The Single Plane Swing Body Brakes

#MoeNorman #TheSinglePlaneGolfSwing #gravesgolf #golf

The reason Moe Norman was the greatest ballstriker is due to his perfect hand position and body position. One of the reasons is that Moe hit perfect positions with his body. When you hit perfect positions, you are able to move the arms and hands efficiently into impact. In other-words, Moe discovered the most efficient way to achieve the most important moment – impact.

In this video I discuss the positions of The Single Plane Golf Swing and how you must learn to stop the body in order to move it correctly.

To find out more about the Single Plane Swing, I have created a “Single Plane Pocket coach” that you can take to the range, or course, and learn the fundamentals of the swing.

Find out more about the Pocket Coach here:

The Single Plane golf swing is not a quick fix golf technique. It is a system, beginning at address, that simplifies the most important moment of the golf swing – impact.

Starting at address on two planes where the arms hang straight down at address, the Conventional golf swing is complicated. Because the arms are hanging straight down, a conventional golfer must lift the body into impact creating stress on the back.

This upward movement to accommodate the two planes is unnecessary.

The Single Plane Golf swing simplifies the golf swing by eliminating the need for the upward movement by starting and impacting on the same plane.

Hey today we’re going to talk about range of motion in your body and how that’s actually what makes your golf swing natural and help you get to impact more consistently so I recently did a show and we had probably a couple hundred people on the show and I was

Explaining how I never actually try to square the club face at impact and so that concept because I get a question quite often where people ask me you know how do you square the face or how do you consistently Square the face and a lot of times when I’m working with students

They’re attempting to be square at impact and that’s something that I never ever worry about I never have practiced being square at impact however I end up square at impact the club face does and so you have to ask the question well what is creating a square Club faing if

You never have to really think about it how is it occurring and I put some thought into that and thinking through that for you it it I can make this I can make squaring a face natural but it’s it’s actually very simple how it happens and there’s a is a really important

Reason on how it happens every single time I swing a golf club and it also emphasizes the important the importance of the positions of your body we’re going to go into all this today of how the positions you place your body in and you learning these position affects what

I call range of motion the range of motion of your body and I can actually show you and I can do a number of demonstrations for you that I can limit the range of motion of your body naturally right okay so what does that mean well I can show you

How I can stop your body from moving by putting it in some natural positions so two things are very important about that when it comes to the golf swing number one is obviously you’re moving a golf swing is a set of movements it starts it starts you rotate back you leverage the

Club you you you stabilize the body and you rotate through so the golf swing is a series of movements we all get that but it’s also about stopping the body and so we got to talk about this in next video we’re going to talk about the braking system but but range of motion

Is how the club face actually squares because here’s the thing if I can put my body in certain positions it will naturally only go so far let me give you let me give you two of my normal examples of this so one example is this and I I had a

Conversation with one of my students one day we were having dinner I I make make I always make such great friends with my students I was having dinner with her and his uh and her husband and she says to me she goes Todd I’m a lady and I can

Move my pelvis more than most people and I said no no you can’t watch let me show you I can limit the amount your pelvis rotates it’s not that I want you not to rotate your pelvis but I can limit that let me show you how I do it so if I put

Your it it starts with the feet because the feet whether they’re turned in or turned out affects how the knees work well if I put my feet where I want them watch what happens if I put this foot sort of straight like I walk maybe slightly rotated and I put this foot

Turned out okay and I tilt my body slightly I can go back but if I keep my feet on the ground okay it limits the amount I rotate if I work against that leg I’m limited notice how if I lift my foot it allows me to

Rotate further right so do you want foot lift or do you want to keep it on the ground keep it on the ground reduces the amount of rotation you have so foot position limits how much my pelvis can go do you see how my body is working now

So if I keep my feet on the ground it limits my rotation okay if I if I turn the foot even more it limits it a little bit more if I turn it less I can get more okay but Watch What Happens that’s the back swing now

In the down swing I go this direction notice how my knee is stopping here in actuality it’s stopping the hip this side continue as this side gets stable and stops moving so what you’re seeing is by the position of this knee because of the foot this gets stable and this

Continues so I’ve limited this direction so notice I’m just demonstrating for you how by positioning my feet correctly it can adjust how much my pelvis can move in both directions okay look at the upper body if I’m tilted okay tilted and I stay tilted now my lower body being

What it is right foot rotation it being limited notice how this gets limited see how much rotation is limited here okay makes some sense right I can’t go that far now when I go into the knee and I go into side Bend and rotation look at

This I get limited again now you might say well Todd that’s slowing you down it’s actually not it’s actually going to help me speed up because when I’m able to stop and move I can then accelerate other parts of my body so what’s allowing me to do is position things to

Accelerate them in other words we’ll talk about this in in my next video but if I stop certain parts it allow ows me have to have a support system to accelerate other parts but here’s what I want to talk about as far as squaring the face so how does this relate so Watch

What Happens now and go back to my previous concept video about about my upper body orientation and my hand position but let’s just let’s just have you guys assume that this is a perfect grip right and that’s where the face is square let me walk you through the swing

And how the face squares without me even trying another range of motion issue is your upper arm now this is an important one because this arm dictates Club face right look how much I can rotate the face so if you if I take the club like

This and I just stand straight up I can rotate the face this much that’s a lot right too much so let’s say I want to limit how much the face can actually rotate during my swing this is really cool so if I turn my arm if I go into a

Tilt okay which is what what’s happening in the swing if I go into a tilt and I turn my hand arm as far this way as I can and I keep this shoulder isolated in other words so I’m not going to let it turn watch this watch if I don’t move my

Upper arm okay so shoulder to Elbow does not move keeping it still as I’m tilted and I only turn my elbow down my hand can’t go past where the face would be square all right that’s a very very important concept I’m going to show you the golf swing without a golf club and

Show you what’s happening now that exact thing I just showed you occurs during swing motion I’m going into the back swing remember how I said this happens that just happened that just happened in the back swing I stabilize I’m keeping it this direction as I’m coming down see that

It’s staying this direction now watch this as I’m getting into this area watch this square square square and so what’s happening is the swing motion because I’m tilted has isolated the shoulder so the only thing left is the square here’s what’s important about that

If my grip is good I’m gonna make a kind of a slow motion swing here here we are again coming down look at the look at the lead arm in that rotation I get down here look at the lead arm higher and then this squares now my what I try to do is

Because I know that this is going to square every single time all I care about is swinging through all I care is about getting to my finish so I start here take it back and I get to my finish cuz I know that if I’m if I’m in this position it’s

Going to square at the bottom so my concept for you is never swing at the ball never swing at the ball because that would that would entail you trying to get this to square let it Square from positioning watch this I’ll hit this shot the face will get perfectly square

At the bottom because of this position I’m putting myself in and it squares every time I don’t try to Square it I’m not trying to square I get here and it rotates to square because it’s this part is isolated again back to the concept range of motion I’ve limited this

Range by positioning the body putting the upper arm into a stabilized position and then limiting how much I can actually rotate it and because I’ve learned the position of the Swing which is what you should do all these things combined lower body upper body upper arm

Thing Square the face and this is just an accelerator this just basically skips rocks and goes fast that’s a lot but I hope that helps you understand that this natural movement is occurring because it’s a natural movement I’m not trying to do any of this I’m simply just

Positioning my body in a way watch this again it’s all about positioning it correctly here starting with lead arm positioning correctly here look at my feet are on the ground and then staying in side Bend staying in side Bend because that allows this to isolate all those things create the limitations that

Always Square the face lots of information I hope that helps click the Bell icon give me a thumbs up see you in the next video A


  1. I watched a video of Jimmy Ballard "debating" Jim Flick (1998 PGA shindig) about body controlling the swing versus arms and hands controlling the club. Clearly, they had never done any bio-mechanical analysis of the 3D motion of the swing. Thanks Todd for explaining things so well.

  2. Love the videos todd! You and moe have made me invest in to the angle plane system!! Just started buying your packages from the website!!

    Can you do a video or direct me to a video on how far the club is behind the ball with each club please

  3. Went back in your catalogue and watched a good number of your videos. Went on the course with zero practice on the range and played a round with the best ball striking of my life. The single plane swing is so simple and effective.

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