Golf Players

LIV Golf has achieved what it set out to do! | Episode 10

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Hello and welcome everybody to the long grass podcast and uh we’re back in at Royal Johan looking a little bit sweaty a little bit red uh cuz the good news is we have just come off the first round ladies and gentlemen and we I saw say we

Saw all parts of the East course today not a leaf was untouched not a fairware was Disturbed and um many a three put I think was had across the day wasn’t our best golf p and deposited into yeah no listen it was it was tough out there

Lads first of all as always I’m joined by re and cam Lads how we feeling uh part hot and frustrated yeah made some yeah I made some mistakes out there I forgot to put some block on today yeah make a big the time we got to the second

Nine I was cooking so that was my mistake but other than that I feel great I had a great time it’s fantastic to be with the boys and fantastic to finally get onto our course yeah you said other than frustrated and hot so I’m feeling nothing nothing that’s

It words but it was a good lovely had a good time yeah look those some nice shots cross across the three of us there were some horrendous ones there were some interesting moments um we we’ll talk into we’ll talk about you know people just leaving basically their entire lives out there

On the course um which is unlike me I’ll be honest I’m going to step out there that was me today I did leave a p cover and a club on the green um it’s unlike me so W not the day to do it my wallet

Got picked up Yeah by us cuz you left there okay all right yeah no tough tough day in the office boys tough day in the office um but let’s talk about the actual cause itself first of all looking in tremendous condition uh it’s been a while since i’ played a course that

Green um greens were rolling through but tricky we took took a while for us to get the waiting of it but and the fairways are in pretty crisp condition despite a bit of the Heavy Rain lately the r was looking really good it’s it’s just a it’s phenomenal Golf Course isn’t

It those course will whack you if you’re not at least playing half decent golf because if you’re chipping into the green hitting your fifth or sixth into the green chances of a two or three PS are still quite High always and your 4 foot puts are but really not for the

Reasons that you might think though you say two three puts the ulations from you know the the change in the greens they true I mean if you know what you’re doing if you can practice your game then was I thought it was pretty slow today I

Mean you guys in particular left quite a few shorts after thinking we gave it a good work yeah we were mostly short today yeah yeah maybe just the rain yeah has been a bit of rain especially this week um so I think the greens are a little bit slower they probably would

Have been about a week ago but also with the heat for examp it doesn’t r two days they’ll quick and right up but uh let’s talk about some uh some some some big moments first of all re I believe on net is our net winner for the day so not a

Not a big accomplishment to be fair but myself and cam yeah we w we weren’t playing to the handicaps hold on you deserve that win today I’ll give it to you only for a half decent front line but uh yeah kind of fell apart at the back and like I

Said I was just hot bothered uncomfortable you were five you were five points ahead going into the turn and one it by one yeah yeah I love it Steve had a flipping Miracle turn around in a second well when you shoot 55 on the front line is probably one of your worst ever

Nines of your life it can only get better happy to happy to report it got substantially better with the 46 in the back nines so it was nice to sort of yeah every again kind of remind actually can play this game a little bit um re don’t you find it interesting that Steve

Ended up on his own on the second nine and ended up playing a whole lot better not little bit worrying little bit Yeah to be fair we weren pay we weren paying attention to a lot of shots well you guys were in the you guys were out there

I don’t know you guys were out there struggling and you was basically hitting out dams Cam’s busy making friends out there was chaos I was I don’t know dud I just maybe a little sneaky foot wge here and there maybe dude you saw what I you

Saw what I sitting out of in the 18th dude no almost h a tree and broke my club no fair enough that that was definitely more more like you yeah you went two over the last four not bad that’s that’s more like it it was a nice

Nice little little stretch there but um TR of the day for you guys where where or actually this is all about the games where where where did things go right where did things wrong for you guys today not a lot went right for me today um the

Pter yeah it’s been pretty good lately I was still pretty comfortable with it in hand so lot of two puts I think the odd three put here and there but nothing nothing major so I was happy with that but other than that yeah bit too inconsistent inconsistent of the tea lot

Of slices which is not been great and couple of couple of thin shots actually no duffs but couple of thin shots with iron so other than the putting just all around crap but anyway is what it is yeah I mentioned it mentioned it in the previous well two podcasts ago that um

My drive has been the issue and it hasn’t changed and then I battled there today you you guys saw it it’s just luckily it’s a course like the East Coast where you can afford to maybe be a fairway right and still get yourself back into play and I’ve generally been

Quite good at that is you know be way out of position and I’m On The Fringe for two you know so driver today absolute disaster uh the 180 210 M distances today I would say was probably where I did my best I was quite happy nothing really thin today that I can

Think of if anything I had a few off to the right a few there was that one that hit the tree which I think if it hadn’t would would have continued going no that’s true and you stand on the green yeah watch this be actually I’m like oh my goodness that was thin

There was there was drive that I will mention after you’re done with your um your analysis of your game but anyway well I was going to I was going to talking next about moment of the day and there were few I think but I think that that t- shot right against on

The second eh on the second yeah on the second no thir was was it the third is the third is thir the no the third second is the so it’s the third it was the third the third the one that that bers hdle Park correct and C absolutely

Launched it well right and we just he next thing you know just looking where where’s it’s like 5 me forward well left over there like it’s going from one side to the other side and just like how that happen yeah it did not make the Junior

Te no um no it did not yeah but to be fair you were quite happy with it I mean I was quite given what the golf shot was you’re still you’re of those today actually they could have B Advantage golf guards golf guards were with me today but they also weren’t yeah

Yeah fair fair is your moment of the day oh oh yeah I think my other than that cuz that was that was for me the one that stuck most vividly in my head um is uh cam again cam thanks cam for all these moments had to help you exact um

So cam knew thep some of the guys from the group behind us and I think on was it 14 13 something like that and guy comes running up to us and he’s like waving this thing and I’m like uses that P cover yeah big moment handed straight

Over to cam I still got the camera rolling so I can’t wait to share that footage mhm turn it over to cam and like so cam what’s the what’s the punishment for leaving your P cover behind and cam took it one in a stride fair enough but

Then the very next hole I believe hey Steve so yeah it was very next very next hle they came up again to Steve no no I I found it oh Steve found it um takes Cam’s witch hands it back to him cam had even realized two holes in a row butter

Cover a wedge she I mean you just not like these CLS cuz I had a sandwich that I hated that I used to basically like almost intentionally leave it behind I just kept coming back and just kept coming back and it was horrible it took like a year to lose the damn thing

Anyway moving on so the AL Dill oh what was your B um I enjoyed that Chip Shot Through the Trees there today I hope the I hope the footage does adj we had a bit of a battery issue with that so we’re hoping that that footage is there but yeah little Chip Shot

Through the Trees that’s like the perfect shot to watch on on camera bounced it I don’t know meter before the bunker popped over the bunker meter on the other side of the bunker rolled to 15 absolute hell Mar yeah it was planned so content was luck like I was hitting

It to just I was like this is what I wanted to do I kind of feel like when it’s our when when our sort of level when we when something happens as we kind of planned it it’s usually like no had of a lot of luck involved in that

Don’t get me wrong but there was a certain amount of planning that went into that chart which makes it a little bit better today so that that was cool today um yeah abely yeah that was out driving Steve on the only two drives we could actually compare to I think I

Think that was probably the worst part about today is that we never were hitting enough Fairways to be able to go oh he’s long hit the Fairway my dri today I only three when I took I think I one I did hit one driver you did that’s

A good moment was it the right green the wrong green green run the L the green run the L I went up to the four ball and said it’s fine I said is that count is Drive Green they said 100% they said they get bring your P

Let’s have a putt I mean you weren’t even having the you weren’t even having the best moment right there your phone couldn’t find my phone panic panic out there phing reception next thing you know like telling me my balls in the green and I’m like oh goodness here we

Go so a bit of a disaster out there today yeah not much was going the course deserves better um let’s be let’s be honest it does deserve better the respect it deserves but I’ll tell you what it was an experience out there pace of play was good um in fact the guys in

Front of us were steaming ahead they were long gone but uh yeah very good gap between everyone everyone seems to have very us were never when never waiting for us it wasn’t it wasn’t too bad spot and Stu all good run you know you you

Come in you go drop your bags up by the carts cart’s got your name on it and everything all booked out very easy check in just just ran smoothly you know that’s what you want from an experience you know um I own fa that we didn’t get

You earlier thanks cam but uh yeah butting shots out but but nonetheless I mean yeah that was that was awesome really cool I thought and then Bluetooth cart that was also really cool I don’t know about you I was playing the ultra Ultra Championship out there D your card was

The ultra pre or post 2000s 1980s hot 1027 play true that and you could order you could order drinks on the cart and work particularly well but we had we had beers come out eventually yeah we one of the guys around there on the C said no cool what do you guys want

Come straight to the bar grab some drinks throw them out to us yeah on Ice days just to pedo out from the club C out there catching them yeah no it was a good day out and I think the golf will definitely improve um was the first time I’ve played since August so

It was a lot of rush for me to get out um I don’t think either of you guys have been playing as much as you’d like to be recently no not so um hopefully it’s it’s low base and we’ll just Trend upwards from from there uh but speaking

Of trending and trending upwards uh we got a bit of a couple of tour events that have happened since we last shattered now the last time we did a podcast we were just short of Al Dunhill uh Bur gotone back to back joerg open and ASA open and uh obviously that

Stinger rivalry was was kicking in because did the The Stingers Rock up to Le Creek uh louen winning it’s genuinely I think part for the major the one tournament he said he wants to win he said he was desperate to win Le to well to win Al dunnell um and did ke up

Really nicely um we’ll go through the leaderboard in just in just a bit um and then again we’ll go through the leaderboard but also Al going back to back going over to Marias and and winning that so I mean we look at like our our players when it comes to um

Majors and you know what the have potentially compete for a major we all know that Louie has been that guy for the last 10 15 years dare we dream for next year that we could see Louie W getting back to a decent decent V of golf and and

Competing for mes he going to contend I I would think so why not why not I mean yes he’s had all these second places in the last couple years and he is notorious for his runner up trophies and it’s not what he wants I mean although a

Great result why not why not why not see him close up there in the mes I suppose my question is it’s been why not for as you said 10 10 to 12 15 years close to that so the question is do you what changes now do you think the love Golf

Calendar could could could could work on his favor he’s playing Les he playing less golf now than needs to you can kind of plan a season around the majes he doesn’t have to commit to playing PJ tour events you can kind of sit there go

All right cool I’m going to do this I’m going to do this I can kind of ramp up towards the Mage does give it a little bit of flexibility it’s it’s interesting though because it kind of forces you into the situation where you’ve got all this time

And I think a lot of it depends on how you use that time and as what what works for you as an individual so I I remember seeing a post about you know the performances of the love players um in majors and other events and so on throughout the year and obviously Brooks

Kea comes up and a bunch of other guys who have done really well then there were also a bunch of them that hadn’t done really well um like DJ for instance Springs to mind has not been great when he has played in majors and so on and

Again we we will never know what their personal calendars are like and what their work ethics like when they have all that off time but um yeah maybe Lou’s just doing the right things in that off time so well I think that’ll be an interesting thing to

See how for some players maybe it’ll suit them being able to sort of take a bit more time off and be able to kind of p in their own way whereas maybe some players were better just putting you know tournament Off Tournament after tournament after tournament missing a cut being back up

There by the next Thursday forced into the situation yeah you know you can’t you can’t you can’t hide from it you can’t go ah had a bad week you know that’s fine the next one two three weeks it’s not your team off on Thursday like

In the car let’s go let’s let’s graft um you got to think about the mental side too though not just from a playing point of view is how I think good the benefit of playing less week in and week out events man yeah the the mental side how

Many of these live golfers have have jumped across and said you know I get more time with my family and that’s going to have a huge impact on how they’re playing in in their jobs um so I think from a mental point of view it’s going to help quite a lot and playing

Less you know and but then obviously I mean these guys are hitting you know the hitting the range hitting practice sessions 4 hours a day anyway so I wonder if they are yeah I don’t know that that Stinger team in particular they just love to playing

Social B they to playing many games well I’d be interested I I would say i’ like to have a chat with them D because the Persona that they put out as as a team and as individuals lately especially ever since they joined Li it’s like they’re really not that serious anymore

I think it comes across like that I think what the whole idea of was live was to change The Narrative of golf slightly to make it not that they are having to do all of this hard work behind the scenes I think it’s still going on I don’t think it’s changed I

Think these guys are in the gym in the mornings they’re at arange session in the afternoon they’re working on something else in their afternoon evening sessions five six times a week I don’t think I think the nice thing is though as I I think because you’re not

Necessarily playing week and week out is that you can afford to have more relaxed weeks you know because when you’re playing every week you’ve got Monday to Wednesday you’ve got three days and you’ve now got a s t your swing from the weekend you’ve got a rest you got to try

The way now you can go and say all right cool I’ve got an event the next event’s in two weeks time so now I’ve got 14 days how do I want to split these 14 days I can spend two or three days quite relaxed I can sort of Go Back to Basics

Do my swing and then I can ramp up my ball hitting so I suppose I think it gives them a bit more flexibility to be able to plan their their sort of training there’s no doubt they’re still hitting plenty and plenty of balls but you’re not playing those rounds so

You’re not necessarily I mean you we see you know if You’ gone to watch live gol these guys were hit hundreds of walls before they round go pay their round have a cool drink a lot of them back on the Range yeah you know and and you’ve

Now now you can go and say well you know what my Friday fingers are going I’m going to go out I’m going to play a practice round and that’s going to be my training for the day you know because I’m not playing I don’t have to worry

About playing an event for example and stuff the other thing that I don’t think enough credit gets given to is that obviously ever since you’ve now got a team got stinger and if you’ve seen like guys like especially Bry the Shambo and his YouTube channel and so on you go

Check it out he posts a lot of his practice rounds that he does with his team and so on and it’s quite cool because he’ll he’ll just label it like him and anaban leiri having a little match but it’s actually a practice round for next tournament yeah and I think

That aspect especially with Dean berer I think it’s a huge reason why he’s being so successful is that he’s had these three guys around him who are One South African two all flipping unreal in their own rights um and they’ve been able to bounce ideas of each other for you know

Going on two years Dean Dean’s obviously I mean he’s like next gen he not not his Young Oak but he’s not old at all but he’s and for me I mean he’s probably the best one of them right now look at the Y’s had for example him and Grace but I

Think Dean is properly talented but imagine being like a guy like Tiger Woods you’ve been on tour for quer 20 years whatever the case is a lot of those guys are in their 40s and they and then and then all of a sudden these guys

Who are coming up now get to be part of this team environment and get to bounce ideas with other professional golfers guys like tiger would never share any of the Insight that these guys are all sharing with each other now and you got to wonder how much value that eat

Together screens and how often do we hear about how lonely tour is yeah you know people really struggling with that with that concept if you don’t have a couple mates on tour and even then you know you’re playing for yourself where these guys are out there every week

Going all right cool wa what’s where’s our practice on Friday hopping Louis Jets and off they go yeah and they’re playing and they’re playing the Cades are playing rounds for example and like there’s just like a whole bit of a group vibe there and then and it’s just

Comfortable I think I think when you’re in that com comfort zone I think you’re just mentally in such a such a good place um and so much more relaxed I love that I did I love that team identity I don’t think it’s taken away from the individual identity and hats off to live

And and and the executives involved in in you know creating it and that that decision is they’ve obviously identified that this is issues people have had um this is how we can change it this is what we can do to make a different although it’s still the same

Sport good for them they’ve they’ve got it right and it’s been obvious I mean 18 months ago we wouldn’t be having the same conversation obviously because it was all up in the air but it’s sort of come now through to fruition and yeah they’ve done done some work well as I said look

I mean let’s look at the alfha D so it was tasing beating Charles SW so had to be moved to the Monday because of lightning so beating him about two shots um and they were even going into into the final day so Lou finishing 18 under

When he had Char swatzel 16 under which is funny because last year I watch Char swatzel at sler Creek and he had a I think he had a nine or 10 on a parf which just took him out of the entire sort of weekend uh what I was really T

To see is Christian bade note at 14 under former Alpha Donn winner um backing up we spoke about Jaden shaper and the fact he was trending in the right direction and uh two top 10 into the alpha d as well as uh marous so really good to see him there uh Casey

Jvis was up there uh I’m very very excited I think he’s the one to watch for next year um we’ll playing a lot more in the tour just Lawrence is around there pelli was was was back a bit and the Alfred dun which was which was good

To see um and then for marcius uh we had Louie at the top 17 under um so we had L he beat Lori caner by Two Shots Sebastian Soderberg there 14 under Daniel Brown at 14 under jacqu dilz with 14 under shaper at six with with 13 and

Uh I’m really hoping this is now the start of the jayen shaper era because I watched him at at that that Essa open where he was like in contention and you said there going was open and you said there going right this kid is the next big deal and he went and

Got a T6 at Alfred Dell and he just never kicked on got a big tailor made contract and stuff but I when I when you watch him got all the talent in the world and I’m really hoping that this is now going to be the the year of of

Shaper but yeah out of those sort of performance stuff like that you know which which which which name sort of excite you now moving into into the next year I think Lori caner is an interesting one because he’s he’s he’s a live gol for himself and um he joined he

Joined he joined Liv not so long ago in fact he was one of the late entries to join live so that that’s quite interesting he’s obviously been around for a few years but just interesting to see someone who’s again jumped across had some time can plan a bit better

Maybe and had a good result out of those names you you’re saying out of no any you know I mean AF some of the other guys you know who well sure um from a South African perspective I mean there’s a few names I think you know shaper is

One of them that I really like and I’m I am I know it’s kind of boring but after after seeing what Lou’s done um I do want to see him make that Revival because I do think this is kind of the last sort of five years of his career we

We were going to see something magical out of him and I really want him to go down as one of the best you know he deserves more um up there I think he’s one of the most naturally talented players of all time yeah I don’t think

People he’s just so likeable I mean you just you just want you just want him to do well you know and you want him to to get up there um from an international perspective um we talked a little bit before but like M Lee is exciting everybody at the moment um very much

Kind of like the revived Bryson Des Shambo when he came on the scene long hitter um kind of cool lot of Personality yeah um bit of banter about him as well sometimes he very Rel cops a bit of flack on social media not afraid to give it back to the the

Comments he’s Australian you know yeah yeah 100% And obviously his sister is unreal you know and she’s been new so well as well so as a family unit that’s kind of what I’m excited to see from from both perspectives yeah well the family family part is a very nice way to

To enter into the next part of the discussion the PNC Championship uh which is people don’t know is a PGA Tour event where it’s basically a it’s family event father son father daughter or whatever type thing uh that has been played over the last couple of days and it’s two-day

Uh event obviously the big draw card is always team woods with tiger and Charlie uh who once again up there in contention um but coming a bit short uh we just go through the leaderboard we’ll talk a little bit about the weekend so team Langer uh winning uh Team 25 under team

Rol in second place team Singh um Team Ken in fourth good to see retif and the lad back up there team Lan team sing Team daily uh T5 with Team Woods a couple other cool cool names around there is uh stri was playing ker was playing um the quarters were playing

Thomas Thomas price was playing falder was playing so some very cool um pairings very it’s a cool event what I think they should talk about the event itself I think how how awesome is it to see these Legends and stuff like that and and the kids

Stuff like that I think it’s also very interesting to see the kids when they are playing with their kids and you they going right so who are these are we could we actually see you know um I know you were wanted to talk a little bit about the tiger situation or the

Coverage really of of the tournament itself yeah I’ve been hesitant before because I know it’s been an ongoing problem for the last couple of years and I’ve always been saying well you know tiger deserves the coverage that he gets but but a lot of it’s now also being

Deflected to Charlie um and so when this event came up obviously you know follow PJ t on on Instagram and so on and but every single thing that they put out highlight commentary media interview was Charlie or Tigo was actually mostly Charlie though um and if you go to those

Comments a lot of the a lot of hates actually directed Charlie’s where um and I know you said that he’s kind of exuding this sort of there’s other way to put it but bdd energy you know it’s just got that kind of swagger yeah and to be fair I think he’s getting into

That stage of his life he’s a teenager he’s very confident obviously his tiger wood son um not a badl looking kid you know he’s got kind of everything going for him so he can expected that Savage Life maybe he’s he’s trending towards more more of that that’s fine I don’t

Have an issue with that but the courage that they was getting was just ridiculous and like you said this is a family event it’s not just about them no one really cares who two wins let’s be honest no no it’s 100% the winner is the winner the winner is not the issue

People just like to see the family Dynamic yeah and and we we got to see Char for a very long time to come let’s be honest well question that’s that’s the thing on everybody’s lips is that is he going to yeah is is he actually going to turn into something probably not apparently

He’s like rated I think he’s in 97th in Florida or something in his age group do not great you know that doesn’t often translate to someone who goes into higher honors but fine um but yeah it was just upsetting and then you saw a couple of couple of anecdotal sort of

Coverage of like Ana Saum at the end of her around with her with her son and they had such a beautiful moment got like one clip though um well that’s the thing you’re reading out all these names all these famous surnames didn’t even catch a glimpse of

Them over those few days I mean VJ like VJ S I mean I know he’s a huge in front of camera he a like you know got this he’s been around out there F out there fos go watch the fos the dailies uh I mean it’s just why not be showing

That you can still you know pinpoints that most of your coverage will be TI Orient you know as an example but you still get the coverage out there but I suppose they know what they doing but kind of Bas question that’s the whole thing is everybody always used to say

That tiger is bigger than golf you know he’s bigger than PG to plays he plays in always said they the ticket sales the the the coverage the numbers when he plays go through the roof but again it’s a I understand that but again to me it’s

A PGA to thing again and we had uh who was it now uh Victor hland the other day came out with a very public statement saying talk basically talking about how he felt about John ROM’s move and he said well I’m not going but I will tell you that I

Understand why he went he basically lambasted pj2 in a very public statement and was like well at higher management it’s his statement make decisions they don’t listen to players it’s run like a business and it was just very awkward and that’s how I felt about this whole

Thing I was like this is this is kind of they haven’t listened because it happened last year it’s happened with tiger courage before where everyone sitting there on social media in their in their comments telling them please stop we want to see other people and that’s the one that’s the top comments

Every single time and they’re just not listening they don’t care de ears yeah so maybe over commercialization yeah so I think that I think that that that hin I’ve got the statement yeah and he said as followed he said the management has not done a good job they

Almost see the players as labor and not as part of the membership after all we are all the PGA Tour without the players there’s nothing when you then get to see what happens behind closed doors how the management actually makes decisions which are not in the players’s best

Interest but best for themselves and what they think is best um so he says they are not professional golfers after all there are businessmen who say that know it should like like this and that there is a great deal of arrogance behind it all so I mean this is the

Problem isn’t it you know huge word to use I think it’s the right word to use I think that when live popped up PJ went yeah nice try we are golf we’re not worried about you we’re too big for you and cam Smith is there Bryson is there

Books is there John ROMs just left and all of a sudden you have to sit there and go oh maybe we actually not and all the players are going oh well listen if you’re not going to start taking us seriously then then maybe we will make

The move so yeah I think arrogance of the PGA has been brought to the the Forefront in the last years and very interesting to see how they respond and how they cope with this because there one thing about live is that they want to disrupt the golf Dynamic the golf landscape pretty safe

To to say they’ve done that mission accomplished yeah done yeah if if your goal was to disrupt it’s been disrupted uh the question is I mean think I mean cam do do you think we’re going to see more big name players I mean I mean John R is about as big as

They get a year ago cam Smith was about as big as you get you know are we going to see more jumping across yeah I mean it remains to be seen still you know like what again there’s going to be more developments in the next six months

There’s going to have to be some coming together well I think the big thing obviously is the the rule ranking points yeah and it’s going to have to be brought in it’s going to have to it’s going to have to include the live golfers um you it’s going to it’s going

To it’s going to sorry on the world ranking points I don’t know there somebody else who made a statement now which I could remember but about how um first place at the Australian Open gets you less world ranking points than I think it was like seventh or eighth place at one of the

One of the pga2 events and no one watch I can’t remember similar issue even similar with the Australia issue if you look at the ranking points you got from the Australian Open versus like the jobber open for example and they’re just they’re going there’s just no parity

Yeah you know you’re out your winning tournaments ver with guys who are coming 20th and they’re getting all the world ranking points you’re getting nothing you’re actually struggling despite winning in invert to commas you know how do you and that’s the big and the whole point about the world ranking points is

That you’re supposed to be looking at the entire golfing landscape you cannot now look and say realistically there are 10 to 15 of the best the top 50 golfers in the world playing at live are you just going to sit there saying oh we’re not they’re not worth ranking yeah well

That’s that’s a great point because what actually world ranking is if you say to them well why aren’t you giving jber open the same amount of points as say Australian Open or let’s go even go bigger than that and say another different open in the US and they will

Say to oh because well it doesn’t have as strong a field as thing and you go okay right Lov has let’s arguably the strongest field yeah am let’s go say de Dean B wins the live golf event he’s beaten Brooks he’s beaten BR he’s beating philm he’s now

Beating John R he’s beating Lou he’s beating sha he’s beating Brandon gr he’s beating DJ palter he’s beating like all these Mass like some big big players so he’s beating those guys and you’re going to turn around and say oh well you know the feel’s not that

Strong because they isn’t a cat so because they isn’t a cat all of a sudden these players don’t know how to B off yeah they still up there yeah and then those who may have made not made the cut may be in contention on a Sunday so you

Can’t really compare it like that exactly so if anything it might be slightly harder having to play against the Fuller field yeah and then I think Liv will will jump with the Hoops they need to jump to get the world ranking point so they sit there and said listen

You have to have a cut I reckon live could go and say okay well we’ll talk about it and they could do a whole and and maybe they do go ince a cut and they go right cool so we’ve got a cut now you give the world ranking points and if

They get world ranking points why you stay PJ it’s game over for PJ has to be yeah if you can play if you can get world ranking points you can play rder cup but it’s obviously play I think you stay in PGA if you’re young player

Trying to come up and stuff like that you know you want to give yourself as many chances to win but it’s obvious established player it’s obviously it’s going it’s obvious to me that this is going to happen soon because there’s no way that PJ would have settled with PF

Um and accepted an investment if they felt like it wasn’t going to happen so something’s happening behind closed doors that tells them right although we’ve hold off it you’re going to they’re going to get world ranking point2 there’s going to be a way for those players to make their way back

Into event and it’s not going to be pretty uh but yeah as we said I I don’t think this is a case of money anymore I think a lot of it as we can see from comments like Victor hin I mean J if Victor H left tomorrow I’d have to

Actually say that I I don’t think I have a reason to watch p t events I don’t think there’s too many isit I love watching cam Smith I me they go with the p is just like mental love watching Victor hland so like some of these John Ram is my favorite player

You know so these guys start leaving you start S going I have to actually think of names now I’m like okay okay there’s Jordan there’s jtt horrible golf at the moment watching rori soorry what’s the American not the American it’s Patrick and then I’m like oh well that was one

Hand yeah and that’s the thing CU back in the day you you’d have about 20 golfers that you like camer turns to and you’re oh cool sick yeah whereas those and yeah obviously bit of change in the G cuz a lot of the older players are the

Ones that have gone over to to to live for example but yeah at the moment you know they’re battling to create these new Young stars with the same pull to them you know Victor H for me is a bit of anomaly in terms of a young player that everybody absolutely loves and

Loves watching you know I don’t think there are as many or not enough young players coming through that have that sort of pool you know even like Shane Larry for example you know who’s the next big Shane Larry I mean there’s a speaking of Irish a kid called Tom

McKibben who’s unbelievable he’s going to be the next big Irish golfer but I don’t think there are enough young personalities coming through um to to replace the ones that have left Min for is is leading the charge I think he’s the next big thing he could also be a Canada yeah I

Think another huge thing is also just the the the the um the nationalism or that live has golf going forward so now they’ve taken the team aspect and taken it one step further and made a lot of those teams kind of obviously nationally aligned you look at the CR um and so

They’ve acknowledged it publicly they’re like yeah well you know Mexican Le Fireballs whatever cases you’re like okay this is actually kind of cool and I could tell you those countries are invested in their team yeah and I think and especially the Asian Nations unfortunately their teams have not been

Doing too great like you know led by Kevin n and and those guys but I think it’s a big deal for them and obviously there’s that Asia tour connection now which is great and I I just I just see it too much change having to happen for PJ for them

To for them to really make a comeback well that’s way and see won’t we and so or to put or to put live under is what I’m I don’t think they’re going away but I don’t think they’re going to put live yeah yeah yeah I think that’s the big

Thing and I think you know you need sometimes need that little kick up the ass of saying wow well you’ve actually been sitting behind and all of a sudden you’re hearing the PGA Tour like oh cool we’ll have like select events which have much bigger money and then you started

Hearing about oh we’ll have events with no cuts and you go oh is it okay you know and all of a sudden you so I think that’s the main thing is I think you know live have Disturbed the the world order there’s a ripple in that that was

Player that was player base changes it had nothing to do with spectator from a spectator point of view nothing’s changed yeah like and you’re like oh okay well they they were worrying about their players leaving they did a few changes for that could not care less about the actual people pay you more

Money and stuff like that there was no never thought of maybe the format needs to be a bit looked at or maybe the scheduling needs to be looked after whatever um you get the sense with li that they’re definitely in a position where they are there for adaptability as

Well they’re able to keep molding this little thing and it then goes from this to becoming a little bit bigger to this and it just builds and it becomes exponentially bigger because they’re just getting it right you can’t deny it what I’m excited about as was um I don’t

Know if you would have seen Charles schw for instance the way way he finished in the individual points for live in this past season he is in one of the I think they call it the droppable zone so your team or live can basically drop you now

Um or I think it’s your team that decides actually they say well if they want to they can drop you and live go sweet B chuk and they get to replace you with someone else so I mean Chara’s not going to get dropped I can tell you that

Now the contracts that that team sting team Stinger yeah so there’s that right but there’s a risk involved there for players then no there’s quite a few well lots lots lots of lots of players yeah who who who go up they give away their their their tour card and

To live and they get dropped yeah and youu you’re going back to DP tour you paying your big ass fine for leaving and trying to get your tour status back I wonder if we’ll I think we might see a guy like Matthew wol return to the tour

At some point if he if he’s allowed to play as fine and do his thing but CU he’s he doesn’t seem happy yeah I don’t think it’s always been I don’t think for everyone it’s been Sunshine rambow going to I think there are a couple of people who have

Gone over there played to a couple of events and now they’re going a [ __ ] now what do I do you know because you staying with L For example you know there is now relegation for example when your team captain tells you you’re nonsense and you’re pretty pretty

Useless in front of like the entire media and there was literally that whole thing like the bottom how many players get relegated play and Scott Vinson’s brother Kieran Vinson’s actually um qualified so he’ll actually be part of the whole of setup next year um which is

An interesting sort of aspect to it so lots to to see in the New Year this is the final uh podcast cost of the year so I suppose it’s our Christmas special isn’t it um so chaps thank you once again for the the beers the bant in the

Golf was fun today in that order yeah and everybody have a Merry Christmas and Lads hope you get plenty of balls in the the stocking we we all know we need them um and hopefully the new year we’ll bring about some some new golf first episode next year is going to be New

Year’s episode which means we have to you going have to come with golf goals does this mean I leave the year as the 2023 champion yes I suppose it does it does it does thanks boys I’ll take that proudly 100% long B lost yeah we’re going have to

Figure out a format for next year they a nice little leag little trophy floating trophy that moves around yeah correct yeah like like a KFC bucket hat or something yeah okay hat yeah thanks for that I don’t know anything about right anyway gentlemen thank you very much for

Your time everybody that’s been watching make sure you follow us on all the various forms we available on YouTube as well as all your favorite audio streaming platforms footage upon today’s uh round there’s some very cool moments very funny moments that’ll be on all our very social so go and check out forever

Golf on Instagram Tik Tok and um YouTube as well name is Steve there been Cam and Reza thank you very much for watching we um we are the favorite golf crew on the long glass podcast and we will see you guys all next time

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