Golf Players

“Real Sports” Always Did It Professionally – Dan Patrick Congratulates Bryant Gumbel | 12/22/23

Dan Patrick congratulates Bryant Gumbel for the job he’s done on “Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel” after the show aired its final episode after 29 years

By the way speaking of uh journalism uh if you watch the real sports with Bryant Gumble they had their final show after 29 years and uh did a retrospective they had their journalist on there and they were looking back at stories they’ve covered athletes they’ve covered stories they’ve broken and uh

I’ve said this and I know it’s get off my lawn but you know I do worry about this business moving forward in what is considered journalism and how to cover a story and not just rumor uh I’m hearing you’re actually covering you know Sports and and you’re doing it the correct way

Um I know it’s a it’s a hot take world that we live in but that’s not journalism and I think that we blur the lines on that real Sports always did it professionally and you know when it comes to like 60 Minutes what they did and do with news this is what real

Sports did for 29 years and uh I I’ll miss that because I I learned a lot when I watched how to set up a story it’s about having a great character there telling the story and they were wonderful storytellers but uh for Bryant Gumble play a lot of golf man you’ve

Earned it and uh quite a legacy yeah Paul one of the things I loved about the structure of that show is after the piece he would sit with Bernie Goldberg and Brian Gumble would ask some of the questions like the follow-ups that you had in your mind about the story like

Whatever happened to that horse whatever happened to that kid and Brian would ask that question in the moment I always thought it was a great way to put a bow on yeah and you gave the reporters a chance to you know have a conversation about what they were doing but they

Traveled the globe and they weren’t afraid to you know tug on the uh the big you know big corporate uh the ioc I mean there are a lot of lot of stories and and then stories that you didn’t think that you would enjoy or you didn’t know

Anything about but they presented in a way that you know it was just it was great storytelling and that’s what this business is all about you know when you tell stories when I have people on I want them to tell you a story I want it

To be a conversation and I think that that’s they did that as well as anybody Not Just Sports I’m talking about anybody and I’ll miss that because I do think that you know like outside the lines you know I was fortunate to uh be there with Bob Lee and Jeremy shap and

How they covered Sports big big you know stories little stories but they did it in a journalistic way that seems to be a lost start


  1. This a joke Real sports became a woke show . They cancel Bernard Golberg story about trans athletes destroying woman sports . This why Bernard Goldberg quit .

  2. 60 minutes?????? Maybe in the Wallace, Safer, Bradley days but not not now in past ten years with one sided liberal slanted stories. It's bad now like you said Real bad!!

  3. very upset with the way HBO and WB/Discovery are headed. Real Sports was fantastic, I watched every month. I enjoyed it a lot.

  4. I put you up there with Real Sports, Dan. I have always enjoyed your professionalism and journalistic skill.
    Unfortunately, nowadays any idiot can throw together a podcast and sit around shooting the shit with other podcasters throwing out rumor and innuendo and not even consider the damage their half truths and downright lies do to an uneducated public.

  5. dan that's not get off my lawn shit. You just understand sports journalism is becoming rarer, replaced by shouting, speculation, and clickbait.

  6. When I watched Bryan Gumbel on NBC morning news in 1991 or 1992 for the first time, I was impressed, though I didn't really or did barely understand what was what in the States.

  7. Its hilarious…dan is criticizing something he does daily on his show…he identifies as a journalist but is the tabloid type… always looking for the the dirt stuff….he does get the best guests on is why i watch those….if you're wondering✌️😁

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