Follow Me For 9-Holes: TimberLinks Golf Clubs

Playing Timberlinks Golf Club in Denton, TX. Course I have played numerous times. Was my home course for a while! Tight and tough place to score.

Full bag this time around.

Hey everybody Ryan Hernandez here welcome to today’s golf Vlog course Vlog I’m here at my home course uh Timber links in Denton Texas and I’m going to show you guys around the place uh and we’ll see what kind of fun we can get into it is a cold day for Dallas right

It’s about 48° so let’s get going all right so this is hole one it is a short par 4 I’m playing for the back te’s the blue T’s and still pretty short uh it is a sharp dog leg left down the hill and so for longer hitters we try to

Cut the corner I pulled my t-shot a little bit um so as you can see it is cart path only today because of the snow uh but it’s going to go way down this hill uh timberlink famous for taking good t- shots and turning them

Into bad t- shots so uh be looking out for that here you go now it comes down the hill and across the little Ravine there is the green you can see there’s uh some guys waiting to hit up there uh so I’ll get to you as the second shot

All right so that second shot right there okay so I had actually pulled my uh t-shot a little bit to the left but still that’s actually a great spot to be on this hole um the rough is there is no rough on this course so you’re basically

In the Fairway or in the trees most of the time I was just off um had a great lie uh nine iron into a par five so really not that bad when you cut the corner uh you take off a lot of distance and this in effect becomes a long par 4

Uh so most days I’m there into uh depend on how I’m playing um I’m usually about a two handicap I’m almost down to a I’m up to a five right now just because I haven’t got out a ton and I’m struggling with little scoring but

You can kind of see here uh that I left my Approach shot a little short of the flag stick which is not what I’m going for um but chance for eagle all right so Eagle putt coming up here um one of the things about timberlinks is the putts never seem to

Break as much as I think they’re going to uh so I always kind of overread the Break um and so really what you were working on here is just being okay with speed all right you’re trying to you’re trying not to make putts uh I heard

Kevin kizner say once that if you try to make less putts you’ll make more so that’s what I’ve been trying to work on here so classic played way too much break and not enough speed three put par all right so that was hole number one disappointing three putt par which

Never happens must be nervous for the camera but um so that was uh it’s a it’s an easy part it’s usually a birdie hole for me so it’s always nice to get the round off uh at a good start but hey sometimes pars are okay uh but you never

Want a three putt so I’m already at three putts which I don’t really care for but hey that’s golf all right uh this is hole number two a really cool cool looking hole and I’m going to show you here uh in a second what this looks like should be right down the middle

All right so down the middle I play that little kind of baby cut power fade if you want um I’ve had some issues with my alignment recently I’d like I used to hit a draw uh as a younger golfer when I was in a bit better shape but I’ve kind

Of just gone to this fade um I’m working with a golf coach to try and moving more to a draw but hey may just have to dance with the one that brought you and end up playing the power fade so we’ll see what happens so I wanted a low spinner that might

Have been a little too low for all right so not a bad par there right driving the Fairway not the best second shot but it did the job all right got it uh on the back of the green and then a two- putut for par so we’ll take that even through

Two so a little bit more about what’s in the bag I uh today I’m using the uh strickson XZ or ZX Zar XV sorry um honestly I’m not usually a strickson ball player but here at timberlinks you lose a lot of balls right there’s just trees or

Fairway so if you miss the Fairway you’re in trouble so I use these they’re a cheaper Ball but I don’t like using used balls you should never use a used or scratched ball so I do play new balls um it’s just important to me as somebody who’s trying

To develop their game and play on the uh local mini mini mini tour right to always play a clean ball so I’m playing the strickson out here if I go to a tournament I’ll usually play tp5x or prov1x but today strickson all right here’s hole three it

Is another really tight hard hole to play dog leg straight 90° right Fairway out there is only about 220 yards to cut through it then you got all these trees right there is the second green right there so usually I can cut it over these

Trees those trees kind of go up and to the right so they’re not as EAS easy to clear and it’s a tight landing spot you got to hit it high and land it soft cuz there is no room for air on the end so we’re going to go 3-wood and here’s the

3-wood I play The Sim 2 titanium rocket 3-wood it’s at 13 12° I love it great Club extra stiff shaft with the Ventus vooc core and then of course I’ve got the MCC grip on it all right so here’s what I was talking about earlier right that tight dog leg

To the right it’s car path only so I had to walk across here you can just tell see I hit it right over those trees not a ton of landing area so I ended up here in rough if you want to consider it uh that right still a great lie though no

No problem at all easy place to make par from left is short that’s going to roll back down the hill we got some work to do shot wasn’t great I hit it a bit uh fat and didn’t put a great swing on it so I left it short which is frustrating

Only had 115 yards uh to the center so that’s golf right you mess up some good drivve some time so we’re going to try and uh try and save par so I hit all the way on the top here and as you can see it kind of rolled all the way back

Down here so we’re going to have a bit of a bit of a tough shot right we got to kind of flly over this uh grass bunker and then onto a uh a pin with some some hilly break so let’s see what we can do wind’s blowing pretty good that

All right so two little chips pitches in a row I’ve come in too low kind of hit it in the middle of the ball which means that I’m probably trying to scoop it instead of hit down on it which hey we’re all trying to improve right so we’ll see what we can

Do yeah it’s scuttled right across the green so we got some work to do coming back let’s see what happens is all right so saved a bogey there right uh Scuttle across the green but pitched it back one putt all right that’s just golf sometimes so we’re still one over

Through three nothing we can’t work with even when we make mistakes so the point is eliminating mistakes right if you make a mistake right as tiger says kind of like what the first 10 steps you can be angry then you got to focus on the

Next shot I try to keep to that right if it’s good enough for the goat it’s good enough for me so on to the next Hole uh this is number four here we go all right so here is number four another big dog leg uh par 4

To the right uh you see where that guy’s cart is right there that’s our aiming spot so we’re going to try and hit it right there with the fade and let it take the natural Contour right of the of course and let it ride right so we have

A good shot into a tough green green that’s going to slope left to right and everything kind of falls off to the right because there’s a lot of trouble there so we definitely want to stay on the left side here oh boy all right so I pounded that one but it

Didn’t fade all right I got inside of it and hadit a nice little pull draw but it’s into the pine straw so we’ll see if we can find it um let you guys kind of take a better look at the course here so this is number four

All right I’ve hit it over here into these trees but nice little dog leg to the right again so as you can see a lot of undulation to this course not a lot of forgiveness as far as room to move but I like it and it’s home so we’re going to play it

For all right so we found the ball on the pine straw not the greatest live we just had to try to punch it out nice thing is no penalty so we’re still lying too ride with a chance for car um I honestly don’t even know where it

Ended up cuz I couldn’t see it over the hill hopefully it’s okay it landed in some snow so we’ll see how this goes all right we’re at the par 35th straight away trouble on the left apartments on the right better hit it straight uh flag is in the front left of the green

Today for not sure if that’s in the bunker or got over we’ll see so there’s the fourth green where we just made bogey from the snow and now we’re headed to five I’m going to work on my camera work I promise this is the first one so we’ll see how it

Goes so this is hole five not a bad little ho hey spent time in Australia and Canada well my wife is from Canada spent some time in Australia so I’d like to say hi after thanks it’s not usually aner expression looks like I got over the bunker so I’m going to have a

Nice little Chip Shot there for birdie we’re going to use 58 so we can stop it quickly For all right on our way to six back to back par 3es six is my favorite hole on the golf course if you follow my Instagram Ryan Hernandez golf uh you’ll see that I have a post on there about Timber links and especially hole number six uh I always well I

Shouldn’t say always but almost always play six really well I’ve never had a hole in one but it’s the closest I have come and you can see just a couple of my close calls at number Six over on my Instagram account so check that out this is their signature hole as well so get you to look at that here it is hole number six you can’t see it now but on the side of this hill there’s a big uh pond with a water fountain

And it’s just a cool hole all right uh and timberlinks is interesting it’s in an apartment complex so it uh it’s unassuming all right but really really tough so we’re through five holes we’re three over not exactly where I’d like to be um but we’re making it

Work started off good par par and then I’ve gone three straight bogey so let’s see if we can’t get back on the uh on the par train here oh right over the flat stick but long went off the back Edge been catching a lot of balls in the

Middle of the club face today or catching a lot of shots in the middle of the ball so got to work on that right tour season starts on Thursday so I’m a little bit more Rusty than I’d like to be um but that’s just life of some people who

Can’t do it full-time right I teach high school English uh as my first job and then also work with curated so shout out to curated I love working for curated but we sell golf clubs and all sorts of golf GE so I also have two small kids at

Home and I’m a husband and so right there’s just stuff to do so there’s not always uh the time for golf as I’d like there to be but I’m also really thankful and I know this is she but blessed because my wife and my kids are

Supportive of me kind of doing this so um and that way I can create new content and share with you guys which I’m excited about doing so uh we’re at 6 I’m going to uh leave it here so that we can see if we can get up and down for par another

Bogey I tried to throw it up on that back stop behind the hole and it stopped on the side of a ridge did not come down so I had a long bendy downhill fast putt for par I didn’t make it made the comeb back here for par or for

Bogey so we’re plus three after five or after six oh we plus four we’re plus four after six yuck now we we want to be not how you get your handicap to go down so we’re headed to number seven which we go from my favorite hole in the

Golf course straight into my least favorite hole in the golf course a tight par 4 out of bounds on the left and the right or I guess lateral on the right bunch of trees Creek past the Fairway so you can’t hit a driver you know it’s a short

Par4 so you got to be straight and short of the creek to have a playable second shot and I’m going to show you just in a minute where I usually uh have some trouble so here’s seven all right it is a par 4 like I said and you can see kind

Of really pretty looking Hole uh but a lot of trouble left and the T box sets you up that way all right and then over to the right it’s going to fall off as well Fairway goes left to right and then also will kind of slope down into that

Ravine once you get over that little hump so it’s not an easy hole whatsoever ever um my probably the hole I’ve scored most overpar since I’ve been a member here it is just not easy at all so I guess right speak things into existence I pulled the ball left out of

Bounds and had to R camera did not catch my second shot so sorry about that uh I thought I had it still recording and it stopped so did not get my re so kind of a continued struggle here for this first episode right um obviously have some things to work on okay club

Path maybe Club face alignment uh we’ll have to look at the video later I try not to worry about those things when I’m playing although as we all know it’s really hard not to worry about those things um but we just try to work with what we

Have so right 10 steps frustrations over right and now we go to hit the next shot so second Drive ended up all right we’re going to see what happens so much better second shot as you can see all right uh landed this one in the ferry but we’re lying three so

That’s never good we got the pin in the back right corner all right so see what happens down the middle of the ball good miss good Miss caught it in the middle of the ball again but it got back there all right so got a good chance to put we got it

Back there right on the same tier by the hole I’m happy with that shot I’m happy with the result and sometimes that’s enough all right you don’t have to hit pure golf shots all right you do not have to always hit it right on the screws um for years I’ve been consumed

With how my golf swing looks and I was always angry when I’d go to even like public courses and I’d see um golfers have terrible swings but hit the ball better than me when I had a really goodlooking swing but didn’t always do exactly what I wanted to do with it so

I’ve really tried to work on this last year trying to you know get to a place where I could play on these little tours and stop playing golf swing and try to play golf just try to score all right which easier said than done but when you

Stop worrying about the swing uh see things seem to come a little bit easier all right so just like a shot like this I would have been upset with in the past because of how I swung it even though the result is really good and had it

Been my first drive right I’d have a legit look at Birdy here so things to keep in mind s okay that’s seven all right we’re going to head up to the green we’re putting for birdie which is nice love those birdie putts right gosh I just love golf I was a

Baseball player growing up and I loved baseball I used to I wanted to do it professionally and um you know there’s not a ton of 510 first basement out there but I just love golf oh another boy oh boy all right so here’s whole nine big par five dog leg to the right

Got hit it over these trees from the back te’s so not the easiest uh not the easiest hole in the world all right sometimes I can take driver and hit it over there I’m going to try and play it safe and go hybrid just get me in a spot

To kind of make up some Strokes here after the three putt there for all right so we drew it into a bit of trouble I was trying to avoid that and I did exactly what I was trying to avoid so uh uh we are probably going to have

To lay up we should be okay but we’re probably going to have to lay up no going for the Green in two uh so have to take our medicine on this hole again not trying to compound mistakes so try not to be frustrated from the three putt on the previous hole

All right so that I can then just play this hole that’s all we have we have this one shot this one day one day at a time so here we go for well that’s certainly a layup all right so that hit a bit higher than I wanted hit behind it it is going

To be fine and I can make a third shot from there to the green not exactly what I wanted would have lik to be closer um but something we can work with that big hill is definitely going to roll down and I should be just fine so not too worried about

It yeah it rolled right back down in the middle of the Fairway that’s the nice thing with this halfpipe Fairway is that basically anything that gets up on either one of these ridges is going to come right back down so not the worst place to be in the

World very muddy down here from all the snow that melted though well I’m pretty sure M my whole out I just kicked myself in mud I’m sure you saw it fly up that was so wet that I guess got all over all right so I finished with a 43 uh not

Great not what I wanted to shoot uh started off well parar and then uh could not get above a bogey after that decided to only play nine um not really frustrated just the waight was too long this is a nine-hole course you got to play it twice um so sometimes it just

Gets too backed up and it’s not really worth the wait to play it again um I did want to take a couple of minutes to talk about some of the other gear that I was using I know I went through my clubs quickly uh one of the things that I

Really really recommend that goes with those uh Garmin sensors is the watch this is the s62 approach watch um you have to have it if you get the sensors so it tracks all of my shots gives me a bunch of yardages and then it does have a caddy

Option so it tells me kind of what clubs it thinks I can um hit and it is even has the option to be a aggressive or not so it also reads the wind it can show me where the pin is uh not things that you can definitely use on a tournament but

For everyday play they really help in kind of understanding uh how I’m hitting it and it’s crucial for me to have those yardages I need those yardages to know how far I hit every Club um one of the things that amateurs don’t do well is

Know how far they hit each Club so you have to have a really realistic uh view of how far you hit each club and this kind of tracks that for you so I know exactly how I hit each club and then I can make my calculation from there um this jacket FootJoy it’s

The Hood um it’s one of their new jackets I’ll put a link in the show notes uh about it or in the YouTube description um but it is amazing I have no sponsorships whatsoever so all of these products I’m just a fan of uh Garmin doesn’t sponsor me FootJoy

Doesn’t sponsor me ping nobody okay so all the stuff that I’m telling you about is just stuff that I like and I think might add some value to your game so this is awesome this jacket I’ll put a link to it um come get it from me at

Curated I can get you anything unless it’s ping funny enough uh I can get you any of these things so we have the golf watch which is awesome um the foot Joy jacket which is awesome I play the Rashi G Nike golf shoe it’s um I don’t play

The I have one pair of Pros but I mostly play the sneaker option which just has the built-in Spike to it or spikeless um I love those I have them in so many colors I basically never play without those shoes and again just I’m just a fan of them um these ping hats

Which if you look closely sorry for how sweat I am says play your best I just really love that idea um and they just fit really well and they look really well look really good look really well English teacher um so I would recommend uh those things and then I also keep

Score on the Grint app um it it is a membership app but I think it’s like 120 bucks 130 bucks um for a year but again you can track all your stats so Fairways putts how far you were where you hit it what club went where and then the nice

Thing that I really like is it uploads everything to the Gin handicap system so or the World handicap system as now it’s called so every score that I shoot it shoots it right to my linked uh Jin account if you don’t have a handicap you need to get a handicap okay cuz it’s

Worth your time to keep a handicap um this round will not help mine go down but um it’s important and I’m going to in another video show you how to get a gin handicap how to use the app we’ll talk all about the handicap system at some point um I’ll talk more

About my gear and different gear um as it comes out we’re going to we’ll talk drivers irons wedges Putters all of that kind of stuff um just things that’ll help the everyday golfer I mean so many people love golf and um you know I took this mentality with baseball too is so

Many of us try to emulate what the professionals do so you know I used to have hitters come in all the time and you know well I saw Mike Trout do this or I saw so and so you know do this um and I was like that’s great and there’s

Things that we can learn from those guys there’s things that we can learn from Tiger there’s things we can learn from Phil there’s things we can learn from Rory um but we’re not those guys right they have god-given ability and a lot of those ways and we don’t and so we can’t

Always do what they’re doing and that’s okay all right but there’s things that we can do that can help our game and even get us to a point where we can play right on some sort of mini tour or just play well with our friends enjoy it and

You know not leave the course frustrated so um I’m going to keep sharing some of that stuff you know we can go over the Grint app we’ll go over kind of the the watch a little bit more which I absolutely love um all these things are Investments and I know they’re not you

Know um options for everybody but if you can do them at least some of them at a time we’re going to talk balls we’ll talk te’s and tea height I’ll show you what I use for like ball marks and Pitch marks I’ve got a couple things that I

Really enjoy um I’m going to go for my favorite golf shirt when it gets a little warmer CU I only really play blade collars now from Nike um yeah just things that I am just a fan of that I think you’ll enjoy uh uh too so um

Thanks for uh joining me on this and uh look forward to seeing you on more rounds this Thursday I’m playing in the Fairway tours opening season event the trails at Frisco Frisco Texas um it’s our opening event so uh I’m going to try and get some footage from that and share

It with you guys later in the week have a good one if you like this video subscribe like comment share with your friends Ryan hernandz golf on Instagram Ryan Hearn golf on Twitter Ryan Hernandez golf on Facebook would love all of you guys to follow me there get upto-date information tips all things

Golf related clubs deals um we talk about golfers of the week on the tour uh so lots of good golf information just sharing things that I find that I really really enjoy so look forward to seeing you guys on one of those uh one of those sites take care

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