Golf Babe

Mohbad Deร th Truth is Out Naira Marley Secret Exposed ๐Ÿ’” Bella Shmurda Explains Everything ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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That um or rather he has revealed that investigation into the death of the artist mad is still active and not closed yet M yes but then that is what one of the things we’ll be talking about today that’s where we’ll be talking on today welcome to the show again it’s

Mars and um like I said I have um Team Justice for Mad yeah of course they are in the diaspora and um they will be talking to Ross today like uh they will be telling the federal government the state government the police okay let me

Put it this way it’s just going to be a kind of a plea right ah so it’s not just for anyone we’re not they’re not coming for anyone they’re not they’re not fighting anyone okay but then it’s not for me to say just let’s get to listen to them a

Very beautiful afternoon to you yes hello are you there yes we are okay beautiful afternoon to you ah good morning good afternoon to you too it’s it’s it’s okay I understand the time frame right but then let me let you know that I’ll will be speaking with a

Couple of persons not just one not just two no just three maybe four 5 6 7 as a case may be so just sit back and let’s discuss let’s talk about about our country Nigeria let’s talk about what is happening that we like and that we don’t

Like so let me talk to Susan first of all like I said it’s team Justice for mobad let me talk to Susan he she will be talking to us for like um 10 minutes and um let’s get to listen to her this time around Miss Susan it’s your time

Now let’s hear you talk to Ross all right yeah good morning good good afternoon good evening uh thank you so much Mr and the voice of the people uh thank you for having me on your show uh good afternoon Nigerian uh this is all about Nigerian of course uh home and

Abroad uh thank you thank you so much thank you everyone thank you for for taking your time out um to listen to us today um we are just a group of people uh a group of people a group of Nigerians living in abroad and um we are consign about our country uh despite

That we live in abroad we are still Nigerian and we are still part of the country and uh and we are we still one good for the country and that is the reason why uh we group ourself uh to do what we are doing today uh and I think

Uh we plead with the Nigerian uh to give us their listening here and so that we know where we are going and where this Jus is uh it’s all about Justice for Mad uh we don’t we do not belong to any party not labor labor labor

Party we don’t belong to any of them we are just an indidual on time about what is going on in our Beloved Country okay uh my first question uh my first question is to the Nigerian police uh my my question to Nigerian police is such a sad sad sad sad sad as

A mother as a human being as a citizen of Nigeria uh we all saw pictures videos of what happened to mad we saw copies copies and copies and copies of petitions from Mad uh put in into the Nigerian police uh Force um to help him

He cried to them he cried and cried and cried to them for them to to to hear his voice um voice was never been heard Nigerian police why why is it because he just a common man that his voice was never heard is he just because he’s a child of

Nobody is that why his voice was never heard is it because he doesn’t belong to any group of society is it why his voice was never heard is it because he not a child of a politician is that why his voice never be heard is that why his

Voice they never attend to his complain why Nigerian police that’s my number one question to you [ย __ย ] now uh I’m going to go a little bit personal uh and I’m going to beg I’m begging uh we are not forcing but we are begging uh the common Nigerian child at

Least the average Nigerian child that is not from a world too family please they have a life they should have a voice but the way things are now the voice of a common Nigerian child is not being head in Nigeria please why uh the IG of

Police I’m calling upon you sir I want you to look into this as a chief as a chief in command of the country please look into this look into your boys look into your officers what is it are they doing that is wrong and children our children keep on

Getting into trouble our children keep on being killed without Justice sir I’m begging you and I’m asking you you should please uh your tient is golden but at this point is not golden anymore sir I want you to bring yourself down please bring yourself down a little bit

Down low to the level of this child of nobody so that the voice his voice can be heard please I’m begging sir okay please step into this case uh I’m going to beg my my father my father my uncle uh J retire buam Mara you are a very good Governor I can

Remember uh I’m going to I’m going to refer to some few people to to let you know how I know you how very important you are when you are a governor of Lagos State if if you can remember general inua b he’s he was a governor with you he was

The first governor Oki State sir papa may your soul rest in peace if you can remember M Shu he’s still dis your colleague General mus Uncle may your soul rest in peace these are your people me calling these people’s name today on this show you should remember that I

Know you very well I know you very well I know what you are capable of doing sir the reason why I’m calling you into this General retire buba marua please I’m calling you into this because you’re a man of Honor you’re a man of dignity you a man that people respect but there’s

Something that you have not addressed in this mobile case that is in your hand that is in your office please we want you to see coming come in and address a lot of things about drugs that is going on Mite put a petition he put a complaint that something was given to

Him which that stuff that was given to him he was not hidden he didn’t hide it he said it all over the world when you watch that video as a mother as a father you will feel bad to him father sir I’m calling your attention as a father as a

Man of dignity okay a man that know a man that know that is humble a man that know that you a man of action I call I’m calling you this morning sir please come look into this if not for anything for the sake of the two people two gante

Soldiers that have called that have called that they have late now I w’t say for that but I put this to you that I know you that you’re a man of dignity I want you to look into that aspect and put something into actions so that our

Effort will not be in vain so that we can get Justice in every aspect for mad so that things can go better for us again in that country so that people will respect us more in that country we don’t have any respect the little one

That we have remain I know sir our our leader can see help us our politician you can see help us to to to pre to protect the remaining the little the little that we have in the world stage I believe that you people are the main

Person that can help us to protect this by what by getting Justice from Mobile by doing the right thing and bring the the people the right people that is working on Street free right now into the custody into the actions into the harassment so that we can get to the

Justice it’s not only Nigeria alone watching this case we all hands on death watching this case please I’m begging we are not commanding you guys we are not asking about fce but we are begging to look into this case sir and that is the reason why

We are here today um I think at this point um I’ll res any other things I had to say and again naali naali needs to be removed as Ambassador Ambassador for youth under the drug law station please he need to be removed I speak I speak

With authority with what I know Nal name is flag is flag that kind of a person he not supposed to be Ambassador for youth under drug marua I’m pleading with you if you can do this for me this week I need you whoever has put him there n

Need he doesn’t represent me neither my children neither myself as in Nigeria as Ambassador for youth under Drug law please look that put that thank you I’m going to leave thank my rest point for another person to take over from here and I be back thank you

So much all right before I get to talk to another person quickly uh let me let everyone know that um uh the Laker state government just yesterday said that plans were under way to create laws that would Empower Nigerian artists to gain access to their full royalties from

Their record label okay let me hold on here and get to talk to um the next person all right like I said just keep it let’s manage the time just 10 minutes okay yeah in case you’re just tuning in or just joining us I am talking to team

Justice from talk to us talk to us hello yes the next speaker is going to be lady speaking in alsa yeah she’s talk to us speak to us in alsa [Applause] please Nigeria the J [ย __ย ] Jos the IG of police for police the for For For Poli okay ndlea Allah right off justice justice justice that is what we see at this time thank you thank you thank you so very much thank you voice of the people 90.3 FM right we were just talking about these are voices of concent Nigerians you know

Speaking up as we regards the case of um moat all right and like I said uh before when when I started the show I said that the ler state government has also said that they are on top of the matter okay let’s hear some of the person talk to us

All right like I said these are voices of concerned Nigerians and that’s what we’re doing that especially today on the show all right um who’s talking to us this time around yeah thank you Mr Moses is going to go next pleas please all right let’s he Mr Mo let’s

Listen to um the voice of Mr Moses are you there can you talk to R now hello okay thank you very much uh the host of the program uh the voice of the people we are grateful for uh your time your energy uh and your your positive mind uh towards Agitation for justice for more uh like I said uh once again my name is Moses I am an human right activist just go ahead just go ahead and talk to us just go ahead go ahead please we’ve been in the struggle for long and then uh we have a lot of challenges we

Have a lot of questions we have a lot of view we have a lot of disagreement we have a lot of dissatisfaction as regards uh the crisis surrounding the justice for for more bad uh a lot of people have put a lot of concern uh across and uh

Probably uh one of the contending issues was that uh even the father of the deceased was not uh was not satisfied uh with the the way things are unfolding okay uh one of his testim one of his testimony uh he said uh he was called at the late

Hour after which the GU the son uh passed away and our opinion was that uh why uh should it be uh that the father is was contacted at the late hour uh from our own opinion we felt he should be one of the first person uh to get to be notified

Informed yeah to be notified about the situation of the son so in our own opinion we felt the police as has not done a good job uh by not uh asking a critical question or conducting a a good investigation as to which and why the people uh in the custody of the diseased

Why he he passed away could not pass the the the the information to the father at the right time uh we felt it it caus for a a a a a a a question a big question and a big investigation and then of course the

Father was like by the time he got to the house uh what he saw was uh very pathetic and very powerful and I think you agree with me uh he said he saw a pool of blood uh in the room in the in the living room of the deceased and uh what

A big question what could what could uh result into a pull of blood if there is no uh extra interaction probably that resulted into a fight or injury if he had not sustained an injury in the house where where is the blood coming from you know that’s another big question uh but there

Is a contradiction that uh there was a fight at the show and the big question we are putting across to everybody the police uh was that uh if uh there was a fight at the show could it be that uh the deas bleeded from the show to the

House the first day and the bleeding continued the the second day I don’t know if you you can get me clear very well yeah somebody had an injury yesterday and he bleeded uh does the bleeding continue to the second day the big question if I sustain an injury in a show there a

Nearby Clinic where first a can be administered to stop the blood for uh subsequent treatment but in this case the father got to the house the second day and he met Blood on the on the bedro so it’s a big question to be unraveled uh and of

Course uh we are not satisfied with the uh investigation Carri out so far you know by the police uh from our own uh View and understanding we discover that the investigation is having two face police talking about something uh related to uh CCTV camera okay in the other phase talking about

Something that is related to the CCTV camera not working so uh in Africa I believe uh Nigerian police is rated and regarded and of course we would like to ple to them that the the respect the African Community as for Nigeria police of course they should try as much

As possible to keep up to that okay uh we are not saying they are not doing anything but we have the feelings that Nigerian police can do better can do better they can do better in this case yeah all right and and uh I will put I’ll put something across to

You uh according to the Constitution of Nigeria you will agree with me that when incident happened either death incident accident stealing uh vandals whatsoever the first suspect are people in that faity did you agree with me with that sure and you look at it in this case uh completely it is so

Pathetic that the people who are at the scene when this matter uh happen were not apprehended by the police and the people they were not present are the one in the police custody and I I I believe you agree with me that this is very baric and very poor job by Nigerian

Police I think you can you can see that with me in same direction and uh you know uh injuries suain at a separate location uh and resulted in bleeding led to death to you know we need to classif all right it’s okay let let let’s leave it

There with you let’s leave it there with you at this point all right and um let’s quickly um get to someone else you know who is actually waiting uh to talk to us without um uh mentioning um your name you already know okay so uh you are the next to talk

To us are you ready to do that right now yeah the EUR speaker is going to go of course talk to Ross in yua hello are you there oh maybe we should have um someone else right quickly talk to us yeah um good morning okay okay go ahead please go

Ahead welcome go ahead go ahead good morning everybody good afternoon good evening um thank you for having us um on voice of the people EUR where no speaker okay your speaker can go ahead speaker is he ready hello oh yeah I’m going okay okay okay because I questioning now let’s look at this

Now then spending three months go now I be close to three months so thank you thank you so very much VP 90.3 FM yeah I told you a whole lot of persons are still talking about Justice for you know uh the late musician MOA they just feel well uh things are not

Just going well you know you recall that there were several several protests right across you know some cities in Nigeria and after that protest a lot of persons still feel well H something is fishing somewhere and that’s why they’ve decided to talk I mean speak with the

Government speak with the people talk to them to hey do the need for do the need needful to give Nigeria a good name that’s why we’re actually having this conversation whole of the persons listening to this show right now okay um let’s also talk to who who who’s there

Again who’s next now to talk to hello good morning um good morning good afternoon good evening okay thank you for thank you thank you once again for having us here at the voice of the people where we strongly believe our voice are truly being sure we are the

Nigerians in the diaspora with very valid um questions concerning or surrounding the death OFA ala promise AK a mad we have a lot of questions and we are praying to the Nigerian government to please come to our age yeah go ahead please so please come to our Aid and

Please we want our open up policies and be transparent with this ongoing investigation considering the nature that this uh moat case is more or less like our own judge Floyd’s case in the United States to be transparent about this case and um carry the you know the

People people along we are very agitated and we think that we are not getting enough response from the uh government or the police people per se uh we do have some questions for the police because it looks like most of our concerns are surrounding the police uh investigation process and their

Intervention in this process okay number one question we do have is why did the police denied the father a police report when a dead body was brought into the police station and also considering the nature and the suspicious nature of the the death of the individual why did the

Police did not start their investigation right there and there I mean somebody showed up in your office with a dead body I think the first thing to do is to swing into action and we were made to believe that they were there for 3 hours everything was a okay and ready to go

And there was a call that put a heart to that process who made a call and why was there a h to that process when eventually we got some information from the uh police people uh they stated that the diseased bled profusely where uh and this was also C

Elaborated by the diseased father that when he got into the house there were a lot of blood he noticed a lot of blood this also was collaborated with the diseased Auntie he she said aunti g a g and all of this happened in the house uh where are the we with the

People and people Justice from mad we are asking where are they from forensic the uh forensic evidence for the blood analysis on the crime scene why was that place not sealed as a crime scene and how come the immediate people they were around uh that vicinity that proximity

Were not uh being investigated or are not in custody uh when a spouse of the other spouse died under a circumstances like this uh even here in the State uh and where there is a lot of inheritance and someone the other spouse tends to gain a

Lot we think the spouse should be probed even more uh we think that this has been handled with a little levity and from our police people we need the blood spatter forensic analysis report for the people to be convinced we Nigerian citizen even though we are in the

Diaspora we would like to have faith in our policing system so we demand or we are praying we requesting for the analytical uh evidence of when they say the um the disease bled profusely because uh medically you cannot be bleeding from a th uh Sunday night show up until

Tuesday and um of course you can’t survive it and why would there that is very uh it raised an eyebrow when they said the patient or the client or the disease bled from Sunday from that 1 cm by 1 cm wound in the hand that does not even

Endor their claim of uh the what happened that wound on the hand on the forearm does not endorsed someone hitting a um what is it called PR Jeep glass number one number two the location of that wound does not have a major arteries that can even bleed

Profusely because there is no artery in that location you have veins in that locations so the the the word profusely we think the bleeding probably if we put that word we marry it to the father’s uh observations and assessments and the anti assessment we have that there must have been different causes

For that profuse bleeding so we are asking for a blood spatter and forensic analyst or analysis report and we are praying if we don’t have that in place for now we still have time to go to that um crime scene we still can have those um spattered report if a forensic analyst

Can still go there can still go over to the crime scene today now moving on to the next question is um when you bleed profusely you lost a lot of blood you are going to go into hypovolemic shock when a disease or when a person or um or the patient is in

Hypovolemic shock you you cannot make a consent you cannot consent to be treated or not to be treated because we say you are not mentally at the capacity to make such a decision so the people around him we have to make decisions for him if truly he was bleeding or he he bled

Profusely that also puts the wife on a question table when your wife when your spouse was bleeding profusely losing blood fainting what did you do oh we were told he did not want to go to the hospital we have questions around that vicinity uh someone bleeding like I said

Is not on at the mental capacity to make that decision so the honors is on the people around him and if if they did not do the right thing by taking the patient to the hospital they are negligent because everybody is entitled to living If my spouse is dying and I’m there and

I am not doing anything number one even if there is no foul play I can and should be charged for negligence so just like if you are anywhere so we think around that area we also think by now and this SP spouse the surviving spouse should be in custody

Not even talking about every other thing surrounding that circumstances so and the after effect when the diseased after effect when the disease was gone um when you lie to us diverting and obstructing justice telling us that the cost of death was infection then after a while you have another

Narratives then we are all of us are very confused about the nature and the circumstances surrounding the death OFA ala okay we are very very concerned the narrative I consider those different narratives at every different interval as an obstruction to Justice an obstruction to justice is punishable

Under any law any country’s law so they the spouse should be in custody unfortunately we strongly believe that the two of the people the individuals in custody are at a very distance distance I’m not saying they are guilty n or yeah or not guilty but they are distance suspect considering the people within

The diseased proximity most especially the spouse considering what she stand to gain in the in the in the in the diseased uh when the person is diseased what she stands to gain would that be why she was negligent all right very very concerned and we are praying the government the

Policing system every body will help so that Justice for moad will be justice for all there will be Reformation in the way I still have to go into the petition mob multiple petition he wrote that not attended to when you come back to me I think we will be able to dissect the

Petition there has to be a Reformation in the system let me hear Let me thank you so very much thank you so very much for for for talking to us okay um I think there someone else waiting all right to talk to us all right are you

Ready to talk to us now no no there is no we don’t have anyone else waiting around to talk to us so I I will just give every one of you maybe five minutes each now you know from Susan to other persons to quickly you know talk to us

Okay don’t forget this is voice of the people 90.3fm before I get to Susan now uh let me let you know in case you were just tuning in well my name is Jude eami Jud and this is voice of the people we’re talking about the death of moat

All right uh issues surrounding the death of um the the arthist moat it’s been very very crazy one so far but then there’s been these back and forth back and forth everywhere a whole lot of talk here and there but then Nigerians have continued to demand Justice after you

Know he his death and they are saying hey the government the federal government the police and individuals should try as much as possible to make sure that Justice is served as a when due and that’s why we’re having this um beautiful conversation uh this afternoon okay all right now from Susan like I

Said I’ll give you five minutes each all right so let’s hear you now let’s go hello are you there are you ready for me let’s go let’s go I can hear you I can hear you okay thank you very thank you for um what she had said I think we’re

Having issues I think we I think we’re having issues with the network now yes we’re having issues with the network I really can’t hear you but let’s try again speak let’s hear you okay can you hear me now okay let’s just try let’s just try go ahead

Please thank you very much uh I need to add a little bit to what my sister has said Victoria my question go this way uh question is still to Nigerian police all this Stu is network is not it’s not it’s it’s it’s um it’s not strong enough this time

Around I mean we’re having issues with your network it’s waving seriously maybe we just we just got to uh connect back okay let’s just see how we can quickly quickly all right connect back and um get this conversation going all right yeah but then I would also

Want to see if I can get to open up the schu lines and um get to hear from you guys yeah Nigerians home and abroad as regards um these issue like what do you think about um what uh Nigerians have been clamoring for yeah what these needs

They’ve been asking for I mean this these these thing they’ve been asking the federal government to do for them or the state government to do for them or you know the police to do for them as regards the death of um uh the artist

Mad okay um let’s see if we can join the conversation now and um we do hope it’s going to be better this time around yeah seriously we hope it’s going to be far more better okay uh let’s hear you now are you there yes I’m here oh beautiful let’s go

Uh okay so I’m going to add a little bit to what my sister Victoria has said quick and uh yeah my question still go to the police um just some few days ago like two days ago woman uh that supposed to be M’s wife uh the voice record is out there

All over the place all over the world everybody listening to her um calling her father inlaw threatening her father inlaw you know um I strongly believe now we are all we are all about Justice at this point I think uh the Nigerian police should do what is needful uh will

Me ala know what we we don’t know and she know what the police don’t know at this point um I strongly believe for what she has said I strongly believe police Nigerian police should go ahead and arrest W uh arrest Wom and uh I’m sorry to say this I’m M’s father because

She keep on saying oh she don’t want to talk oh she talk people who stoned uh Mr ala so at this point there’s something she know and we don’t know there’s something she probably she and Mr ala knows allegations right allegations you call it right yes accusation yes so that’s what

She said Okay so at this point we need to get to the to the bottom of this investigation so they need to be theti family need to be pick up then my last question again to Nigerian police Nigerian police your one hour press conference I hope that is not what you going to

Use in charging this case to court because I Susan has asked the Nigerian police time without number they need to come out to come and Deb that one hour press conference because it’s not connecting to the testimony given in the corona request so they need to come out and the B that won

Our press conference because it’s adding up with what the family why the father is saying so I hope they not going to charge charge this case to court without without press report they have all right so we need to know who and who give them that

Testimony I will stop it at that and I will appreciate they will come out and give us a better press conference it’s okay than what they havek thank you very much all right thank you Susan thank you so very much uh voice of the people3 all right can we talk to the next

Person I’m going to speak next all right quickly and then maybe we can have some callings all right I’m going to speak next then maybe we can have minut 5 minutes please minut not up yes 5 minutes okay so my next question or my area I’m going to direct my next

Question to uh is going to be very interwoven and I would like people to follow me very carefully I’m going to address um Mr promise umera uh ala AKA I am going to be addressing his petition I want to find out from the government or from the

Police people why was his petitions not one not two not three I think we heard it was four the last time we spoke to the family member they said there were about four petitions where an individual’s life was being threatened threatened to the point of death and

Nothing we have one that was written as early as um or as late as June and the person that says my life is being threatened actually passed away under an unforeseen circumstances that is surrounding his death on that petition there were individuals or persons and personalities that were mentioned and we

Are asking why was that petition not attended to is it that there are some persons or people that are above the law because we believe nobody should be above the law that is one thing we want uh from Ala there has been questions from aloba of promiscuity from the wife and we want

DNA is a must we want to be able to interlock or marry the DNA results to see if the DNA we we explain if the DNA we explain the people that were mentioned in the petition and if that is the reason has to go down six feet below so

We need to know the DNA the Nigerian government the law jurisdictions the judge the should please mandate it that a DNA should be carried out so that we will know if the DNA is related to the petition why because is not here mad is not here to

Speak his truth he we are going to have to unravel this mystery as we do not want this case to go cold we want to stay because Justice For Mobile is Justice for All everybody under the law deserves to be heard and every petition deserves to be treated accordingly thank

You thank you all right thank you so very much yeah like I said a couple of persons I am talking I’m I’m having having this conversation with okay so please just um make it very very brief thank you all right who Am I who am I speaking with

Next who’s who’s there MREs can go mes is Mr Moses there the house lady right okay can can I hear can I hear her yes please oh yeah please speak to us in house again thank you 5 minutes please she for Nigan police for childhood uh-oh hello are you there [ย __ย ] police all right thank you so very much thank you we do appreciate you appreciate you so very much thank you um is is um Moses there okay hold thank you thank you so much is Moses there Mr Moses are you there right

Speak don’t worry all right thank thank you so very much yeah in conclusion hello in addition to what uh she said just now hello yes I can hear you in addition to what she said like I need before like I like I like uh k gr report so need response from them okay

So with everything all right okay thank you thank you very much thank you very much uh uh one of one another area of concern uh was the contradiction as regards uh cooking in the house the wife of the disease came up at the corona inquest to say she was in the kitchen

Cooking why the nurse was administering injection when the younger brother of the disease came to court he was saying that he was the one that does the cooking so there is contradiction who does the cook among the two of them someone must be telling lies that that needs to be

Unravel and then I think there was a lawyer that came to court I put a call a question across to both of them and the question was that uh who and who has access to the kitchen during the cooking and the answer was everybody has access to the kitchen so it means the

Food they said it was after he ate the food that he vomited so that means there is a question to the food the guy ate who cook the food who has access to the kitchen so I believe I believe the investigator will be able to put better

Touch into that and then Prime boy said during the interview by the TVC that he called three times during the period the disease passed and he wanted to speak with them because he had some Luggage in their house and the decline is call three times the question is if there is

Nothing fushing in the house why did they decline the call of that guy all right it’s okay there must be an emphasis on that thank you and Prime boy also said he sent someone to go and pick the bag after which he declined is called three

Times that he left the vehicle on that day of the show and they didn’t allow the person to enter the house there a big question is why did they refuse the person to enter the house it mean something fishing is happening in the house they have to bring the bag out for

Him uh at the gate so all these areas are eaing areas that were appealing to the government appealing to the Judiciary to the police lay on them more proper investigation for Life sh thank you so very much this is VP 90.3 FM and U just in case you were just um you’re tuning

In I said it earlier all right and I’m going to say it again that um uh just recently a couple of days ago yeah uh Babu revealed that investigation into the death of this same person moread is still very very active and not closed yet so if you think the case is sleeping

Yet ah yes uh the governor has said that the case is not sleeping yet um okay um I will want to open up the studio lines now okay and get responses this is vpfm and uh one thing about me is I love to hear from people okay so I will open up

The studio lines I’ll call out the numbers now that you can call or if you can reach me maybe you should um or you can also send the WhatsApp message via a WhatsApp portal okay uh the WhatsApp number is 0700 93 9039 Artic again 0700 903

9039 and then if you want to call in yeah you can call in quickly 0700 903 903 903 that’s a hotline okay I take it again 0700 that’s 070 right 0700 903 903 903 if you want to call in please do move away from your radio set or just

Turn down the volume so we can hear each other clearly and then make sure your comments are seil enough all right thank you so very much again 0700 903 903 99 03 okay I will get back to um this guys and then we wrap things up okay thank

You so very much like I said the WhatsApp number is 0700 903 93903 good afternoon to you hello good afternoon good afternoon my name Isa is calling from Belgium talk to USA yeah my own question is why police release mobile wife okay because she know more than anything according to how she’s talking

On online every time one she’s there when this guy pass on and the lawyer why police canot ask for Mu lawyer to question because I had the lawyer was there on that day m and the father went to police for police report but they don’t give it to him

Later I think 4 days ago I heard that police gave police reports to his wife and Hospital gave the death certificate to his wife police supposed to arrest his wife again and ask why then you took the body back home from hospital why not taking him to

Muary and why not giving the report paper to his father okay thank you why called the father late because the father said he met hello oh oh we hello are you there are you still there it’s okay I think um we’re having issues with your network at this point

In time okay uh let me see if I can also take more calls now good afternoon to you good afternoon welcome what’s your name and where you calling from I’m coming from Ab okay quickly please I’m quickly please all right let’s go I’ve heard all what people have said but

The major the bottom people have said you the right thing he have to arrest the W because they said Mo made a point that the child that is carrying is not belongs to him so what are we talking about they have to hold the wife responsible maybe he don’t want the

Secret to be young the the thought of mu and she so they need to arrest her is the one responsible to the death of M there is no need of beating de I submit thank you so very much for your submission I appreciate you okay I will still see if I can take

Um few more calls and um before we wrap up this afternoon okay don’t forget the number like I said is 0700 903 9393 good afternoon to you good afternoon I told you move away from your radio set okay I’ve done that all right quickly please let’s hear you

Quickly uh I actually listen to your guest on the program first of all you know I I thank them for the concern about Nigeria and what is going on in Nigeria but I would like to also encourage them not only to wait on something happen like this because we

People like this to hold government to hold the system to work if the system is working all this fight have come everything have been done very easily without anybody struggling because they is not working as supposed to work we are not trying to use we have to make

It the policy from election everything so that they try to fix that all of things happen we just back we know that we are going to have the right result that’s number one number two those who were in The House hours before the inci took the of people

Have in the place supposed to be the one police holding very tight because they will be the one to tell police exactly what really happened how ited how the Whey whe they saying to squee them to get the real truth but leaving them toat the guy yes some can somebody but

So you know even are talking about we have okay so many nerious people around so what mean that the wife and those who were around before the death of B in fact they supposed to be the prime suspect thank you in the matter thank you thank you so much thank you very

Much thank you so very much all right you know some persons have come out to say like I’m getting feelers here uh a lot of persons are saying that um uh mad’s wife whoi is always um contradicting herself she’s um she’s saying one thing today she will

Say one thing today and say another thing tomorrow she’s just according to someone full of contradictions okay all right hold on please good afternoon good afternoon Jud good afternoon welcome what’s your name where you calling from yes I’m joining you good afternoon this is Mr Monday all

Right quickly please let’s go yes yes you see I just tuned to my radi I’m listening to this and I feel so they should I want to wrap it up they should hold the wife the record responsible and the father to jce PR and we bring out the

Truth ah I think your network is having issues right you might uh want to call us back okay uh yeah if you can please do call back okay thank you good afternoon welcome all right settled for a long time but I know that this issue is going on like this

And the story the story about is and back story but only I this is the system the system of the system system because Nigeria system is not working is not working at all for I’m telling you them amen thank you that industry with this industry they have to

Look inside it you know the industry is attracting some kind of of G life supposed to inside what I’m see is aak to Nigeria because we are not America manage here without life manage look at our what I saw two it’s okay thank you thank you so very much voice of the

People 90.3 FM 90.3 FM um let’s see if we can also talk to can I take maybe two or three more calls and we wrap things up shall we maybe just two or three more calls 0700 93903 903 0700 903 903 903 all right um

Maybe we should um uh leave it there at this point right uh let let me see if I can just um two minutes from um uh Susan are you there uh maybe just two minutes with you guys and um let’s wrap things up this time yes uh we would like to

Thank you very much and we would like to thank Governor Sonu uh for his um support so far but as our leader and a father action speaks louder than voice and we expect a lot more number one conspiracy theory has been established negligence to life and actually resulting to loss

Of life has been established obstruction of justice um has been to obstruction of justice not just a justice but a justice of homicide have been established lying under oath which is perjury has been established and we have been able to identify who tends to gain majorly the most if this

Case goes cold and that same individual is the one with the conspiracy theory is the one with the negligence is the one obstructing justice is the one lying and under law that is a prime suspect a prime suspect should not be roaming the streets of Nigeria that can and is

Dangerous we pray that the government will take more action swiftly because we have been to BBC we are on vop Nigeria now our next move is going to be to CNN we are going to be emplo the service of black life matters we need Justice M’s case is like George Floyd’s case we

Don’t and cannot allow this case to go Cold Justice EX a nation corruption is a reproach Justice for one is justice for all we need Justice this case is not going cold not anytime soon not until real Justice is served thank you thank you for having us thank you so very much

For talking to us and uh well the government has promised that they will do something so let’s just keep our fingers crossed okay anyway thank you so very much and do have a beautiful day today all right vop 90.3 FM a lot of calls still coming in what can we do

Maybe we take one more should we can we okay maybe one more right and um we’re good to go okay let me see if I can take one more uh like I said you can send a message to me H you can send a message

To me let’s just talk to this person and we’re good to go now good good afternoon D you hello good afternoon yeah good afternoon can you speak up please um I’m Israel I’m speaking from egy all right Israel yes concerning the case of M I so sad

Um is our problem in this country number one problem that we have in this country you can’t go to a police station today threaten you once you didn’t thaty you didn’t give them money or give them what they want they won’t make any step I see them as our number one problem and

That little boy every time I remember that boy I do in tears I cried every day even when start the program today I was I was in tears I was not happy at all little boy just came to this and start his ended just like that the police have

Made that step the of his life then they should have maybe the wife or maybe the father or or any other one that concern the but look at it now and everything is just like but I knew the spirit is very strong and everyone that have hand on this will

Never go unpunished I believe that and my all right thank you so very much we have to go now my name is Jud iami Jud thank you so very much for being a part of the show today I see you on Christmas day Merry Christmas to you in advance

I’m out of here good Afternoon A radio station is supposed to inform that people are getting to know about themselves about the physique that is women black women educate so what you need to do now is go to www. and also Entertain You system are offline number one for today’s hits and alltime

Favorites this is voice of the people but wait a minute when it’s time to speak your mind where do you go don’t go to


  1. Justice for Mohbad Imole God is our confidence in the mighty name of Lord Jesus Chris Amen ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ˜‡โœŠ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ’กโค๏ธ

  2. Imole.." God is our confidence heaven is our residence" Justice will be sought legend R.I.P๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ

  3. It is a pity that Nigerians in the diaspora is always been somewhat ridiculed due to a large inconsistency in the rule of law, or better still lack of rule of law because there's a big conspiracy theories that was allowed in the whole thing starting with our law enforcement agency. Please we would like people in authority to consider the father of the deceased, consider the future of the youth, to let justice prevail, enact a serious law that will make the youths not to be having conflicts with the law. Thank you

  4. The Hurt of this young Soul's Passing, Cut accross Ethnic Lines bc we are all humans n we all are Feeling the PAIN of Losing/Wasting such an INNOCENT Soul. He was tortured alive n The Torture Continues. The March to JUSTICE for his Callous Murder will carry on.
    Nigeria, you're being Watched by the World. No need to Continue to Dilly Dally, it tells a lot abt U as a Country. Be Honest n Sort out this HORRENDOUS CASE bc it ain't gonna die.

    Thanks to all Contributors to this Programme, be Blessed.

    Mohbad, Continue to Rest Well, JUSTICE for you, will be achieved by His Grace, Amen.

  5. have mohbad passed sometime ago and justice for him is now coming to light in todays time and tbis is a reeanctment of the real late mohbad if this guy acting as mohbad made the world love the artist well as the human being

  6. this news broadcaster is si in a rush he making sure they dont go over a second of the time they paid for when he say mohbad name he makes me mad

  7. The whole world is watching Nigeria on plasma tv over Mohbadโ€™s case. Have never seen a murder case being investigated like this.

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