Atthaya Thitikul’s SECRETS for Perfecting Your Golf Swing!

Atthaya Thitikul’s SECRETS for Perfecting Your Golf Swing!

Atthaya Thitikul is currently ranked 9th in the LPGA Rolex World Rankings. This golfer from Thailand has a very efficient golf swing! Her backswing and downswing are 2 separate things of beauty! Watch this video to learn exactly how the move she makes during her backswing allows her to have a nearly perfect transition and downswing!

#lpga #golfer #golfswing

In this video today I’m going to show you exactly what you need to do to keep your hands more in front of your chest during your back swing and we’re also going to take a look at the perfect lower body motion of AIA thetical what’s up everyone this is Jim Labuda here once

Again and today we’re going to take a look at the golf swing of the ninth ranked player on the LPGA Rolex railing rakings and that’s a thot thical from Thailand now we’ve taken a look at her from the face on view once before we’re going to take a look at her driver swing

Here there’s a lot of great things she’s got going in the setup here really really good neutral spine position you can see that’s a very straight line we’re also going to look at how our arms hang down naturally here no tension in this setup at all knees really position

In a good position right over the balls of those feet love this setup here now as she starts to take the golf club away couple things we’re going to talk about here when we get to this position here perfect position Club head is just outside of the hands this is the key

Position for keeping your hands in front of your chest more throughout the golf swing you’re going to see here is as she starts rotating to the top of the Swing we’re going to stop where her lead arms parallel to the ground and what we’re going to notice here are a couple things

Her hands at this position are blocking that trail armpit which is the perfect perfect position to be in too many times we see amateur players here get their hands way too deep in the swing and that happens because in this position right here the club head is actually pulled

Inside so as that club head pulls inside their hands get stuck behind them and that’s how we start getting stuck in our golf swing so if you guys are struggling with this move focus on keeping the hands a little bit more outside of or the club head outside of the hands here

In the takeaway as she gets to the top of her golf swing here lot of good things to point out swing gets really really long at this point point but you can see that her elbow here really really good position of that right arm it’s got a perfect upright position it’s

Really balancing that club properly but really I want you to focus on the lower body motion Now watch how that lower body motion really starts moving look at the drive and the opening of those hips before the golf club here really even starts moving so this is really really

Awesome lower body motion this is what helps a thical be a very long driver of the golf ball you can see as she gets moving into impact position here that right arm in particular really still stays bent as she gets into impact look at that straightening in the right arm

That’s where the distance and power come from we started talking a little bit more about the right arm movement in the golf swing here or the trail arm movement and how that arm should move so this is a real good position to be in but the main things I want you to take

Away from this golf swing number one is going to be the takeaway position here keep the club just outside of the hands that’s going to help you keep your hands more in front of your chest in the back swing and if you’re looking to improve your lower body motion you want to copy

This move from a thical and get that lower body moving and get those hips transitioning to help you improve your downswing

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