes a set on the first run out that’s sorry wor she can do is chop Charles flops the G shot straight draw a king or an eight and they’re going to

Chop there’s the king CH unless can find the case Queen they’re going to chop I’m glad to play one out please that’s chop all right it’s a he always find yeah no yeah always find some others yeah Char is uh yeah easy to find some authors my lucky [Applause]

Guy you can see that Charles added on a bunch this game’s going to be fantastic for the final 45 minutes it’s been out of the mck for about two hours now trying to money drink’s been [Applause] flowing oh yeah sorry lot of variant in this game

Mariano got it in or not in but he had Queens against A’s King due to card removal he had 69% accurity seea Queens against King 10 how about the correct Equity ran it twice chopped I’m going to turn you guys over to Nick fori for a few minutes I’m going

To take a break is that cool yeah yeah no no [Applause] Fault it’s good keep Play Short cuz if it’s de you can so Billy is Charles still doing stupid since I’ve been gone or is he all right scared oh sorry about that you didn’t have your headset on so much for taking a break sorry bro Charles is doing

Awesome he added 150 I love it all right go take a break get out of here seea jammed on him and he snap called with King 10 suited and he lost no they ran twice and he chopped against Queens all right Mariano’s up 100k is he really it’s bad night for him I’m

Sorry start changing starts charging let’s call him after and make sure he’s okay yeah I will do that okay I’m going to take a break now Nick he buddy take e back it’s coming from [Applause] Morse Jesus Christ how can both call me [ __ ] I don’t even want to look at that

Buddy you go take your break oh put the reads up you got it [Applause] [Applause] all right well see you the bots on the butt here right she has the best hand there is not a heart to be found 4000 professor says Ace Jack might be good wants to put pressure on the

Smaller stack and that probably is going to work yes sir but not for the prince the prince will be having none of that with the six kicker in the three now Charles will be going nowhere ever go Che my friend three what is that 36 off what the [ __ ]

P what are you talking about nice brother that’s right sure is you no he cough he cough his stag he pul me on a maybe ra it does not every time he had a pair he put the other guy on his skin yeah otherwise he don’t know how to play very optimistic

Optimistic I dig it these guys it doesn’t matter what they have you have more they’re just playing each other [Applause] save sorry Professor you have more [Applause] chips all right Mariano under the gun pretty Hand Jack 10 suited diamonds Wesley has a hand on the button

He will not be able to refuse he’s going to have to see a flop ace9 of [Applause] HKS okay I F wow you have a good hand wow you let me win one that’s a strong fold on the button with suit today you have a good hand I realize that what’

You say I realize you have a good hand I liked it yeah you have a good hand but you don’t want to me caught what you don’t want to me caught why not uh cuz that have position if I call you’re going to lose so then why you no call

Uh to too expensive you you may lose but may win e not good yeah e not very good how much 1,000 okay 10 x race the young Prodigy wakes up with a couple of Johnny Stones he G you and he’s going to get tricky with these

Guys he just hates that Ace but he also knows he’s up against the prince he’s going nowhere that’s going to be a good part for Mariano to feel good about Mariano is going to go for a little value here take a [Applause] look 2100 a Fold [Applause] she’s she want to play po wants she want for those of you if you if you really just are tuning in now this is high stakes poker Productions we bring you hust Casino Live 5 days a week 500 p.m. Pacific I am Nick fi and for my partner

Ryan Feldon and I we want to thank you for watching our All-Star Game this is our 2-year anniversary we’ve been doing this for a solid 24 months to the date here is who you picked for the allst Stars this is a great group it’s been a fun night 4000 we’ve seen some

Stupid we’ve seen some not stupid and uh Charles is waking up with one of the best hands he’s had all night Queen tennis Spades he’s in Wesley’s flopping all of it with the ace Jack and uh just like that Charles is going to float and get himself maybe in

A little trouble here the second pair we’ll see if Lesley wants to go bet bet here or if he wants to check but he’s going to bet 10,000 Charles is snapping it’s not even a consideration Wesley will check this River and then Charles has to make a decision is that 10

Good and just like that $20,000 profit and Wesley with the crazy question you have an ace all right cumulative winnings brought to you by Prometheus poker Mariano up a cool almost 100,000 uh Charles the prince down 111 he’s just been banging Wesley is up and you see the Rest and a celebratory scream from the artist Wesley says art7 two milon P there’s the call Tom dwan has just won the biggest pot in the history of televis Poker oh no hard bad news for Francisco the pro oh oh celebratory slam 38,900 Francisco gets completely liquidated oh is like Epic so

Stupid well guys that’s the artist that’s West Side 105 appearances on HCL this kid loves the game he enjoys it he’s got a passion for it he’s come a long way uh he’s improved tremendously with his poker and a little bit with poker etiquette I have to give it to him

And uh there’s a little clip of the West Side doing what he does he was part of the biggest poker hand in live cash poker history that was televised he was not on the good end of it but he did make history get that triple barrel check check the bot’s going to

Win another 5,000 the oil up the old sprockets there’s the beautiful Tida doing what she does you see magic in the back The Hustler Casino pit rocking and [Applause] rolling and those two yimer where’s the Mickey Mi smoke backp back yeah maybe backp you’re right maybe he’s playing back with Mars most likely

200 90% 90% yeah two is in the house he is here I I used to think Mars is a poker Pro but I think I’m [Applause] wrong if you don’t know Mar told her I’m going to a Ice Bar are a thing and then I found Mars

There uh six 6 4,000 what the [ __ ] uh when Nick airball came up lame tonight and put himself on the DL we considered putting Mars in but CA the bot said no no no you sit down sir I don’t want you in the game with me and of course he

Listens to her and he sat right back down I never seen anything like [Applause] it [Applause] we’re at 6,400 likes I got to hand it to you guys you’ve done a good job with that I don’t know if you think you want to get to 7,000 before the night’s over

It’s almost 50% it’s a good night for the likes let’s see if we could do it with that said we have the Broadway draw for Mariano backdoor Club draw for SE of the bot and the prince with the mystery hand off he might just be telling you the truth what

My and he is telling you the [Applause] truth TR your favorite fale player me yeah yes that’s why both both but they’re they’re too much difference what do you mean play style very different I look just Prett good right sense fale yeah 200 500 oh onean yeah

Yeah yeah also and also lot one I said there are too much uhoh uhoh the professor and Mary and has a couple of King Kongs Andy’s in the cut off in position with a king king9 offit the professor can never be trusted Andy uh Andy’s going to let it go he doesn’t

Care about the reputation he’s not going to let the professor get the best of them and uh that’s it’s like a practice it’s like a meditation and when you with the when you with dog Pok with the same you see the wine there with the straw no it’s

Not dog Pok is not a lot of culture around this table but that’s okay yeah I wish I Was well guys WPT to celebrate hcl’s 2-year anniversary WPT Global is launching the road to Hustler win a steak seed on your favorite poker show that is us One winner will receive 5,000 in travel stifen plus 10,000 stake free roll on our show now listen to qualify

You got to sign up at WPT you got to use the co the the code Hustler everyone who does will receive a free tournament ticket for August 13th good luck chat Pros listen guys we want to see you on the show come down Monday

We had somebody from rad poker he won he lived out a little bit of a dream he got on max pain Monday let’s go jum WPT this is one of their giveaways that I really like so let’s get some traction let’s get to that website WPT sign up use the code Hustler

And let’s see you in your game of your choice he has some chipsy in the pocket soon I don’t think so you don’t think so I think I think his whole wire is on the table the talent is back you nailed that ad re man

I heard it I’m a natural thing of beauty natural even if that’s true he should come back all you need to do is go to WPT put in code Hustler you get a free tournament ticket for August 13th and you might get a steak seat on the show and 5K to travel

Yeah tell you right now they’re looking to give away a lot of seats so let’s roll let’s go why is the chat going bananas right now what happened I I I I really don’t know what is I saying I I don’t I haven’t looked at it all night what are they

Actually saying but it is going nuts they saying no dgf no what I don’t know being hater hating you yeah man oh when I said the talent’s back they disagreed sorry about that do you ever really look at this the club bro top paent open ended nice I [Applause]

Post bottom pair and gutter neither player wants to make two pair I don’t have Twitter oh yeah so I post that and then is Big 9k see tosses in a 5k Chip he’s saying a bun of snap call yeah Charles is taking no time he is snapping right now that is a brick

Aroni I’ve been seeing lot of those kind of stuff nice see the bot take it down oil up the sprockets baby she’s crushing she’s up 26k good for her hey see I’m playing Monday bring that winnings Monday I won’t have a shot at it but bring

It says she’s going to come in all oiled up bro who’s coming oiled up oh oh oh yeah not oiled like on her body you know like the the robot we can make a big game for him every day oh you’re saying the stand up game he want I just put

That guy who hurt my feelings time out I feel so much better oh he didn’t like you well you know what you’re a better man than me CU I just run him they never get to come back when they do that to me they don’t even know

It I have to confess sometimes I do worse do you what’s worse than just running them out I’ll I’ll tell you I’ll turn off the mic all I’ll turn mine off too I don’t think it’s possible yeah too [Applause] much that’s the funniest [ __ ] I ever heard Billy I’m not going to say

Anything but oh my God all right look at what we got here we got the G with Ace Queen suited we got SE of the bot with Ace Queen off we got Wesley with a pretty little Hand Jack ten of Hearts do Charles Charles is going crazy with the

Mystery hand he’s for betting the 20,000 and what he got a from Mariano with Ace Queen of Clubs Mariano said hey it’s getting late I’m not giving you any more of this back no way Wesley’s considering it cuz he plays so much with Charles and

He knows he does stupid there was a lot of money in there and he’s got a little ludicrous in him when he sees a lot of dead money he likes to go berserk stuck let’s see it what the [ __ ] let’s see it there it is is that good no yeah you are ahead

Yeah thank you King High King high is ahead got to love this guy do you I’m scared of you he’s 90% Gamble and 10% of something I don’t even know [ __ ] Charles if I have a I call him yeah but I don’t have a I don’t have King nice raise Wes

Yeah [ __ ] Mariano’s blaming the raise on Wesley he had that pretty little hand that would have played really nice you reach 15 I think you call right now out of position no right W or King no no queens Queen just call no race no race for you come on I fight

Back with A5 off once out of Charles is saying Wesley let’s get real that’s that’s you’re supposed to do you’re not raising without number one or number two the prince is telling you all right this time and he’s going to bang it up to 3,200 from the small blind he’s got the

Parking lot hand the professor has the mystery hand I kind of like it let’s guess what the professor is going to look up with for 2400 what do you guys think maybe like seven eight offit I think whatever mag him yeah yeah that’s his range right now him right there 33 [Applause] Uno

River all you do Riv Co [Applause] go out on a limb and sa if the professor bets here he’s got the best hand can’t see it Nick if you think Ace Queen is good you can win your 100 bucks back how do you think my Quantum energy

You saw my Quantum energy I feel like the professor got it nothing to how you seeing my cond you saw that right I post it like [ __ ] like [ __ ] no I mean it’s what understand so it’s like you if you understand it’s let me explain to you later no

Thank you thank you you don’t let me I’m not a sign you’re any he puts in the call he’s not sold my girlfriend understand it not a great board for the ace Queen that’s why you don’t go to you don’t understand I don’t understand only me

Too me too I think we have the same Degree come here s right but but I think my philosophy is correct so Quant Quantum energy Quantum energy seven and 33 and change specifically every un giving Andy a great price a gross spot however you don’t want to just give him

7,000 has it own rule it’s like what we think though the professor has like the I think the professor has rule number two is a hand like it’s called a r I agree or he could like a seven ball yeah something something so the second one is every unit has a

But your blood please come on let’s see what this is oh my God my King come on production scoot it over you have [ __ ] you9 Billy yeah he had it put money a n King is that a good no F tell me one time good good [ __ ] you I don’t have a

K shout out to AI shreer chat super pro sent 20 bucks said for lawren she should have been an All-Star dealer you feel better you know AI has been with us for almost the whole two years I’ve gotten to know him in the Twitter spaces he came down

Here for the Meetup game he’s an awfully nice guy consider my friend and uh shout out to I’m going to shout out tow who is a friend of mine also from there and said shout me out and then said don’t but now I am can be as un our

Whoes Twitter spaces more than you can be one un I like to talk Communicator so so when we have strong Quantum energy which means other people don’t have that strong Quantum energy you understand no this is recorded I’m going to take notes later 800 800 work last time no

It’s like 800 work it’s like when I when I go lucky and then you unlucky cuz the the ru the axm three is like the total Quantum energy is uh same it’s called three LGE it’s called Quantum energy equilibrium equilibrium Quantum energy equilibrium so the whole Quantum

Energy in the universe is H stay same so when you have more which means others have less understand yeah yeah yeah Charles Charles is the best a light three bet Mariano easy call for professor professor is playing tomorrow night so is Mariano those are good try one got mint

No what’ you say B Mar he’s playing tomorrow night with Professor Pepe and others in the mix huh is Charles playing I don’t know Felman just told me and I already forgot they had a little they had a little scuff [Applause] Up theal number of the universe Wes is on one uhuh yeah he’s the new professor large look at that 14 into six it’s interesting choice so Mariano has a decision to make here obviously he’s got second pair not telling anyone anything we don’t know um thing is with the professor he’s

Going to let it go it’s a professor you just don’t know but he’s going to stick to the rules and Let It Go Professor you have a set H you have a set very big hand a set very big said you’re too good I cannot tell you

Anymore you’re too so Billy I’m going to do a shout out to some of my peeps out there uh Coco Snoop Dog weo it’s only one hour it’s only one hour later it’s only one hour later you got an HCL Envy shout out if I forgot anyone I

Apologize I’m going to shout out everyone over at the lucky lady right now let do it that is less than a mile away yeah I found that out I was there for the first time last week it’s the nicest room isn’t it Nick hey I got to tell you something I was absolutely

Impressed I will go as far as saying the vibe there is is well I’m not going to say is really good I like baby cakes got some games going on over thereon playing out there 1 3 2 4 5 68 what is she doing 2 five 68 baby cakes say three the

B Chris sorry Chris I got you true that’s true you should learn it’s it’s science Charles hold call the three with King 10 off suit like a gentleman that’s impressive Schwan folds the Deuces has not been her night well let’s see what Mariana wants to do in position against a very solid

Player and the guy that is snapping everything he’s just going to look it up that’s not you I watch a lot of vog V it’s not like you he watches a lot of his vide you not think that Mariana would flop the best fan with King 4 against King 10 and a

Queen well like you say you play good you run good you look good you’re good he doesn’t smell good though you’ve played with him haven’t you that’s the one thing it’s yeah I got to be on the other side of the table it’s a little alarming I don’t know what it

Is just going to lead right into CA lead right into a handful of nothing on the other two hands protect his Equity she is going to Let It Go not even one di behind her Charles you know he’s not going to let it go he’s got a king I mean why

Would the platform keep the platform kept pushing to me and you don’t like us nothing nothing there no I I I talk about uh strategy you should learn oh I never I never saw the Charles wants to take a poke no he doesn’t check ship

It yeah I knew when I saw the king four of diamonds against the ace Queen of Diamonds and the King 10 I was going to have the check mark how could you not win Chinese all right Billy call it cumulative winnings brought to you by Prometheus Mar’s up a buck and

Change Wesley’s up about half that Professor having a great Charles playing the most hands schan Andia the most selective lot of multi-weight pots here Nick and in every live poker game right yeah we just saw Mariana with the King four SE with the ace Queen of Diamonds

And Charles with the King 10 off suit SE was the three better Charles came 9 54 zero diamonds Mariano put out that small bet she might not know what to do she can go home plug it in she don’t know have to do next time well where she

Gonna plug it in though Prometheus n become I knew become very interesting cuz the cumulative winnings are brought to you by prome that’s right and do not forget about rad po yeah rad poker and WP two ways to play on our show for free yeah do you

Think they remember that if you sign up at R poker for is it a dollar it’s a buck like one Buck you could wind up on our show with a Buy in the guy who played in seat 9 really cool kid rad Addie I said it was a dollar he said

Yeah but I had to Reby twice that’s a bad beat $3 $3 and that WPT Global is giving you a bigger stake you might play 10K you can play on on Wednesday if you want yeah yeah you can probably get in the Wednesday game I don’t know why you would play against

Mariano West West you made did you make the a top pair lay down against his Queens he was in seat N9 your seat eight am I remembering that right yeah you talked him out of that information I thought that was kind of thought that was kind

Of professional of you I did not yes you did I got a signal from production and I executed but you cannot prove it’s WR all right I didn’t you hustled that kid right out of that information I click buttons Nick you waited until he just kept talking and talking and talking and

Then you mucked it I lose 39 sessions in a row I win one cuz I click the right buttons a few times and I and I got to get Po got do what you do to be explained by itself Lo logically uhhuh yeah cannot have any paru [Applause]

Paru how many likes do we have paru it’s like we have 6.7 like it’s not bad let’s get to 7500 before the end of I okay tomorrow Friday August 4th because it can’t be disproved Prince Charles Andy Westside Wesley Mariano the professor Mike X Pepe Dave tuckman will be in the booth

For that one you’re not going to want to miss it prove not no there’s going to be a lot of stupid Going On Tupac who’s Tupac you don’t know who Tupac is we’re in La Wes he doesn’t know he’s a rapper rapper oh I I I I don’t know never heard

Like shorty want to be a thug no no no no I don’t know 600 I don’t know 600 never heard like my ambitions as a ride H Mary no I that say holy [Applause] [ __ ] look at this the lucky lady snoy dog par Queens 36 MAF that’s going to be

His new name the lucky lady he’s the best right Mike X is pre flop Mike yeah Mar is going to be lucky lady I’m going to start naming these guys and gals seriously this is Westside West the prince Wesley might paint right here bot no wow he just made the same type of

Fold against Mariana with Jack 10 suited the diamonds had A9 in position last time Wes is just not wanting to be part of this with Marana even in position the Moda Jimmy B wants me to announce that no one gets paid to why would we pay people to play on our

Show when everyone wants to play on the show that would be really bad businesses he want us to announce that I don’t know he’s the modfather I just do what he says yeah I don’t blame you yeah we do not pay anybody to be on the show except n airball it’s 100K a

Show and uh he has a ton of equity too is a win right you get him a sick day today right sick pay yeah he gets half pay 500k to stay home I’m the only loser now and I I think so by the way is Dana Craven in there

Tonight she was in there the moderation sensation I got your I got your text I called you back you big timed me and didn’t pick it up but I’m letting you know that we can talk probably tomorrow please text me again to remind me I don’t know what you want but I’m all

Yours that’s great Nick you’re just going to conduct all your business through the chat right now yeah why not she I could talk to Dana we’re friends she’s my mod maybe she wants to rat on [Applause] someone see the bot with a par and a gutter against Charles over

Pair you’re going to get one look at this one she just folds huh like all stff is it just ask mar mar is casino is not allowed ask bestz I went to a casino there one time Matrix no it was Lucky Chances oh that I have Lu chances yeah I don’t think they

Had like a lot of table games but yeah I know Bay 101 and Matrix are like the main ones right yeah yeah are they [Applause] nice in terms of environment I think got about 10 minutes left I think in this second allstar game it’s been fun it’s been different I enjoyed it

It’s a lot more friendly at the table game finally got out of the muck after a couple hours and they cracked open the wine and started playing that stupid game yeah we got off to a really bad start last allstar game see how the bot just calling with

Jags we had one of the owners in the All-Star game uh kind of acting up I’m sorry nothing I was just kidding last year yeah oh yeah it wasn’t me let’s give her a Jack or let’s give Schwan a six oh there you go Schwan Wow first thing that’s gone right all

Night you know Billy I don’t want to jinxer I don’t know if I should say it when I’m in position like this you know what comes for me 10 ball three uh three that’s too easy though 10 is real adversity yeah yeah not I’m me in trouble now off

Oh my [ __ ] god oh yeah they want me to clarify what Mario smells like let’s see if Schwan can hold here this a big pot yeah 75k pot she’s not going to be that buried anymore after this if she holds Oh Come man come on Magic come on

A-hole you called the 10 6 magic you’re the worst so many that’s so gross he’s not going to hit again is he no don’t do it magic magic get out of here I told you oh really I feel sick yes baby I Itor you’re the last one I want to beat

Okay that’s okay the first the second and the third the four shout out to all of you bought a piece ofan on K tonight oh man I feel horrible yeah that’s so sick Billy she’s got the money in great several times tonight this was not her Night Never

One she got tricked by Wesley he painted her Masterpiece with those Aces dude anytime I see the Grim Reaper magic when those rivers are coming my knees are knocking br me some pain arti the next day he came to me I wouldn’t talk to him seriously right yeah I swear no I know

It gets a little bit like kind of touchy I played a 40K pot 97% Equity all in Lost rent at once magic next day tries to give me a fist bump and I say no man absolutely not take your fist bump yeah go work on your Rivers man yeah that’s a

Lot see if we can get a flyer for hiring dealers for hust Casino Live just taking it like a champ nothing but nothing but class from fun now you have a strong energy I I can’t beat you wow you know Billy we’ve all been there we know that feeling she’s feeling

Right now it’s it’s really gross all you can do is get the money and good Charles is wide open right now yeah in the end they all say cont energy skill cont energy this is from Wesley energy I told you when you get the energy and you get stronger and

Others get weaker weaker others weaker yeah others others weaker I was just testing you the quantum energy so I was it’s correct right it’s correct it’s correct that’s correct C is running out the clock isn’t she oh yeah going four quarters on this [ __ ] can’t end quick enough you

Know what I mean for No I gave him I gave him some he’s ready lock it up book It ship it you to get successfully BL to get some energy cont energy cont energy so so this word and skill has been spoken in the whole table in the fin

Table uh in my WSOP 1200 uh there’s a guy who argu with me he said oh he said to is all skill all right I’m going to shout somebody else out that I’m just reading something I’m going to shout out Schmid II he’s obviously listening he’s

Driven you crazy Billy to the point to where you texted me and said what am I going to do with this guy and I said put this guy in what what is he coming in what date August 21st Nate all right so the 21st he’s going to be in he’s got

The marching orders he better perform he better be worth it so Bobby get in the spaces talk about how we just talked about you get your [ __ ] together and get over here Billy what do you have to say here’s a trick if you want to get on one of the

Shows where I set the lineup and you don’t think it’s going to work just approach you me because you don’t have a big following you’re not famous you’re not crazy action go into one of Nick’s Twitter spaces and tell him he’s the goat Twitter space guy he does that he’s

Smart he Brown noses me but he doesn’t even like me I don’t Bobby you don’t like me right but he’s smart August 22nd me feel like like a VIP I know that’s that’s what they do and then you say hey put this guy in he’s huge in the Twitter

Space I say Nick there’s 76 people listening right now what Twitter space but congrats to him well I I will say this and I’m kidding about all that stuff Bobby doesn’t give me the time of day but the reason he’s going to be in is because I honestly think he’s going

To be a big personality he is he’s a little bit out of his mind so I’m crossing my fingers yeah it’s nothing I don’t know him no I know I don’t go on Twitter he’s in for two reasons from to Relentless million right and he made you

Feel good at Twitter space at 4 in the morning like a big [Laughter] deal I’m feeling a little from1 I feel a little bit right now I have I have a little bit of energy right now you feel it I feel a little bit yeah oh I I

Feel the table has to can we have just you have to it believe it was yeah I feel it and I believe it I don’t want to say what Marano smells like 300 I believe it very much he smells like pork you be careful some

Days no I believe it to some days blue cheese meets vinegar I don’t have a good hand but meets you know I believe I have a gooder middle school locker room I check check now I hit of course check he doesn’t believe it now see we get

Punished so there are a few ways to get on our show lat what is mar an eight for a straight 100% I’m going to be strong four for a double gutter eight S it’s a battle of the future is good five I win this one 100% youn sure you

Have the L check I don’t have enough this is good game Flow recognition that you you’re going to want to Bluff when you are at the bottom of your range oh [ __ ] size is you can’t wi it Showdown but I thought he was going to check

Because Charles just no mood to F I don’t like it I don’t like it oh he’s good beauti and show it quantum energy yeah you here to the queen jeez that was ambitious what the [ __ ] is [ __ ] I wi I told you you Haven put energy what the [ __ ] only

1,000 he goes only 1,000 oh my God you lose your energy that’s so bad that’s so bad can I call now three ways to get on the show yeah rad poker sign up for a buck yeah I love it battle how how you become so tight win your way on go to

WPT code Hustler get a free ticket to tournament you might get Stak for 10K the Third Way go into a Twitter space at 4:00 a.m. and say Veri I love you man can I play on one of your shows N Text me next day hey

I think we need to get this guy in that’s it those are the three ways that’s him once to get your energy back okay uh we I have a bot I tried to block him I didn’t even have Bobby V Myer like I’m tell you you would much rather have someone

Jumping Twitter space tell me I’m in the we hours of some week day just be like I love your show banging up someone call me little F around and find out and then you you’ll you’ll hit me up the next day I really think we need to get this guy

In and then you’ll text me what the hell is this guy doing he’s on my ass yeah he won’t stop tweeting me and I said just put him in and you’re like okay how much done that 2300 Nick doesn’t have social media cuz you still have better not famous yeah yeah that’s

What I know I guess he’s Twitter space famous though I need to brush up on that yeah you do sh has top two she’s probably drawing dead against these sixes baby cakes is in there she’ll tell you yeah sorry Aaron bir chat Pro says Mario smells like Victory

Absolutely surprised that wasn’t a six magic let her win one pot tonight if you don’t mind magic what do you got against poker power magic maybe I get bluffed again oh no I’m this one n good good boy don’t show your bluff please thank you I have I

Have obviously Billy you’re the talent so you’ll take it out is this it okay make a good call the same you made a bad before you take it out soon maybe in the next 10 minutes or less I just want to let everyone know this is high a

Force we bring you hustle Casino Live days a week 5 Pacific I am for my partner Ryan Feldman and the talent in the room Billy Professor we want to thank you for tuning in tonight to our All-Star Game our 2-year anniversary can’t get and I have the hiccups what’s

The next one going to look like well we’re going to start working on it now who could possibly replace this group who could find their way in there I that that’s something maybe Bobby Schmidt theii you want him in there next year well he’s he’s uh tweeting at me

Right now and he’s very happy about the job I got the hiccups man I got I got to go on mute I got to go on mute bro this not going to work hit the red button all right bro I’m eny [Applause] out to chrisis game like this all summer how does he

Knowy get some energy finally decid to come back into poker and this is what I get a game but you know in a good game you need energy if you don’t hit you never win they’re not going to f [Applause] anyway Micky Mickey have to return my 3K

Chips from the last pot like one year ago grab a napkin grab a napk you have a l i saw you want to seal my mouse no you need to your lips you you can use that to to steal your lips too nobody will reject so what do I eat what that wine

Oh it’s wine that’s what I’m telling you yeah I was trying to not tell the whole screen but whatever it is it doesn’t it doesn’t look great sorry it’s [Applause] okayo got a few hands left Maybe 2200 maybe I can become a Le open heads off

Y when I watch open hmer I I feel very familiar cuz there are lots of things in the parly they filmed in the bur La left nose bleed Friday tomorrow night 500 p.m. Pacific and my girlfriend just quit from that left a lot of these same players Mariano Andy graduate fromy

Westside Wesley Professor that Charles it was filmed at UC Berkeley all the classroom scenes all the classroom the lawence lab oh okay yeah lawence lab or yeah yeah there’s a lab yeah the film there [Applause] okay Andy bet the Flop with nothing but back doors 5200 and now he’s

Open-ended taking a value line with Jack High just as he would with a good Ace or better Professor is going [Applause] nowhere [Applause] Andy whiffs stuck with Jack High out of position 20K in the middle what now this guy came out firing he’s still firing 5 hours later in the meeting he’s

In a meeting meeting with who yeah he said so okay I don’t know meeting with who maybe the [Applause] MGM what there’s only gamblers there are only gamblers here okay finally gives up this is good why you bling my body sorry one more one more they don’t know

You and me enough for top hair you and me never fold I never block me in this there should be a eight in the river and you have two pair and he has a St and you don’t BL me with this hand right you know I will

Call you know I for sure they don’t they don’t know you any enough do this I’m scared to BL Charles I guess we got to at least another hand left left magic isn’t really satisfied with what he’s done sometimes sometimes have to okay just can’t help myself Bluff

It my I think um on me right yeah my BL eight no no Queen how much two don’t do stupid 800 800 oh come on just gu I watch every Vlog you okay no you don’t we’ve got some Twitter space Fe going on you’re probably like Obi

Sends another $20 this says Bobby schi the third has a big personality but he’s all talk no Talent OR skill I think he’ll be good for the show but it won’t be good for his Banker are they buddies they’re friends they’re going to do a head heads up

He D he Millions will watch that how yeah we’re going to stream it and the a was like 100 like only like 30k behind yeah I still sh to BL in front of 200k Po I wouldn’t blame Shan if she just threw something at Wesley anything yeah I still BL that’s

Empty coffee cup just a ninja star right between his eyes water bottle shut up West I’m down a 100 ball in this easy game father who this is she down that much chicken’s father from Francisco Francisco he had I BL twice in that hand had a qu on turn I raise turn

He call rever he B I raise again but my BL is the PO is already like 160k or 170k he has 30k behind I still want the bluff yeah that’s the point we’ve all been there stupid run terrible all night my outs if your [ __ ] you oh that’s good that’s good that’s

Good this time it’s kid had three drinks he’s having the time of his life all talking about quantum physics so stupid Quantum energy I can’t even look at it what time is it magic she asked that’s C for please get me the hell out of here there’s Mickey stack where’ Nikki go

Nick well I heard he had a meeting I don’t know what that means Here’s the final chip counts brought to you by promethus the world’s fastest multi-wave solver what is20 V Pips one more time Charles really brought it tonight so did Andy those are pretty low V Pips so so

Quick they playing regular poker most of them come on dude I Andy 33% pre- flop raise how can I lose everythings yeah Schwan lost 94 Charles loses 90 Mickey down 22 Andy down 13 everyone else wins see the bot wins 20 Professor 42 Wesley 50 Mariana the big winner I am 0%

Surprised but 100% grateful of this show Happy Birthday Hustler Casino Live all you viewers on behalf of Nick Veri and Ryan Feldman dgaf tune in tomorrow for nose bed Friday peace thank you Billy Envy Out A


  1. This is click bait, your going down hill HC sort it out and get GA aka the goat back on and watch your steam go to the next level again. Don’t be so stuck up you need the goat trust me…

  2. When they say Mikki is a favorite they must mean by the staff of hustler cause otherwise he’s like a display case of chips

  3. Wesley is such a jerk, gambling with Dad’s dangerous corruption money. He can’t even speak English. I say it’s dangerous because the Dad can be in prison at any point

  4. lol look at how happy Wesley is. Mara isn’t there and he now thinks SIA is his gf. Relax Wesley …… relax

  5. What is a matter with Mikki he looks so sad and disinterested with the game l came to watch him, l am so disappointed hope he cheers up before the game ends

  6. Can we get a behind closed doors heads up between airball and vertucci no cameras, sound proof room, loser hides under a rock the rest of their life.. the winner finds a rock next to them to do the same thing..?? The 2 most irritating people in poker hands down

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