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Miovski to replace OH at Celtic in January? | The Football Show

Miovski Celtic transfer rumours and will Old FIrm be in the new European Super League?


Also on The Football Show: Philippe Clement angry over red card challenge on John Lundstram; Barry Robson refuses to Bojan Miovski in the January transfer window; David Martindale vows to save Livingston from relegation this season; Liam Scales warns Celtic must get the title defence back on track and much more.

The Football Show Highlights:

00:00:00 Intro – The Football Show
00:02:37 Sky Sports football coaches mic’d up
00:12:12 European Super League – Celtic and Rangers
00:15:32 No Rangers FC fans at Parkhead
00:19:35 No Old Firm away fans
00:23:49 Rangers 2 St Johnstone 0 reaction
00:28:01 Aberdeen 2 Livingston 1 reaction
00:29:24 Bojan Miovski Celtic transfer rumour
00:34:56 cinch Premiership fixtures
00:37:51 Green Brigade ban lifted
00:39:15 David Martindale Livingston FC
00:41:39 Philippe Clement Rangers FC
00:46:33 Scottish Premiership fixtures
00:55:22 cinch Premiership table

Will Celtic and Rangers be in the new European Super League? Leave a comment below.

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Welcome to the football show on plz soccer YouTube channel I’m Peter Martin Alan Ru Lee mullock and Tam MC Manis here with me in the studio and here’s what’s coming up Rangers boss phip Clon fumes over Red Card Challenge that could see John lrom Sidelines until after the

Winter break it’s another player who’s kicked off the pitch so I’m really frustrated about that bar Robson votes he will do all he can in a b to keep boyang meowski at aberin beyond the January transfer window no well we’ll just have to say to Dave he’s not

Allowed to go David Martin de reveals avoiding relegation with Livingston this season would top taking the club to a cup final this will be my biggest achievement in my sporting career if I can keep in the Premier League as year and Liam scales warn Celtic must take

The bill by the horns and a bit to get their title defense back on track after two straight defeats yeah lots to talk about look back at a couple of games in midweek and look ahead to the festive period and some cracking games and some breaking

News to talk about as well uh that will get the opinion of our panel don’t forget if you enjoy the programs throughout 2023 there’s even more coming in 2024 uh you hit the Subscribe button on our YouTube channel and you can become part of the football family and if you

Download the app you’ll get all the breaking news at your fingertips and right now we’ve got a brilliant special between Martin O’Neil and Alex MCC here in the studio uh previewing the uh old firm Darby on the 30th of December great getting the two legends in and you got

To see your old boss yes brilliant to see him again uh loving down in London now but uh 15 I think I was 16 year old that’s when I obviously first met him as a manager um yes tremendous man as you know absolutely great lad and getting

The two of them ruffy it was just BR it was like rolling Back The Years two old firm managers together discussing their clashes and looking ahead to the big one yeah I mean everybody talks about managers of football clubs but for they to to be Rangers and Celtic they must

Have tons of stories to tell like is standing in that touch line with everything the medum that’s going on run about them yeah absolutely uh medum is even worse than medum medum medam is a level above that and that that kind of a su up 2023

Just a just a whole new dictionary that ruffy’s bringing out and you can get it in your Christmas stocking for friends or your family um so with that in mind let’s talk about the first thing um is the news coming out a new innovation uh for Sky Sports

In Scotland for the hibs Hearts game they’ve been planning this they’ve been working away in the background and I have been privy to it before when I was at Sky uh when they were trying to do this but they’ve taken it to to a whole

New level with this one Ry uh head coach Nick Montgomery will wear a microphone during the match that will enable the fans watching ing at home to hear his specific coaching from the sidelines um he’ll also speak to the commentary team as the game’s ongoing um and uh

Alongside this Sergio ramundo will wear a body cam to give you that firsters perspective of the team on the pitch that’s from The Dugout as well um there’s going to be a camera in the H’s dressing room pre-match halftime and fulltime and uh obviously hearts are in

And they’ve agreed to some uh access as well and there’s going to be a fulltime on the pitch interviews so brilliant really Innovative there are a few downsides to it which I’ll highlight to you shortly but what do you make of that well it’s it’s it seems to be a lot more

Americanized now we’re getting to I do think that the fans should be brought on board uh a lot more you know I think we’ve moved on I think just turning up at a football game and watching or watching in the house things have definitely moved on I just think they’re

15 years too late they get a used John lambi is a pilot for this just get thrown right the yeah because uh the only thing I can think of with the body cam is dve dve provin used to say neie mockin used to go to the the edge of the pitch and Sh

Probably you five minutes you’re off get your acting that a few times so the body cam is going to be interesting isn’t it it’s going to be brilliant I’m I’m actually really looking forward to seeing it just find it there as you were saying um it’s good

It’s modernizing it h i quite like the con concept here I would prefer if it was officials for the the TV viewers but hopefully that comes next but I’m quite looking forward to to watch this and see the managers take under pressure what he says what he does is he going to

Explain his substitutes is that I’m bringing this guy off because he’s been terrible today or I’m bringing this guy off cuz he does this every week and he’s really starting to annoy me and no in the January window I’m going to sell him like you don’t know sometimes when you

Get in that uh environment you can see and do things that you don’t naturally do so he’s wide open yeah Tom what’s your take I like it Peter I think it’s I think it’s going to be great I think that H he’s obviously used to doing that in Australia I’ve watched a lot

Australian games and they interview the managers at the side of the pitch you know players it’s as he said it’s becoming more and more prevalent in the game um I think it would be interesting as as Lee said there under pressure how they react you know if I think the H

Supporters will be quite happy with it now I think if hibs get beat they’ll be saying do I ever do that again um so no I think it’s great I think it’s great for the supporters to see it on the TV and to get an Insight of what happens in

A dressing room what happens on a bench um what managers say and fair play at Montgomery for a green you know it’s it’s one of those things where he could come across really really well or he could come across not so good so he must have confidence in himself that he’s a

Good coach and he’s he’s able to go and give instructions without swearing a lot so I’m looking forward to seeing it and hearing it yeah um okay here’s the here’s the downside to it um you know from a broadcaster’s point of view um I have with a really good team of people

At Sky in Scotland before worked with them on the basis of can we get um you know cameras in to the dressing room for the buildup and that just give it a nice little 10 20 seconds or but the downside is if you get to a situation where

Someone and it can happen and obviously it has happened if you get a situation where they show something which is sensitive and that sensitivity maybe a player getting bollock or whatever that is then put out to broadcast that compromises the situation for the player it makes it difficult for the manager

The fans then seize upon it so I think that’s difficult I think you have to be very careful about what your editorial content is the second thing I don’t like I don’t like the Nick Montgomery maked up I think it compromises his situation as a as a manager I think it would be

It’s almost like we don’t know the finite details of it but it’s almost pre-staged it takes away the naturality of what a manager’s job is his job is being focused on the pitch not talking to with all due respect you know a a comment careful what you say absolutely

He he’s he he’s he’s confining himself to almost like pre-staged comments you know he premeditated comments rather than any real life situation I understand where it’s coming from in a real life situation but I I think it I think it compromises his position and I

Think he should be more on get on with a job I like the fact referees make them up C get them cammed up let’s see that that’s part of the game they don’t need to go this far I’m glad they’re they’re making you know a go of it and trying to

Really push the boundaries the only thing that I would say that they really should be doing is just take a Lea out what Sky Sports in England are doing with BTS is Sport TNT Sports is doing get them on the pitch get them chatting players are warming up get one over

Manager walks on to the pitch an POA cogo center of the pitch talking to Gary nille and Jamie carer or whatever great do that but I think there’s just this little bit now where and by the way remember we live in a society where social media you’ve got all the

Crackpots want to jump on the least little thing that they think is you know a a sensitive situation team on you go the the players and the fans the fans that are unhappy they’ve lost the Derby boom stay in he’s talking about this he doesn’t know what he’s talking about

You’ll have all of that rubbish that’s bringing pressure on him what about the stonch HS fans or the the young coaches out there that that want to try and get better and learn this the the hibs fans that want it’s access all areas I I think they’ll they’ll take to I I think

It could be quite a good thing going forward it’s a great thing it’s like it’s like the invention of the internet all the positives are there the negatives are when you’re not doing well of course do you know what I mean and then it turns and then people turn on

You I think it’s great and by the way he’s one of the nicest guys you could ever wish I think that’s why they picked him you know he seems to come over don’t pick Derek Adams no that’s I’m say mother of God I wish roet Mor

I know I think people will be interested touch line you know track side you know when the manager’s thinking about a substitution and he calls the assistant over what do you think you know that I think we’d all be in that board what’s on that board you know who’s doing this

And you can imagine the discussions you know H Hearts game just it’s t right we’re struggling a be bit pment man went no no he’s not getting on at all you know what leave leave can you imagine something Tom Tom can you imagine David marale make up be fantastic DAV is

Absolutely I think the dangerous bit is after the game if they’re getting into the dressing room right after a game and say heart score in the last minute and you know the things that are said in the dressing room and some of them are very very very are they walking into the or

Will they just have a camera they they have a camera in the car there may well be pre-stage part where they walk into the dressing room and and they’re going around and they see the but it won’t be anything it’ll be super sensitive to an extent but just giving you that image

Off by the way you’ve got an inside track here um but there are things that listen I hope they get it right I really do hope they get it right CU at least for the first time in a long time 10 years too late in my opinion but at

Least this time you know in Scottish Football they’re making an effort to try and Glitz it up as soon as I seen that today my mind drifted back to 2000 January 20 three hearts four hibs four and we were 42 up with two minutes to go

And G we scored two and Bobby WS came in after the game he get 10 years in jail for what he done at y Zan Bernard for selling the goals so not I wasn’t back then when Bobby was a manager yeah H listen it would be uh

It would be you know really box office but I have my doubts on certain aspects of it but if it’s all pre-staged great I think the referees and explaining their decisions MH and and V that’s the body Cam and all that they did actually have

The body cam on an English referee in an Arsenal match and Tony Adams wasn’t aware of it and he was effing blinding at the players and the ref and everything and I think when eventually they said to him by the way Tony you know this was the the the big news prior

To the game that the referee was going to be M top I think he went I think he went white he couldn’t believe it um anyway uh that’s just one give us your thoughts do you think it’s a good idea do you think it’s Innovative do you think think it’s Progressive is there

Any downsides to it in your mind give us your view on that in the comments section below we’d love to hear from you on it um Super League uh to relaunch after the high court ruling uh the European court of justice ruy has ruled that UFA and FIFA acted unlawfully in

Blocking the Super League launch in 2021 um so it looks as if the UFA Monopoly is over um According to a22 which is the company which is obviously trying to launch this um so we’re now in a situation where we’re just waiting on their new brand and who’s going to jump

On board now a lot of people have quickly put their name to we’re not jumping on board but as ever the great thing about life ruy greedy people will jump on board and needy people who are in so much debt they have to go for it

Yeah every Club will be weighing up you know if we put our name to this you know against what we are getting in the Champions League or the Europa are be going to benefit cuz it’s just financial and it’s alarming that the two people that are driving at Barcelona and Real

Madrid we’re both skin and really in debt to whatever you know they’ll want a part of it they’ll want to be greedy as you say but I think it’s quite positive there are a lot of countries are saying no we don’t want that we’ve got a good

TV deal we’ve got this we’ve got that so what we’re interested in is what does our big two want to do what are their thoughts you know where I mean we saw that you posted the figures last week of what Rangers got out of the Europa and what Celtic of Champions League so

They’ll have to balance that up you know is that money we’re going to get every year or what are we going to get if we jump into this but for me it’s the fixture side you know everybody’s talking about players are playing too much just now so that’s just going to

Make it worse yeah um and you can’t have one and the other uh Tom you can’t do the live golf situation where you see but we still want to be involved in the the majors and we still want to be involved in the rider cup no no you

Can’t do it they have golfers just I don’t think anybody watches it I don’t think anybody’s interested in it the players are just taking the money ER and going and playing for Liv so so not it’s going to be one right and it rough had the head there it’s it’s Barcelona and

Real Madrid who are used were 10 15 years ago were the you know the kingpins you know all the best players are going to Spain all the best players everything in Barcelona are Miles off it now Real Madrid have still been there thereabouts but Barcelona are miles away for win the

Champions League again so they they they’re the two that’s probably driving it to get that money and try and compete with English teams don’t fancy it but it will gather pace and I bet you it happens money dictates in it of all evil yes um if the your club’s struggling if

You’re at the club and it’s struggling you’re going to probably need to go look at you live as a great um analogy for it the golf for like 400 million Qui to go just go still play golf but just a different tournament so I could see it happen as well knowing the footballer

You you you wear in your day um if the the live team had said to you by the way you want to come to us um just the live if it was a live foot football if it was a live football at that time and you were Lee mullock and

You knew your wife wouldn’t be able to drive in that country but you could still you could still you could still crack on stay that yeah yeah oh anyway let’s crack on no how P never even asked me no there’s no point in asking you to been

With you that long I’d be like that ruy where are you um old firm bands um no Rangers fans at parkhead for the game I think we all knew that was going to be the situation um there was no away fans at the fixture at I bro uh and as well

As the two games before that Celtic have turned down 708 tickets for I due to the safety concerns and of course Rangers put their case forward um but it’s just not going to happen Peter it really is it’s it’s got to get it’s got to get fixed you know

They’ve got to get the table Celtic Rangers and get the get the the away fans back in you know 700 fans what’s a point that it’s just it’s pointless and there are safety issues you know for 700 fans we we feel that’s I Brook are Park

Kad so um they’ve got to get in the table because it’s it’s definitely missing that you know the the recent Derby game um we one one I when the goal went in was just silence and it’s it’s not great it’s a flagship game it’s sky sky Flagship game and and you know to

See maybe 6 or 7,000 at at Park Headway fans Rangers fans and then that whole stand at I Brook for Celtic fans adds color and the and noise to the fixture so they’ve got they’ve got to sort out P us one way or the other they’ve got to

Get their heads together and get this because it’s not helping anybody I don’t think this is what Rangers had to say on the band and the fact that none of their fans will be there despite winning a case to put an spfl uh board subcommittee Rangers with extreme disappointment will not have any

Supporters present at parkhead for the old firm match on on December 30th the subcommittee agreed with Rangers that Celtic stance are providing zero tickets to Rangers fans was unreasonable despite this the subcommittee was unwilling to determine what a reasonable number of tickets for the fixture would be the subcommittee was unable to determine

This reasonable number due to the fact that the other party had not submitted enough evidence on this issue despite having ample opportunity to do so um that was uh the first part of it and then Rangers position has always been clear on this we want away fans from all

Clubs at our stadium and wish for that to be reciprocated when we travel to other grounds it is grossly unfair that if a club fails to submit sufficient evidence as part of such proceedings it effectively ties the hands of the subcommittee and being able to determine what a reasonable number of tickets

Should be the club will consider its position before participating in any further spfl Le hearings um which just basically said the S spfl committees have got no power in this quite simply Celtic and Rangers can dig their heels in at any point and just to hell with

What any uh subcommittee that was just a waste of time Celtics statement um on this whole issue uh given the recent serious safety and match dat issues which our fans have experienced at fixtures at I BRS and Celtic Park Celtic’s position on this matter has been very clear Celtic welcomes the

Opportunity to seek to resolve these important issues and it was a hearing for which the club was very well prepared we are pleased that the subcommittee recognized the importance of safety and match the experience issues in considering the question of a reasonable allocation for both fixtures

Um and they go on to say while respecting the ongoing process Celtic stands by its decision not to allocate any tickets for away supporters for the match on December 30th Celtic will continue to focus on the importance of safety and match the experience issues as we look to address reasonable

Allocations at Celtic Park and I Brooks from next year in a responsible manner um so it seems that Celtic want the full stand on nothing and Rangers are quite happy with the 700 yes absolutely that’s parties are the there is there is a there is a

Situation by the way the one thing I would say to you is when you tell the truth here get ready for the the backlash because there’s nothing worse um I got a lot of backlash from a lot of HS fans ruy because I merely highlighted and obviously selective hearing in this

Issue is the big problem I merely highlighted that the whole thing had started when hibs decided to cut Rangers allocation of Awakening and then obviously from there Rangers then started the whole process themselves and stopped Celtics fans now there was an ongoing buildup to that where we were hearing constantly Rangers

Want to accommodate their season ticket holders more and more and they don’t want 7,000 Celtic fans over there obviously you get the widos and the great noise UPS off by the way you don’t want 7,000 fans cuz you’re seen your your team getting spanked all the time

Um in these old firm games that’s the typical glasgo noise up off it right but I was merely pointing out where it had started how it gathered pace and then when Rangers just eventually started this issue of blocking Celtic fans this is where we’re at none of none of the

Two of them will budge now no I don’t think so I think H they’ve now thrown it out to their own fans and the fans have bought into know supporting the club you touched on it there now if both fans have getting 7,000 extra supporters of

Their own on the ground your own support will be happy with that they’ll go along with it but from the neutral out there you know we we prefer some of us prefer to see that 7,000 in the ground of the other support but you’re right that that

Statement that came out there was just covering each other’s back you know and using whatever for that subcommittee stuff was a lot of rubbish yeah I hope the to be honest with you I hope the subcommittee get a wedge for assembling for it um because a complete waste of

Time Martin anneal and Alex Mich in our pre of the game pointed out both of them said they’d love to see the fans 7,000 Rangers fans 7,000 Celtic fans it’s fantastic it’s what made it special I accept that there are poisoned elements who just continually spew their SP

Sectarian nonsense but there was an element of color um it it had that cackling you know cacophony of sound and uh and it was a real spectacle not great technically at times but still it was one of the DAR that people wanted to watch from afar tremendous occasion when

When the away team have got the proper allocation for me um it’s their way end that’s what used to be that’s where their way fans going now it’s not obviously that anymore but the the atmosphere walking at the tunnel on the pitch and you see where I Brooks

It’s the sea green and then you’ve OB obviously get the blue right round and Celtic you’ve got so many of the Rangers section it just makes it just makes the occasion the atmosphere everything about the day for the TV even for the TV sorry

Um watching it in TV it just makes it so much better and it’s hopefully hopefully they can resolve it somehow I don’t see the subcommittee solving it but no hopefully they get around the table and and and get it back to what it used to

Be yeah uh to quote an old ali mcco uh press conference name names who’s on that subcommittee you remember that press conference um hey Tom it’s killed it no as Peter I said earlier it’s you want to see both away away sets of fans at the game H it’s one

Of the biggest derbies in the world in my opinion you know it’s up there with the with the Barcelona’s Real Madrid you know the river river B Junior’s game Celtic Rangers is up there it really is but this is this is kill the fixture and people scoring the

Way from home and there’s no no no fans celebrating silence it’s it’s not a great look but Celtic are digging their heels and they want a full allocation Rangers don’t want to give Celtic a full allocation H they’re happy to take the 700 and they’ve got to come to some sort

Of compromise but when that happens I don’t know hopefully it does in the near future I don’t I don’t think it will uh I don’t think it will happen short term um I think it would have to be um a change uh in the boards um at both clubs

Or somebody sensible on the board eventually who tries to lead them out of the the Dark Ages that we’re in again ruffy actually I never thought we’d actually go back the way it is is a a country in certain decisions but this is certainly one of them sad situation um

Just quickly on you know looking back over um the two games midweek um Rangers get the win 2-n um and again a few contentious decision uh decisions along the way which we’ll hear from Philip clong uh on as well he certainly wasn’t happy with some of the tackling but

Again Rangers able to throw down the gauntlet to the players keep the momentum going um and this title race is very much on they’ve cut it down to two points now Ry yeah and I’m sure the ranger supporters were more than happy with that you know at one stage it was

Looked as if it could have went to 11 you know and that’s not the case now I think we all agree everybody has agree there’s a title challenge there and it’s going to be exciting for everybody right up until the end but yeah Rangers are are just grinding out results you just

Getting comfortable results are not you know under any pressure in most of the games they playing that if it’s two nothing or one nothing or whatever they’re they’re getting the goals at the right time and the players again that are coming off the bench are the guys

That are stepping in for people who are injured are coming up with the goods yeah but you don’t want to lose players and Philip Clore the Rangers boss um said it was just another situation where one of his players was kicked off the park it’s another player who’s kicked

Off the pitch so I’m really frustrated about that to be honest and this is for me the my main concern after this game also again a player kicked off the pitch so um it’s not sure that we can get them back before winter break well that’s a blow big blow big

Blow that’s probably where injury and suspension that’s the Rangers are probably the weakest um and you seen that the final when they’re they’re putting different players in there along with the probably one of the best players in the last five six games for Rangers as

Lrom so it’s a big big blow if he is going to be out um to the winter break uh he’s he’s had a bit of everything um and can really come into his own it was a bad bad tackle was at the game and H it was L it was a lunge

It went in me in tent but it’s football at H so they just need to hope that he gets back for the firm game obviously the manager saying he’s not going to um that’s going to be a weak area for for Rangers can I just pick you up on

Something there because I feel you’ve left yourself a wee bit open to people clamoring on your comment there when you say he went in with intent do you mean he went in to injur him no no aggressively he went in aggressively he did well it was he

Lunged so he’s went in aggressive any aggressive Force as a red card but he’s missed the ball and he’s CAU him so it’s it’s a bad tackle yeah I I just want to clarify that just on the basis that you know sometimes you can read a book like

Roy ke and say right I was going to give it to Holland that’s premeditated you know but if you say he’s going in there and you know with intent which is I’m going to in here and do him yeah I didn’t mean it like that yeah I’m just

Saving you from a I’m just forgive me for being pedantic I’m saving you from a Christmas nightmare you know you know what you’re like any chance of giving me the whole Contex the question Mr Sensitive over here um so uh you know that listen uh the end of the day uh

Rangers got the win uh reduced it to two um and and the clont uh you know kick spark is continuing they’re buying into it yeah I don’t think they played particularly well dur the week just seen the highlights but it was all about winning games with a really real tough

Schedule recently Rangers and it’s just all about grinding out results you know one0 for a long time but I don’t think St Johnson even short and goal they up the pitch Rangers won the game another clean sheet the defensive record this season is excellent Rangers um particularly domestically so they keep

Rolling on um they’ve got another tough game away M before they play Celtic but they could get into that you know in real Point mood to a chance to go above Celtic which no one would would have seen you know two or three months ago so no great result great result for Rangers

Um the other game that I I went up to p p by the way is a stadium up in Aline where Aline play um it’s just gives you a chance for you guys if you ever go to these um abine against Livingston the game was ranked rotten at one point Ry I

Looked across and I saw uh Willie Miller who’s I think close to he might be the same age as you he might be 70 odds I looked at him and I thought you know Willie you could still play now in that aine back line um because it was

Terrible it was absolutely Dreadful the game and the only difference really was meowski he was a joy his movement and his finishing was top draw rough if it’s any constellation the highlights on murder as well yeah Ry only thinks football last 7 and a half minutes but you’re right I mean

Everybody talks about his second goal the header how how he could get that much power and that header going away for goal is frightening you know but he is the star in the side just now and uh I thought they made heavy weather I think Livingston you know Bruce Anderson

Had that shot over the top you know that was still one of the only chances they had but they’re getting the results now that’s always he’s interested and they’re going to away home away for home again at the weekend and they just need to get start winning and move up that

League cuz I think we all expect them to be a top six team yeah on the point of meowski I thought I thought he was he was it was only a bit of you know real sparkle in the game and I did ask Barry Robson after the game about how

Difficult it’s going to be holding on to him no well we’ll just have to say to da he’s not allowed to go but um um I there is a model is is at the football club and um we’ve seen some good players and there’s a lot of interest in some of our

Other players and uh because we’re a good team when when we’re at it and you can see I think we with buan and and different types of players how well performing well on big European games and that’s what people will be looking at as well that because that’s where the club have been

So um but we we want him to stay as as long as he can and listen that’s something that’ll um that’s that’s something that we want to to to keep him but um hopefully he’ll be here for a good bit longer well um having a job

Peter let’s be honest well a job scored 14 goals time I watched the game you at the game I watched the game and ab were Dreadful first half particularly I thought lingon you know deserved to to get the game but he was as you said he was a difference two great finishes but

By that aine would the void of anon really um and he won him G yeah what do you think he would cost I hope they can dig their heels in but I think million plus I think it I think it might take I think it might take 2 million I don’t know his

Contract end the next season is that when his contract’s up I I think so I think so I’m not sure 100% but but I think it 24 I i’ be BL for 3 million plus I think he’s he’s an international player as well he scored goals in Europe

I think I don’t disagree he’s been linked with he’s been linked with a move to Celtic me personally um I’m I’m just saying I think he’s got better movement and he’s a better finisher than o he always a manager always looks and says is he better than what I’ve got am I

Bringing someone in to improve the team not the squad Celtic fans are absolutely scunnered listening to this he’s one for the future he is one that would he’d start how much young I’d take him meowski is younger as well take five years younger as well six years younger looking sh

Shely get Mei like top top Striker uh for his AG and I wouldn’t be surprised if if he goes to Celtic or moves on but it’ll be interesting to see how abine reacted with the right bid that’s why I was asking how much money do you think

You think you should put a m in just to test the waters they they will they will I know it’s a jig one I cut you there know let you finish listen to the listen to the two guys who want to control their own narrative by oh did I really say that Ry

What’s this all about yeah I I think they’ll be experimenting in South the money that they’ve got for the the players have lost aine down south or abroad they’re not going to be messing about with 2 million you they’re going to be thinking well we could get maybe

Four or five in the English Championship or something like that if somebody’s interested in them but you’re right Celtic will test the water there’s no doubt about it they do that’s that’s what Rangers and Celtic do a million pounds they’ll do yeah I’ll tell you do a bit if Celtic AR

And again I hold my hands up and say I don’t know if there is genuine interest in in wanting to sign them there there’s been that suggestion of being linked to him Celtic will probably offer a million and say and we’ll give you these two players yeah that that’s that’s the type

Of thing that will happen aine short conversation might look and say no we want this or no no make us an offer or beat it um but I think he’s a I think he’s a good player good movement I think he’d easily start for Celtic you know

And I was impressed with them uh in that game if I was aine if I was Barry Robson goals are hard to come by it could be they’re 10th the we’re not talking about aberin s third they 10th they need if you lose 14 goals ruy you need to

From somewhere else but also I think if I was 3 million 3 million might buy me a defense and a couple of midfielders cuz they’ve got no Midfield they’ve get they are playing 30 and 40 yard passes missing the Midfield and the midfielders the distance between them and the back

Line at times is why they’re getting found out no the point you’re making myosi is a top goal scorer but that game I was at you know hibs you know myosi was the only boy that was going to score had about four or five chances that he

Should have scored but he was the only one that was was faing it wasn’t faing to anybody else it was him and nobody yeah I know I remember Financial G at then for him if Celtic go and pay the money does he play in steady

Kogo see to be honest with you you you would play the two of them I don’t know where he accommodates them but you would play the two of them I think could be good good competition for kogo I think kogo he just dipped I don’t think he’s press really on think proper quality

Player in there maybe yeah he plays one Striker he he need he needs to start playing two you know um it’s it’s one of those situations they are struggling right now um to really ignite any kind of excitement in the Celtic uh fans um and

I have to say coming up that’s what’s so great about the runup here there can be no slip UPS from either of them um if we look at the the Premiership fixture coming up Tom if you look at that card there can’t be any slip UPS before you

Get to the 30th um if Celtic were to lose the game against Rangers all hell would let loose outside that Stadium Celtic Livingston dundy aine har M karik and Johnston Ross County hibs and motheral Rangers um these are the games coming up yeah I don’t think Celtic

Could have asked asked for a better fixture after coming off the back of two straight defeats you know Livington at home eight straight defeats they showed a little bit more during the week I thought they they played a little bit better during the week but green bigade

Back in you know a bit more atmosphere at the club hopefully that’s a club coming together you know there’s been a lot of splits the supporters the manager the fans hopefully that’s the start of maybe coming coming together as a club um and they go and win that game against

Lon comfortably and then they look ahead to I think it’s done daa on boxing day um and then Rangers so you’re right no slip ups for the top two there can’t be any slip UPS going into that game um for either Club Celtic haven’t won three

Games in a row in all competitions this season uh roughy kyogo hasn’t scored in the leag for Celtics since that’s 60 win over Aberdine on November 12th um Liam scales was commenting on the situation at Celtic yesterday he said sometimes we just expect it to happen for us without

Actually taking it by the horns and being aggressive sometimes we just expect it to happen if we show up it’s in our hands to turn it around we know if we win our games we can still be successful it’s a minor blip in the course of a season it’s it’s not a

Complete disaster um wise words from the young man yeah but the N start winning games you know as you’ve touched on it the Rangers game is a big one I mean we were even talking about I think it was a couple of months ago Rangers haven’t

They won every game up until that game you know and it’s just amazing how things have changed now because Celtic don’t look as if they’re dominating in just now you know so as Tom said it’s an ideal chance against Livingston you know they haven’t produced in at all but

Certain players in the Celtic team really need to step up because they really are off form and usually you one or two off form but you don’t four or five at an old firm it’s not good news that last quote there from Liam was just

A little bit worrying I want you to tell Lee about the quote from Ian Andrews after an old firm game or before it um when he was getting on the bus ahead of that big game where Rangers spanked him 5-1 um first game and I said I was

Wishing him all the best and what we goes all right and he famous was were I don’t know what other the f is about before the game you knew all the F about and and I was just reading Liam scales is L there it’s not a complete disaster the complete disaster is just

Around the corner if you lose to Rangers it’s it’s an absolute catastrophe at times um anyway the the the good news I think for the green Brigade is they are now allowed back in um they’ve apparently missed 13 games I’d love to see which 13 games that they missed um

Because they’ve been in they’ve been in full voice with the Banners at away games yeah they’ve probably been getting the games L we it’s pretty easy to get tickets I suppose um but listen I think in terms of the atmosphere at parkhe head you know I was at the Celtic hibs

Game and Celtic W 41 thought atmosphere was poor you know that callner was empty they need the fans the club needs to come together it’s real critical point in the season now where you can’t have have been fighting you know among supporters and and and players and and

Management you need to come together as a club and this is a first step of doing that is it too much is it too much for the green Brigade just to listen to what the board are sensibly I think I think I think they should now pet getting back

The board just say come and support the team yep that’s what it’s about y that that’s what it should always be about Peter and as I said they got a couple of big games coming up at par particularly one against Rangers and they need the supporters behind them um so you know

Let’s just hope they behave ourselves and they can stay in because there’s no doubt about it Celtic as a club the players they need the game to get in there to for the atmosphere in the stadium because the couple of games I’ve been in but have not been there it’s not

Been the same Livingston two wins from 17 games four goals in the last 10 um oh it’s been a long time October the last time they won a game um David marale the Livingston boss reckons oh this could be the biggest event for him ever and his biggest achievement if he could somehow

Keep Livingston in the Premier League the budget got cut from the previous season we’ve got the lowest budget we’ve ever had in the Premier League that’s had a knock on effect with the recruitment I think I said it start of year it’s going to be my most difficult

Year in the Premier League and I’ll sit here and I’ll tell you right now this will be my biggest achievement in my sport career if I can keep living to in the Premier League this year and I’m taking top sixes out of that I’m taking

Cup Final out of that this will be my biggest sport achievement well I I have to say I I I I saw some signs of some good football um from Livy at times but just I don’t know if they’ve got enough in reserve to get

Out of this no I don’t think they’ve got much in reserve of quality they’ve obviously got players there but uh know the quality that’s going to come in and make the team better and the biggest player is for me is a big boy Nu who we were all talking about last year

Although he wasn’t a peric goal scorer but him and Bruce Anderson were were you know a handful but it’s not been the case this year I don’t know why the big boy n been affected by all that talk about moving him on and putting money on

His head and all that but certainly know the player he was last year defensively they’re losing goals you know but uh you know I think he’s right everything he said is that the the the clip for the beginning of the Season that you played in Martin there

Budget by the way just thr the same one all twist he just going to one day we bowling know I have to say I mean I’m a big fan as you know of David I really like him and uh you know I wish him every success I hope he can get out of

It but it was a funny moment when he when he came into the The Press Room at the end of the Aline game and in his own inimitable style inimitable style said to me what you doing here and I said I’m just here in case you get the sack I’m

Just I’m just following you around now you know you can see the funny side of it but he’s going to tough job how do you see it going Rie I’m hoping they’re organized enough now got scalping you know I think I I would I think I’ve went for three

Nothing but he can he afford a five a six or a seven okay I’ve got him 3 N I think it’ll be four or five 40 okay mother against Rangers rangers looking to go 16 games unbeaten what a great run the manager deserves great credit he

Does um tremendous credit the the way he changed the the mentality the the culture everything um that was run about in the club in the dressing room gave the players confidence give the team confidence for the start the stands and the the the players have got that connection again everything seems to be

Going really well um for for the Rangers perspective they’ve got the first trophy of the season the first trophy for them um in a while the manager’s first Trophy up here they just need I think Lindstrom is the is the key uh and he’s going to be missing um for certainly the mother

Game so um that rasing Jack launch roof middle of the pitch though is the one for me um that that’s where games are one and lost um so yes I think the manager deserves a lot of credit I think it’s going to be a really difficult game but as well Smith

Used to say the old firm games always take care of theel it’s the game before it and the game after it that is the the the most important thing yeah I don’t think Ru would be able to play an earth six as side game he could probably get

Injured in the warm-up what do you think he’s not the luckiest boy unlucky it’s like just outrageous he he goes gets a important goal then he just it’s a muscle injury I think mental um after the game what can you do it’s not as if

He’s if he could get five games in a row he’s a goal he’s a goal scorer isn’t he yeah top top player H and we’ve seen that when he’s had his run of games he’s just unlucky I suppose Tom I wouldn’t even let him use a hairdyer it’s a real

He’s a real it’s a real threat to him because he’s unlucky as guy yeah he picked up all injuries and I can see some of the Rangers Fan starting to get on his case you know should get rid of him and all that and he’s he’s injured

Too much but I don’t think it’s a it’s a tiny slate roof okay U big apologies to everyone who was enjoying the program over the the year we had gone maybe we had gone maybe three or four programs without um he’s Happ with it um but anyway it’s uh it’s against a mother

Side um the chairman Jim mcmah is announced he’s stepping down um he’s launching a fundraising initiative in the new year um and he says the club which is owned by the well Society group needs significant investment the minute I saw him standing down I thought to myself you know mother will clearly at

This point um you know must be looking and thinking where are they going to get the money see all the supporters things about fan own groups that’s all well and good the fans do spend their money they deserve great credit if you want to progress you need to have a benefactor

Or you need to have a group of people with sub CL bigger club like hats bigger support yeah absolutely yeah which that’s that models actually working really well at Hearts it mother will they need investment we know the club um obviously um hopefully there’s some out there or the

Fans start putting in a lot more than what they are putting in but it’s just the way the world they know um people are struggling cost a Liv um so they need need investment absolutely need investment um Club it is it’s a great club and I I I I really would love to

See someone a benefactor someone come as every Club you want to see you know a bit of money in it um especially motheral is such a great Club Stuart kwell said you know no surpris this is not an EG reaction he’s been uh witnessed to what was going to come in

The in the last few months this isn’t an EGT reaction it’s probably something that everyone has kind of seen may may have been coming for uh a period of time especially when we look at the chief executive um position you know that’s it’s not quite been a year but it’s it’s

It’s been over that and I can tell you that certainly dereck’s not far from neglected his duties and and doing that it’s it’s been in a different version from what Allan had done it before but again I think that we start to create our own narratives and we start to sort

Of have this upheaval of you know there’s Mass change here or whatever I I can genuinely stress this from my point of view and the conversations I’ve had um with the guys at the top of the tree here that this has only been done to to try and see if we can move

Forward well if that’s been done to see if they can move forward they must be looking for someone else to come in with money and I hope they get it um great Club 14 without a win are they going to go 15 against Rangers yeah I think they

Will Peter I think that um a lot of those games have been draws scrambled draws you know and the you they got one last I think they missed a penalty marara missed a penalty they got a draw against St M I think they’ll give Rangers a game Run for the

Money they always do um but Rangers are in good form the minut they’re confident you know they’re turn out Wes even they’re not playing well um clont yet to taste defeat so no I think Rangers will win this I think they win it comfortably actually I’m going to go for I’m going

To go for three out Rangers um okay Hearts against St M Hearts sitting third ahead of St mirin only in Gold def so this should be this for me is a cracking game uh to look forward to um Hearts obviously buoyant after their two-nil win over Celtic yeah tremendous result

Uh gives the players a bit of confidence um to go to see Celtic Park and win um in the style that they won um it’s a big game I think they’ll be looking they they can start a little Gap going um in third place to to Fourth if they win

This game so will be difficult but I can see I can see hars winning this comfortably to be brutally honest do you think the hars fans are watching the last few games of Laur Shanklin I don’t know because it’ll be up to it’ll be up to the board I’m not I

Think the situation is hars are pretty cash Rich um there’s a lot of money in in the boardroom um so they’ll no be they won’t sell them short but it all it’ll all come down to um La Shanklin as well and that’s why I think if if another team let’s say puts

An offer in and launs his head’s turned at put them in a in a difficult situation yeah I wonder what that that team would be I don’t know it would be it’s always helps if it’s always helps if it’s a team you support that’s en’s head getting turned

So it could change the dynamic yeah okay Hearts against who’s winning ruy two nothing hearts two hearts okay I think we’re all agreed um on that one that Hearts can get the win at home dundy against aine when I was up in aine I was talking to a few of the journals up

There the the the guys who follow in a regular basis I was thinking well surely know you’ve got that win just keep winning get you’re going to dunde and they’re thinking oh no some of them said he Doney bogy team for us and I’m thinking I think it’s bogy

Team with some of the results you’ve expected abant to go there and win and they havy you know so that’s always in the back of your mind but you would like to think that uh the result they got there I know it was only Livingston but the confidence should be there and with

Myosi there you’re guaranteed a goal nearly every second games so I think you’ve got to go there confident I think I’ll be really really tight uh but I think I’ve stuck my neck out and abine 21 yeah um Tony doer he’s been a welcome addition as a manager hasn’t he he has

He’s obviously been in the shadow of Dereck McKinnis most of his career know he’s he’s went and follow Derek everywhere he’s been as a number two I thought it was a bit surprising when he got the job but you know he must have been wanting to be his own man at some

Point and a great job at dunde you know team that just get promoted so doing really well him and Stuart Taylor together up there good good pairing and and if they win I think they go into the top six so it’s been a great start the

Season one of the best starts to this a Premier League season I think I read to all day since the times of cloudo Kia at done so they started really really well um this would be a tough game for them obviously abine I think are are going to

Start to click now they’re only playing one game a week out of Europe so I think that AB will win it but I think that D will score so I’m going to go for 2-1 narly AB I I think it may be a draw D have been bro this season but AB

Need to win abine need to go maximum points all the way uh to the winter break for me I said that to him in midweek four games you’ve gotten he’s like he wasn’t biting he’s they’ve got to for me they’ve got to um so I’m going

To go for to nothing to abine okay now think about this one carefully Ry it’s Ross County against hibs um Derek Adams apologize to his players for saying morham were 100 times better but he stand by his comments about the shocking standard of Scottish Football which I think he’s

Right well as you’ve said you see more games more 90 minutes in us uh so you’d be a better judgment but I can see where he’s coming from I watched again some of that game and the football wasn’t that good but he’s openly admitted you know

It was after the game and he maybe said things he he shouldn’t have said and you can get you can let him away with that one but uh it depends what kind of individuals he’s got in his team you know whether they take on board it’s a

Kick up the back side for them it be better or they go the other way and go well we do want to play for this guy you know it depends what kind of dress room he’s got of players at the club at the moment okay what do you

Think I think listen I think that in terms of the result I think Ross County have been strong at home obviously I kick the teeth last week against D losing the goal in the last minute which led to his Outburst um hibs they’re very Jack hi at

A minute Peter one week I think with turn in the corner they look they look good and and then they go to St Johnson last week I watched that game they were Dreadful um Joon yo comes back into the team which is massive I think they missed him badly against St Johnson

So I think HS might just narly neck it 2-1 um but that’s about tight game um but I think HS HBS need to win it to go into that Darby game a bit of confidence because they were they were brutal last week do you think it could change the

Landscape of Scottish Football of the SFL do allow Bill Foley to get the chance to invest money in hi yeah not not only with for HS pet I think for other clubs as well I think for dundy been rumored to be in some sort of partnership maybe bundley um who I’ve

Got American owners as well so I think it would I think it would it would give clubs an opportunity to try and get closer to Celtic Rangers and that’s what you’re wanting you want a more competitive league and it would give hibs the upper hand in trying to get

That third place every year because if hibs finish third every year you know the way the coefficient is at the minute they’re guaranteed 56 million so they’re an attractive proposition to potential investors and and I think that’s why B fo’s come in he’s looking at it and going good setup good training ground

You know a chance to get that third place every year could get my money back so no I think it’s going but the money’s got to be spent wisely Peter they’re going to there’s rumor to be build in a f f h indoor setup You Know Field pitch

Indoors undercover which is massive for the whole youth setup at hibs as well so no I think it can only be good for hibs do you use the Walter Smith statement it’s crucial they win this game before the Darby yes 100% I I think it’ll be tight um but

I think hebbs will just have too much top end of the pitch B pace and it sets him up nicely get the Derby okay one nil for me Ry you uh I thought David Marshall was excellent midweek and that’s a bad sign for me so I’m going to

Go one each Joan hubs okay Kelly St Johnson um Kelly their fifth two points off third place um and of course let’s not forget 2-1 win over cel nil nil draw against Livy might have been uh disappointing for him but um can they go up against St Johnson and get maximum

Points yeah I think they can at home you know I think they’ve got a couple of goals in them uh I still think S Johnson have improved uh I’ve said this all along I think Johnson have only got one goal in them uh so I don’t think that’s

Going to be enough particularly with Kaman at home so I’ve went Kam 21 okay two now K 2-1 K okay go k as well um just one little negative dang Jimi um suffered some racist abuse I think um the police Scotland are going to be investigating it I I just wish we could

Move on in society but unfortunately this is this is just something that players are going to have to you know constantly highlight don’t put up with it just constantly highlight it and don’t let them away with it yeah list it’s been happening for for years Peter since you know Inception of social media

You know people can just go directly like your players now or managers and say what they want um completely out order hopefully catch the person and he gets done for it um but there there’s there’s no time for that at all in any sport uh we’re approaching obviously uh

The tail end of the year um we hope you’ve enjoyed a lot of our programs um certainly uh there’s a Martin O’Neil and an Alex Mich one to one coming up the two of them got together to preview the old firm game I really do hope uh you

Can watch that on our YouTube channel you’ll certainly enjoy it there’s lots more um content to come in the new New Year and of course new faces here and there and hopefully some of the old well faces still with us as well um just let’s have a look at that table roughy

As we approach the end of the season end of the the year a bigger pardon Livingston at the bottom Celtic narly at the top but we have a title race at the top and we don’t know who’s going down at the bottom that’s what where I think

Neil Doncaster will say why this league is so successful at the moment yeah I think there are some teams up there particularly D and Kar you would never an man you wouldn’t imagined at this stage of the season I think Livingston are done uh so you’re looking at uh who

Above them Johnson Ross County mother could be the candidates because I think Aline and D have got enough points in the bag as hibs andar I hate to say this Le I fear for m so so they are with with the investment stuff coming out look at Livingston

They’ve had it all season um they’ve not been able we got a tune um on the pitch I think uh mother will need to start picking up points wi wins win yeah if I won the lottery um you know maybe 161 million um you know bearing in mind

Football clubs I wouldn’t invest in any of them I’d take us all to Barbados and we just go and get absolutely leathered I just I just thought to say that as a Christmas Wish R i’ be Cho your door soon I had you just just in just in case you thought I

Was going to say I’d invest in M the last thing I would do is invest in a football club you know you’d be as well putting teners in a fire um but nevertheless I hope they do find an investor and and of course as Tom said

You know for so many clubs getting money and getting investment getting the chance to close the gap in Celtic Rangers is what we all wish we want a more competitive league um here’s a predictor talking about leagues we’ve had a few Shockers along way trying to predict the erratic nature of Scottish

Football here’s how it looks in the predictor uh guys ruy you’re still out in front Allison’s up there now behind you Tom I’m just dropping it’s outrageous um what’s happening I’m so far off it um Adam and Patrick are reporters in the mix as well now it’s

Getting it’s getting a bit scary I’m coming I’m coming as well yeah absolutely Lee 1690 steaming up that b honestly I’m not far behind he’s not far behind you by the way five weeks I missed exactly so I think you’re doing well as well um but as I think Jean Kelly once said

Who was a former Hollywood movie star um it’s not how you start it’s how you finish it’s as simple as that ruie um yet another fantastic season for us th thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing we’re going to have a um obviously an immediate uh reaction right after the

Old firm game um and our reporters are going to be out at the games right across the whole of the festive period so across social media on plz soccer um everybody’s going to get their uh fill of all the information in Scottish Football we will be back in the in the

New year uh after the winter break this is our uh final football show of uh uh the the campaign of course we’ll do the the the full-time reaction to the old firm game but it’s been a good it’s been a good year it’s been great you know

Obviously the format changed a b bit I think we all bump into people who watch the show whether it’s in a golf course or shoping or whatever haven’t had a bad word about any of the shows that we’re doing you know which is really encouraging and uh it’s been great

Viewing yeah and always good when you make a new signing uh along the way uh which is fantastic I have to say probably like ders yeah you know he’s at the start I thought but slowly but surely he coming again now now he’s he’s actually H his

Peak form when we’re having a break so he’s been good and he’s had an opinion as well which I think is good and he has his he commit shell definitely Comm sh especially with the million pound for that one doing I think he’s I think he’s

Maybe only another 3 weeks away from a call from someone just to to R him in but he’s been brilliant for us um of course the only thing I would say to you is we go into 2024 whatever you do don’t say I really like plz I’m going to stay

Loyal and kiss the bad cuz that’s a recipe for disaster isn’t it Tom they end up going somewhere else exactly or they’re shoved at the door um thank you to all our pundits um working on the program uh and of course thank you to our back room team plz soccer whove been

An absolute Delight I hope you’ve enjoyed all the content there’s more to come in the new year um I think we’ve got lots of other programs which I think you might like along the way don’t forget to download the app if you can if you get a chance subscribe to our

YouTube channel uh you can listen in the podcast you can watch all the content from the women’s football show the journals the football show straight talk with myself and of course all our reporters out at the grounds on our social media uh as well so from everyone

At plz soccer have a great Christmas have a brilliant New Year um spare a thought for family and friends as well we wish you uh the very best and of course spare a thought for some that you wish you could still spend some time with I’d like to dedicate Today’s Show

To a friend and a teammate Thomas mcon um who sadly passed away in the last few days he was one of those guys who made you feel better in his company uh and certainly uh lucky to have him as a friend he will be greatly missed by so

Many people so at this time of year from everyone in plz soccer have a great Christmas and thank you for your support thank you for listening and watching


  1. The absolute arrogance. 1 million – 2 million for Miovski. get a grip. Aberdeen do not need the money. H's a 4-5 million player, its quite clear to see. Even then you might have to throw a Scales in there too.

  2. Remember that the EPL was a breakaway league.

    As for LIV golf, either a tipping point will be reached or LIV golf will use its bargaining position to form a new world tour together with the PGA tour.

  3. I don't get Peter's outlook as a journalist not wanting more access to a managers outlook on a game,this is the attitude thst is holding football back imo.the more access the better across all levels of football!

  4. Shankland is arguably the best striker for scottish football and whoever signs him will win the league if he stays at hearts whoever signs the best striker out of rangers and celtic will win the league 👍

  5. Had to unsubscribe after this. Don’t think any non old firm fan should bother watching it again. Very poor journalism. Click bait headlines. Doesn’t do enough to talk up Scottish football

  6. Absolutely no chance miovski will go to celtic as they won't pay the money aberdeen want he will go but more than likely be in England or abroad!

  7. he must have done it before adree with Lee let's here what th officials say not interested in what mangers say that between players and gaffer HH

  8. Seventy one games, or twenty three months, since a Scottish referee awarded a penalty against Glasgow Rangers !
    What heck is going on here ?

  9. Don't talk garbage McGuire Rangers are never ever giving them the full broomloan in perfect seats whilst Rangers fans are stuck away in the rafters in restricted view at the chamber of secrets. Give us the old allocation of the 90s when Rangers fans had behind the goal aswell. Fair is fair McGuire

  10. Small minded angers fc started this BS, ,because their fans were sick of Celtic pumping them at their midden. Why no one calls out the newco for this??



  13. weegie-centric pish, aberdeen are never letting miovski go for 2/3 million, 5 or 6 more likely to make them think about something. Did you know that there's also more clubs in scotland than celtic and rangers…

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