An Important Swing Tutorial For You To Hear (Can Drill This With Or Without The Propeller)

Turn your barrel

And you want to stand so that when you hold your arm right here the logos face right down that blue PVC pole and then you coil as you coil this bottom paddle goes down the PVC pole behind you it stays on that line as you coil and then the first step is the

Tilt and when I tilt I’m keeping this paddle down the Blue Line here’s another view of it my Logos are lined up with the blue PVC pole I coil it back down that line and then I tilt notice when we do this the hands are not moving in

Space they’re pivoting with the Tilt in the hip socket


  1. this dude gets flak but its pretty clear what hes demonstrating, you see a lot of big leaugers swing like that espeicaly in the steroid era.

  2. Just opened the propeller bat for Christmas today.
    I’m watching this video and comparing it to your “hands and forearms” activity (video were you have the blue and orange propeller bay). In the hands and forearms video you talk about supinating the forearm but in the current video (all blue propeller bat) you instruct to tilt back rather than use hands and forearms. I’m confused.

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