Revolutionary Golf Swing Defies Conventional Golf Wisdom

In this video clip The Hammer Man of Golf explains the uniqueness of his golf swing. He claims it is a Revolutionary Golf Swing and welcomes comments about his technique.
These are the aspects of his swing which makes it Revolutionary:
1. Stands further off the ball than any other golfer.
2 Takes the shortest backswing possible and still hits in excess of 300 yards with accuracy.
3. Uses a driver (XX flex, 48″) with a swing weight of G 7.
4. Moves his left heel completely off the ground
5. Slides his right foot up even before striking the ball and finishes with it moving 18′ foreward.
6. Releases his right hand just after impact for the patented one handed follow through.
7 Produces very high launch angles (17degrees) with very low backspin rates under 2000 rpm.
8 Takes this golf swing to the course for awesome results

Read his book Whole Brain Power and learn the secrets to becoming a much better ball striker.